Hindu Ast.
Hindu Ast.
Hindu Ast.
,' a , , : l a 2 6 . A + h r a k : -t \ Bhinna ashtaka Vargd, Ravi ashtaka varga, Chandra ashtaka varga, Kuja ashtakavarga, Budha ashtaka varga, Guru ashtaka varga, Shukra ashtaka varga, Shani ashtaka varga. Samudaya ashtaka Varga - Rashi pinda, Graha pinda, Shodhya pinda. 27. Transit Influences 28. Upagrahas Mandi and Gulika, Dhuma, Vyatipata, Parivesha, Indrachapa, Upaketu. 29. Annual Solar Return Exact time when the Sun reaches the same point after one year. References to Uttara Kalamrita, B.V. Raman. Results of various dasas during the year. Dasas of Ravi, Chandra, Kuja, Budha, euru, Shukra, Shani, Rahu and Lagna. 3O. .Mundane Astrology Ruling stars and ruling planets of States and countries. Chart of Indian independence. fframid of Gizeh. Views of ptolemy and Varahamihira. Factors reckoning mundane astrologr. Relation of country,s chart with that of the President,s chart. Charts of President and prime Minister. 537
550 559
31. Profession Houses and planets goveming profession. Horoscopes of Lord Tennyson, Alexander the Creat, Immanuel Kant, Pasteur, T.H. Huxley, Newton, Dinstein, Charles I, Von Papen, Goethe, Elizabeth I, Caesar Borgia, Cicero, Gladstone, Annie Besant, Shivaji, Saint Thyagaraja, Dueher, HaYdon. Characteristics of_qpecific degrees of Mesha and Tula, of Vrishabha and Vrishchika, of Mithuna and Dhanush, of Kataka and Makara, of Simha and Kumbha, of Kanya and Meena. 32. Sortre I't",ofessiont Diplomacy: Charts of K.P.S. Menon, S. Radha Krishnan. Politics: Charts of Chamberlaine, Karl Marx, Pierre Laval, Mussolini, Nepolean, Earl of Beaconsfield, Sir John French, Clemenceau, Nepolean lll, Third Reich, Lloyd Ceorge, Woodrow Wilson, Lincoln. Philosophers, Police and Military, Mathematicians, Advocates, Attorney, Poets, Philosophers, Accountant. Criminals. Charts of Nero, Aurangzeb,"N.'V. Qodse, Walter Horsford, Schauman and some other criminals.
35. A:lrtrcllIl
Parts of body governed by 27 nakshatras, Diseases affected by different planets: Epilepsy and Neurasthenia, Paralysis, Gout, Gall Bladder, Cancer, Tumours, Ulcers, Dropsy, Plague, Itches, Stone, Hydrophobia, Fracture of Bones, Loss of Limbs, Leprosy, Leucoderma, Blood poisoning, Elurns, Complaints of liver, Bilious diseases, Bowels, Colic, Appendicitis, Diabetes, Piles and allied complaints, Hydrocele, Mental ailments, Eye troubles, Nose troubles,
Troubles of Tongue, Dental troubles, Defective hearing, Troubles of mouth and face, Affectation of throat, asthma, Affections of lungs. Complaints of heart. Urinary diseases, Smallpox and chickenpox, Bronchitis, Diseases of digestive system, Cirrhosis of liver. 54. Some diseases Tumour of eye, short sight, blindness, Night . blindness, General complaints of the eye, Dumbness, Diseases of Ear, Diseases of teeth, Diseases of throat, Asthma, Heart Tuberculosis, Consumption, T h r o m b osis, complaints, Meningitis, Haematemesis, lndigestion, Colig, Castritis, Amoebiasis, vomiting, Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Hernia, Diabetes, Prostrate glands, Diseases of sex organs, Prameha, Dnlargement of Scrotum, Rheumatism, Epilepsy, Hysteria, Mental cases. Charts of patients with different diseases, lmpotency, Ovaries and Uterus, Leukaemia, Fever, Kidney, Cancer, Charts of Cancer patients, Bad health, Painful and unnatural deaths. 35. Some Sensitive Positions Specific degrees of all signs giving bad results if malefic planets are there.
56. Sorli: l{r:llrrrr!i-ll &li:ot'nltte$
Vedic remedies for planets, Mantras, Japas, danas (charities), Planets responsible for different ailments, Cems prescribed to propitiate different planets. 57. Female lloroscopy Nativities of women, Charts showing effects of planets on the lives of women. Ceneral outline, Ashtaka varga, Special features. 800
38, ll.rrliafie, Matchinrl an;! Krria dcsha Marriage, Signs and degrees involved in consideration of the problem of marriage: Matching. Number of kutas, Charts showing effects of kutas, Special points, Role of Kuja. Ketu and Uranus, Arudha. Kuja Dosha, Charts showing Kuja dosha. 39. Children General principles expounded by Parasara, Charts showing Role of Shani, Guru, Budha and Rahu-ketu in the birth of progeny. Different kinds of Children according to Kalyana Varma. Role of Jupiter in childbirth, Role of Kuja and Curu combined, Combination of planets, Twelfth House, Sphuta and Saptamsa, Loss of Children, Adoption, Sons late in life. Number of children, Time of birth and number, Absence of children, Loss and gain of time. 4O. Kalpalata on Jairnini Sutras Treatises on Jaimini Sutras. Kalpalata and Krishniya. 41. Jairrrini System Unique system of astrology, Argala. Benefic argala, Malefic argala, Argala caused by the planets, Argala counteracted by the planets. Different Lagnas: Janma Lagna, Navamsa Lagna, Karakamsa lagna, Arudha lagna. l{ora lagna, Bhava lagna, Ghatika lagna, Vighatika lagna, Qulika, Pranapada, Varnada ' lagna, Mandi, Strength of planets and houses, Symbolic points, Brahma, Rudra, Maheshwara, Longevity, Chara dasa, Sthira dasa, Trikona dasa.
Ashteka Varga
hen KuJa is strong in Shadbala, longevity has to be determined from the Bhinna Ashtaka Varga; and when Shani is the strongest we have to depend on Samudaya Ashtaka Varga. We have dealt with the problem of Ashtaka Vatga exhaustively in our book Secrets of Ashtaka Varga (Ranjan Publlcations). Influence of translting planet has to be understood only from the ashtaka varga of the Moon and of the planet concerned. If we ignore the two ashtaka vargas (of the Moon and of the concerned planet), the transit influences do,not come out accurately. The luminaries and planets transit all the twelve signs in a sequence. Their placement from the Moon, lagna and themselves gives varying results at different times. These have to be noted carefully. Each planet has such favourable places from itself. from the Moon, and from the five planets. Thase heing eight in number, it is calted Ashtaka varga. The benefic places are marked by a circle (Bindu) in South India and by a line (Rekha) in north India. We foltow the South Indian practice. The favourable dots come to SSZ. All the good and bad effects have to be declared with reference of these eight. Also note which planet contributes a bindu in a sign. Count from the lagna and the concerned planets. There are variations among our authoritative texts. We will ndte them as and when necessary.
1. Ravi Ashtaka varga: Total Bindus 48 From Ravi : 1,2, 4,7, 8,9, lO, I I Chandra : 3,6, lO, I I Kuja : 1,2, 4, 7, 8,9, l O, l l Budha : 5, 5, 6, 9, l A, l l, 12 Curu : 5,6,9, ll Shukra : 6, 7, 12 Shani : 1,2,4,7,8,9, lO, ll I"agna : 3,4,6, lO, ll,12 2. Chandra Ashtaka Varga Total Bindus 49 From Ravi : 3, 6,7, A, lO, ll C h a n d r a : l , 3 , 6 , 7 , L O ,l l Kuja t 2,3,5,6,9, lO, ll Budha :1,3,4,5,7,8, lO, ll Curu t I,4,7,B, lO, ll,12 Shukra t 5, 4, 5,7,9, lO, I I Shani : 5, 5, 6, I I Lagna t 3,6, lO. I I 3. Kuja Ashtaka vargai Total Bindus 59 t 3,5,6, lO, ll From Ravi Chandra : 3,6, ll :1,2,4,7,8, lO, ll Kuja Budha : 5, 5, 6, I I : 6, lO, Il,12 Guru Shulrra t 6,8, lI, 12 t l, 4,7, 8,9, 10, I I Shani n ': 1,3,6, lO, 11 Iagna 4. Budha Ashtaka Vatga Total Bindus 54 From Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha Curu Qhukra Sh,ani Lagna 5,6,9, ll, 12 2,4,6,8, lO, r I t,2, 4,7,8,9, lO, I I t, 3, 5, 6, 9, lO, l l, 12 6, I, Lt, t2 1,2,5,4,5,8,9, rr t,2, 4,7,8,9, lO, 1l 1,2, 4,6, 8, lO, I I
5. Ouru Ashtaka Vatga: Total Bindus 56 From Ravi : I, 2, 3, 4, 7,8, 9, lO, I I Chandra t 2,5,7,9, ll Kuja t l, 2, 4, 7, A, tO, l l Budha : 1,2, 4, 5, 6,9, lO, I I Curu lO, ll ;1,2,3,4,7,8, Shukra : 2, 5,6, 9, lO, 1l Shani : 3,5,6, 12 Lagna z 1,2, 4, 5,6,7, 9, lO, ll 6. Shukra Ashtaka Vatga. Total Bindus 52 From Ravi z 8, ll, 12 Chandra z 1,2, 5,4,5,8,9, ll, 12 Kuja : 3,5,6,9, ll, 12 Budha z 3,5,6, 9, I I Quru : 5, 8, 9, lO, I I Shukra z 1,2, 5, 4,5,8, 9, lO, I I z 3,4,5, A,9, lO, ll Shani Lagna : 1, 2, 5, 4, 5,8, 9, ll gives 4 instead of 5 in Kuja. Parashara 7. Shani Ashtaka Varga. Total Bindus 59 : L, 2, 4, 7, A, lO, l l From Ravi Chandra : 5, 6, I I z 3, 5,6, lO, ll, 12 Kuja Budha z 6,8,9, lO, ll, 12 Quru : 5,6, ll, 12 Shukra z 6, ll, 12 Shani : 5, 5, 6, I I Lagna : l, 3,4, 6, lO, I I Parashara, Vaidynatha and others have given us separately the Ashtaka Varga for the lagna. The total Bindus here are 49. These are distributed as follows: 3, 4,6, rO, ll, 12 : Ravi 3, 6, lO, ll, 12 Chandra : t,5,6, lo, l l : Kuja 1 , 2 , 4 , 6 , 8 , 1 O ,1 1 : Budha | : 1,2, 4,5,6,7,9, lO, I I / Guru / : t,2,3,4,5, A, I Shukra l O , I I t , 4 , 6 , : 3 , Shani 5,6, lO, ll : Lagna
For the time being we ignore the ashtaka varya of the lagna. The minimum required is one-twelfth of each body's total. Less than the required minimum is not good. The different results given and by the number of Bindus of each planet in its radical position, and by the number not given are explained in our Secrets of Ashtaka varga. (Ranjan Publications). The reader is requested to refer to that text. ttere we are concemed with the calculation of longevity on the basls of Ashtaka Varga. We have taken the chart of a pennn bom on 1920.1.22 at 11.6.24 AM. The chart is given below. The calculatlom of r{shtaka Varya is based on
tc, ?630
GiunrR 4.*
ShaniR 18.8
fudra 2&38
Sh*ra 28.9)
the positions in Rashi alone, and not on the Bhava positions. We tabulate the figures of the Ashtaka Varya.
fravi Chandra Kqia Budha Cluru Shukn Shani M i n a 5 5 4 3 4'5 65 5 6 5 2 5 2 lfesha 4 5 5 4 6. 5 Vlrlrabtra 6 ttflthuna4637145 Krfr2612725 Slmhrt1556t4 tgnya5214655 Tuta5544554 Vrfschlk!6546464 Dhanush2425454 '5 5 2 5 5 5 6 Plalra Kumbhat442S552 59 49 59 Total 28 50 55 50 25 52 22 50 55 26 2J 2J
557 rtF
This ls subJect to two forms of reduction or shodhana. The flrst is Tllkona (Trtnal). The signs are divided into four Trinal signs. These are (a) Mesha, Simha and Dhanus; (b) Vrishabha, Kanya, and Malrara; (c) Mithuna, Tula and Kumbha; and (d) Karka, Vrishchlka, and Mina. The conditions laid down are as follows: (i) lf the same number of Elndus is not found in the three signs of each trinal group, subtract the least from the other two. Some argue that the least number should be deducted from all the three signs. This is not acceptable. Jataka Parijata states (1O.58):
Ravi Mina Mesha Vrishabha Mithuna Karka Simha Kanya Tuta Vrischika Dhanush Makara Kumbha .. 2 2 5 4 2 2 5 4 2 2 3 4
Chandra 5l 22 2t 42 5 2 2 4 5 2 2 4
Eudha 24 o4 34 4l
2t o2 55
3 2 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2
I 2 I 2 I 2 I 2
24 o4 5 4 2 4 l 4 4 4 I
5 5 2
5 4
5 5
To this we have to apply Ekadhipatya Shodhana' Except the Sun and the Moon, the others have two signs each. Because of the ownership of two signs, the figures in the two signs are subject to this Shodhana. The principles governing this are: (i) There is no reduction for Karka and Simha. (ii) If there are planets in both the signs owned by the planet there is no reduction. (lii) If there is no figure in one of the two signs, there is It may or may not be occupied. reduction. no (iv) If one sign only is occupied by a planet see which sign has a greater number (a) If the occupied sign has a greater number, remove the figures in the unoccupied sign' (b) If the occupied sign has a smaller rumber, then give the same number to the unoccupied sign (c) If both the signs have the same number, remove the figures from the unoccupied sign. ' (u) lf the two signs have no planets consider if the figures in both are equal. If so, remove both.
(vi) lf the two signs are not occupied, if the figures are not equal, replace the larger by the smaller, Thus after the two reductions in Bhinnashtaka Varga we have the following :
Ravi Mina0212O229 MeshaOOlOOOOl VrishabhaOOOOlO2S Mithuna52l5lO212 Karka51242517 Simha Kanya 2 3 2 2 2 t O 5 4 I 'O O 2 2 12 '12 Chandra Kuia Budha Auru Shukra Shani Total
Now let us consider the Samudaya Ashtaka Varga' Here we take the totals in each sign and subject them to these two reduction. Flrst multiples of twelve are to be expunged.
t 2
.:'. T
After the second reduction we get ln Samudaya Ashtaka Vargaas given here:
The multipliers for the signs from Mesha on words are 7, lO, 8, 4, lO,5,7, A,9, 5, ll, 12.The multipliers for the planets are: Sun 5, Chandra5, Kuja 8, Budha 5, Guru lO, Shukra 7, and Shani 5. Take the figures for each planet separately. The figures are those after the second reduction in the various signs and multiply each by the sign multiplier. This gives the total Rashi Pinda. Then in each planet's case consider the planets in signs and multiply them by the planetary multiplier. This gives the graha pinda. Add these two to get the shodhya pinda. Thus we get the followings : Rashi Pinda Ravi Chandra Kuja Budha Curu Shukra Shani Qraha Pinda 159 184 l05 165 142 a4 173 Shodhya Pinda t06 123 65 96 156 88 125 Total 265 307 166 259 278 t72 298
Multiply each shodhya Pinda by 7 and divide it by 27. Remove multiples of 27 from the product. The net product
gives the number of years denoted by each planet. Thus we get: Ravi lo 68# 27 = rg I4*-'27
Chandra ,n#
44 # 77 +
-rc+ -rc+ r n#
There are other views. (l) Accordinglo Jataka pa4lata the Shodhya Pinda of each planet is to be divided by thirty. The quotient is the longevity by the planet. When the quotient is more than twelve, expunge multiples of twelve, and take the remainder. (a) If a planet is exalted double the figure. (b) If lt is debilitated, combust, or eclipsed halve it. (c) Calculate the period by rule of three if it is between exaltation and debilitation. This does not give accurate results. (2) Shambhu Hora gives another method. If the quotient is more than 27 and less than 54, deduct it from 54. ff it is more than 54 and less than 81, deduct it from 8l . If it is more than 8l and less than lO8, subtract it from lOB. This too does not square with facts.
yars.There 26 some
deduction. (i) When the sign has two planets, the term of life given
by the weaker one should be halved. (ii) When a planet is combust or debilitated, it loses half. (iii) In an enemy's sign it loses one'third. (iv) A malefic in the twelfth, loses al!; in the eleventh, one half; in the tenth, one-third; in the ninth, one'fourth; in the-eight, one-fifth; and in the seventh. one-sixth. A benefic in these places, loses only half of what a malefic does. (v) A planet defeated in war (graha yuddha) loses one' third. (vi) Sun or Moon in eclipse loses one-third. In the example we have taken, Sun and Moon are together and the Moort is weak. Shani and the Sun are in the houses of mutual foes. These require deduction. Only the highest deduction has to be made, when two or more apply to a planet.
tr# to-i$
2 18 U
shukra tt-ffi
shani Total tt# n #
These are lunar years. Multiply the total by 324 and divide it by 565.25. The result will be solar years. Here we get 3OlO2.4 + 365.25 = 82,4159 Years'
Ashtaka varga is one of the valuable systems of predictive astrology. It is more so for an interpretation of the influences of the planets in transit. But regarding the calculation of longevity,this system has not been found satisfactoryin many cases and it does not seem to be quite reliable. The system is apparently called so because the bindus (benefic dots) are reckoned from the seven planets and Lagna, thus making a total coun\ from eight places. In actual practice we reckon the bindys for the planets only and not for Lagna. The reason for the failure of Ashtaka varga perhaps may be due to either an inadequatecomprehension of the principles or the inadequacyof the number of examples worked out. In all probability there is an inadequate comPrehension of the principles on the part of the later writers. This might explain why the bindus for Lagnaare not given by them. Moreover, the total number of bindus was to be537 and it was held to be sancrosanct' While explaining the calculation or longevity on the basis of this system, VaidyanathaDikshita in his Jataka ?aniata observes:
sTlffivgp-f,qfur ffiiqrmhr:
f*er drq-rJo*sr: qtcqfuililfw:
il 66 1l
aerr*+yget rTdg-r f+fl erfr r tfte 1-oww qi Td SIRxT't der I Eo I I q{ TsRrdrAs {i lTi Wr.rtt I qfq-di aer R'S {elTi dn{-s otffinq 1 os t l
In this Lagnashtaka varga the benefic places are given thus: From the Sun 5,4,6,lO,ll,l2; From the Moon 3,6,10,ll,t2; F r o m M a r s1 , 3 , 6 , 1 O , 1 l ; From Mercury1,2,4,6,8, 1O, 1l ; FromJupiter 1,2,4,5,6,7,9, lO,l I i From Venus 1,2,3,4,5,8,9 ; From Saturn 1,3,4,6,1O, 1l ; F r o mL a g n a 5 , 6 , l O , ll . The total bindus are 49.If we add this to the total bindus of the seven planets, we get 586. From Lagna toq,we must apply the two reductions of trikona and ekadhipatya and then apply Rashi and Craha multipliers. In the longevity given by Ashtaka varga and Amshayu no deductions are to be made. On the other hand when a planet is exalted, the years given by it are to be trebled; if in its own varga (sign) it is to be doubled; if in an adhimitra house one half is to be added; if in a friend's house add one-third. Still some deductions are enjoined. If it is in an inimical house or adhi-shatru house, one-third is to be deducted. This is the best method to be followed, says the text. Possibly the links missed by the subsequent writers are to be found in those verses of Brihat Parasara llora. One must experiment on these lines to find out whether the Ashtaka varga system of calculating longevity gives us a reliable method. If we take the system to be not fully reliable we ' cannot explain why even Mantreshwara said:
: vr{qrgilftrq;1
'Of all the methods for calculating longevity, the Ashtakavarga method is the best.' If so, the defect may lie In our ignoring the lagnashtaka varga. It is earnestly believed that serious students of astrology will include thls I"agnashtaka va4la to satisfy themselves of the usefulness of this method. According to Jataka Partjata, some teachers, followlng great masters, argue that the number of years for the lagna derived from the lagna ashtaka varga have to be added to this (10.48). But for lagna we get Rashi Pinda and not any Graha Pinda. This is for the research scholars a serious problem. Now consider the samudayika (ttt5<tfuO) nshtaXa Varga. After the second reduction we have as given in the chart.
2 0
The Graha Pinda is l06 and the Rashi Pinda ls 122. The total is 228. Multiplying it by 7 and dividing it by 27, we get . Multiply it by 324 and divide it by 565.24. The res9 ult is 52.455 years. This does not agree with facts. tle is stitl alive. 59
1 6 , A n s a r iR o a d ,D a r y aG a n j ,N e w D e l h i - 1 1 0 0 0 2 Phone : 327 88 35
Transit Influences
influences are always related to Ashtaka varga of lransit I the Moon and of the planet concerned. Transit effects are generally rackoned from the Moon. Some authors observe that during the first thirty three years they are reckoned from the Moon, the next 55 years from lagna, and the last J4 from the Sun. Others give the first 55 to lagna, the next J5 to the Moon, and the last 54 to the Sun. One has to rely on his own \ experience and observation. Each planet transists all the twelve signs. lts influence varies from sign to sign. We list some of the effects from the Moon sign. They may be applied to the Lagna or the sign occupied by the Sun, as per his observation, experience and conviction. We tabulate these.
tlouse l. sun Moon good food Kuja sorrow Budha loss of place
imprisonment loss of fortune loss of fortune gold Earns money ill health ' fortune trouble from foe destruction of foes fulfilment trouble destruction of foes poverty gain of land
5. 6.
Moon earns money can cause death anger of the ruler happiness Profits danger to wlfe Shukra healthy enjoyments profits great happiness blrth of a chlld disgrace lll health good clothes ornanlents KuJa loss of money fear from weapons expenditure mental anguish rlches cruel Shani sotTow destruction prosperity stomach trouble loss of a child wealth dejected fear of death bodlly palns worries gains loss Budha sorrow happiness proflts happiness pleasure i4jury Rahu or Ketu fear quarrels prosperity disgrace expenditure happiness destruction of foes depression lncrease of worries expenditure good fear of death
llouse 7, 8. 9.
Exile Oains Obtruction In work Expenditure Prosperity Sorrow, Worry Itealthy Dxpenditure Gains
gains loss
The transit results of Curu and Shani are very powerful. Shani's transit in 12, I and 2 comes roughly once in thirty years. This is called sadesati. It is not always harmful. lf it harms in the first round, it confirms the same oglyjn the third round, not in the seond. If it harms in the second round, it does not harm is the third round.
is in the eleventh' Vedha is an obstructing point' If the Sun In the flfth' planet a is there $ti't^ti-e ui But ir h. d;;;;;od. there ls no Sun For the its capacity to do good is obstructed' not cause does Eludha rlattl from stran] and vice-versa' at a later points vedha the vedha to the Moon. w. ut" giving stage in thil chaPter' to Ashtaka varga; Cochara or transits oPerate in relation and to the chart' natal and both these are suUltct to the cannot Transits time' that dasa and antardasa opeiating at be judged indePendentlY' problem of Argala' Allied to the badhaka places is the Jaiminihassixsutrasonthisquestion.Theseare:
2nd' and loth from the The places or planets in th-e-.4th' When more than two malefics aspecting UoOy caluse Argala' there is a malefic 1iJ rt"ti-irt"-ispecting planet' ;;;;-. Argala cause from Srd itnets in the loth' 12th' ;#i;.Argala obstructing obstruction to the ;;;"1* ti ttre.planets Argala' then causing itrose than are fewer or t""'-politrful no1 affected' Planets in the Sth the [6"i;ii , the power of by the influence of a planet from a planet u," "o"unttracted places in the reverse manner in the in the 9th. couni ;;; are cryptic' lu"l of Ketu. These aphorisms 4th' 2nd' l lth and 5th the Let us explain' Planets in or become Argalas' Planets from an aspectin! Uoay-tuu"" Argalas' If these are natural ln the 9th from fietu Uecome Malefics in the 5rd also benefics, ttren tne lq'g"f" i" Uenefig' 4th' 2nd..and l lth having planets cause malefic Atd;:il" and 5rd 'are count"ru.t"E-ny planets in the lOth' l2th vice and 9th the by respectively. rne Stit i" counteracted in the Srd has no malefic versa. rhe nrgal cuu""O by a in Jaimini are different aspects The ug;niy' counteracting signs aspect all movable All from those giu"i-ny'rut*ttutu' ones next to them; all fixed signs fixed signs .*.tpl'tt" ones behind them; and all aspect att movaitl-"ig* except.the the aspects of the , common signs ;"*Zt each other' -Thus zloo' 5ooo;those of the fixed signs u[Li7zo'' movable "ign" of the common signs are at are at6o", 15o", z+b;iuno those
Tw{r crct;fnI ?idsFrdl fttzfrg:I O'FRsn En tTrrq R'q fis olr{tn frt\Fq: I q qil f+qarrat srq.( FrotdlI Fqfti ffi: t (r't's-to)
9Oo, l8Oo, 27Oo.Benefic results will arise in the periods of the signs which have benefic Argalas. These Rrgalas accordinglo Jaimini cannot work if we accept his aspecls. A pranet in"the 4th from Mesha (Aries)cannot be aspected, a" per Jaiminl, by a planet in Mesha (Aries). Another obstructing force or point is known as vedha. When the Sun transits I lth, Srd, lOth and 6th from the Moon he gives good resurts. These resurts are obstructed when other planets at the same time transit sth, gth, 4th and I2th houses respectively. Thus from the radical Moon or we give the position of the pranet in the first column and lagn-a its obstructing point in the second. The first seven fiil;;;;;" related to the last 7. The Sun I l, J, lO, 6. The Sun S, g,4, t2 The Moon Z, 1,6, ll, The Moon Z, S, lZ, g, 4, g lo,5 Mars 5, I l, 6. Mars lZ, S. g Mercury 2, 4, 6, g, Mercury S, S, g, l, Z, lz lo, ll Juplter Z, Lt,9, S, Z Jupiter tZ, B, lO, 4, s Venus l,2, 5,4, S, g,7, I, lO, 9, 5, Venus a,9, tl, t2 1 1 ,6 . 5 Saturn 5, I l, 6 Saturn 12, S, g In Chart I when Saturn was transisting the l2th from the Moon, and Mars was in the gth, the nativl passed away.
It was in March LgS7. Saturn does not cause vedha to the Sun.
Similarly Mercury for the Moon, the Sun for Saturn, the Moon for Meriury do not cause vedha. This happened in the Moon's sub-period during the m4ior period of Saturn. Here the vedha from the Moon to salurn is obstructed by venus. But transit vedha worked. Latta is another obstructing point. The counting of the constellation is in the reverse order for Prishtha Latta and in the regular order for Puro Latta. The 12th star from that occupi"O by the Sun, the 5rd f,rom that of Mars' the 6th from that of Jupiter, the 8th from that of Saturn are Puro Lattas, the forward ones. The 5th from that of Venus' the 7th from that of Mercury, the 9th from that of Rahu' the 22ndfromthatoftheMoonarePrishthaorrearLattas.|f the constellation at birth happens to be the Latta star of a planet, during its transit there, one has ill-health and sorrow.ouringtheSun,sLattabusinessisruined.TheLattao RahuandKetubringsmisery;ofJupiterbringsdeath'ruinof relatives, fear and insecurity; of Venus results in quarrels; of Mercury there is loss of position; of the Moon there will be loss. when two or more Lattas coincide, the effects are intensified (Phala Deepika' 26.42-47). Sarvatobhadra Chakra also explains the points of vedha' Baia Viiaya' Svala Iloraratna. Following Jatakabharana' and other works we explain this and its significhintaiani cance. First we draw the figure as below : .fi"tl 3I 3lffi qfrer {rdftsr s.qT. ffi
q iF'
g,T" srd
\ilqr w-fi
gPqo' 3i
gs.t 3ir g?F-4rs T<r frE{ wi qfuqR {rFr-4R qrra-qn 1l-(I Gir o.d Tnq-qR $r{R
O-{II q 6R
gq stYd$f
lfdr t fr"I
eqs s.In.
Nanda refers to the lst,6th and llth tithis; Bhadra to the 2nd, 7th, and l2th tithis; Jaya to tithis 5rd, 8th, and l Sth; Rikta, to the 4th, gth, and l4th tithis; Puma to the 5th, the lOth, the l5th, the 5Oth tithis. Each group has its own week-day. The Sun, Mars, Saturn, Rahu, Ketu, the waning Moon, and Mercury associated with malefics are all malefic planets; the rest are benefics. A planet is situated in a constellation; and by its aspect three vedhas arise for it one in the left, one in the front, and one in the right. In the right or left the vedha will be with a star, a consonant, a Rashi, or a vowel only. Thus a planet in Krittika has a vedha with Bharani, 3I, Vrishabha, Nanda, Bhadra, Thula, iT, Visakha, and Sravana. One in Rohini has vedha with 3, Aswini, d, Mithuna, et, nanya, 1, Swati, and Abh[jit. One in Mrigasira has vedha with Kataka,4', Simha, H, Chitra, Revati, d, 3{, and Uttarashadha. The aspect of a retrograde planet is towards the right, and that of one in direct motion is to the left; when it is stationary, it is towards the front. For Rahu and Ketu the vedha will be on the right; and for the Sun and the Moon it is on the left. A retrograde malefic in vedha position causes great evil, and a retrograde benefic does good. When a planet transits over Ardra, Hasta, Poorvashadha and Uttarabhadrapada,the triplets that are hit are (l) q, g', 6; (2) {, vl, A; (3) tl, S, d; (4) q, g, 9. Regarding the pairs E-tf, -YI,U q, q-q and 3-T if one letter is hit the other also is hit. When the vedha is caused by a benefic, it is Saumya vedha. If one vowel is hit the other vowel similar to it is also hit; and this applies also to 3d-3{:. When a planet is in the junction of two constellations in any of the four corners of the square, the vowels eI, sil, F and { anO the Purna Tithi are hit. The resulty'are 3{ agitation or excitement, 3ll-fear,E-loss, {-di".u"., and tithi-death. When the vedha is with a star the result is confusion; with a consonant loss; with a vowel sickness; and with tithi or Rashi a great obstacle. When there are five vedhas at the
same time one is not likely to live. One vedha causes fear, two bring loss of money, three obstacles, and four death. In the vedhas of individual planets, different results follow. The Sun's - misunderstanding; Mars - loss of wealth; Satum - ill health; Rahu and Ketu - obstacles; the Moon mixed results, Venus - pleasures; Mercury - intelligence; Jupiter - good effect. When the planet causing vedha is retrograde, the result is twofold; in exaltation threefold; in rapid direct motion the normal effect; in depression the effect is half. A malefic vedha on a Tithi, Rashi, Amsha, or Nakshatra should be avoided for all auspicious undertakings. lf a vedha caused by a retrograde malefic occurs during sickness, the patient is not likely to survive; but if the malefic is in direct motion, the ill-health will subside. lf the vedha is caused by a malefic on the week day of one's birth there will be mental anguish. The transit of the Sun in Vrishabha, Mithuna, and l{ataka makes the East appear as set. The vowels 3{, 3, q, 3il may be taken as belonging to the east; 3lI, s, q, 3il to the south; E, ;8, q and 3i to the west; { a t ed:to the north. During the time the Sun stays for three months in any direction, all the stars, vowels, consonants, Rashis, and tithis are considered to be set.lWhen a star is set and there is vedha, the result is ill-health; when a consonant, loss; when a tithi, fear; when all the five have vedha, the result is death. The consonants and vowels refer to the initial letter of the name of the native. If these are not set, the vedha produces different results. If a star, growth; if a consonant, gain; if a vowel, happiness; if a Rashi, success; if a tithi fame; if all the five, btatus. When a planet transits over the sth, 8th, l4th, l8th, .2lst 22nd,23rd and 24th stars counted from the one in which the Sun is posited, there will arise obstacles. Counting from the birth star, where there is a malefic vedha on the lst, loth, lgth and21rd stars, the results are respec' tively death, sorrow, absence from one's place, and quar-
rels. When the vedha is on the lgth star, something unte ward will happen. If it is on the l6th, there is loss; if on the 28th, one may be imprisoned; If on the 27th, there is expulsion. But if these vedhas on the Sth, gth, l4th, I lth Zlst, 22nd, 23rd, and 24\h stars counted from the Sun. In the Prakirnadhyaya of Uttara Khanda of p,&ara tlora, Chapter 6 and verses lg to 23 yye have a list of Pachakas and Vedhakas. Their places are counted from the house occupied by a planet. We tabulate : PIanet Sun Moon Ifouse II 5 Vedhaka Venus Sun
Ifouse 6 7 2 2 6
12 5 12 4 7
From Lagna, Pachaka planets are the Sun In the 6th, the Moon in the 7th, Mars in the 9th, Mercury in the loth, Jupiter In the I lth, Venus in the 8th, and Saturn in the 4th. All these have an important role to play when we Interpret the signlflcance of the planetary transits. As parashara ob, serves, the Vedhaka obstructs the emeryence of the results, and so does the Pachaka to some extent. During the transit the Sun, Rahu or Ketu glves good results when he is in the Jrd, the 6th, the lOth houses from the Moon; the Moon in the lst, the 5rd, the 6th, the 7th, the loth; Mars and Saturn in the 5rd and the 6th; Mercury in the 2nd, the 4th, the 6th. the 8th, the lOth,. Venus In ptaces other than the 6th, the 7th the lOth; Jupiter in the 2nd, the 5th, the 7th, the gth. All planets give good results in the I lth. L,eaving Latta and other factors aside, we can tabulate the vedha signs, counting these from the sign in which the Moon is located.
Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus
lo 8 B lo ll 4 lo lo 9 4
B 5 l2 8 3
ll ll ll ll 6
For example in the horoscope taken as an example earlier theMoonisinthel2thhousefromtheAscendant.Saturn the came to the l2th hosue from the Moon and Mars was in from 7th the is 8th. For Mars the vedha sign as per the table the Moon. The Moon at the time being in the I lth' the vedha came from Mars who was in the 8th' The I lth house Mercury got a vedha from Saturn in the l2th' The I st house Venus too iad the vedha from Mars' These transit movements brought aboutthedeathoftheindividual'Failuretoconsiderthe of the vedha positions gives rise to a faulty interpretation the since transit influences. But this alone is not enough, into taken be radical chart and the Ashtaka varga are also to consideration.
,. 28
11 ahu and Ketu are shadowy planets (Chhayagrahas).'As .I\tt't" nodes of the Moon they irave a special role in the lives of the beings on earth. They cover twenty five years in the Vimshottari dasa sYstem. l. In addition to these we have some uPagrahas.These are said to belong to the luminaries, five planets and the shadowy ones. These are given below along.with the planet to which each belongs : Kala (O16)to the Sun, Paridhito the Moon; Dhuma to Kuja. Ardhapraharato Budha; Kodanda, Indrachapa,or Karmuka to Shukra; Yamakantakato Guru; Mandi to Shani, Pata (q-6; 1o Rahu; and Upaketu to Ketu. Add four signs and 13'20' to the longitude of the Sun to get Dhuma. Take the Sun in Capricorn at 8o,lO' s 9. 8o. lO' + s
4. l5o.
l. 2l o.
fleduct Dhuma from twelve signs toget Vyatipata' tlere we get Vyatipata at slo.8o.5O'. Add six signs to this to get Pariveshaor Paridhi.It is here on s4. 8o.5O'.Deduct this from twelve signs, and the result is lndrachapa. lt is here s7.2lu.3O'. Add to this l6o.40' to get Dhvaja. This is s8. Bo.lO'. Adding one sign to this, we have the natal position of the Sun.
If the lord of the sign owning the tenth or its amsha is a malefic and is associated with dhuma and other upagrahas, the native will be wicked (J.P. lb.b4). Such stray results appear in our texts. We now turn to Mandi and others. In the ghatikas given the duration of the day is taken to be thirty ghatis. If the duration is less or more than thirty ghatis, we have to adjust the given ghatikas proportionatety. Mandi and Gulika
There is much confuslon between Mandi and Culika. In Uttara Kalamrita (1.7, 8) the two are indentified and the method for calculating the position is that of Mandi, not that of Culika. Sanketa Nidhi ( I . l7) gives the ghatls for Mandi. Jataka PariJata (2.5) reads Oulikascha Mandj. This does not mean Mandi called Culika. It means "Culika and Mandi". ln 2.48, 5.62, 63, 67, 68, 70 and 73; and 9.7 this text refers to Mandi. But in 5.57, 64,65; 6.61; and 9.1 he quotes the two; and in 9.8, 9, 73 he refers to Gulika and in 18.37 he speaks of Oulika Dasa. In the second chapter Parashara tells us how to calculate the position of Gulika (2.67 - 69). In chapter six while referring to the results, Parashara uses the words Culika. Mandi, Papa and Yamanuja (6.61.72). In the Sutras of Jaimini we have the words Mandi and Gulika which refer only to Qulika. We cannot, therefore, blame the authors of Uttara lIalamfita, Jataka PariJata and other texts for creating a confusion. For arriving at the position of Culika divide the duration of the day and of the night into equal parts. Then count the order of the weekdays from the planet of the day of birth. At the end of Saturn's part we have the position of Gulika for a birth in the daytime. i"or a night birth, the count is from the fifth day of the day of birth. Mandi's position is at the end of 26, 22, tA, 14, tO, 6 and 2 ghatis from the time of sunrise, where, ghatis are baserl on the durzrtion of the day being thirty-ghatis. tf the duration ,is more or less, there has to be proportionate increase or decrease. These are from sunrise respectively
from SundAy onwards. At the end of these ghatis falls the time for Mahdi. Thus for a day birth on Thursday Mandi is at ten ghatis from sunrise. For a night birth the count is from the fifth day of birth. Thus the position of Mandi in the night from Sunday onwards will be at the end of lO, 6, 2,26,22, l8 and 14 ghatis, if the duration of the night is thirty ghatis. Too much importance is given to Mandi in Karnataka, Kerala and Tamil Nadu. In the rest of the country this word ls practically unknown. Since the learned Mr. H.R. Shankar refuses to admit Uranus and Neptune because they have no place in Vimshottari, we need not give any significance to Mandf or Culika who have no place in any Dasa system. Jataka ParlJata (9.1 to 6) states that Mandi, confused with Gulika, gives malefic results in all hosues except the eleventh. Since very few people can have this Gulika in the eleventh, most of us will be adversely hit by this unseen entity. Suffering is the bane of our trlbe. What then is the use of calculating Mandi's position? Mantreshwara too gives similar results. Parashara in hls sixth chapter does not offer any conse lation. Still we summarise his view. Flrst house : Sickly, passlonate, roflue, vicious, wicked character, sorrowful. Second : Sorrowful, mean, gapbling or other vices, loss of children, weak. I fffrd : Well-shaped, ruter or heab of a village, virtuous, fond of good men, honoured by rulers. Fourth : Sickly, afflicted by wind and bile, wicked. Flfth : [,oss of wealth and fame, short life, eunuch, mean, atheist, seruile to women. Sixth : Conquers foes, well famed, courageous, enthusiastic, and loved by women. Seventh : Overcome by women, wicked or sinful, loose morals, emaciated, loss of brothers, lives on women,s money. Dlghth : Hungry, sorrowful, cruel, angry, hard hearted, emaciated, devoid of good qualities, takes the life of others.
Ninth : Full of worries and troubles, emaciated, indulges in sinful acts, stone hearted, miserly. Tenth : tlas wife and children, happy religious and devoted to gods, practises yoga and Dharma. Eleventh : Enjoys the company of good women, head of community, village or a department,e loved by relatives, powerful, bad limbs. Twelfth : Sinful or vicious deeds, sinner, badly shaped limbs, unfortunate, fond of the low ones' These results offered by Parashara (6.6 | to 72\ offer no consolation. Most of these are attributed to Saturn, Rahu or Mars. Hence in our opinion this Gulika can be dropped for predictive purPose. Only in Jaimini's system Culika has some significance. Like Christian in Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress we need not carry the burden of Mandi, or Rahu Xata. Some in the northern coastal districts of Andhra have added also Dur-Muhurta which varies from day to day' Enough of this burden; for, the wages of sin is death' Even with nine bodies in a chart we have problems. Why encounter this intruder ? Mandi aspects the seventh and twelflh houses' The confusion between Mandi and Gulika is so great that we may take Ure results of the two to be identical' We give the and Jataka Pariiata' The results following Phaladipika numbers indicate the houses from lagna. cruel, no humility, no knowledge of vedas and ' l. Thief, shastras, eye trouble, lean, no happiness, passionate, short life, irritable. 2. Speaks pleasantly, quarrelsome, no riches, does not keep his Promises. 5. Separation, pride, passion, anger, no brothers' 4. No house, no wealth, no conveyances' 5. Fickle mind, short life. 6. Destroys foes, best children, heroic' 7. Quarrelsome, hates people, ungrateful, little knowl' edg.,e. 8. EYe defect.
9. Separation from friends and elders. lO. Does not undertake works that are auspicious, uncharitable, unrighteous. I t. ttappiness, good intellect, children, splendour, fame' 12. No interest in material comforts, dejected, expensive' tlis association with any planet is not good: with Ravikills father, Chandra-brings so(row to mother; with Kujaloss of brothers; with Budha-madpess; with Curu-heretic; with Shukra-fond of low women; with Shani-short life; lep rosy,sickly;withRahu-poisonousdiseases;wilhKetu-fear from fire. Culika and Mandi are like Shani' Yama-Kantaka' like Guru gives good results. Ardha Prahara is like Budha; Kala is like Rahu. Any bhava gets destroyed if Dhuma and others are in it' posited in We wiit briefly note the results they give when lagna. Dhuma-heat, fear from fire, mentalworry' Vyatipata-fear from animals and death' from water, imprisonment' Indrachapa-accident from stone, wounds' falling' failure in activity' Upaketu-fall, planet These results apPear during the dasha of the bY them' owning the house occuPied Dhumaketu gives different results in various houses from lagna thus: t. short life; 2' ugly face; 5' courage; 7' loss 4. sorrow; 5. loss of children; 6' worries from foes; persons; wicked of energy; B. death through or from wanderer; S. oppoies Dharma and righteous ways; lO' I l. profitable; 12. wicked waYS' We will next proceed to the others' On weekdays beginend of 1B' ning with Sunday Yamakantaka appears at the t+, tO, 6, 2, 26 and 22 ghatikas from sunrise' Parivesha-accident Ardhapraharais at the end of 14' lO' 6'2'.?9'?? 1"d 22' lA' 14' l8 ghatikas. Kala apPears at the end of 2' 26'
' ,li
lO and 6 ghatika. For a night birth take the ftfth one from that day; and the ghatikas are from sunset. We will give a few obseryations taken from the texts. Dhuma in the seventh denies marriage. Kala in the seventh brings about the death of wife; and parivesha there makes her ill-behaved. Upaketu in the seventh makes her barren. Kala in the seventh denies marriage. Birth with Outika in lagna gives a defective limb; with yamakantaka in lagna, a cripple.
Annual Solar Keturn
rf.l h. degrees, mlnutes and seconds in which the Sun ls located at the time of birth is important. On the day of I the same month, zx; per the western calendar, every year the Sun generally comes back to that polnt. Note exactly the time when the Sun reaches that poinh and cast a chart for that time on that day. This chart gives an insight into the nature of the effects that are likely to happen during that year. But this chart operates only within the framework of the birth chart. To flnd the exact time of the Sun's return to the position at birth, some authorities have given tables; and people follow them. Let us consider some of the tables. A person was born on 1920.1.22 at 11.6.24 A.M. tle has completed seventy five. We have to take the elapsed years. The week day was Thursday, the fifth from Sunday. The sunrise is at 6.55.48 (LMT). Mr. V.S. Sastri's translation of Uttara lfalamrth gives on page 2OO the following: 4 (weekday) for 7O years 2h.,42m., Os. 6 for 5 years 17. 37. 50 5 ll. Add the day and 6.24
tlme of Birth Total I (day) 7h. 25m. 54s.
The annual return was to be cast for Sunday at 7.25.54 A.YI. On Sunday January 22, 1995 at 5.5O A.M. the Sun was in Makara at70. 4l'.51.. At the time of birth the Sun was on
8o.lO'.4".The time arrived at is far behind the required position. In the 1986 edition of his llindu Predictive Astrologlr Dr. B. V. Ramanrejected the table he gave earlier in the book. In his Varsha Phala he gave two tables and held that the second is accurate.
Weekday 7O years 5 years Birth 5 6 5 tfourc 22 6 I I l6
Minutes Seconds
45 6 .35
24 48 24
This is Sunday and the time is 4.33.36 ?.Y1. Lahiri's Ephemeris for 1995 counts Sunday as zero. We take the birth day Thursday as 4. On page 76 we have the figures.
75 years Birth Day 3 4 Sunday IIrs 5. ll. Mts 27. 6. 53. Secs, l2 24 36
This agrees with the one given by Dr. B.V. Raman. and At 5.5O A.M. on January22 the Sun was at 9s.7o.41'.5" on the next day at 5.5O A.M. the Sun was on 8o.42'.33". Calculating by the rule of three we get the time on January 22, 1995 at tI 4.43.41 P.M. (lST). There is a difference of ten minutes, and it is not a small one. At this time we get the chart thus:
19.57 IGfu
16.15 Shani %.20 Bufia lavi8.10.r Uran2.57 29.35 lllep 21.33 Shukra Guru 14.58 19.57 Rahu 6.2'l KujaR 16.1 Chandra
Dr. B.V. Raman's Varshaphalafollows the Tajika system as developed by Nilakanthaand Kesava.This is evidently an import from Tazhakistan. The yogas have Arabic names and the aspects are those accepted by western astrology. The Tajika method prescribes the calculation of the strength by five vargas and also by twelve vargas' The ruler of the year is selected from (l) lord of the sign occupied by the Sun (day) or by the Moon (night); (2) lord of the lagna in the natal chart; (5) lord of lagna in the annual chart; (4) lord of Muntha; and (5) lord of Trirasis.The calculation of the dasas is complex. A fuller account of thls method is neither necessary nor possible in this work. One may consult a standard work on Varshaphala, and D. Bradley's Soli-Lunar Beturns.We shall explain here a simpler method outlined in Uftara I{alamrita. After calculating the lagna and tenth house, note the positions of the planetsat the time of the solar return. Next we have to calculate the seven vargas-Rasi, Hora, Drekkana, Saptamsa, Navamsa, Dvadasamsa, and Trimsamsa for the lagna and the Planets. Then count from the birth nakshatra to the nakshatra in which the Moon is located on the day of the return' Divide this by nine. The remainder is to be counted from the Sun onwards in the following sequence-Sun (llO), Chandra (60), Kuja (52), Budha (4o), Quru (48). Shukra (56). Shani (4), Rahu (5), and Lagna (lO). The figures in the brackets are the dasa periods for the Year' The birth star was Sravana; and on this day it was Hasta. It is the nineteenth. Dividing it by nine, we get one as the remainder. Then the first dasa is that of the Sun' For 8OO minutes the Sun has I lO days. The Moon has yet to traverse 43g'.2O' in l-lasta. By rule of three we get the balance of Sun's dasa as sixty days at the commencement of the year. The other dasas follow in the order given above. The benefic or malefic results of any dasa are to be interpreted with reference to the strength of the planet concerned, the strength of the lagna for the year, the strength of the bhava having the planet, and the aspects on and association with the planet and the house concerned.
The Sapta Varga strength of the planets for the above chart are: Guru 172.5, Shani I44.SZS, Shukra I12.5, Sun and Moon A6.25, Budha a2.b and Kuja Sg.l2s Shashtyamsas. The weakest is Kuja. The strongest ls Guru followed by Shani. The lagna has two vargas of its own lord, two of his friends, and three of his enemies. The lagna is mildly strong. Rahu has five friendly vargas. The lagna is to be calculated only for the origlnal place of birth. The principles of interpretation are the same as those for the natal charts. We have to note also the transits of planets during the year. By blending the results of the solar retum chart with those of the Moon from the original lagna, Moon, or Sun, we can predict the events of the year more or less accurately. Transits have always to be related to the ashtakavarga of the birth chart and to that of the solar return. Ashtakavarga modifies the results of the transits. Now we outline broadly the results of the various dasas during the year. Sun: lf strong-acquisition of money, omaments and clothes; if weah-increase of foes, sinful deeds. Chandra: If strong-royal favour, increasing wealth and honour; if weak-increase of foes, suffers from diseases, unhappy, wandering, changes the place, quarrels with relatives. Kuja: lf strong-favours from the ruler, successful, happy; if weak-fears from the ruler, quarrels with sons and wife, loss of wealth. Budha: If strong-valorous, benefic results, extremely happy, many gains and profits; if weak-misunderstandings or enmity with brothers and sisters, follows evil or sinful ways, treacherous to the wise elders. Quru: If strong-conveyances, wealth; if weak-wanders from place to place, loss of money, evil ways, bad associations. Shukra: If strong-amasses wealth and fame, refined clothes, happiness from wife; if weak-loss of wealth, fear from foes, bad name, diseases of the generative organs.
Shani: If strong-house, happiness, ruler; if weak-loss of wealth, anaemia or neuritis or wasting fever, bad name. Rahu: If strong-performs virtuous deeds and good acts, has gains, rise in profession; if weak and malefic-inauspicious results, death of father, associates with foes and the wicked. I-agna: The results are good, average, or bad according to the rising drekkana, association and placement of the lord of lagna and of the drekkana, and the yoga formed by the lord of lagna.
Mundane Astrology
1 n order to predict accurately about the futr.rre of the I states one should know the ruling star and planet of each state. Sometimes it is necessary to take into consideration the date and time of an important constitutional development. Thus for U.S.A.we need the date on which their independence was proclaimed. For U.K. we require the date when the United Kingdom came into being. Here astrologers have been following Ptolemy and others, ignoring the insights of Indian sages. Thus some take Virgo as the ruling sign of India and others Capricorn. To set things right, it is better to take a look at the writings of Varahamihira. In the l4th chapter of his Brlhat Samhita, Varahamihira divides the countries into nine groups, each group being controlled by three constellations.The globe is called Jambudvipa, possibly because the city of Jammu was taken to be the centre. This continent has nine subdivisions called Varashas. We are in Bharata Khanda which belongs to Bharatavarsha which is a part of Jambudvipa. Krittika, Rohini and Mrigasira (Aries 260 40'to Cemini 60 4O') rule over Salrra, Maru (Marwar), Vatsa, Ghosha. Yamuna and Sarasvati, Matsya, Mathura, Upajyotisha, Dharmaranya, Shaurasena, Pandu, ?anchala, Ayodhya, Kuru, Pariyatra, Kapisthala, and Hastinapura. The next three stars, from Cemini 6" 40'to Cancer 160 40' rule over Malyavan, Suhma, Chandrapura, Khasas, Magadha, Mithila, Samalata, Utkala, Pragjyotisha, Gauda,
Paundra, Kasi, Mekhala, Kosala, Burdwan, and Tamraliptaka. The division is not according to latitude as the Ptolemaic tradition gives. Three stars from Cancer 160 40'to Leo 260 4o-'govern southern Kosala, Kalinga, Vanga, Vidarbha, Vatsa, Andhra, Chedi, Vindhya region, Tripuri, Kishkindha, Dasarna, and the area of the Sabaras. From Leo 26" 40' to Libra 6" 40' the stars preside over Lanka, Kalajina, Ylalaya, Dardura and Mahendra regions, Bharukachcha, Vanavasi, Konkana, Abhira, Vena river, Covardha, Kerala, Karnataka, Chitrakuta, Nasik, Kolhapur, Chola, Kraunchadvipa, Kaveri region, Rishyamuka region (southern Andhra), Krishna Velluru, Kanchi, Maruchipattana, Cheryarka, Tamraparni, and Dandakaranya. The stars from Libra 60 4O' to Scorpio 160 40' govern ?allava, Kambhoja, Sindhu-sauvira, Tamilnadu, Kapila, Anarta, Yavana, Barbara (foreigners to the south-west) Kirata, Chenchu (near Srisailam), tlemagiri, Indus, Dravidas and Saurashtra. The stars from Scorpio l60 40 to Sagittarius 260 40' rule over West Coast of lndia (Aparantaka), tlaihaya, Punjab, Vokkana, and Mlechcha in the west. The stars from Sagittarius 26" 40' to Aquarius 6" 40' govern Hala, Madras, Asmaka, Kunta and others in the North-west. From Aquarius 60 40'to Pisces 16" 40'are stars ruling the Himalayan region, Kuru country. Kaikayas, Trigarta, Taxila, Madraka, Malva, fluna, and Gandhara. The next forty degrees rule Kashmir, Dardara, China, Tibet and other Himalayan areas. The distribution refers entirely to India and to a few neighbouring states. From this classification we find that Andhra comes under Cancer or Leo along with Vidarbha, Bengal and Central India. Konkana comes under Leo or Viryo. In the l6th chapter, Varahamihira distributes the states ln terms of the planets. The Sun rules over the east of Narmada, Orissa, Suhma, Kalinga, Balk, Scythia, Yavanas, Magadha, Sabaras, China, Kambhoja, Mekhala, eastern half of Dravida country, south bank of Yamuna, Chedi, Vindhya forest, Srisailam, Burdwan and other areas. The Moon gov-
erns Kosala, Bharukachcha, Romans, Tochanlans, Vanavasi, ttala and Kerala. Mars controls the western half of Sona and Narmada and Bhima rivers, Vetravati, Slpra (Ujjain), Codavari, Vena Canga, Mahanadi, Sindhu, Vindhya, Ylalaya,Chola, Dravida, Videha, Andhra, Konkana, Kuntala, Kerala, Dandaka, Kantipura, Mlechchas, Kuntala, Nasik, Bhogavardhana, Virata, the countries bordering on the Vindhyas, banks of the Tapti and the Qomati and so on. Budha rules Lohitya (the Sona), the Indus, the Sarayu, the Ratha, the Ganga, the Kausika; eastern part of Mathura, regions of the flimalayas, Coma4ta, Chitrakuta, Saurashtra, caves and hills. Ouru rules the east of the Indus, western part of Mathura, Sauvira, Srughna, Northerners, the tseas (Vipasa), the Sutlej (Satadru), Ramata, Salva, Trigarta, ?aurava' Ambashtha, ?arata, Vatadhana, Yaudheyas, Sarasvata, Arjunayanas, half of the rural Matsya' Shukra rules Takshasila, Marti, Kavata, Bahugiri, Gandhara (Modern Kandhar), Pushkalavataka, Prasthala, Malwa, Kaikeya, Dasarna, Ushinara, Shibi those on the banks of the Vitasta, the lravati, the Chandrabhaga and the like. Shani rules Anarta, Arbuda, Pushkara, Saurashtra' Abhira, Raivataka, the land where the Sarasvati disappears (Rajasthan), Thaneswar, Prabhasa, Vidisha, the Vedasmriti and the Mahi' Rahu rules mountain peaks, dams, caves; Barbarian tribes, shutikas, vokkanas, kinnaras (flimachal Pradesh)' I{etu rules mountain strong holds, Pahlavas (lran)' tlunas, Cholas, Afghanisthan, China' HousesinMundaneastrologyhavecertainpecularities. we can read specific details from these houses. These are fromlagnaonwards:(l)Generalaffairs,conditionofcabinet,puntichealth;(2)Revenue,wealth,commercialtransactions, imports, wealth, allies; (5) telephones' Railways' (4) EducaAeroplanes, newspapers, journals, neighbours; agricul' tional institutions, students, landed estates, trade, of places birth' new (5) Children, happiness; ture, general
amusement, crime, outlook of the rulers; (6) State loans, diseases, territorial attacks, naval forces etc; (7) Health of women, infant mortality, war, foreign relations, crimes against women; (8) State Treasury, deaths; (9) Religious places, irreligious activities, law, judiciary; (lO) Ruler, Parliament, exports, foreign trade, revolutions, lawlessness; ( I I ) aaining in trade, international relationships; ( l2) Plots, secret crimes, war, losses, hospitals. Most astrologers take the chart of August 15, 1947 as the Indian Independence chart. On that day India acquired only a dominion status under the British Crown. The country was not fully free. She became a sovereign democratic republic only on January 26, l95O at lO.l8 A.M. It was from this date and time that India became really independent. It is this chart that guides the destiny of lndia, not that of August 15, 1947. Following Lahiri's ayanamsa 23" 9'58'we get the sidereal time as 18.16.51 and the chart is:
Rasl: Arles-Moon l2-O5; Ceminl-Uranus 08-55; Lo-Sat (R) 25-37; Virgo-Mars 16-14, Ketu l&24, Nep 2l-25; Sagittarius-Mer (R) 24-52, M.C. lO-58; Capricorn-Jup l9-14, Ven (Rl 20-49, Sun l2-55; Pisces-Asc lO-44, Rahu 16-24. Navamsa: Aries-Sun; Taurus-Mars, Ketu; OemlnlJupiter; Cancer Nep, Ven, Moon; Llbra Asc; Scorpio-Sat, Rahu, Merc; Pisces-Uranus.
Lahiri's ayanamsa gives a balance of Ketu's period to be four months and twenty three days. The major period of Mars began on June 19, 1986. It is this chart on the basis of which we have to read the future of the country. It is for experts in political astrology to pronounce a verdict finally on the basis of the chart of modern India. Kuja, Ketu and Neptune in the seventh aspected by the debilitated lord of l,agna can explain many of the incidents. Also consider Navamsa Lagna and the Karakamsa falling in Scorpio, Saturn being the atma karaka. There is also an exchange of signs between the Sun and Saturn. Readings based on this chart yield fruitful information. Another problem is to determine the ruling sign of India. Western-oriented astrologers take Capricorn to be the ruling
sign of our country. Others take it to be Virgo (Kanya). From Sharada of Kashmir to llanya Kumari in the extreme South, our country extends. These deities point to a feminine sign, to a Virgin deity as the guardian of our land. To show that it is not a fancy to ascribe Virgo to India, we will demonstrate it astronomicallY. The Fyramid of Gizeh is at 5lo 7' 50' East. The is equal in Right Ascension to 27o 54' O'. That is at 3o 13' 50" East, the RA is zero. For countries in Eastern longitude take thc longitudes of their capitals. From this longitude deduct 5" l5' 5O'. Then take the result in the tables of RA, and then we can determine the corresponding longitude. This will be the M.C. of that place. flaving got it, we can determine the lagna of the country concerned' For instance the longitude of New Delhi is 77o l3'. Deducting 50 15' 50" from this we get 73o 59' 5O". This gives M.C. in Cernini (Mithuna)at l50 15' 2l" and the natal ascendant of India at l50 29' 12'of Kanya (Virgo). This is as per the Chaitra Paksha ayanamsa of Lahiri. For localities to the West of Greenwich subtract the West longitude of the Capital concerned from 5560 46' 30" The required longitude of Washington for instance will be 27go 42' 5O' when we deduct 77o 4'. This gives the M.C. of the United States of America to be Capricorn (Makara) 8" 55' lO'. This would give l60 8' 17'of Aries as the ascendant. The natal or ruling sign of India is Kanya positively. The independence chart of modern India gives the ascendant to be Mina (Pisces). Relating these two we can predict the future of India safelY. The distance in longitude from the Cizah fframid divided by fifteen gives the sidereal time for Delhi as 40 5.5' 58'. Taking this for the date of the coincidence of the two zodiacs-whenever it may have taken place, the ascendant of India Virgo (Kanya) is at l5o 29' 12", and the'M'C' is Gemini (Mithuna)at the middle 15" l5' 2l'. The navamsa l,agna is then Vrishabha. Hence Capricorn cannot be the ruling sign of India.
Mundane astrolory is a branch of astrolory that examines the charts of different countries and that of the heads of government in assessing the future trends of events. Here a nation's chart is determined by a crucial event in its historical development. Thus we tend to take the chart for August 15, 1947 for India. This is debatable. India became on that day a selfgoverning dominion under the United Kingdom. India became really free on January 26' l95O; and this should be the chart to be examined to forecast the future of the country. Similarly the October Revolution of l9l 7 (November 7) gives the chart for modern Russia.This ls one method. But there are certain constellations, signs, or planets that are the natural rulers of countries. Ptolemy distributed the signs among the countried by considering the longitudes only. Varahamihira devotes two chapters in his Brthat Sanhita. He takes three successive constellations as a unit and assigns the lands to each unit. The first three stars refer to the central part of India; and then he proceeds to the other directions from the east in a clockwise manner. Thus the first three stars beginning with Krittika rule Rajasthan, Western U'P', Hastinapur, Kuru and Ayodhya. Bihar and Orissa come under the next three. Bengal, Kalinga, Vidarbha, Tripuri (near Jabalpur), Kishkindha and the like are ruled by Ashlesha, Magha and Pubba. Lanka, Ylalaya, Vanavasi, Konkan, Kerala, Karnataka, Nasik, Chola, Kanchi and Dandakaranya are under the next three (U. Pha. Hasta, Chitta). The next three rule Pallava, Kamboja, Sauveera, Sindhu, Saurashtra and Tamil Nadu. Western Maharashtra and Punjab and Scythians are under Jyeshta, Moola and Pooruashadha. Possibly Scorpio is the ruling sign of these whence we can explain the troubles in the Punjab. North-west is ruled by the next three. Malwa and northemmost parts of Kashmir come under the stars Satabhisha, Poorvabhadra and Uttarabhadra. Kashmir, Tibet and China are under the sway of Revati, Aswini and Bharani. Mostly Varahamihira confines his attention to India. In chapter l6 Varahamihira assighs planets to the various regions; The Sun-eastern half of Narmada, Orissa, Ben-
gal, Bihar, Kamboja, Scythians, eastern Tamil Nadu, Kaushambi. The Moon-Kosala, Broach, Romans, Tocharians' Mars-Narmada, Sindhu, Mahanadi, Ehimaratha and Sipra riv' ers, Malaya, Chola, Dravida, Andhra, Konkan, Virata and Vindhya regions. Mercury-Canga, Sarayu, Himalayan states and Saurashtra. Jupiter-Eastern Punjab, Western U.P., Satadru. Venus:Taxila, Gandhara, Ylalva, Dasarna, Vitasta, Iravati. Saturn-saurashtra, Vidisa, Rajasthan. Rahu-Suli kas, Vokkanas, Kinnaras. Ketu-lran, llunas, Afghanistan, China and Cholas. These indications given by Varahamihira cannot be brushed aside lightly. These are of great help in predicting mundane events. Western studies have offered a wider spectrum. The classification of the countries offered by them is of some value and the ruling sign along with the ruling chart of the country need to be taken into consideration. It is better to note their allotment' Aries-8ritain, Denmark, France, Cermany, Lebanon, Syria, Naples, Marsailles, Madras. Taurus--fran, Cyprus, Asia Minor, Poland, Holland, Ireland, White Russia, Leipzig, Mathura, ttastinapura. Oemini-4SA, Western England, Lower Egypt, Belgium, Wales, Canada, Versailles, Nuremberg, Melbourne. Cancer-Scotland, Newzealand, North and West Africa, Mauritius, Stockholm, Amsterdam, New York, Tunis, Venice. Leo-4rance, Sicily, Chaldea, Italy, Lancashire, Rome, Bristol. Virgo-Turkey, Greece, Switzerland, Brazil, West Indies, Jerusalem, Paris, Bagdad, Boston, Loss Angeles. Libra-Aorth-eastern and North-west' ern parts of India, Burma, Indo-China, China, Argentina, Tibet, Austria, Lybia, Frankfurt, Johannesberg, Lisbon, Copenhagen. Scorpio--5weden, Brazil, Morocco, Norway, Syria, Algeria, Judea, Delhi, Washington. Sagittarius-Australia, tlungary, Arabia, Spain, Italy, Naples. Capricornlunjab, Bulgaria, Afghanistan, Mexico, Oxford, Toronto. AquariusAbyssinia, U.S.S.R., Poland, Sweden. Pisces4ortugal. Egypt, parts of SPain. There are two opinions regarding the ruling sign of India' Cheiro took Capricorn and some modern savants consider
Virgo. Possibly Capricorn governs certain' Northem and North-western regions. But as a whole India comes under Virgo which is also symbolised by l{anyakumari which is at the southernmost tip of the country. Mundane astrolog/ has to reckon with many factors' ( I ) Ruling sign, ruling planet and ruling constellation of a country have to be considered. (2) The chart for the important day that shaped the country's destiny has to be examined. Thus for U.S.A.,we consider their independence day chart. (5) Next we should note the charts for the solar ingress into Aries and Libra. (4) The chart for the commencement of the lunar year is necessary. (5) The charts for the solar and lunar eclipses in the year are essential' (6) The radical chart of the head of the state is to be considered equally well. For instance, for prediction about our country we should examine the President's chart and relate it to the rest. Since in our democracy a President is there for five years only, the Vimshottari system has to be adjusted to five years only. (7) We have also to reckon with the transit positions of the Planets. Chart I is cast for the midnight of January 26' 1950. The Ayanamsa followed in all the charts is of the Raivata Paksha.
Rahu 17-50 Moon 8-58
Charl 1 RASI -26, 1950-1 Ketu Balance years 2-3-17, Ayanamsa2142-49 Ascdt. 3-54
lord of l-agna is retrograde in the 4th. Jupiter is exalted in Navamsa. The Ascendant has the benefic aspect of the Moon, lord of the I Oth. It was in this period there were wars with our neighbours. The m4jor period of the Moon began
on l8-5-1978. Instability of the Janata Covernment began in the sub-period of Mars, the two being in shashtashtaka (6-8) and Rahu was in the l2th to the Moon. Intemal troubles started soon and they got intensified in the next two sub-periods. Though our foreign relations (the 7th house) are not quite smooth (lord of the 7th in the l2th), still they are better than the internal. The sub-period of Mercury, ending on l5-8-1985, brought about pleasant surprises. From lagna Mercury owns the l2th and from the Moon the 5rd and the 6th. Saturn's entry into the 8th from the Moon and the 2nd from Lagna shows financial recess, Ketu conjunction on August 22, l9a4; Mars-Saturnconjunction in February 1986; The solar eclipses of May 50 and November 22, 19a4, May 19 and November 12 of 1985, and April 9 and October 5, l986; the lunar eclipses of May 4 and October 2A, 1985, and of April24, l986-these do not seem to augur well. Combined wilh these is the appearance of Halley's comet early in 1986. Loss of life and financial drain add to the unrest. But as the chart is inherently strong, the stability of the country and its integral unity are well protected. The unstable lord of the 9th and the l2th retrograde reveats the short-sighted policies on the national and international fronts. The powerful aspects of three planets on the I Oth house are revealing' They point to a bright future after the subperiod of Ketu is over. Arudha Lagna, Karakamsa (Sagittarius) and the lunar Lagna are strong. Let us take the President's chart in relation to this basic chart. There is Lagna sandhi (Chart 2). trven if the time of
Chart 2. i(asri Cemini-Ascendant l'42, Saturn 2054 and Venus 8-5; Cancer-Ketu I l-54, Neptune 849 and l4ars 28-20; Capricorn-Uranus 2B-l I and Rahu I l-54; Aquarius-lOth house l2-41; PiscesJuPiter 28-16; Aries-the Sun 22-5* and Taurusthe Moon 26- l 5 and Mercury I 5-28 Born I 9 I 6-5-5' Ayanamsa: 2l-14-49. Balance of Mars Dasa: 5 years, 5 months and 20 daYs.
the birth is rectified, it shows the features of both Taurus and Gemini. The lOth house fortified by its own lord is good in a way. But Saturn's aspect on this house shows a series of ups and downs, a none-too-strong mind and will' His
Moon has the Republic's Moon in the 12th, though the two l,agnas are in trine. As transit Saturn moves into Scorpio, he has a troublesome period. tlis lOth lord and the Republic's lOth lord are again in 2-12 relationship. In both the charts the 6th lords are debilitated. But it is only in the Republic's chart this debilitation is cancelled. Let us compare these two charts with Chart 5 which is for the commencement of the lunar year Krodhana, theyear of anger and anxiety. The 8th house is ominous. The lord of
Chaft 5, Rasl: Leq-Ascendant 18-56; Libra-Ketu 28-27; Scorplo-Ulanus 25-47 and Saturn (R) 5-44; Sagittarius-Neptune I l-2 l; Capricorn---.Jupiter | & 5l; Pisces-Venus (R) 28-23, ylercury 25-43' the Moon 8-21 and the Sun 8-21; Arles-Rahu 28-27, Vlars l2-2O and loth house 17-57 at 4-59-50 p.m. Ayanamsq: 22-12-4.
the year is retrograde in his exalted 8th house whose lord is debilitated in the 6th. The lOth lord in the Bth and the 7th retrograde in the 4th and aspected by the lord of that house (Mars) forebids great trouble, collapse of law and authority in several parts, and mounting tensions in our neighbourhood. The Republic's chart indicated some of these after l5-8-1985 and before l5-5-1986' The Moon in Uttarabhadrapada (Chart I ) brought economic and industrial recession after April 27. Some time between October 29 and January 4 there were serious troubles. The Presi' dent has having the subperiod of Rahu in Mercury from 224-lga4. His Mercury and Rahu are in the 8th and the 4th from the Republic's chart and in the loth and the 6th from the lunar year's. This correlation along with the transits did not appear to augur fullY well. l.ooking back to the chart of the lunar year (Chart 4) we find the 5rd house afflicted as much as in Chart 5. Dislocation of communications and consequent accidents and losses continued. The lords of Lagna in these two in the Bth
Chaft 4. Rasi: Yirgo-Ascendant 7-6; Libra-Saturn (R) 23-6; Scorpio-Uranus (R) 2l-17, Ketu l5-5O and Mars 64; Sagittarius--Jupiter l9-56 and Neptune (R)9-15; Pisces--the Moon l9-46, the Sun 1946 and Venus O4; Aries--Mercury 8-57; TaurusFahu l5-5O and lOth house 7-4. Bom 1984-4-l at 5.58 a.m, Ayanamsa: 22'Il-15.
indicate the worries and difficulties of the people conceming finance, unemployment and law and order. Scandals concerning the banks and public sector undertakings are bound to continue. Retrograde Saturn in Chart J can slowly and with great difficulty bring about land reforms. The head of the govemment also matters in mundane astrologr. Chart 5 was that of the Prime Minister. She had the sub-period of Rahu in Saturn from 25-lo,l98b and they
Chart 5. Basi: C,ancer-Ascendant 29-22, Satum 23-16 and Neptune (R) I 148; Scorpio-Mercury 1437 and the Sun 5-55; Sagittarius-Rahu l2-4 and Yenus 22-29; Capricom-Uranus 28-25 and the Yloon 74 ; I Oth house Anes-27 -4 ; Taurus.-Jupiter l6-54; and Cemini-Ketu l2-4. Bom 1917-l l-19. Ayanamsa 2 I'l 6-8. Balance of Sun's Dasa: I year, Smonths and 24 days.
are the 6th and the 8th to each other. Seen against the background of the first chart, we notice the squares between the two l,agnas and between the Moon positions. The positions of Jupiter are in trine. It is this great affinity that kept her in power so long. The Moon in the 7th in both the charts shows that our foreign policy is neither consistent nor coherent. It is shrouded in impractical dreams. Consistent with her Saturn-Rahuperiod, consistent with the 1984 chart where the 9th Rahu is afflicted by Mars and Uranus, and consistent with the 1985 chart in which the 9th is afflicted by Mars and Rahu, religious quarrels appear to plague us further. Even in the Republic chart the 9th lord in fall is offered to the enigmatic but explosive Uranus. That is, our so-called secularism will be anything but secular, with a slant against most of us. Her I Oth house and the I Oth of the l9B5 year are afflicted by Saturn. Not so the Republic chart. The loth in a nation's chart refers to the government, national honour and reputation. The Prime Minister's lOth house speaks eloquently about our vulnerability on these counts. This is strengthened by the 1985 chart. But the chart of the Republic redeems us after March 1986. Andhra Pradesh coming under Revati had serious trouble with the Centre in 1985. And Kashmir remains a trouble spot.
A consolidated study of the national chart of any country along with that of the new year transits and the like enables us to visualise the pattern of things to come. We can prognosticate about Pakistan and Bangladesh and China from Libra, U.S.A. from Cemini, Britain from Aries, the Middle East from Cancer and so on. The houses in the national charts have special significance. The 5rd refers to communications, the 7th to foreign policy and the lOth to the nationl integritY and honour. Apart from the seven fact'ors (mentioned earlier) we have also to consider symbolic progressions and the Vimshottari system of directions. Thus for example in the chart of U.S.A. (Chart 6) the subperiod of Jupiter begins from 17-2-lg\5. Combust Jupiter in the enemy's hobue which is the lOth is with Venus. It clearly recalls the civil
Chaft 6. Rasl: Vlrgo-Ascendant 5- I 6, Satum 25-55 and Neptune 5-10; Capricorn-Ketu l8-19; Aquarius-the Moon 5-54; Taurus-Uranus 9-55; Qemini-Venus l2-58, Mars l-54, the Sun 25-47; Jupiter 16-56 and loth house 2-lo; and CancerMercury (R) 5-2 and Rahu 18-19.
war of Lincoln's time. We have to keep track of past events too. The examples given here illustrate a few points only' We have also to consider the following charts-the commencement of Chaitra Shukla Pratipat (first day), solar ingress into Mesha, Karka, Tula and Makara-for a proper assessment of the results. Also consider the eclipses. These have to be related to the charts of the Republic, Head of State and Prime Minister. We cannot ignore the appearance of comets, earthquakes, floods and storms. In the chart for the new year (cast for the first day of the bright half of Chaitra) Ravi, Chandra and Kuja should be prominent and they should hold prominent positions of the year, is to give us good results'
strotogically, the profession a person takes up is to be I r rdetermined by the tenth house. But this has to be sup plemented by the lagna and the sixth house. If one were to take up a business in partnership, the seventh house is involved. For general service conditions, the significator is Shani. For business it is Budha. Favourable aspects between the Sun and Curu suggest a profession connected with water, law, publishing, religion etc. The favourable aspects between the Moon and Budha suggest a job connected with writings, teaching, journalism, news, houseproperty and furniture. Favourable aspects between Budha and Kuja do appear in the charts of military or naval, commanders, financiers, and politicians. Budha-Quru aspects of a favourable nature suggest jobs connected with religion, literature, art, music and law. Budha-Shani contact of a favourable kind are good for jobs requiring organisational abilities. Favourable contact between Sukra and Neptune are good for music and art. The jobs indicated by this are those connected with acting, tobacco, drugs and liquid. Cood aspects between Kuja and Shani bring one professionally in contact with the rough coditions of life. Astrology comes under Budha and Uranus, while Guru and Shani should be well placed. Medical profession involves many factors. Uranus refers to nature cure and occult methods of healing. Quru and Neptune should not be afflicted. Virgo, Scorpio and Pisces should be strong. Shukra and Shani should have mutual aspects, preferably involving Shani's
signs. Dngineering skills are revealed by Budha and Kuja and by Aries, Cemini and Leo. The charts of philosophers show favourable Uranus, Guru and Neptune and Shani strong in an intellectual sign which should be the ninth. Scientists have good Taurus and Capricorn and they take up the natural sciences. The third house should be strong. Mathematicians and abstract thinkers come under Dhanu and airy signs, while the third and the ninth houses are strong. Musicianshave strong Venus and Neptune; the latter is in an angle. Fiery and watery signs are prominent. Cemini brings in instrumental music. Aquarius, Cancer and Virgo must be good. Actors show strongly tenanted Aquarius and the watery signs, alongwith the second and twelfth houses; Moon is found in Cancer. The abilities of man are too many. They are revealbd in the varied human activities. Sometimes man fails in his endeavours because he either underestimates his own abilities or overrates them. At times, these abilities are also likely to lead man to undesirable ways. A good astrological knowledge will enable us not only to know what our abilities are, but also to chanalise the resources of human energy into the most beneficial path of progress. Astrology, as we have often said, does not ordain the unalterable except as regards the unforeseen events like death; it only indicates the possible and probable tendencies which, if we know that they are likely to appear, can be utilised or turned to our advantage. It is in this light that we offer the present astrological analysis of the abilities of man. An able person is one who can survive, who can overcome the storm and stress of life. This power is usually associated with the Sun and his sign Leo. To be lucky in his struggles an able one needs strong Venus and Jupiter as well. If one achieves his goal after a hard and strenuous struggle, he will have strong Mars and Saturn. Adaptability is the peculiar nature of the volatile Mercury. The Moon can make one either too shrewd or too fickle. Uranus can reveal either a versatile personality or an eccentric one. Neptune seems to render one very dreamy and unpractical. These are a few general observations, and they have to be integrated to the horoscope as a whole. We are taking Uranus and Neptune into consideration only in an experimental way. If they are found working, they can be utilised well. We
assign part-ownership of Sagittarius and Scorpio to Uranus and Neptune respectively. There are certain factors needed for the proper utilisation one's abilities. One such is mental exactitude. This usually of results from a benefic Mercurywho is associatedwith a strong and beneficial Saturn. An affliction to Mercury and to the common signs brings forth the opposite trait. An affliction from Mars generally begets a careless, and exaggerated temper which may even be prone to falsehood. Ceneral intelligence. mental powers and the nervous system do come under the sway of Mercury. In any consideration of human ability, we cannot afford to ignore the power wieled by Mercury in any horoscope. One has to assess its worth in relation to the other planetary bodies. Ability needs both physical and mental energy. Mental energy is indicated by the kind of aspects received by Mercury and Moon from Mars or Uranus or both. The conjunction of Mars with Mercury generally increases mental activity; and when they are afflicted by bad aspects, there can be a temporary mental breakdown. A favourable aspect between Mars and Uranus will endorv one with extraordinary physical energy. Thus consider the nativity of Lord Tenny' son. ftere the Moon receives the powerful aspect of Mars.
Taurus-Lagna 2Bo and Yloon 24o; Gemini-Venus 8o; Cancer-Sun 24o and Mercury 60; Libra-Mars l70; Scorpio-Satum Bo; and CaPricorn-Rahu Bo.
The temporary but effective gloom that overtook the spirit of Tennyson is evident from the positon of Saturn in the seventh house. Mercury too is in the third, a mental house. This energy is apt to make one at times very ambitious. Saturn, Capricorn and tenth house generally explain this feature. These are emphasised considerably in the horoscope of Alexander the Great. Capricorn is the tenth house and it is aspected by Mercury; and Saturn.is in the second, but is in the tenth from Arudha Lagna. Mars aspects the tenth house.
Aries-Lagna l8o 5l'; Taurus-Saturn 29o 34' Gemini-Mars 260 lB'; Cancer-Mercury l50 5l'; ' Leo-Sun 3o 25' : Venus 60 20'; Libra-Moon 28o 5l and Jupiter 5o 54'and Aquarius-Rahu l4o 2.
These factors explain the over-vaulting ambition that governed the life of Alexander. Ability needs industry; and it is a well stationed Saturn that makes one not only industrious, but methodical therein. This feature seems to be inherent in the sign Virgo. Intelligence which directs such an industry is to be read from the third house and Mercury. The general intelligence is indicated by the Sun and his aspects. Immanuel Kant the great philosopher who brought about a revolution in European thought, is a typical example of a genius who had to struggle for a method. This struggle is embodied by Saturn in the eighth in trine with Sun and Mercury. Jupiter gives a
Taurus-Lagna lOo; Qemini-Venus 5o; CancerMars 6o; Leo-Moon 27o: Libra-Uranus l2o; Scofpio22o; Capricom-JupiNeptune 90; Sagittarius-Satum ter 22o; and Aries-Sun 25o and Mercury 25o.
strong power of judgement, while Saturn offers a patient and concientious approach to the problems. An afflicted Jupiter does make one absent-mindedand at times muddle' heacled as well. Similarly an afflicted Saturn gives too narrow an outlook. Chart No. 4 gives us an example of an afflicted Saturn. Jupiter in the tenth has saved the native
Libra-Lagna I lo; Sun I lo and Mercuty 29o; Scorpio-Moon and Rahu 50; Cancer-Jupiter 25o; LeoMars and Satum l8o and Venus 29o.
from falling a prey to his own confused thoughts and desires. The afflicted Saturn afflicts the Sun and the Ascendant almost to the extent of driving the native out of his home. The ability inherent in him could not bear fruit because of these severe afflictions. Mars and Mercury confer mechanical ability on the individual. Mars generally is at least in the mechanical and technological fields. Together with Mercury, he influences the spheres of human activity that concerns machinery' Examples will be found freely to verify this observation. Medical ability involves a variety of factors. This association of Venus with Saturn is one usually found in the nativities of many doctors. The degrees l4 to l8 of the four common signs, and the last four degrees of Cancer and Capricorn play a prominent part here. llere is a medical
Libra-Lagna | 50; sagittarius-Uranus 2lo and Kethu 8o; Pisces-Satum l50 and Moon 2Oo;Cemfni-Neptune 24o; and Rahu 80; Mars l90 and Sun 260; Virgo-Mercury l40; and Cancer-Venus l Oo
practitioner whose Venus is in trine with Saturn; and the Moon is in close conjunction with Saturn. The medical abilities of this individual are very profound. This expert skill has been his becauseall the common signs are heavilytenanted. In the anglesVenus alone being prominent. He has become famous as a skilled eye specialist. But the sure touch of a doctor is always with him in the diagnosisand treatment of any ailment. Scientific ability is varied in its manifestations. The Naturalist has a strong third house, and Taurus and Capricorn are significant. In Pasteur's nativity the third is heavily
Libra-Langa 50; Sagittarius-Sun l40; Budha lOo; Sukral40; Neptune l4o and Uranus l60; Capricorn-Kuja 50; Aries-Saturn l20; and Taurus-Moon 27o and Jupiter 80
tenanted with five planets therein; Taurus has two planets. In the case of T.H. tluxley Taurus has three bodies, one of them being the lord of the third house. The association of the Moon with Taurus is significant in both the horoscopes. Moon is traditionally the guardian of herbs and plants; and he regulates the rhythm of life. These two scientists differ in the exaltation and debilitation of the Moon.
Cancer-Lagna lo and Jupiterl4o,. Scorpio-Moon 160; Sagittarius-Uranus 29o and Neptune 2lo; Aries-Sun 23o and Neptune 2lo; and Mars 28o; Taurus-Venus I 50. Satum | 70 and Mercury I 60,
Mathematical ability shows strong airy signs and Sagittarius. The first three degrees of Cemini and Sagittarius are prominent. The degrees 2 to 5 of Gancer occupy a special place of importance. In Newton's nativity the lords of the airy signs are in the third and fifth houses. Saturn has a perfect trine with the second degree of Cancer, and he is
Libra-Lagna 20 and Uranus 27o; Scorpio-Neptune l50; Sagittarius-Sun260 and Mercury 50; AquariusJupiter 260 and Venus 90; Pisces-Saturn2o; AriesMars I 90; and Cemini-Moon l40.
actually in the grip of Jupiter, the planet that confers insight and judgment. In the horoscope of Einstein only one earthly sign has the exalted Mars. Venus and Mercury are in the
Gemini-Lagna 2lo 47'; Cancer-Kethu loo 46'; Scorpio-Moon 23o48'; Capricom-Mars 60 12'and Rahu lO" 46'; Aquarlus-Jupiter 60 44' and Pisces. Sun 20 46', Mercury l2o 25'. Satum l5o 28' and Venus 260 l6'.
tenth. The Sun is in trine with the third degree of Cancer. The position of the planets from Capricom to Pisces constitutes an asset for a genius who visits the Earth rarely. A successful individual not only needs ability, but a lot of commonsense. In the absence of commosense, ability is bound to go astray. This is a rare quality depending on the harmonious aspects of Moon and Satum. Jupiter may give sure judgment and prudence; but he does not enable one to grasp the actual facts thoroughly. An afflicted Mars or Uranus is generally seen to deprive one of commonsense. The interchange of houses between Jupiter and Saturn in the nativity of Dinstein amply illustrated the fund of commonsense he possessed; and this is further augmented by the fact that these are here the owners of the ninth and tenth houses. Ability is further strengthened by the power of concentration. One may be capable of doing anything; and yet he may fail to achieve anything of value only because he lacks concentration. This power depends on the Ascendant,Sun and Mercury. A persevering attitude is conferred by Saturn, while the concentration which Uranus gives is fanatic and yet spasmodic. When this power is associated with a sense of duty one acquires a strong character. This sense of duty is a gift of Satum. lf we are not able to anive at a decision on the problem before us, our sense of duty will be of no avail. Favourable aspects between Mars and Uranus are seen to give rise to clear decisions in a very short time. Planets in common signs bring forth a vacillating mind. Thus in the horoscope of Charles I we find four planets in common signs; one of these is the lord of the third, another
Leo-lagna 70 and Neptune I I o; Virgo-Moon I 60 and Jupiter lo; Libra-Satum 18"; Scolpio'.Sun 2O"; and Mercury 22"; Sagittarius-venus 40 and Mars 8o; and Aries"Uranus l4o.
that of the fifth, and the tlrird is the Moon. With such a group is associated Mars who afflicts Venus in the fifth. There can be no further proof of a remarkable vacillation of the mind. It is from the third house and Mercury that we will have to find out whether an individual can have a firm intellectual determination. A determination to do a certain thing actually comes from Mars.StrongSun and Saturn enable one to realise one's ambitions. The nativity of Alexander shows the Sun separating from the sextile with Saturn. Mercury is well placed in the fourth, while the Sun is applying a sextile to Jupiter. Here is a determined mind, a characteristic of Aries generally. Ability also needs a little of diplomacy. To be a diplomat one should have a sweet tongue and a pleasing behaviour, gifts depending on Venus; and the diplomat's power to work in a hidden way depends on Neptune. Intelligence, patience and selfrestraint are all necessary in diplomacy, and these spring from Mercury and Saturn. Von Papen (born October 29, lA79 at 5 p.m., L.M.T.) is a good example. But a better one is the chart given below. Here we find Vunus strongly situated in the tenth in trine with the Moon. NepCancer-Lagna 29o; Virgo-Jupiter | 5o; Scorpio-Ura' nus l7q; Sagittarius-Moon l9o and Neptune lo; Capricom-Mars I lo and Saturn 2Oo; AquariusBudha 27; Pisces-Sun2lo: and Aries-Venus l40.
tune is actually in the cusp of the fifth bhava. Saturn is power' ful in the seventh in trine with Jupiter' With such features displayed by the chart, the native is bound to reveal his abilities in a very impressive and significant manner. Goethe's horoscope presents us with a very interesting example of manifold abilities. Saturn is in the cuspal degree of the Ascendant, in trine with the Moon. Venus is in opposition to Jupiter, making him thereby a gifted poet. Neptune's location in the ninth bhava is significant as reveLlbra-lagna 27o and Satum 25o; Sagittarius-Mars l4o; Capricorn-Uranus 29o; Aquarius-floon 22o: Pisces-Jupiter 6o; Cancer-Neptune 5o,'LeoMercury 90; and Sun l50; and Virgo-Venus 60.
aling a diplomatic behaviour on his part. Then again the eleventh house has Sun and Mercury who endow the native with intelligence and genius
Ability is revealed in many ways. When Sun and Saturn are very strong, we find the native to be a highly capable administrator. With a strong Mars, this ability will appear in the military side. In the horoscope of Elizabeth I we find a strong Sun in the tenth. Most of her troubles arose out of
Saglttarius-tagna llo and Jupiter 40; Pisces.Nep tune l20; Arles-Moon 2Oo; Taurus-Mars 25o; Gemini-Uranus 29o; C-anceratum 6"; and VirgoMercury 29"; Sun l7o and Venus l7o.
Neptune opposing Sun and Venus. This opposition deprived her of a certain frankness in her varied activities. Frederick the Creat had his Sun on the cusp of the loth house Aquarius. The Sun's position in the cusp of the M.C. ap pears to play a leading role in the administrative ability. Much depends on the nature of the sign in which the Sun is posited. There is another individual who is known to us as Caesar Boryia who had Viryo rising with Mecury, in the third degree. Mars and Saturn are very strong in the eleventh,
Vlrgo-Lagna 50, Mercury 50, and Sun l7o; LibraUranus 25"; Scorpio-Neptune 2"; Capricom-Jupiter l50; Aries-Moon 2Bo; Cancer-Mars l80 and Satum 2Oo: and Leo-Venus l9o.
and so is the Sun. Though he murdered many like a villain, he "left among the people whom he govemed the reputation of a just prince, up-right and severe". This is an estimate which we are apt to brush aside. But it is true. The Sun in the Ascendant and Saturn advancing beyond Mars in the eleventh, is significant here. The artistic ability is govemed by Venus. Taurus appears to be involved in music and painting, while the other fine arts are concerned with Libra. This ability in its purely creative aspect depends on the Sun and the fifth house. All literary creation, however, springs from Mercury, while the artistic arises from Venus. The degrees 20 to 24 of Taurus are very sensitive to literary output. The first five degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Sagittarius, the degrees from 4 to 6 of Taurus and Scorpio, are also to be examined carefully. In the horoscopes of literary celebrities we actually find Moon and Cancer holding a prominent place. Degrees l9 to
t{'?"Ifi'!"i txr,q
23 of Cancer and Capricorn are very important in the consideration of the fine arts. Authorship is implied by the Ascendant, fourth and 5th houses, and by Curu and Moon. Examples lllustrating these are too many; and any one can easily find out these observations. The ability revealed in commerce concems planets save those that are impractical by nature. In so far as the acquisitive instinct is involved, we find a prominent Satum besides strong Cancer and second house. Saturn and Moon regulate we find ,the prudence of the individual. In the next chart The and Venus' Mercury Saturn in the fourth, opposed to
Gemini-Lagna lo; Vergo-satum l8o; Libra-Kethu Bo; Sagittarius.Moon lo; Pisces'Sun 260, Mercury 160 and Venus 2Oo; Mes-Jupiter l2o; and Rahu 8o; and Taurus-Mars l50.
Moon in the descendant has given him enough prudence' The following chart is that of Ford whose Saturn is in the
ScorpioLagna20 and Rahu l50; Capricom-Moon 2Oo; Taurus-Kethu l5o; Cancer-Sun 16o and Mercury l2o; Leo-Mars 70; and VirgeVenus 20, Sat' um loo and JuPiter 29o 56'.
eleventh. The speculative bent of mind appears prominently in the aspects falling on Capricom. The owner of the Ascendant is well situated in M.C. The ability to argue, to controvert, is a feature of Mercury. The ability to leam languages, on the other hand, seems to depend on the eleventh house' By himself Mercury can confer oratorical ability when he is in any one of the squares from the Ascendant. The degrees 25 to 26 of Aries, Virgo, Libra and Pisces, and the degrees 14 to 17 of Sagittarius and Aquarius are eqaully important in the consideration of oratorical abilities. cicero, Gladstone and Annie Besant provide valuable examples' Cicero's chart
Capricom-L,agna 8o, Sun l5o, Mars 60, Uranus 40, Mercury l2o and Venus 8o; Aries-Neptune l9o; lleeMoon loo; Libra-Jupiter 29o; and ScorpioSatum 160.
shows a heavily tenanted Ascendant. Sun and Mecury are also aspected by the lord of the Ascendant' The second house is asPected bY the Moon.
In Cladstone's nativity Jupiter is in a very sensitive point. The Ascendant along with the Sun and Mercury is in
Sagittarius-Lagnal8o, Sun 160 and Mercury 160; Capricorn-Mars 29o; Pisces-Jupiter 250; VirgoMoon 90; Llbra-Uranus 22o; and Scorpio-Venus 28", Saturn l9o and Neptune l2o.
the degrees indicative of oratorical ability. The second house has an exalted Mars who gave a sharp and incisive tongue to an already well-equipped orator. In Mrs. Annie Besant's horoscope we find Mecury and Saturn occupying the sensitive degrees. The Ascendant with Mars receives the
, Aries-l,agna 23o 20' and Mars 24o 56'; Taurus' Moon 22o 4O'; Ceminl-Jupiter 28o 8'; Virgo-Sun 16o 58', Venus 2Oo 47' and Mercury 260 24'; Pisces-Kethul90 2B'.
aspect of Saturn. This endowed her with a good deal of constructive energy and ability; and she was able to build up an organisation with an indefatigable zeal. Moon in the second has given an added charm of persuasiveness to her powers of expression. An able one must have a serious purpose. This seriousness is the result of a strong and beneficial Saturn. If to this is added a good Scorplo, the native will be highly earnest in his activities and enterprises. There is no better example than that of Mahatma Gandhi whose Saturn-Scorpio is too prominent to be ignored. This seriousnessis altruistic when the individual is sincere. Sincerity is a typical characteristic of Aries and Leo, and to a large extent that of Aquarius. Of the planets, Mars and Uranus enable one to be sincere. These characteristics are nowhere better illustrated than in the horoscope of Shivqii. An exalted Saturn in the third is in
Leo-Lagna 29o g'; Vlrgo-Moon 28o 4B'; Libra-Sat' Oo49'; Aquarius-Sun um l70 57'; Sagittarius-Kethu 80 lO'; 23o 56' and Jupiter 70 l9'; Pisces-Mercury Aries-Venus lOo 7'; and Cemlnl-Mars l60 57' and Rahu Oo49'.
a perfect trine with the lord of Aries and Scorpio. This has made him earnest and serious in his undertakings. The Ascendant is Leo and the lord of the Ascendant is in Aquarius. This has resulted in making him sincere to the core in all his activities. The mark of a highly developed character stands imprinted on the horoscope as a whole.
Strong Venus and Neptune indicate musical ability. This quality is also associated with Qemini in the case of those who are gifted instrumentalists. An inherent love of music is always found in those who have Cancer or Aquarius rising. Some musicians also reveal the association of Moon with Saturn, an affliction from Mars to any of these generally deprives one of the ability to appreciate music. Wagner's nativity has Venus rising in the Ascendant Taurus with the Sun. Saint Thyagaraja on the other hand, has Cancer rising with the Moon, while Saturn and Venus are located in Taurus.
Taurus-Lagna lOo, Venus Bo and Sun 9o; CancerJupiter l50; Scorpio-Uranus 40 and Neptune 25o; Capricom-Mars l30 and Saturn lBo,. AquariusMoon 24o; and Aries-Mercuryl40. Cancer-Lagna 24o and Moon 40; Leo-Jupiter 25o; Capricom-Rahu l4o; Aries-Sun 25o; Saturn, and Venus 20o; and Qemini-Mars 4o.
The aspects between Venus and Uranus and those between Jupiter and Neptune, and the degrees 6 to lO of Leo and Aquarius are involved in the ability to paint. Dueher has his Ascendant in a very sensitive degree. Neptune is in the
LcLagna l0o; VirgeJupiter Bo;Libra-Neptune 260 and Uranus 60; Pisces-Mars 29o; Taurus-Venus l2o; Sun 25o Satum l8o and Mercury 260; and Cemlnl-Moon loo.
third, a house concerning the mind, though he is actually in the 4th bhava. Uranus is in the house of Venus, while Venus is closely associated with Saturn. Haydon on the other hand, shows the opposition between Venus and Uranus, and another opposition between
Virgo-Lagna 20 and Neptune 26'; Sagittarius-Mer. cury 22o and Moon 70 Capricorn-Satum l8o, Sun I 70 and Venus 4o,.Pisces-Jupiter l90; Taurus-Mars l2o: and Cemini-Uranus 2Bo.
Jupiter and Neptune. Sun and Saturn are in exact conjunction in the fifth house. These salient factors are related to the painting abilities. These factors have to be studled together with those found in the nativities of other celebrities.
li 1X 1d
Theatrical ability is conferred by Aquarius and by the watery signs. The Moon and the twelfth house also are involed here, besides the first three degrees of Leo and Aquqrius. In lrving's horoscope Aquarius and Leo are well tenanted by the powerful and energetic planets. The ninth
Libra-Lagna l0o; Scorpio-Saturn 70; CapricornNeptune l7o, Sun 27o and.Mercury 20; AquariusUranus 16" and Mars lo; Pisces-Venuslo; GemlnlMoon 28o; and Leo-JuPiter260.
house Moon has made his life one stream of emotionalism. The twelfth house receives the full aspect of the powerful Venus. Chart 26 is that of an actress. Here the watery signs are occupied by all save two. Four of these are in the twelfth
Aries-Lagna2Bo; Taurus-Venus 5o; GeminfSatum I9o; Cancer-Mars 28o and Ketu; Caprlcom-Rahu; Pisces'Sun2l o; Moon 25o, Mercury 90 and Juplter.
with the Moon. Born under such favourable conditions one ls bound to make a name as an actress of rare gifts. It is in this light that one can collect data for a careful assessment of the contributions made by severai planets. Once we know the abilities that are conferred on us and regulated by the planets, we can make the best use of our gifts and talents. Astrological interpretation of the temperament and tastes, of the qualities and profession of a person, is a very difficult task. This is complicated by a number of factors, chief among them is the question, of the newly discovered planets. When life was not as complex as it is today, when man was mapping out his spiritual destiny, when man was setting his own home in order in the light of a spiritual ideal, he could interpret almost all events by considering the five m4jor planets (Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn), Sun, Moon'and the two nodes. Today we can do justice to the science of astrology by agreeing to consider the part played by the new planets, and by assigning a place to them in the general framework drawn by our ancient seers. Whether this is an advisable procedure or not, depends on the correctness of the predictions made.
Accepting this hypothesis for purposes of scientlfic investigation, and without upsetting the Indian method of assigning the signs to the planets, we tentatively asslgn Pluto to Scorpio, Neptune to Pisces, Uranus to Aquarius and the asteriods to Pisces as part-owners of these signs. Here we follow the principle of the distance in which a planet is found with reference to the Sun. Such a principle would of course compel us to assign Jupiter to Aquarius. The Sun and the Moon have a general influence over all the signs in a horoscope of an earthly being in so far as the Sun is the centre of the system to which we belong, and the Moon is our own satellite. Leaving aside the Moon and the Sun, we have ten houses, each house containing thirty degrees. Just as a living organism is a microcosm of the macrocosm, each sign represents itself and also the rest. In this light we have our Vargas. Before we proceed further, we would like to make it clear that we do not accept all that goes under the name of Western astrology. Thus, for instance, we do not condemn the opposition between planets as malefic. The opposition like conjunction is a variable factor, and its nature depends on the nature of the planets. Further, the cardinal points in the zodiac are Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. Aries and Libra are lBO degrees apart; and they have a certain similarity. This similarity would make us group the twelve signs into six pairs; and the units to be interpreted would then be sixty only. Next, it may be pointed that we are trying to offer a correct interpretation to the mental characteristics and of the possibe professions of the natives. Consequently the houses (bhavas) to be noted are the first, fourth, seventh and tenth, besides the fifth and the ninth. When malefic associations are found in the cusps of these houses, or in the positions of the owners of these houses, then they become afflicted; otherwise they are treated as benefic. Finally, it may be pointed out that the interpretation of 5o.l' will have to be sought under the fourth degree not under the [hird. Wherever it is possible and desirable, illustrations are given to facilitate an understanding of these interpretative remarks. All the degrees refer to the Nirayana or fixed zodiac.
&anctarisdcs Degrees I to 3: Watchfulness; discovery, curiosity, exploration, geographers and philosophers. J.S. Mill had Satum-Uranus conjunction on the first degree of Libra. Bergson had Sun on the 2nd degree of Libra. Sidgwick had Venus as the second degree of Aries. Eptein had Saturn in Aries 2". 4 to 6: Hostile criticism, opposition, competition, aggressiveness; novelty, awe and wonder; sudden change, differentiation. Sailors and soldiers, teachers and philosophers, spiritualists and philosophers, spiritualists and rebels. Chaitanya had Libra 50. Pandit Malaviya had the fifth degree of Aries rising. ttobbes had Sun and Mars coniuilction in the 5th degree of Aries. Affliction here can make one a boxer or a traitor. 7 to 9z Interest in riddles, speculation. Mathematicians and jockeys. lO to l2: Stratery, planning, tactile sensations, magic and diplomacy, generals, dramatists, novelists, actors, magicians and diplomats. Dante was bom when Aries I lo was rising. tlugo was born when Libra lOo was rising, and Libra l20 rose when Dickens was born. 15 to 15: Slippery, soothing, subtlety, mysterious power; interest in seeds and physiologl; desires and luxuries. Reformers and spiritualists, doctors, physiologists, seed merchants, orators, pearl-fishers and indigo planters' Affliction here can make one deceitful. Gandh[ji had l4o Libra. l6 to l8: tlunger, thirst, gluttony, drunkenness, strong desires, lust, constructiveness, charting predicting. Musicians, workers in steel or gold, builders of coaches or carriages, architects, civil engineers, surveyors, astrologers, coal-miners and sugar merchants. l9 to 2l: Attraction and repulsion; magnetism, manufacturing spirit; interest in exchange' Builders and carpenters, hypnotists and electricians, manufacturers and stockbrokers. Alexander the Creat had Aries 2Oo rising at his birth, and Ramana Maharshi had Libra 19".
22 ta 242 Bringing pressure, creeping farming, painting, growth and rhythm. tlouse-agents, farmers, painters, timber merchants, ruber growers, musicians and tobacconists. Haydon had Venus in Aries 2Jo. Strans had Jupiter in Libra 24o which is trine to his M.C. 25 to 272 Love of plants, unfolding, rotating evolution, gardeners, botanists, engineers, anthropologists, astronomers and physiologists. 2A b 30: Abnormality or originality, baryain, compromise, promise, uniqueness. Innovators and politicians. Aries 29o was rising at Washington's birth and Libra 29o rose at Churchill's birth. Group-tr Vrishabha & Vrischika
Degrees I to 3: Analytical criticism, separation, aUruptness. Mathematicians, logicians, ethnologists. ttume had Mercury and Moon in Taurus 50. J.C, Bose had Taurus 20 rising. 4 ta 6: Belief in Karma and destiny, interest in wine, love of unity and wholeness. Philosophers and dramatistics, engravers, brewers and distillers. Kant had Taurus 6" rising. Ibsen had the Moon in Taurus 50 locke had Jupiter in Taurus 50 with Saturn in Scorpio 40. t ord Haldane had Scorpio 60 rising. Dr. Radhakrishnan had Mars in Scorpio
7 to 9z Construction, drawing, planning, keen sight and analysis. Architects, civil engineers, fencers, musicians, surveyors, painters, photographers, opticians, and watch,makers. There are afew theologians also. Wagner had Taurus go rising. lO to 12: Precision, concentration on a minute point, sharpness. Mathematicians, geometricians, astronomers, bankers, aviators, philologists, publishers and shorthand writers. Galileo had Neptune in Taurus l20. l5 to 15: Facile command over language, interest in paper. Qrammarians, journalists, literateurs, dramatists, novelists, librarians, stationers, booksellers and paper manufacturers. Shaw had Taurus l5o rising. A paper magnate has Scorpio l5o rising.
f O to l8: Concentration on sensations and pain, keen perception. Painters, musicians, perfumers, botanists, poets and fumiture dealers. Raphael had Neptune in Scorpio l8o. Mendelssohn had Neptune in Scorpio l60 in conjunction with Saturn. A botanist had Taurus l8o rising Milton's ascendant was Scorpio l7o. l9 to 2lz l-ove of aryument and satire, sarcasm, vision, movement, indecision doubting. Lawyers, orators, chauffeurs, postmen, astronomers, chemists and railwaymen. 22 to 242 Dreaming, curiosity, intellectual interest, anxiety, prophesying. Meteorologists, prophets, teachers and thinkers. A successful teacher and thinker had Taurus 22o rising at birth. Hegel had Jupiter in Scorpio 22o. 25 to 27: trnthusiasm, ardour. Orators, scholars, carpenters and railwaymen. An affliction here makes one an undesirable reactionary. Thus a former leader of the Razakars has Taurus 25o rising at birth. 28 ta 5O: Willing to trust to luck, speculation guessing, theorising, elastic temperament, faith and belief. Stock-brokers, scientists, astrologers, musical composers, sugar merchants, grocers, inventors, dancers. The part played by faith is clear in Tennyson's nativity, Taurus 28" rising. and Dhanus Degrees I to 5: Spontaneity, publicity, show, ambition, sensitiveness to opinion. Mr. R.K. Dalmia had the first degree rising in Cemini, while Omar Khayyam had the second degree rising. 4 to 6z Imitation, acting, hypocricy, emulation, impermanence. Qlass manufacturers. Clemenceau had Cemini 50 rising. A defalcating bank clerk had an afflicted Qemini 60 rising. 7 to 9z Seriousness. Scientists and thinkers. A great Sanyasi had Cemini 80 rising. Swedenburg's ascendant was Sagittarius 70. lO to l2: Dignity, love of solitude, trained ear. Scholars and musicians. Morarji Desai had Qemini I l" rising at birth. Sayy4ii Rao, Caekwad of Baroda, was born when Sagittarius lOo was rising. Group lll-Mithuna
f 5 to l5: love of tradition and possession, repetition, organizing ability, interest in methods and division, interest in crime. Bankers, pawnbrokers, numismatists, shipowners, anatomists and cytologists, criminologists. Trotsky had Gemini l5o on the ascendant. l6 to l8: Industrious, sorrowful, pessimistic, interest in the past. Sometimes there is a love of cruelty. Chronologists, palaeontologists. f 9 to 2l: Severity, cruel, numbering counting. Economists, financiers, accountants, bankers, insurance managers, mathematicians. With Gemini 2Oo rising an individual assassinated another. 22 to 24: Abiding by regulations, sense of duty, honesty, moral philosophers. Gemini 22o arose when Einstein was bom. Swami Vidyaranya's ascendant falls in Sagittarius 25". 25 ta 272 Limited or restricted by environment, sustained concentration, over-specialisation, narrowmindedness. Hypnotists, railwaymen, players of tennis, cricket and golf. Nero's afflicted ascendant, Sagittarius, falls here. 2A b 5O: Expectant attitude, forethought, despair. Astrologers, prophets and stastesmen. Asquith had Cemini 5Oo rising. V.D. Savarkar had Sagittarius 28o rising. Malenkov's ascendant falls here in conjunction with the Sun, Mercury and Saturn. Group-IV l{ataka and ltlakara
Degrees I to 3: Staying in darkness, facing obstruction, self-restraint, asceticism, caution, doubt, suspicion, discretion. Lawyers, ascetics. T.H. Huxley and Swinbume had Cancer lo rising Dr. Bhagawan Das, Wells, Mao-Tse' Tung had Capricorn 20 rising. 4 to 6z Careful, leading nature, farming interest, accuracy, reliability, moodiness, facing obstacles, love of concealing, determination endurance, accumulating, agricu lturists, collectors, miners. Bulganin had Capricorn 50 rising at birth.
7 to 9z tove of man and gold. Anthropologists, ethnologists, goldsmiths or goldminers. lO to 12: Developed smell, smoothness. Perfumers, silk merchants, musicians. f 5 to l5: Interest in man, ability to judge and value, love of fame, love of friends. Sociologists, valuators, Judges, lawyers, skinners and tanners. Ramanuja's ascendant was Cancer 15", Martinean had Mars in Cancr l5o. Pringle Pattison had Venus in Capricorn l50 with Mars, the same degree rising in the east. Lord llaldane had Sun and Venus in this degree. 16 to l8: Tact, poise, command of men, show of courtesy, mastery over the first principles, ability. to generalise. Statesmen and diplomats, oil producers, astronomers, philosophers, chemists, pathologists and phitologists. Bacon had Mercury in Capricorn 16" in conjunction with the Sun. tlegel had Saturn in Cancer l80. 19 to 2l: Inherent idealism and poetry, love of the beautiful, artist, love of form and melody. Poets, painters, sculptors, actors, artists, idealists, musicians' The idealistic o side is apparent in Tilak who had Cancer 2l rising. Van Dyke had Moon is CaPricorn l9o. " 22 ta 24: Busy with noises and explosions, movement ln air, expansion. Oil producers, aviators, meteorologists, chemists and teachers. 25 to 272 Exaltation, eminence. Cancer 25o rose at the time of Thyagaraya's birth. The Buddha had Cancer 27" rising. Dr. R4jendra Prasad's ascendant falls in Capricorn 270. 28 to 30: I-.ove of humour, absurdity, cheerfulness, extravagance, love, generosity, sympathy, benevolence' Comedians, doctors surgeons, nurses. . GrouP Y.Simha and llumbha Degrees I to 3: Love of display, brightness, splendour, communicativeness, good at conversation. Pearl-fishers photographers, philologists, linguists. Mr. J' Krishnamurthi's ascendant falls in Aquarius 1o.
4 ta 6: Fine understanding of human life and thought, hospitality, abundance, expansion. Astrologers, opticians, wine merchants, philosophers. llavelock trllis had Aquarius 60 rising at birth. 7 ta 9z Resignation to the inevitable. 1O to 12: Interest in clairvoyance, sixth sense, intuition. l3 to 15: Intuition interest in psychology, showiness, obedience, harmony. Psychologists, linen manufacturers, dancers, musicians, humanitarians and astrologers. Prof.B.V. Raman has Aquarius l50 rising. l6 to l8: Humility, reverence, defensive nature, gentle, interest in clothing and purification, investigating the nature of reality and existence. Chemists, metallurgists, Paper manufacturers, photographers, waiters, clothiers, tailors, washermen, hosiers, wool merchants, theologians, meta' physicians. Curu Nanak had I'eo 17" as his ascendant. Berkeley had Venus and Mercury in Aquarius 160 in conjunction with Neptune. Lincoln's ascendant works to Aquarius 16" with Mercury in it. 19 to 2l: Easily misunderstood, forgiving nature, changeable, transformations, versatility. Actors, inventors, magicians, engineers, grain merchants. 22 to 24t Adaptation to any situation, love of symbolism, gliding, imperceptible motion. Swimmers, ritualists, historians, sailors. 25 ta 27: Interest in liquids, skilfulness, verisimilitude. Shipowners or shipbuilders, craftsmen, artisans, novelists. Dumas had Saturn in Aquarius 27o, Zola had Uranus in Aquarius 26" and Hardy's Uranus was in Aquarius 27o. 28 to 50: Love of story telling, imagination, delusion, deceits. Novelists, painters, com merchants, barbers. Good statesmen too are found here. shivaji had L,eo 5O" rising. There is a poet with Leo 28o rising in the east. Balzai's Uranus was in Aquarius 28o.
Degrees I to 5: Ability to reproduce, synthesising the many, gregariousness, bee-keeping, patriotism, service of mankind, altruism, gregarious tendency. Sociologists, nationalists, humanists. Scott had Mars in Virgo 20 in trine with Jupiter. Memory was prodigious in the case of Harinath De who had Virgo lo rising. Disraeli's M.C. was in Virgo lo. 4 io 6z The tendency to compare and to collect. Astrologers, botanists and zoologists, astronomers, Qalileo's Venus was in Pisces 40 with Mercury. 7 to 9z Development of the ego, probing, cutting, love of humour. Individualists, surgeons. Spinoza had Uranus in Virgo 9". f O to l2: Classifying tendency, adding and arrangihg, comparing and cutting, developed tastes. Critics, botanists, zoologists, barbers. l5 to l5; Cutting and digging, biting teeth, activities and interests concerning problems of life and death, love of form, courage, hardship, violence, destruction, murderousness. Theologians, philosophers, sculptors, dentists, butchers, coal-miners, soldiers and sailors. 16 to 18: Superiority complex, spirit of triumph, selfassertion, argumentativeness. Policemen, railwaymen, philosophers, gold-miners, muslin manufacturers. Christ's nativity was in Pisces l8o with the Moon. l9 to 2l: l.ove of logic and movement and sport, intuition, energetic. At times we also find illogicality, idiocy, delirium, insanity, gluttony. Logicians, lawyers, doctors, sportsmen, athletes, hunters, cricketers, tennis players, bakers, caterers, cornmerchants, swimmers. 2n b 24t lave of law and order and rhythm, emotional, romantic, rebellious dancers,_musicians, poets, novelists, lawyers. 25 to 272 Developed dynamic force, interest in sexproblems, intensity of thought and feeling, momentary concentration, fanaticism, penetration, thinness. Orators, electricians, smiths. 28 to 5O: Activity and hope. Tagore had Pisces 29o
The lOth house is generally admitted to be the house indicating profession. Here until and unless it is speciflcally mentioned, readers are requested to treat the house as the equivalent for Bhava. The lOth is the meridian, the point at right angle to the place at the time of the birth. It is the zenith. From the zenith to the Ascendant we have four houses which indicate profession, gains, loss and the general life respectively. In other words, in the study of profession we cannot ignore any one of these houses, even though the lOth is the most important one. Moreover, the nature of the profession is also dependent on the educational qualifications and mental qualities of the native. These would necessitate a consideration of the 4th and the 5th houses. Besides these, there are a few more important points to be examined. The dasamsa (or tenth fraction of a sign) of the Ascendant plays as much part as the lOth house. Then we have to see in what sign and house is the lord of the lOth situated; the position gf the lord of that house in the Navamsa is another vital factor. The aspects to the loth house and its lord of that house in the Navamsa is another vital factor. The aspects to the I Oth house and its lord and the association of other planets with the loth house and with the lord of the loth house are also important. This would make it appear that the determination of the profession would depend on a thorough examination of the entire horoscope. It is so; and there is no short cut. It is the ignorance of a majority of these factors that has led to the faulty predictions on this problem. To come back to the I Oth house, it refers to the practical side of one's life; as it is the exact opposite of the fourth, it indicates the life outside one's home. Judging from the nature of the horoscope, one has to predict the possibility or otherwise of an active life. This applies even to the horoscopes of women. ln other words, the lOth describes or indicates the way in which the person expresses himself in his social or public life. In the light of these remarks, we can present in broad outline the views found in our traditional texts.
The Sun as lord of the tenth can give a good inheritance, and a career in drugs and chemicals; sometimes an administrative career of a Govemmental or semi-covernmental nature is indicated. precious stones, aristocracy, low women and agriculture are the sources of revenue suggested by the Moon. Mars indicates a military line; in connection with Mercury, the medical line; and in conjuction with Saturn it can be an undesirable one. Religion, busi_ ness, teaching and law are indicated by Mercury. Teaching and finance are associated with Jupiter. Venus .Lfers to the arts or to brokerages. philosophy and service appear with Saturn. This may again be viewed thus: When the Sun is located in the tenth we can speculate a military or a political career. The Moon will suggest a religious, philosophical or emotional life. Agriculture, machinery, surgery and army are indicated by Mars. Above all, the astrologer will have to see whether the native possesses the right character and ability to carry out the duties and responsibilities implied by the ,ar"L, or czreers indicated. To this end, one has to examine the Ascendant carefully. Moreover, an ascendant has a predis, position to certain professions and this may be appiieO to the loth house also. what foilows appries to the nirayana or flxed zodiac, which alone gives good results. The native under Aries or Mesha is a natural fighter. He can be a soldier. tle is a pioneer who can unearth new wavs or regions; that is, he has the spirit of adventure. Dngine6r_ ing, surgery, metal-work, armaments also are here. The Arian type is best suited for careers invorving a good dear of dynamism and exploration. Taurus or vrishabha gives a practicar nature. The native will build on firm foundations. He does not take chance. He can trade in furs, cosmetics, jewellery banking, manage_ ment boards, brick-laying and the like. Building, farming, publicity, advertising and such other activities wtricn n.ing about goodwill and extend public interest are indicated by Taurus. l-anguages, literature, travel and salesmanship are the best careers for Gemini. The mood for scientific research is also greatly regulated by this sign and its lord. Born under
the sign Mithuna, one has a tendency to succeed in a career which centers round factgathering, planning and scheming. An afflicted Cemini or Mercury can bring about embezzlement, fraud, forgery and so on. Otherwise Cemini can indi' cate editors, writers, chartered accountants, translators, teachers, reporters and barristers. Cancer or Karka tends to commercial life or to a serious preoccupation with ancient history. Antiquarians, curio collectors, archaeologists and historians are found here. Any career involving some connection with nautical life is successful for Cancer. One can be best fitted here for a visionary career. l,eo or Simha tends to the dreaming about utopias. Leadership and self-confidence play a part in the choice of career for one born in Leo. He is a successful administrator, artist, or actor. Armed services, civil services, finance and law are the suitable careers. Simha is very dynamic and active; and it can make one even an officer connected with the forests. Virgo or Kanyagives an intelligentand methodical personaliiy. The native plays minute attention to detail' tle can be a good computor, a salesman. or a cashier. lle is best fitted for specialisation. Scientific and literary work under any form is advantageous. Psychology and psychiatry too come here. Libra, as its name denotes,gives a balancedoutlook' One born under thula tends to be a logician or a balanced lawyer or an officer of law. lle can be an artist or a philosopher as well. Diplomacy, parliamentary or government work, finance and business, and literary activities are other vocations' Any career that would involve the play of balanced judgment will bring success. Scorpio has a good deal to favour the vocations of a physician, chemist or nurse. It also indicates priests, phi' losophers, mystics and astrologers. At times we find detec' tives, politicians and critics too. Under favourable Martian influences one can be an engineer, a craftsman, or a mechanic. Anthropologists and geographers, intelligence officers and explorers are also found under this sign. It is a sign conferring a kind of versatility which may not be of any use.
Sagittarius or Dhanus carries with it a certain amount of versatility which makes the prediction of a career a little difficult. The native can be interested in sport and horses. He will be deeply interested in freedom. He may become a teacher, a preacher, an organiser. He needs a close adaptation of his career with his personal outlook. The Sagittarian knows how to get on in life; and a consciousness of this knowledge often lands him in trouble. Capricorn or Makara makes one industrious. The native succeeds in routine occupations, in office work, in agriculture and mining. Capricornians rarely succeed when they leave their locality. They are often found to return to their homes. Electricity, alomic power, jetpower, internal combustion engine, engineering, aviation, thermo-nuclearstudies, aftistic endeavours, technology and the like come under Aquarius. Radio and television too find a place here. Scientific intricacies and humanitarian work also are revealed by Aquarius. Astrologers with remarkable powers of intuition are sometimes Aquarians. Imaginative work is best suited to the native of pisces. Film industry, theatre, broadcasting and television, medical profession, welfare institutions, municipal work and the like are covered by Pisces. The person born under pisces is secretive, and also vain. He chooses a profession where both these traits find a free play. In predicting the profession for a woman, we have to examine the vargas of the lOth house in her horoscope. lf she has more masculine vargas here, she will have career of her own. The planets too are individually indicative of a variety of professions; and these too need to be noted. The Sun indicates those in authority, those working in and for the government, managers,goldsmiths and jewellers. Mars suggests soldiers, dentists, surgeons, chemists, photographers, metal workers and butchers. In association,he can indicate typing, printing and publishing. The Moon indicates sailors, travellers, caterers, fishermen, advertisers, dealers in liquids. Mercury refers to writers, teachers, editors, clerks, secretaries, booksellers and postmen. Venus suggests
poets, irrtists, confectioners, embroiderers, dealers in flowers and scents, and linen drapers. Jupiter indicates lawyers, physicians, clergrmen, bankers, clothiers, grocers and tobacconists. Saturn refers to miners, labourers, coal merchants, dealers in lands and property, plumbers, architects and phiiosophers. Besides the loth house proper, it is necessary to consider the following in assessing the precise nature of a profession:- (i) signs and planets in, and the rulers of, the 6th and lOth houses; (ii) Sun's house and sign position and aspects, and the planet nearest the Sun if it is rising before the Sun; (iii) the position of the ruler of the Ascendant and the planet in strongest aspect to and from it. (iv) The planet in strongest aspect to the Moon; (v) the dominant planets in the map; and (vi) certain sensitive degrees. The sensitive degrees can be grouped under six pairs of signs and tabulated thus for the sake of convenience; (ll Aries and Libra.-lo -5o Policemen, detectives, inventors, explorers and geographers. 4o-60 Boxers, army and navy, teachers and philosophers, spiritualists. 7o-9" Philosophers, mathematicians, jockeys. lOo-l20 Cenerals and dramatists, actors, diplomats. 15"-15" Spiritualists, doctors, soap merchants, physiologists, seed merchants, indigo planters, orators and pearl fishers. l60-l80 Musicians,steel' workers, goldsmiths, builders of coaches and carriages, sugar merchants, coal-miners, astrologers, surveyors, architects, civil engineers. l9o-21" Builders, carpenters, shipbuilders, electricians, hypnotists, manufacturers, aviators, stock-brok ers. 22o-24o House agents, tobacconists, agriculturists, painters, musicians, timber merchants and rubber growers. 25o-27o Cardeners, tea-planters, botanists, engineers, anthropologists, foresters, astronomers. 28o-5O" Politicians. (2) Taurus and Scorpio.-lo-5o Mathematicians, ethnologists; 4"-60 actors, dramatists, philosophers, distillers ' 7o-9o Draughtsmen, engravers, cartographers, architects, painters, sculptors, surveyors, civil engineers. lOo-l20 Opticians, watchmakers, theologians, geometricians, mathematicians,
astronomers, bankers, dealers in birds, aviators, shorthand writers, publishers, booksellers, paper manufacturers, librarians, novelists and dramatists. l60-l80- Painters, musicians, perfumers and furniture dealers. l9o-2 lo L,awyers, orators, chemists, postmen, travellers, chauffeurs. 22o-24o Meteorologists, reformers, interpreters and teachers. 25o27o Orators, scholars, carpenters, railwaymen. 2Bo-5Oo Stock-brokers, scientists, astrologers, composers, inventors, grocers, sugar merchants, rubber growers, churchmen, dancers. (3) Qemini and Sagitbrtus.-lo'5o Publishers, advertising agents. 4"-6" Class manufacturers, jockeys, actors. 7o,9o Scientists. l0o-l2o Scholars, musicians. l50-l50 Numismatists, army and navy, criminologists anatomists, shipowners, bankers, pawn brokers. l60-l8o tlistorians, chronologists, paper manufacturers. l9o-2 I o Economists, financiers, bankers, insurance employees, mathematicians. 220-24 Philosophersand men of religion. 250-27" Railwaymen, hypnotists, players of tennis and cricket. 28o-5oo Astrologers and palmists, soldiers and sailors. (4) Cancer and Capricorn.-lo-5o Lawyers, smiths and ascetics. 40-60 Agriculturists, plumbers, geologists, botanists, zoologists, philatelists, 7"-9o Qoldminers, goldsmiths, anthropologists and ethnologists. lOo-l20 Musicians, silk merchants, perfumers. l50-l50 Sociologists, philosophers, lawyers and judges, skinners and tanners. 16"-18" Diplomats, statesmen, chemists, philosophers. pathologists, philologists. l9o-2lo Poets, painters, sculptors, musicians, actors, grocers. 22o-24o Oil producers, aviators meteorologists, chemists and teachers. 25o-27o Versatile and high minded careers. 28o-30o Comedians, nurses and veterinary surgeons. (5) Leo And Aquarius.-lo-5o Linguists, photographers pearl-fishers. 40-60 Astrologers, palmists, opticians, wine merchants. 7o-9oPsychiatrists.lOo-l20 Psychologists,phrenologists, linen manufacturers. l50-l50 Musicians,dancers, chemists, paper manufacturers, photographers. l60-l80 Clothiers, tailors, launderers, hosiers, hatters, woolmerchants, theologians. l9o-2lo Crain merchants,
actors, inventors, engineers. 22'24o Fishermen, men of religion, sailors, historians. 25o-27oShipowners, shipbuild' ers novelists, craftsmen. 28o-5Oo Story-writers, cornmerchattts, barbers and hair-dressers,painters. (6) Virgo and Pisces.'lo-5oSociologists. 4o-6oZoologists, astrologers. 7o-goSutgeons. lOo-12oZoologists, botanists, hairdressers. l5o-15o Coalminers, dentists, sculptors, sol' diers, sailors, gun-makers, butchers. l6o-18o Policemen, railwaymen, goldminers, philosophers, muslin manufactur' 1o Sportsmen, hunters, lawyers, doctors, bankers, ers. 19o-2 merchants. 22o'24oDancers, musicians, poets, corn caterers, 25''27o Orators, electricians. 28"-5OoAclawyers. novelists, tive careers. In interpreting and applying these sensitive points any minutes beyond a degree will have to be treated as implying the next degree. And these points refer only to the Nirayana or fixed zodiac which alone can interpret the fixed tenden' cies bearing on the profession or career. Working with these principles,one cannot normally err in indicating the career that is likely to be chosen' More' over, the background for the successful career can be prepared well in advance only when we can predict the career' In other words, the educational planning of a native depends largely on the line he or she is likely to take up' Predictions concerning profession are troublesome because of the complex nature of modern, social, economic, and political conditions' The texts we have are helpful only in giving us a broad outline. On the basis of these texts we have to fill in and readjust certain implications contained in the statements. Mantreshwara, for instance, states: "One ought to predict the acquisition of money by determining whether the Ascendant or the sign occupied by the Sun or the Moon is stronger. Then find out the planet located in the I Oth house from these, and the Navamsasign occupied by the lord of that sign. The Sun refers to the father, the Moon to the mother, Mars to foe, Mecury to friend, Jupiter to brother' Venus to the wife, and Saturn to servant" (5.1).
The Jataka Pariiata is more helpful. There we re4d: 'From the lOth house you can ascertain a person's authority, rank, ornaments, dress, activities, agriculture, renunciation, religious activities, means of livelihood, and fame" (5.1). Naturally the profession depends on one's education, his mental make-up and such other factors. Then the lst, the 4th, the Sth and the lOth have to be considered. Before we Proceed further, let us take an example. If the lOth house from the Ascendant has Mercury, and the lOth from the Sun and the Moon have Mars and Rahu, and if the lords of these houses are Jupiter and Venus who are in Navamsas owned by Saturn and Jupiter respectively, then we have to examine Mercury, Mars, Rahu, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn. The Moon as the lord of the 5th house also enters the picture. This is too complex a situation. Bhattotpala does not say that we have to reckon only from the strongest among the Ascendant, the Sun and the Moon. He quotes Carga to support his contention that everyone of these should be considered for determining the source of income. We have also to ascertain whether the planet is in its own house, in its sign of exaltation, in a friend's house, or in an inimical sign. lf the planets are malefic for that chart, there will be great labour and little lncome. If the Sun is strong and exalted, then one earns by his own exertion. The profession of a native is to be judged from the planet or planets occupying the lOth; and if there is none, irom those in the I st and from those aspecting the Sun and the Moon. Moreover, the planet posited very near the Sun or the I Oth also has an influence in this matter. Jataka Pariiatadeclares that we must find out whether the Ascendant is strong or the Moon. Then note the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the lOth recknoed from the stronger one. tf that sign belongs to the Sun, one deals in medicine, wool, grass, water, grain, gold, pearls, and he may become a mediator or ambassador. lf it is the Moon, one lives by things derived from water, by agriculture, clay, clothes, and controversies. That is, here are indications for
sailors, mariners, navigators, fishermen, boatmen, mid_ wives, nurses and others. If it is Mars, then we refer to metallurgr, war, fire-control, stealing, adventure, and quarrels of others. Military jobs, doctors, chemists, butchers, executioners, engine drivers, and all those working in iron, steel or fire are covered here. If it is Mercury, one pursues arts, poetry, traditionai profession, priesthood, astionomy, astrologl, and scriptures. Literary authors, translators, writers, accountants, printers and postmen also come under this planet (15.44-47). If the Navamsa sign belongs to Jupiter, one earns by becoming an instructor, religious authority, priest, moralist, philosopher and the like. llere come judges, scholars, senators, clergymen and bankers. If it belongs to Venus, the earnings are related to gold, ruby, elephants, horses, catfle, jaggery, cooked rice, salt, milk, curd and women. l-Iere is a place for owners of hotels, confectioners, shepherds, musicians, painters, linen drapers, jewellers, players, embroidery, scent-dealers, maid-seruants and the like. If the sign belongs to Saturn, one earns by wild pursuits, wood engraving, executing, carrying the burdens of others. probably we have a place here for shoe-makers, scavengers, grave diggers, under-takers, brick-layers, miners, and gardeners (15.48-50). If the Sun and Mercury are in the I Oth, one earns as an astronomer or astrologer, or he lives by articles derived from water, or by ornaments. Mars and Mercury in the I Oth make one scientific. Venus and Mars there give him trade in foreign lands. Mercury and Saturn make one a copyist. Venus and Saturn give him cosmetics, medicines, and trade ( 15.56-59). This account taken from one of our authoritative textbooks, gives enough indication about the duty of the astrologer in matters dealing with profession. There is enough room for supplementing these details, and we have many clues whereby we can enlarge the principles. Accordingly, we state some of the relevant factors and combinations. The lOth house, its lord, the planets in the loth, the planets aspecting the lOth and its lord, the signs occupied
by the lord of the lOth, the planets near the Sun and near the lOth-these have to be considered carefully. Then note the kind of triplicity to which the concemed sign belongs. An airy sign indicates mental powers, planning, oratory, fluency. A fiery sign suggests force of character, grit, ability, self-aggressiveness, factories, dangerous pursuits, surgery, dentistry. An earthy sign gives patience, planning for material welfare, agriculture, foodstuffs, stocks and shares, clothes, gardening, and immovable properties. A watery sign suggests liquids, commercial travellers, agencies, dress-makers, furniture shops, laundries, hospital chemists and druggists, nurses, salesmen, navigation and so on. The Sun refers to royal or state appointments and favours, ministers, magistrates, medical persons, gdldsmiths and doctors. The Moon refers to travellers, sailors, hawkers, nurses, public commondities, mid-wives. Mars governs iron, cutlery, machines, surgeons, chemlsts, soldiers, sergeants, factories, debators, lawyers, logicians, butchers and barbers. Mercury governs orators, teachers, accountants, poets, authors, editors, printers, mathematicians, merchants, insurance, messengers, conjurors, buffoons, dancing masters, sentinels, painters, grammarians, dialecticians, and health officials. Venus governs pleasurable and aesthetic pursuits. Here are artists, musicians, actors, perfumers, jewellers, silk and embroidery, medicine, cookery, and flower dealers. Jupiter governs religious teachers, priests, lawyers, judges, scholars, university professors, grammarians, philosophers, and physicians. Saturn rules varied professions. Saturn on the cusp of the lOth gives eminence, authority, and power. Saturn re' fers to agriculturists, miners, gardeners, lead, astronomy, metaphysics, philosophy, theologr. The intellectual signs are Qemini, Libra and Aquarlus and they intensify the powers of thinking and planning. Cancer and Capricorn favour serious thought. l9o and 2Oo
Taurus and Scorpio refer to critical faculties, while 22o and 25o Pisces and Virgo give rhythm and law and order, and l50 Cancer and Capricorn confer balanced judgement. Ju, piter has a prominent place in the charts of lawyers. Mars and the Sun dominate the charts of engineers. bo Libra is the degree of discovery; also for engineers note 25o pisces and Virgo, and l70 Taurus and Scorpio. The medical profession involves Cemini, Libra, Scorpio and Aquarius; 2Oo to 260 Virgo also is relevant. For business, the earthy signs are favourable. Artists and musicians have the strong Moon and Venus with good aspects from Mercury, Mars and the Sun. The sensitive degrees for these are 23o Pisces and Virgo, 29o Taurus and Scorpio, l2o Cemini and Sagittarius, l60 Leo and Aquarius. Scorpio is the most important sign for astrolory. Saturn and the Moon have much to say about astrologers besides Mercury. The first degree of Cancer and Capricorn, l90 Libra, 29o Taurus and Scorpio, and 2lo to 25o Gemini and Sagittarius are also involved here. Journalists and editors have the strong Moon, Mercury and Jupiter. 2lo, 25o and.29o Leo and Aquarius, and 2lo Taurus and Scorpio are involved here. The 5rd and the 9th must be strong, as also their lords. Ascetics and religious people have a strong 9th house and strong Jupiter, the Sun and the Moon. The first degree and 24" Cemini and Sagittarius, the first degree of Aries and Libra and of Leo and Sagittarius are also important points here. Accountants have the strong Moon and Mercury, and a strong Ascendant in Cemini, Virgo, Libra and Aquarius. Teachers and professors have strong Jupiter and Mercury. Some of the degrees which are sensitive for different professions are listed below. Astrologers are requested to examine the appropriateness of these points: Aries, Libra 20 Aries, Libra 50
613 Literature Science Medicine Astrology, painting Music Astrologt ArmY Painting
Taurus 25o Genrini, Sagittarius lo Gemini, Sagittarius l2o [.eo, Aquarius 50 Leo, Aquarius 8" Leo, Aquarius l9o Virgo lo
Virgo, Pisces 20 to 40 Literature 50 Sagittarius Music Qemini, Virgo, Sagittarius Pisces 25" Medicine, painting First degree of the signs watery negative There are many such sensitive points which one can arrive at after correlating a number of chafts,. All the while one must keep in mind the framework provided by the traditional Indian authorities. Then the ticklish questions of profession can be satisfactorily solved.
Some Professions
I. Diplomacy
In the olden days foreign travel was by sea and the Uatery signs (Cancer, Scorpio and pisces) were considered. Now it is by air and we have to reckon with the airy signs (cemini, Libra and Aquarius). Foreign travers u." g"n".rlry lndicated by the 9th and l2th houses and their lords. We have also to note whether these are in movable or common signs. The purpose for which one goes abroad is determinecl by the lst, 4th and lOth houses and by their lords make an account of Paradesa saham and Jataprathana saham. The first is obtained by deducting the longitude of the 9th lord from the Iongitude of the 9th house and then adding that of the Lagna. When the Lagna does not fall between the first two, aOd SO degrees. The Saham and its lord must be related to the Lagna or the 9th house. The Saham should be aspected by the lord of the 7th, gfh or l2th house. The lords of the 4 or g and Mercury indicate foreign travel for study. The lords of 9 or lO refer to the reasons of career. The lords of 2 or I I can refer to financial reasons. lords of l or 6 may indicate foreign travel for reasons of health. In thls context we wish to deal with the specific problem involving diplomats.
Here we take into consideration Uranus and Neptune. For the sake of convenience the charts are given according to the Ayanamsa of lahiri. It may be noted that diplomacy involves secrecy, tact and other things. This makes us consider the 8th house and Scorpio as well. The first chart is that of a distinguished and devout diplomat who was with the Indian embassy in Syria, France and other places. Here Saturn as lord of 9 and I O is in the 8th aspected by the lord of the 8th. Saturn as "prasiddha karma jeevi'is in the l2th from Karakamsa (Scorpio) while
Rahu 25.40 Ura 18.30 Ascdt 16.12
Mars 17.7
Venus 19.53
Ktu 25.40
the lOth lord from it is in the 4th. From Karakamsa the lord of the 8th is in the lOth. Satum is also in the 8th, while the 6th lord is in the secretive Scorpio. All these fit into his career as a diplomat. tle started his career in the major period of Juplter and he retired in June 1989. The houses involved in this chart are 1,6,8 and lO along with Scorpio. Common signs Cemini and Sagittarius have played a m4jor role - one of them being airy. The 9th is a movable sign which is partly watery aspected by a debilitated Mars from a watery sign. This can be a reason why he could not rise up to the highest position in the embassy. In the chart of Mr. K.P.S. Menon (L"agnaTaurus) the Moon (27), Yenus (16) and Satum (17) are in the secretive Scorpio, while the 8th lord Jupiter is in the 5th. The Moon has exchanged signs with Mars. He had the right Dasas of Venus, Sun, Moon and Mars.
The second chart is that of our late President Dr. S. Radhakrishnan who was also for some time India's ambasNep10
Ketu 5.47
2 RASI 1888-9,5
Fhhu 5.43 Sat22.3 l/@rl 6.9 Sun20.34 Ven5.23 Merc 1.10 Asc.n
sador at Moscow. lt was during his stay there that the Russian attitude towards our country changed in our favour. The I Oth lord is in Lagna. The 5th (tact, shrewd intellect etc.) is aspected by its own lord from a watery sign. The 7th and 8th lords are together in the watery 5rd; Jupiter aspects the 5th and 6th lord Saturn. Scorpio and the moveable Cancer has made him a successful diplomat. Saturn also aspects the Lagna and the 8th. A good aspect between Mars and Uranus reveals energy, decisiveness and will-power which are needed in diplomacy. A similar aspect between Saturn and Uranus gives initiative and good will-power. Foresight and tact result from a benefic aspect between Saturn and Neptune.Thus we find in the 5rd chart the lords of 9 and lO, I and 5 and 5 are in the secretive 7th. Saturn and Uranus are conjunct Venus. Breadth of outlook, originality and tremendous will-power are contributed by Uranus.The political planet Sun is in the 6th aspected by Mars. With great tact and patience he sought a solution to our relations with China. This is the chart of Mr. K.P.S. Menon referred to earlier. While in the second chart Uranus aspects the 8th house, here he is in the 7th, directly making him a career diplomat. The 6th house refers to service, like the lOth. The 9th is the house of remote exploration, foreign travel, relations
with foreigners, foreign interests of people. The I Oth refers to public work, career and the like. The l2th is generally involved in the diplomacy, like the 8th house. A diplomat should have pleasing manners and hence a strong Venus is necessary in secret and hidden ways, arises from Scorpio, Pisces and Neptune. Patience and self-restraint, which are required in diplomacy, come from Saturn. The 7th also governs diplomacy. Ready wit is from Mercury. Uranus is not quite amenable to diplomacy, unless this planet is kept in check by Saturn. In the second chart we find Mercury and conjunct Venus in Lagna. Saturn conferred patience and self-restraint.
Nep 2 Ketu 20
Mars 2
3 RASI 1898-10-1I
Sun 3 Merc
Jup 29
ln the third chart Venus as lord of Lagna is with the Yogakaraka Saturn in Scorpio. Conjunction oF the lords of Lagna and the 9th or their mutual aspects do indicate foreign travels. But within this framework we have to note the factors mentioned above for determining whether a native can be employed as a diplomat abroad. 2. Politics Apart from the usually accepted planets and their generil influences, we have to take into consideration certain selrsitive points or degrees. The degree of the ascendant, and those of the angles and trines are such sensitive spots. There are many more in the zodiac. These points have to be studied with reference to the planets and cusps in any given nativity. If these points receive benefic influences, they will
reveal many a benefic aspect in the career of the native. An affliction to these points will either negative the results conferred by them or reveal the malefic side of these influences. At the same time, the general framework of the horoscope may at times aggravate or suppress the effects of these points. Alf these sensitive points refer to the Nirayana zodiac. lt is the fixed or constellation zodiac that can carry these sensitive points unvaryingly. In studying these points, it is profitable to study the new planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Such a study is bound to decide for us the answer for the question concerning their influence on human life. For those who are willing to accept them, we assign Asteroids to Pisces, Jupiter to Aquarius, Uranus to Sagittarius, Neptune to Scorpio, and Pluto to Libra as part-rulers. Taking this as a tentative hypothesis, we may examine their influence. After this examination we may reject these planets or accept them. It is to facilitate such a study we propose to show the part played by some sensitive points in the nativities of politicians. The tenth degree of Aries is one of a struggle to realize an ideal. The native can one day become a self-made man through his own strong will. Cifted with a horse sense he will be a tough warrior either in life or in war or in both. He never hesitates and he knows what he wants. Tamberlaine's Sun was located here. The ninth degree is slightly the reverse of this one. It brings forth unforeseen situations which cannot easily be overcome; and the native's failure may be due to his lack of generosity. Mars and Saturn were conjunct in this degree when England declared war on Qer, many in 1959; and Hitler's Sun was here. These positions have, of course, to be studied not in isolation, but in connection with the other relevant planets and their positions. Then alone can we arrive at the influence of the sensitive points selecfed here for study. The 23rd degree of Aries is magnetic. lt inspires people and makes them come under the influence of the native. He will set forth original ideas and can unconsciously shape the future, though the native is free from tender and refined
emotions. Karl Marx's Sun appears here. Whether this position is really responsible for the present status of the teachings of Marx has to be ascertained from the horoscope. The 5rd degree of Taurus is an enigmatic one. None can know the mind of the native, though anyone can see that he ls arrogant enough. Having no intellectual or emotional communion with any fellow human being, he can at times take up a violent path to assert himself. His end will be pitiable and ignoble. This degree can be studied profitably In the horoscope of Pierre l-aval. Here we find a good deal that has so far eluded the politicians and diplomats in the character and achievements of laval. The l5th degree of Cancer can either confer great spiritual powers or release undesirable violence. lt is a degreL of aggresiveness. The native may behave with a definite purpose, with a specific mission in life. He will be unique. It can also make him highly arrogant and intolerably showy. Blsmarck's ascendant falls here. Mussolini's Sun and Mercury are conjoined here. The l Tth degree of Cancer is a degree of tremendous will power, of cool determination. Once he decides on an issue, it will not be possible to make him alter his ideas and plans. His prejudices are not apt to be shaken easily; and so are his likes.' The 22nd degree of Cancer is a highly sensitive point animated by power, by a power of which the native is conscious. If this point is not afflicted, it gives rise to lofty and noble aspirations,'otherwise it leads to vain ambitions. The degree carries the marks of a powerful administrator who is also humane and kind. The horoscope of the October Revolution, 1917, shows Saturn here, not unafflicted. A headstrong and tough temper characterises the 25th degree of Cancer. At times, it reveals bad behaviour and a cgrtain roughness. The native has to face many an obstacle. Clbmencau's Venus is found here; and this explains partly the infamous character revealed by the Versailles Treaty. The 5rd degree of Leo at times reveals duplicity. It reveals an innovator, an author of a new cult, one who exploits his study of the past for his own future..lt presents \
a versatile intellect and rare psychical powers. It is not a little surprising to find flapolean's Sun here. The 23rd degree of this sign is in some ways a complement to the above. This point shows the victorious unruffled nature of the native. There is a serene atmosphere coupled with an unswen'ing faith in providence. Dasily adaptable to any situation, he is spiritually happy. He has the unique gift of enjoying the manifestations of the beautiful. It is very interesting to find Nepolean's Mars here. The l Tth degree of Virgo reveals a noble character dominated by a love of freedom and by a relentless struggle towards the realization of a lofty ideal with courage and sincerity, wisdom and virtue, the native proceeds. Aided by highly developed critical faculties, he makes himself felt. An affliction here is a serious thing leading to walnvard and reckless life which may then be characterised by peevish' ness and fault-finding. One can study Hindenburg's Sun on this point. The 27th degree of Virgo indicates rulership. It endows great many good qualities of the head and heart. At times a qualities do co-exist with a heartless and selfish these develops his powers of observation native behaviour. The he manipulates the circumstances to and understanding; go and higher in the scale. lle does higher enable himself to not allow chance to operate in his affairs. An afflicted degree will make him ungrateful and devoid of softer feelings. At any rate, he will be a complex personality, rarely understood by his own age. Still he succeeds in carrying the public with him. The Darl of Beaconsfield's ascendant falls here; and it can be examined carefully in this light. The 28th degree of Viryo reveals an outstanding character who is an intellectual and who is also really human to the course. There will be also a deeper vein of the religion. Ramsay Mac Donald's Sun is to be found here. The 23rd degree of Libra shows a man of destiny who is bound to become an important international figure of great power and authority. With great self-confidence and actuated by a steadfast purpose, he pushes his way through. Appearing ets an altruist, he suppresses his real feelings.
Fate remains on his side and gives him an inflexible will. His remarkable powers of intellect make him an expert of no mean order in stratery. It is no wonder that Napoleon's ascendant falls here. Sir John French's ascendant and Clbmenceau's Moon also appear here. The first degree of Scorpio presents the reverse of the above. lt reveals a very harsh destiny. Napoleon lll had his Saturn here. The polarities are strongly emphasised in the lSth degree of Sagittarius. One can be the most innocent character or the most blood-thirsty and ambitious conqueror. We find here the ascendant of Tamberlane. The 23rd degree of Sagittarius points to a deep and unquenchable thirst for absolute power. This degree is particularly significant in Napoleon's nativity; the presence of Pluto here may provide a clue to the real nature of the lnfluences of Pluto. The second degree of Capricorn is a highly constructive spot. Intellectual and utilitarian aspects come out prominently in close ceoperation. The native may be said to be a creature of fortune; he will not only be elevated when the wheel of fortune takes him up, but also hurl him down. Such is the Moon's position in the nativity of Woodrow Wilson. The second degree of Aquarius reveals a very bright mlnd which is not allowed a smooth Passage. The native will remain unhappy inspite of his qreat achievements. Lincoln's Sun appears here. A revolutionary temper is revealed by the third degree of Pisces. The native will have keen powers of observation and many devoted followers. But he often falls a victim to the mean. Robespierre's nativity reveals this aspect clearly' The seventh degree of Pisces forebodes an overvaulting ambition combined with tremendous innate energy. lt is a naturally aggressive point, and it is capable of making the native drift'?nto base malice. This was the degree occupied by the Sun in the horoscope of the Third Reich. It is the ninth degree which carries this envy further; and Neptune was here in the horoscope of Lloyd Ceorge, whose slogan 'Hang the l{aiser' is not likely to be foryotten.
The l2th degree of Pisces is a degree of obscurity. lt disables the individual for some time at least; and then the native undergoes the dark night of the soul. Cen. de Gabble's Moon is situated here. The next degree is one of easy ascent and of a sudden fall at the same time. Togliatti's Sun is found here. The 24th degree, on the other hand, is an exception. It is a point of ambition and struggle involving risk; and yet it is capable of making the individual exceptional and unique. It can make one selfish or altruistic. Bismarck's Sun was situated here.
3. Judiciary
Law is one of the intellectual professions. It demands a strong Sth house and an equally strong lord of the 5th house. Airy signs have to be prominent-Cemini, Libra and Aquarius. The planet governing law is Jupiter, while Saturn is the planet of justice. Besides these two major planets, there are others involved. Mars regulates energy and the initiatory force. Jataka Parijata observes that one having Jupiter in the 9th aspected by the Moon and Saturn becomes an exponent of law (14.72); and that Mars associated with Venus also gives the legal profession (14.76). The second observation is debatable since it refers neither to Jupiter, nor to Saturn, nor to Mercury. The lOth lord placed in the 6th brings the native towards the judiciary. Libra generally governs lawyers, solici' tors and judges. Jupiter or Saturn in the lOth in Libra refers to the law. The same result arises when Jupiter and Mercury are in Aries or Sagittarius in the loth. The Sun in Gemini refers to an analytical study of law. Aquarius is another powerful legal sign. The 6th house seems to have something to do with the judiciary. We will explain some of these principles with the help of examples. Chart 4 is that of the first President of our Republic. The I Oth lord Mercury is with Mars in Lagna, aspected by Jupiter and Saturn. The associa4. r 1984.12.3. Ascendant-Sagittarius 2O-lO, wlth ars 7-3O and Mercury 6-7; Pisces--Ketu 14-59; Taurus-the l{oon 25.28: Ceminl-Satum O'42: Leo--Jupiter 15-44; Libra-Venus l4-55; and Scorpio-the Sun 20-47.
tion of four planets with the Lagna made him a legal luminary. Retrograde Saturn from the airy sign aspects Jupiter who in turn aspects the 5th house and its lord. The 5th is also aspected by Venus frorn his own sign. Chart 5 is that of a successful advocate who earned much. tlere Saturn as lord of the 5th and 6th is in Lagna
5. 1925. L25. Ascendant-Virgo l5 with Saturn 28; Libra--Jupiter 27 ; ScorpieVenus 2 I ; Capricomthe Sun B and Mercury IB; and Pisces-the Sun 25, Mars l5 and Ketu 5.
with Rahu, aspected by the Moon and Mars from Jupiter's house. The 5th has the intellectual Mercury with the Sun. The sixth chart is that of Mr. P.N. Lekhi who argued for the defence of the alleged assassinsof Mrs. Candhi' The posi6. 1923.2.18. Ascendant-Virgo 2l-39 with Saturn (R) 26-59 ; Li bra-Jupiter 25-48 ; Sagittarius-Ve' nus l9-5O; Capricom-Mercury 9'58; Aquariusthe Sun 6-7 and Ketu 29-00; and Pisces-the Moon 8-29 and Mars 27-58.
tions are similar. Jupiter aspects the 6th which is an airy sign having the Sun. Mercury is alone in the 5th. Chart 7 is that of T, Prahasam,former Chief Minister of Andhra. tlere Saturn from Jupiter's house asPects the 6th. Mercuryand Venus are well placed in the 5th, giving him a
sharp intellect. Jupiter as lord of the 9th aspects the lOth house along with the Sun and Mars. In the Btll chart the lord of the 9th and the lOth, Saturn, is aspecting the exalted Jupiter from Lagna,the lord of the 5th is in his own airy sign. Again Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury have made him a
8. lBB5.5'50. Ascendant-Taurus with the Sun l9' 50, Ketu I l-5 and Satum 28; Qemini-Mercury lO-40; Cancer-Jupiter I and the l{'oon 7-47; and Aries-Venus l5 and Mars 16.
very famous advocate, who declined the post of a judge in the Madras tligh Court' Such was the great Alladi KrishnaswamY IYer.
The 9th chart is that of flari Singh Qour who was an authority on constitutional law and the Hindu law of prop9. l$72.11.26. Ascendant-Scorpio with the Sun 12 and Ketu I l; Sagittarius-Mercury 5, Venus 16 and Satum 26; Leo-Jupiter 9; and VirgoMars 9 and the Moon 19.
edy. nere Jupiter as the Sth lord is in the loth aspecting Saturn, Venus and Mercury who are in the second in Jupiter sign. The fifth is aspected by the Moon and by the lord of the sixth, these being in turn aspected by Saturn. The airy signs Cemini and Aquarius are well aspected by Saturn and Jupiter. In chart lO Jupiter and Saturn are in mutual aspects involving the third and the ninth houses. Saturn also aspects the 5th lord and the 5th house, the latter being
lO. 1957.7.19. Ascendant-{,ancer 9-12 with the Sun 2-25 and Mercury 2L25: Lee-Venus l5-lO and Ketu l7-42; Virgo-Satum 4-28; Capricornthe Moon 5-50; Pisces-Jupiter 2O-54; and Cemini-Mars l7-54.
aspected also by Jupiter. Powerful Jupiter also aspects the Lagna which has the Sun and Mercury. Mars also aspects Saturn. She is working as a Civil Judge. Chart I I is that of late R. Lakshmanan. The airy Cemini has its own lord Mercury with Venus. Jupiter as lord of 9
I l. 1908.7.15. Ascendant-Aries O-15;Qemini-Mercury 16, Venus l5 and Rahu 12,'Cancer-the Sun l, Mars l2 and Jupiter 25; Capricom-the Moon 2&36 : and Pisces--Satum I 7-55.
and 12 aspects the loth lord Saturn. The lOth is well aspected by three planets. He rose to be a District Judge. Mark also Cajakesari Yoga involving houses 4 and lO. Saturn's aspect on the 6th is equally telling. Let us turn to the chart of some judges of the tligh Courts. lOth lord Jupiter is having a mutual aspect with Saturn and Venus in chart 12. The loth is tenanted by the
12. 1952.1.6. Ascendant-Pisces with Rahu 7; Cancer-Jupiter (R) 28; Sagittarius-Mercury l, the Moon 6, the Sun 22 and Mars 28; and Capricom-Satum 2 and Venus 21,
Sun, Moon, Mars and Mercury. Though the airy signs are unoccupied Cemini is strongly aspected by the Sun and
Mars and by the lords of 4 and 5. This has given the native a powerful ability to offer an analytical interpretation of law. He is a lligh Court Judge. In chart l5 the yogakaraka Saturn in his own 4th with Mercury (lord of the airy 9th) aspects the lOth. Jupiter is in
13. 1905.2.20. Ascendant-Libra l5; Libra-the ltloon24; Capricorn-Satum I I and Mercury l2; Aquarius-Jupiter 7, the Sun 8 and Venus 28; (R) 25 and Rahu 27. and VlrgeMars
another airy sign with the Sun and the Mars aspecting the 9th. Intellect, analysis and steadfastness are secured. Mars with Rahu aspects the 6th, the house of the judiciary. He became a judge of the Madras High Court. Another Chief Justice has Chart 14. The lOth lord in the 6th is in mutual aspect with the exalted Jupiter. Saturn is in
I 4. I 907. I 2.50. Ascendant-Leo I 5; Aquarius-atum, Mars; Cancer-Jupiter; Li bra.Moon ; Sagittarlus-Sun. Ketu and Mercury; Capricom-Venus.
his own mulatrikona with Mars aspectlng the Lagna. The 5th has the Sun and Mercury. Intellect, analytical mind, exposition of intricate problems and firmness of decision are clearly indicated here. Chart l5 shows an exalted lord of the 6th In the 4th. The 6th and the loth are aspected by Jupiter, who in turn, is aspected by Saturn. The 5th has the lord of Lagna and the loth.
15. 1955.9.L Ascendant-Aquarius l; Pisces-Juplter (R) 5; Taurus-the Moon l5-56; Oemini-Mars l5-41 and Satum 2O-51; Cancer-Ketu 23-30; LeeVenus I I -26 and the Sun l5- l 6; and Virgo-Mercury I .6.
Again the part played by Jupiter and Saturn is clear in the case of Justice Untwalla.The 5th lord exalted in the 8th and aspected by Mars and Jupiter shows a slow and contlnuous uphill trek. Chart l6 is that of another fligh Courtjudge. Here the lord of the airy Lagna is in 6. while the 6th lord aspects
1 6 . 1 9 5 5 .1 1 . 1 4 . A s c e n d a n t - C e m i n i 1 9 - 1 7 : L e o Ketu l - I ; Virgo-the Moon I B-25 and Jupiter 2Ol8; Libra-the Sun 2O-18; Scorpio-Mercury (R) 95l ; Sagittarius-Mars 5-55 and Venus I $4O; and C-apricom-Satum I 7-56.
Lagna with Venus. The lOth has the powerful aspects of the Moon, Jupiter and Saturn. Again Jupiter and Saturn have revealed their power in the career of the judge. Chart 17 is that of a professor of law in University. He took his doctorate in law a few years back. Here the 6th lord Jupiter is with Saturn and yogakaraka Mars. The lord of
17. 1942,3.26. Ascendant Cancer l'47; Viryo-Jupiter (R)5-17; Capricom-Venus27-13; AquariusMercury 2O-2O and Ketu 2O-9; Pisces-the Sun ll-58; Taurus-Saturn l-55, Mars lB-14 and Jupiter 22-2; and Cemini-the Moon 26-50.
Lagna aspects the 6th. Mars is also the lord of the loth. Again we notice the role of Jupiter and Saturn. Jupiter's association with the lOth lord and his aspect on the 4th lord (who has exchanged signs with Saturn) probably explains his position in the-teaching line. Jupiter and Saturn play a mqjor role in the careers of successful advocates,jurists and judges. These have a relation to houses 6 or lO or both, and to airy signs in general' For an analytical and keen mind Mars and Mercury should be well placed, along with the Sth house and its lord.
4. Poets
Architecture, sculpture, painting, music, dance and poetry (literature) are the traditionally established six fine arts' Some forty years back Herbert Read argued that the film is the seventh fine art. Those who have creatively contributed to these are the artists. The artist needs an active imagination. Imagination is expressed more clearly by the fiery and watery signs. Psychologically speaking, the fiery signs reveal the projection of the soul inLo the external world. The nature and activity of the self can be guaged from these signs. Assertion (Aries), manifestation (Leo) and development (Sagittarius)of the self are governed or regulated by the will in these signs' These are highly Positive signs. The watery signs are negative. Preservation (Cancer), discipline (ScorPio) and abnegation (Pisces)of the self are revealed by these. The other signs can also give rise to artistic works. But they are not of much significance.
The Moon, Mercury, Venus and the Sth house are important in evaluating the abilities of a poet or a painter. The sign Aquarius gives rise to day dreaming or the poetic expression of visions and dreams. Libra, Pisces and Neptune also govern dreams, visions and flights of mysticism. Chart lB is that of Lord Tennyson. The 2nd hosue has Venus, the significator of the fine arts. Mercury as the lord of the 2nd and Sth houses is in Cancer, while its lord is in
18. 1809-8-6 Lagna Taurus 25-28 with ltloon 22-13;
Lagna.These gave a towering height to his great lyrical flights. The philosophical planet Saturn aspecting the Moon and Lagna gave rise to mystical and philosophical verses after his 44th year. Chart l9 is that of Kipling who wrote poems, novels and jungle tales and who was a staunch supporter of imperial'
19. LagnaCemini B with Uranus(R) l0; Libra-Satum l8; Sagittarius-Mars 5, Mercury 2, Venus 5, Sun 17 and Jupiter I B; Pisces-NePtune l6; and Taunrs.4loon 25.
ism. All these are emphasised by the 7th house. Mercury lord of 6 (lord of, 4), Venus (lord of 5) and Mars (aggressive by the moody aspected and Jupiter and I ) are with the Sun 2nd lord in the The from the Sth. and conservative Saturn recognition. gave belated him l2th Artistic ability is indicated by Venus and the houses owned by it. Libra is of particular significance. Our ancients have correctly held that a poet should have pratibha (intu' ition and imagination, <narks of a geniusl, Vyutpatti (schol' arship) and Abhyasa (constant practice). Jupiter, Mercury, V e n u sa n d t h e M o o n a l o n gw i t h h o u s e s 2 , 3 , 4 ' 5 , 9 a n d l O are therefore involved. The Sun gives steadfast ability' Mars and Saturn imply hard work. Uranus confers versatility. All forms of literature need a strong Mercury and Gemini. Sometimes the signs of Venus are prominent' There are certain sensitive areas or degrees that appear to be closely relatgd to literature. Some of these are the degrees 3 , 3 5 , 5 5 , 5 5 , 9 S , t O g . I l O . 1 7 9 t o 1 8 5 ,2 1 5 , 2 4 3 a n d 2 9 0 .
Literary creation shows a strong Moon or Cancer or both. Poetic creation needs a strong Mercury and Venus. Kipllng had the Moon at 55o and Byron had his Jupiter at 55o. Tennysonand Shelley had the Sun at lO9o and Rupert Brooke had the Sun at I O9o.Moon, Neptuneand Piscesfavour poetry. The 4th has the debiliChart 20 is that of Shakespeare. tated Mercury while its own lord aspects from his exaltation.
20. | 564-4-23. Sagittarius-Ascendant 4- I 6; PiscesMercury 27-28; Aries-Sun I G2B and lloon 26}3; Taurus-Venus 14-55; Neptune l9-3 and Rahu 2&48; Cemini-Mars l4-25; Cancer-Jupiter and Satum l3-4; and Scorpio-Uranus 21,
The Lagna is at 245'. The 5th has the exalted 9th lord and the owner of the 8th. The violent nature of some of his plays is indicated by Mars and Uranus. Chart 21 is that of a great Telugu poet of yesteryearswho brought about a literary revolution. Mark Mars in Lagna with Jupiter and Venus. They are aspected by the Moon.
2l. Gemini-Lagnawith Jupiter 5, Mars 21, Venus 25 and Rahu 25; Cancer-Sun; Leo-Mercury 9; Scorpio-Satum l5; and SagittariusMoon 25 and Ketu 25.
Chart 22 is that of another Telugu poet who got the Jnanapitha award. Here the Lagna has exalted Mercury, debilitated Venus and Mars. The sign is that of a critic. This
22. I 895'9- I O. Vltgo-Lagna 15, Mars 5, Venus B and Mercury l5; Libra-Satum 28; Taurus-Moon 2; Cancer-JupiterS; and Leo-Sun 25 and Ketu 21.
is indicated by Mars in Lagna and exalted Saturn in the 2nd. The Moon is exalted and so is Jupiter. tle was a poet, dramatist, critic and a novelist of repute. Saturn and Mars made him a very harsh critic. Jupiter and Moon made him a scholar in Telugu, Sanskrit and other languages. Baudelaire(25) who brought about the symbolist movement in literature and who revolutionised modern European poets has six planets in the 8th house Pisces. Mercury,
25. Leo-Lagna l9; Sagittarius-Uranus (R) 12 and Neptune (R) 2l; Pisces-Mercury 4, Mars 9, Jupiter 19, Venus l7 and Satum 26; and CancerMoon l.
Venus, Jupiter and Sun are joined with Mars and Saturn. This is a tormented soul which has practicallyruined the future of poetry. The repressed desire played an important part in his poetic career. The mind is also perverted as is indicated by Uranus and Neptune in the 5th aspected by Saturn in Chart 24. Chart 24 is that of the world famous Qerman poet and scholar, philosopher and critic, Coethe. Here Lagna has the philosophic Saturn. The Moon is in the 5th aspected by Sun
24. 1749-8-29. Libra-Lagna27 and Saturn 25; Sagittarius-Mars l4; Capricorn-Uranus (R) 20; Aquarius-Moon 22 ; Pisces-Jupiter 6; CancerNeptune 5; Leo--Mercury 9 and Sun 15; and Virgo-Venus 6.
and Mercury. Venus is in the l2th house. llis varied carqer is reflected by the 5th and I lth houses and by Venus and Saturn. Coming to Milton (Chart 25) we find the mystical Scorpio rising with the Moon aspecting it, Mercury is in the 2nd with the Sun. The Sth and 6th lords exchange houses, indicating
25. l608-l 2-9. Scorpio-Lagna | 4-45; Sagittariusl-7 Sun lO-15 and Mercury; Capricom-Venus and Satum I O-l5; Pisces-Mars 5- 15; Aries--Jupl' ter 17-45, Taurus-Moon lO-45; and CancerRahu l9-5 l .
his aggressive temperament. Saturn and Venus are in the Srd making him a serious, speculative, religious poet. Nazrul Islam, the famous Bengali poet of revolution (Chart 26) has Mercury and Rahu in Lagna aspected by Jupiter and Ketu. The 5th is aspected by Venus. The lords of 2
26. l99O-'24. Qemini-Lagna, Mercury and Rahu; Cancer-Saturn; Sagittarius-Jupiter and Ketu; Aquarius-Moon; Aries-Venus; and Taurus-Sun and Mars.
and t have exchanged signs. Jupiter and Saturn aspect the Moon. The Scottish poet Robert Burns (Chart 27) has the Moon rising in Lagna. Jupiter is in his own 2nd house. The Srd
. \ 27. 1759-l-25. Scorpio-Lagna 15-48 and Moon 2849; Sagittarius-Jupiter l9-58 and Ketu 25-59; Capricorn-Mercury (R)4-9, Sun l6-1, Venus lgI and Mars 2l-37; Aquarius-Saturn l5-54.
house has a significant planetorium of Mercury, Sun, Venus and Mars. The Moon in Lagna with the Srd house made him a great lyric poet of repute. Shelley had Sagittarius5o rising. The Moon is in the 5rd at 22o aspected by Mercury l4o. The I lth house has Mars (4o),Jupiter (4o) and Neptune (7o) aspected by Saturn ( l20) from Aries. He was more lyrical. An introvert with suppressed desires (Cancer having Sun 25, Mercury 25, Venus 22, and Uranus 291. tle could not achieve a mark in his lifetime. Chart 28 is that of S.T. Coleridge, a great poet. lle revolutionised literary criticism. He was also an opium ad28. 177 2- | O-2I . ScorpieLagna 25 ; Aquarius-Jupiter2;Taurus-Uranus (R) 2; Cancer-Mar 7; Lr Moon l, Satum 19, Venus 2l and Neptune 25; VirgeMercury 6; and LibrpSun B.
dict. His 4th house has Jupiter (lord of the 5th) aspected by the Moon, Saturn, Venus and Neptune (drugs). Mercury is exalted in the l lth. Venus and Moon made him highly Iyrical. Blake, the great dreamer and visionary (Chart 29) has Cancer rising with Neptune. fle reveals the nature of his
I 5; Sagittarius-Venus 28,' Capricom-Saturn 25; Pisces-Uranus 28; and Cemini-Moon 2l.
"'3li;:=n'ia:#:i[?,'tr"1:'.',' :r".1T
poetry. Jupiter is in the 4th, while Sun and Mercury are afflicted by Saturn and Mars. lle lived in his own world of Swedenborg's philosophy. The mystical trait is indicated by the 6th house Venus opposing the Moon. Chart 5O is that of a great Yogi, mystic, poet and critic Sri Aurobindo Chosh. Lagna is sensitive and imaginative Cancer with Jupiter and Mars. Mercury and Venus are in the
50. lA72-A-15. Cancer-Lagna 25, Jupiter 2l-55; Leo-Sun 0-20, and Venus B-52,'Scorpio-Ketu ittarius-Moon 5-44 and Saturn Mars 5-55 and l{ercury 22-lO l6-57; and Sag25-55.
2nd with its lord. Mars as lord of 5 and lO got his debilitation cancelled. The Moon is with the philosophical Saturn in the 6th. tlouses 2, 5, 9 and lO are strengthened. The
spiritual Ketu is in the 5th aspected by Jupiter, the philosophico-religious planet. That he was once a revolutionary is indicated by the Lagna and the 6th house. The great composer Wagner, the creator of the greatest opera Parsifal had Taurus I Oo rising with Sun 9 and Venus 8. Jupiter 15 is in the Srd house and the ytoon 24 is in the lZth. Mercury 14 is in the l2th. Chart 5l is significant because of the part played by Uranus and Neptune in the 28;Capricom-Mars l5; Aquarius-Moon 25;andAries-Mercury 14. 7th. They are aspected by Jupiter who is in direct opposition to Mars (chart 52). Chart 52 is that of a Telugu poet who introduced new forms and who created many poets. The Lagna has its own
52. 1892-9-12. Le*Lagna 28; Mercury 9-J6 and Sun 27-19; Virgo-Saturn 9-15; Llbra-Uranus I l-25 and Ketu I B- I ; Capricom-Mars I 5- I 4; Aries-Jupiter (R) l4 and Rahu l8-l; Taurus-Moon 8 and Neptune (R) l8-56; and Cancer-Venus I l-29.
lord aspected by Jupiter. The lords of I O and L2 have exchanged signs and are aspected by the exalted Mars. lle was a multilinguist. He introduced monologue and chorus and wrote many poetic dramas. Chart 55 is that of the poet-Saint Thyagarqja.The high-ly sensitive and imaginative Cancer is rising with the Moon.
55, 1767-5-4. Cancer-Lagna 22-3, and Moon 4-5; Leo-Jupiter 20-14; Capricorn-Rahu l-17;
Qemini-Mars l-12.
This is a great asset. The 9th lord Jupiter is in the house of speech. The lord of 4 and I I is in his own I I th with the philosophic Saturn. The 2nd lord is exalted in the lOth, giving him lasting fame. The chart shows that he was a born composer. Chart 54 is that of Rabindranath Tagore. The sign rising with the Moon is sensitive and imaginative. The lords of
54. l86 l-5-7. Pisces-Lagna 6 and Moon 2l-59; Ar-
ter 25-59; and Lo-Satum lO-47.
Lagna and the 5th have exchanged signs; and so have the lords of the 4th and the 2nd. The musical and poetical Venus is in the Znd. Nothing else is needed to account for his lasting contributions to all forms of literature, music, dance and painting. Cancer and Pisces are very strong. Petrarch (56) made the sonnet popular in the fourteenth century. His sonnets addressed to Laura have influencecl many. Chart 55 shows the imaginative and sensitive Cancer 14, Mercury L4 and Cancer-Lagna 55. l3O4-7-2O.
I B; Virgo-Satum 17; LibraSun I B; Le*Jupiter Uranus 7 and Neptune l6; and Pisces-Moon 5.
rising. The lord of Lagnais in the 5th aspectedby Saturn.The combination of Mars and Venus in the l2th is indicativeof the theme of his sonnets-love imaginativelyidealised. The 56th chart is of Swinburne,a musical poet, a dramatist, a critic and a scholar. The imaginative Cancer is rising
56. Cancer-Lagna 5, Jupiter l7 and Mars I B; LibraSatum (R)25; Capricom-NePtune l7; AquariusUranus I 6; Pisces-Venus 15, Mercury 14, Sun 24 and Moon 26.
with Jupiter and Mars aspected by exalted retrograde Saturn and the mystical Neptune. The lord of Lagna Moon is in Pisces exchanging signs with Jupiter. Mercury and Venus are together in the 9th. \ 5. Philosophers By a philosopher we mean one who with the help of systematic reasoning develops a view of the Universe and presents it to the people. The view of the Universeincludes his argued conclusions regardingthe nature of Reality, Soul and Self to external Univserse,and the relation between the Soul and the Universe, and between the Soul and Reality' Consequently we are not concerned here with the saints and seers who do not employ logical and metaphysical reasoning. Flence a philosopher is one who is concerned with the epistemological and ontological enquiries. Well aspected and well placed Taurus gives the native an awareness of Nature as a concrete reality. Such natives can be realists or pluralists. Natives with strong Virgo look
at the external world as a means to an end. Libra gives the power to collate, choose and adjust. Aquarius enables the native to apprehend natural facts as illustrating universal laws. Interrelationships of the various forms of life are aV prehended as real. Cemini, Virgo and Sagittarius generate great mental activity. If Mercury or the Moon is aspected by Mars or Uranus this activity becomes greater. Philosophical activity needs argumentative and critical powers. Argumentative skills are noticeable when Mars is in Gemini or in the 3rd, or when there is a powerful aspect of Mercury or Jupiter. Critical powers are indicated by Taurus and Virgo. Strong Cemini is fascinated by details. The powers of the concentration seem to be developed strongly by fixed signs. Immanuel Kant, with whom begins modern Western philosophy, had Taurus rising. Philosophers of the idealistic school are found with strong fiery signs, Libra and Aquarius. They are associated least with Saturn and the earthy signs. Intellectual powers are indicated by the Lagna, the 5rd house and the house of Mercury. The metaphysical strain is revealed by Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and the 9th house. ElertrandRussel has Uranus in the 9th aspected by Saturn from the 5rd. Sri Krishna and Kant had Saturn in the 9th house. Saturn in the 9th is an asset to the metaphysicians. The Sun in trine or sextile to Saturn gives painstaking efforts to think systematically. Adi Shankara, Kanta, Ramanuja and Sri Aurobindo had a trine between the Sun and Saturn. Karl Marx and Vidyaranya had the Sun in sextile to Saturn. Saturn is the most philosophical planet. Leo, Aquarius and the Sun are the most inquisitive. A spirit of enquiry dominates the philosopher. The philosophical attitude is indicated by good Jupiter, or the strong 9th house; or Sagittarius. They should have strong influences. Mental profundity is revealed by strong Saturn and Uranus, their aspects on the 9th or as the lord of the 9th. The aspects from the planets in the 9th also indicate these. Rationalism is suggested by strong Saturn or Mercury Influences and by the earthy signs,
With this background let me consider the charts of some famous philosphers. We follow the sequence of the rising signs. Chart 57 is that of lord Krishna, whose teachings are expressed primarily in the Bhagvad Gita. The rising sign is a practical one. lt is down-to-earth. The Lord gave accordingly Karma, Bhakti and Jnana Yogas. The fiery signs having
37. Srt Krishna- 3224 B.C. Lagna Taurus I l-46 wlth 2*25; Moon 2046 and Rahu 2748; lne-Sun Virgo-Mercury 2 l -9 ; Llbr*Y enus 7-49; Scorpiol{'.ars 26'44; Sagittarius-Juplter 0-56; and Caprlconr-Satum lSl4,
their own lords, Jupiter aspecting the Sun, and Satum in the 9th have given an idealistic twist to his teaching. The opposition of the Moon to Mars gives vigour and combativeness, the square between the Sun made him intellectual; and he was also more interested in the objective problems because of this. That a close conjunction of Sun and Mercury deprives the nature of an impersonal and impartial judgement is falsified by Chart 58. This is the chart of Immanuel Kant, the founder of modern Philosophy. He brought about a Copernican revolution in metaphysics by tuming the philosophers' attention from the object to the subject' Saturn in the 9th made him an idealist. Saturn is in his own house with Jupiter opposed Mars. Kant is famous for his incisive
58. Immanuat Kanb-22'4'17, Taurue-Ascendant I l; Oemini-Venus 7; C-ancer-Mars I l; Leo-Moon 29; Llbra-Uranus (R) 25; Scorplo-Neptune I l; Capricom--Satum (R) 7 and Juplter 24; and Arles-Sun 25 and Mercury 25.
algumentation. ttis logical acumen demolished the previoui logicians and metaphysicians. The conjunction of the Sun and Mercury gives great powers to perception and deep contemplation, and it denies flexibility. The square between the Sun and Jupiter gives a philosophical bent, vigorous lntellect and a tendency to sharp invective. Chart 59 is that of Sir William Hamilton who revived the tradition of realism in British Philosophy. The rising sign is down-to-earth. The extemal pluralistic universe was real to
him. tlis incisive intellect and logical powers were well Indicated by the 5th house. Satum and Mars are conjunct. The 5th lord is with the lord of l-agna. Satum and Mars are conjunct. The 5th lord is with the lord of tagna. Lords of Z, 9 and lOth in the 5th made him give some amiable concessions to the idealists of the day. The 4Oth chart is that of a Professor of Philosophy in Rajasthan. lle retired long ago. Ile started his career as an idealist and gradually drifted away. Author of Thoughts and Reality, a presentation of ldealism of the Advaita variety, he tumed later to non-philosophical problems. This is
Mercury 9-58; Vlrgo--Venus 15 and Rahu lG56; Lfbra-Mars l5-34; Scorplo-Uranus 29-19; C-apricorn--Satum (R) l2- l J; and Plsces-Jupiter (R) 29-t.
evident from his 5th house and from Uranus in the 7th. Saturn in the gth did not allow him to give up idealism fully. Chart 4l is that of the greatest thinker Srl Shankara who firmly established Advaita Vedanta. The 5rd is aspected by Mars and this gave him the greatest logical aryumentation
41. Adi funkae-25 March 44 B.C. Cancer-Lagna 922; Scorple-Ketu I l-15; Sagittarlus-Satum 2$5O; Aquarius.-Jupiter &56; Pisces-Mars 2-56; Aries.Sun 8-12, Venus 5{O and Mercury 2&6; and Geminl---Moon 9l2.
which is visible in his commentary on the Tarka Pada. The Sun in trine to Saturn gave him painstaking thought and systematic reasoning. Mental profundity is shown by Saturn in the philosophical Sagittarius. Satum aspects the lord of the 9th who has exchanged signs with him. Two strong fiery signs, Jupiter in Aquarius and well aspected Libra made him an unshakable monist. The Sun sextile to the Moon and Jupiter gave him success without much stnrggle. As with Kant, so here this position firmly established Sri Sankara as the strong founder and defender of idealistic monism.
The 42nd chart is that of B.C. Tilak, the author of Gita Rahasya and the Arctic Home. The lord of Lagna is in close conjunction with Jupiter, the 9th lord, in the 9th. They
42. B.a. Tilalr-2'-7-1956. Cancer-Lagna l8'56; Sun 8-2O and Venus 9-9; Virgo-Mars 343 andKetu 27'
receive the aspect of the Philosophical Saturn from Gemini. This gave mental activity. Aryumentative skills of Tilak are shown by Mars in the Srd, and by the Srd lord in his own house with philosophic Saturn. Great intellectual powers are shown by the signs of Mercury. One of these had the lord of the Sth aspected by Jupiter and the Moon. Ramanuja (Chart 45) is the founder of the Visishtadvaita school of philosophy. The l"agna has the debilitated Mars, the planet that gives intellectual Powers. Possibly this Mars
Cancer-Lagna lO-55 and 43. Bamanuia-2.*7-l0l7. Itlars 29-57: Scorpio-Ketu 12,15; Sagittarius 185O; Aries-Sun lO-5; Sagittarius l8-5O; Aries-Sun l0-5; Venus l'9 and Mercury 23-2; and Cemini-Moon 12-25 and JuPiter l-55.
deprived him of an impartial outlook, though he is great in summarising correctly the views of his opponents' The I Oth house placement of planets gave him placidity and content.ment. Jupiter with Moon in the intellectual Gemini aspected by the philosophic Saturn from the Philosophical sign Sagittarius is of particular value and significance here' The aspects on Libra by four bodies gave him the power to collate, choose and adjust. Chart 44 belongs to Lord Balfour, a politician and a philosopher whose lectures on Faith of a Moralist are valu' able even today. Incidentally it is Lord Balfour who gave the
24-37 and Mars 8-50; 44. hrl Balfour-Leo-Lagna Aquarius-Neptune I O-5O;Pisces-Satum 5-3O; Arles-Uranus O47; Taurus--Moon G5O; Cemini-Sun ll; Cancer-Mercury O-5O,Jupiter lO-5O and Venus I l-44.
Jews Israel in the long run' Only one fiery sign is strong and its lord is in Gemini. Earl Balfour accordingly was neither a pure realist, nor a pure idealist. His critical acumen comes irom Virgo being aspected by the philosophic Saturn, and
the 5rd by Uranus. lntellectual and logical powers were strengthened by Gemini with the Sun in it. A strong Uranus in the fiery 9th made him an acute metaphysician. The sextile between the Moon and Mercury and between the Moon and Venus gave him a firm grip on commonsense and a logical manner of presentation which has given a popular appeal to his writings. The sextile between the Moon and Jupiter gave him a pragmatic outlook, and that with Saturn made him enterprising. The 45th chart is that of Prof. S. Radhakrishnan. The rising sign Virgo generated great mental activity. The Jrd house has its own Lord Mars conjunct Jupiter. This explains his critical and logical powers. Mars aspects Cemini. The powerful l,agna has given him intellectual powers. The
45. S. Radhakrishnan- 5-9-1888. Virgo-l,agna 5-21, Mercury l-lO, Venus 7 and Uranus 22; Scorple Mars '54 and Jupiter 7; Taurus-Neptune l6; Czncer-Rahu 547 and Satum 2!25; and teo-Sun 2(> 54 and Moon 6-9.
metaphysical strain is revealed by Uranus in Lagna aspected by Saturn. The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter made him disputative and also gave a propaganda twist to some of his writings. Chandrasekhara Bharati had Libra rising (Chart 46). Mars aspects the Moon and Mercury is with Uranus. This explains the great mental energy revealed by him in the pro46. Chandrasekhara Bharati- l6-lO-1892. Libral,agna, Sun l, Mercury 5, Ketu 17 and Uranus 14; C-apricom-Mars 26; Pisces-Jupiter (R)27 ; TaurusNeptune (R) l8; Leo-Moon g and Venus l7; and Virgc-Satum 14.
found commentary on Viveka Choodamani. Saturn in Virgo aspected by Jupiter accentuated his argumentative skills. Libra rising made him idealistic because of the bodies therein. The 9th lord in Lagna with Uranus explains his great metaphysical powers. These are also indicated by the aspect of Saturn on Cemini. Chart 47 is that of Bertrand Russell, an acute thinker, a subtle metaphysician, founder of mathematical logic, and an ardent champion of logical Atomism and Realism. A sort
of modified ldealism runs through his writings. This is indicated by the rising sign Libra. The planet in Taurus and Virgo gave him critical powers.The philosophic Saturn in the Srd, aspected by Mars, aspects the 9th Cemini. This
47 . Bertrand frussell- lA-5-1872. Libra-Lagna; Sagittarius-Satum (R) 29; Aries-Neptune 5, Mercury 12 and Venus l9; Taurus-Sun 6, Mars and Rahu 7; Cancer-dupiter 5; and 22; QeminlUranus Virgo-Moon B.
conferred argumentative skills and made him run after details. The metaphysical strain is indicated by Jupiter, Saturn anclthe planets in the 7th. Becauseof Jupiter and Saturn, this is a typical chart of a philosopher. Mental profunditl is shown by Uranus in the 9th aspected by Saturn. The conjunction of the Sun and Mars made him an intellectual dealing with objective problems. He wrote on politics, economics, societies, education and the tike. The conjunction of Mercury and Venus gave a charming stYle' Swami Vidyaranya (Chart 48) has the fiery Sagittarius ris' ing with Jupiter. The 5th, a fiery sign, shows the Sun just entering it. Lagna and Jupiter are aspected by the philosoVenus (R) lL57 and Mercury 27-21; Aries--Sun O5; Taurus-Kahu I l-5; Oemini-SatumT-33; and C-ancer-Moon B4O.
phic Saturn. The Srd had Mars who is responsible for great logical and critical powers. The Lagna with Jupiter aspected by Saturn generates great mental activity. Virgo aspected by Mercury and Venus and Mars gave him great crltical and logical powers. The strong fiery sign rising made him an idealistic monist (Advaitin). Mars, Jupiter and Saturn aspecting the 9th explain his greatness as a sound metaphysician. See his Vivarana Prameya Sangraha, Jivanmukti Viveka, Panchadasi and other works. The Sun in sextile to Saturn made his reasoning meticulous and systematic. The conjunction of Mercury and Venus explains his charming style. The sextile of Mars with Jupiter made him disputative. Karl Marx (Chart 49) has Aquarius rising. Saturn in sextile to Jupiter and in trine to Mars (Qemini) is far away
from the degree of Lagna. Virgo is aspected by exalted Venus and by Mars from the 5th. Accordingly he looked at the external world as a means to an end. The aspects of the Sun and the Moon on Libra enabled him to collate, choose
49. Karl Marx- 5-5-18lB. Aquarius-Lagna l-25 and Saturn 24-26 ; Plsces-Venus 4-55 ; Aries-M oon 22 55 and Sun 22-45; and Rahu l7-6; Taurus-Mercury l2-2O: Gemini-Mars 29-25; and SaglttarlusJupiter (Rl 2!-52.
and adjust the details. This and the conjunction of the luminaries (exact degree) warped his mind and he therefore gave arguments to fit his previously arrived conclusions. Saturn in Aquarius enabled him to apprehend natural facts as illustrating universal facts as illustrating universal laws. His argumentative skills are shown by Mars in Cemini aspected by Jupiter; and he was fascinated by details. Critical powers are shown by his Mars and by the aspect of exalted Venus in Virgo. The strong fiery signs made him an idealist of some sort. The metaphysical strain is shown by the exalted 9th lord. Sextile of Mars with Sun and Moon made him vigorous, combative and interested in objective problems. Sri Aurobindo (Chart 50) the exponent of Integral Yoga and the author of Life Divine, is an idealist. Cancer is rising with Mars and Jupiter. The lord of Lagna is with the philo5-52 and Mercury 25-58; Scorpio-Ketu l5-5; and Sagittarius-Moon l4-58 and Satum 25-28.
Neptune: Hard drinks, rubber, cables, synthetic products, oil technology. Kuja and Budha: Real estate business, traffic, housing, engineering, banking Budha and Gunr: Intellectual professions. Shukra: art, poetry, music, dance, painting, education, fancy stores, chemicals. Budha: Education, Business. Guru: Education, Accounts. Shani: Analytical work, labourers. Kuja: Army, police, archaeolory, geologr, surgeon. Rahu: Medicine, chemicals and acids. 7. Police and Military
Kuja and Guru 8. Mathematics Kuja and Budha 9. Advocate, Attorney, Accountant
Ravi and Budha; Dngineer, Chemist, Medicine: Budha and Shukra; Chemical organisation: Budha and Shani; Educationist: Chandra and Curu, Office Literature, Artist, Journalist: Chandra, Budha and Shukra: Poet, Artist, literary cnreeri Ravi, Budha and Shukra; Engineer, Photographer, contractor, actor, dramatist, cinema Director: Chandra and Shukra. lO. Criminals The conditions under which one becomes a criminal have to be understood clearly. The heavenly bodies do rule the fate of men and nations to a certain extent. The controlling and the most beneficent influence is that of the Sun. Next comes the influence of the Moon. The slower moving planets are at times more powerful than these two. But to give infallible predictions, the astrologer must be infallible. As Madame Blavatsky
remarked: "ln astrology and psychology one has to step beyond the physical world of matter, and enter into the domain of transcendentspirit." Varahamihiraand others, therefore, emphasized that the astrologer must have a sound moral character, a fine spiritual development, and Vaksiddhi (intuition). The need for these qualities becomes clear when we study the charts of criminals. Let us consider the sensitive areasand planets before we illustrate crime. To detect a homicidal tendency, we have to look at the Sun. There are violent afflictions to the Sun, Cancer and Pisces.The Bth degreesof Cancerand Capricorn, and the l5th degrees of Virgo and Piscesare involved. The first 5 or 4 degrees, 18th and l9th degreesof the fixed signs, 26th degree of Taurus and Scorpio, 25th degree of Aries also appear to be important. UsuallyLagnais afflicted by the Sun, the Moon, or malefics. Criminality needs cruelty and this points to afflicted Mars and Scorpio. Saturn and Mars are in adverse aspects, mutually; and the Moon, Venus and Jupiter are badly placed. One may kill another and then kill himself. In such caseswe notice violent malefic afflictions to one or both luminaries, to the lord of the 5rd, and to Mercury. Saturn afflicts these and Jupiter is badly placed having conjunction with or aspect from Saturn. The degrees involved are 24o of common signs, 4o of fixed signs, and 5o of movable signs. Alwayswe have to look at Saturn and Mars and Scorpio. The native will be murderously inclined if born in Atiganda Yoga, says Jataka Parijata (9.97). The same result appears in the case of one born in Dwadasamsa owned by Scorpio (9.121). Cruelty is indicatedby the same peculiar combinations:(l) the Sun, the Moon and Venus in one bhava (J P. A6): (2) Saturn in the 8th (J P. 44): (3t Mars in Lagna; (4) Rahu in Lagna; (5) Mars in the 5th; (6) Lagna in Trimsamsa of Mars; (7) Conjunction of the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Jupiter, and Saturn (J.P., Chapters 8 and 9). Mantreshwaragives some special combinations: (l) If Lagna and the Moon of a woman's chart are in odd signs and aspected by or associatedwith malefics,she will be cruel beyond limits (l1.2). Mars is cruel by nature (2.1O)and so is Saturn(2.14).
Most cases of criminality and all cases of illness involved the glands. A brief idea of these from an astrological point of view is necessary. Aries rules the pineal and the pituitary glands. The pineal gland is behind the third ventricle of the brain. The pituitary secrets phlegm and mucus. It is ductless and is at the base of the brain. Taurus controls the thyroid which is a ductless gland situated on larynx or trachea, the seat of goitre. Qemini has pancreas which is near the stomach discharging a digestive secretion into the duodenum. Leo rules the thymus, a ductless gland near the base of the neck. Virgo refers to the liver. Libra controls adrenalin, a hormone secreted by the adrenal ductless glands and affecting circulation and muscular action. Scorpio refers to the Prostrate and Oonad. Qonad is an undifferentiated germ gland serving both as ovary and spermary. Sagittarius is catabolic, while Pisces is anabolic. Capricorn and Aquarius rule the nervous system, the former is function while the latter is structural. Saturn controls the valves and the brain. On the metabolic side Sagittarius refers to asthi (bone), mamsa (muscle), nyasti, and medha (fat); while Piscesrefers to the watery dhatus and vasa. Lymphatic interior comes under Rahu, while Ketu governs lymphatic exterior. Similarly let us note the basic elements. Mars refers to phosphorus and sulphur. Mercury is related to magnesium, Venus to Calcium, Jupiter to Sodium, and Saturn to Potassium. -the Dhatus are the supporting As a scholar observed, roots-rather the constituent ingredients of the body but for whose intrusion sudden cessationof all anabolic activitiesare perceived". When these Dhatus and the Tridoshasare not in a state of harmony, physicaland mental troubles emerge. We have given these details only to emphasize the value of, the physiologicalfactors in accounting for the behaviour of the criminals. While studying the factors that make a person a criminal, it is better to proceed from the known to the unknown. We take up some charts. Chart 5l is that of Emperor Nero. The Sun and Mercury are malefics and the Sun rises on the same
degree as that of Lagna. Saturn aspects Mercury and also the 8th house. The native was cruel also because the 5th house is aspected by Saturn and Mars, and the Moon by Mars.
l(etu 8.50
The lord of the 8th aspects the Srd. The 2nd house shows the conjunction of Mars and Rahu,.Duringthe sub-period of Venus in the Moon he had Rome burnt. Jupiter, Rahu and Ketu are in sensitive degrees. The chart shows his innate cruelty and his passion for blood. Saturn's position and his placement in the 5rd from the Moon and in the lOth from Mars is significant. Chart 52 is that of Aurangazeb, Lagna is afflicted by Mars and Saturn. The 5rd hosue is afflicted by the Sun and Mercury. The lord of the 5th is
iihdl 5-14 Sat 18
Ketu 10
Venw 19
combust with the debilitated Sun. During Mercury's subperiod in Jupiter he liquidated his brothers. Both Jupiter and Mercury are in the constellations of Rahu. During the sub-period of the Sun his father died. Malefics are powerful in kendras (angles) and even benefics are in malefic constellation. This is a case of Rakshasa Yoga. He kilted his brothers and their sons, the Sikh Curu Tegh Bahadur, and Shambhaji. The 55rd Chart is that of N.V. Codse who committed only one murder in his life, and that was the greatest crime. :Ihe 5th house is aspected by debilitated Satum, and so are
Venus 21-42
R a h u7 . 1 7 I a r s 1 9 - 1 ( Saturn M e r 1 8 . 3 9 Lagna 9-4 Sun 6.41 19-16
Chart 53
Ketu 7.17
Lagna and Mars. The lord of the 5rd is with Rahu in the l2th, hemmed between malefics. The 5th lord is aspected by malefic Jupiter who in turn is aspected by Mars. Lagna and Mars are on the same degree and in the constellation of Rahu along with Rahu. Jupiter's aspect on Rahu made him a fanatic all the more. Lagna and the lord of Lagna are badly afflicted by three great malefics. The Sun being in the 9th from the Moon indicates mental perversion. Even Jupiter and the Moon in the 4th could not be of any help because of the aspect of Mars. It was in Satum's sub-period of Jupiter he committed the crime. Satum being in Ayudha Drekkana, he was hanged to death. Mars is the lord of the 6th and Saturn of the 8th, and both afflict Lagna. Jupiter is on the sensitive degree. [,et us now take up some instance of notorious criminals. The 54th chart is that of Walter Horsford who was
born on lA71.5.2. fle poisoned many and was executed on 1898.6.28. Here Lagna is afflicted by retrograde Mars (lord of the 2nd and the 9th) and malefic Venus, the lord of the
Venus 10 Lagna 17
Jupiter zo Moon 22 R a h u1 6
Sun20 Merc1
Chart 54
Ketu16 Sat17
Mars (R) 14
5rd. The 5th lord is with Rahu and is aspected by Satum who also aspects Mars. The mutual asPects of Mars and Saturn are significant. His execution is explained by the mutual aspect of Mars and Venus. Lagna has no benefic aspect. One of the luminaries is also badly afflicted' Jupiter occupies a sensitive degree. A curious example is given by the 55th chart of a male born on 1947. LL.26 with a balance of Venus for four years'
Rahu1.0 Lagna 26.9
Merc 23.18
J u p1 5 . 4 1
The 4th house shows a conjunction of Mars and Saturn' lords of the 7th, the 9th, the lOth and the 12th' Mars aspects the malefics in the 7th, and saturn afflicts the lord
of the 5th house. The rord of lagna is in the gth with the lord of the 5rd. Mars is the lord of the 7th and has ex_ changed the house with the lord of the 4th. It is not at alt surprising that he stabbed a girl because of which he was imprisoned on 1972.2.15. rt ail happened in the sub-period of Mercury in Mars'mqior period. l-agna, Rahu, ttetu and the Moon have sensitive degrees. Consider Chart 56 which is that of Schauman born on 1875.5.1o. tte killed the Finnish Govemor and also himself on 19O4.6.6. In all criminal cases, the brd, the 5th and the
Rahu 24 Ven 23
Sun28 Merc29
Lagna l6
Moon 1 Chart 56
Satum 5
(F) Jup 3
9th houses are to be considered along with Mars and Sat_ um. Here the 5rd house is afflictad by the aspect of Mars who is in the 8th. The tord of the bth is in the llth combust aspected by satum indirecily.The 9th lord receives an affliction from Jupiter. It is not surprising that the crime took place in the Moon's subperiod of Mercury. The lord of t agna is with Rahu in close conjunction on a sensitive deg[e, receiving an afflicting aspect form Mars, while Mercurvls in the constetlation of the Sun aspected by Saturn from the constellation of Mars. The 57th chart again takes us to Taurus l"agna. The lady was born on 1879.8.50. Lagna is afflicted by Mars, lord of the 7th'and the l2th, and ly Saturn who is rltrograde. The Iord of the 5rd is with malefic Jupiter. The 5th lord is retrograde and is aspected by malefic Mars, Jupiter and the Moon. The 5th shows the lord of l-agna debilitated and aspected by retrograde Saturn. Satum is the lord of the 9th
PROnESSIOfiS Sat(R) 24
Mars1 llgna 12 lGtu 2 Chart57 Merc(R) 4 Sun16 Venus17
and Mercury of the 2nd, while Jupiter is Dhanakaraka..She poisoned her grandmother, brother and husbsand only to obtain insurance money. Selfishness, cruelty, and arrongance are revealed by malefic Mars and Saturn afflictions on Lagna. The lower mind is shown by the dispositton of Ketu. Mars is in a sensitive degree and so are Mercury, Jupiter and the Moon. The fifty eighth chart is interestingfor many reasons.The native was born on l9O6-12-24.Mercuryand Saturn occupy
Sat 18.110
[/r 19.4( Mars13.5 Sm r0.19 Ven8.36
sensitive degrees. The Srd house is aspected by the fickle Moon. The 5th has Mercury aspected by Saturn. Lagna is afflicted by Rahu. The 7th lord is in the 8th and the 7th is aspected by Mars. Jupiter's aspect on Mars is normally good, but here he is in the malefic l2th. The 5th showing
Mercury and Venus accentuates the problem. The native shot his wife and then himself. The fifty ninth chart is a curious case. Lords of the 7th and the Bth are with the 2nd lord and they are aspected by retrograde Mars from the 8th in an indirect way. The 5rd lord is in the l2th unaspected by any. The 5th is tenanted
Mars (R) 29
Venus 26
Chart 59 Lag a24 Sun21 Mer4 Sat 4 Jup 12
Moon 18
by the l2th lord, and the owner of the Sth is badly placed and aspected. This lady poisoned her own husband. She was tried and released in January 1904. Mutual squares involve five planets. The 8th house position of Mars partly explains her relations with her husband. But L,agna being strong, she managed to get released ultimately. The next chart (60) is that of notorious highwayman of the l6th century, born on l52l-l-19. He was hanged, drawn and quartered in 1551. The lord of Lagnaoccupies a
Moon 18
Ven 18 Merc 12
Mars (R) 15
Sat 20 Sun24
Lagna 20
sensitive degree in the 5th. He is conjunct with the lord of the 9th and the l2th and is afflicted by the aspect of debilitated Mars. Saturn and the Sun too are afflicted by Mars. Mercury, Venus and the Moon are in the constellations of Rahu. The lord of the 5rd is in Mars' house. Lagna too is afflicted by Mars and Saturn. In the chart of another dacoit, we find Aries rising, with the 7th house having the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn. The lords of the 5rd and the Sth are afflicted, and so is Lagna. Chart (61) is that of a woman born on 1894-5-9. She was a woman of great courage, endurance and tolerance. Yet she killed her three children and then hanged herself.
Moon 15.25 Merc (R) 7.1 Sun
JUP 4.49
Chart 61
Venus 28.58
Lagna 8.6
Ketu 20.33
Mars is in Lagna and exalted Saturn aspects Lagna. Mars' affliction is on the 4th house where we f,ind the lords of the 8th. the 7th and the loth. The 9th lord is in the Srd. The lord of the 5th is spoilt.Then there is an exchange of the lords of the 2nd and the I lth; and Jupiter's aspect on the 2nd from the 6th does not augur well for domestic peace. The Moon is in Saturn's constellation and Saturn in that of Mars. These charts reveal some common characteristics. Taurus shows in two charts affliction to the first degree by Mars and Rahu, and to the 26th by Lagna and Jupiter. The l8th is afflicted in one by Saturn. Cancer has Ketu on the 8th degree in one. In three charts 1st,4th, l9th degrees of Leo are afflicted respectively by Saturn, Mercury and the Moon. Two charts show 15" and 24o of Virgo afflicted by Jupiter
and Ketu. The 5rd degree of Libra is afflicted by Jupiter in one. The first degree of Scorpio by Ketu, 24th of sagittarius by the Moon are afflicted. The l9th degree of Aquarius is afflicted in two by tte Moon and Satum; l8th in one by Venus; and the first ctegreeby Mercury in one. In two charts the 24th degree of Pisces is afflicted by Saturn and Venus' Rahu. These appear to be highly sensitive tending towards criminality. Satum's aspects on the Sun and Mercury, on Lagna and Rahu, on Mercury, on lagna and Mars, on the Moon and Rahu, on the 5rd lord and Venus, and on Scorpio aPpear prominently. His aspects on the Sun-Mercury, and on LagnaMars appear in three charts each. Mars' aspects on the Moon, on the Sun-Jupiter-Rahu conjunction, on the MoonVenus-Rahu, on the Sun and Mercury, on Mercury-JupiterSaturn, on Saturn, on the Sun, on Mercury-Moon, on Mercury-Venus, and on Lagna are again noteworthy' Scorpio aspected by the Moon-Saturn conjunction, by the Sun-Mercury-Rahu,and by Saturn also appear. The 5rd in conjunction with Venus in Scorpio is aspected by Saturn in one chart.Other noteworthy details are: (l) the malefic Moon-Jupiter c6njunction aspected by the Sun- Mercury: (2) the 5rd lord aspected by Saturn; (5) the 5rd aspected by the Moon; (4) the 5rd lord in the l2th; (5) Mars aspecting the Srd; (6) the 5rd lord the Sun in conjunction with Mercury and Rahu; (7) the 9th lord aspecting Lagna and the 5rd lord Venus; (8) Mars in the Bth aspecting the 5rd house Moon and the I lth house Venus and Rahu; (9) Lagna afflicted by Rahu, Mars and/or Saturn; (lO) the 5rd lord in the l2th or the afflicted Srd house and/or the Moon in the Bth; (ll) conjunction or opposition of Mars and Saturn. These observations are inductively presented. A study of a large number of charts might reveal more interesting facts. Moreover, a medical and psychiatric examination of criminals is capable of relating the glands and the like to their tendencies. In five cases the thymus is involved. Two cases refer to the thymus and the adrenalin' The thyroid seems to be the source in six. The prostrate and gonad
appear to be afflicted in five. The adrenalin is afflicted in six. The liver is the source in six. The pancreas comes in four charts. In fixing the cause of criminality in glands and in relating it to the lymph, anabolism, or catabolism we need the help of the medical profession. If that help is available, one can correlate the astrological findings with the physiological and mental factors. Crime can appear in a variety of forms. Some forms refer to sex, slander or libel, kidnapping, misappropriation or embezzlement, arson, loot and murder. Since the disguises are manifold it is proposed to deal here only with these involving murder. The Uttara Kalamrtta states that one of the significations of the sixth house is -ugra karma-- cruel or violent actions (5.1O), and that the eighth house refers also to 'ugra kriyasu udyamah-- initiating or indulging in violent or cruel deeds (5.16). This text attributes "kraurya"or cruelty, and "kathinya chitta" or stone-heartedness to Saturn (5.'48,50). Satum is one indicator of crime. Jataka PariJata gives some interesting guiding principles. We enumerate these before proceeding further. The conjunction of the Sun, Moon, Mercury. Jupiter and Saturn makes one wickedly inclined and practise violence or cruelty-ati papa ratogra vrittih (8.27). Saturn in Scorpio indicates a cruel heart- "ugradhih" (8.44). The Sun in l-agna makes one 'nirghina", devoid of pity or sympathy (8.56). Mars or Rahu in Lagna tends to make one cruel-krura (8.58,60). Mars in the 5th inclines to cruelty and to unrighteousness-vidharma (8.72). Culika in the ninth inclines one to do harm or to kill the elders and parents"Ouru jana pitri hanta", the native indulges in mean or wretched actions-reecha kityah; and he runs contrary to the accepted norms of good conduct and behaviour-nija kula hita karma aachaara hinah (9.5). tle has no selfrespect even. The Moon in Bharani tends to cruelty (9.84). One born in the yoga called atiganda is fond of killing'vadha ruchih (9.97). A native born in the Sun's horaof an odd sign is cruel (9.ll0). If one is born in a malefic or cruel
drekkana, he has a wicked mind (papa karma), and has a bad repute (9.116). When the Navamsa of the Sun is rising he is khalatwa, he has a wicked mind or soul (9. I l6). If he is bom in the Dwadasamsa of Scorpio, he delights in killing-ladha rucih (9.121). Born in the Trimsamsa of Mars he has a violent mind-kruradhih (9.122); and in the Trimsamsa of Saturn he has an impure mind malina dhih (9.122). When there is the conjunction of the Sun, Moon and Mercury in the ninth, the native is cruel and is engaged in forbidden acts (14.78). All these have to be carefully examined in a given chart since they can get modified and trarrsformed. A blind or verbatim application of the principles given in these and other texts need great care and observation. Mars and Saturn are the significators of cruelty and so are the sixth and the eighth houses. We have also to consider the third house indicating the lower mind, the fifth house showing motivation, and the twelfth referring to the denial of comforts. Cruelty proper involves Mars, Scorpio, and also the mutual afflictions between Mars and Saturn. The afflictions between Mars and Neptune refer to the subtle and diabolic nature of cruelty. Those between Mars and Uranus make the crime ruthless. Mars is generally pronrinent in the charts of criminals and so is Cemini, the third house of the fixed zodiac. The placement of the malefics or Lagna in the first quarter of flasta (Kanya lO".O' to l3o.2O') is equally indicative of crime. Destructiveness refers to Mars and Uranus. Since crime involves hatred, we have to consider Mars, Scorpio, Satum and Uranus. Homicidal tendencies refer to the Sun, Aries and Leo. Other areas involved in crime are 6"40' to I O"O' of Cancer and Capricorn, lO"O' to 13"20' of Virgo and Pisces, the first 3o2O' and the 16"40' to 2OoO' of the fixed signs. The last 3"2O' of movable signs and 23"20' to 26040' of Taurus and Scorpio and Aries are equally significant. The adverse contacts of Venus with Mars or Uranus may refer to sex as the cause of the crime.
Sun-Mars afflictions prevent the growth of finer feelingp and emotions. Since the Moon and Mercury have much to do with the emotions and the mind, their mutual afflictions can set the mind moving in undesirable directions. When Mercury and Neptune are subject to mutual affliction and when enough indications also come from the Moon and Mars, the native tends to be violent. By referring also to Uranus and Neptune we are not crlticising or rejecting the traditional Indian system. If we can get additional support from these extra-saturnine planets, and if they can pin-point the incident or tendency, we believe that there is no harm in taking these also into consideration. The Mahabharata refers to Mahapata (Uianus), Sveta (Neptune) and some unnamed planet that looks like Pluto. When Varahamihira praised Yavanas (lonians) as having well preserved the science of astrology, there is no harm in considering these planets also. We take up a few illustrations to focus the attention of the students and scholars of astrology on the role of Mars, Saturn and Rahu along with that of Uranus and Neptune in indicating the criminal propensities. The 62nd chart shows debilitated but retrograde lord of lagna and the twelfth in the third with Ketu and Uranus. This Saturn has exchanged sign with Mars and they aspect mutually. The seventh house has the aspect of Mars, while the lords of 5, 8 and Z are in
62. Ascendant-Aquarluswlth the Moon 14.5O; pisces. Juplter (R) I 0.56; Arles-Satum(R) 6.42, Ketu 7.2O and Uranus (R) 28.54; Virgo-Neptune O.29, Sun 9.28, Mercury l5 and Venus l5; and CaporicomMars 7.58. Bom 1939-9-26at 3.3Oa.m.
the eighth having mutual aspect with Jupiter. The fifth house is afflicted by Saturn and it is also incidentally the arudha Lagna. Mental and emotional aspects are spoilt. Not only is the sixth lord in Lagna, the lord of the house of the lower mind afflicts that house from the twelfth. It is then not surprising for this woman to kill her husband and her two children. The 65rd chart also shows the exchange of signs by Mars and Saturn. Here the fourth and the seventh houses
the Sth in papakaftari. Mars is with Uranus. The lord of 5 and 6 is in opposition to Satum and Rahu and to the lord of the eighth. The native was a criminal, but freed because of Jupiter in l-agna. The 64th chart has the close conjunction of Mars and Satum in the third, house of brothers and sisters and of the lower mind. These planets rule the sixth and the eighth houses, while the lord of the third is in the sixth' During the sub-poeriod of the sun in saturn (1966) he shot his sister dead. He was only 17 then. The Moon in the ninth and venus in the seventh enabled him to come out ofjail and to get himself rehabilitated.
64. 1949-l l-28 at 8' l5 p'm' Ascendant-Gemini25' l5 wlth Uranus (R) 10.54; lro-Mars 24.22 and Satum 25.24; Virgo-Ketu22.24 and Neptune 25.26; Scor' pio-Sun 12.52 and Mercury 16.58; Sagittarius6.26; and Aquariu+ venus 29.8; C.apricom-Jupiter Moon 26.9.
Chart65isinteresting.Thethirdlordisinthefifthand this fickle Moon has the Navamsa of Mercury. The sixth and
65. wlth Mercury l5 and l9O5-G12. Ascendant-Taurus Sun 28; Cemini-Neptune l4; Virgo-Moon lB; Libra(R) (l l); AquariusMars (R) 16; Saglttarius-Uranus Venus 16 and Ariesand 12; Ketu and lO Satum Juplter 29.
the twelfth lords have exchanged signs' The sixth and eighthlordsareafflictedbybothMarsandSaturn.The eighthhousehasretrogradeUranus.hewasacriminaland was convicted. The sixth, eighth and twelfth houses are
afflicted. From Arudha lagna; the third has the sixth lord with Mecury, while the eighth has the violent Mars. Chart 66 is that of a child murderer. The significator of children is debilitated in the tenth.The third house is heavily afflicted, while the sixth is aspected by Mars and
66. 1958-l-2. Ascendant-Aries with Uranus (R) 16;
Saturn. Mars as lord of Lagna and the eighth aspects the fifth occupied by retrograde Neptune. The lords of 3,6,2'7 '4 and 5 are all afflicted by Saturn from the twelfth. The eighth ls a secretive sign occupied by Rahu' The association of Mars and Neptune with the fifth house is dangerous to one's own children; and in criminal charts such an association suggests a brutal treatment of children. A criminal born in October 1955 had the third lord Sun (7) debilitated in the fifth aspected by Saturn (17) from the eighth and by retrograde Uranus (2) from the eleventh. The sixth lord Mars is in the sixth with the lords of Lagna, fifth and the twelfth. The houses of lower mind and intellect are spoiled. He was sentenced to thirty five years of rigorous imprisonment. Chart 67 shows only a distance of four degrees between the eighth house Mars and the seventh Saturn. Mars is also the lord of the sixth, while Saturn owns the
67. 1944-3-14' Ascendant-Scorpio;Aquarius-Venus 5 and Mercury 27; Pisces"Sunl; Taurus-Satum 27 and Uranus l; Gemini-Mars l; Cancer-Jupiter (R) 25 and Kahu l2; Virgo-Neptune(R) lO; and LibraMoon 25.
third. The fifth house is afflicted by Neptune while a retrograde Jupiter afflicts the third and the fifth. tle was a violent
criminal who was hanged to death. The 68th chart is that of the international criminal Charles Sobhara.j.The third house is between Neptune and Rahu, and its lord is in the tenth opposed to Neptune. Along with Venus, the fifth lord, in the tenth (ninth bhava) we have enough indications for a smuggling career; and Neptune does indicate narcotics.The lower mind is thus vitiated. along with the fifth house. The opposition of the Moon and
68. 1944-4-6. Ascendant-Oemlni 19.21 wlth Mars 28.51; Cancer-Jupiter24.1 and Rahu IO. l; VirgoNeptune (R)9.26; Libra-Moon I1.24; pisces-Venus 1.58 and Sun 25. I l; Aries-Mercury10.54; and Taurus'Uranus12.50 and Saturn 28.21-1.87.
Mercury involving the fifth house does indicate criminal propensities. The togetherness of Jupiter and Rahu is OuruChandala Yoga and this jupiter is afflicted by Saturn, the lord of the eighth and the ninth. He is with Uranus in the twelfth. The lagna has Mars, the lord of the sixth. From Arudha Iagna this happens to be the fifth house. From Chandra Lagna the fifth lord is in the eighth with Uranus, while the sixth lord is in the tenth with Rahu. All these factors do show the magnitude of the crimes the native is capable of committing. Dacoit Mansingh has Jupiter in Scorpio Lagna, with Mars in the eighth and the Moon in the nlnth. Some criminals appear to have the Moon in trine to Jupiter. This may explain their hidden or so-called pious motives, or their longing for vengeance. The sixth lord is in the eighth and the Lagna and the sixth are afflicted by Saturn from the fourth. The fifth is aspected by exalted Mercury and debilitated Venus. After all Mansingh became a criminal under the force of compelling circumstances. The astrological investigations into the problems of crime are of immense value to society. By determining the criminal propensities of a native astrologically, the astrolo-
ger can do his best in moulding the future of the individual, if such propensities are not very strong. lt is for the research scholars in aslrologStto investigate the various aspects of crime astrologically.
f n the diagnosis of diseases we are apt to pay attention to r the sixth and eighth houses in a chart. We do take other factors also into consideration. But if we pay attention to the constellation in which these planets and luminaries are located, we rvill be able to pay head to the part of the body affected. Also, the constellations are classified into the three characteristics called Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. The features indicated by these can be understood from a close study of the chapter in the Cita called "Ouna traya Vibhaga". Only it should be understood that these do not signify qualities but substances as explained in 'SA"l\KflyA 'Tamas' TATTVA KALJIIILJDI" Thus refers to the gross physi'R4jas' cal body; to the subtle body called Sukshma sharira; 'Sattava' and to the causal (karana) body. When the lord asked Arjuna to be 'nistraigunya', he meant that we should transform these three into the 'Maha karana sharira'. We use the letters S, R and T after each constellation and show the part of the body governed by each. Aswini (t)-upper part of the feet, Bharani (r)-heart, Rohini (r)-forehead, Mrigasira (t)'eyebrows, Ardra (t)-eyes, Punarvasu (s) -ears. Magha (t)-lips and chin, Purva Phalguni (r)-right hand, Uttara Phalguni (r)-left hand, Hasta (r)-fingers of the hand, Chitra (t)-neck, Swathi (t)-chest, Visakha (s)-breast, Anuradha (t)-stomach, Jyeshtha (s) right side, Mula (t)-left side, Purvashada (r)-back, Uttarashada (r)-waist. Shravana (r)-genitals, Dhanishtha (t)-anus, Shatabhisha
(t) right thigh, Purvabhadrapada (s)-left thigh, Uttarabhadrapada (s)-shins, Revati (s)-ankles. On this basis a Proper diagnosis can be made. Similarly the twelve adityas are located around eleven constellations. We give the names of the twelve suns and in brackets the constellation that is to be considered for the propitiatory (shanti) rites. These are Mitra (anuradha), Varuna (shatabhisha), Yama (Bharani), Bhaga (Purva Phalguni), Aryama (Uttara Phalguni). Savita (Hasta), Tvashta (Chitra), Indra (Jyeshtha), Vishnu (Shravana), Pushya (Revathi), Aditi (Punarvasu) and Surya, (Anuradha and Shravana) are the best constellations. Bharani is the worst. Of the eleven Rudras, Aslesha is governed by Sarpa, Mula by Nirriti, Purvabhadrapada by Aja Ekapat, Uttarabhadrapada by Ahirbudhnya, Krittika by Dahana, and Ardra by Rudra. The constellations refer to certain ailments depending on the pada (quarters) at the time of birth or disease. Aswini (1) sorrows; Aswini (5)-deterioratinghealth. Bharani (2)-lnferiority complex, Krittika ( 1,4)-bilious, indigestion Rohini (l)-colds. Mrigasiras (5, 4)-high blood pressure, cardiac trouble Ardra (5)-skin. Ardra (4)-bad sexual habits. Punarvasu(2, S)-indifferent health. Pushyami (l)-hypersensitive. Pushymi (2)- cold and cough. Ashlesha (.2, 4)- weak health, Magha (l)- troubles from excessive sex, Magha (4)- over eating' Purva Phalguni (4)- boils, ulcers. Uttara Phalguni (2)- bad health, Hasta (5) worries, sensitive. chitra (l)- wrong thinking, pride, Swathi (1,4)- bad health. Vishakha (2)- sedentary habits. Anuradha (l)- digestive troubles. Anuradha (4)- constipation. Jyeshtha (2,3)- weak health. Mula (l , 2\- weak health. Purvashadha (5)- sedentary habits. Uttarashadha (5)-weak health' Shravana (2)- sensuous, Dhanishtha (1)- bad health. Satabhisha (2)- irritable' Satabhisha (5)- bilious. Purvabhadrapada (5) bilious, liver and constipation. Purvabhadrapada (4\ kidney and bladder, Uttarabhadrapada (l'2)- epilepsy, irritability' Uttarabhadrapada (4)- mentally weak. Revati (2)- excessive indulgence in sex. Revati (5)- personal uncleanliness'
These brief hints can herp medical diagnosis to a considerable extent. The medical side of predictive astrology is an exciting feature. often we find the information on this subject scattered at different places in our works. An attempt is, therefore, made to collect the relevant facts so that students of astrorogy can easily test them and verify them. All glands are ruled by Venus. The brain is governed by the Sun and Mars and by Aries. Dpilepsy comes under the Moon and Mercury. Epidemics come under Rahu. Typhoid refers to Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, 6th house and Virgo. Pneumonia refers to the Moon and Mars, 4th house and Cancer. Bronchitis is controlled by Mars and Mercury, 4th and 6th houses, Cancer and Virgo. lnfluenza, points to Mars, the Moon and Rahu. Malarial fever comes under Mars and Jupiter. Meningitis points to the Sun and Mars, the Moon, Lagna and Aries. Fever with vomitting comes under the Moon, Glandularfever comes under Venus and Mars,ird house and Qemini. Mammary glands invlove Mars and houses 2,4,6 and lO. Phlegm and cough involve the constelrationsKrittika, Rohini. Ashlesha, Magha, swati, Vishakha, Uttarashadha, Shravana and Kevati.Stomachcomes under the 5th and 9th houses,Leo and sagittarius,Saturn and Kethu. Anaemia involves cancer. Scorpio, Pisces, houses 4,8 and 12. Mars and the Moon. Bones come under Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn, houses 2,6 and lO and Saturn. l. Now we collect the different combinations under separate heads: We begin with epilepsy and neurasthenia. l. The Sun, Moon and Mars in Lagna aspected by malefic. ,2. The Sun, Moon and Mars in the gth aspected by malefic. The 5. Moon and Mercury in a Kendra aspected by malefic while a malefic is in the 5th or the 8th, 4. Mars and Saturn in the 6th or the 8th, with Jupiter in Kona. a a a a
5. The Moon and Mercury in a Kendra or in the Sth while all malefics are in the 8th. 6. The Moon in a malefic house with Rahu, Kethu, Saturn or Mars. 7. irrfflicted Jupiter in the 5rd. 8. The Moon and Rahu in Lagna, and malefics in Konas. 9. Weak or afflicted Moon and Rahu, or Saturn and Mer-
lO. Afflicted Moon and Mercury. I l. The Moon, Mars and Saturn in the 8th. Il. Paralysis comes under the 9th house. Epilepsy proper also involves one or more of the following:l. The Moon and Mercury not aspecting each other, or in Capricorn and Pisces,or in the 6th, 8th or the l2th a'nd neither aspecting Lagna. 2. Saturn by night and Mars by day strong in an angle and afflicting both the Moon and Mercury. 5. The Moon in Lagna opposing both Saturn and Mercury. 4. Mars opposing Saturn in Kendras. 5. Conjunction of the Sun, the Moon and Mars having a square or opposition to Saturn. 6. The Sun and Venus in Lagna opposing Saturn. 7. Aflictions from fixed signs, Mercury being afflicted by Mars. lll. Gout or rheumatism involve one or more of the following: l. Both luminaries afflicted in a watery sign. .2. Luminaries in conjunction with or in opposition to malefics in Mesha Vrishabha, Karkataka, Vrischika, Makara, Kumbha or Meena. 5. Saturn in Pisces opposing Mars or the conjunction of the Sun and the Moon. 4. Saturn in Kanya, Dhanus or Makarp identical with the 6th or l2th house, and having a square or opposition to Mars, the Sun or the Moon. 5. In nocturnal maps Mars, Venus and the Moon in angles (Kendras) opposing Saturn in Vrishabha, Simha, Dhanus or Meena.
6. Afflictions to Ashwini, Aridra, Punarvasu, Uttaraphalguni, Hasta, Jyeshta, Moola, Shatabhisha, pooruabhadrapada. 7. Afflicted Moon, Mercury, Venus and Satum. 8. Afflicted 5rd house and Cemini. 9. The Sun in Cancer aspected by Shani. lO. Shani in Lagna, Kuja in the 5th, the 7th or the 9th. ll. Weak Moon and Shani in the l2th. 12. Shani in Dhanus or Meena aspected by Mars. 15. Conjunction of the Sun, the Moon and Saturn or Mars in Lagna. 14. Jupiter in Lagna with Shani in the 7th. 15. Mars in the lOth aspected by Shani. 16. Conjunction of the Moon and a malefic in Lagna, while Mars is with Shani in the 6th or the Bth. 17. Conjunction of the second lord, a malefic and Shani. 18. The Moon and Saturn in the 6th. 19. Venus in the 8th aspected by a malefic. 20. Lord of Lagna in Lagna and Shani in the 6th. 21. The sixth lord in Lagna with Rahu or Kethu. 22. The Moon in the lOth, Mars in the 7th and Shani in the 2nd house for Kataka Lagna. 25. I-ord of the lst and the 6th with Shani in Mesha. 24. Shani with Rahu in the 2nd or the 5rd. lY. Oall Bladder is controlled by Virgo, 6th house, the Sun and Mercury. Kidney comes under theTth house, Libra, the Moon, Venus and Jupiter. Venus refers to the pelvis. tlernia refers to the 7th house. Libra and the Moon. Libra and Venus control the ovaries. The womb refers to Virgo and the 6th house. Mars controls tumours, Mercury controls ulcers. Complaints of bile involve afflictions to Bharani. Mrigashira, Pushyami, Poorvaphalguni, Chitra, Anuradha, Poorvashadha. Dhanishta and Uttarabhadrapada. In the case of 'tumours and abscesses planets or luminaries are afflicted in Kataka or Makara; and if the afflicting one is in Virgo or Pisces, it produces an ulcer on or near the liver. Filaria involves a watery sign, houses 4th, 8th or the 2nd,
and Mars and Rahu, Beri-beri refers to Venus, Virgo and the 6th house. Tetanus involves the Moon and Saturn. Y, Cancer is directly connected with Rahu, Afflicted Moon afflicting Jupiter or Shani, and the signs Aries, Tau' rus, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn are involved. The Sun refers to the stomach, bowels and head; the Moon the blood and breast; Mars to blood, marrow, neck, genitals and uterus; Mercury to nose, naval, and mouth; Jupiter to liver, ear, tongue and thighs; Venus to throat and genitals; and Shani to legs, hands and teeth. Yl. Tumours, boils, carbuncles and abscesses involve the watery signs houses 4th, 8th and Lhe l2th' and Mars and Rahu. The following are some of the combinations:l. Malefic 6th lord in the lst, the 8th or the lOth. , 2. Afflicted and malefic Mars in the 6th. 5. Rahu in the 8th in conjunction with or aspected by a malefic. 4. Shani in the 8th and Mars in the 7th. 5. L,ord of l-agna in conjunction with Mars and the 6th lord. 6. Conjunction of the Sun, the Moon and Mars in the 6th. 7. Sixth lord with Mars in Lagna. B. Mars opposing the Sun, one being in the lst, the 2nd, the 7th or the 8th. 9 . Mars and Saturn in the 6th or the 12th. l o . Shani in the Bth asPected bY Mars. 12. Kethu and Shani in the 4th having the Navamsa of Scorpio; or in the 6th, the 7th or the l2th. 1 5 . Shani in Lagna joined with or aspected by a malefic. 1 4 . Afflicted lord of Lagna in the Navamsa of Simha. 1 5 . The Moon between malefics and Shani in the 7th. Yll. tltcers involve the afflictions to Mercury, for they are all controlled by Mercury. The following are some of the combinations: 1. Malefic Mercury afflicted. 2. Rahu in the 8th aspected by a malefic.
5. Shani in lagna while there is the coqiuction of the Sun, the Moon and Rahu. 4. Shani in the 2nd, the Moon in the 4th and Mars in the loth. 5. Mars and Kethu or Rahu in the Bth aspected by a malefic. 6. Sixth lord and a malefic in the lOth. 7. Sixth lord in the lst or the Bth with a malefic. 8. Sixth lord with Kethu or Rahu in the 6th. 9. The Moon in the 6th aspected by a malefic. lO. Conjunction of Shani, Rahu and Mars. I l. Mars and Venus in the 9th or the I Oth asepcted by a malefic. 12. Rahu and a malefic in the Sth. 15. Mars opposing the Sun, one being in the lst, the 2nd, the 7th or the Bth. 14. Sixth lord with Mars in Lagna. 15. Shani in the 8th aspected by Mars. 16. Conjunction of Mars, Jupiter and Shani in l-agna. 17. Mercury in Gemini or Virgo aspected by Mars. 18. Waning Moon in conjunction with Rahu while Shani or Mars is in the 8th. Ylll. Dropsy comes under Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, the Moon and Venus. Some of the combinations are: l. Venus and Jupiter in the 6th aspected by a malefic. 2. The Sun in Cancer aspected by a malefic. 5. Lord of Lagna in Pisces Navamsa, afflicted by a malefic, while the Moon or Venus is afflicted. 4. Saturn in Cancer, while the Moon is in Capricom. 5. Weak Moon and Saturn in the Bth. lX. Plague involves Mars, Venus and the Moon; the Sun and Aries; 6th house and Virgo; Rahu and Cancer. Smallpox and chickenpox involve Mars, Mercury, Venus 6th house and Virgo, besides the following combinations: l. Rahu in the 8th joined with or aspected by a malefic. 2. Mars in Lagna aspected by the Sun and Shani.
5. Lords of the lst and the 6th with Mars. 4. The Sun or Mars in the lst, the 2nd, the 7th or the gth aspected by a malefic. 5. Malefic Rahu aspected by a malefic. X. Itches and skin diseases refer to Shani and the Moon, the Sun and Budha, 6th house and Virgo. Some combinations are: l. Budha in the 2nd aspected by the Moon. 2. The Sun, the Moon and Mars in the 6th. 5. Powerful Shani in the 5rd joined with or aspected by Mars. 4. The Moon and Mars in the 2nd aspected by Shani. 5. Shani in l,agna aspected by Mars. 6. The Moon in the 2nd which is a watery sign. 7. The Sun and Shani in Lagna. 8. Afflicted atmakaraka in Mithuna, Kanya or Makara Navamsa. 9. Malefic Mars in the 6th. lO. Rahu in the 8th joined with or aspected by a malefic. I l. Mars in the 6th aspected by a malefic. 12. The Moon in Kanya between malefics. Xl. Complaints of the stone refer to Saturn and Mars in the 7th or the 8th; or to Mars in the 6th which is Libra or Scorpio with an affliction of the Moon; or to the Moon in Libra or Scorpio afflicted by Saturn. Xll. Ilydrophobia refers to Saturn and the 2nd house. Some combination are: l. Saturn in the 2nd with a malefic and having a relation to the 6th house or its lord by conjunction or aspect. 2. Saturn in the 2nd while the malefic sixth lord or a malefic from the 6th aspects the 2nd. 5. Saturn and second lord in the 6th aspected by the malefic 6th lord. 4. Saturn in the 2nd, malefic aspecting the 2nd and having a relation to the 6th or its lord. 5. Saturn aspected by the 2nd lord and is with or aspected by the lord of the 6th.
Xlll. The fracture of bones has some interesting indications. Mars refers to the neck, Saturn to limbs, Rahu to feet, Mercury to the back, 4th house to ribs, Capricorn to the knee, I lth to the left hand and 5rd to the right hand and collar bones, 2nd to the right leg, and the 12th to the left leg. llouses involved are the 2nd, the 6th and the lOth from Lagna and from Aries. Planets involved are Saturn, the Sun, Mars and Mercury. The combinations are: l. The Sun with the Moon, Shani and Mars in the 8th the 5th or the 9th. 2. Rahu, Shani and Budha in the lOth. 5. The Moon in the lst, Shani in the 4th and Mars in the loth. The Sun in the lst, Shani in the 5th, the Moon in the 4. and Mars in the 9th. 8th 5. The Moon in Shani's houses placed between malefics. 6. The Moon in the 2nd, Mars in the 4th, and the Sun in the loth. 7. The Sun in the 4th, Shani in the 8th and the Moon in the loth. 8. Shani in the 2nd, the Moon in the 4th, and Mars in the loth. 9. The Moon and Mars in the 6th. lO. The Sun and Mars in the 5rd aspected by Shani. XlY. The loss of limbs is closely related to the above. Some of the combinations are: l. Saturn in the 9th and Jupiter in the 5rd affects hands. 2. Saturn and Curu in the 8th or the l2th affects hands. 5. Saturn in the lst, Rahu in the 7th, waning Moon in the 7th, and Venus in Virgo affects hands and feet. 4. Saturn, the Sun a.nd the Moon in Lagna while Mars in the 7th refers to an accident' 5. Saturn in the 7th while Mars is conjunct Rahu. 6. The Sun in the 2nd, Mars in the 7t}l, and the Moon in the lOth. 7. The Moon in the l2th afflicted by a malefic while the Lagna also is afflicted.
8. Afflicted Satum in the l2th. 9. The Moon in the lOth, Mars in 7th, and Satum in the 2nd or in the house next to the Sun. XY. Leprosyis primarily an ailment of Satum and Rahu. With Mars, these two affect the blood; and with the Moon and Mercury they affect the skin. Some of the combinations
l. Mars or Mercury as lord of l,agna in conJunction with the Moon and Rahu or Kethu. 2. The Moon and Rahu in Lagna with Mars or Saturn, these being in conjunction with the lord of the Lagna. 5. The Moon and Rahu in the 4th from atmakaraka and joined with or aspected by malefics 4. The Moon in the 4th from atmakarakajoined with or aspected by Mars and another malefic. 5. A malefic in Lagna with the Sun or Saturn or aspected by the Sun or Saturn, and being afflicted. 6. The Moon and Satum in Cancer, Scorpio or Plsces Navamsa and aspected by or joined with malefic like Mars or Shani. 7. The Moon in Dhanus and the Navamsa of Simha, having coqiunction with or aspected from Mars or Shani, and being under malefic influence. . 8. I-agna must be Ylaltara, Meena, Kataka or l{anya. The Sth house must have Mars or Shani, or the aspect of Mars or Shani, and be afflicted. 9. The Moon in the lst, the Sun in the 7th, Shani and Mars in the the 2nd or the l2th, and afflicted I'agna and the Sun. lO. Satum and Kuja in the 9th aspected by a malefic' I I . Budha in Mesha, the Moon in the I Oth, and Kuja conjunct Satum. '12. Afflicted Saturn, Mars, the Moon and Venus in a watery sign. 15. Afflicted Lagna with Mars and Satum. 14. Conjunction of Mercury, the Moon lord of lagna and Rahu or Kethu.
, ii,
15. Mars and Satum or the Sun in L,agnawith the sixth lord. 16. Afflicted l"agna with Mars, with Satum in the lst, the 4th or the 8th 17. lnrd of Lagna in the 8th joined with on aspected by a malefic, and a malefic in Lagna. 18. tord of l,agna in the 4th or the l2th with Mars and Mercury, while the 6th house has Jupiter, Saturn and the Moon. 19. Saturn, Mercury and lord of Lagna in conjunction, while in the 6th Rahu is with the Sun. XYl. Leucoderma involves the Moon, Satum and Mercury, and the 6th house. Sometimes we find the Sun, Jupiter, Venus and Kanya afflicted. The combinations are: l. The Moon in the lst, the Sun in the 7th, Mars and Saturn in the 2nd or the l2th. ,2. lnrd of l-agna with Mercury, the Moon and Rahu or Kethu. 5. Lord of Lagna with Mars and Rahu or Kethu. 4. Lord of l-agna in the 8th joined with or aspected by malefics. 5. The Moon. Saturn and Mars in Mesha or Vrishabha. 6. The Moon and Rahu in Lagna while the lord of Lagna is not there. 7. The Moon in the 4th from Atmakaraka aspected by Venus. XYll. Blood poisoning presents a few combinations: l. Malefic Mars aspected by a malefic. 2. Conjunction of Saturn, Mars and Rahu. 5. Rahu in the Sth with a powerful malefic. 4. Afflicted Atmakaraka in Mesha or Simha Navamsa. 5. Afflicted Moon in Kanya between malefics. ' XVIll. Trouble from poison shows 6th lord with Rahu or Kethu in Lagna,'birth in Visha ghatika with a malefic in the 8th; lords of the lst and the 2nd with Saturn in a malefic place; Navamsa lord of the lOth is with Satum in a malefic place; Neptune.
XlX. Wounds and cuts refer to Mars and his afflictions. Some of the combinations are these: l. Mars and sixth lord in ["agna. 2. 5. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. lO. Malefic Mars in the 8th or the l2th. Conjunction of Mars, Satum and Rahu. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn in l-agna. The Moon in the 2nd, Mars in the 4th and the Sun ln the lOth. The Sun in the 4th, Satum in the 8th, and the Moon in the lOth. Mars and the Moon in the 6th. Lords of the lst and the 8th with Satum and Rahu.or Kethu. Conjunction of the lords of the lst, the 4th and the 8th. The Sun and Mars in the 5rd.
)(X. Burns involve the Sun and Mars along with Mesha, Simha and Dhanus. Some combinations are: l. The Sun and Mars in the lst, the 2nd, the 7th or the 8th aspected by a malefic. 2. Waning Moon in the 8th with Rahu, Saturn or Mars. 5. The Moon in Satum's houses and placed between malefics. 4. Waning Moon aspected by powerful Mars and Saturn from the 8th house. XXI. Some of the combinations involving the affliction of the spleen are: l. The Moon between malefics and the Sun in Makara, or Satum in the 7th. 2. Waning Moon with a malefic in the l-agna owned by ' Saturn or in the 6th or the 8th. 5. Saturn in the 7th and the Moon between malefics. 4. For Aquarius Lagna, the Moon aspected by malefics. 5. Malefic Jupiter in l-agna or in a malefic place. 6. Mars in Lagna with the weak 6th lord.
)(Xll. Complalnts of the liver involve Jupiter, Leo and the 5th house. If bile is involved, we get the Sun and Mars in the plcture; and the Moon gets in if blood is involved. The followlng are some of the combinations: l. Tht: Moon between malefics and the Sun in Makara or Saturn in the 7th. 2. Malefic Jupiter in Lagna or in a malefic place. 5. Jupiter with the lords of the lst and the 8th. 4. Afflicted conjunction of the lords of the lst, the 2nd and the 4th. 5. L,ord of l-agna in the 6th with Jupiter' 6. t ords of the l st and the 4th with afflicted Jupiter. XXIII. Bitious diseases show varied combinations. Some are: l. Conjunction of Mercury with lords of the lst and the 6th. 2. The Sun with a malefic aspected by a malefic. 5. The Sun in the 8th, a malefic in the 2nd, and Mars weak. 4. The Moon in the house of Mars between malefics. 5. Lord of the 6th in the 8th with the Sun and a malefic. 6. Satum, )upiter and Mars in Lagna' 7. l.ord of the 6th with Venus, Mars and Satum. 8. Mars in Kataka oPPosing the Sun. 9. Conjunction of the Sun, Venus and Saturn. lO. Weak Sun or Mars in the 8th and a malefic in the 2nd. I l. Mercury in Lagna with the 6th lord' XXN. Bowels come under the Sun. Kethu refers to the pains in the bowels. Venus refers to digestion. Afflictions here involve Mercury and Mars and the 5th and the 6th houses from l-agna and from Mesha. l. Satum in the 6th, or with the Moon or the Sun, or in Iagna affects the stomach and bowels. 2. Mars in l-agna and a weak 6th lord brings indigestion. 5. Afflicted Moon in Kanya causes intestinal trouble. 4. The Moon in the 6th brings indigestion.
5. Weak lord of the 8th, Lagna aspected by malefic, and the 8th aspected or occupied by Saturn. 6. Saturn and the Moon in the 8th cause food poisoning. 7. Saturn in Lagna opposing Curu gives gases. The same result apears with the Moon and a malefic in the 6th aspected by a malefic; also when Mercury is the 7th with a malefic and aspected by malefics. 8 . Saturn in Lagna causes constipation. 9 . Rahu or a malefic in Lagna and Saturn in the Bth troubles the bowels. lO. Conjunction of the lords of the lst, the 2nd and the 4th causes indigestion loose motions, etc. I l. The Sun in Lagna or Lagna Navamsa, while wani.ng Moon, Mercury and Rahu occuPy Simha. 12. Mars in his own house and the lord of Lagna in Lagna with the 6th lord. 15. A malefic in the 6th and 6th lord with a malefic in the 7th. 14. A malefic in the 5th, the 4th lord in the 6th with a malefic, and afflicted lord of Lagna in Lagna. 15. Rahu and Mercury in Lagna opposing Mars and Saturn gives diarrhoea. The same result aPPears with the Moon and Sukra in the 8th, or with the conjunction of Mars, Saturn and Rahu. 16. Dysentery arises from the conjunction of Venus, a malefic in the 7th; conjunction of Mars and Venus in the 8th; conjunction of Saturn and Rahu in the 2nd or in Lagna Navamsa; lord of Lagna in Meena Navamsa afflicted by a malefic. 17. The Moon between malefics and the Sun in Mahara when such a Moon has causes internal abscess;-.also Saturn in the 7th. 18. Rahu or Kethu in Lagna with the malefic 6th lord, or is in the 8th or the lOth while the 6th is afflicted. Then abdominal Cancer may be suspected. 19. Afflicted Kanya by Saturn or Rahu when Kanya is Lagna, suggests tuberculosis of the bowels. 20. The Moon and Mars in the 6th suggestsjaundice'
XXY. Colic involves the Sun, Saturn, Kethu, Virgo and the 6th house. Some combinations are: l. Lord of Lagna debilitated in the enemy,s house, white Mars is in the 4lh, and Saturn is aspected by a malefic. 2. conjunctin of the sun, the Moon and Mars in the 6th. 5. The Sun in Lagna aspected by Mars. 4. Lord of Lagna in Vrishabha Navamsa or Kanva Navamsa or Makara Navamsa afflicted by a malefic. 5. Mars in t agna and the 6th lord weak and afflicted. ){XYl. Appendicitis involves the Sun, the Moon, Virgo and the 6th house. Some of the combinations are: l. The 8th house afflicted by Rahu and Mars while the Moon is also afflicted. 2. Two powerful malefics on either side of the 6th. 5. The Moon in Kanya or Vrishchika afflicted by marefics . while the 6th is also afflicted. 4. The Sun in Simha afflicted by Mars, Rahu or Saturn by conjunction or aspect, while the Moon or the 6th is also afflicted. 5. The Moon with a malefic in Kanya while the 6th is afflicted. 6. For Thula langa, Jupiter in Meena afflicted, while there is an afflicted Moon. 7. Saturn in the 6th which must be Kanya or Meena, while the Moon is afflicted. XXVII. Diabetes involves Venus, the Moon and Jupiter. The combinations are: l. A strong malefic in the gth or Lagna while Venus and Jupiter, or the Moon and Jupiter are afflicted. 2. Ylalefic Shukra in Lagna or in a malefic place. 3. Shukra in the Bth with a malefic aspect. xxvlll. Piles and alried complaints invorve Mars and the 7th and Bth houses from Lagna and from Mesha. Some of the combinations are: l. Conjunction of the lord of Lagna, Mars and Saturn in the l2th.
2. Ylars with the lord of Lagna aspecting the Zth. 5. Mars in the Zth with a malefic and aspected by a malefic. 4. The 8th lord in the 7th with a malefic. 5. Saturn in Lagna and Kuja in the 7th. 6. Malefics in the 8th white Scorpio is afflicted. 7. Mars in the 8th aspected by Saturn. 8. Mars and the Moon in the gth. 9. l,ord of lagna with Mercury aspecting the 6th. lO. Afflicted Sun in the 8th. I l. The Moon in the 6th or the 8th aspected by Mars while Shani is in L.agna 12. Waning or weak Moon in the gth aspected by Mars and Satum. l5' Lords of the lst and the 7th in the 8th, lord of the Bth , in Lagna, while Mars, Saturn or Rahu is in the Zth and the Moon is afflicted. 14. The Moon in Kataka or vrishchika Navamsa afflicted bv Mars and aspectd by a rnalefic. XXIX. flydrocele involves Rahu, Vrischika and the gth house. Some of the combination etc. l. Rahu, Kuja and Saturn in Lagna. 2. lnrd of I-agna, Rahu and a powerful malefic in the gth. 5. The lord of the Navamsa occupied by the lord of the Lagna in conjunction with Rahu, Kuja and Saturn. 4. Rahu in Lagna, Kuja and Saturn in the Bth. 5. Kuja in Lagna and the Bth afflicted. 6. The Bth and Vrishchika afflicted. 7. Powerful malefic in the Bth and in Lagna. B. The Moon, Shukra or Mars in Vrishchika and in the Navamsa occupying the gth house. )(XX. Mental ailments refer to the ruler of the 5rd and the planets there, to the planets in dwiswabhava signs and cadent houses, and to the Moon and Mercury. M.rcury governs pure intellect. The Moon controls the brain. The 5rd house refers to the lower mind. The 6th refers to the sub_
conscious mind. The 9th is the higher mind. The l2th is the [idden, unconscious mind. XXXI. Some of the combinations for the afflictions of the eyes are: l. The Sun in the l2th afflicts the right eye, and the Moon there afflicts the left eye. 2. Conjunction of the Sun and the Moon afflicted by Saturn and Kuja. 5. The Sun in the 6th or in Kataka l-agna afflicted. l 4. Saturn and Mars in the 6th or the 8th. 5. Malefics in the 6th affect the left eye and in the 8th they affect the right eye. ! 6. The Sun or the Moon in the lst or the 7th aspected by or joined with Satum or Rahu and Mars. ' 7. The Sun and malefic Moon in a malefic place. 8. Conjunction of Saturn and Mars, while the Moon is in a malefic place. 9. Lords of the lst dnd the 2nd in a matefic place. lO. The Moon and Rahu in the l2th, Saturn in a Kona, and the Sun in the 7th or the 8th in a malefic Navamsa. I l. The Sun and the Moon in the 6th or the 12th. 12. Conjunction of Venus with the lords of the 5th and the 6th. 15. Conjunction of the 2nd lord with Saturn and Mars. XXXII. Some of the combinations for the complaints of (he nose are the following:l. The Sun, Saturn and a malefic in the 6th, the 8th and the l2th respectively, while the lord of Lagna is in a malefic Navamsa. 2. The Moon in the 6th, lord of l-agna in the house of a malefic and the 2nd afflicted. 5. Mercury joined with or aspected by a malefic. 4. Sixth lord Jupiter afflicting the 2nd. 5. The Sun, Mars and Saturn in association with the 2nd i., lord or Mercury.
XXXIII. The troubles of the tongue involve the 2nd lord with Rahu in a malefic place; second lord and Jupiter afflicted in the 8th directly from the 2nd; second lord with Guru in a malefic place. XXXIV. Some combinations for dental trouble,s, l. Saturn in Kataka. 2. Ylalefic in l,agna which should be Mesha, Vrishabha or Dhanus. 5. The Moon or Rahu in the l2th, Saturn in Trikona and Kethu in the 7th or the 8th. 4. A malefic in the 7th, or malefic Mars in the 2nd. 5. Lagna in Saturn's Navamsa. 6. The Sun, the Moon and Venus in l-,agna.loss of teeth refers to Mars in the l,agna which must be a watery sign. Toothache lnvoives the conjunction of the Sun and Saturn in a watery sign which must be Lagna or the 6th. Decaying teeth refer to Satum in the I st or the 7th which must not be his own house. XXXV. Defective heartng involves Mercury, ruler of the 6th afflicted by Saturn; or Budha ruling the 6th or the l2th afflicted in one of these houses, or having a conjunction with the Sun, or conjunction of Mercury and Mars afflicted by the malefic ruler of the 6th; or Mercury in Makara afflicted by malefics. Some other combinations are: [. Mars or Rahu in the 5rd with a malefic. 2. Venus and Mars afflicted in the 2nd or the l2th. 5. A malefic in the 5rd aspected by a malefic. 4. Third lord afflicted' 5. Malefics in the 5rd, the Sth, the 9th and the I lth. 6. The Moon in the 7th with a malefic while the 2nd house or 5rd is afflicted. 7. Lord of the 7th in the Lagna with Mars while the 2nd or 5rd is afflicted. 8. The 2nd lord in l.agna with Mars or Saturn. 9. Mercury in the 6th and Venus in the loth.
XXXVI. Troubles of the mouth and face are indicated by the following combinations:l. The 6th lord, the Moon, afflicting the 2nd. 2. Lord of Lagna in the house of Mars or Mercury and aspected by Mercury. 5. Mercury and Venus in the 6th afflicted. 4. Conjunction of Mars, Saturn and Mercury in Lagna. XXXVll. Affections of the throat reveal the following com_ bination: l. The 5rd lord with Mercury. 2. A weak, debilitatd or eclipsedplanet in the Srd aspected by a malefic. 5. The malefics in the 5rd. 4. Conjunction of Rahu with the lords of the 2nd and the third. 5. Mercury and the 5rd lord in Lagna. 6. The Moon in the 4th in.the Navamsa of the 4th lord having a conjunction with a malefic while the Jrd is afflicted. 7. The 4th house being the Navamsa of Kataka. : Vrishchika or Kumbha, and having the Moon with a I malefic, while the 5rd is afflicted. ' 8. Mars and Saturn in the 6th or the l2th with the Jrd lord. XXXVIIL Some of the following combinations may be found in the cases of asthma: L The Sun as the lord of an evil house having a conjunction with or aspect from Saturn. 2. The Sun in Lagna aspected by Mars. 5. A planet in the 6th having an aspect from or a conjunction with a malefic, or is between malefics. 4. Rahu or Kethu and Saturn in the 8th aspected by or joined with malefics. 5. Lord of Lagna with Venus in a malefic place. 6. Lagna aspected by Mars and Saturn. 7. The Sun, Jupiter and Saturn in the 4th.
8. Rahu in the 4th while the lord of Lagna is afflicted. 9. Afflicted Venus in the l2th. lO. Rahu or Kethu in the 6th. XXXX. Affections of the lungs involve some of the following combinations: l. The Sun and Jupiter in the 6th which must be a watery sign. 2. Afflicted Sun in the 6th which must be a dwiswabhava sign. 5. The Sun in Lagna aspected by malefic Mars. 4. Venus or Jupiter or the Sun in the 8th which must be a watery sign, and having a malefic conjunction or aspect. 5. A planet in the 6th between two malefics having a malefic conjunction or aspect. 6. Saturn and Rahu or Kethu in the 8th having the conjunction of a malefic and of a maraka planet. 7. Mars and Rahu in the Lagna or KatahaRasi which must be a watery sign, having Saturn's aspect or the Moon's conjunction or aspect. L Lord of Lagna with Venus in a malefic place while the 4th is afflicted. 9. Malefic aspects of Mars and Saturn to Lagna. 1O. When the Sun and the Moon interchange places, the 4th or these bodies are afflicted. ll. When the Sun and the Moon are in Kataka or Simhaand the 4th or these are afflicted. 12. Conjunction of the Moon and Saturn aspected by Mars. 15. Afflicted Mercury in Kataka and the 4th or the Moon afflicted. 14. The Sun, Jupiter and Saturn in the 4th. 15. Venus afflicted in the l2th while the 4th also is afflicted. 16. Rahu in the 6th, lord of Lagna in the 8th, and the 4th is afflicted. 17. Venus afflicted by Mars and Rahu while the 4th or the Moon is afflicted.
18. Lord of the 6th or the 8th with Rahu or Kethu. 19. Mars in Kataka and the Sun in Thula aspected by Saturn. 20. The Sun and Satum in mutual kendras afflicting l"agna. 21. Mithuna as Kendra with an afflicted Sun. 22. The Moon between malefics and Satum in the 7th. 23. The Moon and the 6th lord in [,agna. 24. Debilitated Moon with the Sun aspected by Mars or Satum. 25. Afflicted Sun in a dwiswabhava Rasi while the 4th is afflicted. 26. lnrd of Lagna and Rahu in the 8th while the 4th is afflicted. 27. Ylars and Mercury in the 6th opposing the Sun and Venus. 28. Mars and Satum in the 6th aspected by the Sun and Rahu. 29. The Sun in Makara while the Moon is between Mars and Satum. 50. conjunction of the Moon and Satum afflicted by Mars. 51. Conjunction of the Moon and Mars in the 6th or the 8th aspecting lord of Lagna. 32, The Sun in the I lth, Saturn in the 5th and malefics in the 8th. 55. Mars in the 6th, lord of the 6th in Lagna aspected by Saturn. 54. Satum, Rahu, Mars and the Sun in the Sth , lord of l"agna in the 6th, weak Moon in the 8th and Jupiter conjunct with his enemy. XL. Complaints of the heart involve the Sun, the Moon, Kataka and the 4th house. The following are some of the combinations: l. Kethu with Mars in the 4th. 2. Afflicted Moon in an enemy's house. 3. The Sun with Saturn in a male[ic house. 4. The 6tlr lord and the Strn with a malefic in the 4th.
5. Mars, Saturn and Jupiter in the 4th. 6. Saturn, Jupiter and lord of the 6th in the 4th. 7. Ylercury in Lagna, the Sun and Saturn in the 6th aspected by or joined with a malefic. 8. Rahu and the Moon in the 7th, and Saturn in a Kendra. 9. Jupiter afflicted by weak Mars, the 6th lord joining a malefic, and the Sun in Vrishchika. Afflicted Moon in the 4th and three malefics in one lO. house. Some of the usual ailments afflicting human beings are astrologically interesting. Most of these elude our grasp because some of these afflictions are more mental. For instance, take hypocrisy. How should we detect a hypocrite from the horoscope? In our experience, the volatile and flexible planet Mercury has a good deal to say on this question; and so is Mars. The conjunction of Mars and M e r c u r y i s n o t a v e r y d e s i r a b l e o n e , i fi t i s i n 1 , 5 , 7 o r 9 f r o m the ascendant; and if any planet were to be associated with these two, then the native will not be a hypocrite. The conjunction is valid if it takes place within eight degrees, and if it is also in the same constellation. Similarly an afflicted Mercury in the nihth house along with a malefic is bound to give the same feature. The ninth denotes the higher mind and its opposite looks after the lower mind. If Mars is in the third without any benefic aspects, the same result will follow. The conjunction of the lords of the fourth and ninth houses in the sixth is another indication. If Aries is the ascendant with Mercury posited therien, the same result will follow. This hypocrisy will be perceptible in the emotional life of the individual if Saturn, Mars and Rahu are in conjunction preferably in 3,6,4 or 9 from the ascendant. Along with these indications, one has to look into the other factors also before pronouncing a judgment. If Mars is in the third house aspected by the Moon and Mercury, one has a tendency to betray those who believe in him. Mercury in the sixth house is undesirable for those born under Cemini or Virgo. The conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter in the ninth from Karakamsa l,agna is bad for the same reason.
Squint or some malformation of the eye is corroborated by some interesting planetary situations. If Mars or the lvloon is in the ascendant aspected by Venus and Jupiter; if the Moon is in Aquarius aspected by Mars for those born in Leo; if the Sun is in the seventh aspected by Mars for those bom under Cancer, there is generally found a squint in the ye. If the Moon and Venus are in the twelfth, it is generally the left eye that is so afflicted. If the Moon is in the twelfth and the Sun is in the sixth, both the husband and wife have the squint. If Mercury is in the fourth from Saturn, and the lord oT the sixth is in 5,6 or l1; if the benefic Moon and Venus are In the sixth which is an enemy's house; if Mercury is in the sixth and Venus is in the tenth; if Mercury and the lord of the sixth are afflicted; and if the lord of the sixth is in the sixth or twelfth aspected by Saturn, the individuals have a tendency towards deafness. When Mercury and Venus are ln the twelfth, it is the left ear that is generally found afflicted. If the lord of the ascendant is in 6.8 or 12 with Venus; lf Mars is in the fourth and Rahu in the twelfth from Karakamsa Lagna; if the ascendant is aspected by Mars and Saturn; if there is an interchange of houses between afflicted Sun and the Moon; if the afflicted Sun and the Moon are in conjunction in their own houses; if Saturn is in conjunction with the Moon and aspected by Mars, there are broad tendencies Lowardssome form of tuberculosis. The conjunction of the Sun, Saturn and Jupiter in [he fourth is found to be invariably affecting the heart and lungs. We have placed some of our observations before our readers with the hope that they too will collect the data on similar lines. It would be a service to the cause of astrology if observers can find out whether these observations are confirmed in their own experience. Disease is generally indicated by the 6th and eighth houses and by Kuja, Shani and Rahu. tsut certain mutual relations of planets do indicate possible ailments. These relations are not confined to the aspects traditionally followed. According to Parasara, all the planets aspect
houses 3, lO, 5, 4, 8,9 and 7 though the influence of these aspects varies from planet to planet, Convention has made us accept the seventh house aspect only for all the planets and restricted the others to three only. In this context, we may remember the aspects prescribed by the Jaimini system. We propose to deal with the ailments brought about by the malefic aspect only. Qenerally speaking the aspects of Mars and Saturn are malefic, though their position is not bad. Accidentsand resultingill health are primarily due to Mars and Uranus.Aspect of Mars on the Sun can indicate a narrow escape from danger as we find in the chart of Lord Roberts who was in the greatest danger when he won the Victoria Cross. The opposition of these bodies can suggest a he4rt attack. We tabulate below some of the ailments indicated by the mutual aspects or associationsof the planets. Sun and Jupiten defective action of the lever, and toxaemia, gout, obesity. Sun and Saturn: Catarrhal conditions, colds, tuberculosis, afFectionsof the bones falls, dental ailments. Sun and Uranus: Nervous complaints, obscure diseases, miscarriage. Moon and Jupiter: Complaints of the liver. Mercury and Mars: nervous complaints. Mercury and Jupiter: Liver complaints, poisoning of the nervous system. Venus and Mars: Mental aberrations affecting physical well being Venus and IJranus.'Accidents, nervous afflictions. Mars and Saturn: Unusual physical suffering, eczematic gout, burns, ailments of the skin. Mars and Uranus: Accidents Mars & Neptune: Accident from gas. Saturn & Uranus, Qall stones, injuries hypochandria. These are.only some of the indications. It will be more useful to note some diseases astrologically.lf in the third
and seventh from arudha lagna is in the third from the lords of these signs there is the conjunction of Shani and Rahu, one has the inflamation of the kidney. For kidney ailments, we have to look to the afflicted houses of Venus, Mars and Saturn and to the sixth and seventh houses. If the third and eighth from lagna and the karaka have the vargas of Vrishabha and Dhanus, and these are occupied by Mars one suffers from boils or tumours. Boils and skin erup, tions are related to Virgo, Scorpio, Libra, Saturn and Mars. Haemorrhoidsrefer to afflicted Scorpio and Jupiter. Mars and Uranus are involved in surgical treatment. Ovarian tumors involve Venus and Cancer. If the eighth from the atmakaraka is assosited with Mercury one has diarrhoeaor dysentry.Dysentryis also indicated by the mutual opposition of the Moon and Mars or by Saturn afflicting lhe sixth. The eighth from the lord of the Karaka is a house owned by the Moon, acute fever can he predicted. Mars in the eighth from Sun produces cancer in stomach, bowels, head etc. Mars produces cancer of blood, marrow, genitals, uterus, neck etc. Mercury produces cancer of nose, navel, mouth etc. Jupiter produces cancer of liver, ear, tongue, thighs etc. Venus produces cancer of throat, genital organs etc. Saturn produces cancer in legs, hands, places around teeth etc. Rahu produces cancer in private parts of the body. Ketu produces cancer in private parts of the body. Urinary Diseases: Libra and Scorpio are the seventh and eighth signs of the Zodiac. Their rulers viz, Venus and Mars and also seventh and eighth houses from the lagna are concerning with urine diseases. It is observed that when these houses and their lords and the Karaka planets are ill placed and weak and if they are in any way related with the sixth house or its lord it indicates the disease. The signs Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces are called watery signs. These signs also rule the urine. When Saturn in any way is connected by assocition or aspect it produces stones in the urinary passage.
Ircprosy: Saturn and Rahu are the two main planets which are responsible for this disease. Besides Moon, Mars, Mercury are also reponsible for this disease. The Karaka for blood is Mars and Moon is the cause of all blood diseases and Mercury is the Karaka of all skin diseases and ulcers. They work with Satum and Rahu to give rise to the disease of leprosy. Few indications of this disease are given below beside those given earlier: (i) Lagna is occupied by Moon and Rahu and Mars in the seventh house. (ii) Afflicted Moon, Mars, Saturn and Venus in watery signs. (iii) Saturn and Mars in the ninth house aspected .by Rahu. (iv) Lagna is occupied by weak Moon, Saturn and Mars in second or twelfth, and Sun is afflicted. (v) lagna afflicted by Mars, Saturn and Sun; and Mercury is weak. Smallpox and Chickenpox: Smallpox is an acute in' fectious disease. It is characterised by a cutaneous erruption. Chickenpox is also an acute infectious disease. The ruling planets over these diseases are Mars and Mercury. It is observed when these planets are weak and afflicted and if they are connected with the sixth house or its lord, they give rise to smallpox and chickenPox. l-.ordof the sixth when it is in retrograde motion also gives rise to this disease when Venus connected with the sixth house or its lord, it puts some marks in the face, because Venus represents face i.e. the second house in the sign of the Zodiac. Rahu is the planet who is the Karaka for epidemic. When Rahu is any way connected with the combination for this disease, it results in an epidemic. Bronchitis: We have observed in quite a number of cases that when the 4th house is afflicted by Mars, Saturn and Rahu, the person becomes liable for attacks of bronchitis any way, also gives the same result. Diseases of the Digestive system: The 5th house governs digestion. lt is observed that any malefic planet in
this house causes disease in digestive system. Besides,lord of the 5th house in company with malefic planet and 5th house is not aspected by any benefic planet also shows similar result. Cirhosis of liver: Any affliction in the 5th house with a connection of 6th house indicates this disease. There are some ailments which can be acute. lf we can forecast them correctly they can be controlled and cured before they become acute. First let us look at the planets. Heart disease, bone fractures, leprosy, and diseases in the head are to be read from the Sun. The Moon refers to heart, lungs, left eye, asthma, diarrhoea, poisoning of blood, diseases from water, kidney, diabetes, dropsy, appendicitis and other things. From Mars one can find cuts, wounds, sore-eye, poisoning. boils, itches, blood pressure, bone fracture, tumour, piles, ulcers, dysentery and cancer. Mercury indicates matters relating to chest, nerves, smallpox, chickenpox epilepsy, fevers, itches, bone fractures, typhoid, gall bladder, paralysis, ulcers, cholera and so on. Jupiter governs liver, kidney, Iungs, diabetes, spleen, thighs, dropsy, and tongue. Venus refers to eye, genital troubles, fits, diabetes, glands, dropsy and fever. Saturn controls stomach pains, teeth, shin, bone fractures, rheumatic troubles, blindness, wounds, paralysis, deafness and hysteria. These are some of the mqjor indications given to us by the planets. The houses primarily involved are the 6th and the 8th, and their rulers too have to be considered here. lt is wiser not to read these with reference to Bhavachakra, because the equal house system of Parashara appears to be more valuable. A few combinations indicating appendicitis are given earlier. Here the factors involved are Virgo, the 6th house, the Moon, and the Sun. The combinations we have noted are: while the l. The 8th house afflicted by Rahu or Kuja (Mars), Moon also is afflicted. 2. Two strong malefics on both the sides of the 6th house. 5. The Moon in Kanya (Virgo) or Vrishchika (Scorpio) afflicted by malefics, while the 6th too is afflicted.
4. The Sun in Leo afflicted by Mars, Rahu, or Saturn by way of conjunction or aspect, while the Moon or the 6th house is afflicted. '5. A malefic in conjunction with the Moon in Kanya while the 6th house is afflicted. 6. When the 6th house is Pisces with afflicted Jupiter in it, while the Moon too is afflicted. 7. Saturn in Virgo or Pisces which must be the 6th house, while the Moon is afflicted. A native was born while Pisces was rising has Saturn in [,eo, Mars and Rahu in Libra, and the Sun and the Moon in Capricorn. This is a good example of the first combination listed above. tlis appendix had to be removed. Simllar examples can be supplied by the readers from their own experiences. If any other combinations are found, it will be better to add them to those given above. Mercury controls all kinds of ulcers. the major combination indicating the trouble from ulcers are the following:l. Malefic Mercury being afflicted. 2. Rahu in the Bth aspected by a malefic. 5. Saturn in Lagna, while a weak Moon is in conjunction with Rahu and the Sun. . 4. Saturn in the 2nd, the Moon in the 4th, and Mars in the lorh. 5. Mars in conjunction with Kethu in the 8th being aspected by a malefic. 6. Mars in the 8th aspected with a malefic while Kethu is in the 2nd. 7. I.ord of the 6th house with a malefic in the lOth. 8. tord of the 6th in the lst or in the Bth in conjunction with a malefic. '9. Iord of the 6th in the 6th in conjunction with Rahu or Kethu. lO. The Moon in the 6th aspected by a malefic. I l. Saturn in conjunction with Mars and Rahu. 12. Mars in conjunction with Venus in the 9th or the lOth aspected by a malefic.
15. Rahu in co4iunction with a malefic in the Sth. 14. Mars in opposition to the Sun one of them being in the lst, the 2nd, the 7th or the 8th. 15. The 6th lord in l.agna in conjunction with Mars. 16. Saturn in the 8th aspectd by Mars. 17. Mars in conjunction with Jupiter and Saturn in [.agna. 18. Mercury iiT his own house aspected by Mars. 19. The waning Moon in conjunction with Rahu, Satum, or Mars in the 8th. 20. Conjunction of Satum and Mars in the 6th or the l2th. 21. Lord of the I lth in the 5rd. 22. Venus in Leo which must be a Kendra square or Kona (trine), while Jupiter is in the 5rd. 25. The afflicted Moon in Leo. The example given earlier fulfils the combinations 2 and 6. There is another person born when Libra was rising. fle had the Sun and Saturn in l-agna while Mars was in the 7th. This is the l4th combination listed above. Dr. Pattabhi's chart fulfils the first combination. Born as Cancer was rising, he had the Sun, Mars, and Mercury in the Sth house. tle had the gastric ulcer. In these cases of gastric ulcer, we usually find that the 5th house too is involved. This may explain why gastric ulcers and the like are said to arise primarily from psychological factors. Here again we are interested in pointing out a few model combinations. There is a dreaded disease called cancer, and we do not come across any known ways of getting it cured. Experiments are still going on. Only it is said that it can be cured only if it is detected in its earlier stages. This can be done only through astrology. Hence we offer an astrological analysis of this. While Mercury indicates ulcers, Mars suggests tumours. But cancer can appear in a variety of places. Cancer, which is primarily indicated by Rahu, finds its place because of the other planets involved. The Sun indicates stomach, bowels, and Mercury gives nose, navel, mouth; Mars suggests blood, marrow, genitals, neck, and Uterus: Jupiter refers to liver, thighs ear, and tongue; Venus indi' cates throat and genitals; Saturn refers to legs, hands, and
teeth. A badly afflicted Moon suggests the possibility of cancer. Other indicators are the afflicted Jupiter and Saturn, and the signs Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Libra, and Capricom. Saturn in Cancer does suggest that a parent may possibly have been a victim of cancer.
Moon Mars Sat Rahu Ascdt I Venus
Sun Merc
Jupit Kelu
This chart is that of a woman who died of uterine cancer. Mars, Rahu and the Moon are in exact conjunction; and they are in opposition to Jupiter and Kethu. Saturn is in the 5rd house. Mars aspects the Sun, the lord of the 7th. Mars is badly afflicted and the position of Venus in the 7th is a little palliative. Note also that all except Mars and the Moon are between Rahu and Kethu. Jupiter, Aries and Libra are afflicted. A collection of the charts of victims of cancer would throw a flood of light.
Some Diseases
f yotisna is said to be the eye of the Vedas. In the Vedic {, texts the Sun is said to be the eye of the heavens. In a funeral hymn of Rig Veda the eye is commissioned to enter the Sun. The Sun is thus the significator of the eye. The Uttarakalamrita (U.K) refers the eye to the second house of the horoscope (5.2); and it assignsthe left eye to the twelftn house (5.22): by implication the second rules the right eye. It also assigns the Sun (5.24) and Venus (5.44) to the eyes. Thus we have-to take the Sun and Venus as significators and the houses on either side of the Lagna as indicators of the eyes. Since the sixth house refers to any ailment, this also plays a prominent part in any affliction to the eyes. Sixth being the seventh from the twelfth, it is necessarv.to consider also the eighth house. First let us consider what at least the Jataka parijata (J.P) has to say about ttre afilictions to the eyes. Our authorities invariably consider Mars in the afflictions to the right eye and Saturn to those of the left eye. This is because they refer to the owners of the first and the efeventh houses of the natural zodiac and these are the twelfth (Yyaya,loss) houses. We will tabulate some combinations from J.P. 1. Waning Moon in the Bth aspected by a strong Saturn brings death caused by an agony of the eye or after a surgical treatment (5.7S).
2. Sun conjunct Moon in Simha lagna aspected by Saturn and Mars makes one blind. If this conjunction has also a benefic aspect, one is clear-eyed (6.52). 5. Moon in 12 affects the left eye and Sun in 12 affects the right eye (6.52). There should be no benefic aspects. tlere we find both the luminaries involved in the diseases of the eye. This is of vital interest. This agrees with Brihat Jataka (23-lO and 20-23\ 4. Sun in Simha lagna or Tula lagna or Karkat lagna also causes inflamation of the eyes (6.54). 5. Sun and Moon in the twelfth together or separately affect the right and left eyes respectively (6.54). 6. A malefic with sixth affects the left eye and in the eighth the right eye (6.54). 7. Sun associated with Shani in the first or the seventh house affects the right eye. ln association with Mars and Rahu, the Sun spoils the left eye (6.55). B. Sun and Moon in the eighth while malefics are in 6,9 and 12, the malefic in the sixth spoits the left and the malefic in the eighth affects the right eye (6.55). 9. Mars as the lord of the second, Sun and Moon in g, and Shani in 6 or l2-one becomes blind. I O. Moon in 6,8 or 12, and Saturn is conjunct Mars-loss of sight (6.57) ll. Moon in 6, Sun in 8, Saturn in 12, Mars in 2blindness (6.58). 12. Conjunctions of lords of I and 2 in 6,g or l2-Loss of sight or cataract. 15. Lord of the second with the Moon and Venus in lagna-night blindness (6.59). 14. Moon or Rahu in 12, Shani in a trine, the Sun in 7 or 8-ailment of the eyee (6.84). 15. Malefics in 4 and 5, and Moon in 6,g or l2-blindness. (6.85). 16. Sun and Moon in 6 and l2-one eyed; and his wife also will be one eyed (6.99).
17. Conjunction of the Sun, Mars and Venus-Eye disease (8.7). 18. Conjunction of the second lord with Mars and Saturn in the second-eye disease.Same result arises when malefics in the second are aspectedby Shani (l1.68). 19. Maleficsin l2-eye disease(15.78). All these combinations should not have any benefic association. The ninth chapter gives many combinations with gulika for diseases of the eye. Since the author confuses gulika with Mandi and since these are not said to give benefic result in any house, it is better to ignore these. Some of the combinations given above-2,4, 15, l7 do not appear to be valid, as we have cases to the contrary. Sun with Ketu in 2,6, B, l2 afflicts the eye with a cataract. Mars and Saturn govern the right and left eye respectively. Sun, Moon, Venus and houses |, 2, 12,8 and 6 are involved ln any eye trouble, if and only if malefic influencesdominate. Jataka Tattva of Mahadeva gives the following significant combinations. 2O. Mars or Moon in lagna aspected by Jupiter or Venus one eyed. This is debatable. Other afflicts together with these must be the causes. 21. Moon in 7 for Kumbha lagna aspected by Mars-one eyed. 22. Sun in 7 for Makara lagna aspected by Mars-one eyed. 25. Moon and Venus in 7 or l2-one eyed. lf they are in the seventh there cannot be an ailment of the eye. Some learned state that one becomes blind if Sun is in 6, Moon in 8, Mars in 2, and Saturn in 12. In this combinatlon Saturn afflicts the Sun and Mars, while Mars afflicts the Moon. The constellations Ardra (66o40' to SO.Oof sidereal zodiac) Krittika (26'40^to 4o"o). Pushyami (95oo' to l06"20'), early part of Shravana, (28Ooto 29ooo'). Rohini (4O"O' to I are usually i nvolved 55"20' ), and Jyeshtha (226' 40' to 2 4O"O' last decanates of fixed signs The ln the afflictions to the eyes. Venus are the and Mars, Saturn Moon, involved. Sun, are also part of the is most developed eye the significators. Since main
nervous system, Mercury's role in eye troubles has to be considered carefully. Mars or Uranus afflicting Mercury has shown squint in the right eye in some charts. Mercury in Aries or Scorpio afflicted by Neptune has given rise to squint or glaucoma. Cataract has now become a common feature. It refers primarily to Mercury. Affliction of Mercury by Mars, Uranus or Neptune appears a general indicator' In one case Budha was oPposed to Neptune and the Moon to Uranus. ln another Mars was conjunct Moon in the third quarter of Mula (246'40' to 250"0') and Jupiter was conjunct Uranus in the second quarter of Uttarabhadrapada (556"40' to 54O'O'). The first is ruled by Ketu and the second by Sat' urn. Mercury afflicted by Saturn from the sixth or twelfth can give squint in the left eye, while a similar affliction by Mars from the second or eighth makes the right eye squint. When the luminaries are conjunct in 6 or 12 one loses vision. The Sun appears to refer to the right eye. while the Moon does to the left. In one case Mars (L83'26') afflicted Mercury (268"58') and the Sun (278olO'). The first brought the squint in the right eye, and the second a cataract in the same eye. This Mars was afflicted by Saturn (158o8') and also by Uranus (3O7'I4'). Mars and the Sun are also the owners of the second and the sixth houses respectively in these instances. More differentiated examples will be of great help in determining the precise nature of the ailments of the eye. The Eye is a very important organ of the human orgunism. lt provides a window into the external universe. Nowa-days we find myopia. blindness, cataract and the like becoming frequent. The incidence of eye-diseasescan be decreased considerably if we know how these can be pre' vented. One such way to knowledge is to consult the eye specialist at frequent but regular intervals. But even he can be helped largely by an insight into the problem as Pre' sented by an astrological analysis of the chart of hls con' sultant.
The eye is a complicated organ, and its afflictlons do sometimes involve the nervous and circulatory systems. In astrolog5r the Sun is said to regulate the right eye while the left eye is under the control of the Moon. Venus too is associated with eyesight. Kethu is another. Cataract is usually referred to Rahu. Mars has a sore eye and Saturn has blindness. A reference to our ancient texts yields many interesting combinations of planets. Mars in the twelfth is said to afflict the right eye while Saturn in the same afflicts the left. If Sun and Moon are in the twelfth when malefics are in the sixth or eighth, the result is taken to be blindness. These malefics in the sixth would be in opposition to the luminaries, and in the eighth they would oppose the house representing the eye. Moon in the second, Sun in twelfth, and malefics in sixth or eighth give the same result. Mars in second, Sun in eighth, the Moon in sixth and Saturn in the ninth work in the same manner. Blindness resulting from biliousness arises when Moon and Mars are in sixth or eighth. Blindness through the afflictions of wind or phlegm comes when Moon and Saturn are in eighth or twelfth. Tumour of the eye comes from Sun and Moon in the ascendant. Defective eye results from Sun being in 5,9 or l2 with malefics. lords of the ascendant and eighth in sixth spoil the right eye. The following combinations are indicative of different varieties of the diseases of the eye: l. Sun and Moon afflicted by Mars and Saturn; 2. Conjunction of Mars and Saturn in 6 or g; 5. Sun or Moon in I or 7 aSpectedby or conjoined with Saturn or Rahu and Mars; 4. Lord of I and 2 in conjunction in a malefic house; 5. Afflicted Sun in Cancer which should be the ascendant; 6. Conjunction of Venus with lords of 5 and 6; 7. Conjunction of Mars and Saturn in the second with the lord of that house; 8. Conjunction of the lord of second with Saturn, Mandi and Culika.
Many similar combinations can be added. The basic facts are simple. Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars and Saturn are planets involved. The houses concerned are 1,2,6,8 and 12. A few illustrations will throw greater light on this question. In Chart I we find Sun and Mercury in the seventh. The conjunction in the fifth is not bad. In the eighth month the
and Mercury 12 Capricom; and Moon 4 pisces,
native had inflammation of eyes leading to blindness; and Iater one eye got recovered. Jupiter in the second and Moon In the tenth are the relieving factors here. The second chart shows short sight in one eye and tong sight in the other. The lords of I and 8 are in the I ?th
2. Ascdt. 29 Cemini; Jupiter l I eemini; Moon I l Cancer; Mars 26 and Venus 26 Pisces; Sun 29 Aries; and Saturn B and Mercury 22Taurus.
though they do not have an exact conjunction. The conjunction of Mars and Venus has added to the complication. The third chart gives a peculiar pattern of planets. The ascendant is afflicted by debilitated Venus who also happens to be the lord of the second, and these are aspected
5. Ascdt. 19 Virgo; Venus 17 Virgo; Jupiter 16 Aquarius,.Saturn 25 Pisces; Mars 2 and Moon 7 Taurus; and Mercury 6 and Sun 23 Leo.
by the lord of the sixth Saturn. Sun is in the twelfth. The lord of the ascendant ls aspected by Mars conjunct Moon. The native is born blind; and it is not at atl surprising to find the result like this. Not only are the sign and house positions important, but the positions in the Navamsa too are necessarily to be considered. Find where the lord of the second is located in the Navamsa chart. lf the lord of that sign is in a malefic house or is aspected by the malefics in the Rasi chart, then we have a case of the eye-disease.In the third chart there is the affliction to Mercury on the basis of this principle. In the second, we find this planet to be Venus who is afflicted by Mars. In the first it is the Sun who is in the eighth. There are some sensitive points concerning the eye. These are around the 15th degree of Aries and Libra, 2oth
degrees of Virgo and Pisces, and tenth and eleventh degrees of Taurus and Scorpio. The last have a good deal to do with the optical nelves. The l Tth degrees of Virgo and Pisces, and the 2nd degrees of L,eoand Aquarius also are connected with the eye. Cataract cases show afflictions to the 2Oth degrees of Virgo and Pisces. Colour blindness involves lhe 23rd degrees of Aries and Libra, and the I lth degrees of Taurus and Scorpio. Claucoma usually shows the first three degrees of Cancer and Capricorn afflicted badly. The thirteenth degrees of Cancer and Capricorn, the tenth degrees of Cemini and Sagittarius, and the sixth degrees of Taurus and Scorpio are some of the other sensitive points. In any case of myopia we find Mercury afflicted because he governs the nervous system. When Mercury is afflicted by Mars and when Aries or Scorpio is involved, there may be squint. Cataract cases usually show afflictions to Mercury and Moon. The conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in Virgo, and of Moon and Mars are also sometimes found to be responsible for this. Blindness 1. Malefics in 4 or 5, and Moon in 6, 8 or 12 without any benefic association. 2. Sun and Moon in Simha lagna aspected by Kuja and Shani. 5. Ravi, Chandra, Kuja and Shani related to each other in 2,6,8 and 12. Ravi alone refers to the right eye while Chandra refers to the left eYe. 4. Malefics in 6 or B. 5. Ravi in I or 7 associated with Shani affects the right eye. Shani associated only with Kuja and Rahu affects the left eye. 6. Malefics in 6, 8 or 12 with Ravi in 12, and Moon in 6left eye. If Ravi is in 12, left eYe. 7. For Mina and Tula lagnas Ravi and Chandra in 8, and Shani is in 4,8 or 12' 8. Lords of 2,5, 7 and 9 in bad places while Shani is in lagna.
9. Moon in 6, Ravi in 8, Shani in 12, and Kuja in 2. 10. Lord of 2 with lagna lord in 6,8,12. I l. Ravi, Shukra and lord of lagna in 6,8, or 12, or with the lord of 2 in these houses. 12. Lords of I and 2 in 6.8 or 12. 15. Kuja in 12 affectsthe left eye, and Shaniin l2 affects the right eye. Ravi and Kuja refer to eyesight, Ravi and the second house refer to the right eye. Chandra and the twelfth refer to the left eye. 14. One of Ravi or Chandra in L2, and the other in 6 Night Blindness l. Chandra and Shukra in 6,8 or 12. 2. For Tula lagna Ravi and a malefic in Lagna. 5. Lord of the second with Shukra, while Moon is in Lagna. 4. Ravi, Shukra and lord of lagna in houses 2 to 7. 5. Lords of I and 2 relaLedto each other, while Ravi and Shukra are together. General ' Complaints of the Eye
l. Chandra or Rahu in 12, Shani in 5 or 9 and Ravi in 7 or 8 causes eye and tooth troubles. 2. Mandiin 8. 5. Ravi exalted for Simha lagna aspected by Shani and Kuja. 4. Ravi in Karka lagna aspected by Shani and Kuja. 5. lf lagna has the lord of 2,6, and 1O or if these are debilitated and are with malefics. 6.. The lords of the dwadasamsaof the lord of 6 and lO, with the lord of lagna in 6,8 or 12, and not aspected by any benefic.
2. Dumbness l. Lord of 2 with Curu in 8,6 or 12 2. Moon in Vrishabha and malefics in Rasi Sandhi 5. Moon aspected by two malefics
4. Lord of 2 with Budha and Rahu in 6, the second lord with the lord of the sign occupied by Budha and Rahu. 5. The fourth place is a movable sign or the fourth having the lord of a movable sign, and the fourth lord in 6 or 12. 3. Diseases of the Ear The third house refers to the right ear and the eleventh to the left. Houses 5 and 9 refer to ears, and 7 to teeth, as per Varahamihira. |. Moon in 5, ll, 5 or 9 not aspected by any favourite planet. 2. Maleficsin 5, 11, 5 and 9. 5. Conjunction of Chandra, Budha, Quru and Shukra. 4. Waning Moon in lagna. 5. Mangal with Mandi in the third. 6. Third house associated with a malefic, and not aspected by a benefic. 4. Teeth l. Malefic in 7, not aspected by any benefic 2. Moon or Rahu in 12, Shani in 5 or 9, and Ravi in 7 or B. 5. Lord of the sign occupied by Rahu, or Rahu is with the second lord in 6,8 or 12. 4. Budha and Rahu with the second lord in 6, or they are with the lord of the sign having Rahu. 5. Throat l. Third lord with Budha in lagna . 2. Mandi with a malefic in 5. 5. Moon with a malefic in the fourth and is Vargottama. 4. Lord of 2 and 5 with Rahu. 5. Curu in 8 with a debilitated planet. 6. Asthma l. Ravi in lagna asPected bY Kuja 2. Shani with Mandi in 6, aspected by Ravi, Kuja and Rahu, without any benefic association'
5. A malefic in 12, Moon in 6, Shani in 8, lord of lagna in a malefic navamsha. 4. Moon in papakartri, Ravi in 7. 5. Conjunction of Chandra and Shukra, or Chandra in opposition to Shukra, and aspected by a malefic' 6. Kuja and Budha in 6 and in malefic navamsha, while the Moon is aspected bY Shukra. 7. Lord of 5 in 2 or B. 8. Six planets other than Budha are together. 9. Budha in a watery sign aspected by a malefic. lO. Chandra and Rahu in 2. I l. Any association of the Chandra, Shukra, or Quru to the third house from lagna or from the Moon. This can give rise to B.P. 7. Consumption l. Ravi and Chandra in Karka or Simha - Bone. 2. Chandra between two malefics and Shani in 7 splean, consumPtion or carbuncle. 5. Rahu in 6 and Mandi in a Kendra from Rahu. 4. Chandra between Kuja and Shani, while Ravi is in Makara. 5. Moon in Kanya between two malefics - vomits blood from the stomach. 6. Chandra with Shani or in opposition to Shani and aspected bY malefics' 5. Chandra and Guru in a watery sign in 8 and aspected by a malefic. 6. Ktrja in a malefic house in 8 and is with a malefic. 7. Lord of lagna associated with Shukra in 6,8 or 12' 8. Kuja and Rahu in 4 or 5 from karakamsa lagna' 9. Kuja owning 6,8 or 12 aspected by Shani. lO. Ravi with Chandra in 6 or 8' I 1. Karakamsha lagna in Dhanus with the Moon, aspected by Kuja. 12. Rahu in 6, Mandi in Kendra, and lord of lagna in 8' 15. Kuja and Rahu in 2, 4,5 or 8'
698 8. tleart
Fourth house and its lord are the determinants. We cannot ignore the fifth house and its owner as well. I. Ravi in 4 when he owns the sixth. 2. Unaspected malefics in 4 and 5 while they are in cruel Shashtyamshas and unaspected by any benefic. 5. Shani, Kuja and Curu, or Shani, Kuja and Rahu in 4 4. Mandi and Kelu in 5. 5. Lords of 5 and 12 in 12. The fifth lord may even be combust, or debilitated or in the house of a foe. 6. Shani and Chandra in 7. 7. Chandra with a malefic in Vrishabha,l\arka, Vrishchika and Makara. 8. Chandra and Kuja, Shani or Rahu in 12. 9. Ttrberculosis Today a great number seem to be the victims of tuberculosis in our country; and too frequently do we hear of the opening of new sanatoriums. Whatever may be the actual physical causes that bring about this disease, we should analyse astrologically the data that is available and try to find out the particular planetary positions responsible for this ailment. Before we proceed in our enquiry, we have to note certain principles that are given by the authorities. Cemini or Mithuna rules the chest and Cancer or Karkataka controls the heart. Virgo is a mental sign and it must be considered in all ailments. It is the sign representing sickness and it stands for the liver and the intestines in particular. Likewise the sixth sign from the Ascendant is important in this enquiry. The vitality of a person is controlled by Aries, Leo and Sagittarius; Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn have power over the bones and the flesh; Qemini, Libra and Aquarius have their sway over the breath; and the other three govern the blood. Then again we have to read consumption, pneumonia, rheumatism and asthma from Gemini; and Piscestoo has something to say about tuberculosis. Coming to the planets, the Sun governs the heart and bone, Mercury controls the lungs and Jupiter rules over the
kidneys. Mars bringp tuberculosis, while Mercury is capable of bringing asthma, bronchitis, neuralgia and neurasthania. Saturn govems the spleen, endocardium, ribs, bones, rheumatism, consumption, bronchitis, asthma, gout and Bright's disease. While predicting disease, we have to consider the sixth sign from the Ascendant, the planets therein, the lord of the sixth and the aspects involving these. One should note the relationship between the lords of the first and the sixth houses. Next, one should consider the relationship of Sun to Moon. The aspects of Mars and Saturn falling on the Moon are to be examined. Some of the planetary combinations that are said to be responsible for tuberculosis can be classified thus:- (i) LorO of the Ascendant with Venus in the sixth, eighth, or twelfth house from Lagna; (ii) Mars in the fourth and Rahu in the twelfth from the 'Karakamsa I.agna'; (iii) Mars and Satum malefically aspecting the Ascendant; (iv) the mutual exchange of houses by Sun and Moon in the Rasi or in the Amsa; (v) the conjunction of the Sun and Moon afflicted in Cancer or in Leo; (vi) the conjunction of the Moon and Saturn being aspected by Mars; (vii) Mercury afflicted in Cancer; and (viii) the combination of the Sun, Jupiter and Saturn in the fourth. A few typical illustrations will enable us to understand the principle better. The following chart is that of a male
Jup 16 Sat 6 Mer9 Moon 10 Sun 1 Lagna 26 I
Mars28 R
Venus 23
who died of consumption at the early age of twentyfive. The lord of the Ascendant is in Taurus with the lord of Pisces. Jupiter and Saturn are in the fourth, while a peculiar combination is in the Ascendant. The afflicted Venus is aspecting the sixth house. The rising degree of Aquarius is ominous enough. The next chart is more interesting and significant. Sagittarius is rising being afflicted by the as. pects of Mars and Saturn.
Mer 28 Sun 11 Mars 8
Venus 22
5 Jup 20
Lagna I
Moon 5
Sat 6 R
Mars is in the sixth, Taurus, while Satum is in Viryo. The lord of Virgo is debilitated in the fourth, while the debilitated Moon is aspecting Mars and is aspected by Saturn. The malefic influence is gathered into the sixth house. This person lived a spendthrift and died of consumption at fortytwo. The next chart is a slightly better representative. It belongp to Isaac Sprague who was a living skeleton weighLagna 14
23 Sudha Ven20 R
Sun 1 Moon 1
6 Sani 2 R
Guru17 R
Mars19 R
ing only forty pounds. He suffered progressive muscular atrophy. Sun being the lord of the sixth is with Moon in the fourth sign called Cemini. These two are aspected by Jupiter and are afflicting Jupiter. Mars and Saturn are afflicting one another. The trines are uncared for and the Ascendant ls afflicted by Saturn. The wasting fever is amply accounted for by Saturn and by the fourth house. The follwoing chart illustrates the consumption of the lungs. The Ascendant is unaspected, sensitive, receptive;
Moofl 17 Sani 9 R
Lagna 19
and weak Cancer which rules the heart, breast, epigastric region and elbow. The lord of the Ascendant is in another sensitive and consumptive sign. The lord of the sixth is Jupiter who brings about degeneration and who is in the eighth with Mars, Sun, Mercury and Venus. Almost all the organs are affected, though the wasting fever was soon felt to react adversely on the lungs. Mars and Mercury have done their worst. Next chart illustrated the consumption of
Sun10 11 Shani
Budha 14 Ven 22
8 Guru1
Mars 29
25 Lagna
11 Moon
the bowels. The lord of the Ascendant here is in fifth with Mercury, the lord of the ninth and the twelfth houses. The lord of the sixth is debilitated and is about to be joined to Mars who is being afflicted by Saturn. The 6th house is particularly bad and it brings the afflicted Sun, Moon, and Satum. Virgo governs the bowels and the solar plexus and it is severely afflicted. In a good many of the cases, we do find the Moon occupying Aquarius, Pisces or Aries. The constellations ' Purvabhad rapada" Uttarabhadrapada',' Revati','Asvini', and 'Bharani'govem the heart and the lungs. And we also find that consumption needs the afflictions coming from Mercury, Mars and Saturn. These afflictions are generally concentrated in the sixth house. As'Chintamani' observes, the conjunction of Mercury and Mars in the sixth afflicted by Venus and Moon, is also indicative of consumption. Likewise, we have another indicator in the conjunction of Mars and Satum in the sixth afflicted by the Sun and Rahu. Take the next chart and observe the Ascendant afflicted by benefics in a novel manner. The lord of the Ascendant is exalted in the third sign; and this house governs the skeleton as a whole. Mars is afflicted by Shani and Rahu, both
being together in a consumptive house. The Moon is hemmed in between malefics. This person developed tuberculosis at the age of fifty in the subperiod of the Sun in the mqior period of Jupiter. He breathed his last in the late subperiod of Jupiter.
The following chart is that of a person who suddenly tumed bankrupt at the age of the fifty two. Two years later,
Moon 28 Lagna 13 Ravi 19 Budha6 Kuja26
7 Shukra
he died of lingering consumption. The Ascendant is Taurus, controlling the bones and the flesh. lt is subjected to the powerful influence of the Moon and the Person had therefore to bear a severe nervous strain. As long as the vitality was strong, he was able to withstand the strain. This vitality is bound to melt away as the Sun is conjunct with debilitated Mars in the third house, the sign of Moon' The sensitivity of Cancer is heightened by the presence of the neuralgic Mercury in association with the conjoined planets. The lord of the sixth is subjected to the influences of Jupiter and Saturn; and this brought about the dramatic collapse' Next chart takes us to a Person born in the constellation of 'Uttarabhadrapada'. The Ascendant is aspected by Mars
Jup28 15 Moon
Ketu 21
who is situated in Virgo. The vitality is subjected to a violent haemorrhage brought fourth by Mars. The third hosue governing the lungs is afflicted by Ketu. Its lord is in the second in association with the lord of the sixth. The tubercular affliction suddenly came up in the sub-period of Saturn in the major period oi Venus and he died of it in his fortyyear. Venus and Saturn, Mercury and Mars, have second 'completed his story while the nodes aided the major operation. From these illustrations let us turn to very peculiar two cases of suspected tuberculosis. The doctors have declared
Lagna 11 Ketu 4 Moon 29
Mars 8 Re
Guru15 22 Shani
Rahu 4
one ailment, and the patient suffered from another. This chart is the first to be considered. This person starLed his career well and was somewhat successful at the bar. The affliction of Leo by Mars and Venus, and the conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn aspecting Mars, brought forth diabetes. Scorpio is particularly bad in this direction. As the diabetes became chronic, a new weakness set in with a low temperature. Some medical practitioners diagnosed the ailment to be tuberculosis and treated him with "streptomycin" towards the end of the major period of Ketu. Observe that Ketu is in the second house owned by Venus, and that Venus is subjected to Martian aspects. The lord of the fourth house is the sensitive Moon who is situated in a consumptive and neuralgic sign Cemini. The lord of this is again in Aquarius with the Sun and Venus. Of course, both the Moon and Mercury are at the very end of the respective
signs. As a consequence of the treatment given, there was a serious neruous breakdown resulting in an ailment similar to paralysis as soon as the m4jor period of Venus started. Observe the position of Venus and his association with Mercury and others. In the very first sub-period he collapsed. I was consulted just when the tubercular treatment was being given to him; and I warned him not to take that treatment any longer since it is sure to paralyse his nervous system, and since the planetary positions need some treatment that can give vitality to his nervous system. My advice was taken too late and the good man passed away. The positions of the planets are apt to tempt one to conclude that he must have died of tuberculosis. The last illustration is highly significant in this direction. This gentleman was working in the Railway and he rfuas confined to bed from June 1949 to June 195O. The doctors, as usual, pleaded that he was ailing with tuberculosis. The sub-period of Mercury in the major period of Rahu ended by 195l-6-15 and in the last part of this period he was assured of his recovery by the doctors. The lord of the sixth house is exalted in the third and is with Jupiter; and the lord of the ter'th is exalted in the sixth and is aspected by the lord of the sixth. This is enough to show that he did
BUdha 10
Sun 2
Moon 13
Rahu 28
Shukra 16
not have any ailments like tuberculosis. The lords of the first and the third have interchanged their places, though they are eightytwo degrees apart. The Moon is exalted in the seventh. Yet he was ailing at least for one year and we have not examined Mercury and his houses. Mercury is the lord of the eighth and eleventh houses; and he is debilitated in
a consumptive, neuralgic and sensitive sign. The eighth house is occupied by Rahu, another planet of neuralgia. The location of Jupiter in the third house called Capricornus intensified the affliction to the nervous system. This affliction gathered momentum during the transit influences of Jupiter and Saturn. What this gentleman really had during 1949-50 was only a little nervous breakdown; and there might have been also a slight trace of albuminaria. But it was not tuberculosis at any rate. These illustrations are clear enough in drawing the attention of the readers to the difficulty in predicting tuberculosis correctly. In a majority of the cases, there is ample room to confuse neuralgicwith tuberculosis;and a sound astrological examination can and will point out the real trouble. lO. Heart Complaint Many factors lead to the ailments of the heart. An unsuspected cause is rheumatic fever which may attack a native prior to his twelfth year and which is erroneously treated as ordinary malaria fever. tlere we propose to analyse one such chart. The native, a male was born on 1924-9-5 at 7-13 A.YI. (I.S.T.) 16.12N, 80.59tr Balance of Kuja dasa as per Lahiri one year, three months, 16 days. As per the ayanamsa we follow it is six months twelve days. The chart is as per Lahiri's'value
14. Asc 5.26 in Virgo with Mercury (R) 2.48, 2-Moon 4. I 2, Saturn 6.9, S-Jupiter 18.22,S-Ketu 29. I L, 6--Uranus (R\ 27.6, Mars (R) 4.54, | 0-M.C. 5.41. I l-Venus l-48. Neptune 28.5, Rahu 29. I l, l2-Sun, Ketu, lO-Sat, Mars, Moon, I l-Jupiter, l2-Mercury. The significator of the heart, the Sun, is in the twelfth
aspected by retrograde Mars (Lord of the third) and Uranus. Varahamihira (1.4) places chest under the third house and heart under the fourth and also under Cemini and Cancer respectively. In the system of Jaimini the Seventh house appears to refer to the heart and to the back. We have, however, to admit that the Sun is the significator of the heart, and therefore [,eo and the fifth house are to be reckoned with.
In this chart the lagna is hemmed in between malefics and it is aspected only by the lord of the third and the eight. Jupiter in the third is a cause of balarishta; and he has the strength to bring the life to an end in his major period. The navamsa lagna is aspected by Kuja again. Applying Jaimini's aspects we find the karakamsa afflicted by the aspects of Sun, Uranus, Rahu and Neptune. Rheumatic fever involves Mars and Saturn. Here Mars is in Saturn's house in Rasi, and is with Saturn in Amsa. It is this Mars who aspects the lagna. Scorpio is particularly amenable to this fever along with Leo, Virgo, Capricorn and Pisces. One *Dara Jvara bhayam-' lt means of the aphorisms of Jamini is that when Cancer is the eighth from karakamsathere is fear of fever (5.5, 40). ttere this is fulfilled; and it is also aspected (as per Jamini) by Mars. Moreover, Mercury governs the respiratory systems. llere he is retrograde and aspected by Mars in Rasi and by Saturn in Amsa. As per the drekkana classification, the ribs are under the third and the eleventh house, while the chest is governed by the fifth (right side) and the ninth houses' In this chart the ninth is aspected by Mars. tts fifth house has the aspects of Venus, Neptune and Rahu. The ailments of the heart involve the following : ( I ) Affliction to the Sun, Leo, and the fifth, or any two of these' (2) Mars in association with the fifth damages the heart through strain. (5) Saturn affects the valves, or brings about a fatty degeneration. (4) Neptune affects the heart through drugs or smoking or both. (5) Uranus causes the ailment through the nervous system. (6) Uranus and Jupiter, jointly or separately bring about the dilated hehrt. The dilated heart is the major result of Rheumatic fever. In the chart under consideration Leo and the Sun are afflicted by Mars and Uranus. The fifth house in Amsa alone has Uranus. The fifth house is not associated with Mars, though the fifth lord has the amsa of Mars. Saturn aspecting the fourth affected the valves; and Varahamihirais right in ascribing the heart to the fourth. The native was not given to drugs or smoking; and so Neptune has little to do with this chart. Jupiter is in square to the Sun and to Uranus. The
heart is dilated. In navamsa Uranus is in the fifth in opposition to Jupiter. The native died on Nov. 7.1946. According to Lahiri's ayanamsa the demise was in Curu, Shani, Budha. But according to the one we follow it was in Jupiter-Saturn-Moon. Readers will be able to judge which ayanamsa fits in to this situation. One more point. The native was married in May 1943. He had no Kuja dosha. In amsa the seventh lord is in the eighth; and the seventh is afflicted by Saturn. As Parashara stated, the navamsa represents the chart of the partner. Though the native has Mars in the eighth from Venus, the navamsa chart clearly shows that his wife was destined to be a widow. tleart and Stomach
The concept of Kalapurushais a unique one in Indian astrology. Karka (Cancer) and the 4th house from Lagna rule the heart, Mithuna and the Srd govern the chest, Simha and the 5th control the stomach, Libra and the 7th have a sway over the lower abdomen as per Brihat Jataka (1.4). When the 2nd decanate of Lagna rises houses 5 and 9 govern the chest, 5 and I I the ribs, and band and the abdomen. The Sun has sway over the heart. The conjunction of Sun, Mercury and Mars in the 4th or in the 5th generally indicate ailments of the heart. The Moon indicates tumours, Mercury refers to the lungs, and Venus to kidneys and ulcers. For ulcers we have to consider also Mars, Rahu and Uranus. Jupiter does indicate abnormal growths. Mars, Saturn and Uranus in their relation to the hylegical point indicate the liability to disease. With this general background we propose to study a typical case and draw some valid conculsion. The native was born on December 5, 1962 at 3.17 ?.Y1. The balance of Guru's major period at birth was years 5.6.23.
The 4th house has Kahu and debilitated Mars aspecting the Moon (tumours), Jupiter (abnormal growth), Venus (ulcers), and Saturn. Only Saturn can be said to have an aspect on Mars. The fifth house Leo has Uranus (sudden and unexpected developments)in direct opposition to Jupiter. The 5th (Sun) and sixth (Budha) lords are in the 8th (abdomen). Uranus is in the house indicating the chest. Chest refers also to the 9th whose lord is in opposition to Uranus.
Asc Vn IGfu Mars
Rafu ill|ars 15 Ra.si [4rc l,lavarnsa
[r@n AK
l.lep Vnr,Js
The Sun ruling the heart is in the Bth. Consider the navamsa chart. tlere the Sun is in the 5th aspected by the Moon. Heart and tumours are ruled by these repectively. The 4th is apected by Shani, and its lord is in the 8th with Shukra and Ketu. Libra, Venus and the 7th house refer to the lower abdomen. In Rasichart Venus in Libra (7th house) is aspected by Mars and Saturn. The Atma Karaka is the Moon and the Karakamsa lagna is Cemini. His Budha's m4ior period started on June 2a, L987. The sub period of Ketu was from November 25, 1989 to November 22, 1990. Budha as lord of the 5rd (ribs) is in the 8th (abdomen) with the Sun, lord of the 5th (chest). Ketu is with Shani in the 4th from Lagna and in the third (ribs) from Budha, the lord of the dasa. If the third and the Bth houses from the lagna or the Atmakaraka have the divisions of Taurus and Cancer dominating and if either sign is occupied by Mars, the native suffers from boils an-d tumours. This aphorism of Jaimini
(3.3.26) applies here partially.Mars in Cancer as the lord of Lagna and the 8th has caused tumours to this native. ln the sub period of Ketu in Budha, on June 15, l99O he was operated for ulcer and tumour. A good part of the stomach had to be removed. tle developed colic and dysentery in October 1991. This was in Shukra's sub period. Shukra in the 7th with Neptune is aspected by Mars and Shani. The saving features to Shukra are a sextile from Uranus and a trine from Jupiter. Budha and Shukra are in 2 - 12 relation both in Rasi and in Navamsa. In Navamsa Shani aspects Budha (from Vrishabha) and Shukra is with Kuja. From Atmakaraka in amsa Guru (over growth) is in the 8th (abdomen). Jaimini states (3.3.34): "if the Bth from the Atma Karaka is aspected by or conjoined with Mercury, he will have diarrhoea or dysentery with vomiting." If we include the 6th, from Karakamsa lagna Budha is in the 6th in Rasi aspecting (as per Jaimini's aspects) the eighth. Jaimini states (5.5. I OO):"lf the 8th from Lagna,third from A.K., 6th from Navamsa lagna, or the 6th from Karakamsa lagna be Capricorn, he suffers from the diseases of the digestive system like diarrhoea and dysentery. flere the 8th from Karakamsalagna (9th), the 6th from Navamsalagna(Simha)is Makara. Add the longitudes of the lords of the first and 6th houses. The product indicates a sensitive point referring to disease. Here the longitudes of Mars and Mercury give 555" 54'. It falls in Pisces. In Navamsa Shukra, Kuja and Ketu are in Pisces, aspected by none. In Rasi, Shani aspects that house, Kuja aspects this Shani and the lord of Pisces. This analysis shows how easier and also how difficult it is to detect the ailments. tlis digestive system is almost paralysed. When Curu's Vidasha in Shukra comes he will start improving. With Ravi's sub period he should be near normal. I l. Meningitis Meningitis arises from an affliction to the membranes enveloping the brain and the spinal cord. The brain comes primarily under the first house in a chart, though the 5rd
and the 5th houses also play a part. Brain and the nerves are signified by Mercury, while the Sun regulates the spine. Jaimini, however, assigns the 7th house to the back. Any affliction to the Sun, Saturn and Uranus, jointly or severally, indicates some kind of spinal trouble. The Moon also is involved. Anv inflammation comes under Mars or Rahu flere we propose to analyse a case of meningitis which was diagnosed at a very late period. The lady was b o r n o n 1 9 2 5 . 5 . 1 2 / 1 3a t 1 . 4 2 A . M . ( l S T )1 6 . 1 2 N , 8 0 . 5 9 8 . Balance of the Sun 5 years, lO months,5 days as per Lahiri's ayanamsa; and as per the one we follow it is 5 years, 2 months lO days. The chart is as per Lahiri's. She developed meningitis towards the end of June 1946 and died on July 14, 1946. Lahiri's value places it in Mars Rahu which began on July I l, 1946. Some of the cases of meningitis show some common features in the charts. (l) The conjunction or opposition of the Sun and Saturn involving fiery or airy signs (2) Mars is in an airy or earthy sign having an association with Mercury.
Uranus Merc3.5i Venus 1.,16 9tl 3.4
28.15 Asc 16.29 Rasi 't6 tvlars 9.3 Sat Merc Ketu
Vsl Asc
Ketu 1s.52
Jup(R) M.C. 8.42 21.6 Moon27.1 Sat(R) 17.22 Mars SunNep Jup Moon
(5) Afflictions between Mars and Saturn, or from these to lagna, third or fifth houses. (4) Mars or Mercury or both having an association with Uranus or Neptune. (5) Malefics in the third or in Lagna. (6) Some unusual relationship involving Mars, Saturn and Jupiter. Above all the Sun and Mercury play a major role here.
In the chart under investigation we note a few interesting plus points. The Sun and Saturn (lords of 7 and l) are exalted. Venus (4) and Jupiter (11) are in their own houses. Mars (5) and Mercury (5) have exchanged. Jupiter and the Moon are Vargottama. There are a few disconcerting factors. The significator of longevity is retrograde in exaltation and occupies a badhaka house. Lagna is not aspected by any. The 8th lord is weak. Mars in the 7th from the Moon and in Arudha lagna denies a long life. The 8th from navamsa lagna and its lord is afflicted Saturn. In Amsa Mars and Saturn are in aspects. Now let us look at the chart more closely to understand the ailment. The Sun in a fiery sign is opposed to Saturn placed in an airy sign. The houses involved are 5 and 9, and they are lords of 7 and Lagna. Brain, spine and back are affected because of the houses involved and because of the opposition. Mars is in an airy sign owned by Mercury, while the latter is in the fiery sign of the former. Mars is also in square to Uranus. 5rd and 5th houses are involved. Saturn also afflicts the 5rd house. Saturn and Mars aspect the Moon (lord of the 5th) and Jupiter. Almost all the factors mentioned above are fulfilled here. Let us study the chart from the standpoint of Jaimini's system to find additional support. The Karakamsa has five bodies including the Sun, Mars and Neptune' All these are severely afflicted by Saturn from the 4th house. The significator of the brain Mercury is with Rahu while the lord of the 6th is in lagna. The 8th from Karakamsabeing Cancer (Sutra 3.5.41), there was an acute fever preceding death. The 7th house from Karaka is also aspected by Saturn' Thus the brain and the spine are afflicted. A similar situation appears in the case of the Moon sign in the natal chart. Mars in an exchange with Budha aspects the 6th lord. So does Saturn (the lord of I and 12) afflict the Moon, Rahu, Sun and Mercury.The inflammation of the membranes of the brain and the affliction to the spine are clearly evident here. Even when we take the arudha lagna, we get the same result. Keaders may study cases of meningitis in the light of these observations. Ivloreover, in the
Vimsottari system the major perio{s that can bring about this ailment are the planets in or ruling the lagna, the 3rd and 5th. Here it was the major period of the Jrd lord situated in the 5th, from Mars the 5th lord is Venus situated in the l2th from him. And the Vidasa lord is Mercury again the 5th lord from Venus situated in the l2th from Venus, 12. Thrombosis It is good to enumerate the various principles found in our ancient authorities and to memorise them. But a more valuable thing is to know how to apply these principles to a given chart. Another, and an easy going method is to say that I have predicted such an event in the presence or absence of others and that it came true. There is no written or published proof for such predictions. A good method for one, keen to know the subject, is to analyse a chart and see how and why such an event took place at a given time. This is a better way than the previous one. tlere we propose to study a chart in the light of some events that happened. The native was born on March 15, 1937 at7.l5 a.m. or so. Place 16.19 N, 8.59 E. tlere is the chart of the person who died on March 26, 1972. The balance Ketu's period at
S h a n i2 . 8 Un 14.20 R a v i 1 . 7 Shu 9.49 Chandra Lagna 2.11 23.26 21.46 Budha Kelu 26.49 Rahu Budha Chandra Shukra
Ravi Shani
Amsa Uranus
Ketu Kuja
birth is 5 years, lO months and 8 days as per Lahiri's ayanamsa according to which the chart is cast. As per the ayanamsa we follow it is 5 years, one month and 4 days.
The native had one younger brother and one sister older to him. After graduation he discontinued his studies for two years, and then took his M.A. degree in 1965. lle worked as a Lecturer. Note Quru in the tenth house Vargottama. Prior to 196 I he underwent an operation for a tlydrocele. Why did it take place ? When the lagna is in the third drekkana, the testicles come under the third and the eleventh houses. Jataka Parijata (11.56) states that the enlarged scrotum results from the conjunction of Rahu with Mars or Saturn, or when Mars is in Lagna. llere Mars is with Rahu in the ninth aspecting third house. In amsa Mars is with Ketu aspectingthe third and the eleventh houses.Marsbeing in the eighth from navamsa lagna, he affects the genitals. In Rasi, the conjunction of Mars and Rahuis in the third from arudha lagna. Thus the chart justifies the event which took place in the subperiod of Mercury in Venus. The conjunction of the Sun with Saturn, unrelievedby any benefic aspect is undesirable (J.P.8.2). Saturn aspects Ketu in the third. The lord of the third and the eighth is in the second; and from arudha lagna he is in the eighth with the Moon. Inspite of Jupiter's aspect on the Moon and Venus, there is no long life. Lagnain itself is weak. The major periods of the Moon, or Venus should cause death. But from navamsa Iagna and Karakamsa lagna it is the Moon who has to bring about the end. It took place in the subperiod of Jupiter in the m4jor period of the Moon. Jupiter is afflicted by Saturn, the lord of the twelfth from lagna situated in the twelfth from the Moon. The native had an attack of cerebral thrombosis in Jan. 1972 and lay unconscious for nearly two months. Blood and the circulatory system come under Sun. tlere the Sun is conjunct Saturn in lagna which refers to the head, while the Sun rules the heart, Kuja also governs blood and all forms of inflammation. Kuja aspects Budha who governs the brain and who is in the twelfth from lagna. In Amsa again Kuja aspects the Moon, Mercury, and Jupiter, while he himself is aspected by Saturn. The Moon presides over the
modulla oblongata, and he is afflicted by the lord of the eighth and by the lord of the twetfttr, Uranus. Shani refers to the accumulation of toxins in the blood. Most of the afflictions centre round blood only. From lagna the Moon as the lord of the fifth afflicted the chesh and the fourth (heart) lord is in the twelfth, while the Sun is afflicted by Saturn. As per our ayanamsa, the attack came in Chandra-Guru-Shukra which ended on Feb. b, 1972, and death came in the Vidasa of the Moon during the subperiod of Jupiter in the Moon. It was from Feb. 29, lg72 to Aprii 9, 1972. This analysis shows how complicated an interpretation can be to many astrologers, and how an unsuspecting lord of the lagna can cause death during his subperiod. 15. Ilaematemesis This is a spontaneous haemontrage from some part of the stomach. Usually the liver or intestines are affected. l. Kqia associated with a malefic in 7; 2. Chandra aspected by a malefic from a cruel sign is in 6. (The cruel signs are those owned by Kuja and Shani). 5. Chandra in 7 associated with a malefic and Kuja. 4. Kuja in a cruel sign which is 6 and aspected by a cruel planet (Ravi, Kuja, Shani). 5. Chandra and Kuja in Karka, or Karka lagna with Kuja. 14. Indigestion, Colic, Gastritis
|. Kuja in l-agna, sixth lord weak. 2. Rahu or a malefic in lagna, Shani in 8. 5. [,ord of lagna in an inimical, debilitated sign, Kuja in 4, and Shani aspected by a malefic (lagna will be Simha, Makara or Kumbha). 4. lnrd of lagna with lords of 2 and 4. 5. Association of the lords of 2, 4 and 7. 6. Chandra in 6 associated with malefics.
7. Budha in 5 from lagna or from atmakaraka. 8. Curu associated with the lord of lagna and is with the lord of 4 or 8. 9. Guru in 5 or 6 which must be a watery sign. lO. Chandra and Kuja in lagna. I l. Chandra in Vrischika lagna. 12. Chandra with a malefic in l, 6 to 8. 15. Chandra and Shukra in 6 or 8; or Chandra in lagna and Shani in 5. 14. Dxchange of houses by lords of 6 and 12. 15. Kuja in l, 5 or 8 associated with a malefic-also piles and dysentery. 16. Quru in 5 associated with Shani or Rahu, or Curu in 5 with Kuja and waning Moon. 17. Lords of I and 8 with Curu in 6. f 5. Dianhoea or Vomiting
l. Shukra assoicated with a malefic in 6. 2. Mangal in 6 associated with malefics. 3. Budha and Rahu in lagna, whose Kuia and Shani are ln 7. 16. Amoebiasis l. Shani and Rahu in 2, and Guru must be associated with a malefic. 2. I.ord of 6 in 8. 5. Rahu or Ketu in 4 or 5 from l{arakamsa, or Rahu in 8 from Karakamsa. 4. Curu in 5 associated with a malefic, and aspected by the lord of 8. 17. Dysentery l. Lagna or its lord in Mina navamsa. 2. Moon in 6 assoicated with a malefic and Shukra in 7. 5. Shukra in 7 assoicated with a malefic.
4. Guru with lord of lagna in 6, 8 or t2. 5. Kuja associated with a milefic in 6, 8 or 12. 6. Waning Moon aspected by a strong Kuja while Shani is in 8 - Piles or Fistula, or Hernia. 7. Waning Moon in 8 aspected by Shani. 8. [,ord of lagna wih Kuja and Budha in 6, 8 or 12, or they are in 12. 9. Shani in lagna, and Moon in 6 or aspected by Kuja. lO. L,ord of lagna in 8 associated with a malefic. I l. Shani in 8 - Piles. 12. Malefic lord of 8 in 7 aspected by its foe. 15. Lord of lagna and Kuja with Shani in Mina. 14. Shani in I and Kuja in 7. 15. Malefic lords of 7 and B in 6, 8 or 12. 16. Sun in l, ShaniinT, and Kuja in Vrishchika.
tB. nernia
l. lords of l, 6, 8 and 12 related to each other. 2. Dighth house and its lord associated with a malefic. 5. lords of l, 5, 8 and 12 related to each other. 4. Rahu in Simha, Ravi with second lord Shani in 5. t9. Diabetes
l. Shukra in a watery sign or with the owner of awatery sign, is placed in 7 or 8 associated with a malefic. fle may be in 6 or 12, or he has papakartari. 2. Sixth house or its lord is afflicted in a watery sign or has papakartari. Curu and Shukra are generally involved together in diabetes. 2O. Prostrate Gland
l. Chandra in a watery sign, the lord of Janma Chandra in 6 and Chandra aspected by a planet in a watery sign.
2. A malefic in 6, 7 or I and the seventh is in cruel shasthyamsa. 5. Shani in 7 aspected by Rahu 4. Shukra in a fiery or airy sign is debilitated or is in 6, A, 12. 5. Kuja in 7 aspected by an unfavourable planet. 6. Shukra is lord of B from Chandra and is in 6 which must be a watery sign.
5 . Ravi, Kuja, Shani and Rahu in Lagna. 4 . Shukra in lagna with a malefic or is in Papakartari,
Lagna must be owned by the enemy of Shukra.
5 . Ravi and Rahu in 5, or Chandra and Kuja in Kanya. 6 . Shukra with Mandi in l,7, 8, L2 or 2. 22.Pr:ameha Exessive sex or venereals give rise to this disease. .lt appears as pain in the loins, urinary trouble and functional impotancy. l. Kavi in I and Kuja in 7. 2. Ravi, Shukra and Shani associated with 5. 5. Shukra in 8 associated with a malefic. 4. Shukra in 6 with two malefics 5. Kuja in lO associated with Shani.
5. [,ord of the navamsa occupied by the lord of lagna should have Shani. Rahu and Mandi. 6. Shani and Kuja in 8.
24. Rheumatism
Joints and nerves come under Budha. Chandra and Kuja also have to say something here. l. Shukra in B aspected by a malefic - also for diabetes or consumption. 2. Shani in lagna, Kuja in 5, 7 or lO. Note Budha also. 5. Shukra in l, 6 or l2 associated with a malefic. Applies to Budha also. 4. Shukra and Kuja, or Budha and Kuja in l2 aspected by malefics. r 5. Waning Moon and Shani or Budha in 12. 6. 7. . 8. 9. Shani in 5 from lagna or from karakamsa. Combust Chandra aspected by Shani. Ravi, Kuja and Shani in 6. Weak Moon with Kuja, Budha, Shani or Rahu in 6 or 12.
26. Mental
These require a careful study. We present an analysis of the lower and higher minds. Houses 5, 5 and 9, planets like the Moon and Budha have to be examined. We start with a general analysis of the types of mind. Then we offer some illustrations, and at the end deduce some conclusions. The fifth house refers to the mind. The purity of mind can be learnt from the 9th. The l2th refers to mental
agitation and wretchedness. The Sun governs mental purity. The Moon governs the disposition of the mind. Mercury rules over wisdom. Aries governs the head and so is the lst house of a chart. Virgo is a mental sign and so it is the 6th house. The brain and nerve centres come under Aries. Taurus rutes cerebellum. The brain derangement comes from Aries. The Sun rules the brain, cerebellum, and blood, Mars controls the cerebral hemispheres. Mercury rules the nerves. The house of diseases is the 6th. One has to consider the lord of the 6th, the aspects on the 6th, and the tord of the Navamsaoccupied by the lord of the 6th. We have also to consider the relationship between the lord of the ascendant and the owner of the 6th. The mental peculiarities are to be known from the Moon. The weak Moon in the l2th with Saturn is likely to bring about insanity. The judgement of mentality and of nervous reactions depend to a great extent on Mercury. The Moon refers to faulty reasoning and one can become fussy. Mercury is diffusive and nervous. Venus is indecisive. indefinite and never satisfied. Mars is foolhardy, impatient, restless, thoughtless, and pugnacious. Saturn is depressive, dogmatic, dull, and fearful. Severe afflictions are involved in cases of insanity. Mars afflicts the mental rulers, and.Uranus does so in the case of one of the luminaries. Usually Mars is found in the 5rd house, and in dangerous cases he is in a watery sign. The Moon and Mercury are generally in malefic aspects to Mars or Uranus. The Sun too gets afflicted. Where there is confinement, the l2th house is involved. The degrees susceptible to mental afflictions are 29o Leo and Aquarius. Ceorge lll had four planets in the l2th opposed to Uranus. The Moon is afflicted in the 6th by Mars and Uranus. In another instance we notice Pisces rising, with Mercury and Venus in the l2th along with Saturn. The Sun is with Uranus in the l2th, while the Moon is in the 5rd with Mars. A third example gives Saturn conjunct Jupiter in L,eo29o opposed to Neptune on the cusp of the Bth. Mars is in the 5rd with a square to the Moon.
Uranus refers to abnormality, changefulness, perversity, and eccentricism. Neptune can make'one hypersensitive, deceptive, unstable, sentimental, and subversive. These factors have to be borne in mind while judging mental condition. Cemini, Libra, and Aquarius are intellectual signs. Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces are emotional, sensitive, and unstable. Aries is impulsive. Gemini refers to nervous complaints and psychological troubles. Nervous ailments come under Sagittarius while Capricorn refers to diseases which limit the native. Mental deficiency is related to the 5rd house. If satum is in the Srd and is afflicted by its ruler, there is trouble. Qenerally Venus is square to Mars or Saturn. The last degiee of the fixed signs is usually involved. The Sun in the 5rd refers to mental pursuits. The Moon in this place can explain the insufficient continuity of mental application, and changeful ideas. The 5rd is the mental house. The other houses that relate to the mind are the I st. the 5th and the 9th. The higher mind is denoted by the 9th while the lower comes under the 5rd. The 6th also has a reference to the mind. The Sun gives, if well placed, will-power and individuality. The Moon has a changeable and plastic nature. The mental ruler is Mercury. When the Moon is afflicted in the 5rd by Mercury, Saturn, or Mars, there may be'mental aberrations like insanity and mania. Mercury governs the mind, memory, intellect, intelligence, desire, and knowledge. ile is the chief indicator of all kinds of mental aberrations and nervous disorders. An ill-dignified or ill-aspected Mars makes one impulsive and fickle. According to western astrology, Uranus refers to hallucinations and mental delusions, while Neptune controls brain troubles, delusions, hypochondria, obsession, and insanity. We may for the time being ignore these two planets because there is still uncertainty about their influences on individuals. The 6th house refers to sickness. We have to consider the planet in this house, the sign on the cusp of the 6th, its
lord, and the aspects to it. The nature of the disease is to be determined by the Bth house, the planet in it, the aspect to it, its lord, and the 22nd drekkana which falls in it. In cases of insanity, there should be severe afflictions. Mars in a watery sign in the 5rd is most dangerous. The aspects between the Moon and Mercury must be adverse. Cenerally the Sun is afflicted. The last degrees of Leo and Aquarius are usually involved. George III had four planets on the cusp of the l2th, opposite Uranus. The Moon is afflicted by Mars and Uranus. Melancholy which precedes insanity follows the affliction of the Moon or Venus by Saturn. It may arise in the signs ruled by Jupiter. But the 5rd house is generally involved. The watery signs make one moody. Capricorn is to be a significant indicator. Saturn should be afflicted, and so should be Virgo. Mercury is capable of impairing the memory. Before we proceed further let us look into some illustrations. The positions are given according to the Nirayana system of Lahiri. But the balance of the planet's period at birth is given as per Raman's ayanamsa. The Chart l8 deserves notice. The ascendant is with Saturn and it is not exactly aspected by any. The lord of the
18. SagittariusL.agnalO.8 and Satum 1.25; Pisces Moon 7.7 and Uranus (Rl 17.4; Aries-Rahu 21.35; Taurus Jupiter 25.6; Cancer Venus 29-28; Leo e.lo; Virgo sun 5.o; Mars25.56, Mercury i;:#:"
5rd, house, of the lower mind, aspects it, and there is a certain animality about the native. The 5th is eclipsed by Rahu. The lord of the Sth is with a malefic. Only the lord of the 9th has the aspect of the lord of the Bth. The mental planet Mercury is conjunct Mars, lord of the 5th; and Mercury is a malefic, aspected by Jupiter. In the major period of Mercury, the sub-lord being Mars, he lost balance of mind; and in Ketu he left his home and his whereabouts are still not known. When the major period of Ketu began, he became a self-appointed exile. He has powerfulJupiter in the 6th. The 5rd is afflicted by Saturn. The 5th has Rahu. The 9th is unaspected. The mental planet is conjunct Mars, and the relieving feature is the aspect'of Jupiter. But the major period is that of Venus, lord of the 6th and the I lth situated
in the 8th which is a hidden one. There are slight chances of his recovery. But these may occur at the end of the major period of Venus. The position of Saturn in the ascendant indicates possession by a ghost, even if Saturn is in the l2th Bhava. Jupiter's aspect on Saturn can still save the native. The l9th chart is interesting. The Moon as lord of the Sth occupies the lower mind aspected by Saturn. Both the
' Chart 19. Pisces lagna 28; Taurus Moon I l; Leo Rahu 15; Scorpio Saturn 5; Saglttarius Sun 25, Mars 25, Mercury 15; Capricorn Venus 22; AquariusJupiter 18, Ketu 18.
Moon and Saturn are conjoined in the 5th from Navamsa Lagna. The lord of the 5rd is aspected by Saturn and the two are together in Navamsa. In the first chart there is Saturn, ruler of the lower mind in the lst, without receiving any aspects. The lord of the 5th is in the 5th conjunct Mercury, aspected by Jupiter. The Sun receives asPects of Satum and the Moon. These are ominous. ln the second chart, lord of the Sth is in the lower mind aspected by Saturn. They are in exact conjunction, The 5th house is aspected by the lord of the 5rd. This person became mad in the sub-period of Mercury in his own major period. Chart is an interesting chart. The ascendant is The 2Oth_ well aspected by Saturn and Jupiter. This is a saving feature
Chart 20. Aries Lagna 15.27; Taurus Mars 4.5; Cancer Rahu 6.2O; Libra - Saturn (R) 2O.59; Sagittarlus Moon 25.40, Jupiter 25.41; Aquarius - Venus 26. I l; PiscesSun 5.12, Mercury 18. |.
and it prevented the native from permanent insanity. The 5rd lord being in the 9th with its own lord has made him throughout religious and spiritual. In Rahu Dasa he became normal in the sub-period of Venus. The Srd house is well protected. The 6th and the 9th are well afflicted' The 2lst chart is that of a person who was mad for a short time and who in a fit of madness tried to kill his wife
Chart 21. Taurus Lagna 18.56 with Rahu 14.57; Cemini - Mercury I1.49, Sun 19.46, Venus 2O.4O; lo Neptune 4.21; Scorpio Satum (R) 2l-3; Capri' com Moon 1O.55; PiscesUranus 4.29; Aries Jupiter 12.16.Mars 15,15.
and children. The 5rd house is protected by the Moon. The 6th is afflicted by Mars. The 9th is troubled by Saturn. The lord of the 5th is badly disposed. The 22nd chart indicates insanity arising from a love
Chart22. tagna Gemini 16. l5; Leo Neptune 5.5O, Venus 15.25; Virgo Sun 2O.l5; Mars 25.15; Llbra
has malefic influence of Venus. The lord of the 2nd is conjunct Uranus in the house of happiness. This happened in the major period of Saturn who is in the 4th. This in itself is revealing. The 24th chart is that of a brilliant young boy, an M.Sc. His Srd has the volatile Moon aspected by fiery Mars. The
Chart 24. Lagna C-apricom 17.2O; Aquarius Mercury lO.9; Sun 25.19, Uranus 24.40; Pisces Moon 8.24; Aries Venus 4. l4; Cancer Neptune 25.51; Leo Rahu 8.54; Libra Saturn (R) 9. l; Scorpio JupL ter 25.44; Sagittarius l{arc 7.2O.
lord of the 5th is in the 4th aspected by retrograde Satum. Mercury is conjunct Ketu. The mqjor period of the Sun began in November 1977 and there \^/asno hope. Thus a number of charts reveal the significators of mental troubles. We have here omitted the minor ones among such trouble-makers. Aberrations For a long time an esoteric group of astrologers divined the psychic phenomena on principles which they did not
care to divulge. This tradtion affected subsequent astrologers who felt that the nativity is valuable only as providing a symbolic representation of the mental or psychic life. One is almost tempted to remember the emphasis on the mental symptoms given by leading homoeopaths.Carl Jung utilised the horoscopic charts for a diagnosis of the currents and cross-currentsin the inward life of an individual. These studies are valuable no doubt; but they tend to overemphasise one aspect and to consider it as the only valuable aspect. Mithuna, Thula and Kumbha are known as airy signs. They govern the mental and humane aspects. They constitute a triangle of harmony, equilibrium and peace. The afflictions to these must be carefully noted. At times the mental aberrations are due to the over-indulgenceof the animal in man; and here our pointers are the bestial signs known as Mesha, Vrishabha, Simha, Dhanus and Makara. A weak constitution on the other hand is implied by the afflicted Kataka, Makara and Meena. In most cases of mental aberrations we find the food consumed being converted into bile. Consequently we have also to examine the signs governing certain parts of the body. Thus the fiery and cardinal signs rule the head, the watery and the cardinal signs have a control over the stomach, and the common signs have much to say about the nervous system. The watery signs have an influence on the lower mind. To be more specific Aries refers to the head and brain, Cemini to the blood, Cancer to the digestive organs, Scorpio to the genitals, Sagittarius to the nerves, Aquarius to the circulation of blood, and Pisces to the lymphatic system. Coming to the planets, the Sun rules over the blood and brain, while the Moon governs the stomach and the lymphatic system. Mercury refers to the brain, wind and nervous system. Mars controls the bile and the muscular system. Jupiter has sway over blood, liver and arteries. The nerve fluids, membranes of the brain and the nervous disorders are supposed to be regulated by Uranus. Even Neptune is taken to have power over the brain. When Aries becomes the ascendant,we have to look to the condition of the head, stomach and kidneys. Taurus as
ascendant inclines to apoplexy. Gemini is prone to nervous disorders and mental overstrain besides the impurity of blood. Cancer tends to hypochodria, to a morbid disposition. All irregularities of the digestive system are traceable to Virgo. Libra points to the head and to the stomach as the two possible sources of trouble. Sagittarius has a tendency to bring about disorders of the nervous system and of the blood circulation. At times Aquarius inclines to nervous disorders. We can also separate the various parts of the brain and assign each to a planet. The Moon has a power over the cerebrum, Jupiter over the mid-brain, and the Sun oVer the oblongata medulla. This account complicates the study of mental aberrations. It makes it evident that we do not have an easy path in pronouncing a judgment on the mental condition of the native. Before we proceed further it is better to look into a few nativities; for it is the actual horoscopes of those who had or have these aberrations that can help us in our study. A person was born in the seventh month of conception. Such persons normally are over-intelligent or mentally weak. This native has a weak mind. The ascendant is affliNep.R I
SaniR. 11 Sun14 Mer25 Jup24 Ven 1 Uran3 Mars5 Lagna3
cted. Though the Moon is in the 6th bhava he conveys a morbid hypochondria to the house of health which is a nervous sign, receptive and weak. The mental aberrations emanate from the l2th house whose lord is rendered ineffective if not positively harmful.
Chart 26 belongs to a person who was insane just for a month and who thereafter committed suicide. The ascendant as such is opposed to any strong mental obsessions. Still it is afflicted by Saturn (ruler of the 6th) and Neptune.
Uranus 2.
8 6 Lagna15 Shani 29
Ven 24
Mer20 Mars8
The lord of the 5th is in a terribly weak sign, while the Sth is well fortified by Venus who, however, catches the evil eye of Uranus. The lower mind is affected; and it was suppressed remorse following a deep awareness of guilt that has resulted in the aberration here. The sign controlling ill health receives the powerful rays of the planets ruling the lower mind, the cerebral disturbances and the accumulation of bile. 27th belongs to a nymphomaniac.Such persons have an impulsive, wayward streak so characteristic of the animal spirits. The ascendnat is an animal sign subjected to the
Nlep 1
Sani10 Moon25
Venus MarsR 13 Lagna 10 Uran12 JupR
opposing rays of Mars and Venus. The former is reinforced by the aspect of Saturn. The 2nd house acquires a purely animal character in a nymphomaniac's nativity. Jupiter afflicted by Uranus has affected the mid'brain. The brain and the mind are subjected to the larger impulses emanating from the oblongata medulla as revealed by the conjunction of Sun and Mercury in the 8th house where they receive the malefic aspects of Mars and Saturn. Saturn as the lord of the 6th has contaminated the cerebrum. Mars has converted the Venusian passion into a felt or imagined virtue. Chart 28 also is that of a nymphomaniac. flere the lord of the 9th is in the 6th, while the Venusian lower mind has
Nep29 Moon5 Sani20 Sun9 MerS Ven23
Lagna 5
Uranus 2
tone to a nervous sign. The animality of Scorpio ge[s a support from Saturn who is again in an animal sign. The 29th chart is an interesting one in that it shows the brain derangement clearly. The derangement arose after the
S.n tt4erc Ven Shani Mars l4na
fourteenth year. The 5th house is deserted. Its lord is in Piscesthereby accentuating the impulsive and nervous dispositions. tlere the Sun is hemmed in by a variety of planets that do not augur well for the equilibrium is upset by the position of the Moon in Libra where he is opposed to Mars. The 5Oth chart is that of a young man who has taken a degree in science and who was upset in his twenty-fourth
Uran 5 Guru 4
Rahu 29
Moon 8
Nep 5 Sukra
Ketu29 11 Shani
Budha 23
Mars 23 Sun20
year, roughly in the sub-period of Venus during the major period of Jupiter. The sign Qemini itself is nervous and amphibious. Its lord has gone over to a cardinal sign, indicating disturbances in the cerebellum. The lord of the 6th has occupied the place of happiness with the lord of the lower mind; and here they get the malefic rays of Jupiter which are capable of upsetting the blood and the liver. The 5l st chart belongs to a person who undenvent a mental deVen 12
Mars 22 Nep25
Moon 20
Ketu 23
rangement aftet a serious financial loss which synchronised with the birth of his only son. Note the location of Sun and Mercury with Rahu in a watery sign. Mercury is afflicted by Saturn who transmits the affliction emerging from Mars. The retrograde Jupiter has heightened the imaginative association of the Sun with the loss. The S2nd chart is that of a male born immediately after a lunar eclipse. This person is haunted by visions of hanging. The nervous sign controlling
Nep R15 Lagna 27
the blood is rising, practically unaspected by any. The lord is in the common nervous sign along with the lord of the l2th. The past remains a perrnanent feature of the present, and it obstructs or prevents the present happiness. The rays from the lord on the 6th fall on these two, while the 6th is powerfully aspected by Saturn. All these afflictions proceed from Aquarius, a sign of unconventional revolt against the reactionary trends of the present and of the immediate past. The 55rd chart is that of a business magnate who relied upon his nearest relatives; these relatives finally betrayed him. There resulted an obsession of being poisoned. The lord of the 5th and the 6th are conjunct in the watery twelfth. The lord of the 5rd has gone over to another watery sign which is also very receptive, weak and nervous. The lord of happiness has come over to the 2nd, but Jupiter is ill placed receiving the Saturnine affliction from a bestial sign. The impulsive charater is heightened by the affliction of the arscendant from Mars and Satum. It was in the last one-third of Mercury's major period that these afflictions (
Venus 17 Ketu 2
Shani I
Guru4 Mars12
Rahu 2
began unfolding in his life. The 54th chart is that of a great friend of Wagner, I-,ouis II of Bavaria, who committed suicide when he was mad. The ascendant is a common sign,
Uranus R20 NepR4 Mars R4
Shani R24
Guru 21
Moon 14
Lagna 17
Sun 11 Merc7 Venus9
left unaspected. The lord of the 2nd has come to the l2th receiving the affliction of the lord of the 6th from a nervous point. This Mars in turn has spoilt the Sun and the 4th house. The 55th chart belongs to a mentally defective person who lacked moral sense greatly. He used to attempt marvellous tricks, though he was failing in them. Still the mental aberration gave him an uncanny power. The ascendant is an animal sign badly afflicted by Neptune and Jupiter, all these also receiving the aspect of Mars. ln this struggle of the ascendant, the Sun is crushed, and the lord is relegated
Merc 7
Mars 26 35
Uranus R33
Shani R27
to the Martian l2th. The 5th house has Saturn, but receives Mars, it being a very receptive sign. The horoscope becomes then self-explanatory. The 56th chart is that of a woman who was unable to smell fruit. She could eat neither
Nep 15 Moon 6 Merc 1 Uran 1 Sun 22
Mars 21 36 Vonus 7
Lagna 10
Shani I Guru 27
fruit nor vegetables. She used to feel unwell when any of these happened. The sign Libra lost its equilibrium because of the Martian aspect from the lOth. The lord of the loth takes refuge in the watery Pisces, the 6th from the ascendant. This has resulted in a certain sensitivity to anything referring to the lymphatic system. The instability is further 'heightened by the location of Jupiter in Virgo, another 'common sign. The lord of the 4th and the 5th has fallen a victim to the aquatic influences of Pisces; and the olfactory nerves have been upset, resulting in mental aberrations of a far-reaching nature.
Now we can safely proceed to consider certain basic principles involved in these and similar cases. The opposition of the Sun and the Moon is a psychically important position. Particularly on an eclipse day it is a dangerous portent of mental instability. Sun's conjunction with Saturn is critical and unfavourable indicating a tendency to mental depression. A square between Mercury and Venus tends to separate the thinking principle forcibly, while Mercury's opposition to Jupiter involves a psychic conflict. A square or opposition of Mercury to the ascendant tends to accentuate nervous disorders. Planets in the 5rd house, ruler of the 5rd, planets in common and cadent houses, Moon and Mercury are the general indicators of mental aberrations. Mercury gov6rns the pure intellect, while the Moon has a sway over the brain and concrete mind. The Srd house indicates the lower mind, the 9th the higher mind, the 6th the sub-conscious mind, and the l2th the hidden or the unconsciousmind. When the Moon and Mercury are in common signs without any association of any other planet, when these two do not aspect th ascendant, and when they are aspected by malefics, we find mental instability. lf it is Saturn who afflicts them we get melancholia. Some charts illustrate this. When the affliction comes from Jupiter and Mars, there is religious mania. When there are many aspects to such a Mercury, even if they are malefic, it is better since an unaspected Mercury tends to lack of balance. The worst possible affliction to Mercury arises from a conjunct SaturnMars, or from Uranus. In such a case there is insanity, nervous breakdown, obsession. Charts reveal the afflictions from Saturn or from Mars transmitted through one another. All these aspects must fall within the orb of eight degrees only. In a day map when Mercury or the ascendant is malefically aspected by Mars, and in a night map when Saturn has a malefic aspect on Mercury or the ascendant, then also there will be a mental aberration. The result in such cases is manifest glaringly when these afflicted signs are watery signs. Sometimes a mental aberration proceeds
from the conjunction of Sun and Moon in the house of Saturn. This is slightly revealed in chart 52. At times the opposition between the Sun and the Moon, if one of them occupies a house of Mars, is an ominous portent. All these are minimised when there is a benefic aspect coming from Jupiter or Venus. Jupiter in the ascendant in opposition to Mars; Saturn in the ascendant having Mars in theTth or in a trine; Saturn in the ascendant with Sun in the l2th and with Moon or Mars in a trine; the lord of the 5rd combust or in the 6th from his debilitation with malefic aspects; Saturn and the waning Moon in the l2th - these are additional factors giving rise to mental aberrations. Some of these are amply illustrated by some charts. When Saturn and the lord of the 2nd are with malefics, the aberration is due to wind trouble. When the malefic here is the Sun, the derangement is brought about by the action of the authorities. When the malefic is Mars, the aberration arises from the accumulation of bile. When the Sun and the Moon are in the ascendant and trines, there can be a mental aberration if Jupiter is in a square, if the time of birth is governed by Mars or Saturn, and if the day is Tuesday or Saturday. When the Moon and Saturn are conjunct with the ascendant and aspected by Mercury, then too one can speak of a mental crisis. The mental aberration which arises of results from a state of being haunted or possessed requires the conjunction of a powerless Moon with Saturn in the Bth, or the conjunction of Saturn and Rahu in the ascendant. In all mental aberrations there is a prior state of intense mental activity; and during the derangement this activity becomes onesided. This disproportion affects the body, the nerves, joints, vision and the like. Consequently one has to look into the nativity for all these. Thus we cannot omit Saturn, the planet of stability, patience, seriousness, contemplation and mediation. Nor can we ignore the animal and instinctual aspect expressed by the Moon, or the moral side indicated by the Sun. Mercury has something to say about the imagination and the optic nelve' The eccentrics are found to be ruled by Uranus. While the ascendant refers to the physical body, the Moon to the etheric, Mars and
Venus to te astral or desire body, Saturn and Mercury to the mind body, and Jupiter to the causal body or individuality. 'norEver since the advent of Sigmund Freud, even a mal' individual is said to possess some germs of insanity, more or less like the Tubercular bacillae. Any activity that is repeatedly done without any apparent or conscious reason is taken as the widest possible definition of the word by the Psycho-analysts. Washing the hands too often, observing meaninglessly at a thing without end, or anything that can be taken as a symptom of restlessness, comes under this. Clear cases of madness are well known. Hysteria in women is too common. The Sun govems blle, Moon rules wind and phlegm, and Mercury all the three. Jupiter and Venus govern phlegm, while Saturn and Venus preside over wind. Insanity is the peculiar prerogative of Moon and Mercury, and of the lagna and the sixth. Contact with Rahu turns it to be a case of obsession. The afflictions of the malefics too play a prominent part. Proc.eeding on this b-bsis, we may note a few more lmportant points. The fifth is the house of intellect and the 'push'. Most cases of insanity reveal third that of valour and that the native rvas unable to bear a particular shock or experience. That sets in the derangement of the brain. This unbearability pre-supposes a certain want of courage. As such the third house too should be carefully examined along with the fifth. In a few cases, the nature of the wife seems to be the prime cause, and consequently the seventh house is to be examined in conjunction with the ascendant. In those cases which are the results of Abhicharika Kriyas, the ninth and the twelfth require analysis. Above all, the sixth and the eighth houses, being the houses of personal happiness, must be scrutinised. By the house one has to take only the cusps. Coming to the planets, the Sun rules blood and brain, will and courage. The Sun must be strongly placed to avoid the stroke of lunacy. Since madness consists in easy receptivity and assimilation, the Moon too requires attention.
Mercury governs the brain and mind, along with nervous and mental disorders. Uranus presides over the nerve fluids, membranes of brain and spinal cord, nervous disorders and incurable complaints. A strong Neptune can counteract these fits of lunacy. Equally so is the Sun, who has more sway over faintings. The Moon brings in the inflammations of the brain and convulsions. Mars accentuates all the solar diseases, while Saturn accentuates the lunar diseases. Saturn has much to do with mental depression. Brain comes under Aries. Qemini controls nervous disorders, restlessness and mental overstrain. A Cancerian can be easily hypnotised for he has a weak will. Similar is the case with Scorpio, which, being a magnetic sign, easily attracts diseases. Nervous system as a whole belongs to Sagittarius. Pisces can bring forth insanity through excessive indulgence. Passingto some other considerations, we may note that these planets must not be badly afflicted. An afflicted Mercury is the most dangerous planet; more so if he happens to be in Cancer, Virgo or Pisces. When he is afflicted by Saturn he brings worry, fear, melancholy and want of self-confidence. When Mars afflicts there will be nervous affections of the head. When Uranus afflicts there will be nervous complaints, besides a muddled condition of the mind. Since Saturn rules the lower mind, he must be well placed. Since a good number of the cases of insanity are said to be due to 'Karma', we must pay particular attention to Moon and Mars who are the principal factors in making fate. Similarly we must examine Saturn and Mercury who combine both free will and desire in themselves. Thwarted ambitions and weakly developed will power too are responsible for lunacy. Sun vitalises both desire and wisdom. Since Jupiter combines thought and feeling, he must be free from afflictions. Uranus completely governs will while Neptune controls feeling, desire, emotion and imagination. Finally, we may say that while the Sun influences the character, the Moon affects personality. This account of the astrological considerations involved in lunacy might seem lunatic. But it points at last to Lhe fact
that lunacy is too complicated an affair. lt embraces a vast field. Even a genius has a bit of the lunatic in him. And as Shakespeare said, the poet, the lover and the lunatic agree in their imagination. We have to examine a good deal before we arrive at some decision. To facilitate this, we propose to give some select examples of the important types of lunacy. The next chart is a typical case where insanity proper has not stepped in; but all the preparations are ready. The Ascendant is the nervous Gemini with Moon, who is the souUranus
Lagna Moon
rce of all human trouble. This person easily receives ideas and has no brain whatsoever to think for himself. The lord of the ascendant and of the intellect is Mercury who is hemmed in between Mars and Venus in the third house. tte is a great coward having much animality. The fifth house has the lord of the eighth, who afflicts not only Jupiter, but also Sun and Neptune. And a powerful Saturn in the fifth is as bad as a powerful Jupiter in the seventh, especially in Gemini. The lords of the sixth and the twelfth are highly afflicted. But Jupiter, being in his own house, and having a true degree aspect, is able to save the situation a little so far. But he represents the missing link between sanity and insanity. Note also that most insane people are fond of money. So we find here the'Dhanakaraka' exercising influence over the ascendant.
Equally typical is chart No. 58. The ascendant is afflicted by Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter and Neptune. All theMars Venus
Lag Sun Uoon Nep Merc Jup
se have powerful sway over the mind and brain. To add to that Mars is aspecting them, while Uranus, the source of trouble, is in the sixth. This person is mentally defective. lle has no moral sense like the above person. He attempts marvellous tricks but invariably fails. tlere the ascendant is responsible for all the agony. The 59th is an important case of epilepsy. The twelfth house is totally spoilt with Mars and Neptune, the two
Satum Venus
Mars Neptune
Mercury Sun 39
jarring planets. They bring in the inflammations of the brain. They are aspected by the debilitated Jupiter, who also afflicts the Moon. Above all Uranus has spoiled the third house and also its lord by having a true degree
opposition. It did not resolve itself Into a clear case of insanity because Mercury is actually in the cusp of the eighth house. Still, the lord of the fifth is afflicted by Saturn, who rules the lower mind. Chart 4O is an interestlng case. The indivldual was bom two weeks before time. Consequently his formation is defective, and nerves weak as is clear from the positions of
Sun Merc Mars Venus Legna
Neptune Satum
.lO Jupitr
Moon Uranus
Mercury, Saturn, Moon and Uranus. Mars and Uranus power' fully afflict one another. Moon is completely spoilt. The ascendant is dominated by the lower mind. Jupiter in the third brought forth the necessary timidity. The position bf Mercury also reveals that his weak mind is largely the result of his mother's character and nature. The lady (Chart 4l) has a typical mental obsession. She is terribly afraid of solltude. She cannot remain alone. She
Neptuno Moon
41 Jupitsr
satum Venug
wants some one to be with her always. Here as usual Mercury is afflicted by Sun and Mars. But the most important factors are Venus-Saturn affliction, and Uranus-Jupiter affliction. Venus is the lord of the house of intellect. fle is in association with the planet of the lower mind in the house of personal happiness, thus depriving her of comfort and ease. Mars has a true degree aspect of l-.agna, himself being the lord of the sixth. From the house of the Moon, Uranus has a true degree opposition to Jupiter who is already debilitated. This affliction of the second, seventh and eighth house is responsible for her fear of solitude. Another case of obsession is Chart 42. tle is always haunted by visions of hangings. Unfortunately he was born soon after the lunar eclipse. The ninth house is spoilt by Moon, Mars and Saturn, one of them being the lord of the ascendant. These three are in the sensitive sign, Pisces.
Moon Mars Saturn Neptune
42 Uranus
Mars and Saturn are almost on the same degree too. The third house spoils both Mercury and Venus. There is no aspect to the L.agna.The debilitated third is most mischievous. Equally so are the lords of the fifth, of the lower mind and of the animal mind in the ninth. Chart 43 is a gentleman who is haunted by the idea that every one is intent on poisoning him. He changes the dishes served to him. tle will take only that which the others take. Even then, he either tries to vomit the food, or swallow an antidote for the supposed
Mars Ketu Venus Moon Sun Mercury Lagna
Jupiter Rahu
poison. He is not rich; nor is he famous or beautiful. But the obsession did not leave him. The seventh lord and the lo;d of the lower mind is in the sixth. The sixth lord is in the fifth with Rahu, the poison. Mars is afflicting the house from Taurus. He suspects mostly his own wife; hence the positlons of Mars and Saturn are important. Moon is afflicted in the twelfth by Saturn. The lord of the Ascendant is in a weak and nervous sign. Chart 44 is that of a young boy who went mad recently due to an important and outrageous shock. Sometime in October last year, he was travellihg in the train which col' lided at Ongole station. The train disaster shocked him and upset his system. Dver since he was unfortunately off the lower mind, we note the incendiary Mars exalted with Venus.
Jupitt Rahu
Sun Mercury
Mars Vnus
Satum Ketu
Moon Lagna
It is the sixth house. The ascendant is afflicted by Moon, the lord of the twelfth house, the house of accidents. Mars is aspecting the twelfth and Lagna as well. Jupiter is not strong. Mars and Satum have interchanged their positions. To add to that Venus lords the third and Mars lords the ninth.
Neptun Uranus Satum
45 Jupiter Moon
A typical case of a genius and an artist tuming perverse is provided by Oscar Wilde (Chart 45). He is one of the few best literary artists of Dnglish. His "De Profundis", "Ballad of the Reading gag|., and "Lady Windermere's fan" stir us intensely. But it is all a satanic genius. We all know that he was convicted of rape and other things in France. That is to say there is something of animality, cruely and indecency in his mental make up. It is an illdirected mind and is often found in sexual neurotics. The house of the lower mind has unfortunately become the fifth. It is afflicted by a debilitated Jupiter, who is the lord of the seventh. The seventh and ninth are spoilt in this direction. Similarly the lord of the fifth is in the neryous tenth. The ascendant itself is sensitive and susceptible. The picture is complete with the Moon in the twelfth being afflicted by Saturn, who in tum is afflicted by the lord of the third. A similar case is found in a gentleman born in Viryo with Jupiter and Moon in the fifth (Chart 46), with Mars, Venus and Kethu in the twelfth. Here both Jupiter and Moon are spoilt. They have also afflicted the lord of ascendant, Mercury. The twelfth hguse is the worst.
Sun Satum
46 Moon Jupit6r
tle actually went mad twice and the main cause is only sexual hunger and the consequent loss of equilibrium. The sixth house has become too weak. To add to that SunSaturn combination in Qemini has brought forth asthmatic troubles too. Chart 47 reveals how lnsanity sometimes leads to suicide. The position of the Moon in the twelfth is exasperating when we note Mars and Mercury in the receptive third, being afflicted by Saturn.
Uranus 17 V6nus
Mars Mercury
The lord of the seventh and the lagna are controlled by Saturn, the lower mind. The aspect of Neptune from the sensitive Pisces hastened suicide. Another case of weak mind ls provided by a person born in the seventh month of pregnancy (Chart 48). Here
the lagna is afflicted by the incendiary and insane planets, Mars and Uranus. Sun and Mercury joined the lord of the sixth in the receptive Capricorn. Jupiter and Mercury have true conjunction. The lord of the fifth is in the sensitive Virgo having opposition with Moon, who is in another sensitive sign, the sixth. Besides, Saturn is retrograde. The third house again a house of the nervous system, is inhabiting a timid planet, while the fourth has the malefic aspect of Mars. Chart 49 is a typical case of fruit'obsession. She cannot eat fruit. She is simply unable to eat fruit. Just as the smell of a Jew made a Hazi sick, so the smell of fruit made her feel sick. She is terribly afraid of them. The ascendant is the receptive Scorpio. The animal mind, Moon, and the lower mind, Saturn, are aspecting one another from the sensitive
signs. Mercury is afflicted by Uranus in the nervous sign. The lords of the sixth and twelfth have met having a "papargala". The afflicted Saturn is spoiling the eighth. A similar case of flower-obsession occurred in an individual born in Virgo, having Jupiter in the fifth, Saturn in the seventh, Mars in the seventh, Moon and Rahu in the third and the rest in the fourth. Of course, here, the interchange of places between Jupiter and Saturn has not made him advance in this obsession. It only frightens him still, if flowers are thrown at him.
Vnus Sun Neptune Mercury
Moon Satum Moon
Charts 5O and 5l are cases of nymphomania. It is a mental disease revealing itself in constant sex hunger and thirst for ever fresh romance. In the first one the significant thing is the powerful disposition of Mars and Venus. Venus is exalted in the seventh and is having a true degree opposition with Mars. They are placed in sensitive and susceptible signs. But generally the Virgo natives are a bit shy and timid. They have ideas; but are afraid of translating them into action. More so when Jupiter dominates the ascendant. Consequently sex urge is great and unrepressible. Yet lack of the necessary courage resulted in mental derangement. To add to this, the Moon is eclipsed by the lord of the sixth, the lord of the lower mind. In the other one, we note the lords of 'Kama Trikonnas' - are in the third and ninth houses - two seventh, another Kama Trikona. lt is a nervous sign and these planets are inimically disposed to one another. They
afflict the lagna. The lord of the seventh is in the sixth. The twelfth lord is in the ninth. another Kama Trikona. These and the unfortunate position of the eighth house points out to the unrealised and unrealizable sex hunger. Hence as Freud says, the tendencies are repressed and consequently the mania set in. It iook the form of a mental disease. Chart 52 is that of a famous business magnate who has unfortunately gone mad at the age of sixty, after a glorious and flourishing tareer. fle believes that some one or other
Venus Sun Lagna 52
Moon Mercury
Mars Jupiter
is poisoning him. He feels that every one is attempting to rob him and make his children poor. At times he eats plenty. At other times he strarues himself. He feels that his children too are being poisoned. This is an interesting case where an obsession is aided by an Abhichara. lle started business with the co-operation of his brothers. He wanted to get rid of them when they began to be purely selfish and money-minded. Consequently there were many obstacles on his way. Finally he went mad two years back. Here the sixth house is the weak-minded, sensitive and receptive Cancer. There the lord of the third is debilitated' lle is together with the lord of the second. And the lord of the sixth is in the twelfth along with Mercury. It is already a receptive sign. The source of obsession came from the brothers. tle received it easily. The Abhichara from Rahu \ and Kethu aided it immenselY. Another case of obsession occurs in the highly sensitive Pisces (Chart 55). This lady is obsessed, of course by
visions of her husband's so-called immorality, which, as Freud would say, is nothing but her own wish to be immoral
Nptune Moon Lagna Jupitr Uranus
herself. The ascendant is dominated by the animal mind and the fifth by the lower mind. Mercury is with the lord of the sixth. The position of Jupiter in the third in conjunction with Uranus being aspected by Venus reveals that she is overcome by sex hunger; but she is too timid to act that way. Hence she was caught in mental derangement. The Interchange of houses between Mars and Venus is significant in this light. We can close this suruey of the types of lunacy with another case where an obsession and an Abhichara have played their part. (Chart 54). This is a Qraduate who passed with great merit and brilliancy. But he went mad. Note here
the tenth house. The inflammatory mind of Mars has joined the vital mind of the sixth lord. Both are affecting the Intellect of Mercury, Saturn, the lower mind is occupying the ninth aspecting Venus and Moon alike. Saturn is the lord of the twelfth. Besides he is afflicting Rahu also. From this survey we can distinguish the mind represented by the planets. The Sun stands for the vital mind, Moon for animal mind, Saturn for lower mind, Mars for the criminal and Mercuryfor the intellectual.Jupiter f,orthe timid, and Mercury and Uranus for the nervous. Moreover, the twelfth, third, fifth. sixth and ninth houses play a prominent part besides the ascendant. Jupiter in the third or at times in the ascendant seems to aggravateit. Rahu, Kethu, Saturn, the twelfth and the ninth houses along with the fifth have something to say regardlng Abhicharikas. As such it is all too complicated and requires a careful study, experience and exhaustive analysis. Sometimes the Upagrahas too cause this state of mind. For instance, Parivesha in the cusp of the third house is capable of bringing insanity. The counteracting influences for all these are a powerful Sun and a Jupiter well placed in a trine or the fourth and the tenth houses. Jupiter is too dangerous a planet to be understood easily. For instance, he is seen to make a Cemini immoral by staying in the seventh.jupiter is far better off in the sixth. fourth, tenth, fif,th and ninth houses. As such, one ought to be very careful and painstak' 'judgment' on the major issues. ing while pronouncing A case study of apparent schizophrenia is presented here (55).
17.4Uran Ratxr (B)7.7 21.33 Chandra
Gur n.6
Kehr Shari
56 Rasi Chart
IGfu 21.33
Budia Chandra
gives a balance of Sani's period yrs lS,Z.lZ. The other ayanamsa gives a balance of sani for years I1.6.t8. The chart is as per the former ayanamsa.
flere Uranus is within the orb of the Moon who governs the mind and feelings. The unsteady Mercury is conjunct Mars, aspected by Jupiter and Uranus. The lord of the lower mind is in lagna and is debilitated in navamsa. Saturn in lagna gives mood of depression and a feeling of personal insecurity or inadequacy. This started in this case by the middle of 1948 during Budha's major period, Moon-Uranus conjunction made him claim independence from parents and brothers. Mercury-Uranusopposition developed his.ec, centric behaviour. Mars-Uranusopposition made the temper explosive and wilfully impatient. As per the ayanamsaof Raivata paksha the symptoms of Schizophrenia first appeared in the sub-period of the Moon in Mercury, which started from May 7, 194A. The Moon is close to Uranus who aspects Mars, and through Mars the aspect of Uranus falls on Mercury. The Moon is the lord of the eighth situated in the fourth. The entire situation revolves round the hidden or secret parts, and the chart is contributed by the five bodies situated in the fourth and the tenth signs. The Sun is involved in the opposition and conjunction through the Moon. The mania for independence at the age of 19 is due to the Sun-Uranuspositions which drove him to the Verge of anarchy. The judgement became perverse and he worked out his own destruction. He became stubborn misguided and fickle. Virgo being involved, the nervous system broke down and because of the eighth house ownership of the Moon, the sex-instinct dominated in the Subperiod of Mars. The navamsa chart shows the seventh lord debilitated and conjunct Ketu. This led to his impotency in Rahu's subperiod and it aggravated insanity. Moon-Uranus conjunction brought about high emotional tension and a paralysis of the intellect. The fifth lord with the unstable Mercury in the isolated and sensitive sign
of Mercury is responsible for a nervous and mental breakdown. Early in March 1955 he turned violent. This was at the fag end of Guru's Sub-period. The sextile aspect of retrograde Uranus on Jupiter explains this. Mercury-Uranus opPosition made him self-willed and stubborn. He lived in his own world of illusions and makebelieve. , Mars-Uranusopposition is a dangerous one involving brutality. It was in the subperiod of Mars in Mercury that the first symptoms of schizophrenia violence appeared. Mars in an enemy's sign and with an enemy is the cause of the split In conciousness. Selfishness made him go his own way. During this sub-period and in that of Saturn he had to be chained. The ninth and fifth lord and the fifth house are afflicted. Medical treatment and remedial measures were of no avail. Arudha lagna falls in Libra which is afflicted, since he used to speak a language he never knew, during his insanity, it was thought that there is a case of possession-Rahu in the fifth aspected by Mars. The sixth lord at the fag end of the eighth sign aggravated this situation. Since the seventh house is also involved by way of Mercury, the wife is also greatly responsible for this insanity. During Rahu's sub-period in Ketu and again in Saturn's sub-period he was kept in an asylum, and it was of no availLate in 1968, during the sub-period of Mars in Venus his wife took him away; and nothing was heard of him since then. In this context let us have a look at the chart of his wife briefly. Her navamsa lagna is the sixth from her lagna, thus showing basic incompatibility between the husband and the wife. Her third house is afflicted heavily and therefore the ninth, the seventh lord and Venus are in the houses of their foes. In navamsa the third lord is in an enemy's house with Saturn. The Kalatra Karaka is with Rahu in amsa. Mars with Venus in the house representingthe character of a woman is ominous. tler Ketu-Shani appeared in the affliction of her husband. tler period of Venus, brought about the disaster. fler are husband's lagna and navamsa lagna too
1.Zt Uranus
Rahu 0.5 RasiChad 56 Shari 17.50 Ketu0.5 l.lep 19.14
in 6/8 relationship. The navamsa chart, as Parasharanoted, represents the partner. The wife's fifth house saved her from insanity; and her third house brought out the lower mind the sensuous mind. We now give some significant combinations for mental retardation, aberration and lunacy. l. Sun in l, Kuja in 7. 2. Shani in l, Kuja in 7. 5. Shani in l, Kuja in l, 5 or 9. 4. Shaniand Chandra in lagna Dhanus when Curu is in 5. 5. Chandra and Budha in a Kendra or In a malefic navamsa. 6. Chandra, Rahu and a malefic in 5, 8 or 12. 7. Ravi and Chandrain lagna,while Kuja and Shani are in 5 or 9. B. Guru or Shani in lagna,Kuja in 7. 9. Chandra with Shani br Ketu. lO. Chandra with Rahu or a malefic in 8, 9 or 12. Lord of lagna with Kuja and Budha in 4 or 12. 12. Rahu in 12, Shukra in 8, and Chandrawith a malefic. 15. Chandra with Rahu in 4,8 or 12 aspected by a malefic. ll.
5. Lords of I and 6 associated with Ravi' 4. Kuja in 6 and sixth lord in 8. 5. Lord of eighth in the eighth in a cruel shashtyamsa. 31. Kidney Shukra and Tula govern the kidneys. Second degree of fixed signs, tenth degree of Vrishabha and Vrishchika, ancl first degree of Simha and Kumbha are to be considered' Seventh house is important. In cases of kidney trouble Kanya and Tula are afflicted. 52. Cancer Cancer is a malign tumour, a malignant growth eating the part of the body it affects and it spreads. We will first examine the principles and analyse the charts of some persons affected by this deadly disease' One of the deadliest diseases is cancer' It is a malignant tumour eatinig a part of the organism and spreading indefinitely. It tends to reoccur when removed. lts causes are unknown and cure is almost impossible. In its early phase it may be controlled. An astrological analysis of known cases of cancer can be of help in diagnosing, controlling, and curing of this deadlY disease. Wounds and the like come under the 6th house and Virgo. Mars rules over blood and wounds. Bone and joints faliunder Capricorn and the I Oth house. Kidney refers us to 2" of fixed signs and generally to lOo of Taurus and Scorpio' We can enumerate some other factors as follows : Spine signs 26th degree of Cancer and Capricorn, 10 of common and Saturn; blood - Mars ancl the Moon; spleen the Moon and Rahu; Lungs the 5rd house, Cemini, 40 of Aries and Libra. Cancer proPer aPpears to fall in the opening degrees of Virgo and Pisces. In most cases of cancer we have to look to Mars, Saturn' theMoon,andthenodes.Carter,however,statesthatthis disease shows the Sun related to Jupiter and Saturn by sign or aspect; that Neptune may take the place of Jupiter and havelhe aspect of Mars or Saturn or both; that the Sun is in bad aspect to Mars, Uranus, or Neptune; or that the Moon is
afflicted by Venus and Mars in cardinal signs. This is a wide spectrum forcing us not to generalise. Spleen, intestines, genitals, lungs, shoulder, throat, uterus skin, breast, stomach, hip, bone, blood, and tongue are some of the parts invaded by cancer. Let us study some interesting cases. Chart 57 is that of the late deposed Shah of lran. Spleen and other parts were affected. The Moon and Rahu conjunct in the 2nd house aspected by Mars, the malefic owner. The Sun is malefically aspected by Saturn coqjunct Mars. Jupi57. Ascendant - Libra 12 with the Sun 9, Mercury 27; Scorpio - the Moon 5 and Rahu; Aquarius - Uranus 5; Cancer - Jupiter 25, Neptune lO; Leo - Satum 16, Mars 17, Venus 26.
ter is not involved. Thus i,arter's hypothesis falls. Hindu astrology stands vindicated. We do not need the extrasaturnine planets which may have a bearing on other matters. Rahu and the Moon refer to the spleen. The Moon is in the early part of fixed Scorpio aspected by Mars who is conjunct Saturn. The debilitated Sun is afflicted by Saturn. Mark the semi-square between Venus and the Sun and the Sun is in the l2th house as per the equal house system. The sub-period of Saturn in the Moon brought an end to his life. Let us now consider lung cancer. Lungs come under the 5rd house, Gemini, early degrees of Aries and Libra. Chart 58 is that of a victim of lung cancer. The lord of the 5rd and the 4th houses is with the Sun aspecting the 6th. The Sun is
58. Ascendant - Scorpio l8; Sagittarius- the Moon 7, Uranus l6; Capricorn - Ketu 26; Aquarius - the Sun 4, Saturn l5; Pisces- Venus I l, Mercury 22: Anes - Mars; Taurus - Jupiter 9; Cemini - Neptune 15.
in the Srd house. Jupiter is not involved here also. lle aspects the 5rd and so does Rahu. Though the 6th house has benefics on either side, the third from the Moon has the Sun-Saturn conjunction. Saturn afflicts Lagna also. The disease was diagnosed in Rahu's mqior period and he died in the Moon's sub-period. Chart 59 is another case. The 5rd house is aspected by Mars who is in the fall of his
59. Ascendant-Aquarius I I with Satum 15, Rahu24; Pisces- the Moon 29; Aries - Neptune (R) I l; Leo - Uranus 2; Libra - Mars 26; Scorpio - Venus.l I and Jupiter 27; Sagittarius - the Sun 15, Mercury 25.
mulatrikona; and it is also aspected by Saturn who is conjunct Rahu. Here again death came in the Moon's subperiod of Rahu. Carter's observations are again falsified' The Sun, Saturn and Rahu point to the ailment' The Moon and the 5rd house govern the shoulder' Chart 6O is an exmaple of cancer in the shoulder. The 5rd house is afflicted by Jupiter (lord of the 5th and the 8th), the Moon (lord of the l2th), Rahu, Saturn (lord of the 6th and the 7th) and Mars (lord of the 4th and the 9th)' Lords of the 5rd and 2, 15,theMoon Libra'Jupiter(R) 60. Ascendant'Leo; (R)6; Pisces'Mars Ketu16;capricom'uranus - Mercury - Satum l. the Sun 22; Taurus l2; Aries - Venus - NePtune 6' 27; Qancer 24; Oemini the l2th have exchanged houses, thereby aggravating the results of Saturn's affliction of the Moon. The conjunction of the Sun and Mercury is significant. tlere Saturn is also the ruler of the 6th. From the Moon we notice Mars in the 6th while the 6th lord is with the Moon aspected by Mars and Rahu. Debilitated Saturn is in the 7th from the Moon' Stomach cancer comes under the sign owned by the Moon and the 5th house. The Sun and Ketu figure here prominently along with the 6th house. Chart 6lst is an example. tlere Jupiter and Saturn have exchanged houses'
6l' Ascendant - Sagittarius; Capricorn ' Jupiter I l' Rahu 27; Aquarius ' Venus 9; Pisces' Satum 4' the S u n 2 1 , M e r c u r y2 l ; A r i e s' t h e M o o n l . N e P t u n e l4; Taurus - ltars 22; Leo ' Uranus (R)5.
The lord of the 5th is in the 6th aspected by Jupiter and Saturn. The early degree of Pisces is afflicted by Saturn while Jupiter is with Rahu. The Moon as the lord of the 8th is in the 5th with malefics on either side. chart 62 is another case. Venus and Rahu are in the 5th aspected by Mars who is debilitated and aspected by Saturn. This Mars is also the
. 62' Ascendant' Cemini; Cancer - Mars B' Jupinter I O; Virgo-the Sun 20, Mercury (R) 15, Uranus 5; Libra - Venus 5, Rahu I l,'Pisces'the Moon 5; Aries' Neptune (R) 28; Taurus - Saturn (R) l7'
lord of the 6th. Death came towards the end of Ketu's major period. Uranus afflicting the Moon might have played a part' Both these charts again emphasize the roles of Saturn, Mars, the Moon and the Nodes.
Consider next cases of cancer affecting the genitals. These come under the 8th house, Scorpio, and Mercury. The last degrees of Aries and the first of Taurus, Mars. Mercury and Saturn are also to be considered. Note Chart 65 where the l2th house Mercury and Venus are together afflicted by Mars and Saturn. The lord of the 12th is in the
65. Ascendant - Leo with Neptune 2, the Sun lO; Libra - Saturn 27; Sagittarius - Ketu; Capricom - Jupiter (R) 28; Pisces - Uranus 6 and the Moon 29; Aries Mars lO; Cancer - Venus 17, t'{.ercury17.
8th. Because of cancer his genital organ had to be amputated. Venus is also in the l2th while the lord of the 7th is in opposition to Mars. The native of Chart 64 was operated for cancer in gall bladder, which points to the 8th house and Scorpio. Rahu is in the Bth, in his debilitation. The owner of the 8th is afflicted by Satum. As in many cases of cancer, here too the
64. Ascendant - Taurus; Qeminl - Ketu 25; Cancer Satum (R) I and Neptune (R) l4; Aguarius - Uranus 7 and Venus 29; Pisces - Mercury l, Mars 2, the Sun 8, the Moon 14; Aries - Jupiter 14.
first two degrees of Pisces are afflicted by Mars and debilitated Mercury who with the Moon are combust. tords of the I I th and the l2th have exchanged houses, thereby making Mars and Saturn afflict each other. As against Carter's view, the Sun has nothing to do with Saturn. From our analysis we find that the planets involved are the Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu Particularly the last three, the planet and the house governing the body are all involved in the diagnosis of cancer. Since cancerous growth destroys the vital cells Carter was led to believe that in all such cases afflictions of the Sun from Jupiter and Saturn are found. But the cells come under Saturn and Mars, and their maintenance depends on the Moon and to some extent on the Sun and Jupiter. We therefore find afflictions to and from Saturn and Mars; and any kind of malignant growth involves Kahu. Blood being corrupted in such cases, we need to examine the luminaries and Mars as well as the 6th house. Merely because Saturn or Mars or both are in the
6th or the 8th does not imply cancer. In fact Saturn in these houses can be a great asset warding off many an ailment or giving great powers of resistance and quick recuperation. The 6th being the house of ailment has to be considered along with the house of longevity. Since cancer can attack any part of the body, one has to examine the planets and houses governing these parts. We also emphasize the importance of Rahu because of the poisonous nature of this ailment. In the foregoing analysis we have followed the equal house system according to which the ascending degree is the first point of Lagna, not the middle. Secondly, mutual exchange of houses are treated as exchange and also as the planets being in their respective houses; and in all exchanges the planet concerned loses the ownership of the other house. We have given the positions of Uranus and Neptune also merely to enable a research analyst to find out whether these planets have a bearing on the cases studied here. To give a last illustration consider the chart of the famous Bengali novelist Sarat who had Saturn retrograde. Aquarius I l, Jupiter Scorpio 4, Ylars Leo 20, Rahu Aquarius 27, and the Moon Cancer 26. tle died at the age of 62. tle was a patient of cancer. There is mutual opposition of Mars and Saturn, the conjunction of Saturn with Rahu, and all these afflicting Jupiter who is in Scorpio being the lord of the 6th from the Moon. Venus is with the Moon, while the Sun and Mercury are in Virgo. Uranusjust entered Leo while Neptune is retrograde in Aries. The luminaries are not afflicted, nor are Uranus and Venus. Taking Chandra Lagna (the natal Moon) we notice Saturn in the 7th house, Mars in the lst and Jupiter in the 4th as per the equal house system advocated by us. The signs remain the same, making l.eo and Aquarius heavily afflicted. Still we cannot generalise and lay down any specific rules. Each case has to be examined separately and on its own merits. Cancer is a malignant, uncontrolled multiplication of cells. The cells multiply and consume their environment. Astrologi'
cally it is possible to diagnose cancer in advance. In any chart the 6th is the house of disease, and the 8th that of the nature of death. Cancer is an infection of the blood, and blood comes under the Moon and Mars, also under the Sun. The maintenance of the cells is regulated by the Sun, the Moon and Jupiter; and any affliction to these comes from Mars and Saturn. Rahu govems any form of malignant growth. The part of the body ruled by the planets is indicated in the following order of the weekdays from the Sun to Rahu 'stomach, heart, head, chest, thighs, face, knees, and feet. The diseases to which one is subject is to be read from houses the 6th, the 8th and l2th, tagna, and lord of t-agna. If the sign occupied by the Sun is a common one and afflicted, the ailment is below the waist; if it is the fixed sign to which he moves, it is below the neck and above the waist; if it is a cardinal sign which he has left, it is above the neck. We have also to consider the 8th house, planets associated with it, and planets occupying it. According to Varahamihira, the signs from Aries and Lagna control head, face, breast, heart, stomach, waist, navel, genitals, thighs, knees, shanks, and feet. If the afflicted houses are from the 8th to the l2th, the ailment is on the right side; otherwise, it is on the left side. The signs ruled by Mars refer to head, eyes and wounds; those of Venus to testicles, swelling and watery complaints; those of Mercury to nose, skin, and breathing; those of Jupiter to the ears and mind; those of Saturn to digestion, nerves and mind. The Moon controls face, tongue, breasts and swellings. The Sun refers to the eyes and the stomach. Rahu controls all wounds. Ulcers and blood refer to Mars. Following the order of the weekdays, the planets have a control over bones, muscles, skin, fat, sperm or ovum, and nervous material. If Saturn is aspected by the Sun, there can be blood impurities. lf the lord of the decanate occupied by Saturn is the Moon, there is a possibility of tumour; and if it is Jupiter, the ailment is in the stomach and it is hidden. The Sun and Mars in malefic
places cause ulcers, burning and the like, Benefics in the 5rd, the 6th, the 8th, the I lth and the l2th. and malefics not in the 5rd and the I lth are malefics for our purPose. Mr. Surendra ?ai gave us 59 cases of cancer in the January and March 1982 issues of TfIE ASTROLOCICAL MACAZIND.:The ascendants for nine are not available. tlis findings will be briefly summarised. Jupiter controls the growth of cells; their eccentric behaviour is due to Uranus who also controls electrolytes; Mars indicates surgery and he is connected with blood, He admits that in I I out of 175 cases there was no part played by Mars, Jupiter and Uranus. But he notices the influence of the Moon and Saturn. He finds the mutual associations or aspects of Mars, Jupiter and Uranus - all the three or at least two. But he did not indicate in any lnstance what part of the body was affected. We will first analyse the charts given by Mr. Pai. The numbers are counted from Aries. The charts are as per Lahiri's Ayanamsa. The Interpretation is based on equal house system as advocated by us. In these cases we have to go by the Moon sign. Though we have the positions of Uranus and Neptune, we believe that cases of cancer can be diagnosed from the Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu. Some involve Mars and Saturn; others involve the Moon and Mars; some show the affliction of Saturn and the Moon, and also of Mars and Rahu; one has the axis of Saturn and Ketu. The Moon rules over blood; Mars suggests inflammations, bone decay and blood pressure; Saturn refers to stomach and legs; and Rahu involves an acute and undiagnosed ailment. The dhatus governed by the planets are indicative of the source of ailment. In the order of the weekdays, the planets govern bone, eyes and the cutaneous system; blood; bones and blood; throat; ears; eyes and genitals; stomach and legs. Any relation between the lords of the 6th and the 8th makes for a high intensity of the ailment.
Let us turn to Mr. Pai's charts where Lagnas are known. ' Lagna - Mesha (Aries).
Case No. I : 4 - Neptune ; 6 - Satum and Rahu; 7 - Jupiter; 8 - Venus ; lO - the Sun and Mercury; I I - Uranus; and 12 - the Moon, Mars and Ketu. Case No. 2 : 5 - the Moon; 4-Jupiter; 5 - Neptune;
Case No. 5 : I - Rahu and Satum; 5 - Neptune; 5 - the Sun, Mercury and Jupiter; 6 - the Moon and Venus;7 - Ketu; ;9 - Uranus; and 12 - Mars. Case No. 4 : I - Jupiter and the Sun; 4 - Satum and Neptune;9 - Rahu; I I - Uranus; and 12 - the Moon, Venus, Mercury and Mars.
These charts clearly show the malefic influences of Mars, Rahu and Saturn. In the first Saturn with Rahu has aspect to and from Mars, involving houses the 6th and the l2th; and Mars aspects the l2th lord. The second has Mars with the 6th lord in badhaka house. The third is fairly simple with Saturn and Rahu. Mars in the 4th chart is with the 6th lord. I-agna - Vrishabha (Taurus)
Case No. I : I - Jupiter; 2 - Mars and Mercury; 5 - the Sun, Venus and Rahu; 5 - Uranus; 6 - the Moon; 7 - Neptune; and I | - Saturn. CaseNo.2zS-Satum;4-Neptune;5-Ketu; 7 - Mercury;8 - the Sun, Venus and Mars; lO - The Moon, Jupiter and Uranus; and I I - Rahu. Cas No. 3 : 2 - Rahu; 5- Neptune; 6 - the Moon; 7 - Venus; 8 - Satum, Mars, Mercury and Ketu; 9 the Sun; and 12 - Jupiter and Uranus. Case No. 4 : 2 - Saturn and Uranus; 5 - Jupiter ; 5 - Venus and Rahu; 6 - the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Neptune; 9- the Moon; and I I - Ketu.
Here we have the 6th lord with Rahu; the l2th lord in L,agna; the 6th lord with Mars Saturn aspecting Ketu and Mars aspecting Rahu; Mars, Saturn and Ketu aspecting Iagna; the 6th lord with Rahu and Saturn asPecting Ketu.
l-agna, the 6th house and the malefic explain the results satisfactorily. l"agna - Mithuna (Qemini)
Case flo. I z 4 - the Moon, Neptune and Rahu; 7 - Saturn; I - Venus; 9 - th Sun, Mercury and Jupiter; l0 - Ketu; I I - Uranus; and 12- Mars. Caoe No. 2 | 2- t'Iars and Jupiter; 5 - the Sun, the Moon and Ketu; 4 - Saturn, Mercury, Venus and Neptune; 9 - Rahu; and lO - Uranus. , Cas No. 5 : I - Satum, Jupiter and Uranus; 3 - the Moon; 6 - Rahu and Neptune;9 - Mars; lO - Venus and the Sun; I I - Mercury; and 12 - Ketu. Care llo. 4 z 2 - Ketu; 4 - Jupiter and Neptune; 5 - Venus, Mars and Saturn; 6 - the Sun and Mercury ; 8 - Rahu; 9 -the Moon; and I I - Uranus. Case No. 5 : I - Uranus; 2 - Ketu; 5 - Neptune; 8 - Rahu; 9 - the Sun, Mercury and Venus; lO - Juplter; ll - Mars; and 12 - the Moon and Satum. . Case No. 6 z 4 - the Sun, Mercury and Uranus; 7-Juplter 5-MarsandVenus;6-Rahu; and Neptune; 9 - the Moon and Saturn; and 12 - Ketu.
These charts show respectively the following features; the Moon and Ketu in maraka house aspected by Saturn; the 6th lord with badhaka in the l2th; Satum with badhaka aspecting the maraka the Moon; Saturn and Mars with the l2th lord hspecting Rahu; Saturn with maraka; Saturn aspecting Rahu while Mars is with the 12th lord. Lagna' l{arkataka (Cancer)
C a s G N o . I 3 I - t h e M o o n ;5 - S a t u m ; 4 - t h e S u n ,
TEXT BOOK OF SCIENTIFTCITTNDU ASTROLOOY Casello. 2 : I - Mars; 2 - Uranus; 5 -Satum; 4 - the Sun, Rahu and Jupiter;5 - Venus and Mercury; 6 Neptune; B - the Moon; and lO - Ketu. Case FIo. 5 ! 5 - Rahu; 5 - the Sun, Venus and Neptune; 6 - Mars and Mercury; 8 - Satum; 9 - Ketu; I I - the Moon; and 12 - Jupiter and Uranus. Case No. 4 z 3 - Rahu and Mercury ; 4 - th.e
;'j'":i,'J5Ti?l;,',;111J:,ffi":: ;'.#ff :
Case Flo. 5 : I - the Sun and Satum ; 2 - Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and Uranus; 6 - Rahu and Neptune; 9 - the Moon; I I - Mars; and 12 - Ketu. Case No. 6 : 4 - Neptune ; 6 - Jupiter, Satum and Rahu;7 - Mars; 9 - the Sun, Venus and Mercury; I I - Uranus; and 12 - the Moon and Ketu.
These charts also point out that source is Saturn, Mars, Rahu and badhaka, along with the lords of the 6th and the 8th; badhaka in the l2th aspecting its lord located in the 6th, Saturn aspects maraka Mercury, lord of the 6th with Rahu; lord of lagna with the 8th lord and Rahu in the l2th aspected by badhaka Mars who also aspects the l2th lord; badhaka with maraka in maraka house aspecting the Bth lord, Saturn aspects l-agna; badhaka in Lagna aspects the 6th and the 8th lords, Saturn aspects Mars; L,ord of Lagna with Saturn (6th lord) in badhaka house, Mars aspects Rahu in the 2nd; Saturn and Rahu with the 8th lord in maraka house aspecting Ketu and the Moon (lord of the l2th). The features present in some charts are : Satum aspects the lord of l,,agna who is with the lord of the l2th, Mars aspects badhaka; Mars aspects Rahu, and Saturn aspects badhaka; Mars and Rahu aspect the Moon; the 8th lord Mars in the lZth with maraka, the 6th lord in the 2nd; Satum and the Moon aspect Jupiter and Venus; Saturn and the Moon in L,agna aspect badhaka, Mars aspects Rahu; Mars conjunct Satum, the Moon with Rahu; Mars gnd Satum aspect each other, Mars aspects lord of l-agna, badhaka is with maraka.
... .l
Case No. 7 z 2 - Jupiter; 5 - Neptune; 4 - the Moon and Rahu;9 - the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus; lO'Ketu; and I I 'Mars and Saturn' Cage No. 8 : 2 - Mars; 5 - the Moon; 4 - Uranus; 6 - Rahu; 7 - the Sun, Venus, Jupiter and Neptune; 8 - Mercury and Satum; and 12 - Ketu.
The features present in these are : Saturn asPects lord of Lagna who is with the lord of the l2th, Mars aspects badhaka; Mars aspeg-s Rahu, and Saturn aspects badhaka; Mars and Rahu aspejctthe Moon; the 8th lord Mars in the l2th with maraka, the 6th lord in the 2nd; Saturn and the Moon aspect Jupiter and Venus; Saturn and the Moon in Lagna aspect badhaka, Mars aspects Rahu; mars conjunct Saturn, the Moon with Rahu; mars and Saturn asPect each other, Mars aspects Jord of Lagna, badhaka ls with maraka. Lagna - Thula (Libra)
Case l\o. l : I - the Sun; 2 . Mercury and Ketu; 5 - Mars and Satum; 7 - Uranus; B' Rahu and Neptune; 9 - the Moon; ll - Jupiter; and l2 - Venus.
TEXT BOOI( OF SCIENTIFIC IIIND U ASTROLOQ Y Case No. 2 z 2 - the Sun, the Moon and Rahu; 5 - Mars and lleptune ; 6 - Jupiter; 8 Ketu;9 - Uranus; and ll - Saturn, Venus and Mercury. Case No. 3 : I - l4ars: 2- Satum and Uranus; 4 - the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter and Rahu; 5 Venus; 6 Neptune; I O - Ketu; and 12 - the Moon. Case No. 4 z l - Rahu ; 2 - Ylars; 5 - Jupiter; 4 - the Sun and Mercury; 5 - Venus and Neptune,' 7 - Ketu; 9 - Satum; and 12- the Moon and Uranus.
flere we note the badhaka in the 7th, Saturn Mars conjunction; Saturn aspecting the Moon and Venus (lord of the 8th); the Sun, the Moon and Rahu in the 8th, Mars aspectingthe 6th, and Saturn with the 8th lord; Saturn aspecting the 6th lord who ls with the badhaka, Mars also aspecting the same; the 8th lord in a badhaka house aspected by Mars who also aspects Saturn. These are eloquent enough to explain the occurrence of cancer. If enough attention is paid to our accepted canons one can locate the affected part of the body also. Lagna - Vrischika (Scorpio)
Case No. I z 2 - JupiteD 5 - Ketu and Uranus; 6 - Satum and Neptune;9 - the Moon, Mars and Rahu; I I Mercury; and 12 - the Sun and Venus. CaseNo. 2 : I - the Moon and Venus; 5 - Satum; 4 - Mars, Neptune and Ketu; I O - Rahu. Uranus and Mercury; I I - the Sun; and l2 - Jupiter. CaseNo. 5 : I - Rahu and Venus; 2- Jupiter and Mercury; 5 - the Sun; 5 - NePtune and Mars;
Case llo. 4 : I - the Sun, Venus and Mercury; 2 - Uranus;5 - Satum, 4 - Jupiter, Mars and Rahu; 6 - Neptune; 9 - the Moon and lO - Ketu.
Badhaka in a maraka house with Mars and Rahu aspected by Saturn from the 12th, Mars aspecting the l2th lord; badhaka with the 12th lord in the 6th; Rahu with the l2th lord in the 6th; badhaka in a maraka house aspected by Saturn, Mars with Kahu - these are the significant Points in these charts.
While Virgo as the Ascendant gave a large number of charts, Sagittariushas only one in Mr. Pai's collection. Here we have the badhaka in a maraka house, the 8th lord is in the 6th aspected by Mars who is with Rahu and the lord of the 6th. This again justifies our view that the extrasaturnine planets do have some significant influences on individual lives. Lagna - Makara (Capricorn)
Case No. I : I - Uranus and Ketu; 4 - Mars'and l2 - Satum.
Casello. 2 z2-Fahu;5- Mars and Uranus;4- the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus and Satum; 6 Neptune,' 7 - Jupiter; and 8 - Ketu, ,
tn four of these charts badhaka Mars is with the lord of the 8th, and in two he is debilitated and aspects the l,agna. The features are : badhaka with the Sun in the 7th aspecting Lagna and Rahu; the same Mars in the 6th aspecting Lagna while Saturn is with the lords of the 6th and the 8th aspecting Lagna; badhaka with the 8th lord aspecting the Moon; badhaka with Ketu and the 8th lord, Saturn aspecting the Moon,' badhaka with the Bth lord in the 7th aspecting the Moon and Jupiter.
The first chart has Mars with the lords of the 6th and the 8th in the 7th; and Saturn aspectingRahu from the badhaka house. The second shows Marswith badhaka aspectingLagna and Ketu and the Moon (lord of the 6th), Saturn with Rahu in the Bth aspecting the Moon, and Saturn, Rahu and Jupiter (lords of maraka houses) becoming combust. The general principles we enumerated earlier stand fully vindicated by these charts. , Lagna - Meena (Pisces)
Case No. I : I - Saturn,' 4 - Ketu; 6 - Uranus; 7 - the Moon; 8 - Jupiter and Neptune 9 - Mars; I O - Venus and Rahu; and 12 - the Sun and Mercu'
CaseNo. 2 : I - Ketu; 2 - the Moon; 4 - Neptune, 5 - Jupiter; 6 - Saturn; 7 - Rahu; ll - the Sun, Mercury and Uranus,' and 12 - Venus and Mars. Case No. 5 : 2 - Uranus; 5 - Rahu, Mars and Satum; 6 - Neptune; 7 - Jupiter;9 - the Moon and Ketu; and l2 - the Sun, Mercury and Venus. Case No. 4 : 2 - Satum and Uranus; 3 - Jupiter and Venus;4 - Mercuryand the Sun;5'Rahu and Mars; 6 - Neptune; lO - the Moon,' and I I - Ketu. llere again we notice in atl the four the badhaka with
6th lord, and in the Srd the 8th lord also is with him. Thus, badhaka with the 6th in Lagna aspected by Mars, Saturn aspecting the Moon, Venus and Rahu; badhaka with the 6th, Saturn aspecting Mars and Venus (lord of the 8th) in Lagna, Mars aspecting Rahu; badhaka and lords of the 6th conjuncand the 8th aspected by Saturn, Mars-Saturn-Rahu tion; badhaka with the 6th aspected by Saturn, Mars with Rahu.,aspecting Lagn 'r''l
Let us now see how we can determine the part affected. Varahamihira's classification of the various parts of the body is of great help in locating the part of the body that may be affected. When one is born in the first Drekkana, the indication refers to the area between the neck and the head; if it is the second Drekkana, the reference is to the area between the neck and the navel; and if it is the third, the affected area is below the navel. Depending on this he allots the various houses to the different parts of the body. These can be tabulated thus : ITouses I 2, 12 5, I I 4, LO 5,9
6, 8
Sides tleart
Houses the 2nd to the 6th refer to the left side and the houses; the 8th to the l2th to the right side,rWe have also to consider the badhaka house, its lord, and the planets in it. The badhaka should not be in the 7th, the 8th, the lOth, the l2th. Wounds cbme under the 6th house and Virgo; Mars rules blood and wounds. The Moon controls blood' Bones and joints come under the lOth house and Capricorn. Kidney comes under the fixed signs, more particularly Taurus. The signs Cancer and Capricorn reveal the condition of the spine. Lungs are under the Srd house. Spleen is regulated by the Moon and Rahu' Cancer appears to have some relation with the signs Virgo and Pisces, and it can be detected from the Moon, Mars, Saturn and Rahu.
We will illustrate these principtes with the help of some charts. Affecting the face, the factors to be considered are the Moon, Venus, the 2nd house and Taurus, besides Mars, Saturn, Rahu and badhaka. The badhaka planet Mars here is in Lagna with Rahu. The 2nd has the Sun conjunct Venus, and Mercury conjunct Saturn (Chart Z2l. Lungs come under the 5rd house, Gemini, Aries, Libra and Mercury. Chart 68 has badhaka Venus in Lagna, Saturn and Rahu opposing Mars and Ketu, Marsaspects the 6th lord, and the 8th lord aspects the 6th lord. Chart 82 shows Saturn as the 5rd lord aspectingthe lord of the I st and the 6th Mars, and Rahu in the badhaka house is aspected by Mars. Another chart 87 shows SaturnaspectingAries the Jrd house, Saturn conjunct Rahu, lord of the 5rd in the badhaka house Libra, and the 8th lord Mercury combust. Throat is mostly governed by houses the 2nd, the 7th and the llth. There are three charts. One chart 79 has Mercury (lord of the 9th and the l2th) in the 2nd, lord of the I lth (badhaka)is with Rahu, Mars (lord of the 7th) aspectsMercury (who is in the 2nd), Saturn aspectsthe Sun and Rahufrom the 6th house. Chart 85 has the Bth lord in the 2nd, the 2nd lord in debilitation with Rahu is aspected by Mars, the debilitated l lth lord is with the Sun, Mercury (lord of the 7th and badhaka)and Mars.Another chart 86 has the lords of the 6th. the 7th and the 8th in Lagna,badhaka Venus in the 2nd, and Mars in badhaka house. The lord of the 2nd and the I lth is in his enemy's house unaspected. Shoulder involves houses, the 2nd, the l2th, the Srd and the 5th, karaka, Jupiter, the Sun and Ketu: In chart 70 the 5rd house has Jupiter conjunct Ketu aspected by debilitated Saturn (lord of the 6th and the 7th), Rahu from badhaka house and by badhaka from the 8th house. Breastcancer refers to the 5rd house, Cemini, Mercury and the Moon. We have four charts.Chart 86 has lord of the 5rd is
in that house with Rahu aspected by debilitated badhaka Mars from the l2th, the Moon (lord of the l2th in the 6th) is aspected by Mars.Chart 8O has Mercury(lord of the 8th) aspected by Mars (lord of the I st and the 6th) from the 5th, and the badhaka Moon in the 5rd is aspected by Saturnwho is with Ketu in Lagna.Chart 88 has Mercury (lord of the 8th) in the badhaka house, Saturn conjunct Rahu in the 6th (karaka), the 6th lord Moon exalted, and the 5rd lord Mars between malefics. Chart 89 has Jrd lord Mars in the 8th aspectedby Saturn and aspectinghim, the 6th lord Moon in badhaka house. Cancer of the stomach comes under the houses the 5th, 6th and the 8th, Leo the Sun and Jupiter as the lord of the Drekkana occupied by Saturn. We have five charts. Chart 67 has Saturn (lord of the 8th) in the l2th aspecting Mars (lord of the 6th) conjunct Jupiter (badhaka). Mars aspects the 5th which has Venus and Rahu. Chart 74 has Saturn (lord of the 6th) aspectingthe Moon (lord of the l2th) and Rahu who are in Leo, badhaka Mars aspecting Saturn and the 5th lord Jupiter. Chart 77 shows Saturn(lord of the 5th and the 6th) and debilitated Mars (lord of the Jrd and the 8th) havingmutual aspects,the Sun (lord of the l2th) in Lagna,and the badhaka (lord of the 7th) in the l2th with Mercury and Ketu. Chart 84 has the 8th lord with the badhakain the 5th, the Sth lord in the 6th, Saturn, aspectingthe 5th lord, and Saturn in the Drekkana of Jupiter. Chart 85 is a case of enV:ric fever at the age of 69, then it became cancer and the riative died soon after. As mentioned by Carter, here Mercury (lord of the 6th and the 9th) is with Rahu in the l2th, the 8th lord is in Lagna receiving the aspect of debilitated Saturn. Cancer of the spleen as that of the lungs is indicated by the Moon and Rahu. In Chart 78 the debilitated Moon is with Rahu in the 2nd aspected by Mars (lord of the 2nd and the 7th) who is within a degree of conjunction with Saturn (lord of the 4th and the Sth) and Venus (lord of the lst and the 8th) in the badhaka house. The badhaka Sun in debilitation in Lagna is aspected by Saturn from the badhaka house while Rahu is in the fall of his moolatrikona.
Cancerof the hips is controlledby houses the 6th, the 9th, the 4th and the loth, Sagittarius,and Jupiter. In Chart 78 Sagittarius has combust Mercury and Venus aspected by Saturn. The bodies involved are the lords of the lOth, the 8th, the I 1th, the 7th and the l2th. The lord of the 4th Saturnis exalted in the l2th and is in oppositionto Mars (lord of the lst and the 6th). The badhaka Moon is in the 4th, while Jupiter is in the 8rh. Cancer of the spine is indicated by karkataka, Copricorn and Saturn. Chart 90 is a case. Saturn in Capricorn is in opposition to the Moon in Cancer. Mars in the 8th and Saturn in the I lth have mutual aspects. Again we note Mars' aspect from the 8th on Rahu and Saturn's on Lagna. Cancer of the blood (lukemia) is indicated by the Moon and Mars, and also by the Sun's relation to these and to Saturn. Chart 8 has combust badhaka Mars (lord of the 4th and the 9th) and Jupiter (lord of the 5th and the 8th) in the 2nd, while Lagnaowned by the Sun is aspected by Saturn (lord of the 6th and the 7th). Venus conjunct Rahu and the Moon is in the 5rd between malefics. Chart 9l shows Mars (lord of the 2nd and the 9th) with Saturn (lord of the I I th and the l2th) in the l lth. The badhaka is combust along with Venus (lord of the 5rd and the 8th) in the l lth. The Sun is in his enemy's house. Cancer of the gall bladder refers to the 8th house and to Scorpio and Pisces. In chart 66 the 8th house has debilitated Rahu and the lord of the 8th is in the l2th aspected by badhaka Saturn. Mars is combust along with Mercury and the Moon in Pisces. The 8th house Rahu is aspected by its afflicted lord. Uterine cancer refers to the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Sat' urn and the 7th house. Chart 69 has Saturn (lord of the 7th) debilitated in the lOth and having mutual aspects and exchange with exalted Mars (lord of the 5th and the lOth). The Moon is debititated,and Mercury(lord of the 5rd and the l2th) is conjunct badhaka Venus.(lordof the 4th and the I I th). Chart
7l has debilitated Moon (tord of the l2th) in the 4th aspected by badhaka Mars (lord of the 4th and the 9th) from Lagna. Mercury (lord of the 12th) is in the badhaka house aspected by Saturn (lord of the 6th and the 7th). The lord of Lagna the Sun is in the 8th aspected bY Mars. This analysis reveals the importance of the lords of the 6th and the 8th, Langa, badhaka planet and the badhaka house. At the same time Mars, Saturn and Moon and Rahu play a major role. Moreover, each part of the body refers to a specific house and to a particular planet which have to be considered along with the other factors. One should not run into a judgement simply because these factors exist in a given chart. One should also carefully examine the charts for Shashtyamsa (one-sixth) for ill health, Ashtamsa (one-eighth) for happiness and for longevity, Shodasamsa(one-sixteenth) otherwise, and Trimsamsa for Rishtaphala. Above all one must ascertain the Shadbala strength of the planets and Then only one can predict with accuracy. OtherBhava-bala. wise the prognosticatorwill condemn the persons consulting him to unnecessaryworry and mental torture. There are a (ew remedial measures that can prevent the attack and also cure in its early stages along with proPer medication.
gi,,?il""ffiT;'i',T''Si':l .t :J;'iil'"':l
TEXT BOOK OF SCIEIITIFIC TTINDUASTROLOOY Bom 6-5-1959. Rasi: Aries-Uranus 25, Saturn l, Ketu l5 the Sun 22; Leo-Neptune 28; Libra-Rahu l5; Scorpiothe Moon 24; Capricorn-tlars O-J; pisces-Jupiter 6; Venus 20 and Mercury 26; and Ascendant-Cancer part affected-uterus.
70. Bom 9Gl 9l l. Rasi: Aries-Satum 22 and Rahu I 6; Taurus.Mercury I and the sun 24; oemini-Neptune 27; Cancer-Yenus 6; Llbra-Jupiter (R) 15 and Ketu | 6; Scorpio-the Moon 2; and CapricomUranus (R) 6; Pisces-l{ars 12; Ascendant-Leo; part affected-shoulder. 71. Bom l-4-1918. Rasi: Aries-Mercury 6; TaurusJupiter 15; Qemini-Ketu 15; Cancer-Saturn (R) 15 and Neptune (R) I l; Leo-Mars 26; Scorpiothe Moon 12; Sagittarius-Kahu 15; AquariusVenus 5 and Uranus-4; Pisces-the Sun lB; and Ascendant-Leo; part affected-uterus; died in the Moon-Satum.
72. Born lB-9-1925. Rasi: Leo-Mars 17, Rahu l8 and Neptune 24; Yirgo-the Sun l, Venus 5, Mercury (R) 19 and Satum 27; Libra-Jupiter 24; Sagittarius-the Moon 8; Aquarius-Uranus (R) lB and Ketu l8; and Ascendant-Leo; part affectedface; died in Rahu-Saturn. 75, Bom 27-9-1957. Rasi: Aries-Ketu lB; CancerUranus 17; Leo-Mercury 23; Virgo-Mars B, the Sun lO and Jupiter l7; Libra-the Moon g, Neptune 8, Venus 22 and Rahu lB; Scorpio-Satum l6; and Ascendant-Leo; part affectecl-blood. Bom 6-4-18A7. Rasi: Aries-Venus 25; TaurusNeptune 5; Cemini-Saturn 24; Leo-the Moon 29 and Rahu 5; Virgo-Uranus lB; Libra,Jupiter (R) I I; Aquarius-Ketu 5; Pisces-Mercury l, the Sun 24 and Mars 29; and Leo-Ascendantj part affected-stomach.
76. Bom l2-10-lBB5. Rasi: Aries-Ketu I I and Neptune (R) 28,. Taurus-Satum (R) lB; Cancer-Mars 6 and Jupiter I O; Virgo-Uranus 3, Mercury (R) l6 and the Sun l7; Libra-Venus I and Rahu Il; Capricom-the Moon 4; and Ascendnat -Leo; part affected-breast; died at 42 years, 77. Bom l8-9-1952. Rasi: Aries-the Moon 7-5O; Cancer-Mars6 and Venus 7; Leo-Neptunel5, Jupiter 16, lvlercury 23 and Ketu 24; Virgo-the Sun 2; Capricom-Saturn 6; Aquarius-Rahu 24; pisces-
Uranus (R) 29; and Ascendant-Virgo,. part-affected stomach: died Rahu-Rahu. 7 8 . Bom 26-10-1919. Rasi; Taurus-Ketu 4; CancerNeptune I O and Jupiter 25; Leo-Satum 16, Mars l7 and Venus 26' Libra-the Sun 9 and ltlercury 27; Scorpiethe Moon 5 and Rahu 4; Aquarius,Uranus 5; and Ascendant-Libra; part affectecl-spleen and lungs; died Moon-Satum. Born 5O-12-1a79. Rasl: Aries-Neptune (R) l7 and Mars 23; Oemini-the Moon 50 and Ketu 25: LeoUranus (R) l7; ScorpieVenus 2 and Mercury 25; Sagittarius- the Sun l7 and Rahu 25; AquariusJupiter l8; Pisces- Satum l7; and Ascendant-Libra-2 ; p art affected-throat,
42. Bom l7-5-1906, Rasi: Aries-Mars 8; Taurus-Jupiter 9; Oemini-Neptune | 5; Cancer-Rahu 26; Sagittarius-Moon 7 and Uranus 16; Capricom-Ketu 26; Aquarius- the Sun 4 and Saturn l5; PiscesVenus I I and Mercury 22; and Ascendant-Scorpio l8; part affected-lungs; died Rahu-Moon. 8 5 . Born l5-lO-l9lO. Rasi; Aries- Rahu 28 and Satum (R) l2: Geminl-Neptune 29; Virgo-Mercury (R) 6, Venus 17, Mars 2l and the Sun 26; LlbraJupiter I and Ketu 28: Scorpio-Uranus 2O; Cap ricom-the Moon l6; and Ascendant-Sagittarius; part affected-throat. Bom 5.4-lA7B. Rasi: Aries-the Moon l. Mercury I and Neptune l4; Taurus-Mars l8; Cancer-Ketu 27; Leo-Uranus (R) 5; Capricom-Jupiter I I and Rahu 27; Aquarius-Venus lO; Pisces- Satum 4 and the Sun 2l; and Ascendant-Sagittarius; part affected-stomach. 85. (From Carter). Rasi: Aries-Saturn 6 and Uranus (R) 9; Cemini-the Moon l9 and Ketu 24; CancerMars B; Libra-Jupiter 28; Sagittarius- Rahu 24
TEXT BOOK OF SCTET'ITIICTC ITINDUASTROLOOY and Mercury 27; Qapncom-the Sun 22; Aquarius-Neptune 16 and Yenus 22; and AscendantCapricom 26: part affected-cancer after enteric fever; died at 69 years. 86. Born 18-2.1856. Rasl; Taurus-Ketu 4; OeminiJupiter l6; Libra-Satum l5; Scorpio-Rahu 4; Capricom-Mars 25; Aquarius-Mercury 6, the Sun 8 and the Moon 25; Pisces-Venus 9; and Ascendnat-Aquarius 5,. part affected-throat. Bom 25-12-1876. Rasi: Aries-Neptune (R) ll; Leo-Ketu 24 and Uranus 2; Libra-Mars 26; Scorpio-Venus I I and Jupiter 26; Sagittarius- the Sun 15 and Mercury 25; Aquarius-Saturn I I and Ra.hu 24; Pisces-the Moon 29; and AscendantAquarius I l; affected part-lungs; died in RahuMoon. Bom 8-lO-1887. Rasi: Taurus-the Moon 9 and Neptune (R) 7; Cancer-Satum 15 and Rahu 25; Leo-Mars 4 and Satum (R) 29; Virgo-Uranus 2l and the Sun 25; Libra-Mercury I I and Jupiter l7; Capricorn-Ketu 25; and AscendantAquarius; part affected-breast. Born I l-5-197 l. Rasir Taurus-Jupiter 24; Qemini-Rahu l5; Cancer-Uranus l; Virgo-Mars (R) lO; Llbra-the Moon 24; Sagittarius-Ketu 15 and Saturn l6; Capricorn-Mercury l5; Aquarius-the Sun 28; Pisces-Venus 25 and Neptune 27; and Ascendant-Aquarius; part affected-breast. Bom 9-3-1473. Rasi: Aries-Neptune 2 and Venus l2; Taurus-Rahu6; Cancer-the Moon 5 and Uranus (R) l0; Leo-Jupiter (R) I : Libra-Mars 22: ScorpioKetu 6; Capricorn'Saturn 7; Aquarius-Mercury 9 and the Sun 27; and Ascendant-Pisces; part affectedapine.
9l . Bom 2-2-1966. Rasi: Taurus.Rahu I ancl Jupiter (R) 28; Gemini-the Moon l; Leo-Uranus (R) 25; Libralleptune 29; Scorpio-Ketu 8; Capricom-Venus (R) 8, Mercury l7 and the Sun l9; Aquarius-Mars 9 and Satum 22; and Ascendant-Pisces; part affected-blood.
Problems like Kuja dosha, early widowhood, nature of the husband's demise, tumour and the like are best explained by case studies. flere we propose to study the
charts of a lady and her husband together, instead of takig them in isolation. The first is the chart of the lady in question. She was born on 2O-5-L945 at 1O.59P.M(war time), 16019'N/ 8Oo.59' tr. Elalanceof the Sun's Mahadasa5 years, 5 months, 5 days. As per our Ayanamsa it is 4 years, 9 months, 8 days.
Budha Ravi Lagna Shukra Sfnni
9 . 14 Lagna
Guru x1.29
Uranus Kuia
Ketu Chandra
KfrJ 21.S]
' 25.45, Uranus, Kuja,25.45 Taurus ' * Rahu 16.54, Shukra 25.26, Shani 26.52 Gemini * ' ' 4.2 Budha,4.I2 Ravi l.eo t t " l l . 4 l N e p . . . .6 . 0 C u r u V i r g o t * ' t ' 27.57 Chandra,16.54 Ketu Sagittarias
There are persons who enumerate exceptions to Kuja dosha. We refuse to accept such exceptions. At the most the dosha is neutralised, not cancelled. Here Kuja is in the second from lagna, and in the twelfth from arudha lagna and Venus. This is a very strong dosha. When we were shown the chart of the proposed boy we found Mars and Rahu in the eighth from the Moon and Venus; and we felt that there is no dosha samya equality or similarity of defect. Scholars reeled off the Slokas about the exceptions and we refused to accept them. Still, the girl was married to the boy in Febuary, 196l and the girl became a widow in March 1972.
33. B,ad llealth
l. [,ord of Lagna in 8, 6 or 12 with a malefic. 2. l'ord of 6 or 8, in Lagna. 5. Lord of the sign occupied by the lord of lagna in 6,8,or 12. 4. Malefic lord of lagna in lagna or with Chandra or in 4. 5. Lord of 6 and the seventh house associated with malefics, and Shani is with Rahu. 6. Sixth lord in lagna which must be Mesha, Mithuna, Simha, Tula, Dhanush or Kumbha. 7. Quru in Tula lagna or Vrishchika lagna. 8. Planet in lagna is delibitated or in the house of its enemy. 9. Shukra in 5 or 6. lO. Kuja and Shani in 6 aspected by Ravi and Rahu, and the lord of lagna is weak. I l. Budha with the lords of I and 6. 12. Lords of I and 6 in conjunction witlr debilitated Shani.
Curu must be ill placed, or Uranus in afflicted or Neptune is related to the eighth. We give some combinations for painful or unnatural death. l. Lord of 8 in Shani's drekkana and Shani with Rahu or Mandi-Suicide. 2. Ravi associated with Kuja, Shani and Rahu, and in cruel shashthyansha. 5. Chandra associatedwith Shani, Rahu, or Mandi, and is in 6, 8, or 12 aspected by the lord of lagna. 4 . S h a n i .w i t h a m a l e f i c i n d e b i l i t a t i o n . c o m b u s t . o r enemy's house. 5. Lord of 8 in Pasa or Sarpa drekkana. The first drekkana of Karka, Varishchika and Mina are Pasa or Sarpa decantes. The second drekkana of Vrishchika is Nigada: 6. Eighth house aspected by a powerful malefic planet brings death due to the affliction like, wind or phlegm as indicated by the concerned planet. 7. Waning Moon in 8 aspected by a strong Shanirvound. 8. Ravi and Kuja in a Kendra from the eighth lord-hanging. 9. Weak Moon in lagna, Ravi in B, Quru in 12, malefic in 4-assassination. lO. Lord of lagna in the 64th navamsafrom the Moon and is in 6. I |. Lord of I and B weak, Kuja associated with the lord of 6, rvound. 12. Waning Moon in B, Kuja in lO, Shani.in I and Ravi in 4. 15, Waning Moon in lO, Kuja in 9, Shani in l, and Ravi rn D. 14. Kuja in 4, Ravi in 7, and Shani in lO-r,vound. 15. Shani in 2, Chandra in 4, and Kuja in lOgangrene 16. Ravi in lO and Kuja in 4+ccident.
17. Shani is the lord of the tenth navamsha-poison. 18. Malefics in 4 and lO, or in 5 and 9, and Kuja with the eighth lord+uicide. 19. Waning Moon in 8 with Shani, Kuja or Rahu-burnt, drowned or posr;essed. 2O. Chandra in 6,8 or 12 associatedwith the lord of lagna, Shani,Rahu and Mandi. 21. Ravi and Kuja in 4, and Shani in lO+vound. 22. Chandra and Shani in 8, and Kqia in 4 or Ravi in 7-poison. 23. Fiavi in l, Shani ln 5, Chandra in 8, Kuja in 9{all. 24. Chandra with a malefic or in a house owned by Kuja or Shani or in the fourth. Kanya{irearms. 25. Shani in 2 associated with malefics4og-bite. 26. Shani with the lord of the second in the second associated with malefics{og-bite. 27. Iord of 5 and Curu with Rahu, or with the lord of the house occupied by Rahu, in S{anger from animal. with 28. Lord of 8 in 6, lord of l2 in I and Chandraassociated the lord of 6--danger from animals. 29. Ravi in 6 or B, and Chandra in 12 from Ravi{rowning.
Some Sensitive Positions
11 here are certain positions in the twelve signs of I the zodiac. If malefics are there, or if they are afflicted, certain malefic results follow. Chauribel, Sepharial and others have given exhaustive lists. It ls not possible to give all those positions here. We offer only a select list. The signs and degrees are mentioned: Mesha Lungs critical neurasthenia Homicidal, Abscess 25 Appendicitis goitre 27 27 to 30 homicidal 19.42 critical 26.41 critical 29.35 bad Vrtshabha 2,lA5A Riots, violence, Abscess tlomicidal 1,2 4 5.41 t7 23 6,8,7 Blindness; trouble from women glaucoma Critical faulty tleat Apendicitis orator, Bright's Disease Bad lnsanity Sight Rheumatism Suicide Critical Tonsils
marriage critical flomicidal Simha Trouble in marriage, goitre Features of Budha, Shukra, Neptune Appendictis Drink Enteric Asthma Rheumatism tlomicidal Suicide, Drink, Abscess Hydra's headcritical Sight Neuritis Hydra's headcritical Hydra's headcritical Poison Bad Death by judicial sentence Enteric lnsanity, Spine Ifanya Trouble in marriage,.gout Cancer. Like Budha and
Pneumonia, Morbid fears l6 Drink trnteric l7 l5 Sight Death by judicial 24 sentence; Homicidal Asthma 25 Bad, Dnteric 2a Mithuna Suicide 3 Neurasthenia 2 Consumption 5 gout 2 sight lo Drink l8 Paralysis l5 Suicide 22 Poison IB disgrace 26,23 disgrace 29.21.34 Karka Lawyer 3 glaucoma 12.37 Balanced L4 Rheumatic 20 fever Flomicidal 7 Bronchitis 6. Sight l5 Anaemia l5 Spine 26 Appendicitis 29 Trouble in 26 l5
26,s 27 to 30 4 5.58,27
t7 23 25 27-30 27 2 534,26 neurasthenia abscess Appendictis tlomicidal goitre Vrischika Suicide, Abscess, Drink Features of Budha, Shukra, Neptune disgrace scandals appendicitis Drink Sight Enteric Pneumonia, morbid fears neart tlomicidal Asthma Rheumatic fever orator glaucoma Poison Same as Shani and Shukra Enteric Death by judicial sentence critical faculty llomicidal Rheumatism
4.18 lo.l5
3 t5.20 18.50
l8 2l-22
12 t4 22 2A 2 3 4
25 l8 l8-19 4
Shukra Cancer. Like Budha and Kuja Cancer. Like Chandra and Shukra Cancer. LIke Shani and Curu Cancer. Like Budha and Shukra Suicide Cancer. Like Shani and Budha Cancer. Like Kuja, Shani and Neptune. Trouble in marriage Law Abscess Qoitre llomicidal Jaundice Suicide, Apoplexy Abscess Cancer Suicide Bright's Disease Consumption Bright's Disease Poison Critical faculty TtuIa Lungs
7.41 8.34
l6 l5 t7 l5 t4 24 25 20 25 15.54 l8 23.21 28 24 l7-18 t-2 I
fever Asthma Appendicitis Enteric Insanity Like Cancer. Shani and Curu Neurasthenia Enteric Death by judicial sentence Poison Drink, Suicide
l5 lo 22 6 7 25 l5
l6 27 50 20 26 29 .5 1,2 I 4 4 20
Insanity Dhanus Bad Suicide Like Kuja with Budha Like Budha with Shukra Neurasthenia gout Consumption Paralysis Sight Suicide Makara Bronchitis Obesity, tlomicidal Bright's disease Anaetnia Balanced Drink Homicidal Spine Trouble in marriage appendicitis Lawyer Ifumbha Flomicidal Rheumatism Trouble in marriage goitre Rheumatic
ll lo t7 29 29.37,43. 5 28 24 l9 2
Mina Suicide 3 Features of Kuja, 5.51 Budha, Shukra gout 2 Cancer 2 l5 trouble in marriage 1 5 . 1 7 . 5 8 features of Kuja, Budha, Shukra critical faculty l&19 Poison 18 Law 2l-22 Suicide 22 Abscess lo ilomicidal t2 Apoplexy 22 Ulscers 2a goitre ll D consumption Bright's disease 4
Some Kemedial Measures
,l ny ailment needs three-fold treatment according to ancients. These are manl (precious stones), mantra .flour (Vedic or Tantrik mystic syllables) and aushadha (medicine). Any planet which is weak and which is obstructing has to be brought under control. We are not to meddle with the strong and favourable ones. Of the mantras those sanctioned by the Vedas and those given by the proper preceptor are helpful. Any mantra can work well for a Hindu if he does not neglect Oayatri mantra. Moreover, the worship of the family deity should never be ignored. The chart of the individual indicates which deity he had to worship. The fifth house is the mantra-sthana and the ninth is the Tapo bhava. If the fifth is an even sign and is aspected or occupied by Chandra and Shukra, he has to worship a female deity. The planets in that house or aspecting it indicate the deities thus: Sun{ayatri, Moon{auri; Kuja-KartikeYa; Budha-Vishnu; Guru-Shiva; Shukra-Gauri;Shani-vishnu Jaimini Sutras instruct us about the deities favourable to a native. These are based on karakamsha and its twelfth house. We can extend them to the fifth and ninth houses.
Ravi and Ketu, Shiva Chandra-Cauri Shukra-Lakshmi Kuja-Skanda (Kartikeya, Kumara) Budha and Shani-Vishnu Curu-Shiva ' Rahu-Chandiand Durga Ketu-Canesha and Skanda
In malefic houses Shukra and Shani indicate Kshudra Devatas. These may give results but are harmful. They invoke the so called evil spirits.
that controls and guides the destiny of our motherland. Such power being that of Vishvamitra, the Oayatri mantra envisioned by him and present in all the Samhitas has become central to the Hindu faith. It is the basic mantra. The 'Panchadashi' and 'Shodashi' mantras are called 'Rahasya' (esoteric) Gayatri. In a sense all the mantras are derived from this Cayatri and from the hundred lettered Cayatri. The latter is made up of gayatri with the fourth line, the'Jatavedas' Mantra and'Tryambakam' mantra. This lengthy introduction is intended to emphasise the absolute value of the graha mantras (mantras for the planets) taken from the Veda alone. Let us remember the statement of Manu that 'the primal source of Dharma is the Yeda.'Vyasa in Mahabharatha states that'Dharma proteits when it is protected and preserved'. In the light of these celebrated views we give first the appropriate hymns of Rig Veda. The Saura Suktas, hymns for propitiating the Sun, the lord of all life) are seven. These are found in the Rig Veda 1.55, 1.5O, l.l15, 1O.32 (Namomitrasya), lO.l2O (Vibhradl. lO.l5B, and lO.l7B (ayam gauh). These are taken from the first and the tenth mandalas of Rig Veda. The Vedic mantras found in Rig Veda for the propitiation of the planets are as follows: Sun: Mars: Jupiter: 1.55 8.44 4.50
l0.B Saturn: Rahu: 4.31 1.6 Ketu: The mantra for Saturn curiously enough is employed for the ritual of any deity that is worshipped. Even the mantra with which Canapati is invoked appears in Rig Veda (2.23.1) and in TaittiriyaSamhita ( Only the Vedic mantras can offer perfect remedial measures. The Dharma Sastras simplify the procedure of propitiat' ing the planets to ward off or to minimise the malefic result. We give them below. They are all from Rig Veda, and the
variants of some of these do appear in some of the Samhitas. l.2l.l;1.55.3;7.59.12 Sun: 8.43.9; l.9l.l6; Taitt.B.2.8.l.l7.R. V. Moon: I .164.41 3'7.7.12 8.44.16;l.165.l; Taitt.B. Mars: L.22.17; lO.lOl.l; Taitt.S. l.2.l5.lO; Mercury: R.V.4.57.1 Taitt. S. 7.5.18' l;; Jupiter: 2.23.\s R.Y.9.64.2; 1O.145.2; Taitt.S.; R.V. Venus: 4 . 3 4 . 7 ; R . Y .1 . 7 . 1 O ;R . V . 6 . 5 8 . 1 ; T a i t t . A . 1o.1.54. T a i t t . S . 1 . 8 . 1 4 . 1 2 :4 . 2 . 8 . 4 ; 5 . 7 ' 5 . 8 ; R . V . Saturn: 1 O . 9 . 4 ;8 ' 1 8 . 9 4 . 3 1 . L ; 4 . 2 . 5 ' 8 ; 4 . 2 ' 9 . 3 ; T a i t t ' S .1 . 5 . 1 5 . 5 ; Rahu:;4'2'9.3; 5.2.8'8. Ketu: 1.6.5;6.6.7 Taitt.S.l'5.3.2;1.5'7'13; ; T a i t t . A '6 . 5 . 9 ' Against each planet two or more mantras are given. This is because the authorities differ. At the end of the iapa, Qayatri should be recited for a thousand times. The numberrof times a mantra is to be recited is determined by multiplying the Vimshottari Dasa years of a planet bY one thousand. Prasna Marga gives us the deities to be worshipped on the basis of the signs occupied by each planet. ]. The Sun in various houses from Mesha onwards refers to the deities thus: Shiva, Yakshi, Vishnu, Sarpa, Kuladevata, Vishnu, Bhadrakali/ Svayambhu, Candharva Yaksha, Ayyappa, Pishacha and Kirata. 2. Chandra: In the houses of Kuja-chamunda; ln Vrishabha-yakshi;Tula-Dharma daiva; in Budha's houses' Vimana Sundari and Sundara; in Karka-Sarpaand Dharma in in Curu's houses-Gandharva; deva; in Simha-Bhagavati; Pishacha. and Shani's houses-Preta
5. Kuja: .ln Mesha-Bhuta rakshasa and Brahma Rakshasa; Narabhojini and Bali Prabhakshini; in Shukra's houses-Bhairava, Yakshi and Yakhsa; in MithunaNarasimha and Gandhawa; in Kanya- Narasimha and Yakshi, in Karka-Bhagavati, Krishna and Chamundi; in Simha- Shivabhuta; in Danush-Kushi and Shasta; in MinaVirabhadra; in Shani's houses-Abhichara Deva. 4. Budha: In Kuja's houses-Dvara devata; in Shukra's houses-Candharva; in his own houses-Candharva and Kinnara; in Karka- Jala Pishacha; in Simha-Nagakanya; in Curu's houses-Chamundi; in Shani's houes-Kavachi Shula Pishachi, and Kala Pishachi. 5. Jupiten In Mars' houses-Siva Bhutas, Durdevata; in Venus'- Apasmara Yakshi, Yaksha; in Mercury's- Devata (Yama); In Cancer and Leo-Devata Candharva; in Saturn's Pisacha, Jala Pisacha, Adhama houses-Bhasma Candharva. 6. Venus: In Mars' houses-Siva Bhutas, Yaksha Rakshasa; in his own and in Cancer-Yaksha, Yakshi; in Mercury's-Abhichara Devata; in Leo-Yakshi; in SagittariusMurti; in Pisces-Durga;in Capricorn-Apasmara; in Aquariusl{ala Pisacha. 7. Saturn: In Aries-Apasmara Devata; in Scorpio-Shiva Bhuta; in Taurus-Apasmara Yakshi, Yaksha; in LibraBhutanatha (Shiva); in Cemini-Vanadevata; in Leo-Sasta, Kirata, Pil;acha;In Jupiter's houses-Candharua; in his own houses-['reta and Pisacha. The 4th house and its lord indicate the family deity. The deities to be propitiated for receiving or controlling planetary afflictions are many, These are: the Sun-Shiva Bhuta; the Moon-Durga, Dharma Daivata; Mars-Subrahmanya Bhairava; Mercury-Candharva, Yaksha; Jupiter'Devas; Vea, Kirata, Pancha n us-Yaksha, Brahmarakshasa; Saturn-Sast Bhutas; Rahu-Naga; Ketu-Chandala Devata; Culika-Preta. Add the longitude of the lord of Lagna to that of the lord of the 6th. Note which planet is there or which one is aspecting it. This gives a clue to the propitiatory rite called for, as follows: The Sun-Aghora Bali; the Moon-Kapala tloma; Mercury-Chakra tloma; Jupiter-Pratikara Bali; Mars'
Bhutamaranabali, Khadga Ravanabali, Krittikabali; VenusPratikarabali. Bh utam ar anabali; Saturn-Pratikarabali. The mantras to be recited for the various planets are many. For the sake of convenience we give a few: the Sun-Raja shyamala; the Moon-Bhuvaneshwari; MarsBagalamukh i ; Mercury-Tripura Sundari; Ju piter-Tara; VenusKamala; Saturn-Dakshina Kali; Rahu-Chhinna Masta; KetuDhumavati. The mantras of these deities have to be received at the time of initiation from a competent Curu. Shrimad Ramayana of Valmiki has brought untold hap piness to millions of persons. Certain chapters are said to be an antidote to certain kinds of afflictions. Some of these have been tried by us and we vouchsafe the fruitfulness of these propitiatory rites. We give the Sargas (cantos, chap ters) of this sacred text and as authorisedin Llma Samhita. l. Successful performance of righteous activitiesAyodhya Kanda, Cantos 2l to 25. Naivedya (offering): 5 bananas. 40 days. 2. Acquisition of wealth-Ayodhya, 52. Naivedya: 5 bananas. 40 days. 5. Marriage-Bala Kanda, 73. For forty days. Naivedya: fresh milk. 4. Final emancipation-Aranya. 65 to 68. 5 bananas. 40 days. 5. For ill-health-Yuddha,59. tloney and milk. 40 days. 6. Possession. by spirits-Sundira, 5. Sugar Pongal. 40 days. 7. Ylental aberration-Sundara, 15. Cooked black gram. 40 days. 8. Poverty-Sundara15;5 bananas. 4O days. 9. Sorrow-Yuddha, I 16; 5 bananas 40 days. lO. Calamities-Yuddha,18-19. Coconut. 40 days. I l. For happy return of a relative-Sundara, 56, Mango or payasa. 4O days. 12. Bad dreams and Sorrows-Sundara,27. Sugar. 4O days. 15. For disservice to Sri Rama'Sundara, 58. 5 bananas. 4O days. t 4 . All-round happiness in the life to come-Yuddha, 15. Pongal with moong dal. 40 days. 1 5 . For begetting a child-Bala, 15-16. Payasam. 40 days.
16. Easy delivery-Bala," l8 Any available object. 40 days. 17. Fear of imprisonment-Yuddha,l17. Any object. 40 days. lB. For a healthy mind to the children-Ayodhya, l-2. 5 bananas 4O days. 19. Successful achievement of all desires-Bala 75-76. Payasam and papad. 40 days. 2O. Favour from superiors-Ayodhaya, lOO. 5 bananas. 40 days. 21. Meeting Relatives-Yuddha 17, lB,40 days. 22. Adulterry-Sundara7 to I l, 4O days. 23. For health-Yuddha, l05 (Aditya Hridayam). 40 days. When we were unable to fix the marriage of one of our daughters in splte of six years' efforts, we recited the 75rd Sarya of Balakanda for 40 days and on the 4lst day the marriage was fixed. For getting a girl married soon, the earlier generations of Andhras used to make the girls read every day the section on Rukmini Kalyana in Bhagavatam. This was most effective. The Vimshottari Dasa and Antardasas, lf they are maleflc, are effectively brought under control by certain l{anda in Valmikl chapters (Sargas) of Sundara Ramayana. We give some that we have tried with success:The Moon's mqjor period-Sundara Sarga 5. Mars Jupiter's antara Sundara-51. Mars-Venus-55.Rahu-Saturn 47. Rahu-venus65. Major period of Jupiter l. Saturn-Saturn48. Jupiter-Ketu 6l-62. Saturn-Mercury 54. Saturn-Venus 58. Mercury's major period 55. Mercury-Ketu 14. Mercury-Mars 29. Ketu-Venus 6. Venus major period 75 of Bala. The others are from Sundara. One of our daughters having Venus sub-period in Rahu started reading every day the 65th canto of Sundara Kanda along with Lalita Sahasra Nama Stotra: and five months after she began this, her marriage was celebrated. For Sag ittarius she has the Sun and Rahu in the 9th and Mercury and Venus in the lOth. The afflicted Nakshatra too needs propitiation. We have texts dealing with Craha Makha and Nakshatra Makha. The deities of the Nakshatras starting from Aswini and ending with Revati are:
Nasatyas (Aswini's), Yama or Vivasvan, Agni, Brahma, Soma., Rudra, Aditi, Brihaspati, Sarpa-Rudra, Maghvan or Pitris, Bhaga, Aryaman, Savita, Tvashta, Marutvan, Indragni, Mitra, Indra, Nirriti-Rudra. Apam Napat, Visvedevas, Vishnu, Vasus, Varuna, Aja Ekapat, Ahirbudhnya, and Pushan. This incidentally takes us to the most important Vedic foundation of propitiatory rites. ln Yainavallrya Smrltl we read: Sri kamah santi kamo va graha y4inam samacharet. Q95l Vrishtyayuh pushtikamo va tathaivaabhicharannapi peace, long life, health rainfall, One desirous of wealth, and protection should perform a sacrifice to the planets. The Vedic mantras given for the planets differ slightly from one smriti to another. The japa (prayer) of a planet is in terms of its Vimshottari Dasa years multiplied by a thousand. Each japa is preceded by a sankalpa which gives the Rishi, Chhandas and Devata of the mantra along with a dhyana sloka. Then follow tarpana and homa. The homa is with the prescribed samidhas (herbs) dipped in milk, sugar and honey. The form of the planet in the prescribed colour has to be invoked on to the pedestal. Many a time we hear that these japas have not proved effective. This is because after the japa, tarpana, homa and dana one forgets to recite Gayatri Mantra a thousand times. In a tabular form we present the details of the Graha Japas.
Planet l. Sun 2. Moon 5. Mars 4. Mercury 5. Jupiter 6. Venus Colour Red White Deity Agni Apam pati Place Centre Southeast South Northeast North East Pedestal Sacrificial Square Sabhya Circular AhavaniYa Tuti fiiangle Octagonal Crescent Anvaharya AvasathYa AvasathYa AhavaniYa
Deep red Quha Skanda Blue Yellow White Hari Indra Sachi
Place West Pedestal Sacrificial Diamond shape Stickform Flagpole shape Qarhapatya Anvahaniya Qarhaapatya
Colour Black
Dark Erown
Food to beoffered
2. Sankha
Somodhe- Sankha or rice num or Apyayasva Copper or turdal Qold or green cereals (mung)
5. Utpala
Nandya- cooked rice varta with curds 5 . Champaka Mallika 7 . Oirikamika 8. Kalhara Jaggery Chltranna Krisara
Brihaspate White cloth or Atiyadayo chana dal Sukram te tlorse or Barbatti anyat Black cow Sanno or Sesamum devi or Sam agnie Kaya nas chitra Ketum Krinvan Qoat or black gram (udat) lron bar or cattle feed cereals
9. Tapencha
All this does not mean that an affliction brought by the planets can be cured only by these remedial measures. Our ancients have prescribed manl (precious stones), mantra, and aushadha (medicine) jointly. Craha japa hastens the process of recovery only when the horoscope assures longevity.
One should find out the nature or source of the ailment from the radical chart and determine the planet or planets responsible for it. Then along with medication one should perform the japa. We give a few instances based on our experience. When the 5rd and 5th houses are severely afflicted and we no' ticed mental derangement or possession we have success(Bhadra KaIl) Parayana. ln fully employed fratlrangira some cases Vanadurga mantra or the first chapter of Durga Saptasati has proved effective. Ordinary fevers or drishti dosha (evil eye) were controlled by Sitala Mantra which appears to control Mars. Stolen goods indicated by the l2th house, Saturn, Rahu and the like were recovered by Kartaveeryarjuna Mantra. ?arasara has given the causes for the loss or absence of children as some curses; and these can be alleviated by mantras; and in some cases Rahu being involved we prescribed Naga Pratishta and worship. The results were amazing. Stammering or inability to speak are well indicated by the 2nd house and controlled by Vagvadini llantra. Ability to make both ends meet was made possible by Suatna aakarshana Bhairvaas indicated by Mars and houses 2,6, 12 and I l. Affliction to Mercury, the 4th house and the lord of that house can cause slackness in the education of the native. In such cases we have found llayagreeva Mantra to be very effective. Blood pressure indicated by the Moon and Mars and/or Venus was controlled by the wearing of a particular type of rudraksha; and in some instances daily Rudradhyaya Parayana was also followed with successful results. Affliction to the 7th house and its lord and to Venus made one lose three wives in succession, and we prescribed the daily recitation of Argala, Keelaka, and Kavacha of Durga prescribed for Durga Saptasati; and he leads a happy life now with his fourth wife. These mantras are those given as per the tradition of the Sakhas, following Samayachara only. Difficulties involving delayed marriage came to our notice. The chart has Venus and Ketu in the 9th, the Sun and Mars in the lOth, and Saturn in the l2th for Scorpio Lagna. We prescribed Ganapati Mantra along with Chandi Navarna Mantra. After 40 days she was married. In one case afflicted Jupiter,
Saturn afflicted the Sth h6use denied offspring. The lady was asked to do lO8 pradakshinas daily around a Vatavriksha (Ae gA) for 40 days. I-ater she conceived and delivered a healthy chlld. An afflicted Rahu refers to the worship of Subrahmanya and/or Durga. Saturn is best kept under control by llanuman Challsa. These are some of our findings. The minimum perlod for a mantra is a mandala of 40 days. A prolonged illness indicated by Lagna refers to Adltya llridayam and Suryanamskaras. The Vedic Riks prescribed for the different planets have been found to be extremely effective. These when combined with the Mantras given by Samaya school of Sahti worship have not failed us so far, provided the mantra r4ja called Gayatri preceded and followed the same. Some texts give tantrik mantras, and these have not proved to be so good as claimed. Above all we trust that any planetary affliction, if longevity is assured, can be overcome with medication accompanied by Oayatri, Panchadasl or Shodasl and the mala mantra of Tripura Sundari as given in Ttipara Taplnl Upanishad. These remedial measures have the sanction of celebrated Rishis like Parashara, Jaimini, Yqjnavalkya and the Upnishadic seers. Before we proceed further let us note some other manprescriptions given in our texts for various planetsr tra Ravi: Shaiva Bhuta; Shiva; Rama; Savitri Sukta; Shatakshari gayatri; ganpati. Chandra: Durga; female deity; yakshini; gauri; Krishna; Shiva Sukta; Shiva Sahasranama; ganapali sahasra nama; Bhadra kali; Chandi, if in kujas houses. Kuja: Bhairava, Subrahmanya; Kartikeya; Durga; Narasimha; Devi Sukta, Ratri Sukta. Budha: Candharva, Yaksha, Sharadas, Sarasvati; Vishnu; Sudarshana, Budha, Sarasvati Sukta; Vishnu Sahasranama. Guru: Shiva or Vishnu; Dakshina murti; Vamana; Bhagta Sukta; Vishnu Sukta; Vishnu Sahasranama.
Shani: Shasta, kirata: Smashana nilaya; Venkatesvara; Kurma avatara; Vishnu Sukta; Sudarshna mantra. Rahu: Naga, Durga; Yaraha; Durga Sukta (Second section of Narayana upanishad). Ketu: Chandala Devata; ganapatil; llina avatara: ganapati upanishad. Mandi: ?reta. Shulsa: Odd signs: ganapati; even signs: Annapuma, Lakshmi; Yakshi; female deity; Iakshmi; Parashurama; Srisukta; Lakshmi Sukta Kanakadhara Stotra The fourth lord indicates the family deity. He should not be in the eighth and the eighth lord should not be in the fourth. Now let us note the prescriptions for some of the ailments: l. Male children Purusha Sukta (R.V. lO.9O) 2, Wealth: Sri Sukta 5. Fever: Agni mantra 4. Diarrhoea: So Agni rasmi' 5. Dysentery: Shiva Sankalpa Sukta 'Agni Rasmi' (R.V.3.26.71. 6. Dyspepsia: 7. Rakta Pitta: Kuja 8. Pandu Rogar Kushmanda tloma 9. Jaundice: Caruda Gayatri lO. Tuberculosis: 'Ya te Rudra 'Agnim dutam'(R.V.l.l2.l) and'Tad Vishnoh' I l. Asthma: ( R . V .1 . 2 . 2 2 ) 12. Apasmara:' Sadasaspati' (R.1.18.6) and 'Kaya naschitra' (R.V.4.51. l) 15. Diebetes: Purusha Sukta, Vishnu Sahasra nama, Sahasra Gayatri, or'Ya te Rudra' (Namaka). 14. Heart: Kushmanda Homa, Vishnu Sahasra nama 15. Kala Sarpa: Tri Suparna mantras (Taitt. Aranyaka 1O.58 to 4O). These are in Narayana upanishad-Sections 58 to 40.
For certain specific needs the following are prescribed. We are giving them. They are found in the Vedas. l. Medha, Shraddha: Canapati Atharua Slrsha. 2. Litigation, Dxamination, interviews: Surya Sukta (R.V. 1.5.5). 5. Study, job, peace: Sarasvati Sukta (Taltt. Samhita'). 4. Accidents, mlsfortune, Abhichara: Durga Sukta (Narayana upanished, section 2); ?ratyangira Riks. 5. Illness, Recovery: Ashvini Sukta. 6. Sleep impediments: Shanti Panchaka. 7. lll effets: Nava graha Sukta. 8. Betterment of Status: Nakshatra Sukta (Taitt. 5.4.4. lO). 9. Cooperation, Partners:Samvada Sukta (R.V. lO.l9l). lO. Broad mind: Yqjna Sukta. ll. Longevity, Health: Ayushya Sukta (Taltt. S. 5.5.8. r.5.l4.ll,12\.
12. Relief from pains and death bed; Mrityu Sukta (R.V. l O . l 8 ) ; T a i t t .S . 2 . 5 . 2 . l . - 6 . 15. Safe delivery: Qarbha Sukta. 14. Rain and world peace: Varuna Sukta (Taitt. S 5.6.1). 15. Sins, Abhichara: ?avamana Sukta (Taitt. Bra. 1.4.8\. 16. Intellectual Attainments: Savitri Sukta. 17. Ylarital tlappiness: Manyu Sukta (R.V. 10.85,84). 18. Insanity, Epilepsy: Soma Sukta. We now give a list of specific problems and the remedial measures: l. Incarceration, misfortune: ?avamana Sukta (Taitt Br. 1.4.8). 2. Departmental action, criminal proceedings, machinations of debts, diseases, enemies; Manyu Sukta (R.v. 1o.85,84). 5. Name, money, foreign journeys: Varuna Sukta.
4. Constant Failures: BhagyaSukta (Taitt. 8.2.a. lO-16). 5. Interviews, tests, examinations: Sarasvati Sukta (Taitt.
s . r.4 . 2 2 . 5 ) .
6. Frequent thefts, larceny, arson, dacoity: Simhanada Sukta (Taitt. Br. 2.7.7). 7. Bed wetting, involuntary masturbation: Nila Sukta. 8. Money, Prosperity, Progress, ?eace: Sri Sukta. 9. Anxiety, Problems, Durga Sukta Narayana upanished, Section 2). lO. Charter of demands: Chamalsa (Taitt. S. 4.7.1 to I I ). I l. Progeny, happinesss in married life, Sade Sati: Purusha tO.9O). Sukta (R.V. 12. Tight Comer: Gqiendra Moksha in Bhagavata. 15. Govermental action, criminal cases: Vatuka Bhairava, Apaduddharaka stotra. 14. Silencing the opponents: Bagalamukhi. 15. Delayed marriage: Kanakadhara Stotra, Sundara Kanda Saryas 32 to 57 Sri Sukta. 16. Broken or cancelled marriage, delay in marriage: Manyu Sukta, ?avamana Sukta, Sri Sukta; Samvada Sukta, Saubhagya lakshmi. 17. Ill health of children: Shivaparadha kshamapara sloka Durga Sukta chhinna masta. 18. Want of Progeny; Purusha Sukta, Santana gopala mantra, vishnu sahasra nama stotra. 19. Madness: Sarasvati Sukta, Pratyangira, Shiva kavacha, Lingashtaka. 2O. Sudden ill health: kushmanda Sukta (Taitt. Aranyaka 2.5 to 6; and for homa Taitt: Aranyaka 2.7,A.). Shiva Panchakshari. 21. Financial crisis: Sri Sukta, Lakshmi Sukta, Bhagya Lakshmi mantra, Lakshmi kavacha. 22. Curse with family: Pavamana Sukta, Raja iajesvari mantra, l",akshmi Nrisimha Karavalamba Stotra, Vishnu
Sahasra nama stotr. 23. Fear of debts: Saktumiva (R.V. 1O.71.2.)Bagalamukhi, Rina Vimochana ashtaka. 24. Danger form fire: Agni Sukta, Kirataviryarjuna mantra, Subrahmanya Bhujanga ?rayata stotra, Kala Bhairava ashtaka. 25. Facing criminal cases: Surya Sukta, Nava graha Sukta, Nakshatra sukta, ganesha kavacha, Subrahmanya, Ashtaka, Hanuman chalisa. Lalita Sahasranama stotra. 26. Frequent Infantile death: Tri suparna Mantra (Narayana upanishad, Sections 58 to 4O), Sudarsana mantra.. 27. Departmental action: Lalita Tri sati; Aditya flridaya, Durga Sukta. 28. Lack of job Satisfaction: Vishnu Sahasranama stotra; Sarasvati Sukta. 29. Fear of Thieves: Taitt. S. 5O. Consumption; Taitt. S. 2.3.5. 51. Leprosy: Taitt.S. Some of the ailments referred to above have to be assessed from the planet responsible for them. We give chiefly an account of the planets in relation to the complaints. San; Right eye, heart, circulatory system, spleen, stomach, bone, head, skin, spine. thyroid. Moon: Medulla oblongata, digestive system, tumour, inherited diseases; left eye, epilepsy, cold, nausea, lungs, uterus, breasts, blood, mind, alimentary canal. Kuja: accidents, blood, inflammation, male genifals, Piles, nasal troubles, neck, marrow, rectum, head; gonad, adrenalin; Muscular system, Red corpuscles. Budha Brain, back pituitary and thyroid, respiratory system, asthma, lungs, speech, nerves, chest, skin; pencreas and parathyroid; gall bladder, spine, nose; neurasthenia, epilepsy.
Ouru: Spleen liver, arteries, cancer, hips congestion ear, tongue, brain, diabetes; thighs, fat, Pancreas, Insulin; gout, abnormal growth. Shukra: Veins; thyroid, gonad glands; kidneys, ovaries, face, eyesight, diptheria, ulcer, hair, neck' Shani: Bone, skin, knees, feet, galbladder, teeth, legs; bronchitis, chronic diseases; adrenalin; ligaments, mineral salts of the body; spleen; pituitory; toxions in the blood; Rheumatism, hereditary ailment. IJranus: Parathyroid and pituitary paralysis. Neptune: Pineal gland; Sensitivity of the nervous system; psychic disorders. Rahu: feet, breathing. Ketu: Stomach. Uma Samhifa prescribes reading once a day some canto or the other from Valmiki Ramayana for each Mahadasa. These are; Ravi: Bala kanda, 75 Sarga. Chandra: Sundara kanda, 5 Sarya. Kuja: Bala kanda 56 and 57 sargas. Rahu: Yuddha Kanda, sarga 75. Gum: Sundara kanda, Sarga I l. Shani: Bala kanda, Sarga 50. Budha: Sundara kanda, sarga 55. Ketu: AyodhYa kanda, sarya 5O. Shukra: Sundara kanda, Sarga 56. Something about precious stones is necessary. Ravi:-Ruby (manik), 5 or5 Ratis in gold on the ring finger' Chandra: Pearl (Motil,2 or 4 Ratis in silver on the little finger. Kuja: Red Coral (moonga), 5 Ratis in silver on the ring finger Budha: Dmerald (Panna), 5 Ratis in gold on the little flnger.
Guru: white Topaz (Pushyarag), 7 Ratis in gold on the Index or Ring finger. Shukra: diamond (Hlra), one-fourth or half rati in gold on the little finger. Shani: Blue Sapphire (Neel manl), 5 Ratis in gold on the middle finger. Rahu, Uranus: Hessonite (gomedh), 6 Ratis in silver on the ring finger' Ketu, Neptune: cat's eye (Lahsunia), 5 Ratis in gold on the ring finger' All are on the right hand.
Female tloroscopy
l. Nativities of Women In the third chapter of lrora sastra. ?arasarastates that he will outline the results to be predicted from each of the l6 vargas. llere we read:
Some peculiar combinations listed by the authorities deserve special attention. These are the following. l. The Sun in lheTth aspected by inimical planets-the wlfe will be separated. 2. Mars in the 7th aspectedby inimicalones-widowhood or estrangement. 5. Saturn in the 7th aspected by inimical ones-lives tong along with the husband. 4. Saturn in the 7th which is a malefic sign-widowhood. 5. Mars and Venus in the 7th-undesirable. 6. The Moon and Venus in Lagna owned by Mars or Saturn and a malefic in the Sth-children. 7. Mars in Navamsa of the 7th lord aspected by Saturn, disliked by the husband. 8. Mars in Navamsa of the 7th lord Venus and aspected by a malefic-happy married life. 9. The Moon and Venus in Lagna owned by Mars-hates the husband. The Moon and Mercury in a similar position-skilled in arguing; Mars and Mercury in such a position-valorous; Jupiter in such a Lagna-good children. lO. Benefic in the 9th-highly fortunate. I I. Lagna or the Moon in Trimsamsas of Mars, Venus or Saturn-undesirable. In the case of a woman the chart erected for the time of birth is not so important as the one cast for the time of her first menstruation. The latter chart is all-important.The first menses should not be on a Sunday,Tuesdayor Saturday.For this Kalyana Varma's text Saravali (M/s Ranjan Publictions) has to be taken into consideration.The combinations given have to be modified by considering the ownership, position and aspects. The favourable and lucky combinations are: l. Lord of the 7th in Lagnawith the owner and aspected by Venus. 2. Lord of the 7th in the 7th with the lord of Lagna and aspected by Jupiter and the Moon.
5. Exalted lord of the 7th with the lord of Lagna is in Lagna. 4. Lord of l-agna exalted, lord of the 7th aspecting t}re 7th and benefics in kendras: A virtuous life is indicated by the following combinations: l. Lord of the 7th in the 6th, or lords of the 6th and the 7th in the l2th, or lords of the 6th and the 7th in the same Navamsa or in one constellation. 2. Lord of the 7th in l-agna, lords of the 6th in the 7th or the l2th, and these lords in the same Navamsa or in mutual aspects. 5. The Moon as lord of the 7th in last Navamsa aspected by the 6th lord. 4. Lord of the 7th in an angle and in Navamsa of the 6th lord with the owner of the 6th, aspected by the l2th house. Widowhood is indicated by the following:l. Lords of the 7th and the 8th aspected by malefics. 2. Rahu in the 7th and lord of the 7th with the Sun aspected bY the 8th lord. 5. Lord of the 7th with Saturn aspected by Mars, while the Moon and Rahu are in the 8th. 4. Mars in the 8th with its owner and l-agna in a malefic Navamsa. 5. Rahu with Saturn and Mars in the 7th or the 8th. 6. Lords of the 7th and the 8th in the l2th and the 7th aspected by a malefic. 7. llord of the 7th as a malefic or in a malefic house while Mars and Saturn are in the 7th or the Bth. These combinations get modified by benefic aspects. Leaving aside these generalised statements, let us study a few char[s to show how the planets operate in the lives of those women. The first chart shows the lords of the 7th and
Chaft No. I : Gemlni-Ascndant; Cancer-the Sun l80 Mercury 20; Leo-Venus 160; Virgo-Kahu 2o; Scorpio-the Moon 2Oo; Pisces.Mars 25" and Ketu 20. Taurus-Jupt; Sat.
the 8th in the 12th with no aspects. As per Jaimini's Upapada, it falls in Capricorn which gives lords of the 6th, the 9th and the 8th in the 7th while the 7th lord is aspected by Saturn and Jupiter. From Lagna the 2nd house is afflicted by Saturn. During her 25th year she lost her husband. The 8th house is also afflicted by badhaka Jupiter. The second chart is that of a medical practitioner born under the constellation Pushyami.The 7th house has Ketu aspected by benefic Jupiter (lord of the 9th and the lzth).
Chaft No,2.' Aries-Ascendant and Rahu; CeminiMars and Jupiter; Cancer-the Moon; Leo-the Sun; Virgo-Mercury and Venus; Libra-Ketu; SagittariusSatum.
But Jupiter is with the lord of the lst and the 8th and.is aspected by retrograde Saturn (lord of the lOth and the l lth). The 7th lord is in the 6th with its owner aspected by Mars. She was deserted by her huband during [he major period of Venus. Lord of the 8th and the l2th and of the 6th and the 7th have played their Part. ln the chart of the woman deserted by the huaband, lords 7th for Aries exchange and the the 6th of houses, while Venus is with the Sun and Mars is in Virgo. The Bth house has the powerful aspect of retrograde Saturn from Taurus. There is another case illustrated by the third chart. She is highly educated but is known for her loose morals, though unmarried. llere lords of the 6th and the 7th inter'
Chaft No. J;Taurus.Ascendant; Cemini'Saturn and Rahu, Cancer-the Moon; LeoJupiter; Libra-the Sun and Mars; Scorpio-Venus and Mercury; SagittariusKetu.
change their houses, the 7th lord owning also the l2th. Lagna is afflicted by Mars aspect and the 8th lord by that of Saturn. The 4th house refers to chastity and here is malefic Jupiter (lord of the 8th and the I I th) aspected by a natural malefic. The 4th lord is in the 6th with the 7th lord. These are enough to justify the nature of the native. The fourth chart of a woman is of special significance. Eiorn under the constellation Makha, she has her Lagna aspected by badhaka. The 5th lord is in the l2th. The house
TEXT BOOIf Of SCIENTInIC ruNDU AS7-ROLOOY Chaft No. 4.. Cemlni-Ascendant 22o ll'; CancerKetu 50 17'; l.eo-lhe Moon 90 52'; Virgo-Mars2lo 54'; Libra-Jupiter29o 58'; Capricom-Rahu50 lZ,; Aquarius-Saturn l5o ll'; Pisces.Mercuryl8o 22'. Taurus-Venus.
of chastity is clouded. The 7th is aspected by Mars and Rahu is in the 8th. There is nothing serious so far. But consider the Moon sign. The 7th and the 8th are afflicted. The lord of the 4th is aspected by debilitated Mercury indicating some defect in character. Lords of the 6th and the 7th are in 2/12 relationship. Mars and his aspect on the lord of chastity and on the 7th made her divorce her first husband. The peculiar positions of Jupiter and Mars combined with the location of Rahu in the 8th made her marry a European. She had two children by him. The malefic in the 9th is also the lord of the 8th; and as lord of the 6th and the 7th from the Moon, he is in the 7th. She divorced the second one too. The dictum of Mantreswaraabout the lord of the 7th in the Sth applies here fully. She is also acc.used of lesbianism. Jupiter in the 5th for Cemini does not augur well. The 5th chart needs explanation from those who give plenty of exceptions to Mars dosha. Saturn, lord of the 7th,
Chart No.5,. Cancer-Ascendantand Jupiter; Leothe Moon; Virgo-Ketu; Capricom-Satum; AquariusMars; Pisces-the Sun, Mercury and Rahu; Aries' Venus.
is in the 7th aspected by the lords of the 6th and the 9th. Mars is in the 8th aspected by the Moon. Saturn is also the 8th lord. From the Moon Lagna we find Mars in the 7th, the 8th having malefics. She was married in the sub-period of Saturn (which ended on l-8-1951) in Venus and she became a widow in Venus' sub period of Moon. Mars and the Moon have mutual aspects. Jupiter's aspect on Satum was of no avail. Consider the sixth chart. The lOth house is very powerful. The 7th has lords of the 5rd and the l2th and the 4th
Chaft No. A Cancer-Ascendant; Leo-Ketu; Virgo. Saturn; Libra-Mars;Scorpio-the Moon; CapricornMercury and Venus; Aquarius-the Sun and Rahu; Pisces. Jupiter. .
and the I lth, with the malefic aspect of Mars. The 8th is afflicted. ln Saturn's sub period of Venus her husband died (1972). She was tortured considerably. She married again, note the 7th house and a powerful lord of the 8th, while the house of chastity has Mars. She has been a Naxaliteagain note Mars, and the exchange between Mercury and Saturn. Here it may be noted that according to experience, when two planets have a mutual exchange of houses, they lose the ownership of the other house. ln this chart, Saturn is the lord of only the 7th and Mercury of only the Srd. In essence Mercury and Venus are in the 7th asepcted by Mars. This offers a fuller explanation of the facts. The seventh chart supplies a good illustration of Mantreshwara's dictum regarding the exchange of houses between the Sth and 7th lords. She was married in 1972 November at the age of 55; when the sub-period of Ketu in
Chart No. Z,' Virgo-Ascendant; Scorpio-Mars and Rahu; Capricom-Jupiter; Aquarius-Mercury;Piscesthe Sun and Saturn; Aries- the Moon and Venus; Taurus.Ketu.
Rahu began; and she became a widow just before this very subperiod ended. Jupiter and Saturn have exchanged houses and Saturn is with the lord of the l2th. The 9th house is afflicted. Ketu is aspected by Mars and Saturn, Mars being also the lord of the 8th. The exchange of the 5th and the 7th means death of partner, or estrangement, or childlessness. Usually the first alternative is stronger. Saturn's aspect on Ketu clinches the issue. Moreover from the Moon sign the 8th has Mars and Rahu. The eighth and the ninth charts are those of women whose hubands are impotent. The 8th shows a badhaka who is the lord of the 7th is with Ketu, while the 7th is aspected by Saturn. The lOth house needs watching particularly because Mars is with the 7th from the Moon with
Chart No. B.' Viryo-Ascendant; Sagittarius-the Moon; Capricorn-Satum; Aquarius-Kahu,' CeminiMars and Venus; Cancer-the Sun and Mercury; [,eo Jupiter and Ketu. Chart No. 9, Sagittarius-Ascendant 2Oo 24'; Ylars 4o 9' and Rahu 22o 5l'; Cemini-Ketu 22o 5l' and Jupiter 24o 54'; Cancer-Mercury 4o 29' and the Sun 200 45'; Virgo-Venus40 l6'; Libra-Saturn l lo 56'and the Moon 60 l2',
Venus.The 9th placesJupiter in a badhakahousewhile the 7th badhaka lord is in the 8th aspected by Saturn and Mars.The 4th house has the aspects of Mars and debilitated Venus. The eighth chart also shows the 4th house aspected by Mars and Venus. One may draw the necessaryconclusions. The tenth chart is an example showing the value of Navamsa. The girl was married but left her husband on flimsy grouds. In Navamsa the 7th has Mars and Venus and the 7th lord is debilitated and aspected by Saturn. The lord
Chart No. IO: Rasi: Libra-Ascendant l50 26' and Satum (R) I lo l6',.Scorpiothe Moon 70 28'; Sagittarius-Mars (R) l50 49' and Rahu 24o I l. Cemini-
ffavamsa: Aquarius-Ascendant;Taurus-Mercury and Ketu,.Leo-Mars and Venus;Virgo-theMoon; Libra-the Sun;Scorpio-Rahu; Capricom-Jupiter and Satum. of Lagna is in the l2h. In Rasi chart the 7th lord is afflicted by Rahu and aspected by many. The lord of Lagna is aspected by Mars and Saturn and there is shashtashtaka (6/8) relationship between Venus and Mars. In ansha such a position does not appear. Now look at the husband's chart (ll). tle is a medical practitioner, Rasi of the wife and Amsa of the partner have Saturn in Lagna. The 7th lord in ChartNo, 1,1.. Rasi:Aries-Ascendant25o l8'; Taurus-Rahu 17o24';Cancer-Satum l4o ll'; Scorpio upiter lo 57'; Venus 22o 8' and Ketu l7o 24': Sagittarius-the lrloon 27o I 9'; Capricom-the Sun Bo 45' Mars50 6' and l'lercury 7o 25,
H#;:;""'"x?iiffi :18il:g*.i:lH'^:o ius-Mars; Pisces-the Sun and Mercury; CeminiRahu; CancerJupiter. both is in the 5rd house aspected by Jupiter and Saturn. If the lord of Lagna is in the loth aspected by Mars in her Rasi, the lord of Lagna in Amsa of her husband is Mars in the 4th. Incompatibility is evident from Venus in his 8th and from her Mars with Rahu in the 5rd. They have a daughter. More instances like these are available and they vindicate Parashara's dictum effectively. The twelfth chart is that of a woman who lived with her husband for 12 years and then sought a divorce. Lords of
the 6th and the 7th are together in the I I th. These are Mars and Venus. Mars having Satum's Amsa. Saturn and Jupiter
Chaft No. ^12.'ScroploAscendant; Aquarlus-Ketu l2o 22'; Plsces-theMoon 22o 2O'; Taurus-Satum l9o 54'; Cancer-Jupiter20 55'; Leo-Rahu, l2o 22'; Vlrgo-Mars lo 57', Mercury 29o 47'and Venus 29o 57'; Llbra-the Sun 40 57'.
aspect l-agna, the aspect of the former being malefic. Saturn is not in a malefic sign, but in the 7th house he is positively bad. Ketu in the 4th house aspected by Saturn is ominous in a woman's chart. Likewise from the Moon sign the 4th lord is not well placed. Moreover the badhaka being the Moon, his aspect on Mercury and Venus has contributed to the unfortunate situation. In one chart of Sagittarius Lagna we find in l,agna the lords of the 7th, the lOth, the 6th, the I I th and the 9th. l,agna lord exchanges places with the loth lord. The association of the lords of the 6th, the 7th, and the loth is to be noted. Saturn from the 2nd aspects the Moon in the 8th. Both are in the 8th. Yet she became a widow in 1976 at the age 43. The 8th house is afflicted and Mars is in the 2nd from the Moon. Look at the thlrteenth chart. She rvas married in July 1949 and became a widow in September 195O. Then she married again. Mars as lord of the 4th is in the Bth, which is
Chaft No. 1J: C.apricom-Ascendant; Plsces-Ketu; Gemini-the Moon; lro-Mars; Vlryo-Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Rahu; Llbra-the Sun and Mercury.
the l2th from Venus; Mars then from Venus is the lord of the 8th. Lords of the lst, the 2nd,lhe 5rd, the l2th, the 5th. and the loth are with Rahu and afflicted. Mercury and Venus exchange places, thereby making the lord of the 6th and the 9th associated with the 9th house directly. The 8th lord is debilitated. Saturn's aspect on the Moon is equally bad. I"agna is unaspected. Moreover, Mars as badhaka is in the 8th. These, explain the facts clearly. The 8th house denoting the second marriage is stronger than the 7th and its lord is in the lOth with the lord of the 9th. This is a favourable point, if it is. The last chart (14) is of particular interest. She married a person who divorced his earlier wife with three children or
so. He married this woman after going through the family planning programme. She discovered it long after. She urged to adopt a child and it was prevented. Till her 4oth
Chaft No. 14; Pisces-ascendant 60 12'; Taurus-the Sun 25o 40'; Gemini-Mercury l2o 3'; Cancer-the l{oon 27o I O', Ketu 20 28' and Venus 70 27' , VirgoMars 16" 58'; Libra-Jupiter 23o 43' (R), CapricornKahu 20 28'; Aquarius-Saturn l8o 55'.
year she was happy. Then followed serious quarrels started by her husband. Mars here is in the badhaka house. But the 8th house Jupiter and the 8th lord with the Moon in the 5th saved her considerably from widowhood. The estrangement too was short-lived. But it was there because Mars was in the 7th from Karakamsa Lagna and in the 8th from Upapada. : These illustrations are intended only to show the complexity of problems we have to deal with in judging the nativities of women. The skill of an astrologer lies in analysing and interpretlng a chart, We propose a case study of a lady's chart to elucidate a few principles. She was born at 00.59 A.M. of 1935.6.6/7 at l7.O N and 81.57 tr. The last sign of the Zodiac is rising while the lagna in the Navamsa chart is 'Simha. The Karakmsa lagna is Kumbha. Three bodies are in their own signs indicating a kind of Raja yoga. But of what ,avail is a R4ja yoga for a lady brought up in the Hindu traditions if the chart indicated widowhood even before she completes forty seven years of age? She lost her husband in N o v e m b e r1 9 8 1 . We strongly believe that there are no exceptions to Kujadosha if the charts of the husband and wife have the same defect, it gets neutralised. Neutralization is not cancellation. Since the former term means the avoidance of only the major disaster like the loss of the partner. In reading a chart, we have to pay attention also to the navamasa chart, since this is a symbolic presentation of the partner's chart. As Parashara stated, "Navamanshe Kalatram." Whether the partner will have kuja-dosha can be found from the navsmsha chart.
10.26 Merc (R) Ketu 1.1 Ven 3.0 25.43 Moon 18.57
4.45 tagna
2,13 Uranus
2..13 St.n
Saturn Jupiter
[4oon MVAMSA
Flahu Merc
5.8 10ff1
15.31 Mars
The Chart under question shows Kuja in the seventh from lagna and darapada, in the eighth from karakamsa, and in the fourth from the Moon in navamsha chart. The disposition of Mars in Navamsa is not as strong as it is in the natal chart. Radical lagna and Navamsa lagna are in six-eight relation, indicating little domestic harmony or compatibility. The seventh lord from lagna is retrograde and is in the sixth from navamsa lagna; and the seventh lord in navamsa is in the eighth from lagna there. Taking the navamsachart to representthe partner, let us try to find something about her husband.The seventh lord in the eighth and the twelfth lord in the seventhshould indicate the loss of his wife. But the twelfth house (Comforts of bed) is tenanted by Uranus, Ketu and lord of lagna, aspected by Rahu and by the lord of the second. There are no benefic aspects. But as the lagna has Venus in the seventh from the Moon and as this Venus is aspected by a malefic and a benefic, this lady will have to be his second wife, even when the first was alive. The sixth-twelfth axis involving Rahu and Uranus suggests, a legal or a suddenly legal separation from the first wife. Moon-Venus axis shows that he cannot be happy in his family life. This was what actuallyhappened.He had two sons and.a daugher by the first wife. Jupiter from Aries, Mars from a Venusian sign, and Saturn from Piscesaspect the fifth from navamsa langa. Because of these aspects he had no cordial relation with his children too.
Qoing back to the lady's chart let us look to the house of children. In a woman's chart the ninth refers to children. This house is aspected by the sixth and the twelfth lord. These are negative facts. The ninth lord in the seventh and the seventh lord in the eighth fronr the ninth add to be negative directions. She was denied children. Why did this happen? The navamsha chart shows the husband to be passionate. But the seventh is hemmed in between malefics and the lord of lagna is with Uranus in the twelfth. Uranus and Mars indicate some kind of surgical treatment. The lady's ninth lord and the seventh lord are in the signs ruled by the eunuch Mercury. From her arudha lagna (Taurus)the seventh lord Mars is in the fifth, a sign owned by Budha. All these factors cumulatively point to a family planning operation undergone by her hus' band prior to her marriage.But as her fifth house shows she is highly intelligent and sensitive,and she came to know of it some three or four years after her marriage. This knowledge is the main cause of their embittered relations. The huaband worked in the teaching profession-sixth house Budha, sixth also being a house of profession. We are referring to the navamsa chart. There the lord of second and eleventh being in the sixth with Rahu aspected by Uranus and Sun, he was a first rate gambler at cards and he earned much. This property was left to the lady-note the lord of dhana and bhagya (ninth) in the seventh. As the lord of the eleventh is in the twelfth and as the significator of wealth is in her eighth, it is clear that she cannot retain the property till the end of her life. At the birth the balance of Mercury's period was for years 5-5-25.The real trouble startedwith the beginingof the major period of the Moon from 1973.12.5.Though the Moon is in his own sign, he is in the third from arudha lagna. flis association with the functional malefic Venus is serious. We accept the equal house system and consider the rising degree of lagna as the first degree, not the middle one. For her seventh house the Moon and Venus are not quite good, from her arudha lagna these are in the third; and from her karakamsa lagna they are in the sixth. The subperiod of Venus in the mqjor period of the Moon was from 1981.1O.5 and in the following month her
husband passed away. The elghth lord ln the fifth from lagna, and in the sixth from karakmsa lagna does suggest some abhichara (black magic) leading to the demlse of her husband.
2. General outline
There are only a few references in our ancient texts and most of them are only cursory. They have not attempted any systematic treatment, nor have they devoted their attention elsewhere. From the scantiness of the available literature we cannot visualise what exactly our ancients have thought and deduced regarding female horoscopes. There is one important factor which has been stressed often. lt is that the various predictions found in the horoscopes of women are to be applied to their husbands ohly. This is a very misleading proposition, for it presumes that women, as such, have no individuality of their own. A husband might be completely jovial, and he may not have any occasion to look gloomy. But for all this, if his wife were to put upon only a melancholy appearance,if she were to lead only such a life, how are these to be reconciled? It is a thing to be asked. But in most cases, as the institution of marriage is nothing less than a unification of the apparenfly diverging factors of life, this formula holds good. yet we have to admit it with great caution and reticence. Before we actually proceed to examine the question In its various implications there is one more thing that we have to bear in mind. After an individual is married, and this alone entitles him to the rank of a responsible citizen of the State, we cannot predict from his horoscope alone. We have always to note the horoscope of his wife, and in the case of a lady of her husband's; we have to co-relate them and then alone begin to predict. Qenerallyit is the lady's horoscope that has a vital bearing on the life of the male's. There is a genUeman whose horoscope was a very brilliant one. Till the time of his marriage he was very successful and prosperous, though he came from a very poor family. There is a rich genileman, whose daughter's horoscope is not at all promising enough. But since the horoscope of the boy is a very good one, he was advised by some to give his daughter in marriage to him. And
he did accordingly. The boy who stood first so far in his academic career, suddenly failed that year. It was never dreamt by anybody. Another person who was mentally and physically undergoing a regular torment till the time of his marriage, has become now, after marriage, a perfectly normal individual. Such considerations force us to conclude that after marriage both the horoscopes must be consulted, and that we have to place a greater weight on the lady's horoscope in almost all cases. From the Lagna, we can generally say something regarding the appearance, beauty, fame and fortune of the lady. The fo'-rrth house is the house of happiness and in female troroscopy it has something to say about the association she is going to contract and about her own chastity. Much depends on this to ensure peace and happiness of the hearth. This is only a logical corollary and nothing else. Children can be predicted from the fifth and the ninth houses. The ninth house is the house of wealth and for a lady her wealth is concretely realised in her children. Further the ninth house has again to say something regarding her wealth and asceticism also. But the entire trouble arises from seventh, eighth, and ninth houses. tlere female horoscopy is widely divergent from the male one only apparantly; for the underlying cause in both is the same. Cenerally they are supposed to speak about Kalatra, Ayus and Bhagya. But in a lady's horoscope, the seventh denotes welfare, nature of the husband, husband's happiness and wedded happiness. tlere there is practically little or no difficulty in extending the related ideas. The eighth house has something to say regarding her prosperity, wedded happiness and widowhood. The eighth being the house of ill health and death, the only death or ill health that matter most to a good lady, is the death of her husband. With the disappearanceof her husband, the cord of unity is broken. And she is so to say, only a divided self from that time onwards. And a divided self is always a source of misery, sorrow and gloom'
The ninth house also has much to say regardlng the welfare of her husband, and her religious attitude. All the religious activities of the good women are directed not towards any Cod in reality, but are simply acts to ensure the longivity, happiness and fortune of their husbands. This is the secret underlying their asceticism. In the religious attitude, if one is careful enough, the sex-motive can be seen very clearly. This in short is the main outline of female horoscopy. Besides this, there are a few planets who play a vital part in horoscopy. Though we belong to a solar system, we are to remember we are controlled by Jupiter, who presides over intellect and feeling. And naturally we cannot ignore in the horoscopes of ladies the part played by Jupiter. lf he is well placed, he will ensure good-will, a sympathetic heart, a profound mind and a religious attitude. We have seen what this religious attitude means when it is associated with ladies. It is the unification of the divided self. Further, while man is mere by a victim of emotions and passions, woman is practicat and calculating. They have a balanced mind inherently, otherwise they cannot carry on their activities normally. This activity is strengthened by Jupiter, while the Moon wants to tilt the balance. Moon is a creature of emotions and feelings. And a woman who is swayed away by the lnfluences of the Moon, witl be an "ldealist" pure and simple. When the Realist begins to become'ldealistwe know his/her tendency is to go to the extreme. As such they prove to be the bane of the normal hearth. flence the importance of Moon must always he stressed in a lady's Horoscope. Mars is the ally of Moon. He is the product of impulses. An impulsive woman or man cannot maintain peace and tranquility. Impulse is the negation of reason. Further, we have to note that Moon and Mars control the menstrual periods of women. And Mars is responsible for abortions. These are simply the external manifestationsof the inner impulsive structure of the brain. So a proper care must be bestowed on these two.
The counter part of these two is Mercury who is the symbol of practical wisdom. A love of order, an interest in realities and purposes, a sense of decency and sharpness are all his peculiar possessions. Closely allied to Moon and Mars on the one hand, and to Mercury on the other one is Venus. A Venusian is always aesthetic minded. The love of the beautiful, the attachment to the artistic are always essential for a woman, for it is she alone that is ultimately the connoisseur of the fairest things and activities. But if Venus happens to be bad in a particular horoscope, the influences of Moon and Mars are always to be keenly felt. Hence one must not lose sight of the influence of Venus in female horoscopy. When all is said and done one thing remains and that is the peculiar Karakatvasor responsibilitiesof the planets. In a male's horoscope, the planet tries to bring into effect something concrete. Man is forced to be as practicable as possible. He is required to see the hard reality of things. But in the lady's horoscope, the planets have a defferent purpose. They always try to make her as otherwardly as possible. It is only when such influence is felt that persons of both the sexes can maintain an equilibrium and run the gamut of life as smoothlY as Possible. Cenerally the principles of interpretation apply to both sexes. But There are specific differences. Moreover, women are now competing with men in all fields. At times the hus' band of a woman depends on her earnings. Before we proceed further, we emphasise the need to reject the theory of the Trimsansasand their interpretation. lf you follow them literally the vast majority or women have to be suspected of infidelity' This is on the face of it an absurdity. Even the concept of the Trimsamsa is faulty' If a dasamamsa refers to the tenth part of a sign, trimsamsa must refer to the thirteenth part of a sign. This is not found in the enunciation of the theory by the ancients' Where a woman is not employed, the yogas in her chart apply to her husband. A few combinations may be noted' l. Curu in l, Moon in 7, and Shukra in lO - marries a
' 2.
5. 4. 5. 6.
rich one. Curu in benefic saptavargas or shadvargas and is well aspected by the Moon-husband has a responslible position. Benefics in all the kendras and a masculine sign.risesin the seventh-political power. Kuja in 5 or 6 and Shani in benefic shadvargas-Rajayoga. Waxing Moon in Mithuna lagna, Budha in 1O, and Sun in I l-Rajayoga. Sun in 5 with benefic shadvargas,and Shani in 6-a good Raja yoga.
Shadvargas, Saptavargas, and Ashtakavargas have to be calculated for a proper prediction of a rrroman'schart. Ear'lier we have shown the importance of Navamsa. We will now present an analysis of a woman's chart with reference to her Ashtaka Varga.
5. Ashtaka Varga
There is a difference of opinion among moderns regarding the calculation of Ashtaka varga. Some reckon this from Bhava Chakra and others follow the equal house system. The Rajayogas,Arlshtayogas and the like mentioned py Parashara are applicable only to the position counted from Lagna, not to the positions in Bhava. Jaimini and Varahamihiradid not consider Bhava positions as distinct from positions in Rasi. Only Mantreshwara and other later writers created confusion by distinguishing Bhava from the sign. When Varaha used "bhavana" he meant the sign where a planet is housed; and it has no reference to "bhav;1". 'Bhavana" is the house where one lives; and the planet lives or is in a certain sign only. The same meaning is found in Chapter 2L of Parashara where he used the words "sthana" (place). "griha" (dwelling place) and the like. lf a planet is in 29o 55' of Virgo for Cancer Lagna and the alleged third Bhava ends at 27o 9', are we to place it in Libra which covers the fourth Bhava? We cannot forget that it is in Virgo only. In Chapter 28, ?arashara used "sthana bhedana", not "bhavabhedana".Anticipating the misinter'
pretation of some moderns, he clarified by stating -Rasidrishtivasaat phalam'. The entire tradition of India in astrology compels us to follow only the Rasi-positionwhile computing Ashtaka varga. , In the first chapter of the "Uttara khanda" Parasharagives the Ashtaka varga for Lagna also (verses 68 to 7l). Five planets, the Sun, the Moon and the Lagna make total of eight (ashta).In the Lagna Ashtaka varga the benefic places of the Lagna are: I and l2 from the 3, 4,6, lO, I I and 12 from the Sun;3,6,1O,1 Moon; l, 3, 6, lO and I I from lulars;|, 2, 4, 6, 8, lO and I I frorn Mercury; | , 2, 3, 4, 5, a,9, 10 and I I from Jupiter: | , 2, 3, 4, 5,8 and 9 from Venus;1, 3, 4,6, l O and l l from Saturn; and 5, 6, I O and I I from Lagna.Total bindus are 49. The grand total comes to 586. ln later times the Lagna Ashtaka varga has been ignored. Vaidyanatha Dikshita states: This means: 'Some say upon the authority of great teachers (like Parashara)this should be supplemented by the number of years for the Lagna (derived from Lagna Ashtaka varga) in order to arrive at the correct longevity". Again in "trikona Sodhana" we have to follow only Parasharawho says in Chapter 17: the three signs of a triangular group are to be made equal to (tulyam) the least and number (nyunam).This view is accepted by Balabhadra others. Vaidyanatha endorses this view only when he says:
Tq{ ir{,d fdg vil*rnq t " This actually means that the figures in Droitg
the basis of this trinal reduction and taking Lagna ashtaka varga into consideration we get fairly good results. In the light of these considerations,we examine the 7th house and the marital state in the chart of a lady. She was born Lat. 15o4'N., Long. 8Ool5' on 4-lO-1953 at l-24 a.m. (LMT); at birth is 5 years, 4 months E. The balance of Ketu Mahadasa and 20 days.
12.27 X
2'13 Sun 3.2Jup 29.35 H 7.9 l<etu 10.40 Ascdt tvto.l 834Vsr 1846
Sat ItIars
Whatever others may say we firmly hold that there is a strong Kuja Dosha from Lagna, Arudha Lagna, Darapada, Upapada, and Navamsa Chandra. The 7th house has 29 bindus including four given by Lagna' Venus as significator has six, and the 7th lord has five bindus. Mars who causes dosha has only three bindus which indicates separation from near ones; but his rapt conjunction with Venus brings , of a sensitive nature about a fusion of charm and energ5l and momentary irritability. We append the Ashtaka varga charts before and after reduction to examine her married life. The Sodhya Pindas are: Lagna 586, the Sun 374, the Moon 584, Mars 234, Ylercury, 394' Jupiter 567, Venus 454, Saturn 191 and SarvaAshtaka varga463. From Lagna onwards the benefic dots in this chart are: Lagna: 5, 5, 3, 6, 4, 5, 4,2, 4' 3, 4' 4; the Sun: 4, 3' 4' 5' theMoon:2,3' 5' 4' 2' 6' 4, 5,3,6' 5,5,3,4,3,5,5,6; : , 6, 6 , 5 , M a r s : 4 , 3 , 2 , 2 , 3 , 2 , 4 , 3 , 4 , 3 , 4 , 5 , ; M e r c u r Y4 4, 4, 5, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 5; Jupiter: 4' 4, 6' 3, 4' 6' 4' 4' 5' 4, 6; Venus:5, 6, 3, 5, 3, 5, 3, 4, 5, 5, 3' 5; Saturn: 5' 2' 3'
5, 1,4,3, 1,5,5,4, 5 . T h e t o t a l f i g u r e sf r o m L a g n a onwards are 33, 52,28, 54,25, 54, 29, 27 , 52, 35, 56, 4t. For Rahu the figures are 3, 3, 6, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 3, 4, 2, 4. After the first reduction (trinal) we get the following figures from l-agna onwards. l"agna;4, 5, 3,2, 4, 3, 3, 2, 4, 5, 3,2; the Sun:5, 3, 3, 4, 5, 3, 3, 4, 5, 3, 3, 4: the f4oon: 2, 5, 3, 4,2, 5, 5, 4,2, 3, 3, 4; Mars:3,2,2,2, 3,2,2,2, 3,2,2,2; Mercury:4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 4, 4; Jupiter: 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5: Venus: 5, 5, O, 4, 3, 5, O, 4 , 5 , 5 , O , 4 ; S a t u r n :l , 2 , 3 , l , l , 2 , 5 , L , L , 2 , 5 , l . T h e figures of Sarva Ashtakavarga are l, A, 4, 3, |, 8, 4, 3, | , A, 4,3. After the second reduction we get the following figures from Lagna onwards. Iagna: 4, 3, 5, 2, 3, 3, 2, 2, 5, 3, 2, 2; the Sun: 3, 3, 3, 4, O, O, 5, 3, O, O, O, 4; the Moon:2, 3, 3, 4 , 2 , 2 , 3 , 3 , 2 , 2 , O ,4 ; M a r s : 3 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , 2 , O ,O , 2 , 2 , O , 2; Mercury:4, 3, 4, 4, 3, 3, O, O, 3, 5, O, 4; Jupiter:4, 4, 5, 3 , O , O , 3 , 5 , O , O , 5 , 4 ; V e n u s : 3 , 5 ,O , 4 , 5 , 5 , O , 4 , 5 , 5 , O,4;Saturn:l,2,3, l,l,l,l,l, 1, l, t, l.Thefiguresin SarvaAshtakavargaar Ie , A,4,3, l, 1,5,3, l, l,3,3. On the basis of these figures we can interpret the past and the future by correlating these to the general framework of the birth chart, the transits of the planets, and to the Vimshottari Dasa system. The birth chart is of supreme impoftance. Bhinna A.V. determines the h of the houses and : ?rastara A.V. enables us events; and the important as only three bindus in his position indicating separatidn and in his own A.V. the 7th has four suggestingmixed but happy results. Saturn has five showing gains and in the 7th from Lagna he gives three only implying loss. In this chart the strong houses in a descending order are (551, 2 and 12(41), l1(56), 1o(5s). 6 and 4 (34), l".agna 9(32). The other four houses are weak, the 5th being the weakest having 25. The 7th has 29, and the 8th has 27. Looking into the total figures, we find the 28th year (the Sun in Virgo which has 28) is a pretty bad one, as the lord of 2 is in 5 between malefics. The years 32 (the Moon in Leo),
and 55 (Lagna which has 5) should be the turning points In her life. The 29th year (7th house) is again a critical year' Saturn in an Upachayafrom the Moon indicated the 54th year to be a highly favourable year for her married life as saturn is the lord of the 7th from the Lagna and from the Moon as well. It may incidentally be noted that the Ashtaka varga of Lagnagivesonly4gbindus.northevarioussevenfactors the UinOusfrom Lagnacome to fifty' In the A'V' of Venus the I lth from Lagna is said to be auspiclous;and this position is dropped in the A.V. of Lagna given by Parashara'This evidently means that the LagnaA'V. is to be reckoned separately,andthatitcannotbeignored.Thisismoresofordetermining the A.V. longevity; and in Amsa, Pinda and Naisa4iika determination of longevity also the Lagna does contribute its quota. The Sodhya Plnda of Mercury (594) multiplied by the bindus in the fourth from him (4) and divided by 27 gives out the remainder to be Makha. when Saturn transited this star August 26, Lg77 to September 20, 1978) there was misunderstandings with relations and mental worry' The same Sodhya PinQa multiplied by the bindus in the loth fromMercuryanddividedby2TgivesMakhaastheremain. der. Saturn,stransit on this brings disappointments.Saturn is the lord of the 7th and the 4th and the loth from Mercury are ground for the the 7th and the Lagna.This was the preparatory a mild heart has she 1980. and 1979 in followed that events In her Qemini. transiting was saturn while 1975 June attack in Mercury and bindu; one only A.V. gave his in 5th house Saturn with five saved her. Kalatrakaraka is Venus. ttis Sodhya Pinda ls 454' Multiplying it by the bindus in the 7th from Venus (4) and biuiaing the product by 27, we get the remainder Punarvasu. Jupiter's transit on this must bring about the marriage. This transit took place from March 5l' 1978 to nugusi t4, 197g and saturn,s transit on this causes illneatn or misfortune to the husband' The period of this transit was from March 26, 1975 to August 7, 1975' and from July 30, Lg74 to March 3, L975; and this does not
apply to the present case. saturn's transit caused the heart attack. When he moved into pushyami, her grandparent to whom she was deeply attached passed ,way on November 13, 1975. The bindus of Rahu in Capricorn, as per Sambhu IIora, point to this. The same figure 454 muttiptied by 4 and divided by 12 gives Cancer. Jupiter's transit in this sign (July ZS, tSiA b August 29' l9z9) brings about marriage or it takes place in the major period of the Moon. The marriage took place on July 9. 1979. Jupiter has four bindus in Cancer in his own A.V. The marriage, however, was consummated when Jupi_ ter was in L.eo. This coincides with the sub_period of tire Moon in the sun. It was naturaly not fated to be successful during the major period of the sun as five bodies are in the 2nd and the l2th from him. She ought to have chosen a better time. From l"agna to Saturn the total bindus are 127, These multiplied by 7 and divided by 2T give the remainder as the star Poorvabhadrapada. Marefics transiting on this star bring misfortune. Mars was on this from February 22, lg}l to March I l, 1981, March tl, t9Z9 to April l, 1979. Onty after the period was over she was promoted to a higher post, though she had to stay away from her parents. The promotion, however, came in the sub-period of Mars Q2, 12-1979 to l8-4-198O), Mars being the owner of the lOth house and the 5th. It was only during the sub-period she could get a transfer to the place of her birth. In dealing with the 7th house we are emphasising Sat_ urn (lord of the 7th from Lagna and the Moon), Mars as there is Kujadosha, Venus being the karaka, and Jupiter as the karaka of children. The Sodhya pinda of Sarva A.V. (463) multiplied by the bindus in the 7th before reduction (29) and divided by 27 leaves pushyami as the remainder. Saturn's transit on this brings malefic results. This was from August 8, 1975 to August lb, 1976. Jupiter,s transit shows favourable results from August 14, lgZB to November 15, l97B and December 9, 1978 to June 21, lg7g. a grandparent's death in November lg7S and temporaryjobs between July and October lg7g were the major events. We
cannot expect any better from a vaquished Venus in the inimical 2nd house, during his m4jor period which was over on February24, 1979. The total number of figures in the signs occupied by Venus, Mercury and Jupiter are 32, 34 and 41. These should be the years of marital happiness. Saturn as the 7th lord has five bindus which show gains. The 32nd year shown by Leo having Venus shows happy married life. The 55rd given by Lagna is favourable. 34 shown by the sign having Mercury indicated intellectual achievement.4l presented by the sign havingJupiter shows the birth of a child and a position of authority. But the signs occupied by Mars (52), Ketu (55) and Saturn (341 are the years of injury, accidents and operation, and sickness respectively. As lhe 7th has more bindus than the 5th she is fully controlled or obsessed by her husband. As the I lth has more than the lOth she has wealth but as the l2th has the greatest number, her expenses will be too high. The bindus in the sign occupied by the lord of the 5th from Jupiter afLer reduction are four. This must be the number of children she will have. But there are malefics in this sign, and in the 5th from Jupiter; moreover, the 5th from Lagna has the lowest number of bindus. The 5th from Jupiter before reduction has three bindus. This evidently points to her having children in wedlock though the 5th has the lowest number of bindus (25\; and this is countermanded by 32 bindus in her 9th. Incidentally the 8th, which is the mangalyasthanahas 27 bindus, the second lowest. The marriage was consummated as soon as her 27th year started; and a separation took place before she completed twenty-seven years of age. Lagna has two b i n d u s a n d S a t u r no n e b i n d u i n t h e 8 t h i n t h e i r o w n A . V . Let us apply the bindus to interpret the major period of the Sun (24-2-1979 to 24-2-1985).The bindus of the planets during the successive antardasas as per their sign positions in the Sun's Ashtakavargaare 4, 3, 3, 3, 6, 5, 5, 4 and 3. The sub-period of Jupiter must be the best (12-5-1981 to 18-2-1982). Though the subperiods of Saturn and Mercury should be good, they cannot be as per the transit effects of
Saturn. Those of the Sun and Ketu are average. The rest are bad. Only the Moon, Venus and Saturn have contributed bindus to the 7th. Saturn (lord of the 7th), Venus (karaka) and the lord of the Lagna should give her a happy married life in general.But the sub-periodsof the Moon, Marsand Rahu have only three bindus each, less than the average. Marriage, misunderstandings and a separation were forced on her-all took place between June 12, 1979 and March 12, lg1l. l,et us apply the principle of Kakshyas to interpret the Dasa of the Sun. The seguence of the Kakshyas is Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, the Moon and Lagna. Dach has a duration of nine months. The periods 24_ 2-1979 to 24-ll-1979 (Saturn)and t2-8-1980 to 24-S-rcAl . (Mars) are adverse. For, the Sun the bth and the 6th lord and the lord of the 5rd and the 8th are on either side of the Sun. The 7th lord from the Sun is a functional malefic, and the karaka is vanquished by Mars. Dxcept for periods of hope (November 1979 to August l98O and May 1984 to February 1985) the period of the Sun can give only adverse results about marital life. The marriage was at the end of Saturn's Kakshya, he being the lord of the 7th placed in the 4th; and the separation was in that of Mars who vanquished Venus in the second and who has caused Kuja dosha from a variety of places including from the Moon in Navamsa. In the Moon's own Ashtaka varga the Moon has only three bindus. This is not quite favourable. The major period of the Moon is from 24-2-1988. In the Moon's A.V. the various successive antardasa lords as per their sign positions are 3, 3, 4, 5, 4, 4, 2, 5, S. The subperiod of Ketu is the worst. Those of the Moon, Mars, Venus and the Sun are not quite good. Those of Rahu, Saturn and Mercury are tolerable. Jupiter's is the best. The Moon being the lord of the Lagna, and Mars being a yogakaraka, these two subperiods will have to show an olive branch. But when Rahu's sub-period begins (from July 24, 1986) we can safely visualiseher reunion. Transit Jupiter wiil then be in the 7th from the natal Moon; and in the Moon's A.V. There are five bindus in Aquarius. The positions of the Moon, Rahu, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury are good from Karakamsa also.
The Kakshya principle gives each a duration of 15 months in the sequence of Saturn, Juplter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, the Moon and Lagna. The l{akshyas of Saturn, Jupiter Mercury and the Moon appear to be sound. From the Moon and the l,agna Saturn is in an upachaya exalted; and his Kakshya operates till May 24, 19A6. Some favourable steps will be taken during this period; and these will yield beneficial results soon after. Saturn's Kakshya can only offer a hope because the sub-periods are not so good. A correlation of these two factors compelled us to predict a bright married life after July 1986 only. ln the Moon's A.V. the sign occupied by Jupiter has five bindus; and from the Moon he is the lord of the Sth, while from Arudha Lagna he ls the lord of the 7th. The Sun is in the Kakshya of Venus, his enemy. During his major period maritallife is bound to get disturbed. The Moon is in the l{akshya of Saturn, the 7th lord who is a neutral to the mqjor lord. Family life has to be resumed during this period. Mars in the Kakshya of Mercury, and Rahu in that of Mars are not bad. Venus in Mercury's is favourable, though occasional misunderstandings cannot be ruled out because of Mercury's ownership. The others are in Jupiter's and they are favourable in the mqjor period of the Moon. The sub-period of Jupiter appears to be the best. From the Sun the 7th has bindus contributed by the Sun, Mars and Mercury. Mars as lord of the 5rd and the 8th from the Sun has caused adverse influences. From the Moon, the 7th has bindus contributed by the Moon, the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Saturn. This is an excellent position ensuing a happy marital life. Considered from any point of view the major period of the Moon favours a reunion and it is supported by A.V. by the transits, and by the major and minor periods of the natal chart. Rahu is in the adverse 7th, unaspected by any. As per Sambhu lilora, his location has bindus from the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. The last is inimical to the preceding two, and is an enemy of Venus. The Sun too is inimical to Venus. Thus Rahu offers mixed results for the 7th house indications. The contribution of the bindus by Mercury and Venus does forebode a favourable situation finally. In
Rahu's own Ashtaka varga houses 1,2 and 6 have only three bindus each. llis transit in the l2th and lOth from the Moon brings worries, quarrels, losses and enmity. These periods were from June 8, 19BOto February ll,1982 in the l2th,, and August 29, L9BS to February 18, 1985. In the 9th from the Moon he offers mixed results only. Saturn transiting the Moon's sign causes fear of friends and separation and on the l2th brings grief. On the 4th there is separation. lle was in Leo, where he has only two bindus in his own A.V., from August 27, 1977 to October 2L, 1979 and again from April 5, l98O to July lO, 198O. In Virgo he has only three bindus indicating loss, and in Scorpio (4th from the Moon) only one bindu which also means the same. He was in Virgo from October2l, 1979 to April 5, l9BO and again from July lO, l98O to Se-lqmber 23, t942. lf e entered Scorpio on December8, 1984. She was unfortunately married on July 9, 1979 and was consummated on October 19, 1979. Saturn was transiting Leo and in his own A.V. he has only two bindus. The marriage was in the Moon's sub-period of the Sun. The two are in 2-L2 relation. She last heard from her husband on October 27, 1980. Saturn was transiting her Sun and there was the sub-period of Rahu operating. Transit Jupiter on the Moon brings losses. tle was there form August 23, 1979 to September 20, 198O. During September 1979 she had rheumatic corea in Jupiter's subperiod of Venus. She could get over it as Jupiter has four bindus in Leo. Jupiter was transiting exactly on her natal Sun who was in the nervous Virgo. Transit Mars on the 7th brings quarrels with the husband. He was in Aquarius (three bindus) from February 18, 1979 to March 2A, 1979. He has two bindus only in Virgo, Libra and Sagittarius. His transit here covers the periods form July 22, 1978 to October 22, 1978. December2, l97B to January 15, L979, June 26, l98O to October 2, 198O and November I l, l98O to December 20, l9BO. Two bindus suggest quarrels with the partner. More than Mars, the greatest trouble is to be expected from Saturn and Rahu during the transit of the signs in
which there are very few bindus. This is again subject to the natal chart. But Saturn as the 7th lord exalted has to confer benefic results; and these will come slowly and late, after trying the patience of the native. Saturn was on her Moon on June 7, lgTB and Mars on June 5, 197a. Mars was on her Venus on July 6, lg7g, Saturn on February 9, 1979, and Mars again December 25, 1979. tle transited her Saturn on August 26, 1980. Saturn was on her Venus on November lO, 1978, February9, l9Z9 and July J0, 1979; on her Mars on November 12, 1978, February6, lgTg and August L, 1979. Rahuwas on her Marsand Venus on June lO, 12, 1979. These translts are capabte of suggesting a number of facts about her 2nd and 4th houses. These can be found out on close scrutiny and questioning. The one fact ttrat strengthens our hope is the position of the 7th lord and Jupiter's aspect on him. The 2nd lord has three bindus in the 2nd and the 7th; and so have Venus and Saturn in the 7th. This is a disquieting position. But in the 4th house except Mars and Jupiter all others have 4 to 6 bindus; and in the l2th (comforts of the bed) all have 4 to 6 bindus; and one can safely predict a reunion on the basis of A.V. ln relation to the natal chart. After the second reduction only Mars, Mercury and Venus have no bindus in the 7th.
4. Speclal features
1. If the Moon ls stronger than the Sun, the predictions are to be based on the Moon-sign. The problem of odd and even signs rising, the Ploon in an odd or even sign, and masculine or feminine planels posited therein or a.specting it is not of much signiflcance. 2, Lagna, Moon-sign, seventh and eighth houses must be strong and favourable. Malefics should not be in the seventh and eighth houses. 5. When a malefic'in the seventh is delibitated or is in an enemy's house, she will be quarrelling with her husband. Mars in the seventh or the eighth is undesirable; Shani in the seventh also is not desirable. 4. lf lagna is owned by Kuja or Shani, and a malefic is in the fifth, she will have no children. Mars in the
I l.
navamsa of the seventh house aspected by Shani, makes her husband dislike her. But if Kuja is in the navamsa of Shukra aspected by a benefic, she will be her husband's favourite. Chandra and Shukra in a lagna owned by Kuja, make her develop an aversion to her husband. Moon and Budha in such a lagna make her an expert in discussIng higher truth. Chandra, Budha and Shukra in such a lagna give her all comforts. Quru in such a lagna gives her good son, intelligence and omaments. When benefics are exalted, but the eighth is a malefic sign with a malefic aspected by another malefic, she becomes a widow. The lord of the eighth in the navamsa of a malefic does not give her a long happy married life. Benefics should be in the eighth if she were to pass away before her husband. Benefics in the ninth and a malefic in seventh or eighth gives her a happy married life, prosperity, comforts, happiness and children. Malefics in the fourth give her many children, according to Vaidyanatha but Mantreshwara observes that she will not be chaste. Vrishabha, Simha, Kanya or Vrishchika is the langa and the Moon in the fifth gives her few sons. She has few children if the Moon is in these signs. Malefics in 4 or 8 give her poverty and sorrow; but if these houses have benefics also, she has both good and also evil results; and if there are only benefics, she has prosperity and good fortune. [.ord of 5 in 6, and lord of I O in lagna causes her death by a weapon. If both benefics and malefics are in the seventh, she will remarry. If weak malefics are in the seventh, she will be rejected by her husband. When the navamsha occupied by Kuja becomes the seventh from lagna, she has a uterine disorder. temper and she lives in comfort. Chandra alone in lagna makes her happy and amiable. If Guru, Budha
and Shukra are in lagna, she ls renowned for her excellence. Jupiter in 1,4, 7, lO,5 or 9 or ls exalted,she is chaste and well behaved, has good sons and comforts, and brings credit to her husband's famlly. l-agna must be aspected by benefics to make her happy. When Moon is In Karkalagna,and Chandra, Budha, Ouru and Shukra are strong, she is learned in arts and sciences and she wields a spiritual influnce. Benefics in the second and a malefic in the eighth bring her death before that of her husband. When the lords of I and 7 areln one house, or when they exchange houses and are aspected with a benefic, the husband and the wife will die at the same time. t4. When the seventh is weak and unoccupied ard unaspected by a benefic, but aspected by a malefic, the husband is a wretch. Budha in her seventh makes him impotent. Eudha and Shani in her seventh make her barren or hated by her husband. t 5 . The position of the planets in the seventh from the navamsha lagna must be noted. Sun there makes her husband gentle and playful, Chandra-happy; Kujadevoted husband, but gallant; Budha-learnedhusband, Quru-husband having self-control; Shukra-husband is beautiful and voluptuous; Shani-old one. Lord of the ninth with Quru in 6, 8 or l2 gives her a decrept husband, but if they are In a kendra or kona, he will be wealthy and longJlved; if they are asssociated with the fourth house or Budha, he will be learned; if they are with Kuja or Shani he is an agriculturist; if they are with Rahu or Ketu, he is a villain; if they are with the sixth lord, he will be leader of robbers. 1 6 . The position of the planets in the seventh house of a woman's chart reveals something about her husband. Sun- fair looks, lustful; Chandra- handsome, worthy, lean, voluptuous, and sickly; I{uja- humble in appearance, loves cruelty, indolent, strong speech; Budha- a man of taste, learned, wealthy, excellent qualities, Ouru- long life, wealthy, powerful, lustful in youth; Shukra- lovely, playful, poetical; Shani- old, infirm, wicked; Bahu-Ketu- evil minded person.
17. A woman becomes voluptuous under the foilowing combinations; (a) Shani in Shukra's navamsha, and, Shukra in Shani's navamsha, aspecting each other; (b) Lagna is owned by Shukra and the navamsha is Kumbha. 18. Consider the seventh house from lagna or Moon whichever is stronger. If that house has no planet, is not aspected by any benefic, or is weak, then her husband is wicked. If Budha or Shani is in that seventh, her husband is impotent; If there is Sun, she will be deserted by her husband; if Kuja, a widow; if Shani, she becomes prematurely old. If in the seventh there is a weak malefic aspected by a malefic, she will be : deserted. When there are malefics, she becomes a widow. If there are both benefics and malefics, she may marry again. 19. When Shukra is in Kuja's navamsha and kuja in Shukra's, she has loose morals. If the seventh has Shukra, Kuja and Chandra, the same result follows. Chandra and Shukra in a lagna owned by Kuja or Shani aspected by malefics give her a doubtful character. 20. When the seventh house and its navamsha are owned by Shani, her husband is old, and foolish. If Kqia navamsha rises as the seventh for a sign owned by Kuja, she is always sick, and her husband is full of anger and is fond of other women. 21. Chandra and Shukra in lagna make her envious and fond of pleasures. Chandra and Budha in lagna make her happy, talented in music, and she has excellent qualities. If Budha and Shukra are in lagna, she is beautiful, and well versed in fine arts.
Mariages Matching and Kqia Dosha
l. Maniage
Marriages are made in heaven'says an old adage. The time of marriage is generally believed to be flxed by destiny. This is a disputable point. Dharma shastras speak of the four ends of life, of which Dharma shastra lays down the rule that one must marry. From the state of Brahmacharyaone can proceed directly to the ashrama of Sanyasa.Onecanrenouncetheworld the moment he feels to: Yad ahar eva vir4jet tad ahar eva pravr4iet. One need not necessarily proceed through the different ashramas to become a sanyasi. This in essence means that the time of marriage is not a fixed one. In the horoscope of a person, it is not easy to say that one will be married at a given time. On the other hand, an astrologer can discover in a chart different periods when marriage is likely to take place. If the marriage somehow does not occur at those times, there might develop a spiritual era - spiritual attachment during those times. If we accept this framework, then the following hints would become significant. Marriage in the tlindu tradition is not meant for the enjoyment of sexual "pleasures". Marriage is intended primarily for begetting children; and at the same time it permits the husband and the wife to perform certain rites and
to discharge certain duties. This naturally implies that a possibility to marry is determined by the individual's willingenss or unwillingness, and ability or disability to carry out these duties. In other words, the potentiality of the 7th house in a chart is governed by the nature of the 5th, gth and lOth houses. While fixing the auspicious moment for marriage, one has to observe certain rules. TransitingSaturn and Rahu should not afflict radical Venus of the boy and radical Marsof the girl. They should not be transiting the 7th house of either, or aspecting it. The radical Moon of the boy and the girl should not be afflicted by transiting Saturn or Rahu.The lord of the 7th house of either should not transit through a malefic house from the Ascendant of either. Mars should not transit through the lst, the 7th and the 8th houses from the Lagnaof either. The transiting malefics should not be in the Lagna and the 7th house of either. Venus in transit should not be in a malefic house from the Ascendant of the boy; and Mars in transit should not be in a malefic house from the Ascendant of the girl. The Moon at the time of marriage must be in a benefic house from the Lagnas of both. In addition to these, there are other principles given in our texts. The boy is to be married in an odd year from the date of his birth, and the girl in an even year. The Moon must transit through Rohini, Mrigasira, Makha, Uttaraphalguni, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Moola, Uttarashadha, Uttarabhadrapada or Revati. The best Lagnas are Mithuna, Kanya and Thula, provided Venus is not in the 6th and Mars is not in the 8th. No marriage should take place when the Moon transits Poorvaphalguni, Poorvashadha, Poorvabhadrapada, Punarvasu, Pushyami, Aridra, Aslesha, Visakha, first quarter of Magha or fourth quarter of Revati. Sunday and Tuesday are to be avoided. The second, third, fifth, seventh, tenth, eleventh and thirteenth lunar days and the months of Vaisakha, Jyeshta, Sravana, Aswayuja, Magha and Phalguna are auspicious. One must avoid Chaitra when the Sun is in Meena (Pisces) and Ashadha when the Sun is in Mithuna (Gemini). A man should not marry in the, Lagna and Nakshatra of his
birth. Eldest son or eldest daughter should not be married in the month of Jyeshta. Two brothers or two sisters or a brother and a sister should not get married on the same day. All these principles have a relevance only in the light of what we have stated in the first two paragraphs. Regarding the time Mantreshwara(lO.l2): of marriage, we read ln
iKI frqr6:I
Marriage takes place when Venus or the lord of the 7th house comes to transit in a trine to the sign occupied by the lord of the ascendant in Rasi or in Navamsha. This is alright if the lord of the 7th happens to be a slow-moving planet like Jupiter or Satum. Otherwise many troubles will crop'up during any given year. Hence Mantreshwara gives the next verse which imposes certain other determining factors: qTsl q.erilrll q-fl{flmi ftad+trgl qct Mdqfr: v-ffi q-trdsi (1 sewTTq: ll l0 : 13 ll Marriage takes place in the periods of the planet in the 7th house, planet aspecting the 7th house, and the lord of the 7th house. It can also take place when the lord of the Ascendant comes to the 7th house in his transit. Find out where the lord of the 7th house is in Rasi and ln Navamsha. Then ascertain the relative strength of the lords of these houses. The mqior period of the stronger one gives rise to marriage. When Jupiter transits a trine to the sign in Rasi or Navamsha occupied by the lord of the 7th house, marriage can take Place. There are other factors we find in our texts. A favourable period appears when Jupiter in transit aspects or passes through the sign occupied by radical Venus, the7th house or the lord of the 7th. If this position is not afflicted by transiting planets, marriage is likely to take place. At every step we are asked to relate the transit positions to the radical positions and this is impotant. Yet the radical positions are more powerful and more relevant. Venus, the 7th house, lord of the 7th house, and the 2nd and the 4th houses are involved in determining the
time of marriage. We have to note the planets influencing these in the natal chart. When similar influences appear in transit also, one can be sure of that period as the time of marriage. One persolt was married when his lord of t,agna (Jupiter) was transiting on his radical Venus situated in the l lth from the Moon; and this radical Venus had the aspect of his radical Jupiter. Curiously enough, this Jupiter at that time was transiting over the lord of the 7th house in the chart of the girl he was marrying. This is a powerful indication indeed. More precise fixation of the time is possible when we follow the Vimshottari Dasa system. Here again we advise a scrutiny of the relative strength of the Lagna and the Moon; and then the dasas can be worked out. The dasas and antardasas of the lords of the 7th, the 2nd and 4th houses, the period of Venus, the periods of planets posited in the 2nd, the 4th and the 7th, and the period of the planet having the lowest number of degrees in any house - these are some of the favourable periods for marriage. llaving ascertained the major period, then one can proceed to fix Vidasa and the Antardasa. Marriage is an institution with varied association. In Hinduism and in the Catholic religion, at least, it is taken to be an indissoluble and sacred institution. To these faiths, marriages are literally made in heaven. In some countries marriage is a contract and it is therefore capable of being dissolved. Even where the law of divorce is found on the statute book, some countries like the United Kingdom do not allow a divorce as far as the royal family is concerned. When we turn to astrology, we only know that marriages are largely governed by planetary dispositions. We do not think that astrolory would sanction divorce or oppose it, since astrolory is neither a legislature nor a judge. Astrology only enables us to read the tendencies and indications that make a marriage happy or otherwise. Since the zodiac begins with Aries (Mesha), the natural seventh is Libra (Thula). The main indicators of marriage are Libra and its lord, as far as men are concerned. The seventh from Libra being Aries, the chief indicators of mar-
riage for a woman are Aries and Mars and also Jupiter. In a woman's chart, the Moon too must be taken into consideration since the menstrual period is regulated by Moon and Mars; and in a man's nativity Sun too must be examined carefully. In a man's chart, we have to consider Libra and the 7th from the ascendant, Sun and Venus; and in a woman's we must note Aries and the seventh from the ascendant, Moon and Mars. The eighth houses from these govern the sex life; and therefore Scorpio for men and Taurus for women have to be added to the list. Then the extra-marital life is determined by the twelfth house from the ascendant; and in a man's chart, Pisces too needs scrutiny while in a woman's Virgo too deserves a study. This might terrify one since'all the houses and planets appear to get into the picture. But what is needed is to find out the strongest among the ascendnat, Sun and Venus in a man's chart, and among the ascendant Moon and Mars in a woman's. The m4jor scrutiny should be from this point only. The others are needed as corroborating or strengthening aids only. An affliction to a planet or house arises from a conjunction with or an aspect by a planet who is a malefic by nature or by ownership or by both. If a conjunction with or an aspect by a benefic also operates, then we get the mixed character of the house or planet. A strong, well-placed and unafflicted Venus gives a harmonious and balanced marital life of man. A similar Mars governs the balanced sex life of woman. These are the two basic planets. Venus is to be examined with (he Sun, and Mars with the Moon. The position of Venus in a male chart is to be compared with that of Mars in the wife's chart; and a similar comparison between the Sun in the husband's chart and the Moon in the wife's is necessary. Whether they aspect one another, they are in square or trine to one another, or they are inimical to one another must be carefully noted. The next step is to see whether the Navamsa chart of the wife agrees with the Rasi chaft of the husband and wheher the Rasi chart of the wife agrees with the Navamsa chart of the husband. These preliminary observations will be taken up for a scrutiny and illustration at a later
6tage. Now we have to consider the possible effects resultlng from certain positions of the planets. In the following, 'he' means and includes 'she' also. The Sun in the seventh indicates a successful marriage; and in the eighth a successful interest in the affairs where the strongest feelings are involved and in matters of sex. The Moon in the seventh makes one change his attitudc frequently towards those intimately related to him; and he hopes the marriage partner to be motherly. The eighth house position stimulates these interests. Mercury in the seventh can either advance or retard reciprocity of feelings and emotions, and in the eighth he affects the emotions roused by others. Venus in the seventh is a very good indication of happy marriage and of the ability to live with others in peace and happiness. If this Venus is afflicted' there may be disappointment in this direction. In the eighth Venus secures a balanced sex life if it is not afflicted' Mars in the seventh makes one forceful in intimate realtionships' If afflicted, it might bring about irritation and quarrels' In the eighth it makes sex life very important for the native' The seventh house Jupiter is very good for marriage life' In the eighth it brings prosperity through marriage. Saturn in the seventh brings about frustration and disappointment in marriage, if it is afflicted. ln the eighth it makes one serious in matters concerning sex. Of the various signs involved in a consideration of the problem of marriage, there are a few sensitive degrees which may be noted. All these refer to Nirayana or sidereal Zodiac only. Aries: lo: The sexual need is an inescapable necessity' be almost falal. 2ot one is fierce, restless and might It and tyrannical, without any sign of chivwhimsical, selfish, and generous' 6o: one may be is sensuous alry, 4t one it is likely that one may have partner. 9": ruined by the untimely love. l lo: it makes one lack the ability to live in harmony with the person he or she loves. 15": one is passionate to excess or is completely detached and isol4o: it speaks of a deep-rooted lust. l7o: it refers to ,.iated.
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many love affairs and an artless and ooarse behaviour. 19": it suggests an ideal partner. 22o: one is Indlfferent to love. 25o: marriage can be lucky. 26o: one has a very good feminine nature, gentle and sweet, she wlll be least selfasseftive. Taurus:50: one loves peace and spreads around hlmself comfort and harmony. 60: the woman would order her hus' band and bully him. There may be bigotry and vulgarity. 8": one gives himself or herself up wholly to friendship and this might lead to strife in family and unhappy married life. This is likely to ruin one's self-respect. I Oo:it gives rise to chaos and disorder in the household. 11": it offers a happy marriage. l4o: one is fond of family and home, and yet faces domestic strife. l8o: one ls fond of his family but is really despotic and unscrupulous. 25o; there is a likelihood of being divided from the partner. 29o: it indicates haPpy marriage and perfect sociabilit!. 5Oo: it is likely that estrangement from the partner and children follows. Libra:50: it gives a generous heart. 80: one allows himself or herself to be ruled unconditionally by the person he or she loves. In some cases we may find lust and delinquency. l5o: his behaviour is determined by his sexual urye. Intrigues and adventures dominate his love affairs and he will quarrel over very paltry things. Sometimes lust may make him a criminal. l80: one is unable to live without love; and there is faithfulness along with jealousy. l90: there is a strong sex urge which may develop into lust. 22oz it offers neither joy nor pleasure in life. 24": in his private life he is selfish and lustful, shameless and sensuous. 260: there is an unbridled lustfulness, and he becomes a prey to wine, women and gambling' 29o: he is deeply attached to home. Scorpio: loo: one is dominated by sex urge, love of family and home. I2oz it indicates loneliness, sofrow and widowhood. l4oz it offers a steady domestic happiness. l9o: one becomes a deeply attached lover lavishing his affections. Sometimes excess of lust may bring him to trouble.
2. Matching
There are many unfounded beliefs and ideas about matching charts for marriage purposes. First, there are twenty Kutas based on the Nakshatras of the Moon of which eleven are taken to be important. They give a total score of 55, and we are told that eighteen is the required minimun. Each Varga or Kuta has a specific function as follows: ( I ) Dina: l-ongevity, health, fortune. This is important for Brahmanas. (2) Oana.. Health, auspiciousness. This is important for Kshatriyas. (5) Yoni: Qhildren, mutual compatibility. This is important for Sudras. (4) Ralju: Long life with husband. (5) Vedha: Mutual opposition (6) Nadi: physical well-being, happiness. (7) Mahendra; Children and grandchildren. (8) Stree deetgha: Health. (9) Rasi: Progeny. This is ,lmportant for Vaisyas. (lO) Rasyadhipati: Children and (l l) Vasya: Mutual agreement. The others are Canitagata Ayurdaya, Aya, Jati, pakshi, Yogini, Linga, Bhuta, Chandra and Qotra. These refer to longevity, incompatibility, good or bad, quarrels, misunderstandings, enmity, auspiciousness and inimical nature. Generally, the first eleven alone are taken into account. In North India, the man and his bride having the same Nadi is said to be inauspicious. Possibly Nadi refers to blood groups. In Tamil Nadu and other places persons having the same Rajju are not allowed to be husband and wife-Eka rajjurmrityukari. The same Rqjju'for both brings about death. In our illustrations we will show the couple having the same Nadi or same Rajju or both. Our authorities are kind enough to see that marriages are accomplished. llence they provide exceptions. We are told that there is no Nadi defect if the birth constellations are Krittika, Rohini, Mrigasira, Magha, tlasta, Swati, Anuradha, Moola, Shravana or Revati. Muhurta Chintamani states that there is no Nadi defect if the Moon-sign is the same with different Nakshatras, or the same Nakshatra with different signs or quarters. Counting the Nakshatras from Ashwini, the same lfakshatrais allowed if it is 4,6, lO, 13, L6,22,26 and 27.
: 'i!
The Nakshatras I , 3, 5, Z, tt, 12, 14, t7, ZO and 2l may be allowed. But if it happensto be 2, 9, L4, 18, 19, 24 or 25 it is prohibited. The first Nakshatra being that of the girl, the following pairs are prohibited. 2 and 9; 9 and lS; l4-2O; lZ-25;25-2;243; 18-24; L2-5; 13-19; 16-10; and lG-22. The tast two show opposition or enmity. l-22 and 26-b indicate widowhood. lg24 indicate destruction of family, l2-5 and tJ-I9 show fear of life. The pairs allowed are 6-12, ll-t7, g-14, Z-lS, 4-IO,254, 27-6, lA-12, 27-21 (happiness'), 25-t9 (progress), 26-20 (attachment), and 8-2 (happiness). Added to these is Kuja Dosha. From the Langa or frorn the Moon, Mars is inaupiciousin 2, 4,7,8 and 12. Of these 2, 7, I are the worst. Both the charts should have similar placement. Some authorities speak of exceptions. We do not admit these exceptions, as our illustrations show. (l) Compare the Lagna lord of one chart with the 7th lord of the other chart, and vice versa, They should be in mutual Kendras or trines for a happy married life. (2) The owner of the sign occupied by l,agna lord is to be compared with the owner of the sign occupied by the 7th lord of the other. (5) Apply the second rule from the sign occupled by Venus in the two charts. (4) Apply the first rule from the signs occupied by the Moon in the charts. (5) The Lagna of one chart is to be compared wlth the position of the 9th lord in the other. (6) The position of the 5th lord in the male chart ls to be compared with that of the 9th lord in the glrl's chart. (7) Lagna lord of one is to be compared with the 7th lord of the other and vice versa. (8) The positions of the lords of Lagna in the two charts are to be examined in mutual relations. (9) Compare the Moon-signof one with that of Mars in the other, and the sign of Mars in one with that of the Moon
in the other. Similarly, compare the Sun of one with that of Venus in the other, and vice versa. Also compare the sign occupied by the Sun with that of Jupiter in the other, and vice versa. ( I O) Compare the positions of the Moon in the two charts. If the Moon-signs of the two are in the houses of Saturn, the girl's Moon is in the 2nd (Aquarius). If these are in mutual Kendras, Konas or sextile (5-l l), it is a plus point. If they are in 2-12 or 6-8 relations, it is minus point. The plus points should be more for recommending the match. In addition, we have some more rules. (11) Consider the longevity in the two charts; who has a longer life is to be determined. (12) The positions from Lagna occupied by the 7th and the 8th lords have to be considered in the two charts separately. Note whether Mars, Saturn, Kahu or Uranus are in the 7th or 8th houses of the two charts. (15) After delineating the various Vargas in the 5rd chapter of Parashara lfora the sage has stated: Navamamse kalatranam (verse lO5). From the Navamsha chart we have to interpret everything about the partner. Thus we have to compare the Kasi chart of one with the Navamsa chart of the other, and vice versa. There should be a broad agreement between the two. Sometimes the people deliberately or otherwise deny having the chart of the boy or girl. In such a case, the available Kasi and Navamsa charts of one person need a close comparison. These are some of the rules we have applied in actual experience. In addition we refuse to accept any exceptions to Kuja Dosha. Kuja (Mars) in 2, 7 or I of the girl's chart has to be neutralised by Mars in 2, 7 or I of the boy's chart. Moreover, much importance need not be attached to the Kutas, though some of these are really valuable like Nadi and Rajju. The count from the Nakshatra of one to that of the other for Tarabala is faulty and mischievous. We illustrate some of these principles for a proper understanding.
The first charts show the same Nadi and the same Rajju. The Kutas give a score of fourteen, the alliance on these points is unfortunate. The Navamsa of the male has Rahu in the 8th while Saturn (lord of I and 12) and Moon (6).
l. ITusband: 195O.7. 15. Rasi: Cemini-Ascendant lF55 wlth Moon O-41, Uranus l2-56 and Sun 2648; l,eo-Saturn 22-ll; and Virgo-Mars 20-45, Neptune 2l-24 and Ketu 7-56; Aquarius-Jupiter (R) l!52; and Taurus-Venus 26-15. D. Wife: 1955. l.16 Rasl: Plsces-Ascendant 22-26 with Mars 7.29; C,ancer-Juplter (R) l-57 ancl Uranus (R) 2-27; Llbra-Neptune 5-7, Moon 4-56 and Saturn 26-19: Scorpio-Venus l5-54; Sagittarius-Rahu l2-16; and Capricom-Sun 2-2 and Mercury l5-26.
are in the 9th. tlis 7th is aspected by Mars and its lord by Saturn. His wife had Saturn and Moon In the 8th aspected by Mars. They are to be separated. The second charts have the same Nadi and the same Rajju. The Kutas give sixteen polnts. On these points one may not recommend these. The Navamsa Lagna of the girl has the boy's in its lzth. The girl has Mars in the 8th from
2. II usband: | 944. l 2.7. Rasi : VirgoAscendanl 2757 with Jupiter 2-24 and Neptune l5-2; ScorpioMansl&58 and Sun 2l-54; Sagittarius-Mercury I 22O and Rahu 25-42; Capricorn-Venus145; Tau-
H:"iTil?,jl', I;?7;
Wife: 195O.8.3O. Rasi: Oemlni-Ascndant 5-17 with Uranus 15-24; Cancer-Venus 25-O; Leo-Sun 12-42 and Saturn 27-22; Virgo-Mercury 7-58 and Neptun e 22-30 ; Libr *Ylars I B-45; Aq uari us.J upiter (R) 8-52; and Pisces-MoonB-44 and Rahu 5- I l .
the Moon. The boy's 7th house is aspectedby Saturn who is afflicted by Mars. The girl's 7th lord is aspected by Saturn. The Moon and Rahu afflict her 4th. Some of the rules apply here. There is only marital discord between the two. The third charts have only the same Nadi. The Kutas give a score of 27. The boy's 7th and 8th lords are in conjunction with Ketu. The girl's 7th lord is with Rahu aspected by Mars. The Kuta score is of no use here. She married, conceived within six months and left her hus-
TEXT BOOK OF SCTENTInIC TTINDUASTROLOOY 3. ITusband: 195 |. l l. l . Rasi: Libra-Ascendant with Sun 14-32, l4ercury 25-55 and Neptune 2745; Scorpio-Moon 5-50; Pisces-Jupiter (R) 12-29; Qemini-Uranus (R) 2O-5; Leo-Mars 23-lO, Venus 28-55 and Ketu l5'5; and Virgo'Satum l6-15. Wife: 1958.8.5. Rasi: Qemini-Ascendant 20 with Venus 25-10; Cancer-Sun 18-44 and Uranus lB55; Leo-Mercury l3-24; Libra-Rahu l-56, Jupiter l-50 and Neptune 8-5 l; Scorpio-Saturn (R) 266; Pisces-Moon l8; and Aries-Mars l5-5O.
band. Three years later she joined him and was again separated. FIisNavamsa has Mars in the 7th, and it is not equal to her Mars (Rasi) in the 2nd from the Moon. llis Navamsa has Uranus in the 7th with Mars.The girl's chart has Uranus in the 2nd aspected by Mars. The fourth charts have the same Nadi. The Kuta score is' 18. lle has Mars and Venus in the 2nd and the girl has these in the l2th. So far so good. nis 7th lord is with Rahu in the l2th, while her 7th lord is in the l2th, (not desirable). tler
4. ITusband: I 955.2,9. Rasi: Aquarius-Ascendant I and Venus l52with Mercury5; Pisces-Mars7-5 25; Aries-Jupiter l9-46; Cemini-Uranus (R) 22; Libra-Satum (R)4-5 and Neptune (R) O-55; ScorpioMars l9; and Capricom-Sun 2il6 and Rahu I 9. Wife: 1959.7.25. Rasi: Virgo-Ascendant I with Rahu l2-55; Libra-Jupiter28-5Oand Neptune I O-
Navamsa shows Mars and Saturn in the 4th while the 7th lord is in the l2th.. Why was she frightenedby her husband and her mother-in'law?The answer lies in her Moon. This Moon is aspected by Saturn (lord of 5) and Jupiter (malefic lord of 7) and has Mars and Venus in the 7th. The 5th charts have the same Kantha Rajju. But the Kuta score is 24. But husband's lords of 6 and 7 are in opposition to Mars. From Chandra Lagna, the lords of 7 and 8 are togethr aspected by Mars (lord of 6 and I I from Moon, and of 5 and 8 from Lagna). The girl has Saturn in the 7th. Jupiter's aspect is of no avail. The Lagna lord Mars is with
3. ITusban d: 1960. 12. 5. Rasi: Viryo-As cendant 2T 4l; Libra-Neptune l6-45; ScorpieSun l9-26 and Mercury 2-5 I ; Sagittarius-Jupiter l4-56 and Saturn
23-14; Caprlcom-VenusO-lO; Cemini-Moon B-2I and Mars (R) 2!56; and lo-Uranus 2-26 and Rahu 17-27. Mfe: 197 1.5.7. Rasl: Scorplo-Ascendant 22-28 wlth Juplter (R) 10-14 and Neptune (R) 8-59; Catr rfcom-Mars 8-16 and Rahu 2S-b2; pisces-Venus 23-22; Aies-Sun 25-58 and Mercury O-2J; TaurusSatum l-22; and Virgo-Moon20-45 and Uranus (R) l6-45.
Rahu in the 5rd making her obstinate and perverted. His Navamsa has Saturn in 2 and Uranus in g. The lord of her Moon-sign is in 6-8 relation with his Moon-sign lord. They are fighting for a legal separation. What happened to the Kuta score? The sixth charts have the same R4iju with a Kuta score of 12. In addition, the Zth lord is debilitated in 5 and aspected by debilitated 8th lord Jupiter who is with Saturn. From Navamsa he has Mars in the 2nd. The significator is aspegted by Satum and malefic Jupiter. The girl has Kuja
6. llusband: 1961.4.24. Rasl: Taurus-Ascendant Capricorn-Satum 6-2 I and Juplter l2-lg; piscesVenus (R) 20-44; and Aries-Mercury l-56 and Sun lo-2t. Wife: 1961.10.22. Rasl: Aries-Ascendant 9-2 l; Leo-Uranus6-20 and Rahu l-5O; Virgo-Venus l2-?; Llbra-Sun5-52, Mercury8-12. Neptune 17-l? and Mars 2O-5l; Caprlcom-Satum 9-25 and Jupiter 52O; and Pisces-Moon l6-49.
Dosha. Mars is in the 7th with debilitated Sun and Mercury (lord of 5, 6). From the Moon Mars and Mercury (lord of 7t are in the 8th. There is marital discord. The seventh charts give a Kuta score of 24 which has been of no value. The 7th lord of the boy is in the 8th aspected by Saturn from the 6th. The 4th and 6th lords have exchanged signs. The l2th lord (conjugal bed) is with Rahu in the 7th. The girl has Mars in the 7th from the Moon
7. flusband: 1944.5.4. Rasi: Capricorn-Ascendant 25-29; Arles-Venus 5-52, Mercury (R) 18-25 and Sun 2O-9;Taurus-Uranusl&15; Cemini-Saturn l-8 and Mars 26-48; Cancer-Rahug and Jupiter 24-56; Leo'Moon 28-49; and Vlrgo-Neptune (R) 8-45.
TEXT BOOK Of SCIENTIFIC TTINDU ASTROLOOY Wife: L95O,3,2O. Kasi : Vi rgo-Ascendant 4-55 with Mars9-55,Neptune(R)23-lSandKetu l4-14;Capricorn-Venus 22-21; Aquarius-Jupiter l-56 and Mercury 28-25; Pisces-Sun6- I I and lloon 27-l; (R)26-5 I . Qemini-UranusT-5 I ;and Leo-Saturn
aspectedby Rahu and the l2th lord. The 7th lord is in the 6th with his enemy aspected by the l2th lord Saturn. The man was in love with another woman and avoided his wife from the first day of his marriage. lle seeks divorce.. His Navamsa shows the Bth lord in the 7th and the 7th lord debilitated. The eighth charts give a Kuta score of 22. The boy has a strong Kuja Dosha from Lagna. His Mars is in opposition to Jupiter. This opposition is found to be adverse in actual experience, thus vindicating the view of Yavaneshwara Sphujidhw4ja which was explained by Shudraka in his play, Shudraka compared Charudatta with Jupiter opposed to
8. ITusban d : 1952.6.2O. Rasi: Aries-Ascendant 5l7 with Jupiter I B-5O;Taurus-Moon 6-5 l; Cemini-Sun 5- 16, Venus 5-54, Mercury l7-5 | and Uranus 2O-4;Cancer-Ketu 29-47: Virgo-Saturn l5-4 and Neptune (R)25-45; and Libra-Mars B-57. Wife: 1958.4.5. Rasi: Capricorn-ascendant 25l'2 with l4ars 20-23; Aquarius-Venus 4-59; Pisces-Sun 2l-22; Aries-Mercury 7-25 and Ketu 85; Cancer-Uranus (R) l4-19; Libra-Jupiter 5-5. Moon 2-16 and Neptune (R) lO-58; and Sagittarius-Satum (Rl 2-26.
Mars-like Shakara. tlis 7th lord is in the 5rd with Mercury (lord of 5 and 6), Sun and malefic Uranus, all aspected by Saturn from the 6th. From the Moon Lagna, the 7th lord is in the 6th and 6th lord is in the 7th opposed to Saturn. The girl's chart shows Mars in the 4th from the Moon and this is not as strong as the boy's Kuja Dosha. tler 7th lord is in the lOth with the l2th lord aspected by the 6th lord Mercury. The boy is after divorce. Now for a change, look at the ninth charts. The man's 7th lord is in the 4th with his friend the Sun and with Mercury (lord of 5) and Rahu. Debilitated Moon is in the 7th opposed to Saturn, a Yogakaraka from Lagna. The lady's 5th house has a benefic aspect by exalted Saturn. Kuja Dosha is present from the Moon. llis Mars is in the
9. lTusband: 1942.A.19. Taurus-Ascendant 4 with Uranus ll-15 and Satum lB-lB; CeminiJupiter 22-25; Cancer-Venus lO-9; Leo-Sun 5-0, Mars lB-55, Mercury lB.4B and Rahu ll-26; Virgo-Neptune 5-24; and Scorpio-Moon B-4. Wife: 1953.3.4. Rasi: Sagittarius-Ascendant I 1,. Capricom-Rahu I 850; Aquarius.Sun I 9-5O; Pisces-
ffjr,lJ;l',;.?1,'6:t?f ,."?;fJ:?1.:t:"",
Moon 24; Libra-Neptune (R)0-16 and Saturn 5-5O.
l2th from Arudha Lagna. From her Navamsa,Mars is in the 8th causing Dosha-samya. This is neutralization of Kuja Dosha, not a cancellation.tlis 5th lord is with the lord of the l2th Mars. tler 9th lord is in the 5rd. Her 6th lord in the 5th and the 5th lord is in the 8th. The two are having a happy married life, though they are childless. The Kuta score is 27. These examples show clearly that the Kuta score is misleading,that Kuja Doshahas no exceptions,and that Navamsa charts have to be carefully evaluated before recommending any alliance.
5. Special points
The significator of the partner is generally found in the sixth or the eighth house. Sun, Moon or Venus of one chart may be found on the arc of the other. The Sun of one may be placed on the Moon of the other, though this. is not essential. Quru in the seventh or aspectingthe ruler of the seventh may indicate the death of the partner and a second marriage. The Sun applying to Uranus in a woman's chart sometimes shows the sudden illness or accident to the husband. Lord of 7 in 5, and of 5 in 7, or the conjunction of these two lords can indicate love marriage or no worldly motives in marriage. Strong malefic aspects, specially from Shani to the fifth and seventh houses indicate celibacy. Trouble in marriage or sex relation is shown by afflicted Mina 15o, Karka 260, Kanya 2o and l5', Simha 4o, Ylakara 26o and Kumbha 40. The eleventh house has also to be consldered as it indicates the mental interests, wishes, hopes, aspirations and friendships.
Uranus plays as great a part as Mars in marital relations. Uranus gives unexpected development, accidents, and romantic exploits. tle points to the nature of the native's dealigs with officials. His influence on the seventh house, on the seventh lord, and on Venus has to be scrutinised. As ltetu owns Vrischika, Ketu also functions like Kuja in marital affairs. Kuja dosha may have to be extended to Ketu also. Another planet is Neptune. He govems anxieties, worries, tricky condition, dreams, voyages, art, drugs, gas and water.
ted because they are liable to be misinterpreted. One such may be shared with the readers. For a proper interpretation of any chart we have to consider lagna, arudha lagna, and chandra lagna. When it is a problem conceming marriage we have also to consider the position from Dara-pada (arudha of the seventh), and Upapada (arudha of the twelfth), and Venus. When all these are considered, there will be very few charts free from Kuja dosha. It is true, but Kuja dosha does not mean death of the partner always. It may mean temporary or permanent separation because of health or profession, misunderstandings, quarrels, sufferings and the like. As the Buddha said-show me any family where absolute domestic peace prevails all the year round. Mars is said to be exalted in the seventh house of Sri Rama. This position is one of the exceptions listed. For twelve years the couple suffered and for one year they were physically separated. Dven when Kuja is in his own in the seventh or eighth the effect remains. A lady with Kuja in the eighth in Scorpio aspected by Curu from the second house, was divorced. Mars in a movable sign in the eighth has made the native a widower when he was barely twenty six. Mrs. Gandhi with Mars in the second for Cancer lagna and with the Sun in the fourth did not enable her husband to live long. What happened to the exception in Leo? Another with Gemini rising had Kuja with Chandra in the second. Debilitated Kuja or Kuja with the Moon or Jupiter is said to be exception. He gave up his wife and became a Sanyasi. Mrs. Bandaranayake has Kuja debilitated in the twelfth. We know all about Troy, said the sirens in tlomer's Odyssey. In some examples Kuja is conjunct Quru in the eighth house Leo. tle lost his wife within a year of his marriage. A lady with Karka langa has Kuja and Shani in the fourth, and she had numerous love affairs before she got married. Another with unaspected Kuja in the seventh for Mesha lagna became a widow at the age of 55 only. Kuja in the twelfth for Scorpio got her divorced nine years after marriage. A lady had debilitated Curu in lagna and Kuja in Cancer : she was harassed by her husband, and was separated within three years. Kuja dosha can also delay or deny marriage. Experience and examples have the final say.
It is said that Mars in the seventh in the constellation of the lord of the eleventh will do only good. This could appear for those born in Mesha, Karka, Simha, Kanya, Vrishchika, Dhanush, Makara, Kumbha, and Mina. A rule which is not applicable to nine out of the twelve lagnas cannot be a rule. A rule must have universal validity. Of late it is fashionable to find exceptions to Kuja dosha in the theory of the subs. The late Mr. Gopala Krishna Rao (Meena) published his Studies in Nadi Astrologlt between 1932 and 1937 and introduced this theory. lle was wise enough to take into consideration only the constellational lords. But as it is flaunted about now, it lands us in an infinite series. If lagna is in Curu-sub Budha', Budha may be in Shukra-sub,Shukra in Chandra, Chandra in Kuja and so on. You have to take the theory to its logical conclusion, and not stop where it suits you. Parashara's mahadasa, are free from antardasa,vidasa, sukshma dasa, and Pranadasa a past to explain be formulated can theory Any defect. this predict and in advance, a chart, to take is better But it event. publish the same in advance. Otherwise any one can say that he or she predicted such and such a thing in advance: and none can prove or disprove it. The law of evidence in such cases is not reliable. We believe on the basis of our most ancient authorities and experience in the equal house system' The cusp is not the midpoint, but the first point.'lf Bhavas are to be followed, our ancients followed the method of trisection, not the unsci' entific Placidean system. We hold to the principle of Kuja dosha as absolutely and universallyvalid; only the interpre' tation of this dosha is difierent in each case, and it depends on the navamsha chart and on matching the charts' Death, divorce, separation, denial or delay of marriage, ill-health and the like are the possible results. Care should be exercised in watching the charts and in evaluating the aspects' We have to accept square, trine, conjunction, opposition, sextile, and semisquare aspects for all planets. Except in the case of the Sun and the Moon, the orb of the aspect extends to eight degrees before and after. The luminaries have an orb of twelve degrees. Moreover, Uranus in many ways functions like Mars in the context of
marital life. The astrologer should not try to console or to eye-wash the anxious parents of girls. If he cannot speak out truly, he should observe silence' There are no exceptions to Kuja dosha. This is what we found after 60 years of study of astrology. While matching, if we find similai Kuja dosha the results get modified and never completely cancelled. Let us note the arudhas of lagna, the seventh house and the twelfth house also while examining Kuja dosha. We will now look at Arudha.
5. Amdha
Arudha lagna is important for predictive purposes. The distance from the lagna to the sign occupied by its lord, both inclusive, is to be counted from that lord to get the Arudha lagna. This principle is given by Jaimini when he saidt 'Yavadeesasrayam Padam Rikshanam". Though many authorities have ignored the Arudha of the houses 5' 6, A and I l, Parashara was clear that the Arudhas have to be taken for all the 12 houses. q-{qqfr qrqnriqiq tfqt (Telugu edition by M.K. Sastri, 50.5). Thus if the lord of the lagna is in the 9th from lagna, the 9th from him is the Arudha lagna. It happens to be the 5th from lagna. Special or specific (Visesha) results are to be predicted from Arudha padas of all the l2 houses' Cautama bamhita, and Uttara Kalamrita mention only eight arudhas' But Parashara and Jaimini appear to include all houses' Arudha Lagna is known as Vijnana (wisdom), Purva (previous birth), Vidhi (duties), Vyanjana (suggestion)' Pada, Nimitta (cause), Bhava (family life), Rupa (appearance), Pradesa (place) and arudha. Cautama Samhita gives some specific details. The arudha of the 2nd house tells us about wealth, clothes, substances regarding food, fortune, speech and family. The arudha of the 4th refers to gardens, wells, friends, progress, happiness, worship, strength and conveyances. The arudha of the 5th refers to tantra, mantra' power, relations with others, children, and Purva Punya' The
arudha of the 9th tells us about special prosperity, fortune, generous nature, dharma, good karma, teacher, righteousness, and penance. The arudha of the loth refers to profession, authority, war, enjoyment, prosperity, honour, knowledge and the like. The arudha of the l2th refers to marriage and related matters. Most of the yogas are to be predicted from the a r u d h a so f h o u s e s L , 4 , 5 , 7 , 9 a n d l O . This general rule about arudha is qualified on two occasions by both Parashara(5O.4,5) and Jaimini. A planet in its own house or in the 7th from it cannot be treated as its own arudha for that house. r -.r ,,. ,,,' \sqli {Iqic rc{ qE T{gq'6d: I This is Parashara. In such a case the loth from the house becomes its arudha. For example the l2th lord for Mina lagna is in Simha. The arudha for the l2th cannot be Kumbha. It becomes Vrishchika. lf a planet is in the 4th itself is the arudha for that sign. Thus for Mina Lagna, the 7th lord is in Sagittarius, 4th from Kanya. The arudha of the 7th (dara pada) is Sagittarius only, and not Mina. These are specially given by Jaimini in his Sutras "Swasthe Darah", and "Suthasthe Janma-. If for a native born in Mesha l-agna Mars is in Cancer, the Arudha l.agna is Cancer only. These restrictions apply only when the lord of the house is in his own sign or in the 7th from it, and when he is in the 4th from that sign. Thus for Mina lagna native, Kuja is in 8, Shukra is in 9, Budha is i n l O a n d C h a n d r a i s i n l l . T h e a r u d h a so f 2 , 5 , 4 , 5 a n d 7 houses are from lagna onwards the houses Ylakara, Kumbha, Mina, Mesha, and Dhanus. Commentators on Jaimini like Nilakantha, Krishnananda and others have given different opinions. Hora Saramsha (Bombay Ddn.) states that the lord of a house is in that house or in the 7th from it, that house itself is the arudha of that house. This text does not refer to the Visesha Vidhi (special rule of exception). Therefore some argue that Jaimini has given only examples, and not ordained special rules.
Nilakantha argued that in the aphorism of Jaimini"svasthe darah" the word dara refers to the wife and therefore the 7th house. Thus if the lord is in the 4th house, the arudha of the 4th is the 7th. But Jaimini clearlystated that he refers to the houses by the numerals indicated by the word. 'ra' is 2. Reversingit we get 28 and dividing llere 'da' is 8 and get four as the remainder. 'Swa' gives four it by twelve, we Nilakanthahas ignored the rule given by Jaimini. As such the aphorism is not an example, but a modification of the original in two special cases. In 'Sutasthejanma' Nilakanthatook suta (67 divided by l2=remainder 7) to mean seven the Janma to ' mean lagna and not (58 divided by 12 = remainder 4) the fourth. He cleverly misinterpreted parts of the sutras. He has not given any authority in favour of his interpretation. The commentary of Durga PrasadDwivedi is acceptable as against Nilakantha. Bala KrishnanandaSwami states that the second house refers to the wife or husband, the I lth to the elder brothers and sisters, the planet in the 2nd to the partner and so on. His commentary does not fit into the context. In his commentary as Jaiminiya Padyamrita, Ayodhya Natha has stated the view which we have stated earlier. 'Sva'to mean own Somanatha in his Kalpalata interpreted house. Thus when a planet is in its own house, the fourth from it is its arudha; and when it is in the 7th from that house, the loth from that house is the arudha of that house. Somanatha's father Krishna Misra has given us Jyotisha Phata Ratnamala. He argued that if the house is an odd sign, the count for arudha is in the clockwise direction and if it is an even sign, the count is from the Sammukla (opposite) sign. The Sammukha signs for the cardinal or movable signs are the 8th houses and for the fixed signs these are the 6th houses from it. But for even signs we have to find whether that sign or its other sign is stronger; and from the stronger sign the arudha is to be fixed. The count here is clockwise. The arudhas are clockwise or anticlockwise as the signs are odd or even. For a nativity of Libra the 9th has Budha and Shukra. The Arudha lagna will be Kumbha. For a Taurus native the position of Budha and Shukra is in Mithuna. Then they are
in the 2nd and the arudha lagna will be Cancer. Then Budha and Shukra are in the l2th from arudha lagna the latter is an even sign. Krishna Misra also stated that according to some the arudha is not only from that sign but also from the sign occupied by the lord of that sign. Of these we have to determine the stronger one as per Jaimini's rules and then count. Scorpio is owned by Kuja and Ketir, while Kumbha is owned by Shani and Rahu. If Ketu is stronger than Kuja, and Rahu stronger than Shani, the arudhas are to be counted from Ketu and Rahu respectively. Still the author is clear that this rule applies only to the period of the years given by signs occupied by them. When the lord of the sign is in it, he says that the fourth from it is its arudha, and if he is in the 7th from it then its 'sva'in the first quarter of the first lOth is its arudha. The word chapter of Jaimini is taken by Somanatha to mean lagna, and in the second quarter of the first chapter he took it to mean 'anyatra'was taken to mean the the fourth sign. The word lOth by him. Raghava Bhatta (1704 AD) interpreted the two special sutras of Jaimini to refer only to the years given by those signs when a planet is in its own sign, that sign gives twelve years. If it is in the 7th from it that sign gives ten years. In his Jaimini Sutrartha Pradarsika, Narasimha Suri stated if a sign has its own owner, that very sign is the arudha of that house and it gives twelve years. If that planet is in the 7th from it, that sign gives ten years' In an example of Mesha Lagna given by him, Kuja is in the Makara and the arudha lagna is given as Tula. Thus we have two different views. The arudhas are counted in the normal way. If a planet is in its own sign or in the 7th from it, that very sign is its arudha. The second view makes the fourth from that sign its arudha. In such a situation we have to go by the m4jority opinion among the classical authorities. If a planet is in its own sign, that sign is its arudha, if it is in the 4th, the arudha of that is the fourth; if in the 7th, the arudha is the loth, and if it is in the lOth, the arudha of that sign is the 7th. tlere is enough material for further research.
6. Kqia Dosha
There has been much discusslon about Kuja Dosha' In the Moon or Venus it houses 2, 4, 7 ,8, and l2 from L,agna, ls dreaded. Many exceptions are given In the authoritative texts. Following the maxim "Kujavat Ketuh" we are inclined to apply the same dosha to Ketu also. First, we note some of the exceptions mentioned by some authorities: (i) No Dosha if Kuja or Mars is in the 2nd identical with the houses of Mercury. (ii) No Dosha if Mars is in the l2th identical with the houses of Venus' (iii) No Dosha in the 4th if it is the own house of Mars. (iv) No Dosha in the 7th if it is Cancer or Capricorn. (v) No Dosha in the 8th if it is owned by Jupiter. (vi) No Dosha if Mars is in L'eo or Aquarius. (vii) No Dosha if Mars is conjunct Jupiter or Moon. (viii) No Dosha for the l-agnas owned by the Sun' the Moon, Mars and Jupiter and also for Capricorn' lix) No Dosha if Mars is in a Kendra or Kona, or if Mars is with Moon, Jupiter or Mercury by aspect or conjunction' (x) From Taurus L.agna Mars in the l2th causes no Dosha' (xi) For Gemini l-agna Mars in 2, B or l2 causes no bad effects' (xii) For Virgo Lagna there is no Dosha if Mars is in 2 o;6' lxiii) For Scorpio Lagna there is no Dosha if Mars is in 2, 8 ro I l ' (xiv) For Aquarius L,agnathere is no Dosha if Mars is in 2' 8 or 12. This tist is formidable. lt virtually means that there is no Kuj-- Dosha in any chart. Mrs. Indira Candhi had Mars in Ueo, ttre 2nd from Lagna and 8th from the Moon' There are many charts in our file and they show that these exceptions have not worked. ln 7 or 8, Mars denotes death or seParation of the couple under certain conditions' In the 2nd he creates discord in the family, and in the l2th he denies bed comforts for various reasons. In the 4th he denies happiness. The association of Mars with Venus is condemned by Jaimini when he states: Tls-Stiffi{s cr{rFfi: I It is always necessary that a Person having Kuja Dosha should be married to one having a similar Dosha' This neutralises the Dosha. It does not cancel the Dosha'
Some observe that Kuja Dosha appties only to those born south of the Krishna. Unfortunateiy ror them no planet ls partial to any geographicar region. The Dharma sastras have ordained Kumbha Viuaha for girls having Kuja Dosha. These Sastras have ignored the exceptions Kuja Dosha has to be examined from l-agna. But Narada Samhita states:
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Some authorities speak of Kuja Dosha from the Moon and also from Venus. The text also states as the author,s own opinion.
l{ ii! I
The Dosha is to be reckoned from l-agna, the Moon and Venus. The 2nd speaks about happiness and character.TheTth ls the house of the partner. The gth in a woman,s chart refers to her mangalya, the well-being of the husband. Of these the 7th and the 8th houses are the most powerful ones. Vachaspatya refers to the Bth house. Mars, association with the 5th can cause miscarriages or loss of childrcn. Vivaha Vanamala states that Mars in the houses of Mer_ cury or Saturn causes maximum Dosha,. in the house of Saturn he is threequarters malefic; in Jupiter,s houses, he is a half malefic; and in his own houses he is one-fourths mafefic. This has the support of Narada Samhita. Deva l{erala has given many exceptions. From a prag_ matic standpoint these exceptions are meant only to facilitate marriages. Some have argued that Kuja Dosha has to be examined also from Arudha L,agna, Darapada and Upapada. This is a valid fall out from Jaimini,s system of Astrology. If there are malefics in Upapada, or if the Upapada is aspected by malefics, there is death of the partner or renunciation ( L4, 2). If the 2nd from Upapada is associated with Saturn and Rahu, the same result is said to follow (1.4.12). These and other combinations have to be considered also from the 7th from Upapada and from Itaralramsha Lagna, according to Jaimini.
t,et us consider some charts which clearly prove that there are no exceptions of, Kuja Dosha. Chart 1 Mars is in the 4th house owned by the Sun. She got married in Moon'Mercury. In Rahu-Rahushe lost her husband. Rahu is in the I lth aspected by Mars who ls conl. lagna Taurus 5 with Yloon 22 Leo-Mars 2650 and Satum 24-45; Vhgo-Ketu l9-55; Scorplo-Sun lZ4O and Mercury 25-15; Capricom-Jupiter 7-45; and Pisces - Rahu 19-55 and Venus 5-4O.
junct Saturn. Mars is also the lord of the 7th. Rahu is with Venus. Rahu's association with Venus, the Moon, or Jupitr is highly malefic. Chart 2 shows Mars in the 4th owned by Mercury a.nd aspected by debilitated Mercury. Mars is in the 2nd from the Moon and form Darapada and he is retrograde. She left her husband, married a foreigner and begot two daughters. She left the 2nd husband also and was on the look-out for a thi2. LagnaCemini2O-14; Cancer-Ketu 5-5O;Leo-Moon 8-25; Virgo-t{ars 2O-7; Libra-Jupiter 2B-31; Aquarius-Satum18-44;Pisces-Mercury I 6-55; Arles-SunO-25;and Taurus.Venus 4-55. rd. Ketu is in the 2nd from Lagna and in the l2th from the Moon. Another Qemini native has Mars, Venus and Rahu in 4, 8 and 12 respectively; Saturn is in the 9th. ller husband was said to be impotent. Chart J has Ketu in the 8th and Mars in the 9th. The Moon, Mercury and Venus are aspected by Mars. Due to 5. LagnaCancer;Leo-Rahu 29-OO; Virgo-Sun7-Jl; UbraMoon 174O,Mercury 240 and Venus lB-OO; (R) 2B-5S;and Aqurius-Ketu29-0O;Pisces-Mars Taurus-Jupiter 27-57and Saturn(R)5-2 l . difference of opinion she left her husband. The Darapada is aspected by Mars who is in Jupiter's house. Chart 4 shows Mars in the l2th (owned by Jupiter), in the 7th from the Moon, and in the 2nd from Venus. Along with her son she drugged her husband and brutally illtrea4. LagnaCapricom;Aries-Ketul5-5; Cemini-Moon58; Cancer-Jupiter 19-58 and Saturn 2-38; Libra(R) 5-58 and Venus Sun l5-59; Scorpio-Mercury 14; and Sagittarius-Mars l5.l5.
ted him. Mrs. Indira Oandhi had Mars in the 2nd (Leo)and the Moon in the 7th. The exceptions did not save her husband. ln Chart 5, Mars is in the 7th (Virgo) from the Moon and in the 2nd from Upapada. She lived with her husband for twelve years, she got divorce towards the end of Venus
5. Lagna Scorpio; Aquarius-Ketu I l-5; Pisces-Moon
;1 '.{l
; t
major period. Mars in Mercury's house could not save her. Saturn is, of course, in the 7th. ln Chart 6,lrlars is in his own l2th house. tle is in the 8th from Darapada, and in the 2nd from Karakatwa. Mars is with the lords of 7 and 8. A few months after she conceived,
Ketu I 7-38; Scorpio-Mercury 20-45; SagittariusS u n T - 4 2M , o o n5 - 1 7a n d M a r sI l - 1 9 . she lost her husband. After her delivery she married again. ln Chart 7, the lord of Lagna Mars is in the 2nd owned by Venus, in the l2th from Venus. She got married in MarsRahu. In Rahu-Jupiter she lost her husband. From Karakamsha Lagna we notice Saturn in Lagna, Jupiter and 7. Lagna Aries 9-14; Taurus-Mars 23-43; CeminiVenus 25-28, Saturn 28-52 and Rahu 16-54; Leo-Sun4-12 and Mercury(R)4-2; Virgo-Jupiter 6-9; Sagittarius-Moon 27-57. Rahu in the 9th, and Mars in the 5rd aspected by Jupiter. Still Jupiter's aspect on Mars did not save her. Chart B shows Mars in the 4th (Jupiter's house), and in the 2nd from the Moon. Mars is the lord of 5 and B and is with the significator of the partner. Mars and Venus are hemmed between malefics. These are in the l2th from Arudha Lagna. Ketu is in the l2th. She got married in KetuVirgo3-50and Jupiter2l-25; Scorpio-Sun 8. Lagna
hffi;l1?:"J'"L:31,H ifil?:i:ffi
50; and Aquarius-RahuO-5.
she manhusband lose his balance of mind. In Venus-Mars aged to make her husband disappear.This chart again Proves that exceptions to Kuja Dosha are of no avail. ln Chart 9, lnars is in the 4th (Libra) from the Moon, and in the l2th from Venus. Mars is in the 2nd from Darapada,and in the 7th from Upapada.The lords of the 7th and the
9. Lagna-Taurus; Gemini-Saturn and Rahu; CancerMoon; Leo-Jupiter Libra-Sun and Mars; ScorpioMercury and Venus.
8th have exchanged signs. This medical practitioner was deserted by her husband. ln Chart IO, Ylars is in the 8th (Aquarius) from Lagna, and in the 7th from the Moon. That Kuja Dosha does not operate for natives of Cancer and Leo is falsified here. Sl'le
lO. Lagna Cancer with Jupiter; Leo-Moon; Virgo' Ketu; Capricorn-Saturn; Aquarius-Mars; Pisces' Sun, Mercury and Rahu; and Aries-Venus.
and lost her husband in Moongot married in Venus-Saturn Venus. The aspect of Jupiter or Saturn was of no avail. ln Chart I I, lnars and Rahu are in Scorpio, the 8th from the Moon. It is the Darapadaand the 2nd from Upapada. In
and Aries-Moon and Venus.
Rahu-Ketuat the age of 55 she got married. In the same sub-period she became widow. Note Saturn's asPect on Ketu. ln Chart 12. Ylars and Venus are in the 7th from the Moon. Mars is in the 2nd from Arudha Lagna and in Upapada.The 7th lord is with Ketu. The lord of the Badhaka
12, Lagna Cancer; Sagittarius-Moon ; CaPricom-Satu m ; Aquarius-Rahu; Qemini-Mars and Venus; Cancer' Sun and Mercury; and Leo-JuPuter and Ketu.
house is aspecting the 6th. She divorced her husband be' cause he was impotent. ln Chart lS,Ylars is in the 8th from Lagna and in the l2th from Venus,Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu.She got married in July 1949, and became a widow in September l95O' She got married again. Mars is lord of the 4th. He is in the 4th
TEXT BOOI( OF SCIENTInIC IIIILDU ASTROLOOY 1 5 . L a g n a C a p r i c o r n ; P i s c e s - K e t u ;C e m i n i - M o o n ; Leo-Mars; Virgo-Jupiter, Venus, Satuin and Rahu; and Libra-Sun and Mercury,
of the
associated with the 8th lord. In our experience spread over six decades, we have found that the so-called exceptions to Kuja Dosha have not worked. We have to examine both Rasi and Navamsha. because Parashara has stated, fqf* O-cfflulfq I Moreover, as Kalyana Varma states, we have also to examine the chart for the time of the first menstruation of the girl. This reveals a good deal about her future marital life. Shantis for Kuja Dosha are prescribed by our ancients, These include Kumbha Vivaha,SavitriVrata and PippalaYrata. Mars is also a form of Bhairava. ln Argala Stotra we read rilqf
qerglM I
Durga is called Bhairavi here. Mars is a form of Durga. The Stotra of Durga is another remedy.
l. Qeneral
Parashara expounds some interesting principles regarding children. Childlessness, laws of children, and adoption are some of the things he refers to. l,ords of 2,5, and I I play an important role. In the case of women, the ninth house has to be considered. We have also to consider the lord of lagna and Guru. The weakness of these houses and their lords can bring about the loss or denial of children. When the lord or the navamsha occupied by the lord of the twelth is in the eighth along with the afflicted fifth lord. the same result follows. If the lord of the first and fifth houses are afflicted or debilitated, while a barren planet (Shani, Budha, Ketu) occupies the fifth, we have to predict the same. Hourses5 and I I are important. The twelfth house, its ruler arrd the planets therein also indicate them, especially the elclest. Benefics, Moon, and Neptune will give many children, when they are properly placed. Uranus indicates artificial prevention of conception, as in the cases of persons undergoing vasectomy, tubectomy, laproscopy and family welfare schemes employing tablets and capsules. Moon and Neptune indicate daughters. The number of children depends on the Moon in the case of men, and on
the Sun in case of women. Sun afflicted by Uranus in the charts of women shows miscarriages. Mars in the fifth, with the lord of the fifth, or aspecting the fifth house or its lord also indicates loss of children or miscarriages or both. Mars and Neptune in the fifth or in the eleventh can give rise to still births; and so do Uranus and Neptune in these houses. Any affliction to the fifth house or to its lord from Uranus suggests miscarriages or loss of children. A person with Aquarius ascending had Mercury and Rahu in the ninth; Mars,Jupiter and Saturn in the eleventh. Here only Saturn and Mercury are in the exact cusps of the houses. Rahu is in exact conjunction with Budha. Budha and Shani are barren. He died at 48 leaving only a widow behind to mourn him. Another has the same ascendant with Shukra and Rahu in the fifth; Quru and Ketu in the eleventh. Shani and Budha in the seventh, and Ravi and Kuja in the sixth. All these associations of the undesirable planets in the fifth, seventh, and eleventh houses have their effect. IIe is 62 with no child of his own. When Mars as the lord of the lagna is exalted with Shani and Kavi in the eighth having beneficial aspects, one begets a son after a long time. Shani in the lagna, Curu in the eighth, and Mars in the twelfth, if they have good aspects, are capable of giving a child after a long time has elapsed. When the lord of the fifth is a benefic and is in the l-agna whose lord is a benefic, one begets a son after a long time if Shani, Guru and Budha are in the fifth. Rahu, Ravi, Shukra and Guru should be in an auspicious house if there is to be a child after a long time. Similar results follow when a good planet is in the first, and malefics are in the second and third while the lord of the fifth should be in a benefic sign. Next we have a series of verses indicating the various combinations that cem give rise to adopted children. When Mars and Saturn are in the fifth, the lord of the Lagna is in the house of Budha aspected by Budha, there will be adopted children. If the fifth house is owned by Budha or Shani, and if both Shani and Mandi aspect it or are posited
ln it, the same results follow. lf the flfth house belongs to Budha and if Budha is in it or aspects lt whlle Shani is the lord of the ascendant, there ls a posslbility of adopting some one. When the lord of the flfth is Shani and is aspected by Kuja and by the benefics, and when the lord of the ascendant is in the navamsa of Budha, then also we should predict the same. If the lord of the seventh ls in the eleventh, lord of the fifth is with benefics, and if Budha or Shani is in the fifth, then there will be adopted chitdren. When the lord of the fifth is in the ninth and the lord of the ninth is in the tenth and when the fifth is aspected by Shani, then too the same prediction has to be given. When Shukra, the lord of the l,agna, is exalted, and when Shani is in.the fifth and when Quru is very strong, we can arrive at the same conclusion. When the Moon, as the lord of the fifth. is In l-agna while Shani is in the fifth, one can have adopted children if Quru is very strong. When Budha, the lord of the Lagna, is in the fifth aspected by Kuja, one has adopted sons if Guru is in the eleventh. When Curu, the lord of the Lagna, is in the fifth aspected by Shani, one has adopted children if the lord of the fifth is in one of the houses of Kqia. A gentleman was born with Sagittarius rising. Curu and Shani are in the Lagna. Budha is in the third, Ravi and Shukra in the fourth, Kethu in the sixth, Kuja in the ninth and the Moon in the eleventh. This person adopted a son and a few years after the adoption he had his own children. Adoption was necessitated by Quru and Shani, while the birth of his own children came from the peculiar position of Kuja, though Kuja is aspected by Budha. This accounts both for the delay and for adoption. A similar set of incidents overtook another person who was born when Capricorn was rising with Moon in the seventh, Rahu in the ninth, and the remaining six planets in the eleventh house. Another section of the sixteenth chapter in Parashara's text deals with the loss of children. The losses here are explained as being due to some curse or other heaped on
the individual in his previous birth. This might appear to be a fantastic one for those who disbeliejve in the concept of rebirth. But a close examination of empirical data will dispel these suspicions. We shall enquire into the matter after enumerating the principles laid down by Parashara. The great serpent, father, mother, brother, maternal uncle, teacher, wife and the spirits of those to whom proper funeral rites are not performed - all these are taken into consideration as capable of cursing the individual. ( I ) Rahu in the fifth house owned by Kuja and aspected by Kuja; (2) lord of the fifth with Rahu while Shani is in the fifth with some association or other with the Moon; (5) lord of the lagna with Mars, lord of fifth debilitated, and Curu in conjunction with Rahu; (4) lord of the fifth in a malefic sign, Rahu in lagna, and Curu in conjuction with Kuja; (5) Rahu and Mandi in the lagna, Kuja in his own navamsha, and the tord of the fifth is Budha; (6) Rahu in the fifth which is a house of Mars and is in conjunction with or is aspected by Budha; (7) When the lords of the lagna and the fifth are weak and when Ravi, Shani, Kuja, Budha and Rahu are in the fifth; (8) Rahu with the lord of the lagna, lord of the fifth with the Sun, and Guru aspected by Rahu - in all these 'cases there will be loss of children due to the curse of the great serpent. This can be expiated by installing an image of the serpent. (l) Ravi in the fifth debilitated, and hemmed in between malefics and having the navamsha of Shani; (2) Ravi, as lord of the fifth, in one of the trines in association with malefics and hemmed in between malefics; (5) Curu in Leo, lord of the fifth with the Sun, and malefics in the first and the fifth; (4) the weak lord of the fifth with the Sun, and malefics in the first and the fifth houses; (5) the lord of the ninth in the fifth or the lord of the fifth in the ninth, while the first and the fifth houses are with malefics; (6) I'Iars, as the lord of the ninth, in association with the lord of the fifth while malefics are in the first, fifth and ninth houses; (7) lord of the ninth in a malefic sign, Quru in a malefic house, and the malefic lord of the lagna in the fifth; (8) Ravi, Kuja,
and Shani in the fifth, malefics in the lagna, and the lord of the fifth with Rahu; ( I O) lord of the twetfth in the tagna white the lord of the eighth is in the fifth and the tord of the nintn ls in the eighth; (ll) lords of the nlnth and the sixth in the fifth while Guru is with Rahu - In all these cases the loss of children should be explained as being due to the curse of the father. This curse is expiated by what is known as Gayasraddha. ( I ) Shani in the eleventh, malefics in the fourth, and the Moon debilitated in the fifth: (2) tord of the fifth in a matefic sign, lord of the lagna in debilitation, and the Moon in association with malefics; (5) lord of the fifth in a matefic sign, malefics in the lagna and the fifth and Moon in.the navamsha of a malefic, (4) lord of the fifth in a malefic sign, Quru in 5 or 9, and the Moon is with Shani, Rahu and Kuja; (5) Mars as the fourth lord in conjunction with Shani and Rahu, while Ravi and Chandra are in I or 4; (6) lords of lagna and the fifth in 6, lord of 4 in 8, and lords of g and 12 are in lagna; (7) lords of 6 and 8 in 4 or l, lord of 4 in 12. and Curu and Moon with malefics in 5; (8) lagna hemmed in between malefics, waning Moon in 7, Rahu and Shani are in 4or5; (9)Lordof 12in5, lordof 5in 12,whiletheMoon and the lord of 4 arein 6 or8; (lO) I^agnaas Cancer, Kuja and Rahu in lagna, Moon and Shani in 5; ( I I ) Itouses l, 5. 6, and 8 having Kuja, Rahu, Ravi and Shani, white the lords of I and 4 are in a malefic sign. (12) Guru with Kuja and Rahu in 12, while the Moon and Shani are in 5. ' ln all these cases loss of children arises from a mother's curse. This can be expiated by Setu snana. ( l) Lord of 5 in 5 with Kuja and Rahu, while the tords of I and 5 are in 8; (2) Kuja and Shani in lagna and 5, lord of 5 in 9, Curu is debilitated; (5) both lagna and the fifth are in papakartari while the lords of these two must be in a malefic house with Guru; (4) lord of lO in 5, benefic lord of the fifth is with malefics, and Mars is in 5; (5) the fifth being owned by Budha, there should be Shani and Rahu, while the lord of 7 is in 6, lord of the first in the third, lord of the third in the fifth and malefics in the first, third and fifth
houses,' (7) lord of the third in the twelfth, Guru with Rahu and Mandi in the fifth; (8) lord of the twelfth in the fifth with the lord of the third, while Mars and Saturn are in the eighth. In all these cases the loss of children is due to the curse of the brother and it can be expiated by the holy waters of the rivers and by the installation of the Asvattha Vriksha. (1) The fifth, which is a house of Budha, should have Curu along with Kuja and Rahu while Shani should be in the lagna; (2) lords of the first and the fifth in the fifth along with Budha and Kuja, while Shani should be in the firsh (5) lord of the fifth in the fifth, Shani in the seventh, and the lord of the lagna with Budha; (4) lord of the sixth in the fifth along with the lord of the twelfth while the Moon, Mars and Mercury should be in the fifth - in all such cases the loss of children is due to the curse of the maternal uncle; and it is expiated by Setusnana and Vishnupratishtha. (l) Rahu in the house of Guru, the lord of the ninth in 12, while in the fifth there should be Curu, Kuja and Shani; (2) lord of the ninth in the fifth, and the lord of the fifth in the twelfth; (5) Guru, Kuja, and Rahu in the eighth; (4) lord of the ninth in debilitation, lord of the twelfth in the fifth associated with Rahu; (5) Curu in debilitation, Rahu in the first or the fifth, and the lord of the fifth in the eighth; (6) lord of the fifth in the house of Curu, malefics in the eighth, while the lord of the fifth is the Sun or the Moon; (7) Shani In his own navamsha, Curu in conjunction with Kuja, while the lord of the fifth in the twelfth; (8) Shani with Curu in the lagna, Rahu in the ninth - in all these cases the losses of the children are to be traced to the curse of the preceptor. This curse can be expiated by Chandrayana, Dhenudana and Annadana. ' There is yet another group of cases where the loss of thildren is traced to the curse of the wife. Now let us focus our attention on a iew instances where some of these Yogas are found and where the required expiation has borne fruit. There is a gentleman born when Aries was rising with Curu, Chandra and Rahu. Ravi and Budha are in the fifth, Shukra
in the fourth, Kuja in the tenth, and Shani in the sixth. A glance at the horoscope convinces us that this falls under the first group. This gentleman lost quite a good number of children and the installation of the serpent gave him at last a son and two daughters. These are alive. All those born earlier to the installatin of the serpent are no more. Another gentleman was born when the early degrees of Leo were rising. Kuja was in the second, Shukra in the ninth, Budha in the tenth, and Shani in the twelfth. Ravi, Chandra, Kethu and Guru are at the fag end of the tenth house. This has inevitably resulted in the death of three or four children even before they were three years of age. Very recently he listened to the astrological advice and performed the Sarpa Pratishtha. As a result there was a child born later on aild the child is alive, hale and healthy. ln this manner a series of examples can be multiplied. And diligent students of astrology should study a good numebr of the horoscopes of persons that suffer and groan under the heavy weight of this particular calamity. Now we shall consider a few more cases. (l ) The lord of the 7th in the fifth, while Shani is in the house owned by that planet in whose "amsa"is found the lord of the seventh; (2) lord of the fifth in a 'nasa rasi; (5) lord of the seventh in a nasa rasi, lord of the sixth in the fifth, and Curu afflicted; (4) Venus in the fifth, lord of the seventh in the eighth, and Guru afflicted; (5) second house afflicted, lord of the seventh in nasa rasi, and malefics in the fifth; (6) Venus in the ninth, lord of the seventh in nasa rasi, and malefics in the first and fifth houses; (7) while Venus is the lord of the ninth, lord of the fifth in satru rasi, lords of the first and seventh afflicted, and Guru afflicted; (8) the fifth house being the house of Venus should be occupied by Rahu and Moon, while malefics are in the twelfth, first and second houses; (9) Venus and Saturn in the seventh, lord of the eighth in the fifth house owned by Mars, and Rahu in the Ascendant; (lO) Mars in the second, Jupiter in the twelfth, and Venus being in the fifth should be associatedwith Rahu or Ketu; ( I I ) lords of the second and seventh in the twelfth,
Mars and Saturn in the fifth and first, and Curu afflicted; (12) Rahu, Saturn and Mars should be respectively in the first, fifth and ninth houses, while the lords of the fifth and seventh should be in the eighth - in all these cases the loss of children is to be traced to the curse given by the wife. This type of curse is a little intriguing. How can a wife, treated as 'patni' curse her husband ? This is possible only when there are serious lapses on the part of the husband. This curse, as the general tenor of the argument implies, goes back to the previous birth; and it can be expiated only by adopting a girl and giving her away in marriage to someone. There are cases of persons who remained childless till they actually performed the marriage of their adopted daughters. These cases amply convince us that there must be a causal relationship between such marriages and their later begetting own children.' A few illustrations will make this point pretty clear. Chart I is that of a gentleman who is of a very good nature. Ile is amiable and good natured. Shani is on the Ascendant and Rahu is found to be in the Lagna bhava. Mars is situated in the ninth being aspected by Budha and Guru. These circumstances led to the inevitable fact of his begetting children after he has adopted a girl and got her married.
Sun Venus
Sun Mars 2
M6rcury Saturn
Jupiter Ketu
The lord of the fifth is Budha and he is posited in the seventh along with another barren planet Shani. Venus is afflicted in the fifth house with Rahu, while Curu is thus afflicted in the eleventh. The lord of the seventh is afflicted ln the sixth, while the second house has the lord of the sixth. This gentleman performed and helped many to perform the marriages of their daughters. And yet he had no children. Note the twelfth and the seventh houses. The fifth house is afflicted, though it has a good aspect from Jupiter. But Jupiter himself is afflicted. And we have to say here that his Karma of the previous births has been so strong that he cannot have any children. This is the only rational explanation that I can offer; and I am sure that in his life to come he will have plenty of children. Take the third chart and it offers an interesting career. He is a gentleman--crook at times. Lord of the fifth is in the twelfth in association with Kethu. The Moon is further afflicted by Mars, who in his turn is afflicted by Saturn. The Ascendant is possessed of the lord of the eighth and the third, and is aspected by the lord of the twelfth. From Chandra lagna, the positions of the planets are still worse; and the gentleman is childless. He tried to adopt many a time and he failed consistently. There is another gentleman who was born when Capricorn was rising, with Mars, Saturn,
Jupiter and Rahu in the eleventh. He adopted a boy and a girl, got the girl married, and then had his own children. Of course his own children could not remain alive for long due to certain other factors.
Venus Lagna Mercury Sun
Moon Kethu 3 Mars Rahu
There is one more class of childlessness enumerated (l ) Sun and Saturn in the fifth, the waning Parashara. by Moon in the seventh, and Rahu and Quru in Lagna and in the twelfth; (2) Shani who is the lord of the fifth must be ln the twelfth, Kuja in Lagna, and Curu is in nasa rasi; (5) malefics in Lagna, Sun in the twelfth, Saturn in the fifth, lord of the fifth in the eighth; (4) Rahu in Lagna, Saturn in the fifth, and Guru in nasa rasi; (5) Rahu, Shukra and Guru in Lagna, Moon in association with Saturn, and the lord of Lagna in a good sign; (6) Rahu in Lagna, Saturn In the fifth being afflicted by Mars; (7) Guru in debilitation, lord of the fifth afflicted by a planet in debilitation; (8) Saturn in Lagna, Rahu in the fifth, Sun in the eighth, and Mars in the twelfth; (9) Lord of the seventh in an evil sign, Moon in the fifth, and Lagna having Saturn and Mandi; (1O) Lord of the sixth in the fifth along with Venus and Saturn, and Curu in nasa rasi --in all these cases the loss of the children or the absence of children is due to the curse 'Vishnu Sraddha', given by a '?reta'. This is expiated by 'Rudra Sutra'and 'Brahmamurthidana'. Such cases appear rin the lives of those who have suddenly taken to a religious way of life.
] ,
$ '$
These instances go to prove sufficiently the contlnuity of human life from past births to future births. The transmigration of the souls is a cardinal doctrine of the lndian faiths; and in the face of all this evidence, it is no use bruishing it aside. There is a good deal in Indian astrological thought which needs investigation and systematization; and this can be achieved by a systematic collection of the principles and finding their application in the actual horoscopes of individuals.
2. Different
Kinds of Children.
Kalyana Varma discussing the problem of children 'saravali' has given an important verse which his in enables us to predict about a modern problem. lt is the problem of artificial insemination, the so called 'Kritrima' (artifical), the Test Tube Babies. He calls them verse is :
qqqqTi +i
We paraphrase the conditions laid down here. The saptamamsa (one-seventh part of the cusp) of the fifth house is to be owned by Mars; it should be occupied by Saturn; and it should not be aspected by other planets. Then there is an artificial son. One may interpret this to mean an adopted child. This cannot be accepted. Earlier 'Kshetraja' he gave combinations for'aurasa' (one's own), 'devara', (from his own wife by another) probably 'datta' (adopted), and krita (purchased) sons or daughters. Next he came to kritrima (aftificial). He insists on Saturn being in the saptamsa of the fifth hosue. We can offer a liberal interpretation by stating that Saturn's aspects on this is also enough, if other planets do not aspect it. All these are excluded from the children born of clandestine love or sex. These exclusions are called by the author 'bijaja' (born to a person from an unmarried 'gudhotpanna' (born to his wife from a woman), Person
living in the same house, appanindha (a child deserted by its parents and brought up by the native), punarbhuva (child of a wor4an by her second husband), ,Kanina, (child of an unmarried girl), sahodha (child of a woman who was pregnant at the time of marriage), and the child one has from his servant maid. Thus 'Kritrima' refers only to artificial insemination. Since this kind of pregnancy arises also from injecting the sperm of another (known or unknown) person. Let us see the condition for having a Kshetraja child (a child born to one's own wife from another). The verse is :
Shani L 10.8 29.9
10.9 Ravi
Rr rdriha
Guru L
M.C. 17.U
Shukra Ravi
The saptamsa of the fifth from M.C. is aspected by Mar's. This is contrary to the rule laid down by l{alyana Varma. We have to take the saptamsa chart from the house (M.C.)
Kula Chandra Ravi
Budha Shani Rahu Lagna
indicating the father. This is given' Here the saptamsa of M.C. falls in Mesha, The saptamsa of the fifth from M.C. shows Mithuna lagna. Mesha shown the fifth from it aspected by Shani, Budha and Curu. lf we take Mithuna as required by the text (it is the lagna of the fifth from M.C' rising in saptamsa), the owner is with Shani, and the fifth from it has only the aspect to Mars, possibly the aspect of Mars explains the short life of the child' Following the equal house system, the tenth is Makara lO" 8'. In saptamsa the rising sign is Virgo, from here the
fifth is owned by Saturn. The Shadvargas of Shani are - Rasi Simha, Hora-Simha, Drekkana-Simha, Saptamsa-Kanya, Navamsa-Mithuna, Dwadasamsa-Vrishchika,and Trimsamsa Kumbha. Here only two fall in Budha's house. L,etus take the vargasof the 5th house from the saptamsa of the lOth house which rises in Kanya.The others are Karka, Vrishabha, Kanya, Mesha, Vrishabha and Kanya. Here three fall in Budha's houses. The vargas of Shani have Budha in Rasi, Hora and Drekkana; Budha aspects the Trimsamsa and he owns Saptamsa. Five are associated with Budha, of which one also is aspected by Guru. The child is a kshetraja. The vargas of the fifth house from the saptamsa of the tenth show Budha as the owner of three vargas though in these vargas we find Kuja and Rahu. Two vargas are aspected by Shani only. The other is unaspected. More research is needed to establish firmly the validity of Kalyana Varma's principle. There are children begotten by the parents, besides those adopted or purchased. There are cases of denial of children. Apart from these four varieties, there are nine more varieties of children mentioned by Kalyana Varma in his Saravali (34.26 to 58). The principles that determine the variety were given by the author. These have to be explained and examined in order to find out their validity. Sometimes we may have to amend these principles to fit into the known cases. L There is a child called kshetrqja who is born to one,s own wife from an outsider, or to one's own husband from a different woman. The fifth hosue has to be owned by Shani. The shadvargas of Shani have to be aspected by Budha, and not by the Sun, Mars and Jupiter. Or the 5th house owned by Budha should have Budha's shadvargasaspected by Shani, and not by the Sun, Mars, and Jupiter. This applies to the ascendants Virgo, Libra, Taurus and Aquarius. In Chart 5 Shani is in Kanya Vargottama. The dvadasamsa is occupied by Budha. Kuja aspectes the first two and Curu
aspects the last and also the Trimsamsa. The flfth ls owned
C a s e N o . 5 : D a t e o f b l r t h - 2 8 . 6 .1 9 5 5 . A r l e s Shukra 27 ,57 : Taurus - Ouru 18. | 9; Oemlni - Kqia 1 6 . 1 6 ; R a v l 1 5 . 1 2 ; C a n c e r- K e t u l l . 2 O ; B u d h a 8.41; tlrgo - Shanl 27.22; Llbra - Lagna 26.5: Saglttarfus - Moon 29.47; Caprlcom - Rahu I 1.2O.
by Shani and is unaspected. lf we take the orb of eight degrees the aspects of Kuja and Quru do not fall. The natlve has extra-marital relations with some men. In chart 6 the 5th lord is aspected by Shani who aspects also the hora and drekkana of Budha. The navamsa, dvadasamsa, and
Case No. 6: Date of blrth - 31.12.1954. Taurus Lagna 28; Oemlnl - Ketu 12.2; Cancer - Ouru (R) 5.4O; Llbra - Shani 25.4; Scorplo - Shukra f.42; - Rahu 12.28, Budha 19.55, Ravl l6.O; Saglttarlus Aquarlus- Kuja 26.12, Moon 28.50.
THmsamsa are Budha's own houses. She and her husband have l{shetrEia children. In chart 7, Shani as lord of the Sth
Cas No. 7 : Date of blfth - 1.6. 1955. Taurus Moon 15.56, Ravl 17.0' Cemlnl - Budha 8.4O; Cancer - Ketu l. 16. Shukra 6.5; Vlrgo - KuJa 4.26, Lagna ; Llbra - Guru (R) 22.47: C-aprlcom - Rahu l. 14; Aquarlus - Shanl 16.56.
ls in his own house aspected by Curu. Kuja aspects l/9. Shani aspects l/2 and l/12. Budha is in l/5 and aspects l/5O. tlis wife is in love with his elder brother and begot children by him. 2. Next we have a lfrttrima Putn, an artificial child. lt can refer to insemination as in the case of test-tube babies. The Saptamasma of the 5th should be owned by Mars and occupied by Shani. It is not to be aspected by any. In Chad 8th l/7th of the Sth house falls in Dhanush occupied by Mars and is unaspected. Since the lagna is at the very end
Case No. I : Date of blrth - 6.8.1986. Cancer Moon 26.57, Ravl 19.56, Budha 2.42; Lo - M'C' 8.44; Vlrgo - Ketu 29'41, Shukra 4.45; Scorplo Shani 9.24, Lagna 29.43; Sagittarius - Kqia (R) l8.O; Aquarlus - Quru (R) 28. 15; Pisces - Rahu 29.41.
we have to take lt to be Dhanush, the ll7th falling in Mesha and unaspected. ln chart 9, the ll7th of the fifth house
has Jupiter in it. On the basis of the equal house system the l/7th is Tula aspected by Shani and Quru. These two, are
Case No. 9 : Date of birth - 24.7.1978. Aries Lagna 10.8; Cemini - Curu 29.9; Cancer - Ravi lO.9; Leo -Shukra 25.17, Shani 7.48, Budha 6.50; Vlrgo-Kuja 1.59; Saglttarius - M,C. 17.45; Pisces Ketu 7.58. Moon 29,12.
test-tube babies. The rule has to be amended after examining the Saptamsa chart. Such a one for chart 8 shows Mars in the 5th from l /7th of the fifth house, aspected by Shani and Curu. The l/7th of chart shows the lagna and the | /7th of the 5th house falling in Mithuna aspected by Kuja and Shani. 5. Next we have bij$a child. This is a child born to one's own wife, not by himself but by another. Also it refers to a child born to him from another's wife. One of the Varyas of the 5th should belong to Shani, be occupied by the Sun and be aspected by Mars. In chart 5, the 5th house is owned by Shani. The other conditions are not fulfilled. In chart I O, the 5th is owned by Shani-Rasi,drekkana, navamsa and l/12,
Case No. l0: Date of birth - 51.5. 1955. Aries Shukra 2.57; Taurus - Kuja 27.3L, Eudha 27.56, Ravl 16.25, Ouru ll.5O; Geminl - Mercury 5.6; Cancer - Ketu I l.l9; Virgo - Shani 27.47, Legna 5.4; Scorpio ' Moon 19.40; Sagittarius - Rahu I l.19.
and it is aspected by Mars who is with the Sun. This native is having children through his elder brother's wife. Chart I I is that of a lady. We study her husband from Mithuna, the 7th house. The 5th from it has Shani drekkana aspected by
Case No. I I : Date of birth 7.6.1946. Taurus - Ravi 25. I l, Rahu 27.41; Oeminl - Shani 29.54, Shukra 24.19,tsudha 1.50; Leo -Kuja29.48; Virgo-Guru 24.25, ttloon 4.32; Llbra - Pl.C. 4.7; Scorpio - Ketu 27.41; Sagittarius- l,agna 17.49.
Mars. And her husband is begetting from his brother's wife. 4. Next we have Oudhotpanna child. The Moon has to be in the 5th occupying the I/7th of Kuja and aspected by Saturn. There should be no other aspects. The child is bom
to the woman not by her husband, but by some one in the house secretly. In chart l2 the Moon is in the Sth which also
Case No. 12 : Date of birth - 4.12.1937. Taurus 14.C.16.27, Ketu 12.41; Leo - Lagna 15.55; Scorpfo - Rahu 12.41, Shukra 4.52, Ravi 19. 14; Sagittarlus - Moon 8.55; Budha 8.4; Capricorn - Kqja 21.51, Ouru - 5.49; Plsces- Shani 5.24.
happens to be the Saptamsa of Kuja, aspected by Shani. His children are actually bllela. 5. There is an apaviddha child, a child abandoned by its parents and brought up by another as his own. Mars is to be in the 5th, having a Varga of Shani and aspected by Sun. Chart 15 is of a deserted orphan who was adopted by anCase No. 15 : Date rof birth 24,2.I9A3, Gemini Rahu 8.29, Moon 25.8; Llbra - Shanl (R) O.42, Scorpio - M,C. 20.53, Curu 15.46; Sagittarius K e t u 8 . 2 9 ; c a p r i c o m- R a v i l l . 1 6 , B u d h a 1 9 . 1 6 ; Aquarius - Lagna 12.44; Pisces- Shukra 7.49, KuJa 5.59.
other. In Parashara the I Oth house refers to the father (12.1l). From the lOth Mars is in the 5th. tle has no vargas of Shani. He has a varga of Ravi who does not aspect him. But he does aspect Shani. The principle need further investigation. 6. We have a Punarbhuva, the child by a remarried woman. The Moon having one of the Vargasof Shani has to be in the 5th with Shani and aspected by the Sun and Venus. Chart 14 does not fulfill the last two conditions
Case No. l4: Date of birth - 1.5.1952. Aries Chandra 29.1; l-eo - Ketu 7.51; Virgo - Shani (R) 20.4O;Libra - Kuja (R)21.0; Scorpio- Shani 14.26; Sagittarius - Lagna 2O.2O; Capricorn - Shukra 17.51; Aquarius - Ravi 17.4; Budha 25.54; Pisces - Curu 22.58.
though the native married a divorced woman, older to him by eight years. 7. The Kanina child is born to an unmarried woman. Shani should be in the 5th his own l/l6th and joined with or aspected by the Sun.
8. The Sahodha is the child of a woman who was pregnant at the time of her marriage. The person married by her is not the father of the child. The 5th house should have a Varga of the Sun or Moon, and the Sun or Moon must be in it, aspected by Shrrkra. In chart l5 the 5th has Shani, in
Case No. 15 : Date of birth - 17.8.1957. Arles' Ketu 21.4, Moon lO.17; Cancer - lagna 17; |.eo Budha27.54, Kuja 12. 14, Ravl O.5O;Virgo - Guru 8.54, Shukra 3.2; Llbra - Rahu 21.4.
the ll7th of the Sun. There is a sextile with Shukra for Shani. The ll7th chart gives Mesha l,agna with the Sth having Ravi, Shani and Ketu. There is no aspect of Shukra. She was pregnant at marriage. In the navamsa, the Sun and Rahu are in the 5th. But Shukra does not aspect them. In chart 16 the 5th house has the Moon in the Navamsa. The
Case No. 16 : Date of bitth - 24.4.1945. Taurus Kuja 28.3; Qemini-Shukra 29.45, Shani 27.15, 'Rahu 14; Leo - Ravi 7/49, Budha (R) I.6; Virgo Curu 6.44; Libra - M.C. 7.55; Sagittarius - Ketu 14.4O, l,agna 28.54; Aquarlus - Moon 20.26.
Sun is with Shukra. His second wife was pregnant three months before he married her. After her delivery he found it out and divorced her. The sextile aspects of Shani and Shukra in Rasi, and of Ravi, Shani and Shukra on the 5th in the Navamsa have to be considered. 9. The 9th variety refers to a child from a servant or from one lower to him in society. The navamsa of the 5th house must be owned and aspected by Shukra. This is too
Case No. 17 : Date of birth - 15.5. 1955. Aries Venus 1.58; Taurus - Kuja 29.5, Budha 2I.16, Ravi O.29; Gemini - Ketu 5.59; Cancer - Ouru 1.42; Leo - tagna 8.6; Libra - Shani (R)24.12; Sagittarlus - Kahu 5.59; Aquarius - Moon 5.2.
general. In chart 17 the 5th from Navamsa lagna is owned and aspected by Venus. He married low and has children by her. More extensive investigation by competent scholars of astrologl is needed to prove the validity or otherwise of the principles laid down by Kalyana Varma. We may have to interpret these principles liberally and also amend them in
the light of the known cases. Of particular interest are the principles governing Kritrima and Kshetrqja children. The former can be of greater help in determining surrogate mothers and test-tube babies. Instead of generalising as para-jata (born not of the real parent), Kalyana Varma has given us the possible varleties of children. It is upto the scholars to apply these principles and to test their validity.
5. Jupiter
and Children
Jupiter in the fifth house is said to deny children since as the significator of children he destroys the house of progeny -karako bhava nasaya". Mrs. Mridula on the principle of Trivedi has been spearheading this theory today with her almost convincing argument. We have yet to cross astrologers who will argue that Jupiter as the significator of wealth will destroy it if he is in the second, the house of finance. Let us see two ancient and what one modern authority have to say on this. Jataka Parijata states 'alpatm4jah suragurau sutarasi yate'(8-73). When Jupiter is ln the fifth the native has a few sons. By implication, he will have more daughters. Children are not denied. In'How to Judge a Horoscope'Dr. B.V. Raman observes that Curu in the fifth gives "a number of children" (1.227') Analysing chart lOl (P.254) that the fif,th house is and hence Aquarius and it is occupied by Jupiter Putrakaraka (?-262), I O8 he did not try to bring While analysing chart bad". out the effect of Jupiter in the fifth, but emphasised the aspect of Mars and the Moon from the eleventh.There is an implicit self-contradiction in the two statements of Dr. Raman. Vaidyanatha has rejected the view that the karaka destroys the house signifying that very karakatva. We accept his view as a sound one. Parashara gives the following combinations for having children. (1) Ravi, Rahu, Budha, in the fifth while Guru is well associated. (2) fifth lord in a benefic sign with a benefic aspect while Jupiter is in a kendra. (5) Interchange of the
first and fifth lords, when Curu is in a kendra or kona. (4) The lord of the fifth or Guru in the fifth, aspected by or associated by benefics. (5) A very strong Guru in the fifth, while the lord of lagna is also strong. These are some of the many combinations given in chapter l6 (l6.lO9-125). The last two combinations refer to Guru in the fifth house; and Parashara blesses such a native with many children (Bahu Putra). For childlessness the combinations given by Parashara are many. Some of these may be cited : - ( I ) Conjunction of the lords of 2, 5 and 7 in malefic amsas and with malefics. (2) When Guru and the lords of l, 5 and 7 are all weak. (5) L,ord of the fifth in a malefic shashtyamsas. (4) L,ord of I and 5 in evil houses while Curu is debilitated, and a eunuch is in the fifth. (5) Guru in an evil shashtyamsa and in the fifth while the lord of the fifth is in the house of destruction (16.124.128). Then he gives combinations for the delayed birth of children and so on. Our main problem is the relation of Quru to the fifth house in connection with the problems of having and not having children. Without denying completely the aryuments advanced by Mrs. M. Trivedi we take up some of the charts advanced by her to see whether Guru in the fifth denies or destroys the children. The present writer has exalted but retrograde Curu on the 22nd degree in the fifth, opposed to the Moon on the 2Oth degree in Capricom. tle has eight living children and one only dead. The daughters are five and the sons are four (including the dead one). Vaidyanatha correctly spoke of more daughters by implication. All these children are well educated, well settled in life, and prosperous in material and spiritual ways as well. This personal experience compells the present writer to question the total validity of Mrs. M. Trivedi's connection. The attempt is not to reject here arguments in toto, since she is one of the few really successful research scholars in astrology today in India.
In a male chart an exalted Curu in the fifth aspected by the Moon and Venus from the Eleventh, by Mars from the second, and by Saturn in the eighth we notice that native had only daughters. In another chart where Cancer rises with Mars and Saturn, the nailve has Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Ketu with fifth. tlere it was not the fifth, Curu who denied children, but weak Moon and debilitated with fifth lord. In a woman's chart the ninth has euru, Kuja and Ketu offered to the Moon and Rahu from Aquarius, while the Sun and Mercury are in the twelfth. Since in a woman,s chart the ninth is the house of children, the ninth Guru gave her two sons and four daughters. Again Vaidyanatha is proved correct. Here Kuja aspected by Rahu would ha.ve destroyed some children, but his exchange of house with the Sun prevented it. This distinction between the fifth house of a male chart and the ninth of a woman's chart as signifying children, appears to have been ignored by the astrologers who find fault with the fifth Curu in a lady,s chart. We turn to have a second look at some of the charts presented by Mrs. M. Trivedi in a recent valuable study. The first chart is of a lady whose Asc-Aries,5-Moon, 4-Uranus, 6Venus, Rahu, 7-Neptune, Kuja, 8-Ravi, Budha (R), Ouru, 9Shani, l2'Ketu. Here Curu is innocent, the ninth has a eunuch. The seventh lord debilitated is with Rahu in a eunuch's house; and the seventh has the dangerous Kuja and Neptune combine. Any affliction to the house of children by Kuja and Neptune jointly can result in still born children. tlere the denial of children is due to Shani in the ninth, and to Neptune in the ninth from navamsha lagna squaring Mars. We cannot blame Curu. In the second chart Asc-Taurus, 5-Shukra, 4-Ravi,Budha, 5- Ketu, 6- Neptune, 7Shani (R), Curu (R), 2o-Ketu, Chandra. The girt is chitdless because a eunuch is in the ninth squaring Neptune, Curq is debilitated. Lords of lst and 5 are not well placed because Rahu and Uranus (3.25) are with them. The fourth combination given by Parasharaapplies here. Debilitated and retrograde Curu in the ninth is only a part cause. Moreover,
saturn is weakest in capricorn Ers Per the constellational zodiac. The third chart Asc. Cancer Shani (R), 2-Nep (R), 4-Ketu, Guru, S-Chandra, Shukra, 6-Kuja, 7-Budha, Ravi, I l-Ura (R), Rahu. Here Curu and Ketu are afflicted by Rahu and Uranus. The fifth lord is trine to retrograde Neptune, both being afflicted by the eunuch. tte had no children' As view Guru is not at all strong in per a Pre-Varahamihira 'house of Mars. Here again Curu alone cannot be the blamed. The fourth chart is that of a girl whose Asc-Cancer, 2-Rahu, Uranus, 5-Ravi, 4-Neptune, Shukra, Budha, 6- Shani, Curu, 8-Ketu, I l-Chandra, l2-Kuja. This girl is said to be sterile. The ninth lord is with a eunuch and is opposed to Mars. tlere Shani and Kuja denied children, not Guru who is in his mula trikona. Shani is also the lord of the seventh and the eighth. The significator Venus is conjunct Neptune and malefic Budha' The fifth chart is that of a lady who has no children and she is fiftyseven, Asc-Capricorn with Kuja and Budha, 2-Shukra, Ravi, 5-Uranus. 4-Rahu, S-Curu, 8-Neptune (R), lO-Ketu, I l-Chandra l2-Shani. Here again we cannot blame Curu, since in a woman's chart we have to look to the ninth for children' The ninth is afflicted by Shani and Uranus and by malefic Guru. The ninth lord is with the exalted incendiary Mars in Lagna. The eighth house is again afflicted by Mars and Neptune. These and other charts convince us that Jupiter's presence in the house of children is not in principle an indication of children denied. For some unknown reason Venus in the fifth appears to give more sons than daughters. Malefic aspects between the Sun and Mars give few children. Good aspects between . the Sun and Saturn give worthy sons; and malefic aspects between these are very bad for the first child. Malefic association of the Moon and Saturn in a male chart can make the wife sterile. Malefic relation between Mercury and Saturn appears to favour childlessness or to bring about worries through them. Mars and Neptune in the fifth may give still births.
Jupiter as karaka denies children if he is in the fifth' Then he should destroy wealth if he is in the second. Similar argument can be applied to the other significators in the concerned houses. For Saturn we are asked to make an exception; and so for Venus. What sin is committed by the other planets and the luminaries ? Let us not blame the virtuous, spiritual, religious and benefic Jupiter for childlessness. Moreover our shastras also speak of seven kinds of children.
,r1 T
Omitting the system of Jaimini, we give a brief resume of the earlier views before examining the charts. Jataka Parijata considres the 5th house and Jupiter for predicting about one's children (15.1). Much will depend on the friendly or inimical nature of relations between the lords of the lst and the 5th (15.3). For women the 9th is the house of children (16.5). Sanketa Nidhi clearly states that children are to be diVined from statement the Saptamamsa (2.27); and it is based on Parashara's - Putrapoutradhikanam vai chintanarn Saptarnarnsake. (5. lO4). Merely from the position of the planets in the Sth or the 9th house we should not jump to a conclusion.Likewisewe have to consider the 5th house also from Jupiter (S.N.5.36). Saptamamsaplays an important part. A native had exalted Jupiter in the 5th opposed to the Sun and the Moon. tTisSaptamamsa chart shows Mercury in the 5th house Cancer, while its lord is with Mars and Venus in the 9th. tle had accordingly more daughters (Moon, Mercury, Venus) than sons; and because of the associationof Mars with the 5th lord, and the aspect of Mars on Jupiter in the 4th, he lost one son also. This Jupiter in Saptamamsa ig in opposition to Satum. The natal chart does not make the position as clear as the Saptamarnsa chart. l. Denial: Let us now consider the combinations that deny chitdren. Our main emphasis is on the roles of Mars and Jupiter in relation to children. The authorities from Parashara downwards have given us valuable principles, hints and clues. We take up some of them. The aspect of Mars and Saturn on the 5th denies children, says Vaidyanatha (J.P. 15.10). Other yogas given by Vaidyanathafor the denial of children are : (a) the lord of the 7th in the 5th; (b) malefics in 6, 8 and 12 fromthe 5th (13.12); (c) lords of the 2nd and the 5th being weak, malefics should aspect the 5th (15.15); (d) lord of the Lagna in 6 or B, while the 5th is associatedwith malefics, enemies or debilitated ones (15.21). SanketaNidhi speaks of the death of childrenwhen Mars is in the 5th (4.59). Mars with a malefic in the Sth gives rise to abortions (S.N. 4.44). When the lord of the l2th is in the sth or in the l lth, there is no happiness of having children; or the native adopts a son. Jatakadesa Margagives short-lived sons for Mars in the
5th ( 15.4). But in alater verse this text speaksof children from the second wife for such a Mars (15.5). Uttara Kalamrita is kindly to Mars and Jupiter. lf Mars and Jupiter are in their own or in their exaltatin signs or in the corresponding signs, are in trines or angles, and are associated with benefics, there will be sons endowed with long life (6.32-33\. The combinations for the denlal of children referring to Mars are the following; (a) lords of and Jupiter as given by Parashara the lst, 7th and the 5th along with Jupiter should be weak (16.125); (b) Jupiter in a malefic Shasthyamsa and in a malefic (16.128). sign is in a malefic 5th house. while the 5th lord Analysing these we find the following for the denial. of children: In chart 18, the 5th house is afflicted by vargottama
I B. Born 6.3.1927. Rasi : Aries - Mars 29. | 7; Oemini . Rahu l2.lO; Leo - Neptune (R) 2.0; Scorpio Saturn 15.51; sagittarius - Ketu ; Cancer - the Sun 25.28, Ascendant and Mercury 29.47; Aquarius - Venus 11.44 and Jupiter I 1.26; and Pisces - Uranus 4.45 and Moon 14.58.
Saturn who in turn is afflicted by Mars. In 19, the 5th is affli- Mcrcury (R)20.20 Rasi : Aries 19. Bornl6-5.1924.
and Ascendant; Taurus - Sun 2.2; Oernini Venus 14.45; Cancer - Neptune 24.57; Leo Rahu 19.55; Virgo - Moon 19..55; Libra - Saturn (R) 4. lB; Scorplo - Jupiter (R) 24.46: Capricorn - Mars 19. 14; and Aquarius - Ketu and Uranus 27.57.
cted by Mars and Uranus. ln20, the 5th is aspected by Mars, - Mercury 1.58and : Aries Rasi 20. Born29,3.1932.
Venus 29.57; Taurus - Ascendant; Cancer Jupiter 19.52; Leo - Neptune (R) 12.55; Virgo Ketu ; Sigittarius - Moon 14.14; Capricorn Saturn lO,7; ancl Pisces- Sun 15. 18, Mars 5. l, Uranus 25.49 and Rahu 2.41.
Saturn and Rahu are in the 5th while the 5th lord Mars is in the
o.1 7. with Mars aspected by Saturn. ln 23, the debilitated 5th lord
Aquarlus- Ketu. Saturn is debilitated and with Mars aspecting the 5th. tn 24, the 5th lord is aspected by Saturn who is squared by Mars
Bom l3-l-1942. Rasi : Aries - Satum (R) 28.40 and Mars l.5O; Taurus - Uranus (R) i.S4 and J u p i t e r ( R ) 1 9 .l l ; L e o - R a h u 2 l . O ; V i r g o Ascendant and Neptune (R) 6.45; Scorpio Moon l6.O; Sagittarius- Sun 29.51; Capricorn Satum (R) 28.16 and Mercury 15.4O; and
-? "fii,T ? ;:*,".Til'".; J': t# i.:?i' ;LiT and AscendantO.5l; and Aries - Jupiter (R)
Bom 26-10-1952. Rasi : Gemini - Uranus (R) 25.2Q; Cancer - Ketu; Virgo - Neptune 28.40 and Saturn 26.34; Libra - Mercury 28.45 and Sun
24.28. and Uranus . ln 25, Uranus and Rahu are in the 5th aspected by Mars who in turn is afflicted by Saturn. In none of these we can 25. Bom 7-8-1951. Rasi: Aries. Moon 28.55; Canc e r -S u n 2 1 . 0 ,J u p i t e r I 1 . 5 2 a n d V e n u s l 2 2 l ; Leo - NeptuneI l.5l and Mercuryl8.t5; Virgo - Ketu 15.9 and Mars 1O.50; Scorpio - Ascen- Satum (R) 25. l8; and pisces dant; Sagittarius - Rahu 15.9 and Uranus (R) 26.21, blame Jupiter for the denial of children. 2. Mars in the 5th is said to deny children. This is not totally true. Such a Mars gives rise to abortions or losses or both-not to the absence of conception. In 26, the exchange 26. Born 26-4-1947 . Rasi: Aries - Sun l2.B; TaurusUranus26.9 and Rahu9.56; Gemini- Moon (R) 2O-42t Cancer - Saturn 9,17 and Ascendant 22.53; Virgo - Neptune (R) 15.19; Scorpio Jupiter l-47 (R): and Pisces- Mercury22.31, Venus B.l8 and Mars 17.58. of houses by Jupiter and Mars did not deny her conception.
Uranus afflicts Jupiter, while Neptune aspects Mars' Jupiter is also subject to Rahu. ln 27, Mars and Jupiter exchanged
27. Rom 24'5'l99l . Rasi I Aries ' Venus 23'45 and Jupiter 5.47; Taurus ' Mercury 25.59, Rahu I 1,25, Moon 5.59 and Sun 5.25; Leo - Neptune 5.4O; Scorpio - Satum (R) 24.17, Ketu I1.25 and Ascendant 15.46;and Pisces'Uranus 45.19 and Mars 9.8.
houses, but the 9th lord - lady's chart - is eclipsed by Rahu and afflicted bY Saturn. 5. The conjunction or exchange of the 5th or its lord with or the 5th lord in 6, 8 or l2 can deny children.This is contrary to the examples we have. In a case of Virgo rising, Jupiter was in the 5th and Saturn in the 7th. The marriagewas delayed and he had two sons onlY. 4. The malefic aspects on the 5th house or lts lord, or the Sth lord in 6,8 or 12 can deny children.In 28, the Sth
28. Bom 24-5'189 l. Rasi : Aries - Mars l9'4; Taurus - Rahu 16.50 ' and Neptune l2'B; Leo - Saturn (R) 19.46 and Ascendant l5'25; Libra - Uranus (R) 8.4; Scorpio - Ketu; Capricon ' Venus 2B'2; Aquarius ' Jupiter 11,27; and Pisces ' Mercury I l.4O and Sun I l, 12.
lord in the 7th is afflicted by saturn while the Sth house and its lord are badly aspected by Neptune.ln 29, the l2th lord
29. Bom 2l-2'193O. Rasi : Aries - Rahu I B' l7" Taurus' Jupiter 14.12; I'eo ' Neptune (R) 9.20; Libra - Ketu 15. l7; Scorpio' Moon 15.50; Sigittarius'Saturn t6. 14;Capricom'Mars 18. I l, Mercury 15. I I and Ascendant;Aquarius'Venus l2.l I and Sun 8'41; and Pisces - Uranus 16.25.
chart, the 9th lord is with Ketu asPected by Mars, while the significator is with debilitated Saturn. In 51, Uranus' Rahu
rit ,
ryr' jlj tl si
i'S T
5 l. Eorn 16-2_1942. Rasi : Taurus_ Rahu | 5. I O anct Uranus(R)24.40; Cancer_Satum (R) t O.4Oanct fsgeldant; Virgo Neptune (R) l7. t g; ScorptoKetu.l5.lO and JupiterS.25;Sagittariu, - VJnu" 17.54 and Moon I l.I7; Capricoi, _ l,tar" ZA-.LO; - Mercury2O.j9 and Sun S. and Aquarius a. and Saturn afflict the 5th house. Moreover for Cancer Lagna Jupiter cannot be a benefic. ln 52, the 5th lord is de52. Bom lS-Z_1940, Rasi: Aries- Saturn2O.lO and Jupiter 18.J6;Taurus- Uranus 2.58; Cemini_Sun 29.2O and Venus (R) 4.5; Cancer- tutar" i+.Jr, (R)IO.JBand Ascendant;Virgo - nutu !_er.cury 22.3 andNeptune O.l4; Scorpio_fyooni.ZO, ano - Ketu. Pisces bilitated while the 5th has debilitated Moon in exchange aspected by uranus. In 55, a lady's chart, the gth tord is as_
12.56, Venus I l 59 and Sun 7.l2; Uf,ra ma.s I I .45; Scorpio - Ascendnat l4; Sagittarius Satum 25.46; Aquarius - Moon 8.55; and-pisces_ Uranu" (R) 25.8 and Rahu t 2.i6.
pected by Saturn, and the 5th has Rahu and Uranus. In 54.
5,4. Born 9_9-195J. Rasi : eemini - Uranus 2g.45 and Jupiter I . l J, Cancer-Venus I8.40; Leo_Mercury 24.54, Sun 2J. I and Mars 5. l9; Virgo - neptune 29.0 and ytoon Z.S2; Libra _Satum ll5o; ScorpioAscendant 5.55; and Capricom _Rahu 9.9.
the 9th house of this lady is aspectedby Saturn from the l2th and its lord is afflicted by Uranus. In 55, a tady,s, the
35. Bom l6-8_t958. Rasi I Aries - Mars 18.28 and Ketu 1.56; Taurus - Moon l7.20; Cemini _ Venus 29.9 and Ascendant; Cancer - Sun 2S..:O anO Uranus l9.O; Leo _ Mercury B) 14.24, Libra I.26, Neptune B.5l and Jupiter 2. t t; anO Fhu Scorpio - Satum (R) 25.59.
9th rord is in the 6th aspected by Mars, and the significator is with Rahu. In J6, a lady,s, Jupiter is not responsible for
i6. Born l5_ll-I942. Rasi : Taurus - Rahu O.lS; Qemini- Uranus(R)2.lZ; Cancer_ mars29.aO. Saturn 29.8 and Ascendant; Virgo _ ffejtrn. 19.44;Libra- Mercury (R) 12.50un'dSun iS.it , - Jupiter I t.lg, Moon 8.9 and Venus il1rr.
denying children. Being the 9th lord he is with Ketu and debilitated Moon, while the debilitated Sth lord is with Satum. In 37, the 9th lord, a lady's, is with debilitated Jupiter
57. Bom 2&8-1961. Rasi : Taurus - Ascendant 9,54; Cancer - Venus 5.8; Leo - Uranus J. 14; Mercury Satum (R) O.44; and,Aquarlus - Moon lg. I I and Ketu 5.55.
who aspects Mars in the 5th. In J8, the 5th lord is in the l2th
58. Bom l8-l0-1945. Rasi : Taurus _ Uranus (R) 24.1: Ceminl - ltlars 27.55 and Rahu 9.51; Cancer , Satum 1.26 and Ascendant2.SS;Virgo - Neptune 15.44, Venus 5. l2 and Juplter I 8. I 7; Libra - Mercury I l.19 and Sun 0.56; Sagittariuns - Ketu; ind Aquarlus- Moon 12.56.
with Rahu. In 59, a lady's, the 9th lord is in the 6th with Sa59. Born 10-10-1960. Rasi : Taurus - Moon 21.56; Oemlnf - Mars 15.26; Cancer - Ascendant 21.27: l.o - Rahu 21.50 and Uranus. l.lS; Vlrgo - Sun 23.12: Llbra - Venus 22.9, t4ercury 17.12 and Neptune 14.48; Sagittarius - Saturn 19.59 and Jupiter 4.9; and Aguarius - Ketu.
afflicted by Mars, while its lord is with debilitated Sun. ln 42, a lady's, the 9th is aspected by Uranus and Saturn,
42. Bom 2l-2-193O. Rasi : Aries - Rahu 15. I 9; Taurus. Jupiter 14.12; l.e,o - lleptune (R) 9. 19; Llbra Ketu; Scorpio - Moon 5. l5; Sagittarius - Satum 16.15; Capricom - Mars 18.lO, Mercury I5.9 and Ascendant 5.6; Aquarius - Venus 12.ll and Sun 8.44; and Plsces - Uranus 16.25.
while its lord is with Mars. These instances clearly show that the denial of children is mostly due to Mars and Satum. These get additional malefic strength from Uranus. We cannot and should not blame Jupiter, the greater benefic. ll. Children..We now take up combinations given in our texts for many children, sons or daughters or both. Accord, ing to Vaidyanatha, Jupiter in Piscesgives very few children, in Sagittarius after much difficulty, and in Cancer or Aquarius no children; and these signs are to be the 5th from Lagna and Jupiter should be in them, and the results are those given in the earlier part of this statement ( 15.5O, 2l ). ln a woman's chart few children are indicated when the Moon is in Taurus, Leo, Virgo or Scorpio (16.45). This implies that the 9th house should fall in one of these signs then. Moon or Mercury in the 5th gives daughters; Jupiter or Venus gives an intelligent and good son (S.N. 4.41). There are few children when Jupiter is in the 5th and many if Venus is likewise placed (J.?. 8.73). In a woman's chart, says Vaidyanatha, malefics in the 4th give many children (16.28). According to Sanketa Nidhi (5.58), if Jupiter owns the 5th house, the first child may not surive. This might mean that he should be in the 5th also. Jatakadesa Marga gives daughters only for Jupiter in the 5th identical with Cancer (15.5). The text further states that malefics in the 5th from Jupiter give a child late in life (15.7). The combinations for the late birth of a child are given by Parashara thus: (a) Saturn in l,agna, Jupiter in the 8th and Mars in the 12th associated with benefics, or one of these being exalted (l6.l50); (b) Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury in the 5th, while the benefic Sth lord is well placed in L a g n a( l 6 . l 5 l ) . Some of the rules given by the texts after Parashara do not appear to agree with facts as we have them. The charts will explain on considering some more combinations found in the ancient authorities. Vaidyanatha observes that the lord of the Lagna aspected by a benefic gives children
(J.P.8.47); and so does Venus in Lagna(8.58) or the Sun in the l lth (8.94). The combinations for children given by parashara are lnteresting. We take up only those that refer to Mars and Jupiter. (a) Exchange of houses by the lords of the lst and the 5th, while Jupiter is in a trine or in an angte ( 16. I I I ); (b) lord of the 5th or Jupiter in the 5th and associated with benefics (16.1 l4); (c) a powerful Jupiter in the 5th and a powerful lord of Lagna ( 16. I I 6); (d) Jupiter in vargottama and in the amsa of a benefic lord of Lagna assoclated with the lord of the 5th (16.17) - these give rise to many children. According to Varahamihira Mars in the signs owned by Mercury gives many sons; in Leo he gives few chlldrenl in Capricorn, many children (8.J. 16.19.20). Mars in the 5th denies children (8.J. 18.6); and Mantreshwara supports this view (P.D. 8.9). Mantreshwaraalso states that Jupiter in the lst, the 4th and the 9th gives children, and that in the Sth he brings sorrow through or from children; in the llth he gives few children, while in the l2th he denies children (P.D. 8.14.16). He states that Jupiter in the 5th identical with Cancer gives many children (12.5). Let us draw some broad principles out of these. (l) Some take Jupiter in Cancer in the Sth to deny children. Some give this Jupiter many children. Some give few sons. Others give only daughters. From our experience we find that this Jupiter gives more daughters than sons. At times he denies only sons. It all depends on whether such a Jupiter has the aspect of or conjunction with masculine or feminine planets. Our experience falsifies the view that the significator Jupiter denies children by placement in the 5th. If he denies children, it is because of Mars,Saturn, Rahu, or Uranus associated with him. ln 43, Jupiter is in the 5th aspecting the gth - lady's
45. Born 28-5-1956. Rasi : Aries - Venus 29.5; Taurus- Ketu 16.45; Cancer - Jupiter (R) 2A.54; Libra - Moon 2. l5; Scorpio - Rahu 16.45 and Saturn (R) 9.27; Sagittarius - Mars 25.9; and ?lsces - Sun 14.15, Mercury 5.O and Ascendant.
chart. The 5th lord is in the feminine house. She has two daughters. ln44, asimilarJupiter has given seven daughters
44. Bom 14-6-1932.Rasi : Taurus - Mars l.4l; CeminiVenus (R),21.10,Mercury 2.47 and Sun 0.56; Cancer - Jupiter 25.52; Leo Ketu 28.57 and Nep
Jll !!l.f;,if4,l'r*.1;'i;fi'iiTT,"i"ji
29.58 and Ascendant.
and a son. The 9th lord is in a feminine sign. In 45, the 9th
5. Born 5-8-1946. Rasi : Taurus - Uranus 27.27, Rahu 26.22 and Ascendant 1.27; Cancer - Sun 19.50, Mercury(R) 14.l7 and Satum 7.17; Yirgo - Jupiter 8.4, Neptune 15.19, Venus 2.56 and Mars 4.51; Libra - Moon 29.27; and Scorpio - Ketu.
lord - a lady's chart - is in a feminine sign. Jupiter is in the 5th with Venus and Mars aspected by Saturn. She has four daughters and one dead (because of Mars and Saturn). ln 46, Jupiter aspects the 5th, and its lord is in a feminine
46. Bom lt+-9-1924. Rasi : Cancer - Neptune 28.2A, Rahu 28.55 and Venus 12.37; Leo - Mercury (R) Aquarius - Uranus 26.41 and Mars (R) 2.56; and Pisces - Moon 12.52.
Jupiter in the Sth, a masculine sign. One authority spoke of Jupiter in the 5th in Piscesgiving few children only. ln 48, a lady's, this Jupiter gave only two
' 48. Bom 27-ll-1951. Rasi : Virgo - Saturn 18.54, Venus 24.59 and Mars 8.24; Libra - Moon 15. l5; Scorpio - Sun 10.46 and Ascendant; Sagittarius Mercury 2. l6; Aquarius - Rahu 12.14; and Pisces J u p i t e r( R ) I 1 . 5 .
daughters because of the aspects of Venus and Satum; and because the 9th lord is in a feminine sign. ln 49, Jupiter in
49. Bom 4-12-L952. Rasl : Arles - Jupiter (R) 19.50; Gemlni - Uranus (R\ 24.40 and Moon 19.45; Cancer - Ketu 2l.lO; Viryo - Neptune 29.54; Libra Satum O.52; Scorplo - Sun 18.45 and Mercury 10.15; Sagittarlus - Venus 28.56 and Ascendant; and Caprlcom - Rahu 2l.lO and Mars 16.14,
the 5th gave a son because it is in a masculine sign aspected by exalted Mars. The aspect of Saturn limited the number. In 50, a lady's, the 9th is aspected by Jupiter and
tO. Bom 2O-l-1952. Rasl : Gemlnl - Uranus (R) 18. l; [o - Ketu 7.52; Vtrgo - Neptune 28.51 and Satum 21.46; Llbra - Mars 6.44 and Moon 2.5; Scorpio Yenus 27.27 and Ascendant; Sagittarius - Mercury 15.46; Capricorn - Sun 5.59; Aquarius - Rahu 7.52; and Pisces - Jupiter 15. 12.
Its lord is with Mars who has the Navamsa, of Jupiter. She had therefore only sons. In 51, the Sth has Jupiter aspected by Mars. The 5th lord is in a femlnine sign with Venus. He had two sons and two daughters. Jupiter or Venus ln the Sth, or Mars in the houses of Mercury gives sons. In 51, Mars is in Cemini.
51. Bom l2-a-1934. Rasl : Arles - Uranus (R) 8.24; Taurus - Ascendant; Oemlnl - Mars 25.54; Cancer Sun 26.25, Mercury 12.56, Venus 1.7 and Ketu; Leo - Moon 22.42 and Neptune 18.2O; Vlrgo Juplter 25.41; Capricorn - Rahu 16.25; and Aquarlus- Satum 2.18.
Cenerally predictions regarding children are made from the 5th house and its lord, from Jupiter, and from the I lth house. Other planets are involved directly or indirectly. There is also the need to take Saptamsa into consideration. There are some excePtions. Jataka ?arijata (16.5) states that it is the 9th house in a woman's chart which indicates children. Jaimini (44.571wants us to consider also the 7th house of a woman's chart for. predicting children. Even Mercury and Ketu can be the significators of children (44.38). The strongest between the 9th from Lagna and the 9th from the Moon indicates children. Ketu doep not appear to be favoured by the followers of Parashara, The Moon, Neptune and the benefics related to the house of children give many children. Uranus indicates
artifical prevention of conception. The Moon, Venus and Neptune are said to indicate daughters.In our experienceJupiter has given more daughters, while Venus has given more or equal number of sons. Mars and Neptune associatedwith the 5th give rise to still-births. Mars alone tends to give miscarriages. Kahu indicates the curse of a serpentgod or others. The Sun afflicted by Uranus in female charts shows miscarriages. The number of children depends on the Moon in a man,s chart and on the Sun in a woman's chart.
5. Twelfth llouse
l2th house, its ruler and the planets there give enough indication about the children, at least about the eldesr child. The l2th house indicates the pleasures of the bed. These pleasures, if they are not purely physical, must result in the birth of children. From the 5th house, the traditional house of children, the l2th is the 8th, indicating the longevity of at least the eldest child. From the 9th it is the 4th, the house of happiness. In many charts we get indications of the native becoming a parent. But there are cases where, in spite of this, children are denied. The clue lies in the l2th house. Along with Jupiter, following Jaimini, we take Mercury and Ketu as indicators of children. As Ketu is the joint ruler of Scorpio, we have to reckon with Mars also. First we start with some instances which show the denial of children, even if other traditional rules governing the 5th house indicate children. We are neither disputing nor rejecting the traditional rules. Chart 52nd shows the I lth lord in the 5th well-placed. The significator of chlldren is in the 7th in his own
52. Born 1939.4. 12. Ascendant - Virgo 7-47: Sagittarius - Mars l9-9; Capricorn - Moon lB - O; Aquarius- Venus 2l-56; Pisces - Jupiter O.54, Mercury (R) 15. 18, Satum 28-6 and Sun 29-9; Aries - Ketu 16- 28 and Uranus 25 - 2O: and Leo - Neptune (R) 28-lO.
., ''{ {I
house aspecting the I lth. Mars' aspect on the I lth must indicate at least a miscarriage. But this gentleman had no children. As per the theory advocated here, the eldest is indicated bythe l2th. The lord of this house ls In the 7th with the 5th lord, and in Bhava both Sun and Saturn get into the 8th house. The aspect of Mars on them is beyond eight degrees. The native had no children. Note the debllitated Mercury (Maraka as per Jaimini) in the 7th and Ketu in the 8th. When the first child is denied, there is no question of other children following. The 55rd chart is intriguing. The 5th lord Mercury is with debilitated Jupiter in the l2th. Ketu (indicator as per Jaimini) is in the 9th afflicted by the l2th lord from the 7th.
: 55. Eom 1949.5.7. Ascendant- Aquarius wlth Venus l 2 -57, Sun 22 - 5A and Mars 25 - | l; Aries - Rahu &15; Taurus - Moon ll - 15; Gemlnl - Uranus 3 - 22; l,eo - Saturn (R) &55; Virgo - Neptune (R) 2l - 22; and C.aprlcom - Juplter 18 - OO and llercury 2&52.
The first and the 7th lords have exchanged signs and are afflicted by Mars. The native had no children. Traditional rules are also applicable here. The 54th chart is that of a lady. The 5th lord is in the I lth aspecting the Sth. The significator Jupiter as a functional malefic is placed in the 2nd with a benefic. But she
54. Bom 1946.12.22. Ascendant - Virgo wlth Neptune 17 - 5l; Llbra - Juplter 25 - 20 and Venus 27 - lO; Scorplo - Ketu l8 - 28; ltercury 20 - I and Moon 27 - 59: Sagittarius - Sun 7 - I I and Mars lO - 56; Taurus - Uranus (R) 26 - l6; and C-ancer- Satum (R) 14 - 50.
had no chlldren. The l2th lord Sun is with Mars in close conjunction in the 4th. The aspect of Mars on the 5th lord can at best account for a miscarriage which did not take place. Mercury and Ketu are with the waning Moon afflicted by Uranus. Conception was prerrented. In the 55th chart the significator Jupiter is in the Sth unaspected by any. Yet she has no children. The l2th lord is between malefics and he is badly afflicted by Uranus who
TEXT BOOK OF SCIENTInIC IIINDU ASTEOLOOY 55. Born 1950.12.8. Ascendant - Libra; Scorpio Moon O - 47, Sun 22 - 4 and Venus 26.56; Sagittarius- Mercury lO-48; Capricorn- Mars I - l; Aquarius-JupiterT -56; Cemini- Uranus(R) l5 - B; VirgoKetu I -26, Saturn8-5 and Neptune25 - lB.
prevents conception. Uranus acts like Mercury and he is in the 9th, a sign owned by Mercury.The l2th has the Sth lord Saturn with Ketu and Neptune. Children are denied because of the l2th house and because of Mercury and Ketu. In the 56th chart, the Sth house has Jupiter and Ketu afflicted by Uranus partially. Still Jupiter has to give qhildren as the 5th lord is exalted in the 7th and as the 9th lord is in
-56. Bom 1947 .2.16. Ascendant - Cancer with Satum (R) 10.40; Virgo - Neptune (R) 17.19; ScorpioJupiter 5-48; Sagittarius ' Moon I l-17 and Venus 17-54; Capricom - Mars 25-50; Aquarius - Sun &44 and Mercury 20-59,.and Taurus - Uranus (R) 24-40 and Rahu l5-lo.
the 5th. But look at the l2th house. The lord is in the 8th in exact square to Uranus. There is prevention of conception because of Ketu and Mercury (l2th lord) being afflicted by Uranus. The 57th chart shows Serpent dosha to the 5th house. But the 5th lord is well placed. After.propitiationshe should have got children. Venus as the l2th lord does not receive
57. Born I 958.8. I O. Ascendant - Qemini with Venus 29-9; Cancer- Uranus l9-4 and Sun 25 - 5O; Leo - Mercury (R) 14.24; Libra - Rahu 1.26, Jupiter 2 - lO and Neptune 8 - 50; Scorpio - Saturn (R) 25 - 59; Aries - Mars l8-28; and Taurus - Moon 17-28.
the aspect of Jupiter. The exalted Moon in the l2th and Mercury are afflicted by Saturn who is in turn afflicted by Mars. She has no children so far. The 58th chart shows Jupiter and Saturn aspecting the 5th. Saturn afflicts the Sun, Moon and Venus. But Jupiter ought to have given children as he is the lord of the 9th.
58. Eorn 1941,7.25. Ascendant . Cancer 20-55, Venus 4-51, Sun 8-56 and Moon 16-58; Virgo Rahu O.5Oand Neptune 2-56; Pisces- Mars l9 - 2; Taurus- Moon 3 - 34, Uranus5. 17; Saturn and Jupiter 2O-9; and Oemini - Mercury l8-46.
The 9th is afflicted by Neptune, Mars and Ketu. The l2th lord is in the l2th afflicted by Mars, and he is hemmed in between malefics. There are no children. Consider the 59th chart. The Sth lord is in Lagna with its lord, a friend. The 9th is unafflicted. The 5th has Ketu. Like Jupiter, Ketu in the 5th should give children. Eut why
and Neptune 17-28; Libra- Ketu l6-52; Scorpio Jupiter (R) 26 .55; and Pisces- Moon l4-OO.
g#ryf#?tir*r*"n-'"-fi :,:#:
was she denied children? One may argue that Saturn's affliction of the Srd and the 9th is responsible.But this cannot deny children. lt may at least destroy them and yet give surviving children as Jupiter is in the 9th from the Moon. The l2th house is aspected by both Jupiter and Saturn.Even as per the view advocatedhere, there should be children. But look at the l2th lord Venus. tle is In close conjunction with Uranus who prevents conception. Let us now turn to the charts where we find only one child. The 6Oth chart shows the 5th afflicted by Uranus, while the 9th has retrograde Mars.The 5th lord is in a male sign and the 9th lord Venus is in his own sign combust. This does not explain the facts. The l2th lord Sun is debilitated
60. Born 1958. ll.lO Ascendant Virgo 28-O wlth Rahu 28-45; Libra-Moon 7.O0, Neptune ll-42, Jupiter 19-55, Venus 23-21 and Sun 23-40: Scorpio - Mercury 15-54; Saglttarius - Saturn Ol6; Taurus - Mars (R) 2-53; and Cancer - Uranus 22-59.
in the 2nd; but he is with Venus,Jupiter and the Moon in a sign owned by a female planet. The lady has one daughter and Iater she divorced her husband. The 6lst chart is that of Pandit Nehru. The 5th is a mate sign occupied by a male planet. He did not have a son, but only a daughter. Look at the l2th house. It has Rahu in
Scorpio-Sun O-16; Sagittarius.Ketu 1245 and Jupiter l4-51; and Taurus-Neptune (R) lO-12.
Mercury's sign and Mercury is with Venus in Venus' house. The aspect of Satum did not destroy the daughter as Venus owns it. Venus being in his own house with the l2th lord did not allow Uranus to prevent conception. Mercury too is an indicator of children, zrs per Jaimini. The l2th house thus appear to play a very important role at least as far as the eldest child is concerned. Now let us examine a few charts where the sex of the eldest child is known. This will enable us to generalise. The 62nd chart shows the exchange of signs by the 4th and 5th lord. They are aspected by Mars, the lord of Lagna. Jupiter and the Moon are aspected by the Sun and
62. Bom l 958.9.8. Ascendant - Scorpio 67; AquariusJupiter (R) 2-O and Moon 541; Pisces- Saturn (R) 25-47; Aries - Uranus (R) 24-2A and Ketu 27-32; Leo - Mercury 6-59, Mars 7-15, Sun 2l-52 and Neptune 27-4; and Libra-Venus 8-4.
Mercury. These factors indicate some loss and at least one surviving child. It can be a son. But look at the l2th house. The owner is Venus and he is in his own house aspected by Jupiter. When Venus is in his own house having a relation to the house of children, he definitely gives a son. tle is also in the 9th from the Moon. lle is away from Rahu by more than 19 degrees and from Uranus by more than 196 degrees. Uranus was powerless to prevent conception. This native had two sons only. The 65rd chart is interesting. The 5th house is aspected by Jupiter, and its lord is in Moon's house with Rahu and Neptune. Naturally there should be both daughters
26-41; Pisces Moon l2-J2; Cancer Venus l257, Neptune 2&5I and Rahu 28-55; Leo - Moon (R) 22-55 and Sun 28-31; Libra - Satum 7 - 16: and Scorpic Jupiter 19 - 26.
and sons. As the l2th lord Jupiter, a male planet, is in the house of Mars. But the affliction of Jupiter by Uranus denied him sons. The l2th house is powerfully aspected by exalted Satum who also aspects Venus in whose sign he is situated. "{
In another chart with Virgo rising Jupiter was in the 5th and Saturn in the 7th. Sun, Mercury and Venus are in the 4th in Jupiter's house. The native had only two sons and no daughters. The l2th lord with Karaka Mercury in Jupiter's house explains this. In the 64th chart the Sth lord Sun is with Jupiter in the I lth. The 5th is aspected by retrograde Saturn. He should have sons, at least one son and some daughters. But
64. Bom 1927.2.28. Ascendant - Aries 2.O; Taurus Mars lO-2 l; t,eo - Neptune (R) 2-32; Scorpio Satum (R) 14-54; Sagittarius - Moon 25-17 and Ketu I t-O; Aquarius - Sun l5-4O and Jupiter l6-57 and Plsces - Mercury 5-12, Uranus 5-32 and V e n u s9 - 1 7 .
look at the l2th house. Its lord Jupiter is with the Sun in the llth. Same result as before. But what about the eldest child? The l2th house has debilitated Mercury, exalted Venus and Uranus. One feminine planet in exaltation with Mercury (a non-masculine planet) has given two daughters only. This is the result of exaltation. The significator of the Sun and Jupiter is Saturn afflicted by Mars. A third child is denied also by Uranus in the l2th. In the 65th chart the lst (Moon) and the Sth (Mars) lords have exchanged houses. IIe should have a son or no child at all. The 12th is owned by Mercury, a slgnificator of
65. Bom 1951.5.4. Ascendant - Cancer 6.5 wlth Mars l8-58; Leo - Neptune (R) I O'7; Scorpio - Moon 16-59; Capricom - Satum O-25; Pisces - Venus 16-5l, Rahu 2O-l I and Uranus 24-O; Arles llercury (R) 1540 and Sun 19-56; and Cemlnl Juplter 22-26.
children (as per Jaimini), who is with the exalted Sun. Still a son was denied as Mercury is in the house of Mars who is in Cancer. hle had four daughters only, of whom one died. The 66th chart shows the 5th lord Moon with Venus in the I lth. They aspected the 5th. Though it is Saturn's house, there ought to be a son. The aspect of Uranus does not fall on them. Saturn in the 8th has exchanged signs with
TEXT 6OOK OF SCIENTIFIC ITINDU ASTROLOOY 66. Bom 1955.5.2 l. Ascendant - Pisceswith Sun 6-2J; Aries - llars 22-27; Cemini - Jupiter 2G4l and Ketu 7-52; Cancer - Uranus (R) O-29; Libra - Nep tune (R) 4-19 and Satum (R) 27-37; C.apricom Vloon 25-44 and Venus 25-35; and Aquarius , Mercury lO-l l.
Venus. Saturn is exalied and is directly opposed to Mars. Jupiter aspects Saturn also. He has only daughters. The l2th house explains this situation. It is Saturn's house. Mercury, an indicator of children and a non-male planet, is there. Saturn is in the house of Venus. Saturn and Mercury are both aspected by Jupiter from Mercury's house. These examples show the importance of the l2th house at least as far as the eldest child is concerned.
6. Some combinations
l. For Kanya lagna Kuja in the fifth brings about the death of the son in the f,irstten degrees. This Mars calls the first son. In the next ten degrees, he kills the next one; and in the last ten degrees those born after the second. 2. I.ord of 5 or I in 7 or in an even house associated with Chandra or Shukra gives many daughters. But in this combination if the Moon or Shukra is in a male varga and is associated with male planets, there will be many
5. If the fifth house or its lord is a male rasi or amsa, or is associated with male planets, there are sons. If it is a female rasi or amsa, or is associated with female planets, there are daughter. We have to reckon the fifth house from Guru also. 4. If the fifth from Lagna has the varga of Chandra and Shukra and is associated with either of these. and if the fifth has no malefic, there are many children. But Shani and Kqja aspect the house, there are none. 5. lord of 5 in 5 - not many sons.
6. The planet owning the navamsa occupied by the fifth lord must be in his own navamsa. Then there is one son. 7. Lord of 7 in 5 gives no children. 8. Dxchange of houses by lords of 5 and 7, or their conjunction in 5 or 7 gives no children, or two children, or delays children. 9. Malefics in 6, 8 and 12 from the fifth - no children. lO. Rahu in 5 and fifth lord in 6, 8 or L2 - death of children. I l. Exchange of the houses by the lords of I and 5 adopted son, 12. Lords of I and 5 in 6,8 or 12 aspected bya benefic - a son after adoption. 15. Lord of 5 with a benefic in a benefic kendra or kona - a son early in life. 14. Lord of 5 with Rahu - son born in the subperiod of the fifth lord has short life, and the one born in Rahu's subperiod has long life. 15. lords of 2 and 5 weak while a malefic aspects the fifth - no children. 16. Fifth house, its lord, or Quru assoclatedwith a benefic - son is definite. 17. Quru and the lords of the fifth from lagna and Moon well placed, and the fifth aspected by a benefic; or not aspected by the lords of 6, 8 or 12; or lords of I and 5 are conjunct, in mutual aspects - there are children. 18. Lord of lagna in fifth, fifth lord and Curu are strong sons. 19. Strong Curu in 5 aspected by the lord of lagna - son. 20. (a\ Moon in lO, Shukra in 7, and malefics in 4 - no children. (b) Malefic in 4, Shukra in 7, Chandra in lO - no children. (c) Malefic in l, 5, 8 and 12 - no children. (d) Budha and Shukra in 7, Guru in 5,
malefics in 4 - no children. (e) Moon in b and maleflcs fn l, 8 and 12 - no children. 21. Lord of lagna in 6 or 8, lord of b with a malefic or aspected by its foe or one in debilitation - loss of children. 22. Ylalefics in I , 7, I and 12 and in the vargas of their foes - no children. 25. Quru weak, and the lords of l, 5 and. 7 weak - no children. 24. l{alefic in 5, fifth lord debilitated and without benefic aspect - no children. 25. l-ord of the fifth debilitated, combust, or in enemy,s house, or with the lords of 6, 8 and 12 - loss of children. 26. lnrd of 5 in 5 without a benefic aspect - loss or no children. 27. trlalefics is the fifth from lagna; Chandra and euru having no benefic association - no children. 28. Malefic 5, fifth lord in papa f{artari without a benefic association - no child. 29. When the fifth houses from lagna, Chandra and Guru are associated with malefics without having any benefic association; or when these houses are in papa kartari, and when the lords of these houses are in 6, 8 and 12 - no children. Association means conjunction and/or aspect. Papa kartari is hemmed between malefics. 50. When Curu is between two malefics, and the weak lord of the fifth is not associated with a benefic - no chil, dren. 51. If the fifth is owned by Budha or Shani and if it is occupied or aspected by Mandi or Shani - adopted son. 52. Weak lord of the fifth, not associated with lords of I and 7 - adoption. {
55. Kuja and Shani in 5 and lord of lagna in Budha's house aspected by Budha - adoption. 54. lnrd of 7 in I l, fifth lord with a henefic, and fifth has Kuja or Shani or both - adoption. 55. Quru in Mina - few children; in Dhanus - Children after much difficulty, in Kataka or Kumbha - none. These results get modified by other factors.
7. Some considerations:
l. To find whether the married couple will have children we have to calculate Bija Sphuta and Kshetra Sphuta. From the husband's chart note the longitudes (from Mesha) of Sun, Shukra and Curu. Add these and expunge multiples of 560. The resulting sign and degree gives Bijasphuta. From the wife's chart add the longitudes of the Moon, Kqja and Curu. The result gives the sign and degree of I{shetra sphuta. These two sensitive points should not be associated with the eighth lord, or with Budha or Shani or Ketu. There should be no malefics in the kendras or konas of these points. Otherwise there will be no children. There will be children if these points are associated with the lords of l, 5, 7, or 9. 2. Add the longitudes of the Sun, Chandra, Kuja, Guru and Shukra. If the product falls in a Kendra, a child is born in the first part of life; if it falls in 2, ' 5, 8, or ll, it is in the second paft of life; and if it falls in 3, 6, I, or 12, it will be in the last part of life. 5. Birth, death, or absence of children has to be ascertained from the saptamsa. We are giving two examples here. The fifth lord is with Shukra in the ninth aspected by Neptune. This gave many daughters. The Karaka is with Budha aspected by Shani, and the fifth lord is hemmed in between malefics. tle is in Kuja's house. Kuja is in the l2th from the 5th lord.
He had four sons, of ters. In the natal chart Neptune and Guru in the In the eleventh aspected
whom one died, and five daughMina was rising with retrograde fifth, while Ravi and Chandra are by Kuja.
8. l,oss of children
l. Quru in 5 aspected by a malefic - loss of children : deity's curse. 'i 2. Guru associated with the lord of 6 - loss : Brahmana,s curse. ' 5. Lord of the fifth with Kuja and aspected by the sixth lord, and has no benefic aspect - loss : wrong done to an enemy. 4. Malefic in 4, fifth tord conjunct Shani, and malefic in 8 or 12 - loss of children; offence against the mother. 5. Malefic in 9, lord of the fifth conjunct Shani, and Mandi in 1,5, 9 - loss; offence against the father. 6. Rahu or Ketu in the fifth or aspecting the fifth or the lord of the fifth is weak - loss : offence against a serpent. , 7. Conjunction Curu and Kuja with the lords of S and Z - losss : caused by evil deities. Also note lO,2l,25, 26 under 6 above. "
9. Adoption
l. Moon in a malefic sign, lord of 5 in 9, and lord of lagna in l,5, or 9 - adoption. Also note I l, 12, St, 32, SS. 54 under 6 above. . 2. Rising sign is an even rasi, lord of 5 in 4 or in Shani navamsa - adoption. 3 . Lord of 5 with Ravi and Budha in an even navamsa, or in a navamsa owned by Shani - adoption. 4. Lord of 5 in a navamsa of Shani, Curu and Shukra in their own signs - fle will first adopt a son and then have a son bv his wife.
Note: also 12 under 6 above. 5. Planets strong in the bright half of the month occupying a navamsa owned by Shani, while Guru is in the fifth adoption.
I i. Number of Children
The number of children is to be ascertained from the fifth. After the first child consider the possible next children in the sequence of houses 7,9, I l, I and 5. In a woman's chart the sequence is 9, I l, l, 3, 5 and 7. Multiply the elapsed navamshas of the fifth (in minutes) by the benefic aspect in Rupas. Divide this by 2OO. The quotient gives the number of children. We have to consider planets in the fifth or those that are with the fifth lord. Note how many are in friendly or inimical or debilitation navamshas. Likewise examine the fifth house or its lord from the sign occupied by Guru or the sign rePresenting the navamsha having the Sun. Convert the elapsed degrees and minutes of the fifth house into minutes. Multiply this by the Virupas showing the The quotient gives aspect. Divide the product by 2OO. benef,ic got by the virupas of the the number of children. The figures malefic aspect indicate the number of losses.
and Number
l. Add the longitudes of the lords of the first and fifth houses. Find the Rasi and amsa from this product. When Curu transists this or its trines, a son can be born. ' 2. Add the longitudes of the Sun, Moon and Curu, and note the Rasi and amshas given by the product. The number of the navamshas gives the number of children. 5. Add the longitudes of the lords of 4, S, and 9. From the product find the number of the elapsed navamshas. This is the number of children. 4. Add the longitudes of the planets ln 4, b and 9. The number of the elapsed navamsas shows the number of children. 5. The houses 5 and 9 from lagna, Chandra, and euru indicate children. The birth of a child is possible in the dasa and antardasa of a house that can give children. 6. Add the longitudes of the lords of 5 and 7. Divide the total by 560. The remainder gives a nakshatra. The dasa of a planet ruling that nakshatra gives a son. 7. The dasa and antardasa of a planet associated with the lords of 5 or 7 can give a child.
If Kuja - fault done to the village deity, Kartikeya, enemy or collaterals. If Budha - curse of the youngsters, killing of the eggs of the fish and the like, anger of Vishnu. If Curu - llarm done to the famity priest, cutting fruit trees. If Shukra - cutting a tree with flowers, ir{ury to a virtuous lady or to a cow, sins to the respected. If Shani - destruction of an Asvathha tree or anger of yama, anger of the departed spirits. lf Rahu - curse of serpent. If Ketu - curse of a Brahmana. If Mandi - curse of the departed spirits. lf Moon is conjunct Shukra - slaughter of wlfe or cow. If Mandi with Curu or Ketu - Murder of a Brahmana.These r4ay have been done in a past birth or In the present birth. These can be expiated by a bath at Rameshvaram,reciting the lives of great men, worship of Shiva, observance of vows to Vishnu, gifts, ceremonies in honour of the departed spirits, installatingof the serpent deity and the llke.
5. Birth of a child is possible when Guru transits on the lord of the fifth, on the fifth house, on his natal position or karaka, and on the sign occupied by the lord of the fifth. 4. Add the longitudes ol the lords of lagna, fifth and seventh houses. The remainder gives the nakshatra. Note its lord as per the Vimshottari system. During his - mahadasa and in the antardasa of the planet in the fifth, the planet aspecting the fifth, or the planet owning the fifth can give a son. 5. Add the longitudes of the fifth lord, Curu, planet occupying the fifth, and the planet aspecting the fifth. The product gives the Rasi and its Navamsha. When Curu or Shani transits these signs, the birth of a child is likely. There are many more combinations given in works like Parashara [Iora, Brih4jjataka, Saravali, Jataka ?ariiata, Phala Dipika, Manasagari, Sanketa Nidhi, and Jatakadesa Marya. One may profitably consult these. In the case of a woman's chart consider the ninth in place of the fifth.
Kalpalata on Jaimini Sutras
ilakantha's commentary on the first two chapters of
Jaimini Sutras is in great use. This commentary does not help us much in calculating the Dasas precisely and in predicting the results of the Dasas. Venkateshwara also commented on the first two chapters. Krishna Misra's Jyotlsha Phala Ratnamala, Raghava Bhatta's (1704 A.D.) Jataka Sara Sangraha, Narasimha Suri's Jdmini Sutrartha frakasika (on first two chapters), Somanatha's (son of Krishnamisra) Kalpalata, Nrisimha Daivqina's Jdmlnl Sutra Vyakhya (on all the four chapters) are available in manuscript. Jataka Sara Sangraha was published a century ago in Madras with a Telugu translation. Raghava Bhatta and Narasimha Suri were Andhras. Somanatha's Kalpalata is an exhaustive and authoriative treatise. Somanatha's text covers all the four chapters. tle gives an account of the contents of all the chapters. Thus the first quater of the first chapter deals with Sanjna (technical concepts); the second quarter deals with the results of the signs occupied by the Swakaraka; the third explains Arudha, and the fourth, Upapada. The second chapter, he says, explains forty kinds of Dasas. The third chapter is
concerned with Rajayogas related to Drekkana, longevity, calculation of sixteen Dasas and female horoscopy. The fourth chapter gives the indications of death, wanderings or travels abroad, the world after death and fourteen kinds of Dasas. The first quarter of the first chapter deals with aspects, Argala, Karaka and technical terms. III-1 gives Rajayogas related to Drekkanas; lll-2 is concerned with longevity; III-5 explains sixteen Antaranga Dasas; III-4 is about female horoscopy. IV-1 gives indications of death; lV-2 gives Yogas for wanderings and travels abroad; IV-5 explains the results of the soul in the other world after death; lV-4 explains lourteen kinds of Dasas. Many of the available printed texts deal with the problems as outlined by Somanatha who offered an analysis of the text in his introductory remarks. Somanatha refers to the view of Jaimini and others. tle establishes his own views and also the traditional teachings as handed down orally. The last three quarters of the fourth chapter are not yet available even in manuscript. The available commentaries (in manuscript) give the following number of Sutras: I.l - 55; 1.2- l2l; 1.3 - 47; 1.4 - 49. Total 252 Sutras. f l.I - 60; ll.2- 3l; II.5 - 52; ll.4 - 37 . Total of I and ll 412 Sutras. rrr.l - 50; fi1.2- 4l; Ill.5 - 128; lil.4 - 54. Total of I, lI and III 665 Sutras. lY.l - 54; lY.2 - 47; lY.S - l2l; lV.4 - 4O. Total of all the chapters 927 Sutras. The manuscript of Khetamkara Nrisimha Daivajna is a commentary on chapters 5 and 4. This does not agree with Somanatha's Kalpalata. There are differences even in the Sutras. The Sutras in chapters 5 and 4 need a careful examination before arriving at a definitive text. The Oriental Manuscripts Library, Madras, has a manuscript which gives the contents thus; III. I ' Rajayoga
I-akshana; lll. 2 - Determination of longevity and the Dasa giving death; III. 5 - Dxceptions and Mriti l^akshana; lll. 4 Carbha Vamana - conception. lV. I - Body etc; lY. 2 Results of Bhavas; lV. 5 - Stri Lakshana; IV. 4 - birth of birds and animals. llere is a vast difference. The Drekkana principle emphasised by Somanatha is missing here. Kalpalata mentions seventy Dasas. The method of calculating these is said to be given in the Mula Sutra by Kalidasa. This book is not available. Jaimini Sutras give Dasas dealing with longevlty and Dasas explaining results of the Dasas. Those dealing with longevity are given by Raghavabhatta as follows : . (l) Hora Dasa, (2) Darpana Dasa, (5) Shula Dasa, (4) Mahesvara Dasa, (5) Atmanadidhara Dasa, (6) Sthira Dasa, (7) Varnada Dasa, (8) Chara ?aryaya Dasa, (9) Atmanobhava Pausa Dasa, (lO) Jayabhavapa Dasa, (l l) Atmamse Bhavapamsa Dasa and (12) Drekkana Dasa. The Dasas that explain the results are : ( I ) Trikona Dasa (also known as Gochara Dasa), (2) Chara ?aryaya Dasa, (5) Sthira Paryaya Dasa, (4) Drig Dasa, (5) Bhava Rahasya Dasa, (6) Rasyabheda Brahma Dasa, (7) Chara Dasa, (8) Sthira Dasa, (9) Yogardha Dasa, (lO) Drekkana Dasa, (l l) Prakaranlara Drekkana Dasa, (12) Atmamsa Bhavapamsa Dasa, (15) Karaka Dasa and (14) Cranthantara Karals Dasa. Phala Ratnamala speaks of (l) Srldasa, (2) Padanatha Dasa and (5) Padanathamsa Dasa. In the third chapter, Kalpalata mentions ( I ) Drekkana Dasa of the sign occupied by the lord of the llth, (l) Prakarantara Dasa, (5) Ketu Dasa, (4) Upakrama Rasi Dasa, (5) Nisargabheda Dasa and (6) Nakshatra Dasa. Of all these, the authorities give great importance to Ttikona Dasa and Padanathamsa Dasa. What is important is to examine the manuscripts and arrive at a definitive text of the Sutras in the third and the fourth chapters. All the available manuscripts'have to be
examined. In our Dnglish rendering we have noted that some Sutras are out of place in the context in which they appear. Through the courtesy of Mr. Madhura Krishnamurthi Sastrigaru, we were privileged to go through some parts of Kalapa{ata. In actual experience we have found the principles laid down in this text are correct. But there are some doubts which the leamed alone can answer. Somanatha's views on Drekkana and Navamsa are not clear. He refers to Karaka, Atmakaraka and Swakaraka' llow are the first two distinguished? It is of great importance in iollowing KalPatata. Somanatha's Kalpalata is a valuable unpublished Vritti on Jaimini sutras. The text offers some valuable information about the Sutras. The first two Stabakas provide a preface to the cpmmentary. It is proposed to give a free translation of these now. 'The venerable teacher Jaimini composed the Sutras in four chapters to determine the events and their timings, the longevityoftheindividualandthedestinyofthesou|.The foui chapters deal respectively with Karaka, Lagna' Drekkana and Navamsa. What is the PurPose of all this ? when we know the nature of the events and their timings, one begins to investigate the nature of the world to which the soul goes after death. This can give rise to fear' To over"omJthis fear, one performs the duties (Karma) which giverisetothepurificationofthemind.Thisleadsto Erahma-Jnana. Hence this science of Astrology is a Vedanga". In this first chapter, the author determines Sanjna (technical terms or concepts), Karaka, Pada (Arudha) and Ka.jayoga.The second chapter deals with lagna'Karaka' tonglvity and special Dasas (periods of the signs)' The third chapter is about the Drekkana. TherearethreeDrekkanas.InworksliketheBrihat Jataka,Drekkanaisnotproperlypointedout.InthisSastra, (Aries) the Drekkanas move in three signs. Thus for Mesha (Tau(Aries); vrishabha for first Drekkana is that of Mesha rus)thefirstisthatofMeena(Pisces).Inthiswaywefixthe
Drekkanas. Even the Navmsas are not to be fixed as in the earlier texts. The Navamsas are reckoned as follows: For Mesha (Aries) the first Navamsais Mesha (Aries);for Vrishabha (Taurus) the first is Kanya (Virgo); for Mithuna (Cemini) it is from Tula (Libra); and for Kataka (Cancer), it is from Meena (Pisces). Next Hora Lagna and others have to be determined. There are five varieties of tlora. Brihat Jataka and others have established some varieties. The first tlora of a Bhava is that of the I I th house from it. The second variety of Hora is that followed regarding the lost or unknown horoscopes. In this Sastra the flrst Hora of Mesha (Aries) Lagna is Mesha (Aries); and the second is Vrishabha (Taurus). TJre first Hora of Vrishabha (Taurus) falls in Mithuna (Gemini) and so on. This classificatin is of great help in dealing with Rajayogas and longevitY. The fourth view is that the flrst Hora ls that of the sign occupied by the lord of the 8th. The moderns who hold this view argue that this is valid only for calculating longevity. Others argue that the 8th sign from that occupied by the lord of the lagna is the llora Lagna. But this is of value only while determining the world to which the soul of the dead will go. Keeping in mind the purpose, fix the llora Lagna. Next determine Chatika Lagna. Some hold that this is reckoned In the clockwise directlon from Lagna. But deter' mine which is the stronger one between Lagna and the 7th. In case of males, the count is clockwise; md in the case of women lt is anticlockwise. Next determine Karaka. There are five varieties of Karakas. These are Karaka, Atmakaraka, Swakaraka, Dasakaraka and Bhavakaraka. Karaka is the planet that has advanced to the highest degree when compared to the others. The Atmakaraka is well-established and this ls to be understood from the other Sastra. Swakaraka is the lord of the Lagna. Their relative strengths have to be calculated as per the principles laid down later. The Dasakarakais the one whose Dasa is operating, The Bhavakarakas are classified as nitya (always true)
and anitya (temporary). The anitya Bhavakarakas are explained in the Sastra. The nitya Bhavalerakas are those given in the other works. These can be known from Ilrtshniya. The Jainas place greater emphasis only on Atmakaraka and Svakaraka; and they use the other Karakas as and when they are necessary or useful. Of all the five Karakas, Svakaraka alone gives many results. But we have to consider also the other l{arakas and then predict the strength of the results. All this has to be learnt from the teacher directly. Rejecting the teacher amounts to a rejection of tradition which rejection does not enable one to predict accurately. This brings the science of Astrologt into disrepute. Now we give a clear account of the various chapters and their quarters. The first quarter of the first chapter determines the specific nomenclature (technical terms) used in this text and in this school of astrologr. The second quarter explains the results of the signs occupied by the Swakaraka. The third quarter deals with the results of the sign which is the Arudha of Lagna and other houses. The fourth quarter explains the results of the Upapada sign indicating the partner (wife or husband). the of The second chapter gives an account of the forty kinds Dasas. of tn the third chapter the author deals with Drekkana, Rajayoga, longevity, the calculation of sixteen kinds of Dasas and female horoscoPY. The fourth chapter deals with indications of death, wanderingp abroad and the calculation of fourteen Dasas which determine the future of the soul of the dead. One has to examine a chart with reference to all the four chapters and consider the suitable Dasas out of the seventy before predicting the results.
When two or three of the methods agree, the malefics predominate. In the case of benefics, consider whether there is a powerful Rajayoga. Then the result should be based on the strength of the concerned benefic. In the case of others consider their strengths and predict the result, when two or three, or four, or five agree. The malefic results too are to be based on the agreement of at least two of the methods or approaches. In the case of a Dasa of the R4jayoga, even if one method alone indicates the malefic result, predict death at the end of that Dasa. In the middle of a Rajayoga Dasa, even if two or three factors agree in the case of the mqjor periods of malefics, one should not predict death till the end of [he Rqjayoga Dasa. Thus predictions are to be given after mastering the science of astrology and after examining many horoscopes. Next we examine the Dasas and their results. ' Of the forty Dasas explained in the second chapter, only eleven have to be applied to those who have Rajayogas. Five Dasas refer to the rulers. The other Dasas can be applied generally to all. Even then the Dasas which give results of the Rqjayogas are only four. These are Yogardha, the Drekkana occupied by the lord of the llth, Bhava Rahasya and Mandukapluti (frog leap). Here for those having Rajayoga even one Dasa will give results. If two Dasas agree, the results are definite. The ordinary Dasas are Nakshatra-bheda, Nakshatraja (derived from the nakshatra), Nisarga (natural, inherent), Chara. Chara ?aryaya, Sthira ?aryaya and Cochara Dasa. Results on the basis of these have to be given to the rulers and who have no R4iayoga. They have to be considered as and when necessary or appropriate. Regarding the problem of longevity the Dasas that can be applied to all are Brahma, Yarnada, Chara and Chara ?aryaya. The other Dasas are to be employed as and when they appear to be appropriate. In all horoscopes determine the position of Brahma and calculate Brahma Dasa. Then predict the results.
The calculation of the Varnadas for the twelve signs depends on the relation of the llora Lagna and the birth l,agna. Then calculate the Varnada Dasas. In this way calculate the Brahma, Varnada, Chara and Chara ?aryaya Dasas. Note how many of these Dasas agree in giving a certain result. Then on the basis of the accord between these predict the time of death. This is to be given only after noting the increase or decrease of the Kakshyas. , When you determine the longevity by means of the Ghatika l-agna, follow the method given in the chapter on Drekkana (chapter 5). Death is at the end of the concerned Dasas. Now about aspects: When a waning Moon aspects, even a benefic result becomes malefic. trven if it is slightly malefic, it indicates death. Cood or bad results of even the strong planets materialise only when they are supported by the Moon. The Jainas argue that Rahu too is similar to the Moon. According to them, in a malefic relation (association or aspect), only Mars and Rahu matter. In the case of a benefic association, consider the strength or weakness of the associated planets. In the case of Rajayoga, we have to note the part played 'by Mars. Even the aspect of an exalted Mars sometimes does give good results. But Saturn, Mars and Rahu are always indicators of death. In the case of Rajayoga, the relative importance of the planets will be explained now. lf the Yogakaraka is the Sun, the native becomes a king. If the Sun is aspected by the full Moon, the native becomes a ruler of an island country' When the Yogakaraka is the Moon, he rules over the seas, or has full control over marine affairs' If it is Mars, he becomes the commander of the army. If it is Mercury, he works and earns under the protective power of others. If it is Jupiter, the native is a scholar and becomes a minister. If it is Venus, he leads a sensuous life of pleasure, a life of passionate lust; he may become a minister. If it is Saturn, he earns by doing menial or undesirable work; or he rules over a tribal area or country or he lives near the outskirts of the forests. If it is Rahu, he carries out successfully the
orders of the rulers or he is Palsunyaieevi.lf it is Ketu, the native worships Shiva with great devotion; or he becomes the leader of a town dedicated to Shiva. Thus having understood the nature of the planets and having examined the nature of their aspects, one should predict the results. tf there are many planets involved, predict the results on the basis of their natural or inherent nature and strength. Sometimes the results will.appear even when predictions are made without determining their strength. Some observe that wlth reference to the Yogakaraka, the most influential one is the planet aspecting him. But in our view this holds good only when the aspecting planet also is a Yogakaraka. In the charts of the kings, the Yoga arises even in the absence of the aspecting planet, if there are many benefics associated with the Yogakaraka. lf this Yogakaraka is aspected even by one, the native becomes an emperor. lf two or three benefics, the Yoga is a little less. When many planets aspect, it ls still less. If the Yogakaraka is associated with Rahu in a Brhamana's chart, he suffers poverty. lf the chart with this association is that of a Mlechchha, l-rebecomes a powerful ruler. lf the Yogakaraka is aspected by Saturn, the Mtechchha rules over uncivilised areas or countries. The Brahmana having this gives Tambula. Aspected by Mars, the native becomes a king and a commander of the army. This aspect in a Brahmana's chart makes him worship the sacred fires. The aspects of Jupiter make him a righteous ruler or a scholar. The aspect of Venus gives him good houses. The aspect of the Moon and Rahu destroys the Yoga' The aspects of Saturn and Rahu bring death by snake-bite' The amount of good or bad results is to be determiend by the exaltation and debilitation of the planet. lf there is no Yogakaraka in a chart, the native has always malefic results. Some agree that the association of a Yogakaraka with Arudha Lagna - or a Yogakaraka determined from Arudha Lagna - causes Yoga. This is not true since Arudha is subordinate to the Rasi chart. The results get modified or determined \y tradition and by the individual's nature.
Regarding jaati (caste etc.), judge them from the Svakaraka.If the llth is owned by Jupiter, the native is a Brahmana. In the case of other planets, following Krishniya and judging the planets, determine the caste on the basis of the lord of the I lth. When the Svakarakaand the lord of the I I th from him have the association (aspect or conjunction) of Rahu, the native is a Chandala. lf such a Rahu is with Saturn, the native is a Mlechchha. The association of Mars indicates that he is a Nishada or Pulinda (forest tribe). The association of Venus makes the native a member of the royal family. When Saturn is exalted in this combination, the native is a Sudra and if Saturn is debilitated, he has a hybrid origin. If there is the association of Mercury alone, the native is a Vaishya. If there are more planels, the caste is determined by the strongest. Now we explain Kakshya Vriddhi (increase) and Kakshya Hrasa (decrease) with reference to the Dasas. The Sun has three years, the waning Moon has one year, Full Moon has six, exalted Jupiter has twelve and otherwise only six, Mercury has three and Venus has six (even when exalted). Abouf Rahu the text gives Paryayah. Depending on the strength or weakness of Saturn we get 5, 6 and 7. Ketu is like the Sun. Mars has 2 or 5 years. This is with reference to longevity. RegardingYoga Mercury, Full Moon, Venus and Jupiter give an increaseof l,2,3, 4 years.Saturn, Mars and Rahu give I ,2, 3 years. Ketu gives six months. DebilitatedSun has two months, and exalted Sun gives six months. Some deny giving anything to the Sun. When the planets with Rahu are benefics, for each the increase is for six months. If they are malefics the decrease is for six months. We have to consider exaltation, debilitation and the like as and when required. Even when there are many benefics together, the relative increase and decrease will not arise by way of paryaya.When they are in exaltation and debilitation in Amsa we have to consider the question of increaseand decrease.probably the increase and decrease get their strength only from the positions in the Amsha.
While considering the benefic and malefic nature, we have to judge the strength. The method is now given. Among the benefics, full Moon, Venus and Jupiter are strong. Among the malefics the strong ones are Mars, Saturn and Rahu. The Sun and Ketu are neutral - neither strong nor weak. Mercury becomes strong or weak because of his association with others. Jupiter in the houses of the Moon and Venus is the strongest of all. Depending on the signs, let us determine the strength. When there is a benefic association in the Trikona (Drekkana), the sign is effective in giving results like the planet in it. If the Kendra has benefic association, the sign is less effective compared with the planet in Lagna. Even the malefics acquire a benefic nature when they are .exalted. Everything about debilitation and exaltation may be learnt from Brihat Jataka and other authorities. But there ls a special feature. lf Mars is with the Sun, the Sun is like one In exaltation. lf the Sun is with Venus, the Sun is like one in debilitation. lf Venus is with the Moon, the Moon is as in exaltation. If Mars is with Saturn, Mars is as one in exaltation. lf Mars is with the Moon, Marsis like one in debilitation.lf Jupiter is with Mercury, then Mercury is like one in debilitation. Some observe that if Mercury is with Rahu, Mercury gets exaltation. This is not correct. But we hold that such a Mercury is neither exalted nor debilitated. From the other texts one has to learn how Mercury becomes a benefic. If Mercury is alone, he is a high benefic. In the same way consider Jupiter, Venus and others. In this Jaimini system exaltation, debilitation and the like are helpful while considering Rqjayogasand longevity. Knowing about exaltation, debilitation and the like, we have to predict about birds and animals.This is implied in this Sastra. When the l,.agnais that of a quadruped, note that the Moon is in the Drekkana and Navamsa also of quadruped signs, or the Moon is aspecting the Lagna. Then the birth is that of a quadruped. Some apply this to the biped sign to predict the birth of a quadruped. If a human being has
similar positions, he becomes a master (or owner) of cattle when the proper Dasa operates. lf the Dasa sign is aspected by Saturn, he is the leader or owner of elephants. Some argue that when Ketu is aspectlng, the native acquires buffaloes. lf Rahu aspects, there is the destruction of catfle. If the aspect is that of the waning Moon and Mars, the catfle Will be stolen by enemies. lf the aspect is from the full Moon and malefic Mercury, the cattle get destroyed by floods and rains. ln this way examining carefully Krishniya and other texts, predict the results. Even the results fructify when the Moon is in a quadruped sign. Follow the same method in horary astrologl about animals. When the quadruped sign is l-agna aspected by Saturn and Mercury and the I lth has the waning Moon, there is the birth of a bird or animal. (Aries, Taurus, Cancer, t eo, Scorpio, first half of Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces are Viyoni signs). Ilere the word l-agna means Dreklena. llence all that has been said earlier, has to be considered also from the Drekkana of the Lagna. Some want us to consider from the Lagna in Navamsa. This is incorrect because this Sastra gives primacy to Drekkana as compared with Navamsa Lagna. Some consider the tlora; others Ghatika l"agna, to predict about the Viyoni Janma. Some predict the results of the Bhavas for determining the Bhava lagna. But in this Sastra, make the sign occupied by the l{araka as Lagna. With reference to this Lagna ascer' tain the Bhavas and planets and predict the results. All this has to be learnt from the teacher orally and confidentially. (There are some Sutras which are called Adhikara Sutras. These govem all the subsequent Sutras till an exception is made by the author). The author now mentions the Adhikara Sutras. The three Sutras beginning with Abhipasyanti rikshani (l.1.2-4\ and the three from Darabhagra ... and the Adhikar Sutras for all the four chapters., All the Sutras in the first quarter of the first chapter are helpful and necessary when required. The Sutra Atha Padam ( 1.5. 1) is an Adhikara Sutra for the entire third quarter. Thus we mention the Adhikara Sutras as and when they are necessary (applicable).
While considerlng the Bhavas, we have to follow the earlier Sastra.But here is some pecullarlty.The 5th house is designated as Pita (father) and the 9th as Putra (child). In female horoscopy, the 7th is mangalya house and the 8th that of the husband. Now we give the characteristics of Bhavas.The Bhavas are of four kinds. These are reckoned from Lagna, Karaka, Drekkana and Amshaka. From the Lagna the Bhavas are the signs (Rasis). From the Karaka the Bhavas are planets. Regarding Drekkana note the special f,eature.The Drekkana of the lord of Lagna is the Lagna here. Similarly, the second house is the Drekkana occupied by the second lord and so on. Amsaka is the Arudha sign. From this Arudha sign, consider the planets. tlaving considered the Bhavas in this way, we have to consider in the same way the Dasas and then predict the results. There are some special Yogas in the third quarter of the first chapter (Pada adhikarana). In the case of males, the Arudha is determined in the clockwise manner and in that of women, it is in the anti-clockwisemanner. Determine the Arudha Lagna in this way. If there are the Moon and Venus In the 2nd from Arudha Lagna. the native becomes very rlch. lf the 4th from this Lagna is a movable sign (cardinal chara), it is of no use regarding conveyance.If the 4th is a dual sign, it has the fullest strength. The exaltation of a planet in Arudha Lagna, exaltation of benefics, aspects of benefics are to be considered in this way; and if they are strong, the results will materialise.This is of importance even if there is no Yoga in or from Lagna. If the Arudha Lagna has no associatlon with an exalted planet and if it is aspected by a malefic, it causes poverty. The aspect of a benefic or of an exalted planet causes Rajayoga.The same has to be applid even to the Lagna. Both for Lagna and Arudha Lagna,there is no Rajayogaif there is no agreement with the 4th and 5th houses. All these are not stated by the earlier teachers probably because the text will become huge. The teachers have orally communicated the secrets. We have examined the secretly preserved texts and given some of the points. Here ends the first Stabaka of Jyotisha Kalpalata by Somanatha.
l. vidhi
- Vidhi means the writing of the fruition of results based on the natal chart or on a Prashna chart. When the L.agnais an even sign, the odd sign which is opposite to it (Abhimukha) is to be taken as Lagna. If the Lagna is an odd sign, the even sign facing it is to be taken as Lagna. This is to be considered after ascertaining whether the chart belongs to a man or to a woman. If this abhimukha sign is powerful, it is to be taken as l-agna; otherwise we consider the 7th from it. Having thus ascertained the relative strength or weakness of the abhimukha sign and its 7th, take the stronger sign as the Lagna. Then determine the Dasas (periods) beginning with this t agna. In the case of women bom in an odd l_agna, take the sammukha (opposite) Lagna. Then determine the strength or weakness of this sign and its 7th. The Dasas are to be reckoned from the weaker sign; and so are the Bhavas to be considered. In the case of women, take the house of the husband (this is the 8th as mentioned earlier). If this house is associated with a Yogakaraka, predict the Yoga. Similarly yoga has to be predicted for children and the like when these houses are associated with a Yogakaraka. Among the planets one who has the most advanced degrees in a sign and aspects the concerned Bhava, he is the Yogakaraka. When the Moon is in Cancer, who is the Yogakaraka ? ln such a case, the lord of the sign occupied by the Sun is the Yogakaraka. If this planet has the association of the Svakaraka and even if he does not aspect the Lagna, we have to predict the Yoga. When the Lagna is ftncer and the Moon is in it, some take the Moon to be the Yogakaraka. But find who is stronger of the lords of the 5th and 9th. The owner of the sign occupied by the stronger one of these lords is the Yogakaraka. This is about female horoscopy. For the horoscopes of men the method is different. One may be born in Cancer L,agnawith the Moon in it. Still Leo and Aquarius are the stronger signs for C,ancer Lagna. Here
., i"il
determine the Yogakaraka, considering the Sun. Then note the exceptions mentioned now. One exception is having Rahu and Saturn in Trikona. The second is that of Mars and Ketu. Some observe that any association with Mars or even with Rahu is an exception. The benefic or malefic results arising from the association of Satum depend on his exaltation and placement in a friend's sign. When there are many exceptions, how ls one to determine the Yogakaraka ? When Saturn and Rahu are in one Trikona, and Jupiter is with the Moon in another Trikona, there is Yoga-samya. When one Trikona has Mars and Ketu, and the other has Jupiter and Moon, the benefic nature is greater. When the Trikona has more benefics, the Yoga is destroyed. When the Trikona has more benefics, the result is highly beneficial. According to some many benefics In Kendras contribute to Yoga. But if they are subject to Aryala, the Yoga gets destroyed. The Argala is more powerful. The fixed sign is stronger than the movable (cardinal) sign and the dual (common) sign is stronger than the fixed. In Argala, note which signs are Involved and its affirmation or cancellation. After thus determlning the Yogakaraka, then predict in the charts of a male or a female, the Yoga arising from his associatlon. In the case of the ruler (kings) follow the princlples given in the Drekkana Sutra. If there is a Rqjayoga in a woman's chart, then determine the R4jayoga in her husband's chart and predict that her husband is her Svadhina Vallabha. If such is not the case, she will be a royal princess or the ruler. All this has to be predicted after a careful consideration of all the relevant factors. While determinlng the Drekkana, in the case of the chart of a woman, the procedure is anti-clockwise. The determination of the Drekkana Lagna has been explained earlier. The appearance of the native is determined by the Svakaraka. From the Amsa of this Svakaraka or from the
lord of the I lth, determine the caste (iaati). After determining the benefic and malefic nature, calculate the Dasas (mqjor periods). One should know how to calculate the Dasa from the original Sutra. This has been given by Kalidasa. But the nature of the results has not been explained by him. The Sutras have brielfly indicated this. We proPose to explain the nature of the results in greater detail. The first Dasa must show the association of many benefics with the sign concerned. This is one factor cause. The second is the association of many benefics with the Drekkana. In the same way treat the Kendras. The Dasas of the Kendras are to be considered from the point of view of Argala. The association of malefics in the Trikonas is always indicative of suffering and sorrow. If the factors are of equal strength the results are balanced. If the association of benefics is greater, the results will be more beneficial. In case of those born with Rqjayoga, if the Kendras or Konas are devoid of the association of benefics or of malefics then the results of the Yoga are experienced in that Dasa. If there is the association of the exalted planet and or benefics, then that Dasa gives R4jayoga. When the Dasa is associated with benefics, even if in the 5rd, 6th or 8th houses, the favourable results are realised in some cases. In such cases consider the signs, the Arudha and other relevant factors. Note which Dasa is operating and what is its distance from Lagna. Convert the same number from the Dasa-sign.This is the Arudha of the Rasi whose period is operating. Some argue that it is not the distance from Lagna to the sign, but the distance from that sign to the owner of that sign that has to be considered in this Arudha. This Arudha also is at times helpful. There is also the Arudha of Drishti (aspect). Note the sign from which a planet first aspects. From that sign count the number to get the Drishti Arudha. What is the first aspect? The first aspect on Aries is from Scorpio and on Scorpio it is from
Aquarius and Capricom respectlvely; for Gemini and Pisces, it is from Virgo and Sagittarius respectively. The planets aspecting from the first sign, have mutual aspects with the aspected sign and the planets therein. After this, note in the Dasa the planets aspecting the 2nd and other houses, the l{arakas of those houses and ascertain the signs aspected by the Karakas of these houses. Then predict the results accordlngly. When more planets aspecting the sign are involved, consider the planet aspectlng from the Abhlmukha Rasi and predlct the result accordingly. lf two or three planets are lnvolved ascertain the stronger one. The strength is the natural or lnherent one. The planet aspected by l-agna is the flrst Karaka. The next sign is the second and so on. When many Karakas aspect the same, we have to determine the stronger one by the advanced degree position of the planet or by the mutual strength of the planet. lf the planet aspecting the lagna is a benefic, the native has an attractive appearance; and if he ls a maleflc, predict the opposite. We have to consider the twelve houses with the help of only nine planets. How is this posslble? From the Karaka, the lord of the 2nd is the lord of the l2th, the lord of the 5rd is also the lord of the 6th, and the lord of the 4th is also that of the lOth. In this way consider the Bhavas. If the lord of the 4th is debilitated, then there is the destruction of that Bhava. A benefic association will make the native happy. .:n association with an exalted planet heightens the im;re.tance of that house. The Rajayogas and the twelve Bhavas have to be examined in this way. Some argue that even the temporary planets are the Karakas. This is not correct because in this Sastra, the temporary planets are considered only in two or three Dasas. This Dasa is also called Drik-karaka-Dasa. Others describe it as Drigdasa. In our view, everything about this Dasa being treated as a secret, it is known as Rahasya-Dasa.
In all the Dasas,consider the Dasa of the lord or of the Karaka. When the second from it has benefics, the third has debilitated planets or malefics, and the fourth has benefics or exalted ones, then this Yoga makes one a ruler. It is Prabhu-Yoga.If there are benefics even in the 5th, then predict Rajayoga.lf in one of the above mentioned places, there are two or three benefics, even then predict the certainty of a Rajayoga. Note where there is any doubt regarding the opposition from Argala. lf in the above mentioned places there are two or three malefics together, predict inauspicious results. At the fag end (Dasa-chhidra) of such a Dasa, there is death or loss of wealth. Some argue that in the Trikonas and Bth houses other than the above mentioned signs, we have to predict as before" This is improper because in this Sastra, greater importance is attached to Argala. Thus when there is the opposition or enmity of Argala for the 9th and the I Oth houses, we have to predict the good and bad results as before. In the case of malefics, the planets in Virodha Argala alone are fruitful. Note whether the sign whose Dasa is operating or of the Karal<ahas the conjunction or aspect of a benefic, or association with an exalted place. Then predict happiness and other results. If the 2nd or 5rd from the Karaka or from the sign whose Dasa is operating, has the Moon and Venus, there is great acquisition of wealth. If these planets are in the 4th, the native acquires a good house. If they are in the 7th, there is happiness from the wife, and the native lives in the house of his powerful father-in-law.When they counteract mutually the Argala, the native acquires fame. If they are in the l2th, at the end of the Dasa the native loses his house and everything. In the same way proceed in other cases. lf in the 2nd from the Dasasign or from the Karaka there are Jupiter and Moon, then that Dasa gives great eduction and wealth. lf in that house there are Rahu and the Moon. the wealLhearlier earned gets spent now. lf Rahu and Mars are there, the body suffers through fever and the like. If this
position falls in Capricom or Aquarius, the native travels to a different country; and through the anger of the king (ruler) he loses everything and is imprisoned. When they are in the 8th he is killed with weapons by thieves or by the command of the ruler. When they are in the Zth, he loses the wife. If they are in the l2th death is due to strangling. A benefic aspect gives some relief. Thus in whatever Bhava they are posited, that Bhava gets destroyed. If they are ln Lagna, the native is always sick. If they are exalted and/or in Kendras, or if they are aspected by an exalted planet or placed in a trine and exalted, or placed in the Trikonas of an exalted planet, then that Bhava becomes stronger and powerful. Even if they are in the l2th, and even if they are aspected by an exalted planet, the results mentioned earlier will materialise at the end of the Dasa. The ability of a planet to give powerful and favourable results is not possible if it has no dependence on the Moon. The same applies to the conjunction of Saturn and Rahu. Note with which planet, another planet is associated. That planet becomes powerful like the strong ones. Some extend this even to malefics and aryue that the association of a planet with the malefics is helpful and useful. Even lf two benefics are associated with such a planet, sometimes the planet does not acquire strength. Whatever may be the case, the planet is not fruitful in the absence of any association with the Moon. Some hold that even if it has an association with the Karaka, there will be favourable results. There are some Rqjayogas not mentioned in the Sutras. For the sake of edification we will present some of these. Determine the strength or weakness of Rahu and Ketu. Note whether in the Kendras or in the Trikonas, there is the association of benefics and association with exalted ptanet. In such a case the native becomes very wealthy (Srimanta). Whtsn there is the association of malefics and debilitated ones, the native suffers from poverty. When the benefics and malefics are together, predict the results after examining their relative strengths.
Even in the Dasa, consider the Nakshatra Dasa. Then note the association of its Trikonas and ascertain their strength. The stronger one gives results. Consider Rahu and Ketu as Karakas. From that point onwards, following the sequence of the planets, we get the Ifarakas for the Dasas. Determine the strength of the planets. Thus in the Dasas of the l{araka grahas, note the Arudha of the nasi also. There is some speciality regarding those bom in Scorpio and Aquarius. In determlning the Karaka, note that Rahu owns Aquarius and Ketu owns Scorplo. Then note the stronger planet in the Tfikonas of these lagnas. Determine the l{arakas from that sign. If Rahu alone is strong, begin from Rahu and determlne the t{arakas following the anti-clockwise direction. The same is to be followed with reference to Ketu. When the lord of Lagna is assoclated wlth many Karaka grahas, consider all of them. The planet having the lowest number of degrees becomes the first Karaka. lf in the Trikona of this planet there is a strong Rahu, then fix the I{arakas from the sign occupied by Rahu onwards. But lf there is a stronger one in the Kendras of this planet, then the l{arakas are to be taken from that sign onwards. lf in the l2th from this l{araka there is Rahu or Ketu, then this Rahu or Ketu is said by some to be the f{arals. This has to be examined on the basis of one's experience. But for those bom in Aquarius and Scorpio l-agnas, determine the l{arakas if Rahu or Ketu are not involved. lf they are involved, proceed in the anti-clockwise direction from them. If the l{araka is in an even slgn, the procedure for determining the other Karakas is anti-clockwise. In the Dasa of the l{araka, there is the importance of the atmakaraka. This Atmakaraka is of help at times. In this Sastra, the Karaka mentioned earlier is of importance. From the sign occupied by that Karaka leam about the native's appearance, age, caste and other details. In the case of Yoga, even the Drekkana is of great relevance. The Navamsa is of importance while determining
prosperity and gains. Generally the karaka is of great importance in this Sastra. The Bhavas and other details are to be determined by the principles given in the Rahasya Sastra. This is the determinatin of l{araka. ln the case of a question put to the astrologer follow Krishniya to determine the time and Lagna. lf the ruler of the Lagna at that time is in an odd sign, then in a clockwise manner place the lords of the dll<s in these d/rks. Consider him to be the l{araka. lf this Karaka is exalted, the event is fulfilled to the questloner's satisfaction very quickly. There ls destruction if the Karaka ls debilitated. In case, of doubt, take the help of ltrlshnlya.
Jaimini System
(f f aimini's system of astrology is unique. Though some chapters of Parashara'stext deal with this system, the authentic text is JAIMINI SUTRAS. It is in four chapters; and of these commentaries are available in complete. l. Parashara assigns to each planet some significations (Karakatwas) and these are unalterable. Jaimini differs from this. The significators vary from chart to chart. First draw the chart with the degrees, minutes and seconds for the ascendant, the luminaries and the five planets. Arrange them in the descending order. That which has traversed the highest degree position in the natal chart is said to be the Atmakaraka. The sign he occupies in the Navamsa chart is tlre Karakamsa lag4a.
l(etrJ 29.31
tagna %.6
Jup(R) 21.58 [,]@n 19.,15 Sun8.10 22.1.1920 A.M. at 11.05 Sat(R) 18.8
Let us illustrate with a chart. tlere Budha has advanced far beyond any other. He is on 28" 38' in Sagittarius and he occupies the same sign in Navamsa. Hence Budha is the Atma Karaka and Dhanus is the Karakamsa Lagna. The next in the descending scale is Venus who becomes the Amatya karaka. Next comes Jupiter who becomes Next in order is the Moon who is Matra' Bhrathrukaraka. karaka. Then follow Saturn, the Sun and Mars, who are respectively Putra, Jnati (Colaterals) and Kalathra (Wife or husband) karakas. From Atmakaraka we can read about the general health, constitution, nature, outlook and fortune of the natlve. Amatya refers to the intellect and mind. Bhrathnt refers to the brothers and sisters. The fourth indicates the mother, the fifth about the children, the sixth about the relatives and the last about the partner. In the case of Rahu the longitude has to be deducted from thirty degrees. When two planets have the same degree, minutes and seconds, then Rahu is to be considered. The other permanent significators are those given in the other texts. Whatever has not been touched by Jaimini, we have to borrow from other authorities. This is stated in the -Siddham anyat-. last aphorism of the second chapter When two or more planets have the same longitude, they jointly become the Karaka. Then the seventh Karakatwa belongs to Rahu. A variant reading states that the Karaka for mother is followed by the Karaka for father who is followed by Putra, Jnati and Kalathra karakas. Some authorities, however state that lkraka for mother and children is one and the same planet (l.l.l9). Thus seven or eight planets can become Karaka (l.l.lO). When two planets have the same longitude deduct Rahu's longitude form thirty degrees and find out where he fits in the decreasing scale and then assign the Karakatwa to him. If there are more such planets and if even after Rahu some Karakatwas are left, then assign the other Karakatwas as per the system of Parashara. Jaimini assigns some significations of a minor nature to the various planpts. Mars refers to sisters, younger brothers,
are left, then assign the other Karakatwas as per the system of Parashara. Jaimini assigns some significations of a mlnor nature to the various planets. Mars refers to sisters, younger brothers, step-mother and brothers-in-law, Mercury is assigned maternal uncles and maternal aunts; Jupiter signifies matemal grandfather and grand-mother, and Venus rules over the parents of the partner and over the maternal grand parents and disciples. , Next we have to note that signs aspect signs and therefore the planets in those signs aspect those in the corres-ponding signs. Cardinal signs aspect all the fixed signs except the one next to them. Fixed signs aspect all cardinal signs excepting the one behind them. The dual signs aspect each other. That ls, they have square aspects. This is an important principle as the results given depend on the aspects and conjunctions. Now we take up a unique method of ARGALA.planets in .2.4.11houses, from any planet or house cause Argala.These three are the prime combinations for argala consideration. Secondly, 5th house is also able to form argala. This is to note, argala should be checked for each house, as well as for each planet. Argala caused by natural benefics is always considered 'benefic argala'and when it is formed by malefics, is called 'Malefic argala.'Argala always protects all effects and principles of the house concerned. Argala, formed in such a manner, becomes counter productive, when there are planets in l2.lO.J and 9 respectively. ; A special rule for 5 houses has been laid down by sages. Many planets posited in the third house, at least J, will also from a benefic argala, namely Viparita Aryald. Aforesaid rules will not apply on Rahu and Ketu tamograhas or shadowy planets. They will remain under argala effect in a reverse manner. llence 2,4.11.5 houses are counter effective and 12.lO.S.g are argala-forming houses.
,' jtt'
Taking our prevlous example, we prepare argala chart thus :Planet l. Sun and Moon Argala Ketu+Venus Counteracted by
Mars Venus+Sun+Moon+Sat. Jupiter +Mars Mercury Sun+Moon+Ketu+Mars Venus+Sat. Jupiter Sat+Mars+Rahu+Venus Ketu Venus Mars Mars+Rahu Saturn Venus Rahu Merc+Jup. Sun+Moon + . +Ketu +Venus+Sat. No viparita argala exlsts in this chart. In the tV from Jupiter, Rahu and Mars are exlhlbtting argala effect, while Ketu alone counteracts. Thus, zugalaexists for Jupiter, as well as for the V house. One planet will be able to dimlnlsh effects of one planet/house only.
2. 5. 4. 5. 6. 7.
2. Different
The Sutras of Jaimini refer to many lagnas and the principles of Interpretation to these lagnas also. We have already noted Janma lagna, Chandra lagna, Navamsa lagna and Karakamsa lagna. In our example, these are Mina, Makara, Kumbha, and Dhanush respectively. Now we take up other lagnas. l. Arudha Lagna: This is also called pada lagna (l.l.5O). Take any sign. Find out the sign in which sign the lord of that house is situated. Count as many signs from that lord, and that is the arudha of that sign. If the lord of Mina lagna is in the fifth house, the fifth from it is the arudha lagna. lt will be Vrishchika in our example. Thus for houses 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, lO, 1l and 12, we get Kosa, Bhratri, Sukha (Vahana), Mantra, Dara, Bhagya, R41ya, Labha and Upapada lagnas. There are some exceptions. If the lord of a sign is in the fourth from it, the fourth house alone is its arudha (l.l.5l). When the lord of a house is in the seventh from it; its tenth house from that sign is its arudha. Thus in our example the lord of the second Kuja is in the seventh from it; lts arudha is the tenth from the second. Thus we
have in our example charts the arudhas of houses 2, S, 4, and 5 are respectively Makara, Kumbha, Mina and Mesha. The seventh lord is in the fourth (Dhanush) from it and its arudha is Dhanush only. The twelfth has its lord in the seventh from it, and hence its arudha is in the tenth from it, namely Vrishchika. (1.1.52). The arudha of the twelfth is called Upapadaand it plays an important part in dealing with the wife or husband of the native. There are some other lagnas. In each czrse,we give the traditional methods that are scientifically accurate. 2. Hora Lagna: (a) Take the Ghatis from Sunrise to the time of birth. Divide them by 2.5. The quotient ptus one is to be counted from the Sun. In our example, the Janma ghatis are 10.57. Divided by 2.5 we get four. The fifth from Sun Sign is the hora lagna Taurus (1.50.58) (b) Dachhora lagna has a duration of one hour. Multiply the Janma Chatis by twelve. Add the product, divide by 5O to the exact longitude of the Sun of birth. In our example, we get l5lo. 24' as the product divided by JO we get 4-22-48'. Adding this to the longitude of Sun we get Taurus (1.50.58). This alone is to be accepted. It plays an important part in determining longevity. 3. Bhava Lagna: (a) Divide the Janma ghatis by five. The quotient plus one is to be counted from the Sun. The remainder is to be converted into degrees and minutes. The birth time is lO ghatis and57 vighatisor 10.95. The quotient is two. The remainder 95 gives in total 2-280 30' + 9-8'lO' (Sun)= 0-6'40' (Aries). (b) Multiply the Janma ghatis by 6, divide by 5O and add the product to the longitude of the Sun as before. Thus 1O.95 x 6 :50 gives 2-28o.5O' Addingit to the Sun longitudewe get 0-06o- 40' (Aries) as Bhava langa. 4. Ghatika Lagna : (a) Divide the Janma ghatisby twelve. Take the remainder and add one to it. Count it from the Janma lagna. The fraction of the remainder is to be converted into degrees and minutes. Thus, 1O.95divided by twelve gives the remainder 1O.95 or 10-26o.5O'+ Sun. Thus Chatika lagna is Dhanu 5o.
(b) Multiply Janma ghatis by thirty and add the product to the longitude of the Sun. Thus 1O.95 x 5O gives 326o-5O'. lagna we get 605" or 8-5o.o' Adding this to the Sun (2780.1O') as Qhatika lagna. 5. Vighatika Lagna : Five vighatis are equal to thirty degrees. The birth vighatis in our example are 657. When five vighatis are equal to thirty degrees, 657 vighatis are equal to 3942 degrees. Dxpunging multiples of 56O we get 342 degrees. We add this to the longitude of the Sun 278o.lO'. The vighatikalagna is then 26Oo.lO' or Dhanu 200.1o'. 6. Gulika : There is much confusion in our texts between Mandi and Culika. Jaimini appears to equate Qulika with Mandi. tlence, we give the method to determinethe longitude of Gulika which plays an important part in determining profession and longevity. Divide the duration of the day into eight equal parts. Count them from the day of birth, In the order of the week days, at the end of Saturday, we get the longitude of Gulika. In our example, the duration of the day is I I hours, I1.8 minutes. Each part has one hour and 25.975 minutes. The birth begins as a Thursday. Saturday's part ends four hours and I 1.925 minutes after sunrise which was at 60.55'.8'. Gulika then rises in Mina as 22o.8'. When a native is born at night, divide the duration of the night into eight equal parts. Count from the fifth day of the day of birth and find where Saturday's part ends. If one is born on a Thursday night, the fifth day is Monday. Then Culika's part comes at the end of the sixth part. 7. Pranapada : This is important in verifying the accuracy of Janma lagna. Sutra 4. 5, 22 states : "Pranapada is calculated by taking the degrees in a set of three signs of ninety degrees as equal to the pranas for a lagna rasi and also according to the order of the movable, fixed and common signs". (Also 4.1.41).. Six pranas are equal to one vighati or twenty four seconds. Each prana is equal to four seconds. Double the Janma Vighatis. Add the product to the Sun's longitude if the Sun is in a movable sign; If the Sun is in a fixed sign add another 24O degrees and If the sun is in a common sign add
only l20 degrees to the original product. In our example, the Janma vighatis are 6sz. Doubring it we get rsr4. The sun is In a movable sign 228 .1O,. Adding l5l4 to this, we get 1592'.lO'. The seventh from it is Janma lagna here. The Vighatis from Sunrise to the birth time are, in our example, 657. Dividing it, by fifteen, we get 4J signs and O.8. Expunging multiples of twelve, we get seven signs and Z4 degrees fO.O x 50). Add this to the Sun,s longitude 27g.lO,. The result is 27Bo.lO'. (nine signs and g.lo'). plus seven signs and 24 degrees. This gives 2o.l},after the fifth sign from Mesha. Another way to take the time of birth from sunrise in hours and minutes. Divide the totar minutes by six and add the product to the Sun's longitude. In our example, the birth is four hours and 22.8 minutes after sunrise. Thus, 262.a divided by six gives 45 signs and O.g (or Z4 degrees).Adding it to the longitude of the Sun, we get the same result. According to parashara, ?ranapada is good if it falls in a kendra, kona, or in the second house or in the eleventh house. 8. Varnada Lagna : When the Janma lagna is an odd sign, count from Mesha in the clockwise direction. If it is an even sign, count from Mina in the anti<,lockwise manner. similarly, count the Hora Lagna. Take the hora lagna as calculated scientifically. If the Sum of hora and Janma tagna happens to be in even sign then this even total should be subtracted from 12, ln case, this Janma + flora is already odd, accept it, as Varnada Langa without any modification. In our example, lagna Mina is an even sign. It is one from Mina. llora Lagna is the odd simha which is the fifth from Mesha' The difference is four. count the prbduct from Mesha if the Janma lagna is an odd sign, or from Mina if the Janma Iagna is an even sign. In our example, the lagna is an even sign. The fourth from Mina is Dhanush which is the varnada lagna. In the same manner, we have to count the varnada rasis for the other houses. The second house from lagna and Hora Lagna have to be counted. The second from tagna in
our example is Mesha, and from flora lagna it is lknya. I{anya being an even sign, it is the seventh from Mina. Mesha being an odd sign, it is the first from Mesha. The difference is six. As the second from lagna is an odd sign Mesha, the sixth from it is Kanya which is the varnada of the second sign. Similarly, we can get the varnadas of other signs: From lagna Srd house 4th house 5th house 6th house 7.th house 8th house 9th house loth house I lth house l2th house Vrishabha (l l) Mithuna (5) Karka (9) Simha (5) Kanya (7) Tula (7) Vrischika (5) Dhanush (9) Makara (5) Kumbha (l l) Fom llora lagna Tula (7) Vrishchika (5) Dhanush (9) Makara (5) Kumbha (l l) Mina (l) Mesha (l) Vrishabha (l l) Mithuna (5) Karka (9) Count from Rasi Mina - 4 Mesha - 2 ltlina - 12 Mesha - 2' Mina - 4 Mesha - 6 Mina - 4 Mesha - 2 .Aina - 12 Mesha - 2
These play a prominent part in calculating the Varnada Dasa system. 9. ltandi : Jaimini does not appear to distinguish Mandi from Qulika. He seems to mean only Culika even when he uses the word Mandi, though we are not sure of this interpretation. This is a problem that requires further research. Hence, we give the method of calculating Mandi's position. tn the order of the week days from Sunday, Mandi rises at the end of 26, 22, lA, 14, LO,6 and 2 ghatis when the duration of the day is thirty ghatis. If the birth is at night, count at the end of lO, 6, 2,26,22, lA and l4 ghatis if the duration of the night is thirty ghatis. This count is from Sunday onwards. In our example, Mandi rises in Mina on 150.45'. When Jaimini mentions Mandi, some research is necessary to find out whether he meant Culika or Mandi. It is to stimulate the research students that we have given the method for calculating both Mandi and Culika.
5. Strength
In the Parashara system, there are six sources of strength (shadbala) for each planet. In jaimini,s system, there does not appear to be any distinction between a sign (Rasi) and a house (bhava). The calculation of the strength of a planet and of a house is very simple in this system. Note that the signs also aspect the signs, and that there_ fore, the planets in a sign aspect the concerned sign and the planets therein. Sutras 1.2 and 5 state that the signs aspect the opposite (abhimukha) signs and the next ones. Opposite in this case does not mean the seventh from the sign. The ancient commentators explained that the abhimukha or opposite sign is the eighth for the movable (chara) signs, the sixth for the fixed signs and the seventh for the dual ones. Sutras 4.2.b. and 6 explain that the aspect on the abhimukha sign is full and on the others partial, mild or gentle. Sutras 2.3.5 to lZ and 5.5.lOg to 116 define the method for the calculation for the strength of the sign and planets. l. The Atmakaraka is the most important planet in this system. The sign where he is situated becomes strong. 2. A sign having a planet is stronger than the one having none. 5. The sign with a larger number of planets is stronger than the one having a smaller number. 4. If two or more signs have equal number of planets, we have to find out whether a planet is exalted, in its own mulatrikona or in its own, friendly or neutral or inimical sign. The strength varies. numerically, we may tabulate in the following matter taking one as the unit of measurement. Exaltation : l, mulatrikona : .75, own house; .5, friends house t .375, neutral house: .25; house of a foe; .l2S; debilitation; .0625. 5. If even then two signs have an equal strength, then
determine the stronger one by considering the nature of the sign as movable (chara), fixed (sthira), and dual or common (dvisvabhava). A fixed sign is stronger than the movable, and the dual sign is stronger than the fixed one. 6. A sign becomes stronger when it has Jupiter, Mercury or its own lord, or when it is aspected by any of these three. 7. A sign having a planet or planets on either side is stronger than the one having none on both sides. 8. Note the sign in the natal chart where the Atmakaraka is located. The planets in l, 4, 7 , lO from that sign have one unit of strength. The planets in2,5,8, I I from it have a half unit of strength. Those in 5,6,9 and 12 from it havaonefourth unit of strength. 9. The various karakas have the following strengths: Atmaa karaka - l; Amatya-.75; Bhratari-.5; Matri - .375; Putra - .25; Jnati - .125; Dara - .0625. lO. The Strength of a planet is finally determined by three factors. These are ( I ) Amsa strength. This depends on the longitudes of the planets in a sign. lt refers to the karaka and their strength is to be calculated as per the ninth paragraph. (2) The second is the mulatrikona strength. This is given above in the fourth paragraph. (5) The third source is the kendra, panaphara and Apoklima positions from the sign occupied by Atmakaraka. This is given in the eiglrth paragraph. I l. The strength of a sign is determined by four factors. (l) The first is chara strength. A cardinal sign has .25 units, a fixed sign O.5 units and a common sign one full unit. (2) The second is Sthira strength. A sign having no planet (Rahu and ketu included) has no strength. A sign with one planet has one unit of strength; with two it has 1.25. Thus increase O.25 for any additional planet. Then a sign having eight planets has a strength of 2.75 units. (5) The third is the strength due to the conjunction or aspect of Jupiter. Mercury and its own lord. The aspects are as per jaimini's system alone. (4) The fourth is one unit of strength which a sign gets by having Atmakaraka in it.
By way of illustration let us tabulate the strength of the various planets and houses in an example chart. The friends, enemies and neutrals are as defined in the system of parashara. The aspects are as per Jaimini.
Planet Amsa Mula trikona Kendra Total
Sun o.l2s Moon o.575 Mars o.0625 Mercury LO Jupiter o.5 Venus o.75 o.25 Saturn Rahu o.o5l25 Ketu o.o5l25
o.75 t.oo
0.6125 2.25 2.O t.25 o.625 o.90625 o.90625
We have assumed that Rahu's friends are also friends of Saturn. In Jaimini's system, Rahu is the joint owner of Kumbha (Aquarius), and Ketu is the joint owner of Vrishchika (Scorpio). Ketu's friends are also friends of Mars. For purposes of calculating longevity, and some dasas, Jaimini takes Ketu to be a benefic planet (2.5.50). As per Jaimini's Sutra Ll.24 the natural strength of the planets increases in the sequence of Saturn, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Moon and Sun. This is the same as the naisargika (natural) strength in the Shadbalas as given by followers of Parashara. Now consider the strength of the signs.
Signs Sthira Aspect Atma karaka Total 2.O 1.25 t.5 2.O 2.25 2.5 2.O t.5
l.o 1.. l.o l.o l.o
Here Pisces, Cemini and Virgo have the same strength. Virgo is the strongest because of pranetson both sides. ihe next in strength is Cemini as it is a common sign with a planet on one side. pisces has a shadow planet on-lyand so is the least in strength. Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius have the same strength. The last three have planets on one side. Taurus has none and hence is the least strong. Aquarius is the strongest being a fixed sign. Capricorn with two planets comes second as it is aspected by its own lord. Libra with two comes third. - .L"o and Scorpio have the same strength. but Scorpio having planets on both sides is stronger than Leo which is aspected by its own lord. Scorpio is aspected by Jupiter. The strongest sign is sagittarius. The strength of the planets is in the following descending order - Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, Moon Sun, Rahu and Ketu, Saturn and Mars. These strengths are to be considered in determining Iongevity, career or profession and many other things.
4. Symbolic Points
For the calculation of some dasas and longevity, Jaimini has introduced some technical or symbolic figures. These are Brahma, Rudra, and Mahesvara. We should know how to determine these. Brahma has an important position in the calculation of Sthira Dasa and in determining the period of death. It is a symbolic point (2.l.4Z-52). l. (a) First determine whether Iagna is stronger or the seventh house. (b) From the stronger house, note the lords of the sixth. eighth and twelfth houses. (c) Note who is the strongest among these. (d) If the strongest of these is in an odd sign, It can be Brahma.
the twelfth; and if the seventh is stronger, these are the houses from lagna to the sixth. 2. (a) If this Brahma happens to be Shani, Rahu, or Ketu, then count t le sixth planet from the concerned one - the sequence is that of the week days followed by Rahu and Ketu' This sixth planet becomes the true Brahma. Some authorities are of this opinion that the planet placed in the house or rasi, counting from the concerned planet, becomes Brahma. This second optional interpretation holds good. (b) tf there are 2 or more such planets qualified for this position, take the one who is more advanced as per the degrees and minutes; and he becomes Brahma' (c) If Rahu is a condidate, its strength is determined by deducting its longitude from thirty dgrees' Even then the sixth from it becomes Brahma' 5. There are other claimants for the position of 6rahma' They should be in an odd sign in the preceeding six signs' (a) The Lord of the eighth from the Atmakaraka (in rasi) can be Brahma. (b) The planets occupying the eighth from the Atma' karaka can also be Brahma. (c) If many candidates are found, take the one who is advanced in degrees in the sign. (d) If the Brahmas have the same advanced degrees, the one in a stronger sign, becomes Brahma' In our example chart, the seventh is stronger than the lagna as we have seen. The Lords of 6, 8 and 12 from the seventh (Kanya)are Shani, Kuja and Sun' Only Shani is in the preceeding six signs and it is an odd sign' The sixth from Shani is Kuja who is Brahma' The 8th Lord from Atma Karaka (Budha) is the Moon who is in an even sign. The eighth from Atmakaraka has Curuanditisnotanoddsign.ThusShaniisthenominal Eirahma while the real one is Kuja' Sutra 2'3'4 is
'Brahmaadi reshaa'Sthira dasa begins from the sign occupied by Brahma. Longevity say Sutras 2.1.53 and 5. 2. 33, extends from the sign having Brahma to the sign having Mahesvara. Flahesvara (2.1.44-46). This is another symbolic point. l. (a) The Lord of the eighth sign from Atmakaraka is the Mahesvara. (b) If this lord is in its own or in its exaltation sign, then the Mahesvara will be the stronger planet between the lords of eighth and twelfth from Atmakaraka. 2. (a) If Rahu or Ketu is in the eighth from Atmakaraka or if he is with the eighth lord then the sixth planet counted from Atmakaraka will be Mahesvara. (b) If two or more planets become qualified, the stronger one is Mahesvara. In our example, the eighth lord from Atma karaka (Budha in Sagittarius) is in the Moon. He is not in his own sign, nor is he exalted, nor is he with Rahu or Ketu, the Moon is Mahesvara and the sign is Makara. The sign l, 5 and 9 (Shula Rasis) from the lord of the eighth form Mahesvara sign become the maraka dasas (2.1.54). Rudra (2.1.35-42). This is the third symbolic point. (a) Note who is stronger between the lords of the second and eighth from Lagna. The stronger one is Rudra. If the weaker one is aspected by a malefic, he becomes an additional Rudra. In our example the second and eighth lords from Lagna are Kuja and Shukra. The stronger one is Shukra (in Scorpio) who is Rudra. Kuja in a movable sign is aspected by Shani from a fixed sign. Thus Kuja becomes a supplementary Rudra with Libra as the sign. If the powerful Rudra is aspected by benefics, death can be in the Rudra Rasis'speriod or in the periods of the fifth or ninth signs from it. If the weaker Rudra has benefic conjunction or aspect, he extends the length of life, to the period of Rudra rasi or to the periods of the fifth or ninth
signs from it. These results are not to be predicted if planets other than the Sun are in the fifth and ninth from the two Rudras. lf the two Rudras are malefic, death will be in the period of the sign having them. If one of them alone is a malefic, then death is in the period of the fifth sign from it. If both are benefic the maraka period is in the period of the ninth sign from it. Always follow the rule of backward counting while determining Brahama rudra or Mahesvara, if the concerned planet is placed in an even sign. (vide sutras. 1.1.25' 27'). To indicate the Rasis (signs) or Bhavas (houses) Jaimini employs the letter of the alphabet to indicate the numerals. The vowels have a zero value. From the letter 6 to t there are ten,' from d to ;T we have ten; from 9 to rI there are five; and from zI to E we have eight. Then the numerals indicated by the letters are to be reversed and divided by twelve to get the house. Thus 'Pita'gives I and 6. Reversing it we get 6l and dividing it by twelve we get one as the remainder' The word then means lagna. Kriya gives 2 and I (2 for r in kri), and it is the twelfth sign. Mesha gives 5 and 6 which is 65, the remainder being the fifth house. Other technical terms will be explained in the sequel'
5. Longevity
The longevity of a native must be determined first and then we can get into the predictive part. The system of ?arashara gives Amsa, Pinda, Naisargika and other systems for computing the longevity. But Vimshottari alone is in vogue. In the system of Jaimini the calculation is not complex, though when we get into the Dasa systems, the problem becomes tough. Sutras 2.1.1 to l4 of Jaimini refer to the determination of longevity. We summarise the rules' l. l. Longevity is determined by the lords of the first and the eighth houses. There is long life (a) when these lords are in movable signs (Mesha, Karka, Tula and Makara); or (b) when one lord is in a fixed sign (Vrishabha, Simha, Vrishchika and Kumbha) and the other in a common or dual sign.
2. Longevity is medium (a) when one of these lords is in a cardinal sign and the other in a fixed sign, or (b) when both are in common signs. 5. Longevity is short (a) when one of these lords is in a movable (cardinal sign) and the other in a common sign; or (b) when both are in fixed signs. II. The same rules are to be applied also to (a) the lagna and the Moon, and to (b) the lagna and Hora lagna.(c) the Moon and Saturn. Civing the numbers l, 2, 5 to movable, fixed, and common signs respectively. We tabulate these as follows: Long life : I and l;2 and 3; 5 and 2 Medium life : I and 2;2 and l; 5 and 5 : I and 5; 5 and l;2 and2 Short life In our example chart (a) the lords of I and 8 are in 1 and 2, indicating middle age. (b) the lagna and Moon are in 5 and I showing short life (c) lagna and Hora lagna (Simha) are in 5 and 2, giving long life. Thus the three sets give three different readings. How are we to decide and fix the longevity in this situation ? When two or three of these factors (Lords of I and 8. Lagna and Moon, Lagna and Hora lagna) agree, this has to be accepted as final. But when the three give three types of longevity we have to accept that given by Lagna and Flora Lagna (2.1.8). Thris in our example chart these rules apply and the native has a long life. III. Sutras 3.2.1 to l5 provide us with additional rules. l. Longevity is determined by the lords of the first and the eighth houses, and also by lagna and Atmakaraka. In the example chart the lagna and the Atmakaraka (AK Budha) are in common signs, indicating medium longevity only. 2. Death is to be determined through the lord of eighth from lagna or from the seventh whichever is stronger. In our example lagna and the seventh have eqpal strength. But the seventh is stronger as it has planets on both sides. It is a common sign in both cases. The lords of I and 8 in our example are in 5 and l,
showing short life onlY. 5. (a) When the Kendras of Jupiter are aspected by both Mars and Saturn, or when Saturn is in one of Jupiter's kendras, then compartment of longevity gets reduced, that is, long life becomes medium, and medium life becomes short. iU) tf l'toon is in 8 or 12, then also ... compartment is reduced. (c) The sarne happens when the Moon is in the eighth from AK, or when the Moon is the seventh from AK or from Lagna. (d) If the seventh from lagna or AK has Saturn, the native dies in the first part of the compartment' If Rahu fs thus placed, death is in the second part; and if Ketu is there, death is in the third-part of the Compartment' III. Longevity is also to be determined from the trikona houses ( l, 5, 9) of the seventh (5.2.1O) from lagna and AK' These houses are 5 and l l from lagna and from AK' Sutras 3.2.11-14 give q new formula which differs from that given ln 2.1.2 to 4. using the numbers l, 2,5 for Chara, Sthira and dvi-svabhava respectively we tabulate thus : Long life I and l, t and 2, 2 and I z 2 and 2, 2 and 3, 5 and 2 Medium life : 5 and 5,5 and 1, I and 5 Short life This method is to be considered from AK, lagna and the Moon (5.2.15). In our example 5 and l l from lagna are fixed and Cardinal, giving long life' From AK these are the same fixed and Cardinal signs. From the Moon these are 3 and 2 giving medium life. Two factors agree and this is final' IV. (a) If the planet Saturn is in the sign occupied by AK' in Lagna, or in sign occupied by the Moon, one Compartment of life gets reduced (5.2.16). (b) If Saturn is in 4,6, or 12 from AK, Lagna or Moon' one Compartmenl is to be reduced (3'2'17)' (c) If the Moon is in the seventh from lagna, the longevity obtained from the lords of these is final (2'1'9)' Before we proceed to calcualte longevity, we should know the upper limits of short, medium and long lives' Here commentators differ. These views can be :
tabulated thus : : 52,40,36 Short : 64, 80,72 : 96, l2O, lO8 Long The first view (52, 64, 96) was advocated by Nilakantha, and the last (56, 72, LOB) by Parashara.But following the 'jivem Saradah satam', we get one hundred Vedic dictum, years. Still let us stick to Parasharaonly (36,72' IOB). First determine the longevity: (a) In our example Mina lagna (25o 45' 55") and Hora logna Simha (7o 9' 35") give long life. (b) The third and the eleventh from Lagna(52". 55. l2"and 2920.35'. 12") give long life. (c) From the Atmakaraka these (324o'lO'.25" and 2O4'.lO' . 25 ) give long life. Medium life ends at 64 years as Per Parashara. To this we add the years. First deduct the longitudes from thirty degrees. What remains gives the years to be added' Since long life has a duration of forty years, takes forty years f,or thirty degrees. Calculate proportionately for what is left in the signs. \Uhat is left is as follows. (a) Lagna has 4". l4'.25' and Hora lagna has yet to cover 22o.5O'.25". These give 5.6557 years and 5O.4537 years. Add these and take half of the total. Next add the product the starting of the long life. Thus 68 years plus lB.O557 gives a longevity of 86.O557 years. (b) The remainders of,the third and eleventh houses are 70.24'.48" giving 9.8844 years. Then the longevity will be 77.8844 years. (c) From the AK the third and the eleventh houses leave a remainder of 5".49.57'which gives 7.77 years. Then the total longevity will be 75.77 years. The three figures give critical periods in life. If (c) and (b) are overcome, then (a) is final' Burtdepending on Saturn 2J.a which is more authoritative than the Sutras in the third chapter, we fix the true longevity at 86.0537 years. The other two periods show periods of ill health only. Medium
6. Chara dasa
Parashara has given a large number of Dasa-systems, though he appears to favour the Vimshottari system. In Jaimini too we have many systems of dasa; and he frequently refers to chara, sthira and navamsha dasas. The first two are very important. In Parashara the dasas are given to the planets, while in Jaimini the signs or rasis have dasas. The duration of the dasas is not fixed. They vary. Chara dasa and trikona dasa will help us to fix all important events. Within two to three weeks an event can be timed if navamsha dasa also is taken up along with either of the two. Chara and Niryana Shula Dasa can determine the longevity in many instances. In Chara dasa the signs are classified into Vishamapada and Samapada. Aries, Taurus, Qemini, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius belong to the Vishamapada group. The others hre in the Samapada group. In the former the dasas run clockwise and in the latter they are anticlockwise. Which will be the first dasa ? Note whether the ninth house from lagna belongs to Vishamapada or Samapada. lf It is a Vishamapada sign, the first dasa will be that of the lagna followed by the other signs in a clockwise manner. lf it is a sampada sign, the first dasa is that of the lagna followed by the dasas of the houses L2, ll, lO, 9 and so on. What is the duration of each dasa ? The dasa period of a sign is dependant on the distance between that sign and that of the sign where its lord is located. For a rough calculation, if the distance is nine signs, we have to deduct one; and its dasa will be for eight years. Thus for Mina (Pisces)suppose its lord is in Cancer. Mina being an even sign, we count backwards and Cancer is the ninth from it. The duration of Mina dasa will be eight years. . These are modifications to this general rule. l. (a) If a sign is occupied by its own lord, the dasa period of that sign will be twelve years. (b) If the lord of the sign is exalted, its dasa gets one
more year. (c) If the lord of the sign is debilitated, its dasa loses one year. 2. In Jaimini Vrishchika is owned by Kuja and Ketu, while Kumbha is owned by Shani and Rahu. Parasharaalso agrees with this view. Because of the dual lordship the duration of the dasas of these two signs is subject to modifications. (a) Il Shani and Rahu are conjunct in Kumbha, or if Kuja and Ketu are conjunct in Vrishchika, the dasa of these signs is of twelve Years. (b) Suppose Kuja and Ketu are conjunct in a sign othgr than Vrishchika, then convert the sign where these are from Vrishchika in a clockwise manner. (c) Similarly, if Shani and Rahu are conjunct in a sign other than Kumbha, then count from Kumbha to the sign where they are in an anti-clockwise manner. (d) Suppose Kuja or Ketu is in his own and the other in another. Similarly suppose Shani or Rahu is in his own sign and the other is in another sign. Then we ignore Kuja if he is in Vrishchika, and Shani if he is in Kumbha. The dasa periods of these signs are determined by Ketu from Vrishchika, and by Rahu from Kumbha. (e) Suppose Kuja and Ketu, or Shani and Rahu are in different signs. Then we have to take the one who is with more planets than another. For example Kuja and Rahu are in Libra, while Ketu is alone in Aries and Saturn is alone in Simha. Then the dasa of Vrishchika will be counted clockwise of Libra. lt will be twelve minus one year. From Kumbha Rahu is in the fifth (counted anti-clockwise) and he is with a planet. Then Kumbha dasa will be for four years. (0 If the two (Kuja and Ketu, Shani and Rahu) have a number of planets with them, take the one who has ' more planets with him. If they have an equal number
of planets, note the nature of the sign. Common , signs are stronger than fixed signs, and the fixed ones are stronger than th movables. But if both have equal strength, then take the one who gives more years. But if one lord is debilitated and the other exalted, consider by the latter. . This is a rough method of calculation. According to this our example chart gives the following years: Mina-9 (Curu exalted), Mesha 6, Vrishabha 6, Mithuna 6, Karka 6, Simha 7, Kanya 9, Tula l, Vrishchika ll. Dhanush 8, Makara 5, Kumbha 4. Total ZB years.
25.45.35 Lagna
xtl 24.10.24
XI 22.35.',t2 Moon 19.44.35
18.8.5 Shani R
But we need a more exact method. Before we come to, note that Rahu is exalted in Mithuna 20, and Ketu in Dhanush 6. We should fix the cusps of the houses. We reproduce the example chart for purposes of calculation. The ninth house belongs to Vishamapada. Hence the first dasa of Mina followed by Mesha. Mina is an even sign and its lord is in Cancer. The distance counted backwards is 243.47'.lOO'. Divided by thirty the result is B.l25l years. Since Curu is exalted Mina Dasa is for g.l21l years. Next is Mesha. From the cusp to Kuja counted in a clockwise, the distance is 159.15'.15".Dividingit by thirty we get
= 6.2 years. Mithuna 187.37'.56' : 50 = 6.2577 years. Karka (anti clockwise) 182.5O'57"+ 50 = 6.0948 years. Simha (anti clockwise) 226.0'.2L" - 5O = 7 .5345 years. Kanya (anti clockwise) 267 .7'.58' + 50 = 8.90424 years.Tula 54.19' .41" - 50 = 1.4427 years.Vrishchika5lO.5O'.25"+ 50 = l0.56l I years. Dhanush 21O.58' 24" + 30 = 7 .O.32446 plus one year (exalted). Makara (anti clockwise) 154.27'. J' + 5O = 5.1484 years. Kumbha (anti clockwise) - Rahu is with a planet' Hence distance is up to Rahu. ll4.5A'.56'+ 50 = 5.82L446. The total comes to 78.227432 Years.
7. Sthira Dasa
The next Dasa frequently referred to by Jaimini is Sthira Dasa. lt is called Sthira or fixed because the number of years is fixed. Chara or a movable sign has a duration of seven years, the fixed signs have eight years each, and the common signs have each nine Years. This dasa is important in fixing also the time of death. There are different views about the starting point of Sthira Dasa. Some zrgue that this Dasa starts from lagna or the seventh, whichever is stronger. This has no support from Parasara tlora. Aiter giving the duration of years for the signs, Jaimini states :
E-orRtsl r
The Sthira Dasa starts from the sign where Brahma is located. Earlier we have explained the sensitive points called Brahma, Rudra, and Maheshwara.When Brahma is in an odd sign, the dasas follow the clockwise pattern. Otherwise the sequence is anticlockwise. This is according to the Sutras 1.1.25,262
T{r Tr*fltg | |
The next aphorism gives exceptions. But these excep tions do not apply to Sthira dasa. In our example horoscope Brahma is determined as Kuja, Kuja is in an odd sign and the sequence is regular. Kuja has covered So.2S' . J, in Tula, a movable sign. He has yet to traverse 260 . s4' 2J". For thirty degrees this sign gives seven years. For the remainder we get 6.20C,4years. Rudra is Shukra who is in the next sign. As soon as the period of Vrishchika started, he underwent an operation. After he completed 2Z.2OO4years, the dasa of Mahesvara sign (Makara) started. During those seven years he under_ went sorrows and hardships. By the time he completes TA.2OO4yeas, Simha starts. simha is the vr sign from Janma Lagna. It wiil be over after A6.2004 years. The next dasa of Kanya is the ylaraka dasa. The trinal signs of Brahma, and Mahesvara are calted Shula Dasas. These are the critical periods. From Brahma the trinal signs are Kumbha and Mithuna; and from Mahesvarathese are Vrishabha and Kanya. From JO.2 years to 58.2 years he had Kumbha dasa which showed ups and downs. Mesha dasa was from 47 .2 years to b4.2 years and it is the seventh from Brahma. He struggred between rife and death; and as it is ruled by Brahma, he was promoted in service. The dasa of Mithuna was from 62.2 years to Z l . 2 years. tle lost his parents, and he was uprooted from his resi_ dence. Fourth house is maraka for father and it also signifies happiness and house which he lost. He had to seil his property after his 62nd year. As a trinal sign from Mahesvara, Kanya was his last Dasa. As there are twelve signs, there are twelve sub periods in each dasa. The subperiods of movable, fixed, and com_ mon signs have a duration of seven, eight, and nine months respectively. The sub periods (antardasas) of a sign are clockwise or anti clockwise as they are odd or even.
8. Tfikona
The next is the Trikona Dasa. Find the strongest out of the lagna, the fifth and the ninth. The first dasa commences from that sign. Here we have to take into consideration the Vishamapada and Samapada signs. If the strongest is a Vishamapada sign the order of the dasas is clockwise; otherwise it is anti clockwise. If the first dasa is that of a Vishamapada sign the sequence of the dasas is as follows : First Dasa : Starting Sun; 2nd - fifth from the first; 5rd - ninth from it; 4th - second from it; 5th - 6th; 6th - lOth; 7th - 5rd; 8th - 7th; 9th - I lth; lOth - 4th; I lth - Bth; l2t}:. - l2th from the starting one.. lf the starting dasa belongs to the Samapada group (Karka, Simha, Kanya, Ylakara, Kumbha, Mina) the sequence is reversed.Thus the order will be l,9, 5, 12,8, 4, LL,7,3, a,6,2. In our example chart the lagna has two units.of its strength, the fifth has 2.25 units, and the ninth has 2.25 units. The ninth is Vrishchika which is the strongest. It belongs to Vishamapada group. But its ninth is Samapada. The sequence of Dasas is Vrishchika, Karka, Tula, Mithuna, Kumbha, Kanya, Vrishabha, Makara, Mesha and Dhanush. The calculation of the dasa for each sign is similar to the method given for Chara Dasa periods. Thus we get for this sequence of Dasas 7A.227432 years as we have noticed earlier. For an exhaustive treatment of Jaimini's system of astrology, refer to our Jaimini Sutram, published by Ranjan Publications, 16, Ansari Road, New Delhi-2.