6 Months To 6 Figures Peter Voogd
6 Months To 6 Figures Peter Voogd
6 Months To 6 Figures Peter Voogd
About The Author: Peter Voogd
Chapter 1: The Hidden Opportunity
Chapter 2: Mastery Vs. Information
Chapter 3: Money Matters
Chapter 4: The 6 Steps To 6 Figures
Chapter 5: Go Against The Grain
Chapter 6: The Power Of Absolute
Chapter 7: Your Most Important Account
Chapter 8: Shifting Your Circle Of
Chapter 9: Consistent Energy &
Chapter 10: Peak Performance Secrets
Of The World ' s Greatest
Chapter 11: Crafting The Perfect Results
Chapter 12: Continual Growth &
Chapter 13: Now Matters
Chapter 14: I Challenge You!
The 30 Day Challenge
I dont know where to start
because Ive been blessed with a long
list of great people that have stood by
my side. I believe the only things that
really change your life are the
experiences you create and the
people you meet along the way. Ive
met some amazing people on my
journey to a meaningful and impactful
life. Its going to be impossible to
thank everybody whos helped me, and
it would take a couple chapters! Ill try
my best.
My mom and dad have played
the key roles in my success, and have
always let me be who I wanted to be.
They gave me the ultimate gift: belief
in myself. Words cant describe how
much it means to have parents who let
you be who you want, not who they
want you to be. Thanks Mom and
Dad, I love you. My brother, Chris,
for putting up with me his entire life,
and I can only imagine how tough it
was being my younger brother. Youre
a true leader, and someone who can
accomplish anything you put your mind
to. I am very proud of the man youve
become, and you have a very bright
future in front of you. Youve
attracted a great woman in Tia, and
youre raising an intelligent and
strong boy in Kaii. My cousins, Ben,
Melissa, Stacie, who Ive grown up
with and have endless memories
with. So proud of how strong
willed, independent, and driven you
all are. My amazing girlfriend, Kayla,
who has played a significant role in
who Ive become, and what Ive been
able to do. Youve been there through
thick and thin, and have always
supported me 100%, believed in me,
and trusted my vision. Youve taught
me the power of patience, and often
remind me to enjoy the journey. My
love for you grows daily, and I couldnt
have found a better other half. Im
very proud of you, and I appreciate
everything youve done for me. As far
as business goes, Ive had numerous
people that have played a role in my
early success. The first person that
comes to mind is Isaac Tolpin, my
first official mentor. There is no way
Id be where I am today without his
guidance, wisdom, and different way
of thinking. He taught me the power of
taking few opinions, thinking
different, and always choosing
growth, in the moment. Some of the
most powerful and meaningful
conversations Ive ever had have been
with Isaac. Hes a prime example of
practicing what you preach, and living
a truly purposeful and meaningful life.
Thanks for all you do, and for never
trying to manage me, but leading me
My Vector family. First, Jeremy
Bell for being one of the first people to
inspire me to think bigger. You showed
me it was possible to own multiple
homes at a young age, and watching
you get $40k bonus checks kept me
inspired when I was starting out. Isaac
Stegman for being one of my first
mentors, and for teaching me the
fundamentals of success and
achievement when I was starting out.
You had a huge impact on my early
success in direct sales. More than most
realize. John Bedford for making me a
better leader, and for bringing out the
best in me. Youre a fierce competitor
and somebody who I respect at the
highest level. I wouldnt have reached
the heights I did if it wasnt for you
pushing the envelope first. Zac
Beckhusen for being crazy enough to
take almost a dozen trips a year with
me. Youre one of the most fun dudes
to hang out with, but more
importantly, youre authentic and
genuine. PJ Potter for being a strong
leader and pushing me past what I
thought I was capable of. You taught me
to be soft on people but tough on
results, and thats a lesson Ill take with
me forever. You engrained in me how
important integrity and character is,
and I appreciate you deeply for that.
Karl Gedris for showing me how to
build a Dynasty the right way, and for
always pushing the envelope. Amber
Martindale for pushing me beyond my
limits, and always leading by example.
