Tissue Committee
Tissue Committee
Tissue Committee
their patients and colleagues the benefits of their Purpose of the Tissue Committee
professional attainments." The tissue committee's function is to further med-
American physicians have developed, as an inte- ical staff education and self-discipline. Its influence
gral part of the practice of medicine, the concept should be positive. By analysis and review of tissues
that physicians admitted to privileges in the hospital, removed, continuing education is afforded to elevate
should organize themselves into a self-governing the caliber of medical care being provided in the
medical staff. Good hospital administration today hospital. The work of the tissue committee is not
and the law in many states which regulates hospital directly concerned with a particular patient's medi-
organization, have uniformly adopted this principle. cal problem, or what should be done about it. It is,
The ethical and legal concepts concerning contin- instead, a postsurgical activity, taking place usually
uing education and self-government of the hospital quite some time after the patient has left the hospi-
medical staff, have fostered the orgapization of med- tal, relating to the tissue removed. Study and com-
ical staff review committees. Through the work of parison is made of the preoperative diagnosis with
these committees, the public and professional re- both the postoperative diagnosis and the patholo-
sponsibility of the whole staff, as well as that of each gist's report. It charts and tabulates the facts and
staff member, is promoted by a review and compari- compares the rpsults with its recent periodic reports
son of the medical work of each member of the staff. and with recommendations of other hospitals, when
The right of medical groups, in good faith, to define available, in order that the practice of all can be
and demand certain requirements of its members, improved by such knowledge.
has been upheld by the courts when these require-
ments have a reasonable connection with improving Tissue Committee Method of Procedure
and maintaining the standards under which mem- In general, there are at least three methods of
bers practice their profession, and tend to regulate operation- this committee may use to review the sur-
fair dealing among the members of the profession gical work of the staff or any part of it. First, the
and with the public. medical history itself may be reviewed. A second
There is one medical staff review committee, or and rather simple and direct method is to make pro-
several, concerned with all or different facets of vision for one extra copy of the pathologist's report
medical care rendered in a hospital. Frequently, the to be prepared and sent to the tissue committee,
size of the hospital and the number of records to be identified only by case number. When this system
reviewed determines the number of review commit- is used, the preoperative and postoperative diagnoses
tees needed. This paper will describe the tissue com- must be shown on the pathology report. The third
mittee, its organization, purpose and function when method is to provide for a synopsis worksheet to be
it is separately established. However, some medical prepared by the records librarian which has posted
staffs will have one committee perform this and to it such vital information as:
other functions. The general procedures outlined 1. Patient's hospital number;
here would be applicable in both instances, with 2. Patient's age;
appropriate revisions and modifications.
The Model Medical Staff By-Laws recommended 3. Preoperative diagnosis;
by the Joint Commission on Accreditation of Hos- 4. Postoperative diagnosis;
pitals, suggests the formation of a tissue committee 5. Operative procedure;
in the following language: 6. Tissue removed, if any;
"The Tissue Committee shall include representa- 7. Tissue number;
tives of the departments of surgery, gynecology, ob- 8. Pathological diagnosis, if any; and
Approved by the Council of the California Medical Association, 9. Operative and postoperative complications.
August, 1961.