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CLASS-X Worksheet
Chapter-II: Federalism

1.Name the counteries which have ‘Coming Together Federation’.

USA,Switzerland and Australia
2.Name the counteries which have ‘Holding Together federation’.
India ,Spain and Belgium
3.Define the term Jurisdiction?
The area over which someone has legal authority .the area may be
defined in terms of geographical bounderies or in terms of certain kinds of

4.State the dual objectives of federal system ?

The dual objectives are :
1)to safeguard and promote unity of the country .
2)to accomodate regional diversities.

5. What is federalism?
 Federalism is a system of government in which the power is shared between a central authority
and various constituents units of the country.
 Usually, a federation has two levels of government. One is at the centre another at different
state levels. Both these levels of governments enjoy their powers independent of each other.
6. What makes India a federal country?
 In India we have three tiers of government.
 Each tier of the government has its well defined functions and responsibilities.
 Each tier of the government has its own independent sources of revenue.

7. Distinguish between a federal form of government and a unitary form of government.

Federal form of government Unitary form of government

 Decentralization of power  Centralized administration

 States are independent units  States are subordinate to the
 The central government can not central government.
pass orders to the state or the  The central government can
local government. pass orders to the state
 The state government has powers government.
of its own for which it is not  The state government is
answerable to the central answerable to the central
government. government.
 Sources of revenue are separated  Central government allocates
for each level of government funds to the state government.

8. Discuss the changes that took place in the working of the local government after the
constitutional amendment in 1992.
 After 1992, it is mandatory to hold regular elections to the local bodies.

Prepared by:Mrs.Bipasha Chatterjee 1

 Seats are reserved in the elected bodies and the executive heads of these institutions for
the scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other back ward classes.
 At least one-third of all positions are reserved for women.
 An independent state election commission has been created in each state to conduct
election for Panchayat and Municipal Corporation.
 State governments are required to share some powers and revenue with local bodies’ .The
nature of sharing varies from state to state.

9. How is federalism practiced in India? Explain with examples.

 The spirit of federalism is maintained in India because respect for diversity and desire for
living together became a shared ideal in our country.
 Linguistic States: - The creation of linguistic states was the first and a major test for
democratic politics in our country. Generally the states are made on the linguistic basis to
ensure that people who spoke the same language lived in the same state – like Tamil
nadu, Gujarat etc. The formation of linguistic states has actually made the country, more
united. It has made administration easier.
 Some states were created not on language basis but to recognize differences based on
culture, ethnicity or geography. These include states like Nagaland, Uttarakhand and
 Language policy: -.Our constitution did not give the same status of national language to
any one language. Hindi was identified as the official language. But Hindi is the mother
tongue of only about 40 per cent of Indians. Therefore, there were many safeguards to
protect other languages. Besides Hindi, there are 21 other languages recognized by our
 Centre state relation: - This is also another way to strengthen our federation .For a long
time, the same party ruled at the centre as well as in most of the states .After 1990 there
was a change, which saw the rise of regional parties in most of the states as well as in the
centre. This led to the era of coalition government at the centre. This led to a new culture
of power sharing and respect for the autonomy of state government.

10 . Explain the significance of the decentralization of power.

 The Panchayati Raj aims at achieving all round rural development in a democratic
decentralized manner through direct involvement of rural masses in the programmes of
rural development.
 It offers a unique system wherein higher authorities work in close coordination with the
people’s bodies for achieving rural development. It is an innovative system of
administration where state functions and responsibilities are shared with the local
communities to make rural development more realistic.
 It gives the opportunity to the people to directly participate in decision making process.

11. What is the role of judiciary in a federal set up of government?

 The judiciary has to play an impartial role between Centre-state relations.
 The judiciary plays an important role in overseeing the implementation of constitutional
provisions and procedures.
 In case of any dispute about the division of powers between Centre and states, the
Supreme Court can make a decision.

12.. “All states in Indian Union do not have identical powers.” Explain the statement with relevant

Prepared by:Mrs.Bipasha Chatterjee 2

 Some states enjoy special status as compared to the others e.g. Jammu and Kashmir
has its own constitution. Many provisions of the Indian constitution are not applicable to
this state without the approval of the state assembly.
 In some states like Assam people who are non residents cannot buy land or house
 Union territories like Lakshadweep and Chandigarh do not have the powers of a state.
The central government has special powers in administering these states.
Answer the following questions:
13.Differentitate between holding together and coming together federations.
14.Whart are Coalition governments?
15.“Restucturing the centre -state relations is one more way in which federalism has been
strengthened in practiced.”Justify the given statement.

Prepared by:Mrs.Bipasha Chatterjee 3

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