NASA 162513main Settlement
NASA 162513main Settlement
NASA 162513main Settlement
Essential Question
How do an area’s location, soil, and
weather affect settlement?
Grade Level: 6–8
Instructional Objectives
Students will:
• look for patterns in the location of New World colonies;
• plot the Apollo landings on the Moon and identify lunar surface features of
each landing site;
• make correlations between rainfall and mortality in Jamestown from 1604
through 1615;
• interpret and make inferences about rainfall based upon tree rings;
• gather data on space radiation shielding by observing a flashlight beam as
it shines through different materials;
• investigate the effects of micrometeoroid bombardment on regolith
• make inferences about properties of regolith based upon observations;
• compare samples of the Earth’s soil with simulated lunar regolith; and
• compare the differences in challenges faced by 17th-century and 21st-
century explorers.
Per class:
• Overhead transparency of “Map of Original 13 Colonies”
• Atlases and United States maps
• Overhead projector
Per student:
• “Map of the Moon”
• “Apollo Landing Sites Chart”
Activity One: Weather
Per class:
• Overhead transparency of “Jamestown Rainfall Index and Mortality Rate”
• Overhead projector
• Cross sections of tree limbs or trunks (optional)
Per student:
• “Tree-Ring Cross Section Drawing”
Activity Two: Space Weather
Per group:
• Flashlight
• Metric ruler
• Materials to test (all materials should be the same color and about the
same size)
*several sheets of unlined copy paper
*several sheets of tissue paper
*several sheets of construction paper
*several sheets of card stock paper
Per student:
• “NASA and Jamestown Settlement Chart: Location”
• “NASA and Jamestown Settlement Chart: Weather”
• “NASA and Jamestown Settlement Chart: Soil”
Per group:
• Microscope or magnifier
• Box lid (shoe-box size)
• Larger box or lid (must be able to fit shoe-box-size lid inside this box or lid)
• Cinnamon sugar graham crackers (enough to line the bottom of the small
shoe-box lid)
• Three to four white-powdered sugar and cake mini-donuts (day-old works
• Three index cards
abiotic: not living
biotic: living
rays: the material that is scattered on the Moon’s surface when craters are
regolith: a mixture of fine dust and rocks that covers the Moon’s surface
rilles: long, narrow valleys on the Moon that formed as underground lava
channels collapsed once the hot lava flowed away
wetlands: land or area, such as a tidal flat or swamp, containing much moisture
Suggested Pacing:
Engage Explore Explain Extend Evaluate Total
50-minute Completed
class 1 class 2 class 1 class 1 class throughout 5 class
period period periods period period the lesson periods
Instructional Procedure
Teaching Suggestion: Prior to beginning this lesson, create a chart that will be
displayed throughout the lesson to help organize student learning. Ask the
students to create similar charts in their journals. The charts may be formatted as
follows, but must be large enough to organize information.
3. Explain that colonial towns were built close to the water because access to a
port was important. Discuss why ports were important to the development of a
colonial town. (Major towns and cities needed access to ships bringing people
and goods to and from Europe.)
4. Ask students to use maps and atlases to locate the following colonial cities:
• Boston, MA
• Plymouth, MA
• Philadelphia, PA
• Baltimore, MD
• Williamsburg, VA
• Jamestown, VA
5. Discuss the following questions as a class or ask students to write their
thoughts in their journals:
• What is similar about the locations of all of these colonial cities?
• How does location affect settlement?
6. Review the terms longitude and latitude. Discuss how these coordinates help
to locate exact positions on Earth. Longitude and latitude coordinates for the
Moon start at a point near the crater Bruce (0 degrees latitude, 0 degrees
longitude). Give students a “Map of the Moon” handout and ask them to locate
and label this point.
7. Twelve astronauts in six Apollo missions landed on and explored the nearside
(Earth-facing side) of the Moon between 1969 and 1972. The six landing sites
Technology Insertion Point: Sections of the Apollo Landing Sites Chart are
linked to images and QuickTime movies. To maintain active links, students must
access this chart on the computer. If the instructor uses paper copies of the
chart, information on the links should be printed.
Teaching Suggestion: The Apollo Landing Sites activity was modified from
Exploring the Moon: a Teacher’s Guide with Activities. Additional activities may
be found in this document,
Activity One: Weather
1. Make an overhead transparency of the “Jamestown Rainfall Index and
Mortality Rate” graph. Discuss the following questions as a class, based upon the
• When was the rainfall index the highest?
• When did a drought occur in Jamestown?
4. Ask students to compare the rainfall index/mortality rate graph to the tree-ring
drawing. Discuss the effect that a drought would have had on the Jamestown
Teaching Suggestion: Before beginning this activity, cut cross sections of tree
limbs or trunks to bring to class so students may analyze “real” tree rings.
For long-duration missions, especially those taking astronauts far away from low-
Earth orbit, more protection from space radiation will be needed. NASA is already
working on how to make spacecraft safer by using different materials to provide
1. Follow this procedure to help students test and compare different materials as
they are used to block simulated space radiation. Materials to be tested include:
unlined copy paper, tissue paper, construction paper, and card-stock paper.
