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Designation: D4084 – 07

Standard Test Method for

Analysis of Hydrogen Sulfide in Gaseous Fuels (Lead
Acetate Reaction Rate Method)1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation D4084; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

1. Scope 3. Summary of Test Method

1.1 This test method covers the determination of hydrogen 3.1 Measurement of H2S is accomplished by ratiometrically
sulfide (H2S) in gaseous fuels. It is applicable to the measure- comparing a reading of an unknown sample with that of a
ment of H2S in natural gas, liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), known standard using a differential colorimetric detection.
substitute natural gas, landfill gas, sewage treatment off gasses, Pure H2S is used as a primary standard and mixed volumetri-
recycle gas, flare gasses, and mixtures of fuel gases. This cally with a sulfur free matrix gas that is ideally similar in
method can also be used to measure the hydrogen sulfide composition to the sample gas. A gaseous sample at constant
concentration in carbon dioxide. Air does not interfere. The flow is humidified and passed over lead-acetate-impregnated
applicable range is 0.1 to 16 parts per million by volume paper. H2S reacts with lead acetate to form a brown stain on the
(ppm/v) (approximately 0.1 to 22 mg/m3) and may be extended paper. The rate of reaction and resulting rate of color change is
to 100 % H2S by manual or automatic volumetric dilution. proportional to the concentration of H2S in the sample. The
1.2 This standard does not purport to address all of the analyzer is comprised of an optical system, a photon detection
safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the system, a signal differentiation system of first order, and a
responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro- signal output system. When there is no change in the color of
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica- the tape, and no resulting change in photodetector output, E,
bility of regulatory limitations prior to use. the first derivative, dE/dt, is zero. This results in an analyzer
that automatically zeroes when there is no H2S.
2. Referenced Documents
2.1 ASTM Standards:2 4. Significance and Use
D1193 Specification for Reagent Water 4.1 This test method is useful in determining the concentra-
D1914 Practice for Conversion Units and Factors Relating tion of hydrogen sulfide in gaseous samples and in verifying
to Sampling and Analysis of Atmospheres compliance with operational needs and/or environmental limi-
D2420 Test Method for Hydrogen Sulfide in Liquefied tations for H2S content. The automated performance operation
Petroleum (LP) Gases (Lead Acetate Method) of this method allows unattended measurement of H2S con-
D3609 Practice for Calibration Techniques Using Perme- centration. The user is referred to Practice D7166 for unat-
ation Tubes tended on-line use of instrumentation based upon the lead
D7166 Practice for Total Sulfur Analyzer Based On-line/At- acetate reaction rate method.
line for Sulfur Content of Gaseous Fuels
E2165 Practice for Establishing an Uncertainty Budget for 5. Apparatus
the Chemical Analysis of Metals, Ores, and Related 5.1 Volumetric Measuring Devices—A graduated 10-L cyl-
Materials3 inder (see Fig. 1) having a movable piston for volumetrically
measuring test gas. Gastight syringes of 0.1 and 0.5-mL
volume for volumetrically measuring 100 % H2S. Gas tight
This test method is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee D03 on Gaseous
Fuels and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee D03.05 on Determination of
syringes of other volumes can be used. These graduated
Special Constituents of Gaseous Fuels. devices are not needed when the permeation tube method of
Current edition approved June 1, 2007. Published June 2007. Originally dynamic mixing is used to prepare the reference sample since
approved in 1981. Last previous edition approved in 2006 as D4084 – 06. DOI: this method will generate a reference mixture.
For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or 5.2 Sample Pump—A pump capable of providing more than
contact ASTM Customer Service at [email protected]. For Annual Book of ASTM 8 mL/s (approximately 1 ft3/h) or less than 1 mL/s at 70 kPa
Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on (approximately 10.15 psig). Gas-wetted parts are ideally con-
the ASTM website.
Withdrawn. The last approved version of this historical standard is referenced
structed from either aluminum or polytetrafluorethylene
on www.astm.org.

Copyright (c) ASTM International. 100 Barr Harbour Drive P.O. box C700 West Conshohocken, PA. USA

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D4084 – 07
5.4 Recorder, having an adjustable span of 1 to 10-V full
scale with an input impedance of 1 MV or higher. A printer or
other output means, such as a data logger or Distributed
Control System (DCS) , can be used.

