Energy Literacy: Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts For Energy Education
Energy Literacy: Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts For Energy Education
Energy Literacy: Essential Principles and Fundamental Concepts For Energy Education
Essential Principles and
Fundamental Concepts for
Energy Education
bo This Guide
ŶĞƌŐLJ>ŝƚĞƌĂĐLJ͗ƐƐĞŶƟĂůWƌŝŶĐŝƉůĞƐĂŶĚ Intended use of this document as a guide
&ƵŶĚĂŵĞŶƚĂůŽŶĐĞƉƚƐĨŽƌŶĞƌŐLJĚƵĐĂƟŽŶ includes, but is not limited to, formal and
presents energy concepts that, if understood informal energy education, standards
and applied, will help individuals and development, curriculum design, assessment
communities make informed energy decisions. development, and educator trainings.
Energy is an inherently interdisciplinary topic. Development of this guide began at a workshop
Concepts fundamental to understanding energy sponsored by the U.S. Department of Energy
arise in nearly all, if not all, academic disciplines. (DOE) and the American Association for
This guide is intended to be used across the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in the
disciplines. Both an integrated and systems- fall of 2010. Multiple federal agencies, non-
based approach to understanding energy are governmental organizations, and numerous
strongly encouraged. individuals contributed to the development
through an extensive review and comment
process. Discussion and information gathered
at AAAS, WestEd, and DOE-sponsored Energy
Literacy workshops in the spring of 2011
Fundamental Concepts to support each principle.
This guide does not seek to identify all areas of
the guide.
energy understanding, but rather to focus on those
that are essential for all citizens. The Fundamental To download this guide and related documents,
Concepts have been drawn, in part, from existing visit
education standards and benchmarks.
Note: The Energy Literacy Framework aligns to
The intended audience for this document is the Next Generation Science Standards.
anyone involved in energy education. Used in
formal educational environments, this guide
provides direction without adding new concepts
to the educator’s curriculum. This guide is U.S. Department of Energy
which curricula can be based without prescribing 202-586-5000
when, where, or how content is to be delivered.
This guide was translated into Spanish in June 2014 and is now available for download:
Conocimiento de Energía: Principios Esenciales y Conceptos Fundamentales para la Educación de Energía
How Do We Know What We Know About Energy?
Social and natural scientists have systematically of ideas, rather than their outright rejection, is 3DUWRIVFLHQWLðFLQTXLU\LVWRHYDOXDWHWKH
developed a body of knowledge about energy the norm in science, as powerful constructs UHVXOWVRIVFLHQWLðFLQYHVWLJDWLRQVH[SHULPHQWV
through a process much the same as that used tend to survive, grow more precise, and become observations, theoretical models, and the
E\VFLHQWLðFGLVFLSOLQHVLQJHQHUDO widely accepted. explanations proposed by other scientists.
Evaluation includes reviewing the experimental
Social and natural scientists formulate In areas where active research is being pursued
procedures, examining the evidence, identifying
and test explanations of nature using and in which there is not a great deal of
faulty reasoning, pointing out statements that go
observation, experiment, and theoretical and experimental or observational evidence and
beyond the evidence, and suggesting alternative
explanations for the same observations.
ideas are tentative and subject to change and with one another about the interpretation of
Although scientists may disagree about
improvement, for most major ideas, there is HYLGHQFHEHLQJFRQVLGHUHG'LσHUHQWVFLHQWLVWV
explanations of phenomena, interpretations of
substantial experimental and observational PLJKWSXEOLVKFRQñLFWLQJH[SHULPHQWDOUHVXOWV
data, or the value of rival theories, they do agree
to change greatly in the future. Scientists do same data. Ideally, scientists acknowledge
open communication are integral to the process
of science. As knowledge evolves, major
they encounter new experimental evidence that that will resolve their disagreement. In this way,
disagreements are eventually resolved through
does not match existing models, rejecting the communities of social and natural scientists
such interactions.
notion of attaining absolute truth and accepting form self-correcting networks, working toward
XQFHUWDLQW\DVSDUWRIQDWXUH7KHPRGLðFDWLRQ an ever-better understanding of the social and
natural universe.