Your passion is very inspiring. Will
Burdette for recruiting me into direct
sales, and always believing in my
abilities and ambition. You knew
exactly how to work with me, and I
admire how simplistic youve made
your life. When I was struggling in
2008, and felt like I had no hope I
reached out to sales champion and
mentor Hal Elrod. I invested all the
money I had so I could coach with
him, Jon Berghoff, and Jon Vroman. It
was one of the best decisions Ive ever
made in my life. Since then, Hal has
becomes a dear friend, my
mastermind partner, and is like the
older brother I never had. He was
such a good salesman, he talked me
into moving to Southern California,
just a couple of miles away from him.
Once I realized how powerful
mentorship was, and how crucial it was
to increased results, I reached out to
multi-millionaire and business
extraordinaire Jordan Wirsz. Jordan
has shifted my thinking and heightened
my perspective at such an extreme
level. When I told him I had $125,000
saved by age 23, he laughed and said
You think thats a lot. Much respect to
Jordan for raising my standards and for
the timeless wisdom he continues to
share with me. When it comes to
pure results, Jordans had the biggest
impact. I will share a lot of what
Jordan taught me throughout this book.
When I was transitioning between
careers and felt my mission growing I
reached out to Gary Vaynerchuk, who
took interest in me. Weve had
numerous conversations, but our first
stands out the most. One forty-five
minute conversation can change your
life! Gary expressed the importance
of reverse engineering your success
by creating your ideal outcome and
then working backwards to create a
plan to achieve it. He also shared the
importance of focusing on your
legacy, and realizing that everything
you do is part of that. Appreciate all
blunt insight, and the time youve
given me GV. Thanks to Honoree
Corder for leading by example, and
staying massively productive in all you
do. The way you work, how much you
get done, and what youve accomplished
is very inspiring to me. James
Malinchak for sharing with me its not
about working harder or smarter, but
working right. Youre one of the most
strategic and brilliant thinkers I know. I
wanted to appreciate Hugo Fernandez
for designing the cover of this book, and
going the extra mile to make sure our
brand is top tnoch. Youre one of the
most talented, ambitious, intellingent
young hustlers I know. Its been a
pleasure helping you on your journey
towards massive success and impact.
There have been many more
people who have impacted my success
along the way, and I sincerely
appreciate every one of you. If I missed
you, I sincerely apologize but know I am
grateful for you.
Instead of wondering
when your next vacation
is, maybe you should set
up a life you dont need to
escape from.
Amateurs practice
until they get it
right; professionals
practice until they
cant get it wrong.
Zig Ziglar
The 4 Ws to Lifestyle
Increased income
More freedom
New experiences
Richer lifestyle
Best way to raise your family
Grander view on life
Its one thing to say youre
different, but its another to think, act,
and actually live differently. Most
people are struggling. MBAs are
selling shoes during the day and
waiting tables at night. College grads
are pouring coffee and living at home
until theyre twenty-nine. Retirement
age has morphed from sixty-five to six
feet under, til death-does-employment-
part. Yet we have people who are
o n l y 19 in our Game Changers
Academy who love what they do and
are on track to retire by age thirty. Its
because they are doing things
differently, and have escaped the herd.
I'd strongly suggest you do the same.
Thanks again,
Income/Financial Freedom
Now pick the 5 reasons that mean the
most to you.
Total Saved?
What feelings are you experiencing?
Resourcefulness the
ultimate resource.
3. Consistency.
Consistency is all about
character. Can you do what you say
you are going to do? Have you
developed an identity with yourself that
whatever you say your actions
follow? People respect those who are
consistent and stay the course
regardless of what life throws at
them. There have been numerous
stories of athletes having an
exceptional performance, but because
it only happened once, their respect
and credibility eventually dies down.
Think about every achiever you
respect. Im guessing theyve been
very consistent in their life and career.
The stop-and-start process is
what kills progress in any pursuit. It
is probably one of the greatest
reasons people dont ultimately
achieve their goals and end up living
lives of discontent, frustration and
disappointment. Make a commitment
to yourself right now that you will
finish this book and use it to stay
consistent throughout the year. When
you stay consistent, you bring the most
powerful force to your side:
momentum. The two scariest things in
life and business are:
1. Momentum 2. Lack of
In this society, consistency will
give you a competitive edge and will
keep momentum on your side. More
importantly, consistency will
continually increase your confidence.
