Dissertation Module Handbook
Dissertation Module Handbook
Dissertation Module Handbook
Dissertation Writing
Study Skills
This topic is also available in the on-line Study Skills Programme at
On many courses at UWIC you will be expected to prepare and write a dissertation in your final year. The
dissertation forms a very important part of a course. It is important to understand why you are asked to write it
and more importantly how you should structure it. Understanding this will help you get a good grade and
make graduation day really seem worthwhile.
This unit will explain why you are asked to write a dissertation and suggest a way in which you should
structure it. It is only a general guide and you should consult your DISSERTATION MODULE HANDBOOK
for further specific guidance before embarking on your dissertation.
Only browse through this unit quickly, unless you are already thinking about your dissertation.
Learning Outcomes
If you work through this unit you will be better able to:
Purpose (Introduction)
Review of the Literature
Systematic Presentation of the Data
Discussion, Analysis & Interpretation of the Data
Summary and Conclusions
Why should I write a dissertation?
For many courses, a dissertation forms part of the coursework for a degree. For some courses it is linked with
work experience. It provides you with an opportunity to undertake a piece of individual research work and
really examine an aspect of the subject you are studying closely: - your first attempt at serious 'research'.
You could consider it as an extended essay or assignment. However, although a dissertation can be seen as a
difficult piece of work, it is a good idea to think of it as providing a real opportunity to explore something that
you are really interested in within your course. Working on it should be a very exciting time for you.
You may be wondering what a completed dissertation looks like. There are plenty in the library for you to
peruse. When you examine them, notice how varied they are. There is no single 'recipe' for a dissertation.
Preparing for your Dissertation
If you would like to find out more there are various books available and one strongly recommended is the text
book by JUDITH BELL, entitled - DOING YOUR RESEARCH PROJECT published by the Open
University Press, I.S.B.N. NUMBER 0335 - 19094 - 4. It provides an excellent overall guide to the task in
Early on in the conception of the Project/Dissertation and in consultation with your supervisor, you should
discuss your ideas and formulate a more precise description of your Project/Dissertation. This should include:
• Title
Clear indication of the content of the Project/Dissertation.
• Aims
An overall statement of the nature of the original research and what you intend to do.
• Objectives
The specific questions you will expect to answer in your Project/Dissertation. You will probably find
it impossible to identify sensible questions as objectives until you have done a literature survey.
• Methodology
Identification of the ways you will achieve your objectives. This section should contain some critical
evaluation of why you selected a particular method of data collection, analysis, target group, etc.
• Timescale
List the tasks involved in the Project/Dissertation and estimate the timescale involved for each so that
you can set milestones by which you and your supervisor can assess your progress. Time is your
worst enemy in the Project/Dissertation and you will find that good time management will help you
considerably. Make sure you allow enough time to write up your Project/Dissertation and also to get it
word-processed and bound by the submission date.
You may find computer based project management programs (PERTmaster or Microsoft Project)
useful, especially for identifying any tasks you can carry out in parallel.
Books, particularly those recently published, can be very valuable. The librarian can help you to trace books
on particular subjects. Technical reports and patent specifications are also valuable resources. M.Phil. and
Ph.D. theses are listed in the Index of Theses and can usually be borrowed through the Inter-Library Loans
Service. Again, ask for help.
Ongoing research in your field can be traced through "Current Research in Britain" available in the reference
section of the library and is a great way of identifying who is working on what across the country. However,
the lists can be a bit dated and you should bear this in mind.
Having done your initial literature survey you should be ready to finalise the precise nature of your
investigation and list the specific aims and objectives knowing the background of your chosen area of study.
Update your literature study at intervals throughout your research and particularly before you write up the
final Project/Dissertation to ensure that you keep track of what is happening in your area.
Data Collection
Collecting the data is a time-consuming process. The quality of the data you collect will determine the quality
of your resultant argument. If you use a postal questionnaire you are likely to need to chase people up to
complete their questionnaires or get a low response. If you do use a questionnaire then make sure each
question on it provides data - that is why it is there. Think about what you will do with the data afterwards.
Collect the data in the way you want to use it. Make sure that the questions are appropriate to your target
audience. Do not use jargon or TLAs (three letter abbreviations!!!) - your audience may not understand them
and therefore bin the questionnaire.
Data Analysis
You need to identify at a very early stage the statistical techniques you will use for the analysis of the data.
This will help you to identify the amount of data you will need to collect (nominal, ordinal, interval, ratio).
You can get lots of clues about how data is analysed from your literature survey. You may already be familiar
with MINITAB, a general purpose statistical package for the quantitative analysis of small data sets, or SPSS
or some other appropriate computerised analytical tool. If so, use them. You may prefer to analyse your data
manually or with the aid of a calculator or spreadsheet package. Check that you understand how you will carry
out the analysis before you embark on data collection.
Chapter 1.
'The context'. Why do this study? Why now? Why here? Why me? The aims of the study.
Chapter one is very important and is possibly best compiled by answering a series of questions as follows.
• Is there a problem?
• What is it?
• Why does it need to be solved?
• What is your hypothesis (hunch)?
• Who will benefit from your investigation?
• In what sense will they benefit?
• In what sense will my contribution add to what is already known?
• How in general terms are you going to solve the problem, e.g., collect data, analyse data?
• By what methods? E.g., a case study approach.
• What are the constraints or limitations of the study?
Chapter 2.
This is a review of what is already known and of the main themes or issues. It covers past research and studies
and articles from relevant journals, books, newspapers, etc. It is a summary of what other people have written
and published around the theme of your research. It is very important that you acknowledge the authorship of
other people's work.
The literature chapter can, and should be drafted very early. As you find the literature, read it, and write about
it. Think of the literature review as a patchwork quilt - made up of paragraphs you have written about
individual texts. Highlight the findings that are relevant to your theses. Be critical of the literature - don't just
report it.
Chapter 3.
'The framework': What I did? How I did it? Why did I do it that way?
This is a description and evaluation of the methods, techniques and procedures used in the investigation. It
describes the scope and aims of the dissertation in some detail. It is also very important that you justify the
methods used.
Chapter 4.
Chapter 5.
Chapter 6.
What style should I write it in?
The dissertation should be written in the 3rd person, past tense, e.g., "The author (or It was) found that all
hotels in the study . . . . . . . . . . . . "
not "I find that all hotels in the study . . . . . . . . . . . "
It is a formal report and should be written in that style.
This unit has provided you with an overview of the purpose of a dissertation and suggested how to plan and
structure it.