Hydrogen Peroxide: Test Solution

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Hydrogen Peroxide

hydrogen peroxide 7722-84-1

Content Hydrogen Peroxide contains 35.0 36.0% of hydrogen peroxide
Description Hydrogen Peroxide is a colorless, clear liquid. It is odorless or has a
slight odor.
Identification (1) To 1 ml of Hydrogen Peroxide solution (1 10), add 5 ml of
diluted sulfuric acid (1 20) and 1 ml of potassium permanganate solution (1 300).
Effervescence occurs, and the color of the solution disappears.
(2) Hydrogen Peroxide responds to the test for Peroxide.
Purity (1) Free acid Measure exactly 3 ml of Hydrogen Peroxide, add 50 ml of
freshly boiled and cooled water and 2 drops of methyl red TS, and titrate with 0.02
mol/l sodium hydroxide. The consumed volume is not more than 1.0 ml.
(2) Phosphate Not more than 62.5 g/ml as PO4.
Test Solution Measure exactly 8 ml of Hydrogen Peroxide, add 10 ml of water
and 3 ml of hydrochloric acid, and evaporate to dryness while gradually heating on a
water bath. Dissolve the residue in about 30 ml of warm water, cool, and add water to
make 50 ml. Transfer exactly 5 ml of the this solution into a Nessler tube and use it as
the test solution.
Procedure To the test solution, add 4 ml of diluted sulfuric acid (1 6) and 1 ml
of ammonium molybdate solution (1 20), shake well, allow to stand for 3 minutes,
add 1 ml of 1-amino-2-naphthol-4-sulfonic acid TS, shake, warm in a water bath at
60 for 10 minutes, and cool with running water. The blue color of the test solution is
not deeper than that of the control solution.
Control Solution Measure 5.0 ml of Phosphate Standard Solution, transfer into
Nessler tube, and proceed in the same manner as for the test solution.
(3) Heavy metals Not more than 10 g/ml as Pb.
Test Solution Measure exactly 2 ml of Hydrogen Peroxide, add 10 ml of water,
and transfer the solution in small portions into a platinum crucible. Warm gently on a
water bath until the effervescence ceases, and add 2 ml of diluted acetic acid (1 20)
and water to make 50 ml.
Control Solution Measure exactly 2 ml of Lead Standard Solution, add 2 ml of
diluted acetic acid (1 20) and water to make 50 ml.
(4) Arsenic Not more than 4.0 g/ml as As2O3.
Test Solution Measure 0.5 ml of Hydrogen Peroxide, add water to make 10 ml,
and transfer the solution in small portions into a platinum crucible. Evaporate to
dryness by heating gradually on a water bath, and dissolve the residue with a small
amount of water.
Apparatus Apparatus B.
(5) Residue on evaporation Not more than 0.030%.
Measure 10 ml of Hydrogen Peroxide, add about 20 ml of water, and transfer the
solution in small portions into a platinum crucible. Evaporate to dryness while
gradually heating on a water bath, and dry the residue at 105 for 1 hour. Weigh the
amount of the residue.
Assay Weigh accurately about 1 g of Hydrogen Peroxide, and add water to make
exactly 250 ml. Measure exactly 25 ml of this solution, add 10 ml of diluted sulfuric
acid (1 20), and titrate with 0.02 mol/l potassium permanganate.
1 ml of 0.02 mol/l potassium permanganate = 1.7007 mg of H2O2

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