Pysch Nursing 01/24/16

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Tools in Psychiatric Nursing

Therapeutic use of self

Concept and theories on human behavior
Therapeutic Environment

-Response to stimuli

Reflexive- from past experiences, reflexes, unconscious

0-2 years poor memory because of under develop hypothalamus

Ex. When a child touches a hot object, pain is stimulated, next time when he
encounter the same object he will not touch again

Goal-directed- Conscious (Freud)

Behavioral that has a goal

Needs and resolution of conflicts

Frustration- inability to achieve the goal


Aggressive- violent
Passive- withdrawal (sleeping, eating, crying, praying)


Each human behavior is unique and inherent value

All behavior is purposeful and designed to meet a need or
communicate a message
Human behavior was learned as an adaptation to earlier stressors
An individual learns behavioral adaption primarily in interaction with
significant people
CONFLICT- tension experience within a person when
exposed/confronted with 2 different opposing ideas or feelings

Approach- Approach
Problem: Limit to one 1 choice/ decision
Approach- Avoidance
Ambivalent- Love or hate with one person
Ambivalence within thoughts/ judgement
Opposite feelings
If not solved can result to depression
Avoidance- Avoidance
Double approach- Avoidance

Ambivalent- Love or hate with one person

Conflict, Needs and Frustration= ANXIETY (cycle)

Vague, apprehensive feeling the source of which is not specified or

without specific object. It is provoked by the unknown
It is an emotional response to an appraised stimuli
Occurs as a result of a threat to ones: self- esteem and concept, safety
and security, stable relationship, or physical well-being
Cause: low-self-esteem, rejection
Solution: Problem Solving
Provide choices that can serve as coping mechanism

Psychodynamic- conflict between the Id and Super Ego

Id (Pleasure) Ego (Self, Conscious) Super Ego (Value, conscience, guilt

Id (Manipulative, Impulsive, Assaultive)
Super Ego (Anxiety, Perfectionist, OCD)

Interpersonal- Conflict within self

Biologic- dec. GABA causing inhibitory effect meds: Anxiolytic drugs
SE: Sedation
Conformity- Deviance

Reference group provide norms of conformity and deviance, and thus

heavily influence the way other people look at the world, including how
they react. People also learn their norms from various socializing agents
parents, teachers, ministers, family, friends, co-workers, and the media.
Varies across cultural norms
A. Conformity
Definition: tendency to change or modify ones behavior to be
consistent with other people

Often accompanied by social influence

Outward conformity may not mean ones acceptance of the groups
Maybe due to acceptance of factual information or acceptance due to the
desire of approval or avoiding rejection
Conditions: Unanimity of the majority group, low-self-esteem, perception
of others to self
Forms: compliance and obedience

Compliance has an element of coercion

Reason for destructive obedience- perception of ones responsibility
is diminished or relieved by those authorities figures, difficulty of
resisting the power asserted by those in authority. Being over-
powered by series of graduated demands
B. Deviance
Definition: Any behavior that may violate/ not follow the social norms.
Usually warrants disapproval of majority of society
Criminal or non-criminal
Deviant behaviors: Alcoholism, excessive gambling, being nude in
public places, playing with fire, stealing, lying, refusing to bathe,
purchasing the services of prostitutes, and cross-dressing

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