This teacher's book is a guideline to the material and activities presented in the Student's Book. It is meant to provide the practitioners with the necessary help and selfconfidence as to how they can best deal with that material and implement the activities. By no means is this book intended to enslave the teachers or circumscribe their autonomy, but on the contrary, it leaves ample room for creativity and individualized learning.
This teacher's book is a guideline to the material and activities presented in the Student's Book. It is meant to provide the practitioners with the necessary help and selfconfidence as to how they can best deal with that material and implement the activities. By no means is this book intended to enslave the teachers or circumscribe their autonomy, but on the contrary, it leaves ample room for creativity and individualized learning.
This teacher's book is a guideline to the material and activities presented in the Student's Book. It is meant to provide the practitioners with the necessary help and selfconfidence as to how they can best deal with that material and implement the activities. By no means is this book intended to enslave the teachers or circumscribe their autonomy, but on the contrary, it leaves ample room for creativity and individualized learning.
This teacher's book is a guideline to the material and activities presented in the Student's Book. It is meant to provide the practitioners with the necessary help and selfconfidence as to how they can best deal with that material and implement the activities. By no means is this book intended to enslave the teachers or circumscribe their autonomy, but on the contrary, it leaves ample room for creativity and individualized learning.
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Ministry of Education and Training
Perform to learn Perform to learn Second Year Secondary Education Teachers Book Authors : Ezzeddine AMMAR Mhammed MERDESSI Inspector Inspector Ali OMRANE Mohamed Habib RADDAOUI Advisor Senior teacher Evaluators : Jaouida BEN AFIA Abdennour KHEMIRI General Inspector Inspector All rights reserved for National Pedagogic Centre 3 PART I INTRODUCTION PART II BOOK MAP/ LESSON DESCRIPTIONS/ TEACHING HINTS PART III ANSWER KEY : Diagnostic Test Review Module Lesson21: Crossword puzzle PART IV TRANSCRIPT Bridge Over Troubled Water(Lesson4) Interview With a Footballer(Lesson7) Songs of Freedom(Lesson13) Equality Offers Prosperity(Lesson16) Whats Your Dream Job?(Lesson21) What Will Man Be Like?(Lesson 26) Annies Song(Lesson 29) PART V COMMUNICATIVE FUNCTIONS AND EXPONENTS PART VI TIMELINE Table of contents 4 PART I 5 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND This Teachers Book is primarily a guideline to the material and activities presented in the Students Book. It is meant to provide the practitioners with the necessary help and self- confidence as to how they can best deal with that material and implement the activities. By no means is this book intended to enslave the teachers or circumscribe their autonomy, but on the contrary, it leaves ample room for creativity and individualized learning . The practitioners should therefore feel free to exploit the Students Book material to best serve their learners, meet their specific needs and fall in suit with the learning objectives as defined by the official programs. However this quest to better serve both the teacher and the learner can and should be car- ried out only in a principled manner to keep away from confusion and chaos. Furthermore, the practitioners imperatively need to bear in mind some of the basic assumptions that govern the material in the Students Book in terms of methodology and practices. What follows is a brief recap of those features: The learners are at the very core of the learning process. They should therefore be given more responsibility through the various stages of the process. The Check What You Have Learnt Today rubrics and the Progress Check lessons are exemplifications of that principle. The Self-Reflection questionnaire, at the very start of the Students Book, is also meant to train the learners to better assess and articulate their potential in terms of strengths and weaknesses as learners. Doing so will enable every learner not only to find out whatever suits him/her best in terms of study skills and learning styles , but also to decide about his/her most urgent needs as a learner. Thus becoming the main agent of his/her learning. In addition to that, the prevailing three-stage framework of the lessons is a reflection of the Authors firm conviction that the teaching/learning process can be most effective when it views the learner as the starting point, the medium and the ultimate objective of the whole process. The teachers role is to re-create natural learning conditions in the classroom and to pro- vide opportunities for all learners to actively participate and to become empowered, self- reliant and self-confident. They should also stimulate and monitor class debates to make the learners more open, daring and fluent as interlocutors. It is equally important for teachers to ask students to justify their answers and opinions to help develop logical and critical thinking. The English language, besides being a subject matter, is to be viewed by both teachers and learners as a means of communication with self, peers and people at large. It is the foundation of every human interaction. Learning is best when it builds through interaction with peers, teachers, material and self. It is a matter of negotiation and involves hypothesizing, processing, checking, evaluating, validating or adjusting and all of these aspects must be given due care. INTRODUCTION 6 COMPONENTS OF THE STUDENTS BOOK. Some of the basic assumptions and features of the organisation of the StudentsBook Perform to Learn are as follows: The book is made of a book map, a preface, a diagnostic test, a review module, a series of 30 lessons, supplementary material for Arts and for Economics and Services branches and an appendix. The preface highlights the principles and general organisation of the book. The book map is a detailed inventory of the 11 themes, the lessons within each theme, the skills and sub skills specific to each lesson, as well as the functions and the language expo- nents under focus. Beside the 30 lessons and the progress check which make the common core of the book, there are 20 additional lessons for the Arts and for the Economics and Services branches. The self-Reflection questionnaire is meant to train the learners to better assess and articulate their potential in terms of strengths and weaknesses as learners. Doing so will enable every