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This is to certify that Mr. SHARMA VISHAL DINESH, Seat no.6443 has worked
and completed his Project Work, in the faculty of COMMERCE AND
MANAGEMENT under the specialization of HRM, on Title of the project to be

Under my supervision it’s all his own work and facts reported by him
personal finding and investigation.



Prof. J.V. Shinde. Prof. Vishal Landge prof. Amol kale

Project guide HOD Principal





University Exam Seat No: 6466

Accepted by the VIVA VOCE COMMITTEE, department of Commerce,

Faculty of Commerce and management, BSPML‟S Jaikranti College of Computer
Science And Management Studies, katraj, Pune in partial fulfillment of
requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Business Administration.

Roll no: - Seat no:- 6466

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Library Dept., Marketing, BSPML’S Jaikranti College of computer Science and
Management Studies, Katraj, pune

Prof: Amol Kale


Prof. Vishal Landge



I am Mr. VISHAL DINESH SHARMA, of (SY) BBA studying at Jaikranti

College of Computer Science and Management Studies, Katraj, Pune. Hereby
declare that the project titled “A STUDY OF TRAINING AND
DEVELOPMENT” was carried by me in the partial fulfillment of BBA program
under Savitribai Phule Pune University.

This project under taken by me as part of the academic curriculum

according to university rules and norms has no commercial motive or interest. It is
not submitted to any other organization to any other purpose.

Place: - Katraj, Pune.



(BBA 2nd Year)

Sr Name Of Content Page
No No
1.1 Features of training and development
1.2 Types of training and development
1.3 Needs and benefits of training and development
1.4 Needs of industrial training
2 Objectives 17
2.1 Training and development practice undertaken by IT
3 Company profile 18
3.1 Cognizant technology solution
3.2 Tata consultancy services
4 Methodology 34
4.1 Training programs undertaken for the new Recruit TCS
4.2 Development programs undertaken existing employees
of TCS
4.3 Training programs undertaken existing for the new
recruiters of TCS
4.4 Development programs undertaken for the existing
employee of TCS
5 Findings and conclusions 38
6 Bibliography 39

Training and Development is

a structured program with different methods designed by professionals
in particular job. It has become most common and continuous task in any organization for
updating skills and knowledge of employees in accordance with changing environment.
Optimization of cost with available resources has become pressing need for every organization
which will be possible only by way of improving efficiency and productivity of employees,
possible only by way of providing proper employee training and development conditioned to
that it should be provided by professionals.
What is the difference between training and development?
Training is the process of improving and polishing the required Skills to an employee in order
to make him/her skilled and perfectionist in the job which he / she does. Training is purely job
focused but development is psychology and soft skills oriented.
Previously many authors have defined the difference between training and development, but
still there is little confusion in understanding the difference. In fact many organizations are
using term "training and development" as one and same. Mostly we hear the term "training" for
the purpose of the inducing skills and knowledge among employees. Both training and
development are continuous and core tasks of organization, but employee training will be for
the particular job to develop skills in concern particular job for a particular period and will be
given periodically whenever updating of skills needed for performing particular job and
moreover training is meant for the purpose of development of technicality among employees.
Training is mainly provided for making employee aware on how to handle particular job,
technology or equipment for doing
particular task or function in the organization. ultimately training of employees will be by way
of teaching by the professional in particular job which involves technicality to develop skill.

In many and large organizations even in governmental organizations financial budgeting

provides a separate budget for the purpose of employee training as a key overhead which has
been not ignored ever. Because employee training is very expensive, especially if we take
information technology companies spends large amounts for providing training to their
employees and frequency of training is high because change of technology is not constant and
updated continuously. Therefore to make aware of new technology and update their skills in
accordance with new technology, training of employees is more frequent as that of other

Coming to employee development we don't hear or see as that of employee training program in
the organization. Employee development is psychological oriented mainly provided for people
who deals with managerial tasks.
Training & Development
 Training and development
 Employee Training Introduction
 Need and benefit of Training
 Advantages Of Training Program
 3 Employee Training Tips For Managers
 Training Process
 On-the-job Methods
 Off-the-job Methods
 Sensitivity Training
 Management Development

