Rights in Indian Constitution
Rights in Indian Constitution
Rights in Indian Constitution
As we have learnt in our previous chapter, that constitution gathering would result in protest or strikes and their british
is a document that sees how the State is formed and on empire would be in danger. There were many other limits to
what principles or norms the State should run. Therefore, our Rights before independence.
constitution sets limits on the powers of government and Therefore, in 1928, Motilal Nehru committee demanded bill
ensures democratic system in which all citizens enjoy of rights which could guarantee Rights to indian citizen to
certain rights. develop and prosper and save them from exploitation. But
These rights help in providing dignity to an individual and britishers did not implement it.
liberty to do what he wants to do in his life. If a person has So it was obvious that when india will become independent,
no rights, then he might not be able to fully utilise his our constitution will guarantee fundamental rights to every
capabilities and talents to the maximum extent. citizen. So the constitution listed the rights that would be
There is a danger to his rights from the government, other specially protected and called them fundamental rights. The
individual or private organisation. Government may limit his word fundamental means that these rights are so important
rights by passing unnecessary laws which says that that constitution listed them separately and made special
individuals should not be allowed freedom to speak and not provisions for their protection. They are so imporatnt that
be allowed to move freely in the country. This will limit his constitution has ensured that they are not violated by
capacity and individual will not be able to work according to government itself.
his capacity.
An individual also has dangers from other persons because Difference between Fundamental Rights and other
others might try to harm him/her by killing or looting his Rights
wealth. Such activity also violate his rights to live freely in Ordinary rights are protected and enforced by ordinary law.
the country and will prove dangerous to his life. legislature makes laws by ordinary process where the bill is
An individual's rights are also in danger by an private passed by simple majority. And to amend(change any
organisation like an industry or factory. An industry/ factory provisions) it, it requires a simple majority again. For
might be releasing waste elements which might be polluting example: senior citizens will get pension of rupees 5,000
the environment of the individuals in which they are living. every month. This is not fundamental right. And can be
So the polluted environment will harm the individuals changed accordingly and by simple majority. An individual
fundamental right to live. has to approach lower courts before approaching supreme
Therefore, government, other individuals and private court. Executive and legislative actions can be criticised if
organisation can limit the rights of an individual. the judiciary does not like it but cannot be declared illegal.
But fundamental rights are very important rights. They are
Bill of Rights protected and guaranteed by the contitution. Our
A democracy ensures that individuals have certain rights constitution lists six Fundamental Rights. And they can be
and the government recognises these rights in its amended only when constitution is amended. Amendment
constitution. Therefore, there is a list of rights provided of constitution is a highly complicated procedure. It requires
and protected by our constitution called 'Bill of Rights'. a special majority. . Judiciary has the responsibilty to
A bill of rights gives the list of fundamental and very protect fundamental rights from violations. Supreme court
important rights which are important for the life and liberty has been granted this special power of protecting
of an individual. But why fundamental rights are important fundamental right. So an individual whose fundamental right
only to life and liberty? has been violated can directly approach Supreme Court.
Fundamental rights are important to Life because if an Executive and legislative actions can be declared illegal by
individual has no life then there is no point in having a judiciary if these violate the fundamental rights.
government and doing work to protect his welfare. (special majority explanation is beynd the scope of this
And if an individual has no liberty, then whatever the book but for further clarification). Special majority means
government does for the welfare, the individual will not be when the bill is passed in each house by a majority (i.e.
able to use it because he does not have freedom to have more than 50%) of total membership of that house and by a
his goals and aspirations in life. By having freedom; then majority of not less than two- thirds of members of that
only individual can move around, talk, build oppurtunities for house present and voting.)