learner not only to find out whatever suits him/her best in terms of study skills and learning styles, but also to decide about his/her most urgent needs as a learner, thus becoming the main agent of his/her learning. The diagnostic test is a necessary step to evaluate students prior acquisitions and approx- imately define their profile as incoming students before any further progress is started The material covered in the diagnostic test is primarily based on the first year secondary educa- tion program. It should not be viewed only as a mere review, but also as a logical transition and preparation for the program of the second year secondary education. This test is not the cherry on the cake but on the contrary teachers are invited to deal with it with utmost care. They may ask their students to do the test at home and then have the follow up in class, or they may ask them to write their answers on separate papers, collect the papers, correct them and then provide students with adequate remedial work. In any case, due care and enough time are required for the diagnostic test. The Review module lessons are meant on the one hand to create a continuum with the program of the first year secondary, and on the other hand to assess the students level in English and identify their weaknesses and cater for them before any further progress is target- ed. Due care and appropriate strategies and timing are left for the teachers to decide in the light of the diagnosis they will have established but a minimum of two periods is required. Some of the activities could be assigned as homework and then corrected in class. By no means could the teachers drop the review module or the diagnostic test altogether. The Progress Check lessons (Lessons 8, 17, and 30) are meant to encourage both teachers and learners to assess, diagnose, remedy and adjust whenever and however necessary. They come along with a self-evaluation questionnaire the primary goal of which is to assess the learners progress and articulate his/her potential shortcomings in the learning process. The Appendix contains a grammar summary, a list of new vocabulary items per lesson, a phonetic transcription chart and an index of the irregular verbs . To better exploit the Students Book and make the most of it, the Teachers book presents a detailed outline of the skills, the subskills, the communicative functions, as well as the lin- guistic exponents of the lessons. There is also an answer key to most of the activities to enable both teachers and learners to overcome any potential ambiguities and to make the book as user-friendly as possible. FRAMEWORK OF LESSONS The Lesson is usually made of 3 stages open to variety and flexibility. Stage one activities are meant to activate, engage, explore and investigate. They generally come under such headings as pre-reading or pre-listening. Completing spidergrams or lists, answering targeted questions or questionnaires, matching words with definitions, sorting out lexical items, discussing ideas and opinions or simply brainstorming, these are samples of the activities that come in stage one. Some of them are performed individually; others are done in pairs or in groups. Stage two is the building phase and it generally encompasses reading or listening activities as a follow up to the pre-reading or pre-listening activities of stage one. Reading/Listening for gist and for specific information, answering direct questions, true/false questions, completing sentences and gapped paragraphs, finding synonyms or antonyms to given words, matching sentence parts , recognizing discourse markers, dealing with inference and reference ques- tions; these are only some of the large panoply of activities incorporated in this stage. Along with these activities which are meant to develop the learners reading/listening skills, there is another component called language practice which comes mainly but not exclusively through this stage and which is focussed on linguistic features, pronunciation and grammar. Stage three is where the teacher checks learners assimilation and their ability to reinvest, and expand the acquired knowledge. Some of the lessons may need more than one session to be covered thoroughly. This is left to the teachers own judgement. Stage three activities are to be viewed not only as the crowning of the teaching period but also as an opening onto further learning. The role of the learner is particularly paramount at this stage. Students are for instance asked to produce summaries in written or spoken form, they may be asked to engage in discussions or debates, and they may be invited to react to the text or to a particular opin- ion. Completing a crosswords puzzle, writing paragraphs of different genres, imagining dia- logues and outcomes, designing a leaflet or a brochure, these are but samples of the activities incorporated in stage three. Another component which enriches this stage is called the lighter side.evaluate and mention the thing they liked most and the thing they liked least in the lesson. 7 Jokes, anecdotes, food for thought, on your own are some of the prominent features of this component. In few lessons, and to further empower the students, they are asked to self evaluate and mention the thing they liked most and the thing they liked least in the lesson. MANAGEMENT OF SKILLS/SUBSKILLS The four major skills and the various sub skills have been catered for in an evenly- balanced, integrated and learner-centred way to enable the students to grow as potential users of English and as intelligent social human beings. Grammar is generally dealt with inductively and in an integrative manner. Students are asked to focus on language samples taken from the reading/listening passage, and through targeted questions, they are led to hypothesize. Next, they are asked to test their observations and hypotheses against well-chosen examples before jumping to conclusions. To make sure the students get the rule or the structure correctly, they are given some room to practice and then presented with a summary. Sometimes, whenever manageable, they are asked to complete the summary table themselves with the help of their teachers. Vocabulary is generally dealt with in context. Key words may be elicited or presented during the pre-reading or pre-listening stage to narrow down the students attention and enable them to better deal with the coming activities. It may also be dealt with in stage two through various integrated comprehension activities to help the learners better retain them. Sometimes and for further consolidation of key structures and expressions, some activities are incorporated in stage three. Pronunciation main features are