Students may suggest other paper products to test, if time permits. The light from
a flashlight will represent space radiation.
a. Before testing the materials, ask the students to predict how many
pieces of that material it will take to completely block the light. Ask
students to record their predictions in their science journals.
b. Ask one student in each group to hold the flashlight. He or she should
steady the flashlight on the tabletop so it points up at the ceiling, turn it on,
and keep holding it. Caution: Remind students NOT to look directly into
the flashlight beam.
Teaching Suggestion: You may want to show the 30-second NASA KSNN™
(Kids Science News Network) video, “What would you hear in a weather report
from Mars?” found at You will also
find an expanded version of this activity and more explanations about space
weather on this site.
A living community depends upon the nonliving, or abiotic, factors in its
environment. Abiotic factors include water, topography, landforms, climate, soils,
sunlight, and air quality.
1. Ask students to read the three “NASA and Jamestown Settlement Charts”
to find out more about the abiotic factors of location, soil, and weather;
how they affected the early Jamestown settlement; and how they would
affect possible lunar settlements.
2. Help students add this information to both the class chart and their own
1. Earth’s soil is very different from the Moon’s soil, or regolith. Help students
find out more about regolith formation by completing the NASA KSNN™
activity “Making Regolith,” found at
2. Ask students to bring in soil samples to compare Earth’s soil with the
simulated lunar regolith.
3. Discuss the following questions as a class or ask students to write their
thoughts in their journals:
• In your opinion, what topography and location would be best suited
for a settlement?
• How might life in Jamestown have been different if Jamestown’s
soil was more like the soil in your area?
• How might regolith be used as a resource to build shelters on the
• How could shelters protect astronauts from space weather?
4. Ask students to develop a multimedia presentation that shows the parallels
between exploration of the past and exploration for the future. They may
choose to focus on the theme of settlement or include other themes of
exploration, such as transportation, human needs, and the hunt for water.
5. Complete other lessons from “Exploration: Then and Now.”
Choose one or more of the following activities to assess student understanding of
how an area’s location, soil, and weather affect settlement.
1. Evaluate the students’ charts. Look for an increase in understanding of
how an area’s location, soil, and weather affect settlement.
2. Ask students to apply what they have learned to other settlements. How
do location, weather, and soil affect any settlement?
3. Assess student journal responses.
NASA CONNECT™ Landscape Archaeology: Hidden Treasures
Use a coordinate plane system to create a topographic map of a mystery
planet landscape.
Modeling Solar Wind Collection
Model how different materials collect different solar wind particles.
Space Weather
Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum
This site provides additional resources to learn more about space weather.
Clay Lava Flows
Simulate surface lava flows in this experiment to understand some of the
geological processes and structures that form as lava flows across the
Moon's landscape.
Apollo Landing Landing Site
Latitude Longitude Major Geologic Features Views of
Mission Date (zoom in with
and Rock Types Landing
a QT movie)
On May 13, 2007, Jamestown marks its Twelve astronauts in six Apollo
400th anniversary as the site of the first missions landed on and explored the
permanent English-speaking settlement nearside (Earth-facing side) of the
in North America. The area has Moon between 1969 and 1972. The six
remained continuously populated since landing sites were chosen to explore
that time, but Native Americans were different geologic terrains. The first
the first known inhabitants. Based on lunar landing site, Mare Tranquilitatis,
recent discoveries at Jamestown, was relatively smooth and level.
anthropologists believe native peoples However, in the last few seconds
began to use Jamestown Island’s before landing, Neil Armstrong needed
natural resources over 10,000 years to manually pilot the Lunar Module to
ago! this site to avoid a sharp-rimmed ray
crater named West. Apollo 11’s Lunar
That was a fact unknown to the English Module landed safely about 6
voyagers who landed on the shoreline kilometers (3.7 miles) from the original
of what would become known as the site. The other five successful Apollo
Jamestown settlement. Once the boats missions explored hilly regions,
the Susan Constant, the Godspeed, craters, the Apennine mountains,
and the Discovery docked, 104 weary smooth plains, and highlands.
colonists trudged from their cramped
quarters onto swampy, marshland. More than 80 percent of the Moon is
These men had been at sea for nearly ancient, heavily cratered highland. The
5 months, sent by the Virginia rest of the surface is made up of
Company of London, England. The younger, basalt-covered, plains-like
Jamestown site was a peninsula, areas called maria. There are many
connected to the mainland by a narrow impact craters, some with bright rays;
isthmus and protected on three sides crater chains; and the long, narrow
by the James River, the Back River, valleys known as rilles.
and Sandy Bay.
Latitude and longitude coordinates for
The men were directed by the Virginia the Moon start at a point near the
Company to find “the true, most crater Bruce. From this starting point
wholesome and fertile place” to settle, (0° latitude, 0° longitude) locations
and the Jamestown site was defensible toward the east side of the Moon (the
since it had a deep harbor close to direction in which the Sun rises) are
shore. About 48 kilometers (30 miles) indicated with east longitude values.
upriver from the Chesapeake Bay, this Locations toward the west side (the
site was also easily accessible for direction in which the Sun sets) have
overseas trade. The forests were filled west longitude values. North latitude is
mostly with hardwood trees. Walnut, measured toward the Moon’s north
beech, oak and hickory trees covered pole. South latitude is measured
the low-lying land. toward the Moon’s south pole.
