LP MR Nobody

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Form : 1 Ibnu Sina

Day : Tuesday

Date : 19th April 2012

Time : 08.30am 9.50am / 80 minutes

Proficiency Level : Low

Subject : English

Subtopic : Poem (Mr. Nobody)

General Objective : Students are able to understand the meaning of the poem.

Learning Outcomes : By the end of the lesson, students are able to:
1) Interpret the meaning of each stanza.
2) Carry out a role play in front of the class.

Noble Values : Responsible and honest

Teaching Method(s) : Poem recitation, lecture, role play

Teaching Aids : 1. Blackboard

2. Handouts

Previous Knowledge : In previous class, students were asked to bring a dictionary.

References : Chieng, S, Sloan, S & Foong, A. 2010. A collection of poems, short

stories and drama. Myteach: Cyberjaya.

Teaching Content : 1. Poem interpretation

2. Poem recitation
3. Lecture

Supervisors Remarks:
Content and Teaching Procedures:

Stage/Time Content Teaching/Learning Activities

1. Teacher greets the students and shows concern

Set Induction Greeting and about their well-being.
(5 minutes) introduction for 2. Teacher asks the students about the previous topic
the lesson. they had learned.
3. Teacher introduces the lesson of the day.

1. Teacher divides the students into two groups.

2. Teacher asks the students to recite aloud the poem a
group per stanza.
Development 1 Poem recitation 3. After students have recited the poem, the teacher
(15 minutes) demonstrates how to recite a poem correctly.
4. After poem recital, teacher asks the students to find
meaning of some words in the stanza using a
5. Teacher checks the answer together with the

1. Teacher moves on to the next activity.

Development 2 Poem 2. Teacher distributes handouts to the students.
(20 minutes) interpretation 3. Teacher explains the meaning of the poem to the
4. Teacher clarifies any doubts before moving on to the
next lesson.

1. Teacher moves on to the next activity (role play).

2. Teacher asks for volunteers for acting.
Development 3 Role-play 3. Teacher assigns roles to the students.
(20 minutes) 4. Teacher gives the students 5 minutes to memorize
their lines.
5. Teacher calls the students to act in front of the class.
6. Teacher gives some reinforcements to the

1. Teacher inquires over the activities done during the

Closure Summary of the 2. Both teacher and students summarize the lesson of
(5 minutes) lesson the day together.
3. Teacher bid farewell

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