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Xiaomi RedmiNote8 Ginkgo 2022-07-10 20-53-13

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--------- beginning of main

07-10 20:53:13.332 9079 9146 W VideoCapabilities: Unsupported mime

07-10 20:53:13.346 9079 9079 W GoogleCameraEn: Accessing hidden method
(greylist, reflection, allowed)
07-10 20:53:13.346 9079 9146 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 0/3
for video/mpeg2
07-10 20:53:13.348 9079 9146 W VideoCapabilities: Unrecognized profile/level 0/3
for video/mpeg2
07-10 20:53:13.351 9079 9147 I CameraManagerGlobal: Connecting to camera service
07-10 20:53:13.358 9079 9147 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 20
07-10 20:53:13.358 9079 9147 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 21
07-10 20:53:13.358 9079 9147 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 22
07-10 20:53:13.359 9079 9147 W CameraManagerGlobal: [soar.cts] ignore the status
update of camera: 61
07-10 20:53:13.360 9079 9099 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 21
07-10 20:53:13.360 9079 9099 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 22
07-10 20:53:13.361 9079 9099 W CameraManagerGlobal: ignore the torch status
update of camera: 61
07-10 20:53:13.454 9079 9079 W AppSettings: Warning: providing system service
notification took 32 ms
07-10 20:53:13.486 9079 9152 W GoogleCameraEn: Accessing hidden field
Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->mutex:Ljava/lang/Object; (greylist-
max-o, reflection, denied)
07-10 20:53:13.486 9079 9152 W GoogleCameraEn: Accessing hidden field
Ljava/util/Collections$SynchronizedCollection;->c:Ljava/util/Collection; (greylist,
reflection, allowed)
07-10 20:53:13.487 9079 9152 W GoogleCameraEn: Accessing hidden method
(greylist-max-o, reflection, denied)
07-10 20:53:13.487 9079 9152 W GoogleCameraEn: Accessing hidden method
Collection;Ljava/lang/Object;)V (greylist-max-o, reflection, denied)
07-10 20:53:13.495 9079 9146 W CAM_A : Build number (V12.5.2.0.RCOIDXM) is not
a number. Ignoring version check for b/149569689.
07-10 20:53:13.501 9079 9146 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-10 20:53:13.501 9079 9146 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-10 20:53:13.502 9079 9146 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
07-10 20:53:13.502 9079 9146 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
07-10 20:53:13.575 9079 9146 D StreamConfigurationMap: setFlag Flag:1
07-10 20:53:13.580 9079 9079 I Check Apk: check ok
07-10 20:53:13.638 9079 9079 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
07-10 20:53:13.638 9079 9079 D DecorView: createDecorCaptionView windowingMode:1
mWindowMode 1 isFullscreen: true
07-10 20:53:13.661 9079 9164 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-10 20:53:13.661 9079 9164 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-10 20:53:13.661 9079 9164 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
07-10 20:53:13.661 9079 9164 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
07-10 20:53:13.667 9079 9146 D CameraManager2: GotArray:0
07-10 20:53:13.667 9079 9146 D CameraManager2: GotArray:1
07-10 20:53:13.667 9079 9146 D CameraManager2: GotArray:20
07-10 20:53:13.667 9079 9146 D CameraManager2: GotArray:21
07-10 20:53:13.688 9079 9092 E GoogleCameraEn: failed to connect to jdwp control
socket: Connection refused
07-10 20:53:13.697 9079 9079 W GoogleCameraEn: Accessing hidden method
graphics/Rect;)Z (greylist, reflection, allowed)
07-10 20:53:13.698 9079 9079 W GoogleCameraEn: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/view/ViewGroup;->makeOptionalFitsSystemWindows()V (greylist, reflection,
07-10 20:53:13.747 9079 9181 E REPORT PICTURESIZE :
07-10 20:53:13.839 9079 9079 W Camera-Ex: type=1400 audit(0.0:343745): avc:
denied { read } for name="u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0" dev="tmpfs"
ino=3310 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c185,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:vendor_persist_camera_prop:s0 tclass=file permissive=0
07-10 20:53:13.843 9079 9196 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-10 20:53:13.863 9079 9100 E CameraManagerGlobal: Camera 61 is not available.