presented and practised mainly but not exclusively in lessons dealing with listening. Sounds, stress, segmental and supra segmental elements are some of the aspects dealt with. Nevertheless, the teachers are invited to expose their learners to those aspects whenever appropriate and to give them adequate practice of the segmental and supra segmental elements. Writing as a process has been dealt with in its various steps on two occasions: (lessons 5, 7,9,10 and then lessons 15, 19, 20). The teachers will need to highlight these different steps and to explain the required procedure for each one. Step one is simply a brainstorming where the students must be encouraged to freely write all ideas related to the topic in a stress-free manner and keep the information gathered for the coming steps. In step 2, the students will need to sort out the information they have gathered according to main ideas and supporting details. They will drop those which have become irrelevant. They will also need to look for appropriate linkers to put the different ideas together. In a third step they will need to produce their first draft and to develop the ideas into paragraphs. Exchanging work with peers for editing is necessary to improve the writing. Producing the final draft will crown the whole process and this will make step four. Teachers are invited to carefully monitor the work throughout the whole process and to provide the necessary help and guidance whenever necessary. They also need to collect the final production, give the students appropriate feed back and tell them to keep their work in a file for future uses. 8 Project-based learning is another ingredient that has been incorporated within the stu- dents book. In lessons 22,23,24,25 a career research project is presented in its various steps. It is essential that teachers closely follow onto students work and lead them to fully and acti- vely invest in the process. Going through the various steps and activities the students will hopefully learn a lot not only about how a project can be carried out at the level of both plan- ning and execution, but also about the field of work in general and about their dream jobs in particular. The following procedure can provide a sensible framework for lessons dealing with extended reading or listening. STAGE 1: Engage and Expose. In real life, whenever we listen to or read anything, we know what the context is, we are aware of the situation, the location, the kind of conversation and the communication channel. These factors affect our ability to understand and make sense of what we hear and read. In class, its necessary to introduce the students to the context before they are asked to listen or read in order to trigger their schemata and narrow down their attention onto a precise topic. The context can be elicited or prompted from earlier lessons, the course book, pictures, realia, discussions and even mere brainstorming. Without setting the scene, extended listening or reading can become unnecessarily too challenging. At this stage we also need to give the stu- dents a reason for reading or listening because in real life we always know what we are rea- ding and why we are reading or listening. Raising students expectations or asking them to guess and then telling them to read or listen and check their expectations and guesses can cer- tainly enhance their motivation and give them better orientation during the reading or listening. They know why they are reading and what they are looking for. There is no point in asking the students just to read a text. Without making the activity purposeful, and without creating the necessary motivation to learn and actively participate among the students by tapping on their background knowledge and experiences, the lesson, as a whole, will end up being a real bore- dom, a waste of time and an agony for both the learners and the teacher. . It is desirable to teach essential vocabulary items before students begin reading or listening. This will certainly make the oncoming activities much easier and will save valuable time later on. One of the effective techniques to deal with vocabulary items is to elicit them from students through various prompts such as mime, pictures, definitions or whatever seems most appropriate to the situa- tion. Elicitation will give them a better chance to internalize the information and build on prior acquisitions. However, it is of prime importance not to overburden the students with too much writing on the board and not to over- spoon feed them with too much vocabulary. The more a teacher has his/her back to the students the less communication there will be and the less lan- guage practice the students will have. 9 STAGE 2: Empower and Involve. At this stage, the teacher should keep the initial momentum and enhance students moti- vation. To do so, he/she will have to provide them with various purposeful activities, and if need be, will supplement the textbook material with better customized activities Furthermore if we dont set precise questions students will read all the text in detail, trying to understand every single word and every single detail, and this will get them bogged down into unneces- sary complications. Gist questions could be given as a start and then progressively more detai- led information could be focussed on through various questions (true or false/ direct ques- tions/ multiple choices/ inference and reference questions ..). Once the students are familiar with both the context and the text, they should be given time to practice the langua- ge exponents whether semantic or syntactic through a variety of activities. Drilling, substitu- tion, transformation and more creative exercises are but some of these activities. Throughout all these stages it is imperative for the teacher to check and follow up onto effec- tive assimilation and understanding of the information. A single correct answer from a student must not be taken as a sure sign of understanding and a reason to move on to something else. The information must be given the necessary time to bed in the students memories through adequate practice and convincing participation till it becomes their own. STAGE 3: Expand and Reinforce. In stage three the primary goal should be to give the students a chance to consolidate, practice and reinvest whatever knowledge, concepts and positive values they have acquired through the previous activities. Here, the teacher needs to make sure that practice doesnt beco- me boring and redundant but on the contrary he/she should provide the students with extra lin- guistic dimensions to develop flexibility and autonomy. To keep students motivation at its best and