 On the Job Methods [MD]
 Off the Job Methods [MD]
 Executive Development
As compared to technical staff, managerial staff will be very low in number because manager
who is having more efficiency can manage more number of people which is a real manager
capability, but coming to technical jobs cannot be done by one or with minimum available
skilled labour if there is need for high or large production. ultimately development of
employees is by way of learning by way of observations to develop knowledge. In fact training
is also provided for management level personnel to understand technicalities involved and
nature of work done by the staff working under them, ultimately to manage them.
Traditional And Modern Approach Of Training And Development

Traditional Approach –

Most of the organizations before never used to believe in training. They were holding the
traditional view that managers are born and not made. There were also some views that training
is a very costly affair and not worth. Organizations used to believe more in executive pinching.
But now the scenario seems to be changing.
Modern approach of training and development is that Indian Organizations have realized the
importance of corporate training. Training is now considered as more of retention tool than a
cost. The training system in Indian Industry has been changed to create a smarter workforce
and yield the best results.

The HR Training and Development Manager is responsible for the organization's staff training
requirements, programs, and career development needs. They supervise training staff, plan and
administer training seminars, and manage conflict resolution, team building, and employee skill

The HR Training and Development Specialist plans, produces and administers staff and
management training programs. They conduct programs to develop employee skills in
accordance with organization practices and policies. Additionally, they research and evaluate
training resources, as well as suggest new topics and methods.

The Chief Learning Officer is a relatively new executive level position. The CLO is in charge
of employee training, education, and learning structures across the enterprise, as well as
providing the expertise to ensure everyone has access to the intellectual tools, information and
data they need. The primary success factor of the CLO is to translate learning into a strategic
business asset.

"The way to activate the seeds of your creation is by making choices about the results you want
to create. When you make a choice, you activate vast human energies and resources, which
otherwise go untapped." - Robert Fritz.


The principal objective of training and development division is to make sure the availability of
a skilled and willing workforce to an organization. In addition to that, there are four other
objectives: Individual, Organizational, Functional, and Societal.
 Individual Objectives – help employees in achieving their personal goals, which in
turn, enhances the individual contribution to an organization.
 Organizational Objectives – assist the organization with its primary objective by
bringing individual effectiveness.
 Functional Objectives – maintain the department’s contribution at a level suitable to
the organization’s needs.
 Societal Objectives – ensure that an organization is ethically and socially responsible to
the needs and challenges of the society.

Training and development is one of the functions of human resource management aimed at
improving and polishing the skills and performance of an employee in an organizational. It has
been known by several names, including employee development, human resource
development, and learning and development.
Training and development encompasses three main activities: training, education, and
development. Caravan, Cosine, and Hearty, of the Irish Institute of Training and Development,
note that these ideas are often considered to be synonymous. However, to practitioners, they
encompass three separate, although interrelated, activities:-

This activity is both focused upon, and evaluated against, the job that an individual currently

This activity focuses upon the jobs that an individual may potentially hold in the future, and is
evaluated against those jobs.


This activity focuses upon the activities that the organization employing the individual, or that
the individual is part of, may partake in the future, and is almost impossible to evaluate.

The "stakeholders" in training and development are categorized into several classes. The
sponsors of training and development are senior managers. The clients of training and
development are business planners. Line managers are responsible for coaching, resources, and
performance. The participants are those who actually undergo the processes. The facilitators are
Human Resource Management staff. And the providers are specialists in the field. Each of
these groups has its own agenda and motivations, which sometimes conflict with the agendas
and motivations of the others.

Type Soft Raining And Development

What are the different types of training methods?

The best training methods target all three learning styles, but it's also important to get to know
what works best for your learners, and tailor the material to them. Here is a list of the eight
most effective employee training methods:

 Technology-based learning

 Simulators

 On-the-job training

 Coaching/mentoring

 Instructor-led training

 Role-playing

 Films and videos

 Case studies

1. Technology-based learning

With the development of technology, computerized training is becoming more prevalent. It's
sometimes referred to as computer-based training (CBT) or e-learning, but it essentially refers
to the same thing with one key difference: e-learning is hosted completely online, while
computer-based training encompasses any kind of training that takes place on the computer.

