Lesson Plan For Moral Education

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Lesson Plan

Day/Date Form Enrolment Subject Topic : 29th December 2013 : 1 Murni : /30 Time : 8.10- 8.50

Duration: 40 minutes

: Moral Education : Area of learning 3: Values related to environment Preservation and conservation of forest.

General Objectives

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to understand on the importance of preserving and conserving the forest.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of the lesson, students should be able to : 1. Identify the importance of forest to all beings. 2. List down the effects of illegal deforestation towards human, flora and fauna as well as nature. 3. State ways to conserve forest.


1. The importance of forest to all beings. 2. The effects illegal logging towards human, flora and fauna and nature. 3. Ways of conserving forest.

Language Skills (only for language lessons) Values Prior Knowledge Preserving and Conserving forest. Students have learned the following item in previous classes: 1. Environmental issues. Instructional Aids Set induction Pictures, handouts, mahjong papers. 1. Teacher shows pictures of illegal logging and asks the following questions: a. What can you see from the pictures? b. What is the difference between these two pictures? b. Is it a good thing or a bad one?

2. Teacher will relate the answers with the lesson on preserving and conserving forest to the students. Content Development Activity 1 1. Teacher explains to students the importance of forest generally to students and writes the important points on the whiteboard in a form of mind mapping. 2. Then, teacher randomly picks several students to give their ideas and respond to their answers. Activity 2 1. Teacher distributes handouts which contains an article on the effects of illegal logging to students and gives them 5 minutes to read the article. Teacher also reminds them to look carefully on the importance points stated in the article. 2. Then, teacher writes the categories of effects on illegal logging which later students have to write their answers based on the categories: human beings, flora and fauna and nature on the whiteboard. 3. Teacher picks several students to list down the effects of illegal logging that they found in the article and asks them to write it on the whiteboard based on the categories for human beings, flora and fauna as well as nature. 4. Teacher discusses the students answers together with the whole class and asks for any other answers and opinions. Activity 3 1. Teacher divides students into groups and gives one piece of mahjong paper to each group. 2. Teacher asks each group to discuss on the ways to conserve forest and writes their answers on the mahjong paper in point forms or mind mapping. 3. After that, each group has to send representatives to present it to the whole class their ways to conserve forest.

4. Teacher comments on each group answers after they presented their answers. Conclusion 1. Restate the content. 2. Ask students the important points of the lesson that have been learned. Evaluation Learning Outcome of 1. Evaluation of Learning Outcome 1 a) Teacher explains to students the importance of forest generally to students and writes the important points on the whiteboard in a form of mind mapping. Then, teacher randomly picks several students to give their ideas and respond to their answers. 2. Evaluation of Learning Outcome 2 a) Teacher picks several students to list down the effects of illegal logging that they found in the article and asks them to write it on the whiteboard based on the categories for human beings, flora and fauna as well as nature. Teacher discusses the students answers together with the whole class and asks for any other answers and opinions. 3. Evaluation of Learning Outcome 3 a) Teacher asks each group to discuss on the ways to conserve forest and writes their answers on the mahjong paper in point forms or mind mapping. After that, each group has to send representatives to present it to the whole class their ways to conserve forest. Teacher comments on each group answers after they presented their answers. Lesson Evaluation/

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