What are 3 areas of your life that
require more consistency?
5. Courage
If you have big goals and dreams
dont expect others to follow you,
because youll represent the
strength, courage and vision they
dont yet have.
7. Comparing Yourself to
The root of all misery is
comparison, and if you're constantly
comparing yourself to others you'll
always be miserable. This is a very
common confidence killer and will
definitely diminish yours. Never let
others opinions guide your choices.
Stay true to yourself by tuning out the
naysayer, and instead, tune into the
only opinion that really matters: your
own beliefs and those who believe in
and encourage you. Deep down, you
know yourself better than anybody
else You, and only you, are the best
decision maker for your destiny. The
only person you should try to be
better than is the person you were
Ive been working with a young
woman for the past 10 months who
came to me lacking clarity. She only
had a couple of dollars in her bank
account, lots of energy, and a desire to
be the best. I rarely do 1-on-1
mentorship anymore, but I loved her
ambition, so I decided to work with
her. She wanted to be the best in her
company, so she kept comparing
herself to those on the companys
national reports. I shared with her
that becoming #1 by comparing
herself to others is futile. You might
become number one, but it wont be as
enjoyable, and youll eventually burn
yourself out. If you want to reach
greatness and blow your competitors
out the water, you must focus on
consistent progress and compare
yourself to how you did the week
before. When you make your
competition the person in the mirror,
youll succeed every time. Shes now
the number one rep in the entire
company and enjoying every step of
the way. It worked for her, and it will
work for you too.
Your only real competition will
always be the person in the
8. Confident People
Surround yourself with
confident people. Well talk more
about this in the next chapter. Never
forget, if you dont have confidence,
you will always find a way to lose.
I remember walking down the
stairs to my 450 square foot apartment
late one night and thinking to myself I
cant keep living like this. Somethings
gotta give. At the time, I was putting
in 60-70 hours per week, but not
seeing the results I wanted. I didnt
understand it. I sat on my mattress,
which didnt have box springs, and I
started looking at my computer trying
to find the answers. I was so sick of
living how I was living, always
worrying about money, not knowing
when my next paycheck was coming,
and started questioning if I was really
made for success. I started asking
myself what separated the most
successful people from the majority
who struggle? That was one of the most
important questions I could have
ever asked myself because it caused
me to think. Suddenly, a quote I heard
a couple days before popped into my
head: If you want to become a
millionaire, talk to billionaires and
youll get their quicker.
Then it hit me like a ton of
bricks! I needed to shift my circle of
influence, and I quickly realized
nobody I was communicating with was
succeeding at the level I strived for.
That night, I made a list of the top five
people who I could reach out to in my
company. My frustration and
discouragement quickly turned into
motivation and excitement. I realized
that those who I associated with
played a big role in my results, or
lack the r e of, up to that point. The
majority of the people I was talking to
and getting advice from had mediocre
results. I didnt want mediocrity, and I
know you dont either. Its amazing
what happens mentally when you think
about how much the people around you
affect you.
Lets do a quick exercise. I want
you add up the income of the five
people you hang around with the most.
Literally, estimate the income of the
five people you spend the most time
with. Then divide it by five. There is a
good chance that your income is close
to that amount. Youre the average of
the five people you spend the most
time with. If you want to elevate your
life, shift your circle of influence.
Who you associate with is who you
become, and who you become
determines your future success.
In other words, make sure you
are communicating with people who
are playing the game at a higher level
than you. Who is already
accomplishing the success you desire?
The term role model is not used
enough in our society. Its extremely
important to have role models. A role
model will raise your standards. A
role model will not let you get
complacent. Finding a role model or
mentor will spark your mind because
they are playing the game at a higher
level and will challenge you to do the
If y o u hang around 5 confident
people, you will be the 6th
If yo u hang around 5 intelligent
people, you will be the 6th
If you hang around 5 millionaires,
you will be the 6th
If you hang around 5 idiots, you will
be the 6th
If you hang around 5 broke people,
you will be the 6th
Its inevitable.
