Master Program Domus Academy
Master Program Domus Academy
Master Program Domus Academy
Programme Summary Information .8 Programme Aims and Objectives .9 Entry requirements .12 Programme Structure .14 Learning Teaching and Assessment Strategies .15 Study Plan .19 Annex I: Master Structure .24
Programme Title
Master in Urban Vision & Architectural Design
Programme Type
Full Time
Frequency of Intake
Once or twice per year
Starting Months
September and/or January
Course Leader
Francesca Vargiu
the academy become aware of the great opportunities surrounding them, such as the fact that Milan is an international and design-oriented city with a lot of famous design studios and agencies, research labs, trade fairs and companies. Students at Domus Academy come from about 50 different countries and this fact makes it an international school where different cultures can be met. Domus Academy is part of an international network of university and the teachers of the academy are internationally renowned professionals in their field.
Selected and managed interdisciplinary teams involved in the project process, becoming aware of the limits of the fields of urban and architectural design and of the possibility of incorporating knowledge from other disciplines.
The Master Urban Vision and Architectural Design offers various career opportunities: in Public Planning Administration Departments, at a local, national and European level, to face and manage the complexity of formulation, implementation, evaluation and communication of territorial policies; in Territorial Development Agencies, Real Estate Companies, NGOs, Non-Profit Organisations specialised in territorial operations, Research Centres for territorial and architectural transformations, to investigate contemporary urban dynamics and design future development scenarios; in Architectural Design Studios and Engineering Offices, dealing with the development of projects, as well as national and international competitions, which require a broad range of articulated skills, the ability to interpret new architectural languages and meanings as well as the complexity of the territory at any scale of intervention as freelance urban designers, planners and architects; as consultants, in the public and private sector, in communication and territorial promotion activities (design of services, urban marketing, government, urban centres, city network, relevant public offices), planning and management of events, cultural initiatives, tourist and recreational activities.
Upon successful completion of the course, students will have: Understood from a critical perspective the role of an urban and architectural design project as part of the comprehensive urban space and its complex dynamics; Acquired a personal awareness in applying the most appropriate research and design methodologies to design projects within the Urban and Architectural Design domain; Developed design concepts to professional standard, for Urban and Architectural Design projects tailored to specific strategies; Acquired a critical approach toward research within the design process, as a complementary component of the overall project development; Devised a coherent design proposal, accounting for morphological, typological, technological and aesthetics issues at professional level while understanding contexts and managing projects scales; Envisioned urban and architectural scenarios, according to evolving dynamics and changeable requirements; Conceived and structured an individual research and design presentation at professional level with a broader audience in an intercultural setting, selecting the most coherent communication strategy and appropriate tools and languages; Acquired knowledge and critical understanding of contemporary design domain and the changing role of architects and urban designers in different contexts;
* Degree Cerificate Students holding a non-Italian Bachelor Degree shall contact the Italian Embassy or Consulate in the country where the degree was issued in order to ask for the so called completion documents, consisting in: a. Translation into Italian made by a certified translator of the students Bachelor Degree. b. Translation into Italian made by a certified translator of the students Academic Transcripts. c. Dichiarazione di valore in loco (Declaration of Value) of the students Bachelor Degree. The Dichiarazione di valore in loco is the document attesting that the study qualification obtained in the students country of residence is valid for accessing Italian Universities or Academies.
professionals offer students the chance to enrich their knowledge but also favour a better career perspective.
Feedbacks to students are also part of the final assessment given to students after the presentation. The Course Leader and the Project Leader are available to further discuss assessments with students when required. Students work in multi-cultural and international teams to enhance their capacity for teamwork as well as to expose them to a comparison with different backgrounds and cultures. Students work in mixed groups to support the building of a common mindset and to share previous experiences. Students are exposed to different points of view in the design field, working with designers and companies. One of the purposes of this exposure is to give students the broadest view possible of the design field in order to support them in the selection of the area in which to concentrate their future careers.
Lectures encompass key lectures, case histories and discussions on a selected range of topics. The Course Leader also invites designers, researchers, stakeholders, and representatives of companies to present their work and ideas as a link between the specific discipline perspective and the broader cultural/ economic context.
Practicals and Labs introduce different tools & techniques aimed at developing skills, addressing specific stages of the design process. In Practical/Labs sessions, students work both in groups and individually in order to complete brief skillbased exercises and assignments.
Workshops are project assignments designed to give students a working knowledge of different core subjects. All set projects start with a presentation of a brief. Which outlines the subject, scope and purpose of the workshop. The workshop culminates in an open presentation to the faculty and invited professionals. During all presentations, an open discussion on the outcome of the project is held in front of a Board chaired by the Course Leader.
The internship is a key step of a process in which students are individually tutored, in the light of matching the assessment of the students skills and aspirations with the requirement of key stakeholders: design and service companies, public institutions, design studios, consultant in creative fields.
It is the moment when students have the chance to test what they have learned in real working environments. Moreover, it is a unique opportunity to develop a network of personal relationship within the chosen design field.
Assessment System
The main goal of the assesment system is to monitor how students develope the design and technical competencies required to be awarded an Academic Master. Assessment is done by evaluating each student with a 1 to 30 mark given at the end of every workshop, and through a qualifying examination given at the end of each theoric course. The admission mark to the final exam is calculated by arithmetic average which takes in consideration all the marks taken after each workshop. Students will receive 0-110 (pass 70 or above) as overall evaluation. The Diploma Examination Board may award up 10 points for the Final Project. Honours may be awarded on the basis of the Board assessment of study programs, dissertations and portfolios.
The sequence of workshops is managed by the Course Leader with the aim to exploit, opportunities of cooperative projects with leading companies.
disconnected, in order to unify them into a future scenario within a broader urban vision, taking in consideration both physical interventions, and strategic trajectories. In accordance with an assigned urban issue, students are asked to formulate guidelines of strategic development and envision future scenarios. Thus, they should recognize, understand and interpret on-going transformation processes in a selected territorial context; figure out a future scenario, that could be verified in a specific urban context; produce a strategic urban vision, moving from a specific intervention to a wider framework.
express all the complexity that a collective public space may contain internally. Complex systems, such as roads, squares, parks etc. as well as fragile systems, such as watercourses, archaeological sites, wildlife reserves, coastlines etc. can become the subject of the design project. Students are asked to organize and design parts of open spaces that are part of a natural or extra urban context, or placed in urban gaps. Therefore, this workshop provides the ability to identify different types of open spaces - urban, extra urban or agricultural, and to critically evaluate the landscape elements that need to be maintained, re-designed or regenerated; to formulate a project proposal capable of combining spatial complexity, social and cultural implications, environmental and energetic issues.
working in the disciplinary field and it is a key moment in the developing of the Master in Urban Vision & Architectural Design. The internship is the final step of a process in which students, thanks to a one-to-one tutorship can get a deep and balanced evaluation of their skills and aspirations, in order to build a career which fits their aims. There is also an in campus internship that takes place over the course: it is an intensive workshop in collaboration with a company. This campus internship develops an integrated project strictly related to a practical and actual need (i.e., the resolution of a design problem, or the brainstorming platform of a new project). During this crucial phase students are mentored on a step-by-step basis, and gain the fundamental experience of dealing with the real world, with real business and with the people working in the field.
History & Cultures and Methods & Practices
Strategies and Vision
Architectural Link
Urban and Landscape Design
Architectural Design