3 Ygw

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Course information 1


Course code 3YGW

GU Credits 10
ECTS Credits 5
Prerequisite course(s) Electrical Circuits 2 (3KDV) and Electronics 2 (5WJV)
Teaching staff Dr B Choubey (telephone 7155, email B.Choubey)
Approximate size of class 60 students
Semester 2

Description of course

1. Discrete Electronic Circuits

To introduce the principles of circuit design using discrete transistors.
Understanding how transistors produce amplification. Why biasing is necessary. The
distinction between large-signal and small-signal performance. Analysis and exploration of a
range of typical circuit configurations. The factors affecting the frequency response of circuits.
How a conventional operational amplifier is structured. Open and closed loop analysis of
circuits including oscillators. The behaviour of MOS switching circuits.
The hybrid-pi model of field effect transistors. How to calculate circuit performance. Simple
single-transistor amplifier stages. The properties of Class A, B and AB amplifiers. The
differential amplifier. Active voltage and current biasing circuits. Design of oscillators.
Application of MOSFET as a simple switch and as a logic gate.
Ability to analyse and design transistor amplifier circuits, including their input and output
resistances, frequency response and dynamic behaviour. Analysis of DC coupled multi-stage
transistor circuits. Analysis and design of MOS and CMOS logic gates.
MOSET amplifiers: large and small signal models. Simple biasing arrangements.
Performance of common-source and source-follower circuits: voltage and current gain,
frequency response, Miller effect.
Analysis and design of DC coupled circuits. Advanced bias circuits - current mirror and
cascoding. The differential amplifier and its contribution to the op-amp. Complete op-amp
circuit. Common mode rejection ratio and effect of improved design. Sources of non-
linearity in amplifiers and impact on design. Oscillator theory and design.
Power amplifiers: Class A, B, and AB amplifiers and their application in op-amp, rf and audio
MOSFETs: I-V characteristics. Hybrid-pi model. MOSFET switching circuits.

Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering

Course information 2

2. Laboratory
Three session each of three hours of formal laboratories comprising the analysis and
characterisation of a tuned amplifier, oscillator, and wireless transmitter and MOS logic

Recommended books

Authors Title, edition Publisher Year ISBN Cost Code

A S Sedra and K C Microelectronic Oxford 2004 0195142527 £40 B
Smith Circuits (5 Ed) Uni Press (est.)
P.E. Allen and CMOS Analog Oxford 2002 019511644- £44 C
D.R. Holberg Circuit Design (2nd Uni Press 5 (est.)
Codes : A = compulsory; B = strongly recommended; C = recommended; D = wider reading

Study times

Type Hours
Lectures and tutorials 20
Laboratories and laboratory reports 15
Tutorial sheets 20
Review and consolidation of course material 25
Final revision and examination 25

These times are a rough estimate of the work required by a typical student. There will be
variations between individuals, but you will run the risk of failure if you spend significantly
less time on this course than these guidelines suggest.


% Type Details
10 Laboratory records Written records checked at end of each laboratory
90 Degree examination 90 minute paper: Section A compulsory (40%), choice
of 2 from 3 questions in Section B (60%).
The degree examinations are held in week 27 onwards; a resit is available in

Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering

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