Questions and answers Fundamental Rights of our Constitution
What is Bill of Rights?(imp) Our constitution lists down six fundamental rights in Part 3
Ans1. A democracy ensures that individuals have certain of Indian constitution:
rights and the government recognises these rights in its Right to equality
constitution. Therefore, there is a list of rights provided and Right to particular freedoms
protected by our constitution called 'Bill of Rights'. Right against exploitation
Fundamental Rights in the Constitution Right to freedom of religion
During our fredom struggle, our leaders has realised the Cultural and educational rights
importance of Rights. Because , during colonial period, Right to constitutional remedies
rights of indians were limited. They were not allowed to
speak freely. And if british government sees any article or Right to Equality
book published against them, they would censure it or ban This is the first fundamental right. Our constitution has
it and the author of the book would have to face granted right to equality. It means that there will be no
imprisonment. Indians were not allowed to discrimination on the basis of caste, class , gender or
religion. Everybody is equal in the eyes of law. There will be This is included in right to freedom. Our constitution
no discrimination on any basis. Our constitution has also guarantees rights to accused as well. It does not mean that
abolished untouchability. Everybody has equal access to if a person has been held guilty of a crime he will be not be
places like shops, places of worships. There will be no given any rights. A person can be debarred from rights only
discrimination in public employment. This right is important through procedure established by law. Rights of the
because it did not practice equality in past. There was accused are also included in right to freedom.
discrimination on the basis of caste where the lower caste The Rights of the accused have been given three rights:
were treated with lower dignity and untouchables( people No person would be punished for the same offence more
who should not be touched). than once
This right makes India true democracy. Our preamble No law shall declare any action as illegal from backdate.
mentions about equality of status which I have explained Meaning if a law has been made today then it cannot be
above. And equality of oppurtunity which means that all applied to past activities as well.
sections whether it is women, children or lower caste or No person shall b easked to give evidence against himself.
belonging to any other religion, they all enjoy equal It means that the accused cannot be a witness that he has
oppurtunities. But in our society there exists various committed crime. Because the statement can be forced by
inequalities for example: lower wages to women, no police also.
education and nutrition for women. Lower castes should be
barred from education and accessing temples or places of Right against exploitation
worship. For eliminating these inequalities, constitution has Right against exploitation is the third fundamental right. This
special schemes and measures for improving conditions. is very important to save weak and underprivileged from
Our constitution guarantees reservation as a policy to have exploitation. Weak may be subjected to exploitation by their
an equal society. Article 16(4) clearly states that State can fellow human beings. Constitutition has held forced labor
make provisions for reservation of appointments or posts in and employment of children below age of 14 years in
favor of backwrd community. factories as exploitation. In the past, money lenders used to
employ labors who were forced to work with little or no
Right to Freedom wages as slaves. Children have also been employed in
This is the second fundamental right. Equality and freedom factories like cracker factory. Our constitution has termed it
are important in a democarcy and one cannot do without illegal and punishable under law. Children have also been
the other.Our constitution protects certain rights like given right to education as a fundamental right.
freedom to speech, freedom to move in nay part of the
territory and freedom to form associations etc. But there is a Right to Freedom of Religion
limit on these freedoms. For example: right to freedom of This is the fourth fundamental right. And it includes
speech and expression does not mean that anyone can freedom of visiting any place of worship or practicing any
abuse the other. it also include right to life and liberty and religion and right to propagate any one's religion . Our
right of the accused. Right to life and liberty and right of constitution guarantees equality to all religions. India does
accused have been discussed elaborately below. not have any official religion. It is a secular country. For
example: iran is an Islamic country which favors Islam
Right to life and personal liberty religion but india does not have favor any religion. This
This is a very important right under Right to freedom. No freedom is important for democracy as this right show that
citizen can be denied his/ her life except under procedure our constitution does not discriminate between any religion.
established by law. Procedure established by law means Why was this right of religion important? it was important
unless the state has not sentenced him for death. Under because historically, people following different religion than
this right, no one can be arrested without being told the their rulers were either kills or forced to convert to a
reason. If a person is arrested he has a right to approach particular religion. Freedom of religion also includes
the lawyer. And it is also necessary that the police take the freedom of conscience. That means the person has the
person to nearest magistrate within 24 hours. The freedom to follow any religion or not to follow any religion.
