Flatbed Dryer Design2
Flatbed Dryer Design2
Flatbed Dryer Design2
Drying Properties:
Abs. Humidity, H: 0.0102 Kg./Kg dry air 0.0149 Kg./Kg dry air
Enthalpy, E: 11 Kcal/Kg. 16.1 Kcal/Kg.
Abs. Volume, Va: 0.908 cu.m./kg.
2.) Calculate air volume required to remove the water from the grain:
4.) Calculate/Determine the amount of fuel to Dry the Palay @ 14% MC for 8 hours.
Square Foot
CFM/sq.ft. Inches, Water Width,m. Length, m.
of Grain
MC, %: 24.00
DM = V*Cp*t0.5*(Tdh-Twa)/Ln/(Mco-Mce)