3 Ygw
3 Ygw
3 Ygw
Description of course
2. Laboratory
Three session each of three hours of formal laboratories comprising the analysis and
characterisation of a tuned amplifier, oscillator, and wireless transmitter and MOS logic
Recommended books
Study times
Type Hours
Lectures and tutorials 20
Laboratories and laboratory reports 15
Tutorial sheets 20
Review and consolidation of course material 25
Final revision and examination 25
These times are a rough estimate of the work required by a typical student. There will be
variations between individuals, but you will run the risk of failure if you spend significantly
less time on this course than these guidelines suggest.
% Type Details
10 Laboratory records Written records checked at end of each laboratory
90 Degree examination 90 minute paper: Section A compulsory (40%), choice
of 2 from 3 questions in Section B (60%).
The degree examinations are held in week 27 onwards; a resit is available in