magistrate who is not the part of police will decide whether But again, this right is not absolute. It has certain
the arrest is justified or not. But in some cases, a person restrictions to maintain law and order and security of the
can be arrested out of fear that he/ she can engage in country. State can also interfere in religious matters to
unlawful activity and be danger to the law and order of the remove social evils like practice of sati or human sacrifice.
country. The preventive detention can extend for three Our constitution has also guaranteed right to propagate
months and after that case has to brought before an one's religion. It means that a person can give information
advisory committee. Although preventive detention looks about his/ her religion but cannot force other person to
like an effective tool, but it has been misused by the police. convert to his/ her religion. Therefore, there is equality of
Supreme court has expanded right to life. They have religions in our constitution because we donot have to be of
included right to live with human dignity, right to be free any one religion to be prime minister / president.
from exploitation. Supreme court has also included right to In summary right to religion includes:
shelter because without this no person can live without the Freedom of conscience( to follow or not to follow anyy
means of livelihood. religion)
Freedom to practice , profess or follow any religion
Equality of religions.
Rights of accused
Cultural and Educational Rights
This is the fifth fundamental right. This right is also
important for the survival of democracy. This right protects Directive Principles of State Policy
the minorities in our country. India is a vast country rich in Post independence, the challenge before the country was
diversity in terms of culture, religion and language. This to bring equality and well being of all citizens. But at the
right protects the religious, cultural and linguistic same time, we did not have enough resources to put
minorities. Minorities are groups that have common everything under fundamental rights category. Also, our
language or religion and in a part of the country or in the constitution makers did not want to burden the policy
entire country, they are outnumbered by other social group. makers where every citizen will be going to court for asking
These minorities can set up their educational institutes to their rights. So they came out with guidelines, that is,
preserve and develop their own culture. The government directive principles of state policy. These are non-
will not discriminate, on the basis of that it is a justiciable. It means that if the government does not bring
minority,while granting aid to educational institutions. these principles into action, the citizen cannot go to court
for asking its implementation.
Right to Constitutional Remedies These directive principles contain:
Although our constitution contains impressive fundamental The goals and objectives that society should adopt.
rights. But then they have to be enforced through rule of Certain rights that individuals should enjoy apart from
law. So this right helps in giving remedies to if anybody's fundamental rights.
fundamental right have been violated. Dr. ambedkar Certain policies that government should adopt to build a
considered right to consitutional remedies as 'heart and welfare and equitable society
soul of the constitution'.
The Supreme Court and High Court can issue various Implementation of directive principles
special orders and give directives to the government for To realise directive principles, several measures have been
enforcement of rights known as writs. Various writs are: taken like abolition of zaminadri system, nationalising
Habeas corpus : the court orders that arrested person banks, having minimum wage for laborers, cottage and
should be presented before the court. It can also order to small industries were promoted. It also included right to
set free an arrested person if the arrest is unlawful. education, spreading of Panchayati Raj System and
Mandamus: it orders when a particular office is not doing launching mid day meal scheme.
legal duty and is violating the right of an individual.
Prohibition: this writ is issued by a higher court (high court Fundamental duties of citizens (less imp)
or supreme court) when a lower court has considered that In 1976, 42nd amendment to the constitution was passed.
the case is going beyond its jurisdiction. This amendment included 10 fundamental duties in the
Quo warranto : if the court finds that a person holding constitution. They are not enforceable on the citizen. As
office is not entitled to hold office , it issues quo warranto citizens we must abide by the constitution, defend our
and restricts that person from holding or acting in that country when in need, and promote harmony amongst all
office. citizens and protect our environment. But here, a citizen
Certiorari: under this writ, the court orders lower court or cannot be punished if she/he is not following the
another authority to transfer a matter pending before it to a fundamental duties.