6. Reagents and Materials

NOTE 1—Warning: Hydrogen Sulfide contained in lecture bottles,
permeation tubes or compressed gas cylinders may be flammable and
harmful or fatal if ingested or inhaled. Lecture bottles, permeation tubes
and compressed gas standards should only be handled in well ventilated
locations away from sparks and flames. Improper handling of compressed
gas cylinders containing air, nitrogen or hydrocarbons can result in
explosion. Rapid release of nitrogen or hydrocarbon gasses can result in
FIG. 1 Calibration Sample Preparation Cylinder with
Movable Piston asphyxiation. Compressed air supports combustion.
6.1 Acetic Acid Solution—Add 50 mL of glacial acid
(PTFE). Stainless steel may be used when higher safety than (CH3COOH) to distilled water or dionized water to make 1 L
afforded by aluminum or PTFE is required. of solution (5 %). Type II distilled water as specified in
5.3 Colorimetric Rate of Reaction Sensor—Select a device Specification D1193 is satisfactory for the dilution. Water
of sufficient sensitivity to measure a minimum rate of change dionized to 1 megaohm-centimeter is also satisfactory for the
of color density corresponding to 0.1-ppm H2S by volume in dilution.
the sample gas. (See Fig. 2.) 6.2 Reference Gas:

FIG. 2 Flow System for H2S Measurement Showing Calibration, LPG, and Gaseous Sample Connections