By mid-May 1607, the early Jamestown The Moon has little or no atmosphere. With
settlers realized that the weather in no atmosphere, there is no weather as we
their new land was very different than recognize it on Earth and no ozone to
the weather in England, their homeland. protect astronauts from the Sun’s
Summer in England had little humidity ultraviolet rays. Although Jamestown’s
and few insects. Summer in weather was harsh, Earth’s atmosphere
Jamestown, with tropical humidity and protected the settlers from ultraviolet rays.
oppressively high temperatures, bred Earth’s atmosphere and magnetosphere
mosquitoes and biting flies. And also protected the settlers from solar
winters, as the settlers soon particles and other potentially harmful
discovered, were as cold as the energetic particles known as “space
summers were hot. weather.”
Soil is a product of weathering. A mixture of fine dust and rocks called
Weathering includes all the processes regolith covers the Moon. Some
that cause rocks to fragment, crack, scientists call this “lunar soil,” but it
crumble, or decay. Once rock debris is contains none of the rich, organic
weathered, it can be loosened and material found in Earth’s soils. Lunar
carried away by erosion. Running regolith is made up mostly of
water, high-speed wind, and ice move fragments of lunar rocks found in the
rock debris and soil from place to place area. Mixed in with these local rocks
on Earth. As soil mixes with decaying are interplanetary and deep-space rock
plants and animals, it becomes rich and fragments, tossed in by the
fertile. bombardment of meteoroids pounding
into the lunar surface. Above a base of
In 1607, Gabriel Archer described the fractured bedrock, the regolith
soil around Jamestown as “… more becomes thicker as impacts continue
fertile than can be well express’d[sic]; it to rework it. With no weathering and
is altogether aromatical[sic], giving a erosion on the Moon, the powdery
spicy taste to the roots of all trees, surface does not wash away.
plants, and herbs, of itself a black, fat,
sandy mould[sic], somewhat slimy to The lunar surface is charcoal gray and
touch and sweet in savor, under which sandy, with a sizable supply of fine
about a yard is in most places a red sediment. Meteorite impacts over
clay fit for brick.” Today, the soil of billions of years have ground up the
Jamestown is known to be sandy loam formerly fresh surfaces into powder.
deposited over packed clay. Because the Moon has virtually no
atmosphere, even the tiniest meteorite
The Jamestown settlers had been strikes a defenseless surface at full
instructed to try farming on a small speed, at least 20 kilometers/second
scale. The sandy soil, however, did not (12 miles/second). Some rocks lie
hold moisture well, and the onset of a thrown about the surface, resembling
drought killed what crops they did boulders sticking up through fresh
manage to plant. snow on ski slopes. Even these
boulders will not last long, maybe a few
hundred million years, before they are
Jamestown Island was originally a
ground up into powder by the steady
peninsula during the time of the early
rain of high-speed projectiles. Of
settlers. But the waters around it were,
course, an occasional larger
and remain, restless, eating away the
meteoroid, about the size of a car,
land. Some contemporary studies
arrives and carves fresh rock from
indicate that the shoreline was eroding
beneath the blanket of powdery soil.
rapidly, even during the time of the
Falling meteoroids continue to grind
English colonization, at rates as high as
the fresh boulders down, slowly but
1.5 to 1.8 meters (5 to 6 feet) each
year. Wave action would eventually turn
the peninsula into an island.
The layers of regolith vary, from about
2 meters on the youngest maria to
perhaps 20 meters on the oldest
Exploration: Then and Now
in the highlands. Lunar
and Jamestown Education Module
EG-2006-09-25-LaRC regolith has mixed local material
Settlement Page 20 ofso
that a shovelful contains most of the
rock types that occur in an area. The
Recent archaeological excavations at perhaps 20 meters on the oldest
Historic Jamestowne have uncovered surfaces in the highlands. Lunar
hundreds of thousands of artifacts regolith has mixed local material so
dating to the first half of the 17th that a shovelful contains most of the
century. Nearly half of the objects date rock types that occur in an area. The
to the first years of the English regolith is a great rock collection.
settlement (1607–1610). Many of these
items have been well preserved by the The regolith contains rock and mineral
hard clay soil that forms the base of fragments from the original bedrock. It
Jamestown Island. also contains glassy particles formed
by the impacts. In many lunar regoliths,
Most people had believed that the site half of the particles are composed of
of the original fort had washed into the mineral fragments that are bound
James River as the shoreline receded. together by impact glass. The chemical
Archaeologists, however, have composition of the regolith is similar to
uncovered large sections of the the composition of the bedrock.
Jamestown triangular fort, built soon Regolith in the highlands is rich in
after the first colonists landed. As the aluminum, as are the highland rocks.
artifacts are cleaned and studied, new Regolith in the maria is rich in iron and
information about Jamestown and the magnesium, which are elements also
people who settled there is being found in basalt.