A Brief History of Human Energy Use until the middle of the 20th century
when it was overtaken by oil.
roducers in a food chain like plants, algae, and cyanobacteria The next major energy revolution
capture energy from the Sun. Nearly all organisms rely on this was the ability to generate electricity
energy for survival. Energy ow through most food chains begins and transmit it over large distances.
with this captured solar energy. Some of this energy is used by uring the first half of the th century,
organisms at each level of the food chain, much is lost as heat, and British physicist Michael Faraday
a small portion is passed down the food chain as one organism eats demonstrated that electricity would
another. ow in a wire e posed to a changing
magnetic field, now known as araday s
ver time, humans have developed an understanding of energy that has allowed Law. Humans then understood how
them to harness it for uses well beyond basic survival. to generate electricity. n the s,
The first ma or advance in human understanding of energy was the mastery of ikola Tesla, a erbian-born electrical
fire. The use of fire to cook food and heat dwellings, using wood as the fuel, engineer, designed alternating current
dates back at least , years.1 The burning of wood and other forms (AC) motors and transformers that
of biomass eventually led to ovens for making pottery, and the refining of made long-distance transmission of
metals from ore. The first evidence of coal being burned as a fuel dates back electricity possible. Humans could now
appro imately , years.2 generate electricity on a large scale, at
a single location, and then transmit that
fter the advent of fire, human use of energy per capita remained nearly electricity efficiently to many different During the 20th century, hydroelectric dams such
constant until the ndustrial evolution of the th century. This is despite the locations. Electricity generated at
as this one were built on major waterways across
the United States. or a me, in the middle of the
fact that, shortly after mastering fire, humans learned to use energy from the iagara alls, for e ample, could be 20th century, hydropower was the major source
un, wind, water, and animals for endeavors such as transportation, heating, used by customers all over the region. of electricity in the United States.
cooling, and agriculture.
The invention of the steam engine was at the center of the Industrial Revolution. lthough hydropower, largely in the form of water wheels, has been in use by
The steam engine converted the chemical energy stored in wood or coal into human society for centuries, hydroelectricity is a more recent phenomenon. The
motion energy. The steam engine was widely used to solve the urgent problem first hydroelectric power plants were built at the end of the th century and by
of pumping water out of coal mines. s improved by ames att, cottish the middle of the th century were a ma or source of electricity. s of ,
inventor and mechanical engineer, it was soon used to move coal, to drive the hydropower produced more than of the world s electricity.4
manufacturing of machinery, and to power locomotives, ships, and even the first
automobiles.3 It was during Humans have also been using energy from wind to power human endeavors
this time that coal replaced for centuries, but have only recently begun harnessing wind energy to generate
wood as the major fuel supply electricity. Wind energy propelled boats along the Nile River as early as 5000
for industrialized society. Coal B. . By B. ., simple windmills in hina were pumping water, while
remained the major fuel supply __________________
1 Bowman, D.M., et al. “Fire in the Earth System.” Science (324:5926), 2009; pp 481-484. DOI:
Humans have been using energy from 2 MaƩusch, . “MetalworŬing and Tools,” hapter 16. Oleson, J.W., ed. The Oxford Handbook of
wind to power human endeavors Engineering and Technology in the Classical World. Eew zorŬ: Odžford hniversity Wress, 2009;
for centuries. These windmills in the pp. 418–438.
Netherlands were built almost three 3 merican ssociaƟon for the dvancement of Science. Benchmarks for Science Literacy, 1993;
hundred years ago. benchmarŬ 10J/M2. hƩp://www.proũƟons/bsl/online/indedž.php
4 Source of data is the h.S. Energy InformaƟon dministraƟon ( unless otherwise
vertical-axis windmills with woven reed sails were grinding grain in Persia and gravitational energy associated with Earth s mass. The radioactive decay and
the iddle East. indmills designed to generate electricity, or wind turbines, gravitational energy produce thermal energy that makes its way to the surface of
appeared in enmark as early as . urrently, wind provides almost of Earth, often in the form of hot water or steam.
the world s electricity.5
Modern biofuels are another way humans have found to harness energy for use
n the th century, Einstein s Theories of elativity and the new science of beyond basic survival. Biofuels are plant materials and animal waste used as
quantum mechanics brought with them an understanding of the nature of fuel. or e ample, ethanol is a plant-based fuel used more and more commonly
matter and energy that gave rise to countless new technologies. Among these in vehicles, usually in con unction with petroleum-based fuels.
technologies were the nuclear power plant and the solar or photovoltaic cell.
