Certificate of Candidacy For SSG
Certificate of Candidacy For SSG
Certificate of Candidacy For SSG
PARTY NAME: _____________________________________POSITION IN THE PARTY: ____________________
I, whose name and other personal details are herein stated, do hereby fire this Certificate of Candidacy to the
Supreme Student Government Elections this School Year _______________, and I do hereby declare my intention and
desire to be nominated for the particular position of _________________________________
And I further state that:
I am a bona fide student of this school with good moral character and academic standing, and I will abide with the
election rules and guidelines of the Supreme Student Government Commission on Elections.
I hereby certify that the facts stated herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge.
Signature of Candidate
SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN TO before me this ________ day of ________, year _________, at
___________________________________________, with the affiant exhibiting to me his/her nomination kit which
contains his/her C.O.C, photograph, academic records, parental consent, general plan of actions, essay and references.