An important benefit of technology-based learning is that it allows trainees to work through the
material at their own pace, and removes the need for an in-person facilitator. This type of
training often mimics traditional classroom-style teaching by providing a voiceover with
visuals that support the content. Oftentimes, resources such as videos and additional reading
accompany the material to aid in the training process.
Another major advantage of technology-based learning is its scalability. Whether it's five or
500 people, any number of individuals can take CBT courses at one time and at their own pace.

learners may need more time to thoroughly work their way through the material, while others
may want to move onto more advanced curriculum. In either situation, CBT benefits the
Computer-based training does come with its challenges too. One major challenge is the fact that
trainees are left unmonitored. Because CBT courses are unmonitored, it's difficult to know
whether your employees are engaging with the material. A wonderful way to ensure that
trainees are engaged is to incorporate quizzes and interactive modules into the digital
classroom. This will ensure that they are paying attention, as well as inform you about which
concepts were communicated effectively.
2. Simulators
Simulations are an effective training technique for fields that require a specific set of skills for
operating complex machinery, such as in the medical or aviation industries. Successful
simulations reflect actual work situations, and allow trainees to solve issues that they will likely
face on the job.
3. On-the-job training
On-the-job or hands-on training jumps straight to the practical skills necessary for the job. New
hires begin working immediately with this training method. In some cases, it may be beneficial
to incorporate an employee shadowing component. This will allow new hires to gain a little
insight into the context and job requirements before trying it on their own.
Meaning On the job training refers When the employees are given training
to a form of training which outside the actual work location, such a type
is provided at the work of training is termed as off the job training.
place during the
performance of the actual
Approach Practical Theoretical
Active Yes No
Location At the workplace Away from the workplace
Principle Learning by performing Learning by acquiring knowledge
Work disruption No, because trainees Yes, because first training is provided which
produce the products is followed by a performance.
during learning.
Carried out by Experienced employees Professionals or experts.
Cost Inexpensive Expensive
Suitable for Manufacturing firms Non-manufacturing firms

Training has become a necessity for all the organization in today’s dynamic business
environment. It helps the employees to perform their jobs more efficiently and
effectively resulting in long-term benefits for both the employees as well as the
Training can be multi-dimensional. It can be specifically used to develop skills and knowledge
that may be used at an Individual, Operational ,Organizational level.
Need for individual training :-
Individual skills include self management, communication and inter personal
abilities needed to successfully perform in the organizational and social context
of the project and support groups.

Individual training offers the following benefits:-

I. Quality of work is improved.
II. It increases the productivity.
III. Provides employees greater flexibility and responsiveness to change.

IV. There Is less wastage and reduction in maintenance and repair costs.

V. There is improvement in employee morale.

Need for operational training:-

Operational training includes training that helps an employee to develop,
maintain, or improve his technical skills. Technical skills are those skills where
he uses his knowledge, tools and other equipment to perform a task efficiently.

Training in technical or operation a ls kills helps an employee to

I. Use the equipment in a correct and scientific manner.
II. Choose the correct tools required to complete a specific task.
III. Learn to use new technology and tools.
IV. To prevent industrial accidents and health hazards.
V. It facilitates team work.

It involves task analysis, which determines the knowledge and skills required for
specific tasks and correlates these requirements to the actual knowledge and skills of
your employees. The gaps or problems revealed in this analysis can be used to
determine the kind of training your employees need.
Need for organizational training:-

Organizational training include straining to support the organization’s strategic business

objectives and to meet practical training needs that are common across projects and support

The purpose of organizational training is to develop the skills and

knowledge of people so they can perform their roles
Effectively and efficiently.
I. Pertain to behavior within and according to employee’s
organization structure
II. Take on role and responsibilities as required by the organization
III. Adhere to the organization’s general operating principles and methods.

IV. Facilitate implementation of organizational STRATEGIC

Planned change efforts such as OD ,TQM, BPR ,ISO.

An organizational training programme should identify the training needed by the

organization, obtain and provide training to address those needs, establish and maintain
training capability and records and assess its effectiveness. This will result in overall
development and ultimately an increase in the profitability of the business.

Nothing is changing faster than a factory. Fierce global competition, new regulatory
requirements and technical innovations are combining to re define manufacturing
effectiveness and create a new way of life on the factory floor. TQM, JIT, World Class
Manufacturing, ISO9000, Process Safety Management, Total Productive Maintenance, the
computer-integrated enterprise, agile manufacturing-new innovations and initiatives
continually challenge industrial management like never before. It Is not likely to stop.

