Lesson Plan Form Homophones
Lesson Plan Form Homophones
Lesson Plan Form Homophones
Revised 09/09/14 JC
Grade level(s): Date:
Lilian Garcia
6, 7, & 8
6L5b, 7L5b, 8L5b
5. Demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationship and
nuances in word meaning.
b. Use the relationship between particular words (e.g. synonym/antonym,
analogy) to better understands each of the words.
I. DESCRIPTION OF CONTENT & CONTENT TYPE (Fact, Procedure, Concept, or Principle):
What are students learning? It should be specific enough to ensure student learning.
Underline content type.
Students will learn about homophones by using the relationships between words to better understand each
of the words.
A. ENGAGEMENT (Motivational Activity): Activating student prior knowledge
Tell students how I had to teach myself how to use the correct words (homophones) to write in ESL.
Student friendly objective:
By the end of our lesson you should you should be able to correctly used (level of cognition)
homophones (content) by completing the worksheets (proving behavior or activity).
Purpose: Why are students learning this? Why is it important?
Students will learn how to use homophones with accuracy when writing.
B. INSTRUCTIONAL SEQUENCE (Teaching Methodology With Student Activities):
Step #1: Background about homophones
a. T input Teacher will tell the difference between their, theyre, and there to the students
a. T model Teacher thinking out loud and making connections during class
b. Student response: Students will listen and ask questions
Step #2: Summarize what are homophones
a. T input Teacher will define what are homophones
a. T model Teacher will write definition of the word homophone on the board
b. Student response: Students will read the definition on the board
Step #3: What are homophones?
a. T input Teacher will ask students What do you think are homophones?
a. T model Teacher will give examples of homophones
b. Student response: Partner share about homophones they may know
Step #4: Brainstorm homophones
a. T input Teacher will write on the board samples of homophones
a. T model Teacher will provide samples of homophones
b. Student response: Students will partner share about the homophones they confuse and then give
verbal responses to the teacher
Step #5: Review homophones
a. T input Teacher will read out loud list of homophones
a. T model Teacher will say a sentence with a homophone
b. Student response: Students will guess which homophones was said in sentence
C. APPLICATION ACTIVITY (Practice and/or Reflection): Guided practice (students working with
teacher support on proving behavior or activity)
Teacher will hand out worksheet with homophones, and do a couple of examples
Students will work and will complete and finish worksheet.
D. MATERIALS & RESOURCES: What do you need for the lesson? Make a list.
YouTube video Between the Lion Song About Homophones
V. ASSESSMENT STRATEGIES (Methods For Obtaining Evidence Of Learning):
Formative (During Lesson): Check for Understanding, Teacher observation
Teacher will observe students responses during partner share on steps 2 and 3
Summative (at the end of the lesson): Closure, exit slip, ticket out the door, quiz, test
Teacher will collect worksheets on homophones and have students give examples of homophones
before leaving
Instruction, Practice): How can we provide equal access for all students? (Accommodation)
How will you help struggling learners or differentiate (challenge) high achievers? (Modification)
Accommodation: have different level of difficulty worksheets for each level of ELD
Modification: talk in Spanish to clarify some examples
Effective instruction