lthough humans have found many different sources of energy to power
Both of these technologies emerged as practical sources of electricity in the
their endeavors, fossil fuels remain the ma or source by a wide margin. The
s. uclear energy quickly caught on as a means of generating electricity.
three fossil fuel sources are coal, oil, and natural gas. il has been the ma or
Today, nuclear energy generates almost of the world s electricity. olar
fuel supply for industrialized society since the middle of the 20th century and
energy provides less than of the world s electricity. olar is the only primary
provides more of the energy used by humans than any other source. Coal is
energy source that can generate electricity without relying on araday s aw.
second on this list, followed closely by natural gas. Together they accounted for
articles of light can provide the energy for the ow of electrons directly.
more than of the world s energy use in .
Humans have also managed to harness the geothermal energy of Earth to
ndustriali ation and the rise in access to energy resources have taken place at
produce electricity. The first commercial geothermal power plant was built
very disparate rates in different countries around the world. or e ample, as of
in in arderello, taly. eothermal energy is a result of the continuous
, there were . billion people on Earth with no access to electricity.6
radioactive decay of unstable elements beneath Earth s surface and the
s with any human endeavor, the use of energy resources
and the production of electricity have had and will continue
h͘^͘WƌŝŵĂƌLJŶĞƌŐLJŽŶƐƵŵƉƟŽŶƐƟŵĂƚĞƐďLJ^ŽƵƌĐĞ͕ϭϳϳϱͲϮϬϭϮ to have impacts and consequences, both good and bad.
wareness of the energy used to grow, process, package,
Yuadrillion BTh and transport food, along with the energy used to treat
water supplies and wastewater, is important if society is
to minimi e waste and ma imi e efficiency. These are ust
a few examples of the many energy issues people can
Petroleum become informed about.
Human society has and will continue to develop rules and
regulations to help minimize negative consequences. As
Natural Gas new information comes to light and new technologies
are developed, energy policies are reevaluated, requiring
Coal individuals and communities to make decisions. This guide
outlines the understandings necessary for these decisions
Nuclear Electric to be informed.
Other renewable
Hydroelectric Power __________________
Wood 5 torld tind Energy ssociaƟon. World Wind Energy Report,
February 2009. hƩp://
Source: h.S. Energy InformaƟon dministraƟon. Annual Energy Review, Tables 1.3, 10.1, and E1.
6 InternaƟonal Energy gency. World Energy Outlook, 2011. hƩp://www.
'eothermal, solar/Ws, wind, waste, and biofuels.
Energy Literacy
The Essential Principles and Energy is a physical quantity that follows precise natural
Fundamental Concepts laws.
A note on the use of the Essential Principles and
Fundamental concepts:
The Essential rinciples, through , are meant to be
broad categories representing big ideas. Each Essential tthrough the Earth system.
Principle is supported by six to eight Fundamental
oncepts . , . , and so on. The undamental
oncepts are intended to be unpacked and applied as
appropriate for the learning audience and setting. For
e ample, teaching about the various sources of energy Earth system.
undamental oncept . in a rd grade classroom,
in a th grade classroom, to visitors of a museum,
or as part of a community education program will look Various sources of energy can be used to power human
very different in each case. urthermore, the concepts activities, and often this energy must be transferred from
are not intended to be addressed in isolation; a given source to destination.
lesson on energy will most often connect to more than
one of these concepts.
environmental, and social factors.
energy choices.
1 Energy is a physical quantity that follows precise natural
1.1 Energy is a quantity that is transferred from 1.5 Energy comes in different forms and can be 1.8 Power is a measure of energy transfer rate.
system to system. Energy is the ability of a system divided into categories. Forms of energy include It is useful to talk about the rate at which energy
to do work. A system has done work if it has exerted light energy, elastic energy, chemical energy, and is transferred from one system to another (energy
a force on another system over some distance. more. There are two categories that all energy falls per time). This rate is called power. One joule of
When this happens, energy is transferred from one into: kinetic and potential. Kinetic describes types of energy transferred in one second is called a Watt
system to another. At least some of the energy is energy associated with motion. Potential describes (i.e., 1 joule/second = 1 Watt).
also transformed from one type to another during energy possessed by an object or system due to
this process. One can keep track of how much its position relative to another object or system and
energy transfers into or out of a system. forces between the two. Some forms of energy are
part kinetic and part potential energy.