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D4084 – 07
6.2.1 Hydrogen Sulfide Source—99.5 % by volume purity calibrated against NIST traceable “S” class weights or the
or better. An alternative H2S source is an H2S mixture obtained equivalent. Analyte concentration is calculated by weight loss
using permeation tube procedures. Hydrogen sulfide generated and dilution gas flow rate as per Practice D3609. These devices
from a solid heated to generate H2S may be used instead of a are discarded when the liquid contents are reduced to less than
H2S source if desired. H2S contained in permeation tubes or ten (10) percent of the initial volume or when the permeation
compressed gas cylinders may be flammable and harmful or surface is unusually discolored or otherwise compromised.
fatal if ingested or inhaled. Permeation tubes and compressed Used permeation tubes should be disposed of in accordance
gas standards should only be handled in well ventilated with local, state, and/or federal environmental regulations.
locations away from sparks and flames. (Warning—Hydrogen
sulfide is an extremely toxic gas.) 7. Sampling
6.2.2 Dilution Gases—Chemically pure grade or purified
7.1 Because of the chemical activity and adsorptive proper-
gas. Blend or obtain a sulfur-free gas of the same relative
ties of H2S, it is highly desirable to connect the test apparatus
density as the sample gas to be analyzed. Blends of gases, of
directly to the sample source using minimum lengths of
similar composition to the sample gas, are prepared from pure
stainless steel, hastalloy, aluminum or fluorocarbon sample
gases by mixing, using a 10-L cylinder with piston. Pipeline
lines. Do not use copper containing, that is, brass or copper
gas scrubbed through activated charcoal and sodium
flow system parts. In the event that direct sampling is not
hydroxide-asbestos absorbent is satisfactory.
practical, clean aluminum, stainless steel, or fluorocarbon lined
6.2.3 Gas Mixtures—Another alternative H2S source is a sample containers may be used. Tedlar bags with inert fittings
certified H2S mixture obtained from a gas standard vendor. such as polypropylene or equivalent and silica lined sample
Such mixtures are in a sulfur free carrier gas that is of the same containers can also be used for sample collection. Tedlar bags
type, or a close approximation, as the gas to be analyzed. These containing sample require protection from light and heat. The
mixtures can be either a primary standard, which is then diluted collection of samples that are either in two phases or that will
to the desired H2S concentration using a 10-L cylinder with a form two phases before analysis can be performed must be
piston, or a standard in a pressurized cylinder containing the avoided. The presence of liquids causes H2S to partition
desired H2S concentration. Because of the potential for degra- unequally between the liquid and gas phases. Such a partition
dation, H2S mixtures obtained from a gas standard vendor must of H2S results in inaccurate measurement of H2S content.
be properly stored and used only within the stated certification Samples must be analyzed with as little delay as possible and
period. In the event of a discrepancy, H2S mixtures prepared reported as “proximate analyses from cylinders” with length of
from a 99.5 % by volume or better purity H2S lecture bottle or residence time noted. Because of the broad reactivity of H2S,
obtained using permeation tube procedures must be used. an extended delay between obtaining the sample and analyzing Compressed Gas Standards—The protocol for com- the sample can result in inaccurate results.
pressed gas standards contained in the appendix can be used to
ensure uniformity in compressed gas standard manufacture and NOTE 2—Each new sample container to be used for a test specimen can
provide for traceability to a NIST or NMi reference material. be filled with a sample and analyzed over a period of time and the
resulting data examined to determine the rate of deterioration of the Compressed gas standard regulators must be appro- sample. Repeated filling with a representative sample will tend to
priate for the delivery of sulfur gases and attached fittings must passivate a container. Approximately 10 L (approximately 1⁄3 ft3) of
be passivated or inert to sulfur gases. sample, at atmospheric pressure, is convenient for analysis and will
6.3 Lead Acetate Sensing Paper—Prepare in accordance normally not deteriorate appreciably within 1 h. Slow instrument response
with Test Method D2420, using appropriate size strips and to changes in H2S concentration indicates the need for a thorough cleaning
drying in an H2S-free environment. Commercially available of the flow system. (See Appendix X1 for a suggested cleaning proce-
dure.) Errors caused by ambient temperature and pressure changes are
test paper has been found satisfactory. Used Lead Acetate compensated for by comparison to a reference standard prepared at the
Sensing Paper should be disposed of in accordance with local, time of analysis. Preparation of the reference sample is described in
state, and/or federal environmental regulations. Section 11.
6.4 Permeation Devices—Hydrogen Sulfide standards can
be prepared using a permeation tube gravimetrically calibrated 8. Instrument Preparation
and certified at a convenient operating temperature. At constant 8.1 Fill a humidifier or humidifying bubbler to the full mark
temperature, calibration gases covering a wide range of con- with acetic acid solution. The acetic acid minimizes some
centration can be generated by varying and accurately measur- interfering species. Set the range of the analyzer for the range
ing the flow rate of diluent gas passing over the tubes. These expected in the sample. Connect the pump and set the
calibration gases are used to calibrate the analyzer. flowmeter for a nominal flow of 8 mL/s (approximately 1
6.4.1 Permeation System Temperature Control— ft3/h). Note: analyte gas can also be delivered to the analyzer
Permeation devices are maintained at the calibration tempera- by use of a compressed gas cylinder or a permeation tube
ture within 0.1°C. device. Alternative flow settings, such as a nominal 1 mL/s, can
6.4.2 Permeation System Flow Control—The permeation be used. Obtain a blank reading by flowing dilution gas
flow system measures diluent gas flow over the permeation through the analyzer. Record the reading of the blank sample as
tubes within 62 percent. B in 12.1. Do not adjust the instrument zero until verification
6.4.3 Permeation tubes are inspected and weighed to the is obtained, that the room air or the carrier gas does not contain
nearest 0.01 mg on at least a monthly basis using a balance H2S. Verification is accomplished by analyzing a room air or