If change has challenged management, think of how it challenges workers. The heyday of
mass production is long gone as organization gear up to meet global competition and
customer demand for quality. Increasingly workers are managing themselves in sophisticated
self directed teams. Now supervisors are expected to be coaches instead of bosses.

In today’s high performance plants, manual labor is becoming less important. Workers use
computers to control and monitor processes. Instead of doing, workers process information
and make decisions. Instead of doing the same thing over and over, workers are becoming
multi-skilled so they can accomplish whatever their job or team requires. The role of the
knowledge worker is expanding on the plant floor just as in the rest of the society.

To meet these challenges and match international rivals, organizations need educated skill
and sophisticated workers. It is not easy to get them. Work erase coming out of school
unequal to learn in tradition always-
What can be done about it ? For more industrial enterprises, the answer is training .It is the bridge between
the technology of the plant and the workers who use that technology. Training is a key factor in determining
manufacturing effectiveness. No matter how sophisticated your processes and systems,they are only good as
your workers.


IT Training is specific to the Information Technology (IT)industry, or

to the skills necessary for performing information technology jobs. ITT
raining includes courses related to the application, design,
development, implementation, support or management of computer
based information systems.
The main objective of the study paper is to find out the types of
training and development and evaluation undertaken by Tata
Consultancy Services and Cognizant Business Consulting



Omega Towers, Sector V,

Tata Consultancy Services Limited (TCS) is engaged in providing information technology (IT)
services, digital and business solutions. The Company's segments include banking, finance and
insurance services (BFSI); manufacturing; retail and consumer packaged goods(CPG); telecom,
media and entertainment, and others, such asenergy ,resources and utilities, hi-tech, life science and
health care, s-Governance, travel, transportation and hospitality, and other products

Products and services off red by the Company:

Technology Products :

 TCS Digital Certification Services /Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) Suite

 TCS Tax Mantra Integrated Tax Solution

 TCS Data Cleansing Framework

 TCS Business Rules Engine

 TCS Experience Based KM (Knowledge Management)

Other Products:

 TCSClin–e2e

 TCS Hospital Management Solution

 TCS Silicone Ambulatory ECG Device and Solution

 TCS Enterprise Integration and Control Environment Solution/Energy and Utilities.


IT Services :
 Custom Application Development
 Application Management
 Migration & Re–engineering
 System Integration
 Testing
 Performance Engineering

Infrastructure Services:

 Infrastructure Readiness Assessment

 IT Service Desk
 Data Center Management
 End User Computing Services
 Data base Services

Engineering & Industrial Services:

 New Product Development Solutions

 Product Lifecycle Management
 Plant Solutions & Services
 Geospatial Technology Solutions

Company Portrayal

TCS is a leading provider of highly flexible financial management software that power smid-sized



Our mission is to maximize the business success of our customers through the installation,

maintenance, and support of superior financial management software solutions.


We have seta number of strategic and tactical objectives that reflect our mission, aim and collective


 To Establish : The Company as the best global organization for large-scale deployment of

financial management software solution son the Cache platform.

 To Establish : A fully object-oriented component based application, which will enable us to

deliver robust software quicker and more efficiently than any competitor.

To Ensure: The customers can operate their business software solutions on infrastructures that match their


Area of Business

Services :
TCS helps clients optimize business processes for maximum efficiency and galvanize their IT infra
structure to be both resilient and robust. TCS offers the following solutions:

 Assurance services.
 BI and performance management.
 Business process services.
 Consulting.
 Digital enterprise.
 Eco-sustainability services.


TCS has the depth and breadth of experience

andexpertisethatbusinessesneedtoachievebusinessgoalsandsucceedamidst fierce competition.
Some of the industries it serves are:

 Banking and financial services.

 Energy-oil and gas, oil field services and renewable.
 Government.
 Healthcare.
 High tech.


 Digital software and solutions.

 TCS Master Craft.
 TCS technology products.


TCS is headquartered in Mumbai, operates in 45 countries and has more than 208 offices across the


 To achieve something audacious

 To establish a fully object oriented component

 To ensure the customer that match their needs

 To maximize the business success

 To provide highly flexible financial management software

Techno complex, Plot GN-34/3, Sector-V, Saltlake Electronic Complex,
Kolkata,West Bengal 700091


Co-gnizantisone of the world's leading professional services companies,transformingclients

'business,operating and technology models for the digital era.