to help them develop ownership of the learning process, the teacher will have to give them more creative activities; ones that are meant to develop the students higher order skills. Class debates, summaries, writing paragraphs of various genres, producing and designing lea- flets and brochures and carrying out projects are samples of the activities presented at this stage. We hope this book will give the practitioners a helpful insight into the ways the Students book has been constructed and how the material can best be implemented. The Authors 10 11 PART II 12 BOOK MAP :Theme 1 THEMES PAGES LESSONS SKILLS/ SUBSKILLS FUNCTIONS GRAMMAR VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION Family life 1-The image of who I am. Speaking : Make jud- gements about specific issues. Reading: skim a text to infer the main idea through beginning and end paragraphs. build on prior acquisitions to enhance learning. guess the meaning of unfamiliar words through context. * Expressing want or desire. * Talking about oneself and one's family. I want to + verb/ Id like to + verb. appreciation - path - be willing to -car- security- support - accomplish - pro- tection -guidance - trouble - comment 2: The Step mum. + Reading: predict text content from title, introduction and caption. skim a text to infer main idea. Scan for specific information. transfer information onto a table. + Speaking: - express ones opinion in interactive communication - Narrating past events. - Talking about oneself and about ones family - The irregular verbs - The present perfect - delight - clutch- - grin- bunch - shriek - astonished - stare melt weigh sob. Up. stare A1: Hard to Decide Speaking/ Reading / Writing Expressing ones opinion On the one hand/on the other hand/ all things conside- red Financial/ intention/ lifestyle/ level-hea- ded/ open-minded/ judicious E1: The Financial Market Reading Defining Economist/ stocks / bond / corporation / invest / firm lESSON + THE lNAGE Ol vHO l AN. SKlllS Speakng Readng. SUBSKlllS Speakng to make judgements about specc ssues. Readng bud on pror acqustons to enhance earnng. skm a text to ner the man dea through begnnng and end o Paragraphs. guess the meanng o unamar words through context. lUNTlONS l want to + verb l woud kke to + verb. ATlVE VOABUlARY apprecate be wng accompsh pedatrcan acheve - condence expand care securty support. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage +: +- Begn the esson wth a branstormng actvty that deas wth some vocabuary tems reated to the amy. learners w nsh the ntas and w try to nd other nouns nked wth the gven sentence. Here are some suggestons: are, love, Protecton and Gudance. - Have the earners read the bubbes. Then, break the cass nto groups. Each group w dscuss a partcuar capton . Ater that, et a the cass exchange opnons and dscuss the derent ponts o vew. The two tasks n stage + are a preparaton or the readng passage. Stage : +- The rst queston n ths stage ntroduces the topc o the readng text whch s the mportance o amy and rends at the same tme. The speaker (or the wrter) n the text has an opnon that s derent rom the other three speakers n stage +. - Ater checkng the earners guesses, ask them to compete the mssng words n the spder gram. Support, Se-condence and Securty can be possbe answers. - let the earners nd the quates that vthney hurch got rom her rends. These quates are: support, knowedge o e, vaue o rendshp, hep and gudance. (- The matchng actvty s meant to urther check comprehenson. - Ths actvty heps the earner to guess the meanng o some domatc expressons. +-b -d - The new structure s taken rom context and meant to be deat wth n an ntegratve way. You are requred to add more exercses or urther practce. ;- ln ths actvty, students are supposed to react to the text and express ther opnons oray. N.B.: Take some tme to do the se-evauaton grd wth your students. Snce ths s esson one, you may need to expan the grd to them. Answer key Stage one : care ove- protecton gudance. Stage two : +- support se- condence securty. (- +-d, -c, -b, (-a. - +-b, -d, LESSON DESCRIPTIONS/ TEACHING HINTS : Theme 1 13 lESSON TvO THE STEP NUN SKlllS Readng / Speakng. SUBSKlllS Readng predct text content rom tte, ntroducton, and capton. skm a text to ner man dea. scan or specc normaton. transer normaton onto a tabe. Speakng express ones opnon n nteractve communcaton. lUNTlONS Narratng past events. Takng about onese and about ones amy. The rreguar verbs. The present perect. GRANNAR ATlVE VOABUlARY deght grn met shrek cutch- bunch- astonshed - stare - wegh sob. up. SUGGESTED PROEDURE utura hnts: Nothers Day s a ceebraton n honor o a mothers. lts a day when we pay trbute to the mothers who gave us e. ve buy our mothers gt o candy, cards and owers to show how much she means to us. Nore than ( countres around the gobe when they pay trbute to mothers. lnternatona Nothers Day s aways ceebrated on Nay ++. The U.S. and anada ceebrate t on the second Sunday n Nay. ln the U.K., Notherng Sunday s ceebrated on the th o Narch. Stage one: Have your earners do the actvty about the rreguar verbs. lt w serve as a revew and w actate comprehenson as a verbs w appear n the text. The par work s an opportunty or the earner to nteract wth a peer, to guess, and to get coser to the context. Stage two: Have your earners read the tte, the ntroducton, and the capton to guess content. Ths w hep them deveop ther guesswork strateges. The readng actvtes w hep detaed comprehenson. The part reated to the new structure the present perect shoud be deat wth n context and shoud be earner centred. However, your gu- dance and assstance are needed to hep the students dea wth the ques- tons. lt s aso mportant that the students do the practce actvtes to urther consodate the rues reated to the use o the present perect. Stage three: nteractve way. A debate w be a convenent actvty. 