1.2 The energy of a system or object that
results in its temperature is called thermal
1.6 Chemical and nuclear
From Energy Source to Incandescent Light:
energy. When there is a net transfer of energy
reactions involve the transfer and Typical Energy Transfer Losses
from one system to another, due to a difference in
transformation of energy. The energy
temperature, the energy transferred is called heat.
associated with nuclear reactions is
Heat transfer happens in three ways: convection,
much larger than that associated with
conduction, and radiation. Like all energy transfer,
chemical reactions for a given amount
heat transfer involves forces exerted over a distance
of mass. Nuclear reactions take place
at some level as systems interact.
at the centers of stars, in nuclear
1.3 Energy is neither created nor destroyed. bombs, and in both fission- and fusion-
The change in the total amount of energy in a based nuclear reactors. Chemical
system is always equal to the difference between reactions are pervasive in both living All transfer of energy involves loss
and non-living Earth systems. to the surroundings. This diagram
the amount of energy transferred in and the amount illustrates losses typical of an electric
transferred out. The total amount of energy in the grid powering an incandescent
1.7 Many different units are used
universe is finite and constant. light bulb.
to quantify energy. As with other
1.4 Energy available to do useful work physical quantities, many different (Reprinted with
permission from:
decreases as it is transferred from system to units are associated with energy. National Research
system. During all transfers of energy between two For example, joules, calories, ergs, Council. What You
systems, some energy is lost to the surroundings. kilowatt-hours, and BTUs are all units Need To Know
About Energy. Energy used to
In a practical sense, this lost energy has been “used of energy. Given a quantity of energy Washington, D.C.: power the light
Figure 2
through the Earth system.
2.1 Earth is constantly changing as energy 2.3 Earth’s weather and climate are mostly
ÅV^Z[OYV\NO[OLZ`Z[LT eologic, fossil, driven by energy from the Sun. or e ample,
and ice records provide evidence of significant unequal warming of Earth s surface and atmosphere
changes throughout Earth s history. These by the un drives convection within the atmosphere,
changes are always associated with changes in producing winds and in uencing ocean currents.
the ow of energy through the Earth system. Both
living and non-living processes have contributed 2.4 Water plays a major role in the storage
to this change. and transfer of energy in the Earth system.
The ma or role water plays is a result of water s
2.2 Sunlight, gravitational potential, decay prevalence, high heat capacity, and the fact that
of radioactive isotopes, and rotation of the phase changes of water occur regularly on Earth.
Earth are the major sources of energy driving The Sun provides the energy that drives the water
physical processes on Earth. Sunlight is a cycle on Earth.
source e ternal to Earth, while radioactive isotopes Storms like this hurricane are powered by the latent heat
and gravitational potential, with the e ception of 2.5 Movement of matter between reservoirs energy of water as it changes phase from liquid to gas, and
tidal energy, are internal. adioactive isotopes and is driven by Earth’s internal and external then back to liquid. (Source: Na onal Oceanic and tmospheric
gravity work together to produce geothermal energy sources of energy. These movements are often dministra on, Environmental isuali a on Laboratory)
beneath Earth s surface. Earth s rotation in uences accompanied by a change in the physical and
global ow of air and water. chemical properties of the matter. arbon, for
e ample, occurs in carbonate rocks such as determining average global surface temperatures.
limestone, in the atmosphere as carbon dio ide When Earth emits the same amount of energy as it
gas, in water as dissolved carbon dio ide, and in all absorbs, its average temperature remains stable.
organisms as complex molecules that control the
chemistry of life. Energy drives the ow of carbon ;OLLɈLJ[ZVMJOHUNLZPU,HY[O»ZLULYN`
between these different reservoirs. system are often not immediately apparent.
esponses to changes in Earth s energy system,
.YLLUOV\ZLNHZLZHɈLJ[LULYN`ÅV^ input versus output, are often only noticeable over
through the Earth system. reenhouse gases in the course of months, years, or even decades.
the atmosphere, such as carbon dio ide and water
vapor, are transparent to much of the incoming
sunlight but not to the infrared light from the warmed
surface of Earth. These gases play a major role in
This geothermal power plant in Iceland makes use of high temperatures beneath Earth’s surface to generate
electricity. Nearby, people enjoy hot water heated by the same sub-surface energy sources.
