Comments On Definitions
Comments On Definitions
Comments On Definitions
In API; Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 1-Vocuabulary, second edition, the
following definitions exist:
Volume, gross:
The indicated volume multiplied by the meter factor (MF) for the particular liquid and flow rate under
which the meter was proved
There seems to be some confusion around these in the definitions in the Production daily reporting
For example:
The reporting term “Daily Oil gross production Volume” is defined as “Total measured produced
volume of oil on the installation including BS & W in 24 hours measured in standard cubic meter.”
Depending on the unit of measure it would be logical to define the term as a Gross Observed Volume
or a Gross Standard Volume, but the prevailing definition is a variant of the definitions of the “Total
observed volume” or “total standard volume” defined in the standards.
I suggest adopting the volume definitions from API or ISO in the project. First priority should be API,
when a definition in API is missing ISO should be used.