higher authority or court. It is different from prohibition in the For students who are not serious
sense that prohibition writ is passed at an earlier stage Constitution is a document or a set of documents that sees
while certiorari is passed at a later stage. how the State is formed and on what principles or norms
Apart from judiciary, there are other mechanisms for the the State should run.
protection of rights. National commission on minorities , the a. What is a constitution? (V.Imp)
national commission on women, the national commission Ans. Constitution is a document or a set of documents that
on scheduled castes. They protect the right of women, sees how the State is formed and on what principles or
Dalits and minorities. There is also National Human Rights norms the State should run.
Commission to protect fundamental and other rights. There are certain ideas, beliefs and principles on which the
country is build for example: that of democracy, liberty,
Human Rights Commission equality and justice. So keeping these ideas in mind, rules
Government established national human rights commission and laws for governing the country are formulated. For
in 2000 to protect the rights of te poor, illiterate and example: right to freedom of speech and expression article
deprived sections of society. Independent oragnsiations like 19(A) guarantees liberty to all Indian citizens. Right to
people's union for civilliberties (PUCL) and People's Union equality under Article 14 guarantees equality to all citizens
for Democratic Rights (PUDR) have veen watchdogs of without any discrimination on the basis of caste, religion,
government. class and sex.
They carry out inquiries by their own initiative or when a
petitition is presented by a victim. They undertake research WHY DO WE NEED A CONSTITUTION?
in the field of human rights. They receive complaints in The first function of the constitution is that it gives idea
thousands varying from custodial death, custodial rape, of how the policy, laws and rules have to be
disappearances, police excesses, failure in taking action, formulated.
indignity to women. Its significant intervention has been on Constitution is a set of documents that gives the principles
disappeared youth in punjab and investigation into gujarat and idea on which the country has to be governed. So while
riot cases. But the biggest problem is that it does not have formulating rules and laws, the country decides whether the
power to punish. It can merely make recommendations. laws should be equal for everybody. Or it should be partial
towards certain section of community. For example in provided (Article 42) , our environment and natural
Germany before World War 2, Jews were massacred resources should be protected (Article 48A).
because they did not belong to the community of Germans. And finally, constitution helps in expression of
Such German policy is illiberal, unequal and unjust. fundamental identity of people. When all the citizens of
Second function is that it allows for basic rules that the country agree to a set of rules and regulations they form
allow for coordination and assurance amongst the a collective identity. One has many identities before the
members of society. India is a diverse country. It has existence of constitution like that of religion being a hindu,
multiple religions, regions, caste structure and class also. muslim, Christian or that of region belonging to Andhra or
So obviously difference of opinion will arise which will affect Kashmir or any part. But after the formation of constitution,
the law and order problem. Also any powerful group or citizens are recognised on the basis of political identity.
section of society will try to seize and assert its right over Moral identity is also formed because the constitution sets
the weaker sections of people. For example: rich might limits on the government and also on individual of what to
want to build and spread malls in the country. For this they do and what not to do.
want to destroy and raze all public parks. So there will be all Question and Answers
disputes between nature loving people and rich people. a. Why do we need a constitution? (V.Imp)
To prevent these types of conflicts and clashes in society, Ans. Constitution is a document or a set of documents that
there needs to be basic rules which will allow coordination sees how the State is formed and on what principles or
and cooperation among different groups so that there are norms the State should run.
no conflicts in society. So constitution helps in providing We require constitution for the following purpose:
certain rules that helps in the coordination and a. The constitution gives us idea of how the policy, laws and
cooperation of different groups. rules have to be formulated.