3.1 The Sun is the major source of energy for 3.3 Energy available to do useful work ,JVZ`Z[LTZHYLHɈLJ[LKI`JOHUNLZPU[OL
organisms and the ecosystems of which they decreases as it is transferred from organism availability of energy and matter. The amount
are a part. roducers such as plants, algae, and to organism. The chemical elements that make up and kind of energy and matter available constrains
cyanobacteria use the energy from sunlight to make the molecules of living things are passed through the distribution and abundance of organisms in
organic matter from carbon dioxide and water. This food chains and are combined and recombined in an ecosystem and the ability of the ecosystem to
establishes the beginning of energy ow through different ways. t each level in a food chain, some recycle materials.
almost all food webs. energy is stored in newly made chemical structures,
but most is dissipated into the environment. 3.6 Humans are part of Earth’s ecosystems
3.2 Food is a biofuel used by organisms to ontinual input of energy, mostly from sunlight, and influence energy flow through these
acquire energy for internal living processes. keeps the process going. systems. Humans are modifying the energy
Food is composed of molecules that serve as balance of Earth s ecosystems at an increasing rate.
fuel and building material for all organisms as ,ULYN`ÅV^Z[OYV\NOMVVK^LIZPUVUL hifts occur, for e ample, as a result of changes
energy stored in the molecules is released and direction, from producers to consumers and in agricultural and food processing technology,
used. The breakdown of food molecules enables decomposers. An organism that eats lower on a consumer habits, and human population si e.
cells to store energy in new molecules that are food chain is more energy efficient than one eating
used to carry out the many functions of the cell higher on a food chain. Eating producers is the
and thus the organism. lowest, and thus most energy-efficient, level at which
an animal can eat.
Figure 3
Various sources of energy can be used to power human
activities, and often this energy must be transferred from
source to destination.
4.3 Fossil fuels and biofuels are organic matter 4.4 Humans transport energy from place to +PɈLYLU[ZV\YJLZVMLULYN`HUK[OLKPɈLYLU[
that contain energy captured from sunlight. place. Fuels are often not used at their source but ways energy can be transformed, transported,
The energy in fossil fuels such as oil, natural gas, are transported, sometimes over long distances. HUKZ[VYLKLHJOOH]LKPɈLYLU[ILULÄ[ZHUK
and coal comes from energy that producers like uels are transported primarily by pipelines, trucks, drawbacks. given energy system, from source to
plants, algae, and cyanobacteria captured from ships, and trains. Electrical energy can be generated sink, will have an inherent level of energy efficiency,
sunlight long ago. The energy in biofuels such as from a variety of energy resources and can be monetary cost, and environmental risk. Each
food, wood, and ethanol comes from energy that transformed into almost any other form of energy. system will also have national security, access,
producers captured from sunlight very recently. Electric circuits are used to distribute energy to and equity implications.
Energy stored in these fuels is released during distant locations. Electricity is not a primary source
chemical reactions, such as combustion and of energy, but an energy carrier.
respiration, which also release carbon dio ide into
the atmosphere.
environmental, and social factors.
5.1 Decisions concerning the use of energy ost differences also arise as a result of differences ,ULYN`KLJPZPVUZHYLPUÅ\LUJLKI`
resources are made at many levels. Humans between energy sources and as a result of tax- environmental factors. Environmental costs of
make individual, community, national, and based incentives and rebates. energy decisions affect energy decision making at
international energy decisions. Each of these all levels. All energy decisions have environmental
levels of decision making has some common and ,ULYN`KLJPZPVUZHYLPUÅ\LUJLKI`WVSP[PJHS consequences. These consequences can be
some unique aspects. Decisions made beyond the factors. Political factors play a role in energy positive or negative.
individual level often involve a formally established decision making at all levels. These factors include,
process of decision-making. but are not limited to, governmental structure and ,ULYN`KLJPZPVUZHYLPUÅ\LUJLKI`ZVJPHS
power balances, actions taken by politicians, and factors. uestions of ethics, morality, and social
5.2 Energy infrastructure has inertia. The partisan-based or self-serving actions taken by norms affect energy decision making at all levels.
decisions that governments, corporations, and individuals and groups. ocial factors often involve economic, political, and
individuals made in the past have created today s environmental factors.
energy infrastructure. The large amount of money,
time, and technology invested in these systems
makes changing the infrastructure difficult, but not
impossible. The decisions of one generation both
provide and limit the range of possibilities open to
Global Energy Subsidies, 2011
future generations.