The Financial Services segment includes customers providing banking/transaction processing,

capital markets and insurance services. The Company serves traditional retail and commercial banks,
diversified financial enterprises, broker-dealers, asset management firms, depositories, clearing
organizations and exchanges.


The Company focus esonsuchaspects of its customers' operation sasbus in essac quisition,policy


The Health care segment includes health care providers and payers, as well as life sciences
customers, including pharmaceutical, biotech and medical device companies. The Company serves
global healthcare organizations, including healthcare payers, providers and pharmacy benefit
managers. The Company serves pharmaceutical, biotech, and medical device companies, as well as
providers of generic, animal health and consumer health products.


The Manufacturing/ Retail/ Logistics segment includes manufacturers, retailers, travel and other
hospitality customers, as well as customers providing logistics services. The Company's customers in
this sector include manufacturers of auto motive and industrial products as well as process or so
natural resources, chemicals and raw materials.


The Company serves arrange of retailers and distributors, including supermarkets, specialty premium
retailers, department stores and large mass-merchandise discounters. It also serves the travel and
hospitality industry, including airlines, hotels,

To work restaurants, online and retail travel ,rental car companies, global distribution systems
and in term ediaries and realestate companies


The segment includes Its information, media and entertainment services, communications and high
technology operating segments. The Company serves communications (cable, wireless and wire
line) service providers, equipment vendors, and software vendors. It serves media and
entertainment companies, including information service providers, publishers, broad casters, and
movie, music and video game companies.


V I S I O N “To be a model social organization that enables and facilitates the under-privileged
sections of the society to access quality education, health care and livelihood opportunities.”
towards fulfilling the education, healthcare and livelihood needs of the under-privileged sections of
the society.
To provide financial and technical support to in stitutions for improving the quality of education,
livelihood and healthcare


Cognizant delivers innovative solutions through consulting an IT services with an industry vertical
focus. The firm's spectrum of consulting services (Business Strategy, Process and Operations
Consulting, Technology Consulting and Business Analysis) is focused on driving transformation,
innovation, and optimization for clients. Cognizant drives and executes large business and IT
transformation programs, and management consulting engagements.


"The firm believes it offers a unique benefit to client swith its advancedon-site/off shore
outsourcing model. The practice has grown and developed, however, moving into systems of greater
complexity and important production-based processes. Indeed, so far removed is what Cognizant
offers from the initial portrayal of outsourcing as "cheap labor," the firm has been known to refer to
its global delivery model as the" fourth generation of outsourcing.


Head quartered in Teaneck, New Jersey(U.S.),Cognizant combines a passion for client

satisfaction,technologyinnovation,deepindustryandbusinessprocess expertise and a global,

collaborative work force that embodies the future of work.


Our unique industry-based, consultative approach helps clients envision, build and run more

innovative and efficient businesses Management Office


Methodology includes a collection of theories, concepts or ideas as they relate to a

particular discipline or field inquiry:

Methodology refers to more than a simple set of methods. Rather it refers to the rationale
and the philosophical assumptions that underlie a particular study related to a scientific method.

Datatype–Secondarydata Sources

 Internet-Information regarding the training policies and procedures was also obtained from
the reviews provided by the trainer’s senior managers and assistant managers on the various
question answer type of sites like,, and etc

Training programs undertaken for the fresher’sby

Tata consultancy services
TCS in itiallearning program

The initial learning programme, is the strongest and best assured grooming platform
for all new recruits of TCS. It aims to transform fresh engineering graduates from
diverse disciplines into software professionals and to initiate them into TCS way of
life. Trainees are introduced to various technologies they are also provided with

Project delivery, project management and business or life skill. Remedial programs are
also given to slow learners and ILP is no longer confined to corporate learning centre
at Thiruvanathapuram in Kerala it has spread to different part of the country like
Hyderabad, Chennai, Kolkata and even verse as–China, USA etc

TCS ignite
The TCS ignite program aims to address this issue, and create
egraduateswhojoinTataconsultancy services. Today TCS is the largest recruiter of
fresh science graduates in the country and each year thousand of the best and brightest
graduates join the TCS ignite program.


