BBA I Semester IT Unit 2
BBA I Semester IT Unit 2
BBA I Semester IT Unit 2
Information Technology – I
Unit 2 – Operating System
Memory Management
It manages the allocating of primary and secondary memory to data and programs. When jobs
are run, Operating System retrieves it form the disk and loads it into its memory. But before it
is loaded the operating system must check weather memory is available for it or not, and if it is
available, it allocates it to your job.
Process Management (CPU Management)
It assigns all the instructions and programs to the processer for their execution. It is the
assignment of the CPU that allows processes to accomplish job assigned to it. This assignment
is a complex problem handled by operating system. Operating system handles the problem of
assigning various jobs for processing. This function of operating system is called
Disk Management:
It stores data and programs within a file and this file can be manipulated by so many ways. The
operating system helps you to store file and retrieve files whenever, required by you. We as a
user need not bother about how the data or files are stored on storage.
It’s a single user, single-tasking operating system that uses a command line interface. Since it
can be operated from disk instead of being hard-wired with the hardware, it was given the
name. This was the first operating system developed by Microsoft, so it is also know as MS-
DOS. This operating system was developed for IBM First personal computer (IBM-PC) in
After the success of home operating system is USA and other countries IBM planned to
introduce small computers into the market. At same time they were also looking for an
operating system, for their PC range of Computers, which they were planned to introduce in
the market in 1981. Bill Gates showing maturity and foresight beyond his years provided what
IBM was looking for, He purchased the copyrights of an OS called QDOS(Quick and Dist
operating system) developed by Mr. Tim Paterson.
Utilities of DOS
• DOS translates commands entered by user to the language which is understood by the
• It allocates system resources according to the requirement.
• DOS provides features essential to control hardware devices such as Keyboard, Screen,
Disk Devices, Printers, Modems and programs.
• Management of Disk.
When IBM launched its revolutionary personal computer, the IBM PC in 1981, it came
complete with a 16 bit operating system from Microsoft, MS-DOS 1.0. This was Microsoft’s
first operating system. MS-Dos 1.0 was actually a renamed version of QDOS(Quick and Dirty
Operating System) also know 86-DOS, which Microsoft bought from Seattle Computer
Product in 1981. QDOS was written by Tim Paterson for the new Intel 16 bit 8086 CPU, and
the first version was released in August 1980. Microsoft also retained marketing rights for the
operating system separately from the IBM PC Project. Microsoft renamed it PC-DOS (IBM
Version) and MS-DOS (the Microsoft version).
Versions of DOS
From 1981, starting with version 1.0 to today version 6.22, it has undergone a complete
metamorphosis from single operating system. Following are the details of different version of
• DOS 1.0: Aug 1981, First release of DOS for IBM
• DOS 2.0: A DOS started with version 2.0, which have few commands like fixed disk
formatting and backup utilities. In May 1982, For PC-XT computers, some new
commands like hierarchical directory structure also added in this version.
• DOS 3.0: After DOS 2.0, DOS 3.0 was introduced with some new features like it
support the application of DOS in different countries hence to choose different, data,
time, currency etc.
• DOS 3.3: This version had introduced a very useful feature like code page switching. A
user can select a character set which is a command to their local language, so it becomes
easy for users to understand the commands. In April 1987, this version also supported
multiple partitions of the hard disk, besides supporting 1.44 MB floppy.
• DOS 4.0: June 1988, Includes DOS shell which supports mouse. This version also
provided support for hard disk having size grater then 32 MB. This was the most
unsuccessful version of DOS.
• DOS 6.22: After DOS 6.0, 6.22 came in the market, each having many advance
features, DOS 6.0 and 6.2 had solved the problem of data integrity by introducing
Drive Names:
Drive is the name for the devices in which your program or data is stored. One can
compare Drive with filing cabinet in which your files are stored in systematic manner.
Drive Names has two parts: (C) and Colon (: ) Colon denotes drive i.e. C: means C
Floppy drive (A: & B :) in computer.
Directory Structure:
Directories are like drawers in filing cabinet. Storing files in different directories makes
file easier to find. Usually program or data of same type are stored in one directory.
E.g. data directory contains all the files concerning data. The directory in which you are
presently working is called current directory.
Sub Directory:
Directories can contain other directories. A directory within directory is called
subdirectory. By creating subdirectories you can organize your files in better way.
Root Directory:
Main directory is called the root directory. The root directory is the starting point, which
other directories are branches of this directory; much like the roots of a tree.
To get a particular file, you must trace the path from the root directory to the directory
that contains the file. The path is the list of directories, starting with the root. Each
directories is separated by backslash (/)
• TREE: Command displays all directory pathnames on the specified disk. An optional/F
parameter is available to let you display files name.
Example: C:\ TREE, it displays all directories on Drive C:
• FORMAT: Command used to delete all the data on the disk. It can also check the bed
areas on the disk.
Example: C:\ FORMAT A:
This command formats the floppy disk in drive A
• PRINT: Command used to print one or more files. Command only use to print standard text file.