Draft - Cyber Bullying

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Effects Of Cyber Bullying

Bullying, no matter whether it is traditional bullying or cyber bullying, causes significant

emotional and psychological distress to everyone. Here are some effects of cyber bullying :

Health problems

Cyber bullying can effects health problem. When someone are cyber bullied, they often
experience such as headaches, stomach aches or other physical ailments. Besides that, stress
of bullying also can cause stress-related conditions like stomach ulcers and skin conditions.
Additionally, someone who was cyber bullied may experience changes in eating habits like
skipping meals or binge eating. Sleep patterns may be impacted also. They may suffer from
insomnia, sleep more than usual or experience nightmares. With all this explanation, cyber
bullying can effect health.

Feel disinterested in life.

When cyber bullying is occur, victims often relate to the world around them differently to
others. For many, life can feel hopeless and meaningless. They lose interest in things they
once enjoyed before and spend less time interacting with family and friends. The victims will
feel want to die. They feel like it was meaningless to life anymore. They feel people around
them do not support anymore.

Withdrawal from friends and spending a lot of time alone

Cyber bullying sometimes causes someone to be excluded and ostracized. They do not
want to meet their friend cause feel shy and scared. This experience is particularly painful
when cyber bullying occurs, most people recommend shutting off the computer or turning off
the cell phone. Phone and computers are one of the most important ways they communicate
with others. If that option for communication is removed, they can feel secluded and cut off
from their world. So it will spend a lot time alone cause not communicate with others. They
will stay at their room and does not want to meet everybody including their family.

Decreased academic achievement. They are more likely to miss, skip, or drop out of

Cyber bullying victims often have much higher rates of absenteeism to class or school.
They skip school to avoid facing their friends because they are embarrassed and humiliated
by the messages that were shared or been viral. Their grades suffer too because they find it
difficult to concentrate or study because of the anxiety and stress the bullying causes. In some
cases, the victims will either drop out of school and class or lose interest in continuing their
education furthermore.

Friends disappearing or being excluded from social events

Sometimes victims of cyber bullying will lost their friends and being excluded from
social event. Their friends dont want to invite to the event. Many of friends believe what
happen in social media. They do not want to investigate the issue but they totally believe all
on social media. So the victim of cyber bullying will lost their friends.

A change in personality

Sometimes victims of cyber bullying will change in personality. They will easy to get
anger, sad or others. Their emotion are not stable. So they will easy to get anger if someone
disturb or asking him a question.

Depression and anxiety

Victims of cyber bullying often succumb to anxiety, depression and other stress-related
conditions. This occurs primarily because cyber bullying erodes their self-confidence and
self-esteem. Additionally, the added stress of coping with cyber bullying on a regular basis
erodes their feelings of happiness and contentment

Feel suicidal.

Cyber bullying increases the risk of suicide. People are constantly tormented by peers
through text messages, instant messaging, social media and other outlets, often begin to feel
hopeless. They may even begin to feel like the only way to escape the pain is through suicide.
As a result, they may fantasize about ending their life in order to escape their tormentors. If
your child, friends or family is being cyber bullied, do not dismiss their feelings. Be sure you
communicate daily, take steps to help end the torment and keep close tabs on changes in
mood and her behavior. Get your child, friends and family evaluated by a health care
professional if notice any personality changes at all.
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