Ignore physical camera status change
07-10 20:53:13.903 9079 9181 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-10 20:53:13.903 9079 9181 E libc : Access denied finding property
07-10 20:53:13.905 9079 9181 W AppSettings: Warning: providing system service
power took 22 ms
07-10 20:53:13.941 9079 9181 W CAM_DeviceErrorBroadcas: Tag
DeviceErrorBroadcaster is 3 chars longer than limit.
07-10 20:53:14.279 9079 9079 W GcaGeneric-2: type=1400 audit(0.0:343747): avc:
granted { execute } for
dev="mmcblk0p87" ino=1185212 scontext=u:r:untrusted_app_27:s0:c185,c256,c512,c768
tcontext=u:object_r:app_data_file:s0:c185,c256,c512,c768 tclass=file
07-10 20:53:14.493 9079 9181 D StreamConfigurationMap: setFlag Flag:0
07-10 20:53:14.514 9079 9079 I DeezNuts: MSG: SLIDER 1 IDX: 0
07-10 20:53:14.514 9079 9079 I ProReC : setprogres0
07-10 20:53:14.594 9079 9181 I com.google.android.GoogleCameraEng:
rpcmem_init_internal: opened ION device fd 70, configured heap IDs: system
(0x2000000), contig (0x400000), secure (0x200), secure flags (0x80080000)
07-10 20:53:14.595 9079 9181 I com.google.android.GoogleCameraEng:
fastrpc_apps_user_init done
07-10 20:53:14.772 9079 9079 W GoogleCameraEn: Accessing hidden method
(greylist, reflection, allowed)
07-10 20:53:14.813 9079 9092 E GoogleCameraEn: failed to connect to jdwp control
socket: Connection refused
07-10 20:53:14.820 9079 9181 W CAM_A : UI view not yet initialized
07-10 20:53:15.067 9079 9079 W GoogleCameraEn: Accessing hidden method
Landroid/app/Activity;->setDisablePreviewScreenshots(Z)V (greylist, reflection,
--------- beginning of system
07-10 20:53:15.077 9079 9079 W Activity: Slow Operation: Activity
com.google.android.GoogleCameraEng/com.android.camera.CameraLauncher onCreate took
07-10 20:53:15.175 9079 9196 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact :
time=1330ms interface=android.hardware.ICameraService code=4
07-10 20:53:15.279 9079 9228 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-9. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-10 20:53:15.319 9079 9228 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-10. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-10 20:53:15.537 9079 9079 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
07-10 20:53:15.570 9079 9079 W Looper : PerfMonitor longMsg : seq=4
plan=20:53:12.527 late=518ms wall=2518ms running=1358ms runnable=222ms io=91ms
h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159 procState=2
07-10 20:53:15.571 9079 9079 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity :
time=2518ms latency=518ms running=1358ms procState=2
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[android.app.servertransaction.LaunchActivityItem]
lifecycleRequest=android.app.servertransaction.ResumeActivityItem }
historyMsgCount=3 (msgIndex=1 wall=170ms seq=1 running=21ms runnable=13ms io=124ms
late=19ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=162) (msgIndex=3 wall=349ms seq=3
running=193ms runnable=63ms io=62ms late=172ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H
07-10 20:53:15.573 9079 9079 W Looper : PerfMonitor looperActivity :
time=1ms latency=3043ms running=3ms procState=2
ClientTransaction{ callbacks=[android.app.servertransaction.TopResumedActivityChang
eItem] } historyMsgCount=4 (msgIndex=1 wall=170ms seq=1 running=21ms runnable=13ms
io=124ms late=19ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=162) (msgIndex=3 wall=349ms
seq=3 running=193ms runnable=63ms io=62ms late=172ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H
w=110) (msgIndex=4 wall=2518ms seq=4 running=1358ms runnable=222ms io=91ms
late=518ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159)
07-10 20:53:15.645 9079 9079 W CAM_SimpleReqProcessor: Failed to add Stream-2 to
CaptureRequest for Request-11. The surface (null) was not valid.