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D4084 – 07
carrier gas sample after it has been passed through an activated 10.5 Quality Assurance—The following quality assurance
charcoal filter absorbent. (QA) procedures are suggested and may be required in certain
9. Calibration 10.5.1 Spiked Samples—A spiked sample is analyzed each
day as part of a QA/QC program. Spikes are prepared by
9.1 Immediately after preparing the calibration standard,
quantitative addition of hydrogen sulfide in a gas to a known
obtain its response on the analyzer. Practice D3609 is accept-
volume of sample gas. An acceptable recovery should match
able as an alternative method for preparation of a reference
the theoretical amounts of H2S in the spiked sample within a
standard. Certified compressed gas calibration standards ob-
tolerance consistent with Section 13, Precision, to verify
tained from a gas standard vendor can also be used to calibrate
nominal performance. Unacceptable recoveries indicate system
the analyzer. The analyzer response is recorded as C in 12.1. At
malfunction and will require the user to perform mitigative
least twenty (20) discrete response replicates should be ob-
action to restore the system to nominal performance.
tained to adequately demonstrate the statistical repeatability of
10.5.2 Calibration Standard Reanalysis—A standard is re-
the analyzer at two times the standard deviations about the analyzed after samples every day as part of a QA/QC program.
mean. If the analyzer repeatability response fall outside of the The hydrogen sulfide concentration should match the theoreti-
published repeatability specifications then appropriate correc- cal amounts based on the original standards within a tolerance
tive action must be taken and the repeatability response of the consistent with Section 13, Precision. Unacceptable results are
analyzer must be redetermined. indicative of a system malfunction and will require the user to
perform mitigative action to restore the system to nominal
10. Sample Measurement Procedure performance.
10.1 Sampling and Preparation of Samples—Appropriate 10.5.3 Linearity Verification—Quantitative dilution of a
sampling procedures are critical for meaningful hydrogen known hydrogen sulfide in gas calibration standard and sub-
sulfide determinations and must be tailored to the particular sequent analysis provides information regarding the linearity of
sample source. the analyzer. Linearity data that falls outside of the manufac-
10.1.1 Samples—Samples are delivered to the laboratory in turer’s specifications is indicative of a system malfunction and
Tedlar bags with polypropylene fittings or other inert fittings at will require the user to perform mitigative action to restore the
atmospheric pressure, protected from heat and light. Samples system to nominal performance.
are normally analyzed within 24 h of sampling to ensure 10.5.4 Drift Check—Extended steady state response data
accurate measurement of hydrogen sulfide in the sample. The for a fixed stable hydrogen sulfide in gas calibration standard
holding time can be extended to the limits of existing data can provide information on the stability of the analyzer.
when hydrogen sulfide gas retention in a specific matrix is Typically a drift test lasts two (2) hours with data collection
available. Alternatively, samples are delivered to the laboratory occurring once per minute. Upward or downward drift as well
in passivated/lined vessels demonstrated to not demonstrate as variations outside of the manufacturer’s published repeat-
significant hydrogen sulfide losses in samples over 24 h. As ability specification are indicative of a system malfunction and
part of a QA/QC program, passivated or lined vessels should will require the user to perform mitigative action to restore the
periodically be examined for continued hydrogen sulfide gas system to nominal performance.
stability and acceptable sample carryover characteristics. Pas- 10.6 Connect the sample to the analyzer and adjust the flow
sivated or lined vessels may allow for reliable sample analysis rate to approximately 8 mL/s. This flow must be maintained
after more than 24 h. In such cases, analysis is recommended constant during testing. After the recording is observed to be
within a time frame supported by hydrogen sulfide retention stable, record the reading A, see 12.1. Prepare a reference
data. standard sample as described in 11.2. Connect the reference
sample to the pump and the pump to the analyzer. When a
10.2 External Calibration—Procedures delineated in 9.1
stable reading is obtained, record this value (C in 12.1). The
validate the use of a single-point calibration. At least once a
reference standard described in 11.2 must be prepared and run
day, analyze the calibration standard and determine standard
to establish the analyzer span frequently enough to allow
response factors. Typically, standards are analyzed until three
compensation for changes in temperature and atmospheric
(3) consecutive trials yield a maximum range consistent with
pressure. Reference standards as certified gas mixtures or
Section 13, Precision.
obtained using a permeation tube device are also acceptable
10.3 Blank Analysis—Confirmation of a lack of significant alternatives to a reference standard prepared according to 11.2.
carry-over or contamination is recommended and may be When samples are within 25 % of the reference standard,
required for certain applications. This is accomplished through repeating the calibration procedure twice a day is normally
analysis of a blank in a nitrogen, air, or other gas matrix that is sufficient for determining any compensation needed to account
representative of the sample being analyzed. The significance for changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure.
of observed carryover is defined by the users need and should
be determined before performance of this method. 11. Reference Standard Preparation
10.4 Sample Analysis—The analysis of each sample in 11.1 Parts per million by volume (ppmv) units, equivalent to
duplicate is strongly suggested and may be required for certain micromoles per mole, are used because these units are easier to
applications. Duplicate sample analysis will verify adequate use than parts per million by weight in the typical application
system conditioning and performance. of this method.