5.3 Energy decisions can be made using Renewable Energy Subsidies – $88 billion
a systems-based approach. As individuals
and societies make energy decisions, they can
consider the costs and benefits of each decision. Fossil Fuel Subsidies – $523 billion
ome costs and benefits are more obvious than
others. dentifying all costs and benefits requires
a careful and informed systems-based approach ecisions regarding energy subsidies have a significant
to decision making. effect on energy infrastructure, energy use, and on
related impacts and consequences.
economic factors. Monetary costs of energy
affect energy decision making at all levels. Energy
Source: InternaƟonal Energy Agency. World Energy Outlook, 2012.
exhibits characteristics of both a commodity and a hƩp://www.worldenergyoutlooŬ.org/publicaƟons/weo-2012/
differentiable product. Energy costs are often sub ect
to market uctuations, and energy choices made by
individuals and societies affect these uctuations. Figure 5
The amount of energy used by human society depends on
many factors.
6.1 Conservation of energy has two very choices as to sources of energy, and reducing design of technology and infrastructure. Some of
KPɈLYLU[TLHUPUNZ There is the physical law energy use altogether. these actions have more impact than others.
of conservation of energy. This law says that the
total amount of energy in the universe is constant. 6.3 Human demand for energy is increasing. 6.7 Products and services carry with them
Conserving energy is also commonly used to mean opulation growth, industriali ation, and embedded energy. The energy needed for the
the decreased societal consumption of energy socioeconomic development result in increased entire lifecycle of a product or service is called the
resources. hen speaking of people conserving demand for energy. Societies have choices with embedded or embodied energy. n accounting
energy, this second meaning is always intended. regard to how they respond to this increase. Each of of the embedded energy in a product or service,
these choices has consequences. along with knowledge of the source s of the energy,
6.2 One way to manage energy resources is is essential when calculating the amount of energy
through conservation. Conservation includes 6.4 Earth has limited energy resources. used and in assessing impacts and consequences.
reducing wasteful energy use, using energy for a Increasing human energy consumption places stress
given purpose more efficiently, making strategic on the natural processes that renew some energy 6.8 The amount of energy used can be
resources, and it depletes those that calculated and monitored. n individual,
cannot be renewed. organi ation, or government can monitor,
Where Does
Does My
My Money
Money Go?
Go? measure, and control energy use in many ways.
Understanding utility costs, knowing where
Annual Energy Bill for a typical U.S. Single Family Home is approximately $2,200.
ϮϬϭϮ sƚŝŵĂƚeĚ
sƚŝŵĂƚeĚ h͘^͘ ZesŝĚenƚŝĂů
h͘^͘ ZesŝĚenƚŝĂů ůeĐƚrŝĐŝƚy
ůeĐƚrŝĐŝƚy onsƵŵƉƚŝon
onsƵŵƉƚŝon ďyďy nĚhse
nĚ hse 6.5 Social and technological
ƉƉůŝĂnĐes PUUV]H[PVUHɈLJ[Z[OLHTV\U[VM consumer goods and food come from, and
include refrigerator, energy used by human society. The understanding energy efficiency as it relates to
include refrigerator,
Electronics Other Other
freezer, dishwasher,
freezer, dishwasher, amount of energy society uses per capita home, work, and transportation are essential to this
includes cooking,
includes cooking,
11% clothes washer
clothes washer or in total can decrease. This can happen process.
4% and dryer.
as a result of technological or social
computer, external power
and dryer.
monitor, TV Heating adapters,
& DVD 29% telephony, innovation and change. Decreased use
small Lighting set-top of energy does not necessarily equate to
electric 12%
boxes, ceiling decreased quality of life. In many cases it
will be associated with improved quality of
fans, vent fans,
devices, home audio,
heating stoves, ovens, life in the form of increased economic and
Appliances ůeĐƚronŝĐs
ůeĐƚronŝĐs national security, reduced environmental
motors Cooling
include TVs,
TVs, risks, and monetary savings. The Energy Star program
other home
home theater
refrigerator, Water is run jointly by the U.S.
systems, DVD
dishwasher, Heating players,video
)LOH]PVYHUKKLZPNUHɈLJ[[OL Department of Energy and
,eĂƚŝnŐ players,
clothes washer 14% consoles,computers
consoles, computers amount of energy used by human the Environmental Protec on
dryer. both water
and space heating. andrelated
and relatedequipment.
equipment. society. There are actions individuals gency. The Energy Star
Source: Typical House memo, and society can take to conserve energy. logo designates products as
highly energy e cient.
