Lesson Plan Was Postponed Due To Kejohanan Merentas Desa SKSP 2016
Lesson Plan Was Postponed Due To Kejohanan Merentas Desa SKSP 2016
20/23 pupils are able 18/23 pupils are able 17/26 pupils are able to 17/26 pupils are able to
to do the exercise to do the exercise do the exercise given. do the exercise given.
given by teacher. given by teacher.
2/4 of the LBI pupils able 2/4 of the LBI pupils able
to do the exercise in the to introduce themselves
module. to their friends.
19/23 pupils are able 19/23 pupils are able 19/26 pupils are able to 18/26 pupils are able to
to do the exercise to do the exercise do the exercise given. do the exercise given.
given by teacher. given by teacher.
2/4 of the LBI pupils able 2/4 of the LBI pupils able
to sound the ear words. to write the ear words
17/23 pupils are able 18/23 pupils are able 18/26 pupils are able to 19/26 pupils are able to
to do the exercise to do the exercise do the exercise given. do the exercise given.
given by teacher. given by teacher.
2/4 of the LBI pupils able 2/4 of the LBI pupils able
to fill in the blanks in the to recite the poem with
word. guidance.
20/23 pupils are able 20/23 pupils are able 18/26 pupils are able to
to do the exercise to do the exercise do the exercise given.
given by teacher. given by teacher.
2/4 of the LBI pupils able
to read simple sentences
with guidance.
21/23 pupils are able 21/23 pupils are able LESSON PLAN WAS
to do the exercise to do the exercise POSTPONED DUE TO
given by teacher. given by teacher. KEJOHANAN MERENTAS