Engineering Sciences 154 Electronic Devices and Circuits: Course Description

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Engineering Sciences 154

Electronic Devices and Circuits

Course Information – Fall 2005

Course Description:
The goal of this course is to introduce electronic circuit analysis and design
techniques with special consideration given to the operation and use of
semiconductor devices. Basic physical models of the operation of semiconductor
devices such as diodes, MOS transistors and bipolar junction transistors will be
presented including the analysis and design of important circuits that utilize these
devices. In particular, this course will focus on practical analog circuits and more
specifically on amplifiers. Digital circuits and VLSI design issues will not be
addressed in detail and are covered more extensively in CS141 and CS148,
respectively. There is significant overlap with Physics 123 although this course
has greater emphasis on semiconductor devices and transistor-level circuit design.

Electricity and magnetism as in Physics 11b or 15b, differential equations as in
Applied Math 21b, and basic introduction to electronic circuits as in ES50.
Working experience with Windows/PC is assumed. If you have any questions
about your preparation, please contact Prof. Yang directly.

Time: TTh 2:30-4pm
Place: MD319

Time: TBD (2 hours/assignment for 6-7 assignments)
Place: MD B129

Course Home Page:

Prof. Woodward Yang
[email protected] or [email protected]
Office Hours: T 1:30-2:30 and Th 4-5 and by appointment

Teaching Fellow:
David Issadore
McKay 207
[email protected] or [email protected]
Laboratory Assistant:
Xuan Liang
Pierce G11A
[email protected] or [email protected]

Administrative Assistant:
MaryFran Mitrano
[email protected]

Required Text:
Microelectronic Circuits, Sedra and Smith, 5th Edition, Oxford
ISBN 0-19-514251-9 (should be available at the Harvard Coop)
Lecture Notes and Additional Handouts will be provided in class.

Recommended References:
Elementary Linear Circuit Analysis, Bobrow, 2nd Edition, HRW
Electrical Engineering, Schwarz and Oldham, 2nd Edition, Oxford
Electric Circuits, Nilsson, 4th Edition, Addison-Wesley
Engineering Circuit Analysis, Hayt and Kemmerly, 5th Edition, McGraw-Hill
Introduction to Electric Circuits, Dorf, 2nd Edition, John Wiley
Fundamentals of Electronic Circuit Design, Comer and Comer, John Wiley
Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits, Razavi
Analysis and Design of Analog Integrated Circuits, Gray and Meyer, John Wiley
The Design of CMOS RF Integrated Circuits, Lee, Cambridge
CMOS Analog Circuit Design, Allen and Holberg, HRW
Device Electronics for Integrated Circuits, Muller and Kamins, John Wiley
Microelectronics, Howe and Sodini, Prentice Hall
Solid-State Electronic Devices, Streetman, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall
The Art of Electronics, Horowitz and Hill

Course Requirements:
Lectures: While attendance at lecture is not required, it is strongly encourages. In
addition, while some lecture note handouts will be provided, they are not
complete nor guaranteed to be correct nor a substitute for attending lecture.

Problem Sets: Weekly problem sets will be typically assigned on Tuesday and
will be due one week later on Tuesday before the start of lecture. Late
homework will receive a maximum of ½ credit. Homework more than one week
late will receive no credit; see me for exceptional cases. Homework will make up
a significant part of your grade, and it is important that you do your assignments
carefully and hand them in promptly.
Laboratories: There will be about 6-7 laboratory assignments throughout the
semester. Experimental labs will bin MD B219 during assigned hours that will be
announced later.

Midterm Exam: There will be one 90 minute midterm examination that is

tentatively scheduled for Thursday, November 17.

Final Exam: A regular 3 hour final examination is scheduled for January 17 or 19

to be determined by the Registrar.

Design Project: There will be a design project assigned near the end of the
semester. A write-up of the project will be due at the end of reading period.

Course Grading:
Your final course grade will be roughly based on the following weighting of your
course work. Adjustments may be made on a case by case basis.
Problem Sets: 30%
Laboratories: 15%
Design Project: 10%
Midterm Exam: 10%
Final Exam: 35%
The course is typically curved around a B/B- average. However, if the class
average for total points is higher than this absolute average, we will (happily)
raise the average letter grade.

Policy on Cooperation:
Please feel free to talk with other class members and the teaching staff about the
problems sets and laboratory assignments, but always turn in only your own work.
The midterm and final exams are open book, but they are not open neighbor. It is
in your best interest to understand the problem sets and the laboratories.
Tentative Course Schedule

week Lecture Topics Laboratory

9/19 course overview, circuit elements, DC circuit
analysis, 1st order circuit transient analysis
9/26 2nd order circuit, AC circuit analysis,
impedance, frequency response, bode plot
10/3 intro to semiconductors, pn junction operation Lab #1: Oscilloscope

10/10 diode modeling and circuits, MOSFET device Lab #2: Op Amp
10/17 MOSFET biasing and modeling MOSFET Lab #3: Diode Circuits
10/24 BJT device operation, BJT biasing and Lab #4: SPICE Circuit Simulator
10/31 BJT circuits, intro to integrated circuits

11/7 current mirrors, integrated MOSFET amplifier Lab #5: Amplifier Design and Test

11/14 integrated BJT amplifiers, single ended Midterm Exam

11/21 review midterm solutions Thanksgiving Holiday

11/28 single-ended amplifiers at high frequency, Lab #6: Current Mirrors

OCT analysis
12/5 differential pair, high gain differential Begin Design Project
12/12 op amp design example

12/19 feedback amplifiers and stabilty

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