07-10 20:53:15.659 9079 9079 I Choreographer: Skipped 46 frames! The application
may be doing too much work on its main thread.
07-10 20:53:15.793 9079 9079 D DecorView[]: getWindowModeFromSystem windowmode
is 1
07-10 20:53:15.856 9079 9118 I AdrenoGLES-0: QUALCOMM build :
03e27f8, I326e6aff90
07-10 20:53:15.856 9079 9118 I AdrenoGLES-0: Build Date :
07-10 20:53:15.856 9079 9118 I AdrenoGLES-0: OpenGL ES Shader Compiler Version:
07-10 20:53:15.856 9079 9118 I AdrenoGLES-0: Local Branch :
07-10 20:53:15.856 9079 9118 I AdrenoGLES-0: Remote Branch :
07-10 20:53:15.856 9079 9118 I AdrenoGLES-0: Remote Branch :
07-10 20:53:15.856 9079 9118 I AdrenoGLES-0: Reconstruct Branch :
07-10 20:53:15.856 9079 9118 I AdrenoGLES-0: Build Config : S
P 10.0.7 AArch64
07-10 20:53:15.856 9079 9118 I AdrenoGLES-0: Driver
Path : /vendor/lib64/egl/libGLESv2_adreno.so
07-10 20:53:15.872 9079 9118 I AdrenoGLES-0: PFP: 0x016ee190, ME: 0x00000000
07-10 20:53:16.074 9079 9152 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=416ms
interface=com.google.android.gms.common.internal.IGmsServiceBroker code=46
07-10 20:53:16.129 9079 9118 E LB : fail to open file: No such file or
07-10 20:53:16.132 9079 9118 I OpenGLRenderer: Davey! duration=1252ms; Flags=1,
IntendedVsync=52260974864937, Vsync=52261741531573,
OldestInputEvent=9223372036854775807, NewestInputEvent=0,
HandleInputStart=52261756862137, AnimationStart=52261756875939,
PerformTraversalsStart=52261762240575, DrawStart=52262105971304,
SyncQueued=52262153779897, SyncStart=52262155350366,
IssueDrawCommandsStart=52262156276564, SwapBuffers=52262213684689,
FrameCompleted=52262229221772, DequeueBufferDuration=3244635,
QueueBufferDuration=988282, GpuCompleted=0,
07-10 20:53:16.147 9079 9079 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=479ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=782ms procState=2 historyMsgCount=40 (msgIndex=1 wall=2518ms
seq=4 running=1358ms runnable=222ms io=91ms late=518ms
h=android.app.ActivityThread$H w=159) (msgIndex=3 wall=58ms seq=6 running=1ms
runnable=1ms late=3013ms h=android.app.ActivityThread$H
07-10 20:53:16.164 9079 9079 I Choreographer: Skipped 30 frames! The application
may be doing too much work on its main thread.
