SGC Constitution and By-Laws
SGC Constitution and By-Laws
SGC Constitution and By-Laws
What will your SGC do to achieve your dream? What are your goals in attaining your dream?
To achieve our vision, our SGC will be actively involved in designing and implementing programs that
will help children to read very well, we will work with parents so that they can support their
children’s education. We will assist teachers in implementing their programs. We will help in raising
resources so that we can build a conducive learning environment for our children.
3. Responsibilities and Powers of the SGC---list down the responsibilities and powers that the SGC will
assume. Use your handouts and manual as guide.
a. The SGC formulates policies on discipline and student welfare.
b. The SGC participates in planning, implementing, monitoring and evaluating the SIP.
c. The SGC endorses the SIP for its approval to the concerned authority.
d. The SGC conducts regular school summits to inform the community about the
performance of children and their learning difficulties.
4. Membership- List down who do you think should be members of the SGC.
5. Officers and Their Responsibilities- List down the positions of responsibilities that you think should
govern the SGC. These are not names but positions. Define their responsibilities.
Example: Chairperson --provides leadership and direction to the SGC; ensures that the SGC fulfils its
responsibilities well; works in partnership with the Principal; calls for SGC meeting regularly
Vice Chairperson- supports the activities of the Chairperson and assumes responsibilities as assigned
by the SGC; assumes the leadership in the absence of the Chairperson.
Secretary—ensures that meetings are effectively organized and proceedings are recorded; answers
all communications to the SGC; organizes records efficiently
Treasurer---serves as Chair of the Finance Committee; prepares budget of the SGC and ensures that
funds are efficiently managed and recorded.
Auditor---provides check and balance in the disbursement of funds as well as in the conduct of
activities of the SGC
Public Relations Officer---prepares and implements information materials and activities of the SGC
so that community members are adequately informed of the work of SGC.
Chief Executive Officer or Principal---executes the decisions and policies of the SGC and reports the
progress of work as well as performance of teachers and students
6. Election and Terms of Office---Discuss the tenure of the officers---what is a good situation---the
conduct of yearly election? Or to strengthen the SGC, do you think that some officers should serve
for more than one year?
a. Elections will be held every two years.
b. Elected parents, teachers, and barangay representatives are appointed for a 2-year term
c. Members of the private sector may serve for up to 4 years when approved by the rest of the
d. The chairperson must not be a member of the staff of the school.
e. Treasurer must not be a member of the staff of the school
7. Removal from Office---State the causes when an officer can be removed from office. Discuss the
procedures that will be undertaken to replace the officer who has been removed from office.
a. Members who fail to attend 5 of the scheduled meetings will be removed from office. Members
who fail to attend 2 of the scheduled meetings will be subject to disciplinary action.
b. Member for the SGC are expected to uphold high moral standards at all time. Members who
have been proven to be involved in the following activities will be immediately removed from
• Falsifying or tampering records and documents
• Bribery
• Graft and corruption
• All forms or use of fraudulent acts and misrepresentation, including malversation of
8. Meetings---State how often should the SGC meet, on what dates (e.g. every first Monday of every
month) and where will the meeting be conducted.
• All persons within the School Community are eligible to attend general meetings of the
school community and note on any matters proposed for resolution.
• The Chairperson of the Council must call and preside at general meetings of the school
• Schedule of regular council meetings will be agreed upon by the members. A 10-day written
notice of the meeting must be given to the members to remind them of the meeting. The
notice must specify the date, time and place of the meeting.
• The chairperson of the Council may call a special or an emergency meeting as needed.
9. Creation of Committees—if the SGC thinks that committees are necessary, state the committees
that will help the SGC implement its programs.
The Council may organize committees that can help children and their teachers:
a. Beautification Committee- This committee is in-charge of the maintenance and beautification of
the school.
b. Ways and Means Committee- Ways and Means Committee will take charge of revenue and
resource generation.
c. Project Implementation Committee- This committee will implement, monitor and assess
projects such as remedial reading for children.
d. Student Discipline Committee- Students discipline committee is organized to support the
existing school committee on discipline.
e. Teacher Aide Committee- this committee organizes parent volunteers to help teachers.