Acupuncture Imaging 1 10
Acupuncture Imaging 1 10
Acupuncture Imaging 1 10
Perceivi ng the Energy Pathways
of the Boay
A Guide for Practitioners and their Patients
Note to the reader: This book is intended as an informational guide. The reme-
dies, approaches, and techniques described herein are meant to supplement, and not
to be a substitute for, professional medical care or treatment. They should not be used
to treat a serious ailment without prior consultation with a qualified health caloe
Acknowledgments VII
Foreword IX
PART I - Introduction
Chapter 1: Toward Plurality in American Acupuncture 3
Chapter 2: A Question of Style 9
I would like to thank several people for their part in the produc-
tion of this text:
Rosa N. Schnyer, who, when a third-year student, challenged
me to articulate my style and to speak in my own name;
Fay Jean Knell, a colleague who was ever-supportive of my
Kiiko Matsumoto, whose teachings gave me the impetus to
speak out for an American form of meridian acupuncture
informed by palpation;
Ted Kaptchuk, for his always stimulating insights into the
history of Oriental medicine as it relates to today's possibilities in
this country;
June Brazil, for an excellent and patient job of word processing;
Joe Springer, for his thoughtful and probing comments.