14 ARTS + HARD TO DElDE SKlllS Readng / Speakng / vrtng. SUBSKlllS Speakng Nake judgements about specc ssues. Support ones opnon wth arguments Readng : Scan or detas/transer normaton onto a tabe. Recognze dscourse markers. vrtng : Renvest new words/expressons n ones wrtng. lUNTlONS Expressng ones opnon GRANNAR On the one hand/on the other hand/a thngs consdered ATlVE VOABUlARY lnanca/ ntenton/ estye/ eve-headed/ open-mnded/ judcous/ SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage One: Actvty+ : ln ths actvty the earners have a chance to share ther op- nons wth a peer and ater on wth the whoe cass. They need to be tod that there s no rght or wrong answers to make them stress ree. Stage Two: Actvty : lt s mportant that the teacher asks or justcatons n order to reay assess earners eectve understandng. Actvty( : Nake sure that the students reer back to the text to do ths matchng actvty. Te them that the objectve s to guess meanng rom context and thereore ask them to say whch strateges and cues heped them get the answers. Stage : The guded wrtng s prmary to practse the anguage components o an argumentatve text. So make sure the students uy master these compo- nents ANSvER KEY Stage : +. a/ argumentatve b/ because o the oowng expressons: On the one hand, on the other hand, a thngs consdered. (. +-c / -a / -b / (-d / -e 15 16 EONONlS + THE llNANlAl NARKET. SKlllS Readng SUBSKlllS Readng Acqure knowedge o the anguage (grammar / vocabuary). Acqure knowedge about a gven topc . lUNTlONS Denng . ATlVE VOABUlARY economst stocks bond corporaton nvest rm . SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage +: Have your earners do the two actvtes .The targeted words are key words n the topc. Stage : The vocabuary actvtes hep the earners acqure exca tems reated to the topc o the day. BOOK MAP : Theme 2 THEMES PAGE S LESSONS SKILLS/ SUBSKILLS FUNCTIONS GRAMMAR VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION II/ Communi cating with others 3: Friendship + Reading: follow a sequence of events in narratives. infer the communicative function of a given utterance. transfer information onto a table + Writing: - Produce a summary f a text from notes. - Talking about oneself and about friends. - Expressing intention - Be going to + verb. - Simple past with ago / at that time / then. - lose touch - website-intimate - waitress - renew - password - incredible 4: Bridge over trou- bled water. + Reading: predict text content from title, introduction and caption. skim a text to infer main idea. Scan for specific information. transfer information onto a table. + Speaking: - express ones opinion in interactive com- munication - Narrating past events. - Talking about oneself and about ones family - The irregular verbs - The present perfect - delight - clutch- - grin- bunch - shriek - astonis- hed - stare -melt weigh sob. Up. stare A1: Hard to Decide Listening: Build on prior acquisitions to further and enhance learning. Demonstrate understanding of various messages. Demonstrate appreciation of different text types Speaking: class debate: use of social skills in interactional contexts Expressing and finding out intellec- tual attitudes and feelings. Ill +verb (infi- nitive) To express intention. Weary / tears / bridge / comfort / feel small / dream / depressed / sail / shine / bridge / hopeless / ease. 5.The E- mailer Versus the Texter Reading: Classifying vocabulary items. Sorting out relevant/ irrelevant information. Acquire knowledge about a given topic. Recognize the relation between form and meaning. Writing: Consolidate writing as a process.(step1: generating ideas). Select information from more than one source and reinvest it in speech. Describing and analyzing behaviours. Cause/ Result relationship. needy / appeal / smiley / desperate / inbox / confess / discreet / anonymi- ty / insecure / concise / hooked / shy / conflict / handle(v.) 17 18 lESSON THREE lRlENDSHlP SKlllS Readng / vrtng. SUBSKlllS Readng transer normaton onto a tabe. oow a sequence o events n narratves. ner the communcatve uncton o a gven utterance. vrtng. produce a summary o a text rom notes. Speakng: work n pars and exchange normaton accordng to context. demonstrate understandng o extended messages. lUNTlONS Takng about onese and about rends. Expressng ntenton. Be gong to + verb Smpe past wth ago/ at that tme / then. GRANNAR ATlVE VOABUlARY keep n touch ose touch webste- ntmate- renew- watress pass- word ncredbe. SUGGESTED PROEDURE utura hnts: lrends Reunted s to nd od rends, get back n touch and organze reunons. Regster ree wth lrends Reunted webste and read what peope youve ost touch wth are dong now. The word hrstmas comes rom the words hrsts Nass. hrstmas s the ceebraton o the brth o Jesus or members o the hrstan re- gon. hrstmas Day s December , the day when hrstans ceebrate the brth o hrst.hrstmas s both a hoday and a hoy day. lt s one o the bggest events o the year especa or kds and or members o the hrstan regon Stage one: Engage your earners nto the par work actvty, and then have them share ther deas wth the rest o the cass. Ths w get them coser to the topc. Stage two: Te the students to skm the text n order to choose a pausbe tte. Ths w hep them get the gst The questons (, , (, and ) w ead to a detaed comprehenson. A ocus on the man events w make the comng wrtng actvty n stage more manageabe to the students. ln actvty the smpe past s ntroduced n context. You may need to urther practse the use o ths tense through suppementary exercses. Stage three: Have your earners note the man events o the text on the board and/or on ther note-books, then have them wrte a summary o the text. You shoud gve a speca attenton to the use o the smpe past snce the summary s a narratve. Answer key Stage . (: emaed each other / spoke on the phone / decded to meet each other. : very oten / neggent / nderent / narrow-mnded LESSON DESCRIPTIONS/ TEACHING HINTS : Theme 2 lESSON ( BRlDGE OVER TROUBlED vATER SKlllS lstenng / Speakng SUBSKlllS lstenng: Bud on pror knowedge to enhance earnng. Demonstrate understandng o varous messages. Demonstrate apprecaton o derent text types. Speakng: Evauate normaton or deas. lUNTlONS Expressng and ndng out nteectua atttudes. The uture tense wth w to express ntenton. GRANNAR ATlVE VOABUlARY to comort / to ee sma / to take ones part / to ease / to be weary / tear (noun)/ hopeess/ depressed / brdge / sa / shne SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage+ : Students need to rst work ndvduay then wth a peer and nay share wth the rest o the cass. Students shoud ee ree to express ther opnons as there are no rght and wrong answers. Stage : The teacher must pay the whoe song the rst tme just or appreca- ton. The second stenng w be to compete the mssng words. Actvtes and may be deat wth at ths stage. lor number our the students may need to sten to the song agan. lor actvty number the teacher may need to devote more tme to dea wth the uture through a suppementary task. Ths w depend on the students reacton to the questons a and b . Stage : Encourage the students to jot down deas reated to the ssue and pro- vde them wth ngustc components they may need or the debate. You may or nstance estabsh a st o verbs o opnon and thought connectors,(l beeve / l thnk / l strongy beeve / l dont thnk / But you consder / l see that / lrst / Thereore / As a resut). lor actvty ; deang wth pronuncaton the teacher w have to stop the tape or sounds that may cause conuson. Answer key Stage ./+: tears / tmes/ rends / down / evenng / darkness / pan / gr / dreams / shne (: +-d / -c / -b / (-a / 19 20 lESSON THE E-NAllER VERSUS THE TEXTER. SKlllS Readng vrtng. SUBSKlllS Readng: Bud on pror acquston to urther enhance earnng. Derentate between reevant and rreevant normaton. Guess the meanng o unamar words through context. Acqure knowedge about a gven topc/grammar. Recognze the reatonshp between orm and meanng. vrtng: onsodate wrtng as a process: step + (Generate deas through branstormng or other technques). lUNTlONS Descrbng and anayzng behavors. GRANNAR ause / resut reatonshp. ATlVE VOABUlARY smey nbox coness dscrete conct hande hooked shy needy desperate appea. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage+ : Ths esson deas wth e-mas and text messages. lt treats the deren- ces and smartes between both o them. Stage one As a pre-readng actvty, have your earners wrte the words reated to communcaton. The pcture o the mobe phone may hep them nd more words. Once the words are wrtten, you can ask the earners to cassy them accordng to the gven tabe. The students can earn more vocabuary words reated to the topc by crossng the ones that are not assocated wth communcaton. N.B.: You may need to estabsh a st on board n case students output s mted. Stage two ln the readng actvty, have the earners read the text and answer the gven questons. ln the ast queston ((), you shoud ask or justcatons to assess overa comprehenson. Stage three: Actvtes +8: you may need to do some research about messagng. Actvty : ths s step + n wrtng as a process. Your students are gven a topc about mobe phone as a act o everyday e.. Youre supposed to urge them to thnk and gather normaton or deas about t. Note that what the earners are asked to do as a rst step n wrtng as a process . Answer key Stage one: - cacuator hote tran journey. Stage two: - craze =ashon=, addcted = hooked, unnhbted = ree, evdence = proo, nsecure = arad.. ARTS lAlRY TAlES SKlllS Readng / vrtng SUBSKlllS Speakng Acqure knowedge o the anguage about a gven topc. Deveop autonomy n readng derent genres. vrtng : vrte a guded summary. Deveop as an autonomous wrter. lUNTlONS React to specc content ATlVE VOABUlARY Extraordnary/ wcked/ craty/ conct/ resove/ ev SUGGESTED PROEDURE Beore you start ths esson you may need to te your students to read ary taes they aready havent even n ther mother tongue. lt w aso be hepu you brng ary taes n Engsh anguage to the cassroom and show them to the pups. You may aso choose a we-known ary tae and work on t as a sampe to hghght the eatures deat wth n the textbook ncudng the wrtng actvty.(prnt handouts to pups). EONONlS ADVERTlSlNG. SKlllS Speakng / vrtng SUBSKlllS Speakng vork n groups to perorm a task. Gve normaton appropratey accordng to context . vrtng Desgn an ad / produce a poster. lUNTlONS Advertsng /persuadng. ATlVE VOABUlARY Arouse/ purchase/ promote / brand / hre / SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage +: Break your cass nto groups and ask each group to ocus on one state- ment , to study t careuy and to norm the others about ts content (the unctons and benets o advertsng) . Try to make the actvty as nter- actve as possbe. Good montorng o the actvty s essenta. Stage : Now that your students have acqured enough normaton about the unctons and benets o advertsng , we hope that they are abe to desgn an advertsement about the gven topc . The hnts n the textbook provde a good hep. 21 22 BOOK MAP : Theme 3 THEMES PAGES LESSONS SKILLS/ SUBSKILLS FUNCTIONS GRAMMAR VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION III : Social Life 6: Travel is fun and broa- dens the mind. + Reading: Acquire knowledge of the language. Develop awareness of aspects of target culture. Tap on different sources to get specific information/answer specific questions. Writing: Produce descriptions or captions to match illustrations related to a specific topic area. Select information from more than one source and reinvest it in speech or writing. Reinvest knowledge about text structure and its linguistic features in writing(parallel wri- ting). Expressing possibility. Advising others to do something Either in end position(negative). Broaden / brochure / leaflet / galleries / sail / windsurf / flight / excursion / voyage / amaze / canoe. 7: An inter- view with a footballer. Listening: Build on prior acqui- sitions to further enhance learning. Demonstrate unders- tanding of extended messages. acquire knowledge about a given topic. Writing: Consolidate writing as a process.(step 2: organizing ideas/infor- mation). Asking/ inquiring about satis- faction or dissatisfac- tion. Expressing satisfaction. The present per- fect progressive League / miss / teammates / coach / eager / career / cheer / career / look forward to / grateful / eager . Syllables / Stress A3: Criss- crossed lovers Reading/ Writing Narrating past events/ talking about ones life To propose to sob. / to miss / heartbroken / impulsive / engage- ment ring / weary E3: Letters of Enquiry Reading Narrating past events/ talking about ones life Catalogue / sample / trade / negotiate / authorize Lesson Eight PROGRESS CHECK ONE 23 LESSON DESCRIPTIONS/ TEACHING HINTS : Theme 3 lESSON TRAVEl lS lUN AND BROADENS THE NlND SKlllS Readng vrtng SUBSKlllS Readng: acqure knowedge o the anguage (vocabuary). deveop awareness o the target cuture. Tap on derent sources to get specc normaton/answer specc questons. vrtng: Produce descrptons or captons to match ustratons reated to a specc topc area. Seect normaton and renvest t n wrtng. Renvest knowedge about text structure and ts ngustc eatures n wrtng (parae wrtng). lUNTlONS - Expressng possbty. - Advsng others to do somethng. GRANNAR ether n end poston (negatve). ATlVE VOABUlARY broaden brochure eaet- gaeres jeweery The london Aquatc Experence- ght excurson voyage amaze. SUGGESTED PROEDURE utura hnts: london s a very ascnatng tourst pace and has a ot o andmarks and monuments. Bg Ben s one o londons best- known andmarks and ooks most spectacuar at nght. The Houses o Parament , otherwse known as The Paace o vestmnster had the orgna paace but n the rst ha o the ++th century. london Eye, Tower Brdge, Traagar Square, +o Downng Street, Nesons oumn , the Dome are a very nterestng monuments n the capta. You can take pctures o a these monuments wth you and show them to your earners. They a w apprecate the pctures, the dea and the mportance o traveng abroad. Stage one: The topc o ths esson, Trave, s a contnuaton o the theme, Soca le,. The pre-readng vocabuary actvty (gap- ng) can be treated as a par work to ntroduce the topc o the esson and to reresh the ear- ners memory. Have them compete the dentons by themseves. Stage two: +- Beore deang wth the Readng nput, have the earners understand the ntroducton about Zed and Sm and et them pont out the