Who is currently doing what you want
to be doing at the highest level? It
could be the top 3 in your company or
even your industry. Write them down.
1. The Power of
Associations may mean being
around the people who can make
your success happen. Donald Trump
and many other successful people do
this. They associate with people they
want to emulate and who can assist
them in their success.
Here's a good test to determine if your
associations could be sabotaging your
Have you told them about
your goals or desires to improve?
If not, why not?
If you have, did they laugh,
downplay, or disregard your
dreams, goals, and vision?
Growth Friends
Who will add value to your life?
Write down your top 4 growth
friends. Start spending more time with
Maintenance Friends
Write down people who currently drag
you down? Limit your time with them!
Now that youve gained some
clarity, increased your confidence
account, and elevated your circle of
influence, its time to maximize your
motivation and energy. What most
people dont realize is that success is
ongoing. Its not an event, its not an
activity that you participate in, its
not a goal, and its not one
accomplishment. It is a continuous
journey. Its who you become that will
determine your success, and who you
become has a lot to do with your past
action. When I was broke and
struggling, I didnt understand this
philosophy. I was working hard and
putting in the hours, but I wasnt doing
anything to improve who I was
becoming. A piece of advice sticks in
my head from my mentor, Isaac Tolpin,
Results must be created in your
business whether you feel like it or
not, and he encouraged me not to
leave the business until my business
was able to run without me. A lot of
my colleagues would work hard for a
short amount of time and then take a
vacation or a break, and their
businesses would lose momentum.
They would then have to build it back
up, and thats a grueling, never ending
process. They couldnt get themselves
to work consistently for months at a
time because it went against
traditional thinking.
Creating your first 6-figure
income takes hard work and
consistency. The year I went from broke
to 6 figures, I missed a lot of family
events, parties, movies, and didnt
have the typical life a young kid in his
early 20s had. Walt Disney said, If
you act like an adult when youre a
kid you can afford to act like a kid the
rest of your life. I want to give you the
proper expectations of what success
really takes. There is a lot of sacrifice
and its extremely important to keep
your energy top notch when youre in
the grind. Having energy gives you a
competitive advantage and you want
to give yourself every advantage you
can. Energy also complements
consistency if its strategically used.
You must focus on consistent action if
you want to build real momentum. To
create a 6-figure income within 6
months, you need to create big
momentum. The only way youll
experience momentum is through
continuous and focused action. You
must consistently improve your
mindset, your emotional intelligence,
perspective, and philosophy on how
success is achieved and how you
view yourself. Consistently - NOT
when you feel like it. Once you get
clear on what you want, build your
confidence account, and elevate your
circle of influence, you must stay
consistent or youll always be starting
I used to get frustrated when
starting a new venture and seeing the
competition leap out in front with a
fast and successful start. Then I found
the single discipline that gave me the
advantage to beat anybody at almost
anythingconsistency. A lot of people
get excited about new goals or new
opportunities and charge out of the
gate in an explosion of activity that
eventually wears them out. If you
make a commitment to consistency,
youll not only catch your competitors,
youll usually leave them in the dust
every time. I do what I have found most
people cannotstay consistent.
Lack of consistency is the subtle,
but great stealer of dreams and desires.
The lack of consistency is what kills
progress in many pursuits. It is
probably one of the greatest reasons
people dont ultimately achieve their
goals and end up living lives of
discontent, frustration and
disappointment. In the industry of
personal development,
entrepreneurship, leadership,
mentorship, marketing and sales, Ive
seen so many people wonder why
theyre failing to create the business or
results they want. One of the most
common reasons, after hundreds of
conversations and taking a close look at
their actions and behaviors, is they
arent consistently improving in the
areas that matter most.