TCS has created an e- module TCS. The course contain 4 modules foundation skills
introduction to computers, programming fundamentals, problem solving and data
bases. The modules is used by 35000 fresh recruiters of TCS in FY13 for enhancing
their skills.
Development programs undertaken for the existing employees by

Tata Consultancy Services:

TCS offers a consulting-led, cognitive-powered, integrated portfolio of business, technology, and
engineering services and solutions. This is delivered through its unique Location Independent
Agile™ delivery model, recognized as a benchmark of excellence in software development.
A part of the Tata group, India's largest multinational business group, TCS has over 488,000 of the
world’s best-trained consultants in 46 countries. The company generated consolidated revenues of
US $22.2 billion in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, and is listed on the BSE (formerly Bombay
Stock Exchange) and the NSE (National Stock Exchange) in India. TCS' proactive stance on climate
change and award-winning work with communities across the world has earned it a place in leading
sustainability indices such as the MSCI Global Sustainability Index and the FTSE4Good Emerging
Business Highlights

 Unveiled a new brand statement, ‘Building on Belief’, to articulate TCS’ mission and relationship
with customers, and putting its vast experience in purpose-led transformation at the core of its brand
story as it embarks on its next decade of transformation-led growth.
 Ranked #2 in the PEAK Matrix® IT Service Provider of the Year: ITS Top 20 by Everest Group, for
being a Leader in 18 evaluations and a Star Performer in 4, in 2020. Additionally, TCS was named
the Leader of the Year in Application Services and in Life Sciences, and the Star Performer of the
Year in Healthcare.
 Launched the TCS COVID-19 Testing and Vaccine Management Suite of modular, easy-to-deploy
solutions that leverage AI, robotics, block chain, and the Internet of Things (IoT) to streamline every
stage of the end-to-end testing and vaccination journeys, enabling more individuals to get tested and
vaccinated faster and return to normal life experiences.
 Ranked #1 in Customer Satisfaction across Europe in an independent survey of 1,700 CxOs of top IT
spending organizations by White lane Research. Additionally, in the individual country rankings,
TCS was ranked #1 in UK, France, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Netherlands, Belgium,
Luxembourg, and the Nordics.
 Ranked among the Top 3 brands in IT services by Brand Finance; TCS clocked the highest absolute
brand value growth in the sector in 2020 and was named the fastest-growing brand in the industry
over the last decade (2010-2020)
 Augmented the Banking Service Bureau built and run by TCS for the digital banking industry in
Israel, with a new transformative Digital Bank Guarantee platform, powered by the Quartz® Block
chain solution. Bank Hapoalim, Israel’s largest bank that manages over 30% of the total bank
guarantees in the country, is the anchor customer for the SaaS platform.
 Launched TCS Clever Energy™, an energy and emission management system that uses a digital twin
setup based on IoT, AI and cloud, to help commercial and industrial organizations manage their
energy consumption better, drive energy and cost efficiencies, decrease carbon emissions, and
accelerate their carbon neutral journeys.

Established a strategic partnership with Prudential Financial Inc (PFI), that saw over 1,500 employees of
Premedical Systems Ireland Ltd, PFI’s Irish subsidiary, transfer to TCS’ new global delivery center in
Ireland. Besides expanding the PFI relationship, the

 new center enhances TCS’ near shore capability to provide a range of services to customers in
Ireland, the UK, Europe and the US.
 Deepened the relationship with Deutsche Bank by acquiring its subsidiary, Post bank Systems AG
(PBS), its full-range IT captive that provides project management, application management and
infrastructure support services. The addition of PBS’ 1,500 employees further adds to TCS’ scale in
Germany, and strengthens its growth outlook.
 Selected as a Superbrand, in the US and UK, based on the strength of its brand reputation across
channels, business performance, industry-leading job creation, scale of employee training and
development, and dedication to nationwide corporate social responsibility initiatives.
 Launched new cloud practice units to gain leadership in the rapidly expanding opportunity around
the three major hyperscale platforms – AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud Platform. Each
unit is a full-service, multidisciplinary organization offering customers the full range of
transformational and operational services on the respective technology stacks, spanning advisory
services, migration, application and data modernization, including SaaS and enterprise productivity
suites, infrastructure, cyber-security and edge.
 The Contextual Masters program that recognizes experienced TCS ers who demonstrate high levels
of contextual knowledge, crossed the 10,000 masters milestone. Contextual knowledge is highly
valuable tacit knowledge about a customer's business, operations and technology landscape, acquired
on the job by immersing oneself into that environment, a key differentiator for TCS.
 Operational zed 10 new Threat Management Centers, at Bloomington, Minnesota – US, Manchester
– UK, Madrid – Spain, as well as at major Indian cities. These will offer comprehensive and
integrated cyber security and threat management services across IT, OT, IoT and cloud ecosystems,
helping customers stay secure and cyber-resilient while meeting local data- and cyber-sovereignty