But this constitution will not be important unless and until it b. It allows for basic rules that allow for coordination and
is not legally enforceable. It means that rules in the assurance amongst the members of society. To prevent
constitution should be sincerely and religiously followed by these types of conflicts and clashes in society, there needs
the general public. The people need an assurance that the to be basic rules which will allow coordination and
rules will followed by everyone. And anybody violating the cooperation among different groups so that there are no
rules will be punished so that it is not replicated by conflicts in society.
anybody. c. The constitution specifies who has the power to make
The third function of the constitution is to specify who decisions in a society. It decides how the government will
has the power to make decisions in a society. It be constituted. The rules are written in the constitution of
decides how the government will be constituted. To how the society should be governed. Our constitution
remind you, Constitution is a document that lays basic provides for parliamentary form of government where
principles and ideas for formulating rules and laws. So now parliament composed of representatives of people decides
the question arises, who decides how the society should be what laws should be made.
governed? Should it be one person as in monarchical d. The constitution limits the powers of parliament or the
countries where a monarch decides? Should it be one party government in rule so that it does not frame arbitrary laws
as in china? Or should it be people as in India? and laws which are not in the interest of general public.
Also if people decide in India, should all people decide? Or These limits are fundamental in the sense that no
a group of people? Or the representatives of people? government can ignore it or trespass it. It provides for
So all these rules are written in constitution of how the separation of powers among legislature, executive and
society should be governed. Our constitution provides for legislature; fundamental rights and directive principles.
parliamentary form of government where parliament e. The constitution sets the aspirations and goals of the
composed of representatives of people decides what laws society. It empowers and enables the government to take
should be made. Although our parliament gives supremacy positive measures to remove any injustice or inequality in
to parliament but it (constitution) also provides for society. It sets targets for the government which will help in
separation of powers among legislature, executive and achieving development and progress among citizens and
judiciary which helps in keeping a check on each of the country as a whole.
organs. So the fourth function of constitution is to limit f. Constitution helps in expression of fundamental identity of
the powers of parliament or the government in rule so people. When all the citizens of the country agree to a set
that it does not frame arbitrary laws and laws which are of rules and regulations they form a collective identity. One
not in the interest of general public. These limits are has many identities before the existence of constitution like
fundamental in the sense that no government can that of religion being a Hindu, Muslim, Christian or that of
ignore it or trespass it. region belonging to Andhra or Kashmir or any part. But after
The fifth function of constitution that it sets the the formation of constitution, citizens are recognised on the
aspirations and goals of the society. It empowers and basis of a unified political identity. Moral identity is also
enables the government to take positive measures to formed because the constitution sets limits on the
remove any injustice or inequality in society. It sets targets government and also on individual of what to do and what
for the government which will help in achieving not to do.
development and progress among citizens and country as a
whole. b. How does the constitution allows for coordination
For example: directive principles of our constitution says and assurance in society? (imp)
that just and humane conditions at work place should be Ans. Constitution allows for coordination:
In a society, there exists different demands and opinions. So the polluted environment will harm the individuals
There are situations when people from different groups fundamental right to live.
clash with each other therefore creating disorder and Therefore, government, other individuals and private
conflict in society. To prevent these types of conflicts and organisation can limit the rights of an individual.
clashes in society, there needs to be basic rules which will
allow for coordination and cooperation among different Questions and answers
groups so that there are no conflicts in society. So What are fundamental rights?
constitution helps in providing certain rules that helps in the Ans. Rights which are important for preserving the life and
coordination and cooperation of different groups. liberty of an individual is called fundamental rights. Our
Constitution allows for assurance:
constitution has listed them separately and made special
But this constitution will not be important unless and until it
is not legally enforceable. It means that rules in the provisions for its protection. They are so important that
constitution should be sincerely and religiously followed by even the government cannot violate it.
the general public. The people need an assurance that the
rules will followed by everyone. And anybody violating the Question and answers
rules will be punished. Therefore, constitution gives an What is the difference between ordinary rights and
assurance to the society. fundamental rights? (less important)
c. How does the constitution limit the powers of Ans. Ordinary Rights are protected and enforced by
government? ordinary law. it requires a simple majority for amending the
Ans. Our Constitution of India provides for limits to the right. There are various ordinary rights and changes
powers of government. It provides for separation of powers accordingly with time. Executive and legislative actions
among legislature, executive and legislature; fundamental cannot be declared illegal.