vew each one s havng about traveng.Get them aso to know the reason or readng the extracts rom eaets. - Have the earners ook at the eaets, read the extracts and compete the tabe. lt mght be a good dea to check your earners answers to make sure rea understandng s takng pace. l you get no response, you may add or change some other questons. - vhen the readng comprehenson s over, ask them to ocus on the anguage structure: ether n end poston. Then ask them to answer the gven questons. Stage three: Now that the earners have acqured a certan knowedge about the topc, have them expand the hnts n stage three by producng a eaet as a homework. The objectve behnd ths s to encourage autonomous producton. lt woud be nterestng to nsst on oowng the gven steps and to respect the genre to get a reasonaby convncng eaet. Answer key Stage +: a ght a voyage an excurson a trp. 24 lESSON ; AN lNTERVlEv vlTH A lOOTBAllER SKlllS lstenng / vrtng SUBSKlllS lstenng: acqure knowedge about a gven topc. deveop awareness o aspects o the target cuture. bud on pror acquston to urther and enhance earnng. Nake an outne o a passage usng key words. vrtng: consodate wrtng as a process. Step Two: Organzng normaton / deas. lUNTlONS Askng / lnqurng about satsacton or dssatsacton. Expressng satsacton. GRANNAR The present perect progressve. ATlVE VOABUlARY ar pay team team-mates - career eague mss- grateu- eager- ook orward to. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one: The pre-stenng actvty ntroduces the topc o the esson. learners may nd t amar. l not, they may work n pars to hep do the actvtes. Stage two: The rst stenng s accompaned by a knd o coze test, an actvty through whch the earners get a thorough dea o the passage. They may work n pars or ndvduay and then exchange ndngs. The True/lase statements are meant to hep earners get a detaed comprehenson and ner the speakers atttude. Stage three: The new structure shoud be deat wth n context and the present perect progressve shoud be contrasted wth that o the present perect whch has aready been deat wth n esson . The pronuncaton exercse s a good opportunty or the earners to sten to authentc matera and denty stress pattern. The process wrtng( step ) s a oow-up to the prevous sesson. The earners have to oow the derent stages mentoned n the textbook and the teachers roe here s to contro, montor and provde hep. Remnd your earners to keep ther work n ther es or uture use. Answer key Stage one: +: lllA: lederaton lnternatonae du lootba Amateur. Stage two: +: tweve years very gad beautu huge eorts speak Spansh. 25 lESSON 8 PROGRESS HEK + ANSvER KEY +- +- mobe phone - ax - e-ma (- etter. - +- apprecate -wng - gudance (- troube - supportve - reatves ;- or 8-why - Nany peope enjoy sendng and recevng emas especay they share a common nterest. vrtng emas to a rend n Engsh aows you to wrte the message and check words that you dont know. ve advse you to wrte your emas whe youre not connected and then connect just to type the message and send t. (- - nterested known correspond securty persona certan meetng - +- s ocated - have been - moved (- earn - ddnt ast - more ;- +- generosty - but - order (- so - oered - grateu ;- recovered 8- because o lANllY NEANS Ol ENTERTAlNNENT lNTERNET lOOD reatves stepather n-aw we grandson securty T.V musc dancng games chat ema onne surng cck det nutrton heathy consumpton vegetabes nutrents 26 ARTS RlSS-ROSSED lOVERS SKlllS Readng / vrtng SUBSKlllS Speakng Derentate between reevant/rreevant normaton. loow a sequence o events. vrtng : Producng a guded summary lUNTlONS Narratng past events/ Takng about ones e. ATlVE VOABUlARY To propose to sob. / to mss / heartbroken/ mpusve/ engagement rng/ weary SUGGESTED PROEDURE You may use the jgsaw readng technque you judge the text too ong. heck on eectve understandng o the derent events or ese your stu- dents wont be abe to uy cope wth the comng wrtng actvty ((). The ghter sde may be used to hghght how crcumstances can be dec- sve actors n our ves. Encourage the students to speak out ther own understandng o the topc and to gve exampes. ANSvER KEY +/ a-l / b-N.N / c-T / d-T / e-l / -N.N / g-N.N / h-T EONONlS lETTERS Ol ENOUlRY SKlllS Readng SUBSKlllS Readng Skm texts (etters) and denty ther man purpose. Scan or specc normaton. Guess the meanng o unamar words through context. lUNTlONS Enqurng / repyng ATlVE VOABUlARY cataogue sampe trade negotate - authorze. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Have your earners survey the two etters , nd out whch was wrtten rst, denty the purpose o each o them, then justy ther answers. Next, ask them to read each etter separatey and answer the questons(). Youd better dea wth the vocabuary exercse n an ntegrated way. 27 THEMES PAGES LESSONS SKILLS/ SUBSKILLS FUNCTIONS GRAMMAR VOCABULA- RY PRONUNCIATION IV-Social Problems 9 : Violence Speaking : Work in pairs/ groups to perform tasks. Support ones opinion. Organize ideas, follow a model. Writing: Consolidate writing as a process. Countable/ uncoun- table nouns 10 : Child labour Reading : Tap on different sources to getspecific informa- tion(picture/table) Skim a text to infer the main idea through topic sentences. Speaking: Express ones opinion about specific issues. Pronounce properly at word level. Writing: Consolidate writing as a process.(step 4). Reporting / Describing. - The irregular verbs - The present per- fect 11 : Life Without Parents Reading : Predict content from title and picture. Transfer information onto a table. Guess meaning from context. Speaking: Select information from more than one source and reinvest it in speech.. Express opinions about concrete situa- tions/specific issues. Describing people: living conditions Let / make / have sb. do sth. A4 : The Colour of Nutrition Reading/ Writing Advising about health E4 : letters of Complaint Reading/ Writing Complaining / replying to a complaint - BOOK MAP : Theme 4 28 lESSON NlNE VlOlENE SKlllS Speakng - vrtng SUBSKlllS Speakng ask or / gve normaton accordng to context. Organze ponts, deas, oow a mode outne. Support ones opnon wth arguments vork n groups to perorm a task vrtng: onsodate wrtng as a process. GRANNAR ountabe non-countabe nouns. ATlVE VOABUlARY nsut ye hostty hoogansm exbty toerance- apoogze- threaten- ght- conct- peace . SUGGESTED PROEDURE Ths esson deas wth one o the negatve aspects o soca e. lt treats derent types o voent behavor. Stage one Ask your earners to work n pars to exchange deas about what the two pctures have n common. let them know that the descrpton o the peope and the scenes s very mportant snce t eads them to tak about voent behavor. ln the second actvty, earners at ths stage are not supposed to know exacty the meanng o a the words, but they