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D4084 – 07
11.2 Prepare a reference standard containing a known vol- tainty in the final mixture volume measurement The uncer-
ume fraction of H2S, D in ppmv. Inject a known small volume, tainty in the H2S concentration of the primary gas standard is
V, of H2S in milliliter units, of pure H2S into dilution gas as it determined by, and should be obtainable from, the vendor.
fills a 10-L cylinder. A syringe or microliter valve is used to 11.4.4 Permeation Tube Devices—The uncertainty in the
volumetrically measure small quantities of H2S. The syringe H2S concentration of a standard prepared by using a perme-
must be filled rapidly five times, from a flowing stream of H2S ation tube device arises from three main sources: (1) the
gas, to purge the tip volume. The H2S must be quickly injected uncertainty in the permeation rate of the tube, (2) the uncer-
into the dilution gas through a septum or equivalent. The time tainty of the diluent volumetric flow rate, and (3) the uncer-
from filling the syringe to injection should be the same as the tainty in the oven temperature. The uncertainty in the perme-
time from injection to withdrawal of the syringe needle. This ation rate is determined by, and should be available from, the
compensates for the effect of diffusion from the syringe needle. vendor. Flow rate measurement and oven temperature set point
The formula used to calculate the quantity of H2S required to
uncertainties are determined from the specifications of the flow
prepare a given sample in the 10-L calibration cylinder is as
measuring and temperature control devices.
11.4.5 Material Compatibility and Line Conditioning—The
V 5 0.01D
uncertainty in the measured H2S concentration can be affected
where: by wetted material incompatibilities and inadequate line con-
V = a known small volume of pure H2S in mL, and ditioning. Copper containing materials react with H2S. Appro-
D = fraction of H2S in reference standard in units of ppmv. priate materials are listed in 7.1. Because of the broad
11.2.1 Example—To prepare a 10-ppmv, D, sample in reactivity of H2S, some finite amount of absorption still occurs
sulfur-free carrier gas, inject from a hypodermic syringe 0.1 when compatible materials are in contact with H2S. Calibration
mL, V, of H2S into 10 L of dilution gas as it fills the calibration standards should be run for a sufficient period of time to ensure
cylinder. Never pump the syringe at this stage as errors are that a stable H2S concentration output is obtained. The required
caused by the added volume in the needle tip. line conditioning time should be determined as part of a
11.3 When using a primary standard, the formula used to QA/QC program.
calculate the quantity of primary standard required to prepare
a given sample in the 10-L calibration cylinder is as follows: 12. Calculation
V 12.1 Calculate concentration of an unknown sample in ppm
V* 5 106P (1)
by volume as follows:
X 5 ~A – B!D/~C – B!
V* = a known volume of primary standard containing H2S
in mL, and where:
P = fraction of H2S in the primary standard in units of A = scale reading for the unknown sample at ambient
ppmv. temperature and pressure,
B = blank scale reading,
11.3.1 Example—To prepare a 10-ppmv, D, sample in
C = scale reading obtained from the prepared reference
sulfur-free carrier gas, inject from a hypodermic syringe 1.0
standard at ambient temperature and pressure,
mL, V*, of a primary standard containing 100 000 ppmv H2S, D = fraction of H2S in reference standard in units of ppmv,
P, into 10 L of dilution gas as the calibration cylinder is filled. and
Never pump the syringe at this stage as errors are caused by the X = fraction of H2S in the unknown sample in ppmv.
added volume in the needle tip. Computerized analyzers may run this calculation inter-
11.4 Reference Standard Concentration Uncertainty—The nally.
user is referred to Practice E2165 for establishing an ISO
12.2 Conversion from volume fraction to mass concentra-
10725 compliant uncertainty budget.
tion of W of H2S in milligrams per cubic meter at 25°C and 760
11.4.1 Compressed Gas Standard—The uncertainty in the
mm Hg (101.3 kPa) is obtained by multiplying ppm by
H2S concentration of a compressed gas calibration standard is
molecular weight and dividing by 24.450 as shown in Practice
determined by, and should be obtainable from, the vendor.
D1914. For H2S:
11.4.2 Dilution from H2S Source—The uncertainty in the
H2S concentration of a standard prepared by diluting pure H2S W 5 1.394 X
arises from three main sources: (1) the uncertainty in the purity where:
of the H2S, (2) the uncertainty in the H2S volume measure- W = mass concentration, mg/m3, and
ment, and (3) the uncertainty in the final mixture volume X = fraction of H2S in the unknown sample, ppmv.
12.2.1 Make appropriate correction for other temperatures
11.4.3 Dilution of Primary H2S Gas Standard—The uncer-
and pressures.
tainty in the H2S concentration of a standard prepared by
diluting a primary H2S gas standard arises from three main
13. Precision
sources: (1) the uncertainty in the H2S concentration of the
primary gas standard, (2) the uncertainty in the primary gas 13.1 The following data should be used to judge acceptabil-
calibration standard volume measurement, and (3) the uncer- ity of test results:

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D4084 – 07

FIG. 3 Graph of Reproducibility and Repeatability

13.1.1 Repeatability—Duplicate results by the same opera- 14. Keywords

tor should be considered suspect if they differ by more than
14.1 gaseous fuels; hydrogen sulfide; lead acetate
indicated in Fig. 3.
13.1.2 Reproducibility—Results submitted by different
laboratories, using samples of the same concentration, should
be considered suspect if they differ by more than indicated in
Fig. 3.


(Nonmandatory Information)


X1.1 Use isopropyl alcohol as a solvent and flush the flow

system, then thoroughly dry before use.


X2.1 Confirm the performance of the instrument or the test should trigger investigation for root cause(s). The results of
procedure by analyzing a quality control (QC) sample. this investigation may, but not necessarily, result in instrument
X2.2 Prior to monitoring the measurement process, the user
of the test method needs to determine the average value and X2.4 In the absence of explicit requirements given in the
control limits of the QC sample (see Test Methods D6299, test method, the frequency of QC testing is dependent on the
D6792, and MNL 7). users’ needs, the demonstrated stability of the testing process,
and any other regulatory or process control requirements.
X2.3 Record the QC results and analyze by control charts Generally, a QC sample is analyzed each testing day. The QC
or other statistically equivalent techniques to ascertain the frequency should be increased if a large number of samples are
statistical control status of the total testing process (see Test routinely analyzed. However, when it is demonstrated that the
Methods D6299, D6792, and MNL 7). Any out-of-control data testing is under statistical control, the QC testing frequency

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D4084 – 07
may be reduced. The QC sample precision should be checked material routinely analyzed. An ample supply of QC sample
against the ASTM test method precision to ensure data quality. material should be available for the intended period of use, and
must be homogenous and stable under the anticipated storage
X2.5 It is recommended that, if possible, the types of QC conditions. See Test Methods D6299, D6792, and MNL 7 for
sample that are regularly tested be representative of the further guidance on QC and control charting techniques.


X3.1 This protocol was developed to assist compressed gas three consecutive data points are collected with the necessary
sulfur standard users. It can provide calibration gas traceability precision to support the reported analytical accuracy. An
to a NIST, NMi, or similar standard reference material. This average area of the hydrogen sulfide is calculated using all
protocol requires the determination of hydrogen sulfide using a consecutive analysis.
NIST or NMi hydrogen sulfide SRM or a NTRM as the
primary reference. This procedure will insure uniformity in X3.2 The hydrogen sulfide analysis is performed at least
measurement of the hydrogen sulfide content. This protocol twice, with a minimum 48-h incubation period between the two
should be submitted to vendors when calibration gas is analyses. The difference in percent between the two values
ordered. must be less than 2 %. This is necessary to assure product
X3.1.1 A standard is analyzed according to ASTM D4084. stability. The reported hydrogen sulfide concentration is the
A minimum of three consecutive data points are collected with value obtained in the second analysis.
the necessary precision to support the reported analytical
accuracy. The necessary precision is achieved with a percent X3.3 The value for the hydrogen sulfide concentration is
relative standard deviation (% RSD) calculated from a mini- reported on the certificate of analysis as follows:
mum of three consecutive data points, less than or equal to two X3.3.1 The value for the hydrogen sulfide concentration
percent. from both the first and second analysis in X3.2, along with the
X3.1.2 A hydrogen sulfide standard reference material is date of analyses.
analyzed under identical conditions used in the analysis of the X3.3.2 The cylinder number, concentration and NIST or
standard. Acceptable hydrogen sulfide reference standards NMi SRM/NTRM batch ID from the NIST reference standard
include NIST or NMi traceable SRMs or NTRMs. A minimum used in the standard analysis.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or [email protected] (e-mail); or through the ASTM website

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