rights and directive principles which keep a check on the But Fundamental Rights are very important rights. They
excesses of government. are protected and guaranteed by the contitution. Our
(Excesses mean arbitrary/improper use of power.) constitution lists six Fundamental Rights. And they can be
Separation of powers among executive, legislature and amended only when constitution is amended. Judiciary has
judiciary keeps a check on the government's activities.
the responsibilty to protect fundamental rights from
Legislature keeps a check on executive by formulating rules
and laws and demanding answers from the ministers if any violations. Executive and legislative actions can be declared
policy has been wrongly implemented. Judiciary act as the illegal by judiciary if these violate the fundamental rights.
third pillar by interpreting the rules and laws and keeping in
accordance with the spirit of constitution. Question and answer
Fundamental Rights keep the government in check in the Ques 1. List down fundamental rights in our indian
way that fundamental rights are those rights which cannot constitution?
be ignored or transgressed by the government. they include Right to equality
freedom to speech and expression, freedom to move, Right to particular freedoms
freedom to practice any profession etc. They are Right against exploitation
enforceable in the court of law. Right to freedom of religion
Directive principles also act as a check on the powers of Cultural and educational rights
government. It sets principles for the government to take Right to constitutional remedies
positive welfare measures for the well being and interest of
Question and answer
Questions and Answers Ques1. What is the meaning of right to equality in our
What are the dangers to the fundamental rights of an constitution? (imp)
individual? (less important) Ans. Right to Equality means that there will be no
Ans. Danger to the fundamental rights of an individual is discrimination on the basis of caste, class , gender or
from the government, other individual or private religion. Everybody is equal in the eyes of law. There will be
organisation. Government may limit his rights by passing
equality of oppurtunity and equality of status.
unnecessary laws which says that individuals should not be
allowed freedom to speak and not be allowed to move
Question and answer
freely in the country. This will limit his capacity and
Ques1. What is right to freedom? (imp)
individual will not be able to work according to his capacity.
Ans1. Our constitution has granted right to freedom.This is
Therefore, there is a danger to his fundamental rights.
a very important right to ensure democracy in the country.
An individual also has dangers from other persons because
others might try to harm him/her by killing or looting his This is not absolute. Our constitution has put limits on it so
wealth. Such activity also violate his rights to live freely in that it does not lead to law and order problem.
the country and will prove dangerous to his life.
An individual's rights are also in danger by an private
organisation like an industry or factory. An industry/ factory Question and answers
might be releasing waste elements which might be polluting Ques1. What is right to life and personal liberty ?
the environment of the individuals in which they are living. Ans 1. Right to life and personal liberty is a very important
right under right to freedom. No citizen can be denied his/
her life except under procedure established by law. Under Ans. Right to freedom is important for the democracy of
this right, no one can be arrested without being told the the country. This right does not discriminate between any
reason. If a person is arrested he has a right to approach religions and gives equal treatment to every individual. We
the lawyer. And it is also necessary that the police take the
have to consider the religious riots which occurred in India
person to nearest magistrate within 24 hours. The
magistrate who is not the part of police will decide whether during pre independence times and also post independence
the arrest is justified or not. Now, Supreme court has of India. Therefore, this right becomes important to save the
expanded right to life and has included right to livelihood, rights of every religious group.
right to life of human dignity.
