Nicole C. Mapili
Nicole C. Mapili
Nicole C. Mapili
Truth becomes a logical issue when the Predicate the term designating the idea
intellect relates, compares, and (thing or attribute) which is affirmed or
pronounces whether two ideas or denied of the subject.
concepts agree or disagree with each
other. Copula the term expressing the mental
act which pronounces the agreement or
The term student and the term wise are disagreement between the subject and
by themselves cannot be considered true or the predicate.
Quantifier expresses the application or
But when the intellect creates a judgment or extension of the proposition.
relates these two terms (e.g. That student is
wise.), the possibility of truth or falsity Examples:
arises. Every streetlight is working.
(Quantifier) (subject) (copula) predicate
A proposition always has a truth value: it The Logical Form of the Proposition
can be may be true or false but it cannot
be both true or false.
The logical form of the categorical
All propositions are sentences but not all proposition follows this pattern:
sentences are propositions. Subject Copula Predicate.
e.g. Please keep our Generally in its logical form, the proposition is
environment clean. it is a always in the present tense and uses as a
sentence but not necessarily a copula the present tense, indicative mood of
proposition. the verb to be.
* If I is true, E is false* If I is
Sub-Contrariety false, E is true
Sub-contrariety is the opposition existing
2. Law of Contrariety
between two propositions having the same States that two contrary
subject and predicate, the same particular propositions cannot be both
extension, but different quality. true but they may be both false
It is the opposition between the two at the same time.
particulars: I (some is) and O (some is not) If A is true, E is false
If E is true, A is false
Sub-contrariety propositions cannot be If A is false, E is doubtful
both false, but may be both true. * If E is false, A is doubtful
If one is false the other one is true and if 3. Law of Sub-Contrariety
one is true the other may be true or false, States that two contrary
meaning doubtful or undetermined. propositions can not be both
false but they maybe both true
at the same time.
Sub-Contrariety (examples) If I is false, O is true
Ex. Some shoes are made by Nike. TRUE If O is false, I is true
Some shoes are not made by Nike. TRUE If I is true, O is doubtful
or Doubtful * If O is true, I is doubtful
Some trains are running on electricity.
4. Law of Sub-Alternation
Some trains are not running on electricity. a) States that the truth of the universal
TRUE or doubtful carries or implies the truth of the
particular but not vice versa.
Sub-Altern If A is true, I is true
If E is true, O is true
If I is true, A is doubtful
Sub-alternation is the opposition existing * If O is true, E is doubtful
between propositions having the same b) States that the falsity of the
subject and predicate, the same quality but particular carries or implies the falsity
different extension or quantity. of the universal but not vice versa.
It is the opposition between A and I; E and O If I is false, A is false
From the truth of the universal, follows the If O is false, E is false
If A is false, I is doubtful
truth of the particular, but from the truth of * If E is false, O is doubtful
the particular, the truth of the universal does
not follow. Immediate Inferences
Sub-altern(cont.) Eduction: Valid changes in a
From the falsity of the particular, follows the proposition
1. Conversion
falsity of the universal. But from the falsity
2. Obversion
of the universal, the falsity of the particular
does not follow. To better facilitate eduction, it is
Even the falsity of one or a few can disprove helpful to bracket (excluding even the
the universality of the universal. quantifier) the subject and predicate of
While the falsity of the universal does not the proposition. In other words, it
necessitates you to, first and foremost,
necessarily follow that it is only applicable to locate the subject and predicate of the
some. But it is possible either that it is proposition. It is not necessary that the
applicable to some (therefore the particular subject and predicate be a single word.
is true) or none at all (therefore the It can be considered as a subject or
particular is false). predicate so long as it presents a single
unified idea expressed as term.
Laws of Opposition Ex. S is P = [S] is [P]
1. Law of Contradiction
Two contradictory propositions CONVERSION
cannot be both true and both Just interchange the position of
false at the same time. the subject and predicate of the
If A is true, O is false* If A is proposition
false, O is true A: All [S] is [P] Some [P] are [S]
If O is true, A is false* If O is (I)
false, A is true Reason: You will see in the
If E is true, I is false* If E is false, Eulers circle that to convert A
I is true to A is erroneous for it will
change the distribution of
Negate the copula; negate the
Basis: Double negation results
to a positive result (same result,
in other words)