I was watching a documentary
called The Men Who Built America. It
portrays the lives of the most successful
business moguls of ALL time - Henry
Ford, JP Morgan, Andrew Carnegie
and John D. Rockefeller. One of my
favorite quotes from that show was
from Rockefeller:
If you arent showing
up to be better than you
were yesterday you will
not last in real
On my journey towards success,
Ive had a chance to surround myself
with great people and Ive studied
countless high achievers, CEOs,
athletes, leaders, and brilliant
entrepreneurs. Something unique was
present in all of them. They had a zest
for life and an amazing amount of
energy. Whats happening with most
people is they are getting discouraged,
unfocused, and letting negativity affect
their attitude, while they should be
putting all of their energy into finding
solutions, creating better ways to
move forward, and strengthening their
mindset daily. In these tough
economic times, its important that you
stay focused on what truly matters and
avoid getting caught up in all the
negativity out there. One of the biggest
keys to consistency is creating
consistent energy and I am going to put
a lot of emphasis on this topic.
A major challenge people face
right now is they don't have the energy
to achieve their dreams. They are tired
during the day, dont want to wake up,
and feel lethargic all the time. Energy is
the most underrated commodity and
one of the most important factors in
creating an extraordinary quality of
life. Yet, in a time of constant demands,
we often neglect what we know is
most important. In order to take your
life to the next level, its crucial to
make a commitment to living a more
energized and healthy life. I know Im
dragging on about this, but I want to
stress how important it really is.
Nobody talks about the importance of
energy in business and personal
success. Without world-class levels of
energy, you wont get to your best
business. Ive had a chance to be
around numerous successful people and
one of the traits of greatness is they
have very high energy. Those high
levels of energy get them up early in
the morning without feeling exhausted
during the day, allows them to work
hard, and pushes them through
adversity, while remaining optimistic.
I want to teach you how to
create an energy explosion in your
life. Think about Richard Branson,
Thomas Edison, Elon Musk, Mother
Teresa, and Tony Robbins. These are
some of the most creative minds in
the world. NONE of those people
could have done what they did without
high levels of energy! You cant be a
leader within your community, in your
company, or in your family unless you
have high levels of energy.
I remember being tired all the
time, dreading the mornings, and
having a difficult time getting myself
to work. Out of that frustration,
discouragement, and lack of results
became an obsession with making sure
I had maximum energy and enthusiasm.
I read countless books, listened to all
the audios, and started working with
experts, and my energy has been
extraordinary ever since!
Ive now put everything into a
system and the system really does
work. Ive proven over the past few
years, not just to myself, but with all
those who I mentor, inspire, and
influence that energy is the most
important factor in creating an
exceptional life. The person with the
most energy in this new economy will
always come out ahead. Dont take
energy for granted.
What if you had the time,
flexibility, and lifestyle you desire but
NO energy? After all, without energy
we cant perform or do anything really,
even if we do buy time. If I had to
pick one thing that has helped my
success over the last few years it
would be the level of energy I have
towards my life, my career, my
influence, and my family. Energy
creates action and not only action,
but bold action. Lets remember,
energy is within us and time is outside
of us. So, it makes sense to focus on
energy. How do you ensure you have
the energy at a level most dont?
Before I dive into the framework
Ive created, lets go over some of my
favorite benefits of staying energized:
You may be surprised to hear
this, but you cant separate your body
from your mind. The stronger you
become physically, the stronger you
become mentally. The two things Ive
seen disrupt businesses and delay
progress are distraction and fear.
Distraction and fear naturally lessen
when you strengthen y o u r body
consistently. I learned while attending
Tony R o b b i ns Business Mastery
Seminar that fear is physical and it will
lessen the more you strengthen your
body. Exercise isnt just good for your
outer appearance; it also affects your
inner ambition.
When I say exercise, I don't
mean extensive cardio. In fact, short,
intense exercise is far more beneficial
and achievable. Brian Tracy, Tony
Robbins, Darren Hardy, Richard
Branson, and Dr Oz are only a few I
have studied who say they work out
or do something active 6 - 7 days a
week. Work out in the morning for as
little as only 15 minutes, do 20
pushups, sit ups, run, stretch, walk
around the block, or go for a jog. If
you keep your body healthy, your mind
follows. I used to think to get a good
workout in, you had to work out for at
least 45 minutes. I would stress out
when I couldnt get a full workout in,
but realized a hard 20-minute workout
is just as effective. Even 10 minutes is
good to start with and is enough
exercise to stimulate the receptors in
your brain. Focus on progress, not
perfection. Start with 10 minutes in
the morning, then go to 15, and progress
to 20. Go from 3 days a week to 4 days
a week to 5 days a week.
