Synopsis of Praveen
Synopsis of Praveen
Synopsis of Praveen
Primary Objective:
Secondary Objective:
1. To analyze the awareness of products of Maruti Udyog Limited.
2. To study about the price this can attract the consumers.
3. To study about the various promotional activities that influences the consumer.
4. To analyze the opinion of customers about storage and Packing.
5. To study about the micro and macro markets.
7. Problem Statement :-
Doing the survey, it was really an opportunity before me when I could convert my theoretical
knowledge into practical and of real world type. Fortunately, the company I got is true
follower of the various principles of management and also one of the leading companies in its
segment of the industry. Maruti Udyog Ltd. is one of the renowned names in the food
The graph of sales of these respective product lines is the best in the industry as compared of
theirs competitors. I did my training project at Maruti Udyog ltd. where I found all the
professionals are very much committed to their work as well as they were all professional
The need for the study of Maruti Udyog Ltd. taken place of consumer perception
will help the organization in determine their products as well as promotion
The project work is concerned with the study of market potential of Maruti Udyog
It is obvious that the Maruti Udyog Ltd. products are used in various places with in
the country. The various features established for the Maruti cars are more important.
Marketing research takes very vital role in knowing and understanding customer
need and behaviors. Keeping in view the importance of customer satisfaction in
creating and monitoring the present customers.
8. Methodology to be Used :-
Types of Research:
1. Primary data
2. Secondary data
Primary Data:
For this project the primary data is collected in four ways:-
Through observations, through discussion (Department Heads & executives) through
questionnaires and through procedure.
Secondary Data:
The secondary data is collected from various sources available within the organization like
Organizational web site, company past records, library books, internet, annual reports, and
consulting administrative staff from consulting marketing managers.
“Sampling may be defined as the selection of an aggregate or totally on the basis of which a
judgment of reference about the aggregate of totally is made.” “Sampling is used in
conducting survey various problems concerning production management, time and motion
studies, market research, and various areas of accounting and finance and like.”
Sample Size:
Method of Sampling:
Statistical techniques are to obtained findings and average information in logical sequence
from the raw data collected. After tabulation of data research have used the following
quantitative technique.
Percentage Analysis
Percentage refers to special kind of ratio. This method is used as making comparison between
two or more services of data. Percentages are used to decidable relationship. Percentage can
also used to compare the relative Terries, the distribution of two or more services of data.
Bar charts and pie charts are used to get a clear look at the tabulated data.