CyberBully Lesson Plan PDF

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The key takeaways are that this lesson plan aims to teach students about digital citizenship and how to respond appropriately if they witness cyberbullying. It discusses the difference between being a passive bystander and an active upstander.

The purpose of this lesson plan is to teach 6th grade students about digital citizenship and how to respond appropriately if they witness cyberbullying by being an active upstander rather than a passive bystander.

Some ways a bystander can help in a cyberbullying situation include telling the bully to stop, showing support for the victim, getting help from a trusted adult, and discouraging others from engaging or spreading the bullying online.


Grade Level: 6th grade Subject: Digital Citizenship Prepared By: Diana Moore

Overview & Purpose Education Standards Addressed:

Common Core State Standards:
This lesson plan is the continuation of a larger unit. Students
Grade 6: RI.2, RI.3, RI.7, RI.8, RI.10, SL.1a, SL.1b, SL.1c,
will access the prior knowledge gained about Digital Citizenship
SL.1d, SL.2, SL.6, L.6
during the earlier lessons. After completing the in class activities
regarding digital citizenship and what it means to be a good
digital citizen, students will extend their knowledge about the Essential Question(s):
difference between being a passive bystander versus a brave ● What does it mean to be a good digital citizen?
upstander in cyberbullying situations. ● How do you judge the intentions and impact of people’s
words and actions online?

Class Name: Period 5 (Homeroom) Time Needed: 50 minutes

● 1 class period

Objectives Students will be able to ... Materials Needed

(Skills to be learned)
● Explain the main ideas behind digital citizenship Previous lessons:
● Reflect on what it means to be brave and stand up for ● 1:1 Devices
others offline and online. ○ Google Classroom
● Learn to show empathy for those who have been
○ HyperDoc “Hero’s
cyberbullied. Journey”
● Generate multiple solutions for helping others when
cyberbullying occurs. EDY3Mp77hhnosRDaiBLjot15mkdqLyBt

Anticipatory Set: Class discussion: (10 minutes)

1) What does it mean to cyberbully? Current Lesson:
a) Share some examples ● Drawing paper and markers (for all
2) What does it mean to be brave? students)
3) What are some ways you can show bravery if someone ● Copy of Why Care? Student
is being Cyberbullied and you are a witness? Handout, one per group of four or
● Cyberbullying Assessment

Key Vocabulary Define key vocabulary as a class:

1. Cyberbully
2. Bystander
3. Upstander
4. Empathize

Lesson Outline 1. Create a Cyberbullying Map (15 minutes) Other Resources

2. Read about Bystanders (10 minutes) (Web/books etc.)
3. Movement/Fishbowl discussion (20 minutes) ● Common sense media
4. Wrap Up (5 Minutes)
5. Extension Activity (HyperDoc) system/files/uploads/classroom-
Activity Create a Cyberbullying Map (15 minutes) cyberbullyingbeupstanding.pdf?x=1
● DISTRIBUTE the Why Care? Student Handout ● Google Classroom
● In groups of 2 (Partners A and B) ask students to read ● HyperDocument
the story about Kevin and José and then use drawing
paper and markers to create a map showing all the EDY3Mp77hhnosRDaiBLjot15mkdqLyBt
players in this event (bully/bullies, target, bystanders). 5Wy5II9M/edit?usp=sharing
● Ask students to share their maps with the class.
Read about Bystanders (10 minutes)
● Each partner group should complete the Why Care?
Student handout
Movement (20 minutes)
● Ask the class to create 2 small “fishbowls” on either
side of the room. (A’s in 1 and B’s in the other)
● Guide each fishbowl to discuss the following:
○ What could you do if you were a bystander in
this story?
○ What would you say to Jose’ if you wanted him
to stop?
○ What would you say to Kevin or do for him to
show your support for him?
○ What could you say to the other kids at school
who viewed the video and left cruel comments?
○ How could you have involved a trusted adult?
● After the discussion, students should return to their
partner and add and insightful information they gathered
to their Map.
● Individual student response to the following questions
via Google Forms
○ What kinds of online behaviors could be
considered cyberbullying?
○ What does it mean to be a bystander to
○ What are some things a bystander can do
to become an upstander?

Assessment ● Class discussion

● Visual inspection of student created maps
● Aural interpretation of fishbowl conversations
● Inspection of completed web activity/ hyperdoc via
Google Classroom
● Cyberbullying: Be Upstanding Assessment

References: Coleman, L. (2016, July 16). Teachers Give Teachers. Retrieved January 27, 2018, from

Cyberbullying: Be Upstanding (6-8). (2017, December 19). Retrieved January 27, 2018, from

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