At the start of 2012, I made a
commitment to myself to work out 6
days a week and its been one of the
best decisions of my life. I feel better
than I did when I was 18 and to
experience life at a charged and
energized level is priceless. I strongly
recommend you do the same. Dont
neglect working out and dont neglect
your body because when you feel
stronger physically, you feel stronger
mentally. Start today! There are
numerous resources online like P90x,
Insanity, Jillian Michaels, and many
others. Just type in short workouts in
a search engine These short workouts
are all over, and if you want it bad
enough, youll find them.
Mental Energy
Mental strength is a very
important component to real
achievement. Renewing our mental
energy makes us far more intelligent
and productive in the long run. To
perform at our best, we also need to
sustain concentration and be flexible in
our thinking with appropriate focus and
concentration. Be careful what you let
enter your mind daily because what
you think about starts everything. You
will always act based on what thoughts
come first. Our mind is always being
fed. Its important to stand guard to the
door of your mind and be very
selective with what information you
All problems are created by
the undisciplined mind. The mind that
isnt fed intelligence is usually fed
useless information. Your mind
becomes disciplined or weaker by
what you feed it every day. What you
put in your mind should be congruent
with your future vision if you want to
turn aspirations into reality.
We only have one mind and
how you treat your mind is crucial
to your current success and creating
the future you envision. So how do you
spark your mind daily? Youre already
so busy with school, your business,
kids, sports, and all of your daily
tasks. The best time to do this is in
the morning. Exercising this discipline
first thing in the morning is the most
intelligent use of this activity. Most
successful people I have studied and
communicated with, including me, do
mental exercise first thing in the
When I was working 65-80
hours per week, I felt like I didnt
have time for anything and I still
wasnt getting results I wanted!
Something had to change, and it was
my approach to my day. I started
waking up at 5 a.m., and sparking my
mind, writing my goals down, and
working out. Within a couple of weeks,
I felt my energy, productivity, and
mindset increase. Something that can
improve your mental mindset
immediately is a solid morning routine.
I call it your prize fighter routine,
which I stole from Robin Sharma.
Crafting a Morning Routine
I always look to find the outcome
in everything I do. People who are
outcome related produce results like
nobody else. When you think
strategically and understand the
purpose of the activities youre doing,
its easier to sell yourself to them. I
believe there are two main reasons you
need a morning routine:
1. To give you more confidence,
courage, and conviction at the start
of your day.
2. To figure out your most
important priorities so youre more
intentional throughout your day.
Remember, a huge key to
productivity is deciding what
youre going to work on other
than in the moment, and then
practicing that high value work
over and over until its natural,
habitual and automatic.
Never start your day without
writing it on paper first. Dont leave
your life up to feelings, circumstances,
or chance. A life best lived is a life
lived by design. Write down your most
important priorities, rituals of success,
and time to reflect, then ruthlessly hold
yourself accountable to your schedule.
Either you run your day or your day
runs you. After a couple months of
your days running you, youre at the
mercy of your business. I would
highly recommend the book, The
Miracle Morning, by my good friend,
Hal Elrod, if you want to dive deeper
into your morning routine. Its really a
game changer.
You must focus at the start of
each day on getting into a highly
resourceful mental state because when
you are in a more resourceful state,
you think, act and feel better. This in
turn will help you make better
deci s i ons , and, of course, more
productive ones as well.
The worst thing you can do is
get up and go. Thats how youll
guarantee an unproductive day. Youre
more susceptible to just react to
whatever happens that day versus
being in full control. The first thing
most people do to start their day is
press the snooze button. When you start
your day resisting life, its very
challenging to create an amazing day.
Think about that.
Here are some ideas that you can
start implementing right away:
Read a good book for 30
minutes: B o o k s , autobiographies,
magazines l i k e Forbes, Success,
Entrepreneur, or anything that sparks
your mind positively, ignite your
endorphins and allow your brain to be
more alert.
