Design Modern

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Modern “Interior Design”

Modern interior design has been popular in homes, offices and public spaces for
decades. While not suitable for everyone's tastes, modern design can be a strong
selling point for a home, with buyers likely to appreciate the clean lines and
simplicity that help define modern design as a major aesthetic style.

Modern design is difficult to define definitively. The term "modern" refers to the
influence of modern art on interior design, but does not necessarily refer to the era
or age of the design. Modern design is not the same as contemporary design,
which is a term that designers and artists apply to a shifting group of recent styles
and trends. Modern design is defined more by its own trends, which have gone
largely unchanged for several decades.

The modern art movement preceded the trends of modern design. In painting,
modernism began with the impressionists and others who used abstraction in their
work. Modern interior design grew out of the decorative arts, notably art deco, in
the late 19th and early 20th centuries. It reached its peak in the 1950s and '60s,
which is why designers and decorators today may refer to modern design as being

One of the most important elements in modern interior design is form. Modern
design uses geometric shapes, including rigid squares and rectangles along with
smooth, even curves. Perfect circles and ovals are also common in modern interior
design. Modern interior design is also generally very simple and even minimal, with
few ornamental flourishes to interrupt the even, unbroken lines and flat surfaces.

Modern interior design makes use of many materials. Wood and plastic are
common, though designers often paint over wood with an opaque finish to cover
the natural grain pattern. Some designers do use natural wood as an organic
contrast to more artificial shapes and materials. Glossy metals, such as stainless
steel, are among the signature materials in modern interior spaces. The metal may
used for anything from the legs of a chair to the body of a lamp. Modern interior
designers also make use of glass and plastic for their smooth, even surfaces.

Some of the best-known examples of modern design are chairs. Designs from the
German Bahaus school are renowned for their simplicity and economy. The same is
true for the chairs designed by Charles and Ray Eames. Their chairs incorporated
elements of modern architecture and have been widely copied.

Modern design is mostly associated with minimalistic schemes. Modern

perspectives are more open than closed and they support the ‘less is more’ theory.
The elements of modern interior design are relatively restricted and they suggest
clearly delineated space. Modern buildings are often deliberately asymmetric in
order to resemble tradition and historical architecture.Modern homes inspire a
feeling of elegance and class. It is because designers apply a pastel, neutral
palette of colors for the walls and the ceiling (especially white) and ‘stripped’ floors
which rely on their natural beauty. Modern interior design is also hallmarked with
brightness and openness, and excellent light dispersion. Therefore, large windows
and open floor plans are not uncommon for these houses.
Modern interior design has been popular in homes, offices and public spaces for
many years.One of the most important elements in modern interior design is form.
Usualy this style uses geometric shapes, including rigid squares and rectangles.
Modern interior design is also generally very simple and even minimal, with few
ornamental flourishes to interrupt the even, unbroken lines and flat surfaces.Modern
interior design uses a lot of different materials like wood,plastic,glass or steel and
also it uses to cover furniture with natural material. Some designers do use natural
wood as an organic contrast to more artificial shapes and material.The interiors of
this style are characterized by well-ventilated and spacious interiors, surfaces are
smooth from straight lines and no complicated details.

1. Ornament (ornament) - A thing used or serving to make something look more
attractive but usually having no practical purpose, especially a small object
such as a figurine;
2. Pattern (model) - A repeated decorative design;
3. Shape (forma) - The external form, contours, or outline of someone or
4. Surface (suprafata) - The outside part or uppermost layer of something;
5. Gloss (luciu) - Shine or lustre on a smooth surface.

Special Verbs
1. To appreciate the clean lines - a aprecia liniile curate;
2. To resemble tradition and historical architecture - a reaminti tradiția și
arhitectura istorică;
3. To shake off the intellectual, creative and cultural norms – a scapa de
normele intelectuale, creative și culturale;
4. To reject the notion of designing - a respinge noțiunea de proiectare;
5. To truly get a sense – a avea un sens.

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