Williams Jessica Eesl 690 Lesson 3
Williams Jessica Eesl 690 Lesson 3
Williams Jessica Eesl 690 Lesson 3
Grade: 5th
School: Rudd Middle (ESL
Date: 6/24/15
Start Time: 9:00 a.m. End Time (45 minutes
later): 9:45 a.m.
Number of Students: 20
Number of ELLs: 4
Names of NEPs: 0
Other aspects worth mentioning: ESL Camp for Jefferson County
TESOL Standards
1. I can define
sanitation and
differentiate between
safe and unsafe
2. I can understand
how clean and
accessible water is
vital to survival.
1. I can read nonfictional
texts about the water
crisis across the globe.
2. I can diccuss my
findings to the class and
write my thoughts using
sentence frames.
The actual amount of numbered points may vary. This depends on the amount of different
activities that are planned.
BEGINNING (5 to 10 minutes)
to why they use water in their everyday lives. Students will use
sentence frames to participate in discussion.
o Choral read of objectives before lesson begins.
o 1. Bellringer: Name at least 3 ways you use water in your
everyday life.
o Ex: I use water in my everyday life for ____________,
_____________, and ______________.
o 2. The students will turn and talk with their elbow partner and
discuss their responses. The students will be instructed to underline
any answers that are the same and circle any answers that are
MIDDLE (If this takes longer than expected, skip certain parts in order to review during the
last 5 minutes.)
showing them the word with a picture and having students repeat the words after the
o Students will choose whether their word is a synonym of sanitary or
3. The students will complete a quick write. The teacher will say: How do you think the
access (availability) of water is around the world? DO you think we have more or less
access to water?
o Ex: The access to water in America is different because ______________...
3. TW connect prior learning to current learning before the video: Last
week we learned about different groups that help people in need.
Some of your groups, like WaterAid and Unicef, help bring clean water
to needy people.
4. SW will watch the picture slideshow and write down ways the access
to water is different to their own personal lives.
PRACTICE/APPLICATION of new knowledge and/or skills
5. SW participate in a group reading of the article, The Big Picture:
Basic Needs, Basic Rights.
Students will review the terms by turning and sharing their synonyms.
Students will then complete an exit slip describing and interesting fact
and use it to guide reflection. Students will turn and talk to share their
IF EXTRA TIME, students will create an graffiti image that represents
facts from the text.
Now list and/or explain how this lesson plan will meet each of the 8
SIOP components and their features:
I. PREPARATION: List and/or explain how you plan to do the
Content Objectives & Language Objectives (students oral interaction):
SW chorally read the objectives to the class and discuss if they were
met at the end of the lesson.
Appropriate Content Concepts: The concepts relate directly to the unit
theme as well as the 5th/6th grade ELA/SS course of study.
Supplementary Materials needed: copies of the articles, photoslide
video, anchor charts, definitions of terms, technology, and graphic
Ideas for Content Accommodations: TW put a 5th student in a group if
one needs additional support reading an article.
Meaningful Activities planned: Class starter, anchor charts, group
discussion, short video, graphic organizer, and reflection
II. INSTRUCTION: Give names of specific techniques for each
feature & explain how you plan to do them.
These 6 components are not in a fixed order. They occur in a cyclical manner, often
simultaneously, throughout a SIOP lesson.
Links to Students Cultural Backgrounds: Connect to social issues that
will be relevant to their community and society.
Links to Students Prior Knowledge: Connect to last week being aware
of others and the social differences in our community.
Key Vocabulary emphasized (visible, oral, interaction): Words and
definitions are seen and written on organizer, with synonyms listed
below. Vocabulary sort with group at the end of class.
Appropriate Speech: Clear and enunciate appropriately.
Academic Tasks Explained Clearly: Directions written on the slide, have
students repeat directions.
Techniques to Clarify Content Concepts: Review of directions and
Opportunities for Students to Use Strategies: SW use a G.O to guide
reading, SW use a class starter to get on the track of water issues
across the globe.
Scaffolding Techniques: vocab pictures, chunked text for easier
comprehension, frames for writing and speaking.
Question Types to promote higher-order thinking:
How is your access to water different from people across the globe?
Meaningful Interactive Peer-to-peer Oral Techniques (name at
least 4 different IPOTs): anticipation guide, think-pair-share, graffiti,
turn and talk, and anchor charts.
Multiple grouping configurationspairs & new pairs (name
the IPOTs), triads, groups, full class: class started (individual and
whole group), vocab discussion (small group), turn and talk (partner),
myth reading (small group)
Sufficient wait time: Visible while questioning
Clarification of key concepts in L1 (if needed): Based on student needthe majority of the students in this ESL summer camp class are
proficient or are near proficient.
Hands-on materials to practice new concepts: vocab sort, video,
relevant article, G.O.
Activities to apply content and language knowledge: G.O., reading of
Activities that integrate all 4 language skills (list below after
the following feature) ****
Ample opportunities to practice each of 4 literacy domains
(list several activities after each skill):
Listening: Turn and talk, group reading, whole-class discussion
Speaking: Turn and talk, whole-class discussion
Reading: Group reading, PowerPoint
Writing: Graphic organizer, and cloze activity.
Support of content objectives: text, G.O., and definitions
Support of language objectives: class discussion and G.O.
All students engaged 90% of time: Students will be active within the
lesson from start to finish.
Appropriate pacing: the lesson will follow the pace of the students.
III. REVIEW/ASSESSMENT: Give names of specific techniques for each
feature & explain how you plan to do them