Launched TCS Safe Workplace, a return-to-work solution for global enterprises that uses existing enterprise
platforms to create a workplace command center that assesses the readiness of employees, the work
environment, and the workforce model; automates the return-to-work processes, including contact tracing,
shift management, and workspace planning; and monitors critical risk factors

 Opened up the game-changing National Qualifier Test (NQT) to other corporate, making it a
common gateway test for fresher recruitment. This standardized test will provide candidates with
access to open positions at multiple corporate while helping corporate get an in-depth understanding
of applicants’ cognitive abilities and reduce evaluation overheads.
 Ranked #2 by revenue in the UK market for software and IT services in TechMarketView’s UK
SITS rankings, up from #5 in 2019. Further, based on revenues earned, TCS was ranked #1 in
Applications and #2 in Consulting and Solutions.
 Built and deployed a blockchain-based digital supply chain platform, powered by the TCS Data
Marketplace solution, to support Indigenization of Diagnostics, an ambitious new project launched
by the Government of India to scale up indigenous Covid-19 diagnostic test-kit production capacity
to a million test kits a day.
 Successfully deployed TCS DynaPORT, a state-of-the-art terminal operating system at Tilbury2 Ro-
Ro, London’s latest freight ferry terminal. TCS implemented this solution in under twelve weeks,
100% virtually during the COVID-19 lockdown, leveraging the Secure Borderless Workspaces™
(SBWS™) model.
 Launched a SaaS version of the ignio™ suite of autonomous software. Further, the suite was
expanded to include three new products: ignio Cognitive Procurement to help enterprises make
smarter purchase decisions, ignio AI.Digital Workspace, a self-healing, end-user experience
management software, and ignio Studio, a low-code toolkit that allows customers to extend the out-
of-the-box capabilities of the ignio software suite.
 Offered free of cost access to TCS iON Digital Glass Room, a virtual learning platform, to
educational institutions in the US, Europe and India, to enable educators and students to connect in a
secure virtual environment, moving lessons from classrooms to interactive digital glass rooms.
 Fully institutionalized the SBWS operating model and also replicated it for customers. The model
was strengthened with additional analytics and extended to cover the end-to-end customer
engagement lifecycle, including prospecting, sale and even new project ramp-ups

Ambassador corp

This leaderships development program, that prepares experienced employees for
global sales roles. It focuses on critical business and communication skills and also
equip managers to tackle challenges posed by cultural diversity. It offers an
accelerated learning curve and trains managers to take their place on global stage from
the day they land in the international marketplace

Training program undertaken for the new

Cognizant recruits(fresher’s)
 The cognizant academy-cognizantin-housetrainingcentre
 Cognizant is committed to continuous learning and giving its associate’ support unities
to stay current with leading edge technologies- and to develop communication skills so
that they can perform their role effectively and efficiently.
 All learning programs are conducted through Cognizant academy. Its in house training
center using, both classroom-based and online programs. This dedicated center offers
many conventional and leading edge educational programs for employees at all levels.
There are 4 key educational initiatives are:- Continuing Education ,Role-based
training, Executive training, Certification.
 In addition to internal training programs it send its software professional s around the
world for technology or management specific training at prominent universities and
colleges, including Harvard University and Indian Institute and Management and
Indian Institute Of Technology.
 It also has partnerships and alliances with premier institutions to help associates
improve their skill sets and obtain higher level degrees.

Development programsunder taken for the existing
employees by Cognizant
Developing and retaining leadershiptalent–
Developing Leadership Talent: Getting The Most From Learning By Experience
1. Identify developmental experiences. ...

2. Identify potential. ...

3. The right experience at the right time. ...

4. Increase the odds that learning will occur. ...

Focus on transitions and have a career-long perspective






4) HavardbusinessreviewcitesCognizant’sdifferentiatedapproachtoidentifying,developingandre
5) Talent management platformresearch-


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