Ques 2. Why only Supreme Court has expanded Right Questions and answers
to Life? Why not High Court or any Lower Court? Ques a. What is Cultural and Educational Rights? (imp)
Ans 2. Supreme court has got the exclusive power to deal Ans a. Cultural and Educational rights are the fundamental
with fundamental rights. High court cannot deal with rights guaranteed by our constitution to protect the rights of
fundamental rights. religious, cultural and linguistic minorities. This right also
Ques 3. What is Preventive Detention? includes setting up of educational institutions for preserving
Ans 3. A person can be arrested out of fear that he/ she
and devloping their own culture. This right is important for
can engage in unlawful activity and be danger to the law
the sustenance of democracy.
and order of the country. It can be extended for three
months only. Questions and answers
Ques A. What is right to consitutional remedies? (imp)
Ans A. This Right helps in giving remedies if anybody's
fundamental right have been violated. It issues various writs
Question and answer to protect fundamental rights like mandamus, prohibition,
Ques 1. What are the Rights of the accused? (less imp) Certiorari, quo warranto etc. there are also agencies
Ans 1. The Rights of the accused have been given three national human rights commission, national commission of
rights: minorities to protect the rights of weak and underprivileged.
No person would be punished for the same offence more Ques b. what is Habeas corpus? (imp)
than once Ans b. It is a writ where court orders that arrested person
No law shall declare any action as illegal from backdate. should be presented before the court. It can also order to
No person shall b easked to give evidence against himself. set free an arrested person if the arrest is unlawful.
It means that the accused cannot be a witness that he has Ques c. what is Mandamus? (imp)
committed crime. Ans c. Mandamus is a writ where it orders when a
particular office is not doing legal duty and is violating the
right of an individual.
Question and Answer Ques d. what is Prohibition? (imp)
What is right against exploitation? Ans d. This writ is issued by a higher court (high court or
Ans. Right against exploitation includes prohibition of forced supreme court) when a lower court has considered that the
labor and trafficking of human labor. and employment of case is going beyond its jurisdiction.
children in factories or industries etc. this right protects the Ques e. what is Quo warranto? (imp)
weak and underprivileged from exploitation at the hands of Ans e. it is a writ when the court finds that a person holding
powerful. Therefore to give equality and liberty to all office is not entitled to hold office , it issues quo warranto
individuals irrespective of class and caste , our constitution and restricts that person from holding or acting in that
has protective provisions for the weak. office.
trafficking : transportation of humans to another country Ques f. what is Certiorari? (imp)
for working as slaves. Ans f. Under this writ, the court orders lower court or
another authority to transfer a matter pending before it to a
higher authority or court. It is different from prohibition in the
Questions and answers sense that prohibition writ is passed at an earlier stage
What is right to freedom of religion? (imp) while certiorari is passed at a later stage.
Ans. Our indian constitution has guaranteed Right to Ques g. are there any other mechanisms for addressing
freedom of religion. It means that there exists freedom of our constitutional remedies?
faith and worship. Everyone is free to choose his/ her Ans g. Apart from judiciary, there are other mechanisms for
religion. It includes freedom of conscience which means a the protection of rights. National commission on minorities ,
person is even free to follow or not to follow any religion. It the national commission on women, the national
further includes right to propagate, profess and follow any commission on scheduled castes. They protect the right of
religion. Under this any person can give information about women, Dalits and minorities. There is also National Human
his/ her religion or follow or convert to any religion. But Rights Commission to protect fundamental and other rights.
government prohibits any forced conversion. There is also
equality of all religions meaning that no person will be
Questions and Answers
discriminated on basis of their religion.
Ques a. what is the role of human rights commission?
Why is right to freedom of religion important? (imp)
Ans a. Government established national human rights
commission in 2000 to protect the rights of te poor, illiterate
and deprived sections of society.
Its role are:
They carry out inquiries by their own initiative or when a
petitition is presented by a victim.
They receive complaints in thousands varying from
custodial death, custodial rape, disappearances, police
excesses, failure in taking action, indignity to women.
It investigated on disappeared youth in punjab and
investigation into gujarat riot cases.
But the biggest problem is that it does not have power to
punish. It can merely make recommendations.