DLL Mathematics 3 q2 w7

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School: Padangitan Elementary School Grade Level: III

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Norlovelyn P. Dacayan Learning Area: MATHEMATICS

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: SEPTEMBER 25 29, 2017 (WEEK 7) Quarter: 2ND QUARTER


A.Content Standards Demonstrates understanding of multiplication and division of whole numbers including money
B.Performance Standards Is able to apply multiplication in Is able to apply multiplication in Is able to apply multiplication in Is able to apply multiplication in
mathematical problems and real mathematical problems and real mathematical problems and real mathematical problems and real
life situations. life situations. life situations. life situations.
C.Learning Visualize and states division facts of Divides 2 to 3 digit numbers by Divides 2 to 3 digit numbers by Divides 2 to 3 digit numbers by
Competencies/Objectives numbers up to 10 1 -digit numbers without 2-digit numbers without or with 10 and 100 without or with
remainder. remainder remainder.
Write the LC Code for each M3NS Iig 51.3 M3NS- IIh-54.1 M3NS- IIh -54.1 M3NS Iih -54.2
II.CONTENT Visualizing and Stating Division Facts Dividing 2-to 3- Digit Numbers by Dividing 2-to 3- Digit Numbers by Dividing 2-to 3- Digit Numbers by Summative Test
of Numbers up to 10. 1 Digit Numbers without or with 2Digit Numbers without or with 10 and 100
Remainder Remainder
1.Teachers Guides/Pages 215
2.Learners Materials Pages
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR) portal
B.Other Learning Resources
A.Reviewing previous lesson or Flashcards with division Flash cards with division facts. Solve: Complete each table by ff.the rule:
presenting the new lesson sentences.Let them identify the I have 50 packs of biscuits and Given Multiply Multiply
terms in division sentence. Im giving them equally among 8 by 10 by 100
groups of pupils. How many 2 20 200
packs of biscuits will be left? 4
B.Establishing a purpose for the Play the game The Boat is Sinking. Supply the missing numbers. Show storybooks to the pupils. Divide the class into three groups.
lesson 1. ___ / 7 =4 Who among you likes to read Eg. (6 x 15 )
2. 35/___ =5 books?Why? How do you take of Multiplicand Multiplier
your books?

C.Presenting Show a picture of objects grouped Post this problem on the board. Post the problem on the chart on Present the problem on TG.
examples/instances of the new equally. ( TG ). TG.
D.Discussing new concepts and How many groups are there? How What do Jose and Almar love to How will you solve the problem? Which method would you think is
practicing new skills #1 many are there in a group? do? easier to use?Why?
Do you also share your things?
E.Discussing new concepts and What division sentence can we give?
practicing new skills #2
F.Developing mastery Let the pupils study the table on TG. Let pupils work by fours. Give the Find the quotient in the exercises Group Activity:
(Leads to formative assessment) Answers Activity 1 -3 in LM worksheets for their activitiy. 1 in the LM. Start
Worksheet 1 50 x 100 / 10=
Use the long division method to
find the quotient of the
a. 205 / 5 =
b. 561/9 =
G.Finding practical/applications Answer Activity 4 on LM. Do Activities 3 and 4 in the LM. Do Activity 2 in the LM. Original File Submitted and
of concepts and skills in daily Formatted by DepEd Club Member
living - visit depedclub.com for more
H. Making generalizations and How can we give or state the division What are the different ways of How are 2 to 3-digit numbers How do you do to divide whole
abstractions about the lesson facts? finding the quotient? divided by 2 digit numbers? numbers by 10 and 100?
I.Evaluating Learning Do Activity 5 .Check pupils work. Work on Activity 5 in the LM. Answer Activity 3 in the LM. Work on Activities 5 and 6 in the
J.Additional activities for Do Activities 6 and 7 in the LM. Do Activity 6 and 7 in the LM. Do Activitiy 4 in the LM. Divide the ff. by 10 and 100.Write
application or remediation the answers on your notebook.
120 230 360 300 345 500
623 1400 2300


A.No. of learners who earned

80% of the formative
B.No. of learners who require
additional activities to
C.Did the remedial lessons
work?No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D.No. of ledarners who continue
to require remediation
E.Which of my taching strategies
worked well?Ehy did these
F.What difficulties did I
encounter which my principal or
supervisor can help me solve?
G.What innovation or localized
material did I use/discover
which I wish to sharewith other

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