Source: h͘S͘ Energy
Lawrence Information
Berkeley Administration.
National "How"How
Laboratory, 2009 and is electricity
is electricity
Typical used
used in in United
hnited States States
house_2009_Reference.xls homes͍"
These actions might come in the form of
requently sked Asked
uestions. Questions.
June 4,per
changes in behavior or in changes to the
Average of electricity is 11.3 cents kilo-watt hour. Average price of natural gas is $13.29 per million Btu.
Figure 6
energy choices.
7.1 Economic security is impacted by energy 7.3 Environmental quality is impacted by (JJLZZ[VLULYN`YLZV\YJLZHɈLJ[Z
choices. ndividuals and society continually make energy choices. Energy choices made by humans quality of life. ccess to energy resources, or lack
energy choices that have economic consequences. have environmental consequences. The quality of thereof, affects human health, access to education,
These consequences come in the form of monetary life of humans and other organisms on Earth can be socioeconomic status, gender equality, global
cost in general and in the form of price uctuation significantly affected by those consequences. partnerships, and the environment.
and instability specifically.
7.4 Increasing demand for and limited supplies 7.6 Some populations are more vulnerable
7.2 National security is impacted by energy VMMVZZPSM\LSZHɈLJ[X\HSP[`VMSPML Fossil fuels to impacts of energy choices than others.
choices. The security of a nation is dependent, in provide the vast ma ority of the world s energy. Energy decisions have economic, social, and
part, on the sources of that nation s energy supplies. Fossil fuel supplies are limited. If society has not environmental consequences. oor, marginali ed, or
or e ample, a nation that has diverse sources of transitioned to sources of energy that are renewable underdeveloped populations can most benefit from
energy that come mostly from within its borders is before depleting Earth s fossil fuel supplies, it will positive consequences and are the most susceptible
more secure than a nation largely dependent on find itself in a situation where energy demand far to negative consequences.
foreign energy supplies. exceeds energy supply. This situation will have many
social and economic consequences.
Guiding Principle for Teaching and Learning:
uch is understood about how people learn. Effective learning opportunities are designed with these understandings in mind.
Fundamental Concepts
1. People are born investigators and learners. People come to new learning experiences with
preconceived notions and prior knowledge. They have developed their own ideas about how the
physical, biological, and social worlds work. Effective learning opportunities acknowledge and
access these preconceived ideas and prior knowledge, building on correct understandings and
addressing those that are incorrect.
3. Understanding develops over time. To develop a thorough understanding of the world and
how it works and to appreciate interconnections learners need sustained opportunities, over
a period of years, to work with and develop underlying ideas. eople can continue learning about
core ideas their entire lives. Because learning progressions e tend over many years, educators
must consider how topics are presented at different levels as they build on prior understanding in
support of increasingly sophisticated learning.
4. Literacy requires both knowledge and practice. The social and natural sciences are not
ust bodies of knowledge they are also a set of practices used to establish, e tend, and refine
that knowledge. Effective teaching infuses these same practices into the learning e perience,
engaging learners in inquiry-based, authentic e periences that rely on credible information, data, This young girl is assembling a fuel cell car that is used as part of a lesson on
and evidence as the foundation for taking a position, forming conclusions, or making claims. hydrogen and fuel cells.
5. Connection to interests and experiences enhances learning. ersonal interest and e perience is a critical part of an effective learning process. earners
must be helped to see how topics connect to their personal e periences and are relevant to them. This not only aids understanding in general, but helps
to foster lifelong learning.
6. Educational opportunities must be equitable and accessible to all. Effective learning requires the right tools and opportunities, which must be suited to each
individual s needs.
ϳ The Fundamental oncepts outlined here are based on a set of sidž guiding principles laid out in, “A FrameworŬ for K-12 Science EducaƟon: WracƟces, rosscuƫng oncepts, and ore Ideas,” NaƟonal
Zesearch ouncil (NZ), Board on Science EducaƟon, 2011. Wlease see the NZ FrameworŬ for more discussion of these concepts and for further references.
efinitions given here are for the purposes of this document and are not necessarily complete or e haustive. ords or phrases included here are those for which there
may be some confusion as to the meaning intended.