Journal: You can write about
what youre learning, what youre
excited about, or the biggest lessons
youve learned. Get everything out of
your mind onto paper. You want to
start your day fresh, and when you
get your thoughts onto paper, you can
then organize them. I ask myself
these 3 questions every morning
before I start my day:
What am I excited about?
What am I grateful for today?
What am I committed to
make happen today?
Success Audio or Video: A
simple audio or video can jumpstart
your day. YouTube is a great resource.
A lot of people are listening to our
Young Entreprenuer Lifestyle Podcast in
the morning. You can learn more at
They are very short, but powerful, and
will shift your thinking before you
begin your day. Doing this in the
morning is powerful as it gives you
confidence instead of fear because you
are getting perspective instead of
getting stressed. You start thinking
about your goals, values, and the best
opportunities in your business rather
than randomly or mindlessly going
about your day.
Spark Your Body: We talked
about it earlier in this chapter, but do
something active. You can feel the
effects of a workout up to 12 hours
after, and this also helps you stay
focused throughout the day.
MVPs: Write down your Most
Valuable Priorities. Organize and
prioritize your schedule based on your
vision and goals.
Visualize: For this to be
effective, you must visualize with
precision and detail. Peak Performers
mentally rehearse their desired future
daily and continue doing so until
they've accomplished their goals. I
want to share an excerpt from my good
friend, Hal Elrods book, The Miracle
Powerful Questions:
A solid morning routine is a CRUCIAL
part of maximizing your day. Whats
your current routine? If you dont have
one, create a morning routine right
now. I call my morning routine my prize
fighter routine.
Before I get into the next must,
I want to expand on peak performance
and achievement. What makes an Elite
Performer isn't how they show up
when everything is going well. Its the
way they deliver when their best
laid plans are falling apart. Peak
productivity is not about luck. It's about
dedication and awareness. Regardless
of your current situation, what
business youre in, or what your goals
are, this chapter is extremely
important. Its your job to figure out
how to work at your personal best. In
a time of constant movement, constant
communication, and continual
achievement, the long list of to-dos and
completed tasks at the end of the day
makes us feel like we will never get
ahead. It seems like our days are
controlling us versus us taking control
of our days. This behavior of constant
busyness and lack of rituals can
actually take you off course from your
high-value goals, hurt your physical,
psychological and emotional system,
and can even damage or destroy
Before I get into my specific
productivity practices, let me give you
some 'Perspective Changers.' Changing
your perspective can change your life.
Tim Ferris has an amazing book
called, The Four Hour Workweek, and
a lot of these ideas I share here I
originally learned from his book. Ive
experimented with all of these and
have implemented them into my life
and business over the past two years. I
am only including those ideas that I
have seen increase my productivity and
80/20 Everything
This is called Pareto's Law and
can be summarized as follows: 80% of
the outputs result from 20% of the
inputs. If you take 10 of your tasks
and activities you want to get done,
two of them will produce more results
than the other 8 combined. This is a
proven fact. Sometimes, when we get
busy, we feel we must get a ton of tasks
done versus the few important ones
that create the greatest results. Im
often challenged to think intelligently
about which 20% of my tasks to do
with absolute focus that will YIELD
huge results. This perspective flip was
a big part of increasing business, while
decreasing my hours. Remember, its
not the hours you work, but the work
you put into those hours.
Which 20% of your tasks are resulting
in 80% of your desired outcomes and
Which 20% of your tasks are causing
80% of your problems and
Most things dont matter.
Most things make no difference
and arent moving your life or business
forward. In fact, most of the things you
do in your business dont accelerate
growththey just maintain at best.
Being busy is a form of laziness -
lazy thinking and indiscriminate
action. Being overwhelmed is often as
unproductive as doing nothing and is
far more unpleasant. Being selective
and taking more intelligent action is
the path to being highly productive.
Focus on the important few and ignore
or delegate the rest. At the beginning
of my journey towards success, I
thought I had to do everything myself
and didnt realize most activities didnt
actually increase my business results.
If somebody can perform tasks almost
as well as you, delegate those tasks and
stick to what you do best. Your time is
more valuable doing the things no one
else can do.
