Women Safety: Suman Basu (1541017045) Gayatri Patel (1541017048) Ashrita Behera (1541017063)

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Major Project Report

Submitted By:

Suman Basu(1541017045)
Gayatri Patel(1541017048)
Ashrita Behera(1541017063)
In partial fulfillment of the award of the degree



Department of Computer Science & Information Technology

Institute of Technical Education and Research


We would like to express our deepest appreciation to all those who provided us the information to complete this
report. We express our gratitude and heartiest thanks to Prof. Dr.Ajit Kumar Nayak, Dept. of Computer science
and information Technology, Institute of Technical Education and Research, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan
University, Bhubaneswar for their contribution in stimulating inspiration suggestions, encouragement and
guidance that helped us to write this report.

Further we convey our sincere thanks to our Project Co-coordinator who has spent her valuable time
in guiding our group. I am also thankful to all the faculty members, technical and non technical staffs of our
dept. who helped us achieving our desired goals whenever we needed it.

Last but certainly not the least, we would also pay our heartiest thanks to our parents, respected teachers and our
friends for their encouragement and support at different level of work.

Place: Bhubaneswar Signature of students

Date: 24/4/19 Suman Basu (154107045)

Gayatri Patel (1541017048)

Ashrita Behera (1541017063)


This is to certify that the project report titled “WOMEN SAFETY” being submitted by Suman
Basu(1541017045),Gayatri Patel(1541017048),Ashrita Behera(1541017063) to the Institute of Technical
Education and Research, Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan Deemed to be University, Bhubaneswar for the partial
fulfillment for the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and Engineering is a record of
original confide work carried out by them under our supervision and guidance. The project work, in our
opinion, has reached the requisite standard fulfilling the requirements for the degree of Bachelor of Technology.

The results contained in this thesis have not been submitted in part or full to any other University or Institute for
the award of any degree or diploma.

Nitesh Jha

(Name of Guide)

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

ITER, SOA Deemed to be University


We declare that this written submission represents our ideas in our own words and where other’s ideas or words
have been included. We have adequately cited and referenced the original sources. We also declare that we have
adhered to all principles of academic honesty and integrity and have not misrepresented or fabricated or
falsified any idea/fact/source in our submission. We understand that any violation of the above will be cause for
disciplinary action by the University and can also evoke penal action from the sources which have thus not been
properly cited or from whom proper permission has not been taken when needed.

Date: 24/4/19 Signature of students:

Suman Basu(1541017045)
Gayatri Patel(1541017048)
Ashrita Behera(1541017063)

This project report entitled “WOMEN SAFETY” by Suman Basu(1541017045),Gayatri

Patel(1541017048),Ashrita Behera(1541017063), is approved for the degree of Bachelor of Technology in
Computer Science and Engineering.




In today’s world it is very unsafe to travel alone, especially for women. Since lots of unexpected and shameful
incidents are happening around the globe. Problems may come from anywhere and anytime, as women are also
growing equally like men so for that purpose they have to travel alone in public transport as well, and for that
reason we need to understand and solve this problem of women so they also should not feel any fear regarding
their safety. This report represents an android application which will serve the purpose to rescue the women
from unsafe situations. As we all know that nowadays every individual carry their own smart phones and the
uses of android applications have been increased rapidly so it is better to have such an android application
which will provide a safe environment in public transport.

Signature of students:

Suman Basu(1541017045)

Gayatri Patel(1541017048)

Ashrita Behera(1541017063)



In today's world, people using smart phones have increased rapidly and hence, a smart phone can be used
efficiently for personal security or various other protection purposes. The safety of women is a concern of
increasing urgency in India and other countries. The primary issue in the handling of these cases by the police
lies in constraints preventing them from responding quickly to calls of distress. These constraints include not
knowing the location of the crime, and not knowing the crime is occurring at all: at the victim's end, reaching
the police assuredly and discreetly is a challenge. Women are subjects of torture, harassment, and violence
irrespective of their community or place of staying. Government authorities, protection forces, civic bodies and
voluntary organizations all aim at protecting distressed women in their own ways.

Introduction of our “WoSApp” is a security device specially designed for women in emergency and in distress.
It is simple and easy to use and carry with various functionalities. The numbers of smart phone users are turning
into greater in amount all over the world. A smart phone has many applications which is useful to people in
which our “WoSApp” will become one of those. This is a small contribution taken which will provide safety
android app for women. It lets your family and friends know your current location via GPS tracker.

1.1 Problem Statement

To study the perception of women towards safety in the public areas.

1.2 Funtional Requirements

This specification is used to specify the requirements for the initial implementation of the system and
update the system in future. The software requirement specification bridges the gap between client/user
and the system developer. This is the document that describes the user needs accurately.
 Time Schedule
 Tracking
 Notification
 Network Provider Support

1.3 Non- Functional Requirements

 Reliability
 Usability
 Security
 Confidentiality

In today’s world, it is not safe for a person to travel alone at night especially for women; it will be unsafe to
travel alone because a woman is not highly strong as men. To provide safety for woman the good way to reduce
chances in becoming a victim of violent crime is to identify and call on resources to help you out of unsafe
situations. Having safety app on your phone can diminish our risk and bring assistance when we require it.
Unlike the other applications available, which work only at the time of Emergency or Danger, this app can be
used as a safety or precaution measure. As it is said that precaution is better than cure.

Our motto in developing this app is to provide a safe environment through smart phone as today most of the
people are carrying smartphones to whenever they go.

In our Country, even though it has super power and an economic development, but
still there are many crimes against women. Women’s safety is a very important
issue due to rising crimes against women these days. To help resolve this issue we
propose a GPS based women’s safety system. The main aim of this system is to
send location instantly of the woman to the cops, so that unfortunate incident can be
averted and to provide real time evidence for the action against the perpetrators of
crime against women.
We are trying to contribute little efforts towards women which will ensure the
safety and respect for women, so that she can have rights to grow equally like men.
Our project is based on such application which is going to help users by locating the
device through GPS.

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