CBT Delivery Script
CBT Delivery Script
CBT Delivery Script
(1st slide) Good morning everyone. Welcome! This is our training center.
Lorenz International Skills Training Academy.
(2st slide) I know you already have oriented with our school policies and
facilities; therefore, it is easier for you to go over with our training in the
qualification that you have chosen.
I know that you’re all excited so let’s have fun start learning!
Based from the record, you are all 15 trainees. And as I count your
heads, everyone is present. Congratulations Everyone!! Let’s keep it up until
the end of our training.
(So when I call your name say present, and correct me if I mispronounce
your names)
At the entrance door we have their a trainee’s logbook for you to sign
your attendance upon coming here to school.
Bear in mind that this training is self -paced, but you have to manage
your time wisely so that you can finish to the target time frame. So, be diligent
and attentive with this training.
(7 slide)
1) Perform roughing-in activities, wiring and cabling works for
single-phase distribution, power, lighting and auxiliary systems
(8 slide)
If you look around this is where you will learn most of the 4 skills
required for this qualification. This is Lorenz International Skills Training
(9nt slide)
Currently you are in Practical work area where you acquire the skills
and knowledge components of the competencies prescribed by the standards.
This side is the Institutional assessment area where recognition of
prior learning is done.
Quality Control Area where you will do inspections of the tools and
materials needed in serving the food and beverage orders.
At the entrance is the trainees Logbook wherein you should sign for your
attendance in everyday sessions.
And we also have the trainer’s resource center where you will find the
CBLM for every UC, forms, educational magazines, food and beverage services
journals, video materials and many other reading materials.
And lastly, the support service area which provides value added
(10 slide)
To see how far have you gone per UC and L.O will be shown on
the Progress chart.
This one here is your Activity Matrix, this will serve as your scheduler.
I will post your name here and your activities and in what particular area will
you proceed. This will be updated daily. Every day, upon coming here check on
this matrix. By the way before the end of this training, or at the middle, we will
have educational tour at Cagayan de Oro City. Industries that will let you see
and fell the actual work as EIM. Are you excited for the trip?
(11 slide)
Now how are we going to tackle all the UC when we only have very limited
number of days for the training?
(12 slide)
10 Principles of CBT:
PRINCIPLE 1: The training is based on the curriculum develop from the
competency standards.
PRINCIPLE 2: Learning is modular structure.
PRINCIPLE 3: Training delivery is individualized and self-paced.
PRINCIPLE 4: Training is based on work that must be performed.
PRINCIPLE 5: Training materials are directly related to the competency
standards and the curriculum modules.
PRINCIPLE 6: Assessment of learners is based on collection of evidence of the
performance of work to the industry of organizational required standards.
PRINCIPLE 7: Training is based on both on and off the jobs components.
PRINCIPLE 8: The system allows for Recognition of Prior/Current Learning.
PRINCIPLE 9: The training allows the learners to enter and exit program at
different times and levels and to receive and award for modules (competencies)
attained at any point (Multiple Entry & Multiple Exit)
PRINCIPLE 10: Approved training
(17 slide)
During this training you are the trainee and I am the trainer/facilitator.
As a trainee you are given the right to choose which one you want to learn
first. But of course except those modules that require pre-requisite. But as
learner-trainee, you can choose what module you will take first. Or it could
be done based on your self-assessment and trainees characteristics. So,
that is one characteristic of CBT, you can learn multiple modules at the
same time.
My role here will be a member of the learning process. I am your facilitator,
to guide you on how to be competent. Remember this is self-paced. So if you
want to finish earlier than the schedule, be diligent and hardworking.
(18 slide) - 19
How do we evaluate you?
You will be evaluated by using different assessment methods like written
test, oral questioning and demonstration. Remember that we don’t have
numerical ratings, but you will be rated as competent and not yet
competent. Competent if you meet the standard criteria and not yet
competent if you don’t meet the standard criteria.
(20 slide)
How do we learn?
We can learn by using CBLM It is very important because this will teach
you on how to use this module and it contains the lists of all competency and
module content, the module descriptor, number of hours as well as the
assessment criteria and learning experiences. And all of the things to be
checked and observed when conducting an assessment. So, read carefully your
CBLM with comprehension. Do you have any questions? If there is none, I will
now distribute the training agreement. This agreement contains that you’ve
agreed all the requirements needed for this qualification.
(21 slide)
At this time, you have to answer first the pre assessment forms such as
the pre-test, trainees characteristic form and the self- assessment check.
Please answer the questions honestly.( get one and pass)
(22 slide)
Now as we start our training proper, I will now group you into 3. Each group
has 5 members.
(23 slide)
2nd group- you are assigned to the Computer lab. area and Watch on
how to Perform 1.2-4 Practice Wire Way And Cable Tray Installation Task
Sheet 2.1-5
3rd group proceed to the Practical work area and practice the step by
step procedure on Task Sheet 1.2-4a Demonstrate/Practice Cable tray
installation And get ready for a demonstration after an hour and don’t forget to
observe safety precautions and wearing of personal protective equipment while
having a demonstration. Understand?
(24 slide)
This morning our lesson is all about WIRE WAY AND CABLE TRAY
Read directly Learning Outcomes (slide 25) to (slide 26)
I will let you view first the video on Install network cables.
G2 (student’s name) – I want you to watch the video for 20 minutes and I will
give you time to practice later. (make sure to ask the student if she/he
understand the instructions)
(so right now I’m going to check your progress chart and your achievement
chart) after checking advice the student to go back to the orientation area.
that’s good and now you may proceed to the practical area to Practice Wire Way
And Cable Tray Installation
From G 3- .( trainer observe using the performance checklist criteria)
Watch the Student’s then after few second – very good that should be the
proper way how to demonstrate/Practice Cable tray installation. Based on the
performance checklist you demonstrate the task according to the competency
standards, you did an amazing job truly you execute every step accurately and
properly. Good job and that also mean you are competent on this activity.
So for tomorrow you can check your training matrix on what activity you
are going to performed.
Okey, I will record now your achievements and progress on the charts
and you may proceed back to the orientation area
Since, it’s already 5 PM, we will continue our activities tomorrow. For those
who are already competent, check your activity matrix for your next activity.
For those who are not yet competent, you have to continue.
Please try to practice 5S before going out. Return everything to its proper
Thank you….