07-10 20:53:16.185 9079 9079 W Looper : PerfMonitor doFrame : time=18ms
vsyncFrame=0 latency=503ms procState=2 historyMsgCount=10 (msgIndex=1 wall=479ms
seq=44 running=154ms runnable=62ms io=24ms late=782ms
07-10 20:53:16.218 9079 9079 W CAM_A : Was already registered as
ThermalStatusListener on AppStart
07-10 20:53:16.296 9079 9395 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS" ]
07-10 20:53:16.345 9079 9396 D Deez IN ISO: 347
07-10 20:53:16.352 9079 9225 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > abs Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 117,50 ms > 70,00 ms
07-10 20:53:16.354 9079 9225 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > result sensor delay =
1,76 > 1,10
07-10 20:53:16.357 9079 9396 D Deez IN ISO: 1553
07-10 20:53:16.407 9079 9225 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > rel Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 0,43 > 0,25
07-10 20:53:16.413 9079 9395 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-10 20:53:16.415 9079 9396 D Deez IN ISO: 1553
07-10 20:53:16.448 9079 9397 D Deez IN ISO: 347
07-10 20:53:16.501 9079 9092 E GoogleCameraEn: failed to connect to jdwp control
socket: Connection refused
07-10 20:53:16.533 9079 9225 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > abs Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 133,33 ms > 70,00 ms
07-10 20:53:16.533 9079 9395 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS" ]
07-10 20:53:16.534 9079 9396 D Deez IN ISO: 3200
07-10 20:53:16.536 9079 9225 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > rel Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 1,00 > 0,25
07-10 20:53:16.538 9079 9225 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > result sensor delay =
2,00 > 1,10
07-10 20:53:16.608 9079 9152 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=504ms
interface=com.google.android.gms.common.internal.IGmsServiceBroker code=46
07-10 20:53:16.633 9079 9395 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS" ]
07-10 20:53:16.640 9079 9396 D Deez IN ISO: 3200
07-10 20:53:16.646 9079 9225 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > rel Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 0,50 > 0,25
07-10 20:53:16.690 9079 9396 D Deez IN ISO: 3200
07-10 20:53:16.762 9079 9395 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-10 20:53:16.765 9079 9396 D Deez IN ISO: 3200
07-10 20:53:16.826 9079 9146 D Deez IN ISO: 3200
07-10 20:53:16.835 9079 9395 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS" ]
07-10 20:53:16.836 9079 9396 D Deez IN ISO: 3200
07-10 20:53:16.855 9079 9079 E REPORT PICTURESIZE :
07-10 20:53:16.874 9079 9396 D Deez IN ISO: 3200
07-10 20:53:16.887 9079 9225 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > abs Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 133,33 ms > 70,00 ms
07-10 20:53:16.888 9079 9397 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:874]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-10 20:53:16.890 9079 9225 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > rel Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 1,00 > 0,25
07-10 20:53:16.893 9079 9225 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > result sensor delay =
2,00 > 1,10
07-10 20:53:16.896 9079 9147 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=523ms
interface=android.app.IActivityManager code=24
07-10 20:53:16.917 9079 9152 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=213ms
interface=android.content.IContentService code=2
07-10 20:53:16.967 9079 9395 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-10 20:53:16.969 9079 9396 D Deez IN ISO: 3200
07-10 20:53:17.015 9079 9397 D Deez IN ISO: 3200
07-10 20:53:17.023 9079 9225 W CAM_A : UNINITIALIZED > rel Δ(result sensor
timestamp) = 0,50 > 0,25
07-10 20:53:17.040 9079 9395 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS" ]
07-10 20:53:17.041 9079 9396 D Deez IN ISO: 3200
07-10 20:53:17.085 9079 9396 D Deez IN ISO: 3200
07-10 20:53:17.153 9079 9079 E REPORT PICTURESIZE :
07-10 20:53:17.158 9079 9395 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-10 20:53:17.163 9079 9396 D Deez IN ISO: 3200
07-10 20:53:17.209 9079 9396 D Deez IN ISO: 3200
07-10 20:53:17.225 9079 9079 E REPORT PICTURESIZE :
07-10 20:53:17.285 9079 9395 E CAM_A : Null pointer for OIS data. OIS API
version: 2 [CONTEXT ratelimit_period="67 MILLISECONDS [skipped: 1]" ]
07-10 20:53:17.287 9079 9396 D Deez IN ISO: 3200
07-10 20:53:17.339 9079 9396 D Deez IN ISO: 3200
07-10 20:53:17.354 9079 9397 E libgcam : [gcam.cc:874]:
TemporallyBinViewfinderFrame: [zsl-ns] AE produced invalid result: can't run
07-10 20:53:17.355 9079 9147 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=428ms
interface=android.app.IActivityManager code=24
07-10 20:53:17.359 9079 9152 W BpBinder: PerfMonitor binderTransact : time=438ms
interface=android.app.IActivityManager code=22

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