What activities can you either delegate
or stop doing right now?
The amount of
stress you have in
your life is in direct
correlation to the
lack of rituals you
have in place!
Mindset Rituals:
Talk to a mentor/somebody
playing the game at a higher
level than me twice a week.
Dont listen to or watch the news
Read 20 pages per day. Make sure
its something that is congruent
with my monthly and yearly goals.
Mon-Thurs listen to personal
growth/business audios in car.
Pause and reflect weekly.
Health Rituals:
Eat foods to elevate energy and
health rather than for taste and
Work out 6 days per week.
(Short, powerful workouts).
Drink a lot of water throughout
the day.
60% - 70% greens with every
Dont eat past 7:30 p.m.
Productivity Rituals:
Always have clarity and look at
my goals daily.
Execute my early morning
routine consistently (5 - 6 a.m.).
Complete my weekly master
plan EVERY Sunday
5 x 5 Rule - Look at my goals
for 5 minutes in the morning and
for 5 minutes in the evening..
Always ask myself these 3 questions
in the morning:
What am I grateful for?
What am I excited about today?
What am I 100% dedicated to
making happen this week?
Ritual 1:
Ritual 2:
Ritual 3:
Week 1
Week 2 Top 3:
Week 2
Week 3 Top 3:
Week 3
Week 4 Top 3:
Week 4
Starting Today:
What are the key behaviors needed
to accomplish your 30-day goals?
What are you going to Start doing
today thats congruent with your 30
day challenge goals?
What are you going to Continue to
do thats been serving you
Signature ____________________
Date _____________________
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About the Author:
Peter Voogd
A visionary, game changer,
speaker, author, mentor, and dedicated
entrepreneur, Peter Voogd is on a
mission to shift our culture, and wont
stop until his vision becomes a reality.
Peter cant stand traditional education,
and feels our society isnt doing enough
to educate, teach, and train our youth on
how to REALLY thrive in this tough
economy. Hes taken it upon himself to
guide and educate our millennials on
what it takes to not only succeed, but
thrive! Peters strategies and insight
have been featured in Entrepreneur
Magazine, Huffington Post, Business
Insider, Yahoo Small Business, Yahoo
Finance, MSN, and many other
international publications.
Peter has seen a lot of success
over the years, but even more failure.
Hes used his past to design his ideal
future, and has dedicated the last 10
years to helping people maximize their
potential. Hes been labeled the thought
leader on millennials because he is one,
he has succeeded as one, and been
successful leading an organization of
millennials at the highest level. He has
an authentic raw understanding of what it
takes to motivate and inspire. Hes
trained and led over 4,000 Sales Reps,
Managers, College Students,
Professionals, Business Owners,
Olympians and many others to high
levels of success.
He started his first business when
he was 15, and found himself broke,
stressed and discouraged by the age of
22. By 23, he had made his first 6 figure
income, and 3 1/2 years later his
earnings were over 1 million. He then
took the same formula and applied it in
another industry, and has dedicated
himself to teaching it to others so they
dont make the same mistakes he did.
Despite the challenge of lacking training,
Peter became the fastest manager to
reach $1 million in annual sales in his
companys 60 + year history, but left his
6 figure income because his magnitude
of mission was growing. He strongly
believes the
more you help people succeed, the more
successful you become.
Peter has started a movement to
empower America's Aspiring
Entrepreneurs and Young Professionals
called The Game Changers Academy.
It quickly became one of the most
Prestigious Training and Networking
Communities in the world, and continues
to attract Young Professionals and
Ambitious Entrepreneurs from all over
the Country. He understands on a deep
level that the Young Entrepreneur is the
future of our society.
He is also the Founder of one of
iTunes top podcasts The Young
Entrepreneur Lifestyle which is
focused on bringing results, guidance,
and excellence to entrepreneurs
worldwide. Its helping entrepreneurs do
business and live life on their terms.
Learn more at
Facebook: PeterVoogd23
LinkedIn: Peter Voogd
Twitter: PeterVoogd23
Instagram: Ambition23
Email: [email protected]