Biofuel – A fuel produced from biomass or biomass Fossil Fuel – Fuel formed from biomass by a Reservoir – A place where a supply or store of
used directly as a fuel. Compare Biomass. process taking millions of years or longer. something is kept or located.
Biomass – Organic non-fossil material of biological Fuel – A material substance that possesses internal System – A set of connected things or parts
origin. Compare Biofuel. energy that can be transferred to the surroundings forming a comple whole. n particular, a set of
for specific uses. ncluded are petroleum, coal, things working together as parts of a mechanism or
Chemical Reaction – A process that involves
natural gas the fossil fuels , and other materials an interconnecting network. The place one system
changes in the structure and energy content of
such as uranium, hydrogen, and biofuels. ends and another begins is not an absolute, but
atoms, molecules, or ions but not their nuclei.
instead must be defined based on purpose and
Compare Nuclear Reaction. Geothermal Energy – See Fundamental Concept
Commodity – A good for which there is
Systems-Based Approach – An approach that
demand, but which is supplied without qualitative Heat – See Fundamental Concept 1.2.
emphasizes the interdependence and interactive
differentiation across a market. The market treats it
Kinetic Energy – See Fundamental Concept 1.5. nature of elements within and e ternal to events,
as equivalent or nearly so no matter who produces
processes, and phenomena. n approach that
it. ompare ifferentiable roduct. Nuclear Reaction reaction, as in fission, seeks to identify and understand all cause-and-
Conservation of Energy – See Fundamental fusion, or radioactive decay, that alters the energy, effect connections related to a given event, process,
Concept 6.1. composition, or structure of an atomic nucleus. or phenomenon.
Compare Chemical Reaction.
Degrade (as in energy) – The transformation of Sustainable – Able to be maintained at a steady
energy into a form in which it is less available for Political f, relating to, or dealing with the level without exhausting natural resources or causing
doing work. structure or affairs of government, politics, or the severe ecological damage, as in a behavior or
state. r, relating to or involving characteristics of practice.
+PɈLYLU[PHISL7YVK\J[ – A product whose price politics or politicians. r, based on or motivated by
is not universal. A product whose price is based partisan or self-serving objectives. Thermal Energy – See Fundamental Concept 1.2.
on factors such as brand and perceived quality.
Potential Energy – See Fundamental Concept 1.5. Work – See Fundamental Concept 1.1.
Compare Commodity.
,ɉJPLU[ – The use of a relatively small amount Power – See Fundamental Concept 1.8.
of energy for a given task, purpose, or service Primary Energy Source or Primary Source – A
achieving a specific output with less energy input. source of energy found in nature that has not been
Embedded or Embodied Energy – See subject to any human-induced energy transfers or
undamental oncept . . transformations. E amples include fossil fuels, solar,
wind, and hydropower. ompare Energy arrier.
Energy – See Fundamental Concept 1.1.
Renewable Energy – Energy obtained from
Energy Carrier – A source of energy that has sources that are virtually ine haustible defined in
been subject to human-induced energy transfers terms of comparison to the lifetime of the Sun) and
or transformations. Examples include hydrogen fuel replenish naturally over small time scales relative to
and electricity. Compare Primary Energy Source. the human life span.
Origins of This Guide
Development of this guide began at a workshop sponsored by the
U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) and the American Association for
the Advancement of Science (AAAS) in the fall of 2010. Multiple federal
agencies, non-governmental organizations, and numerous individuals
contributed to the development through an extensive review and
comment process. Discussion and information gathered at AAAS,
WestEd, and DOE-sponsored Energy Literacy workshops in the spring
Intended use of this document as a guide includes, but is not limited
to, formal and informal energy education, standards development,
curriculum design, assessment development, and educator trainings.
Fundamental Concepts to support each principle. This guide does not
seek to identify all areas of energy understanding, but rather to focus
on those that are essential for all citizens.
The document was translated into Spanish in June 2014. The Spanish
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download at
U.S. Global Change Research Program Partner Agencies:
• Department of Agriculture
• Department of Commerce
• Department of Defense
• Department of Energy
• Department of Health and Human Services
• Department of the Interior
• Department of State
• Department of Transportation
• National Aeronautics and Space Administration
• National Science Foundation
• The Smithsonian Institution
• US Agency for International Development
Education Partners: