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iii. The decision facing Balustre-D’Erneville is how she can effectively react
and communicate to the feedback her team received from the managers
about the purpose of a diversity strategy and the training program while
also respecting each individual and understanding their specific concerns.
C. Decision Criteria and Alternative Solutions
a. An effective solution is possible when someone is willing to take a leadership role
and be open about every possibility when working together with their team. A
leader and its team members should be transparent when communicating with
each member which will overall avoid any future problems. A team should accept
that the diversity of talents is the driving force behind creativity and innovation.
b. Alternative solutions
i. Balustre-D’Erneville can speak with each manager more about the value
of diversity with L’Oréal and the main focus of the diversity training
program in-order for the managers to get a more restricted understanding.
ii. Balustre-D’Erneville can implement a different diversity training session
that is specific to each branch and their particular talents and unclear
iii. Balustre-D’Erneville could also reach out to other regional diversity
directors and get advice about her corporate manager’s feedback on the
training program
D. Recommended Solution
a. L’Oréal believes that product diversity ensures that there is something in it for
every single one of us and that globalization teaches us every day that common
aspirations and values do indeed exist over and above the differences of different
members. Balustre-D’Erneville and her team should do some more research and
look into the similarities and difference of the concerns of each branch and hold
another seminar specific to these findings. Because many of the managers
complained about the training being a waste of time, the company could maybe
hold the program online or hold several optional dates for each member to do on
their own time. The main goal of the training program is for the managers from
all over is to learn about the main purpose of the diversity strategy and how
beneficial it can be, not only L’Oréal’s team, but also their overall global sales.
Effective communication and attitudes between each member and transparency of
the diversity topic is essential when trying better understand what Balustre-
D’Erneville and her team can do to fix the program.