just have to know whe- ther the behavor s voent or not. Stage two The second stage s a speakng actvty. Ask the students to dscuss n pars whether the gven statements represent voent behavor and to justy ther answers . Once a the statements have been deat wth , te the students to work n groups and encourage them to voce out ther opnons reey. Stage three The structures treated are countabe and non-countabe nouns. ln cas- syng the nouns, you can hep the students wth the rst two words so that they can understand the derence between both nouns and then ask them to contnue dong both exercses t they reach the grammar summary tabe. vrtng as a process: ln ths thrd step, ask your students to deveop the deas they gathered n the prevous step and to produce ther rst drat. l need be, you can aways hep.. vhen they nsh, ask them to exchange ther work to proo read the rst drat. Answer key Stage three: (- How to avod voence +- concts -spce -bg ghts (- out o contro - - botherng -emotons ;- sten to 8- bad anguage ,- compromse +o- a as. LESSON DESCRIPTIONS/ TEACHING HINTS : Theme 4 lESSON +o HllD lABOUR SKlllS Readng / Speakng / vrtng SUBSKlllS Readng : tap on derent sources to get specc normaton / to answer specc questons. skm a text to denty the man dea through topc sentences. guess the meanng o unamar words through context. Speakng: make statements about concrete stuatons. support ones opnon wth arguments. renvest new words / expressons rom core vocabuary and new structures n ones speech. vrtng consodate wrtng as a process.(Step (): Producng the na drat. lUNTlONS Reportng / descrbng GRANNAR ountabe non-countabe nouns. ATlVE VOABUlARY The superatve SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one: Have your earners ocus on the pcture and comment on t. Then ask them to anayze the tabe and answer the questons beow. Ths w enabe them to compare and contrast normaton and to draw concusons. Stage two: Have your earners read the topc sentence o each paragraph. Ths w hep them have a genera dea o the text. As or the comprehenson questons, they add urther detas about the topc. The vocabuary exercse can be deat wth durng the comprehenson stage. Ths w hep the earners deveop ther guess-work strateges. The new structure s a revew and a consodaton o the comparatve and the superatve. Hopeuy, the earners w be abe to compete the tabe correcty. l not, some remeda work actvtes w be necessary. ln the pronuncaton actvty the earners are expected to deduce the rue wth the hep o ther teacher. Stage three: Assgn a group work actvty. lts a good opportunty or ntra-group nteracton that can be oowed by an nter-group nteracton. Stage our: Ths s the ast step n wrtng as a process. The students are expected to produce ther na drat. As or the teacher, he /she shoud expan the derent actvtes and shoud remnd hs/ her earners to keep ther na product, hopeuy corrected, or uture use. Answer key Stage two: : vocabuary: estmated manuacturng to endure to contrbute : pronuncaton: Rue: The words endng wth ton have the stress on the ast but one syabe. 29 30 lESSON ++ lllE vlTHOUT PARENTS SKlllS Readng / Speakng SUBSKlllS Readng : predct content rom tte and pctures. tap on derent sources to get specc normaton / answer specc questons. transer normaton onto a tabe. scan a text or specc normaton. guess the meanng o unamar words through context. Speakng make statements about acts / concrete stuatons. seect normaton rom more than one source and renvest t n speech. lUNTlONS Descrbng peope. GRANNAR ausatve verbs (make/et/have)+ bare nntve. ATlVE VOABUlARY Drop out sbngs consent oster home come to a head.. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one: Have your earners ocus on the tte and the pcture and answer the questons. Then ask they can predct the content o the texts. Stage two: Assgn a Jgsaw readng and ask your earners to n ther correspondng part n the gven tabe. Snce there s an normaton gap stuaton they w need to exchange normaton to be abe to compete the whoe tabe.. Through comparng Neserets teacher wth her step-brother, the earners w deveop ther abty to evauate peope and normaton and to draw concusons. The new structure shoud be deat wth n context and the exercse on the textbook provdes urther practce. Stage three: Here the students are expected to react to the text through makng deductons. Then, theyre supposed to exchange deas and opnons n an nteractve way. 31 ARTS ( THE OlOUR Ol NUTRlTlON SKlllS Readng / vrtng SUBSKlllS Speakng Predct content Acqure knowedge about a gven topc Judge the accuracy o normaton wth respect to readers knowedge o the word. vrtng : Senstze peope to do somethng. lUNTlONS Actve Vocabuary ATlVE VOABUlARY Nutrton/coorze/ det/ spectrum/ consumpton/ oaded wth/ chemcas/ pee (v.)/ promotng. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage + : Actvty+: You may need to wrte down guesses on board to gve the stu- dents a better chance to check ther guesses ater on. Actvty: Ths actvty s to be done oray. The am s to trgger students background knowedge and narrow down ther ocus onto the theme o the readng text. Actvty: The am s not ony to remnd the students o a we-known pro- verb An appe a day keeps the doctor away, but aso to reate the pro- verb to the topc o the esson and check ts veracty. Stage : The sequencng o the actvtes s essenta here, so the teacher needs to montor them, as suggested n the textbook. (lrom pcture to capton to the ntroducton to the whoe text). Actvty( s not a speakng, t s ony ntended to assess students compre- henson. Stage : Ths wrtng actvty shoud be vewed as an opportunty or students to expand and renvest the knowedge they have acqured through the esson. ANSvER KEY Stage + : / An appe a day keeps the doctor away. Stage : / a-arge range / b-menta deteroraton caused by agng / c- a compete report / d-the power o coours. 32 EONONlS ( lETTERS Ol ONPlAlNT SKlllS Readng / vrtng SUBSKlllS Readng Skm texts (etters)to denty purpose . Scan or specc normaton. Bud vocabuary (converson). vrtng ompete gapped texts. lUNTlONS ompanng/repyng. ATlVE VOABUlARY compant apoogy devery dspatch consgnment. SUGGESTED PROEDURE. Stage +: Ask your earners to read the two etters wth a ocus on the purpose and gve justcaton. The comprehenson questons hep your earners get detaed normaton about the two etters n a non-near way Stage : Nake sure you hghght the ngustc eatures o a etter o adjustment. Answer key ( consgn dspatch apoogze executon dever repace THEMES PAGES LESSONS SKILLS/ SUBSKILLS FUNCTIONS GRAMMAR VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION V:Attitu des and Values 12.Money and Evil. Speaking: Make judge- ments about specific issues. Reading: skim a text to infer the main idea through beginning and end of paragraphs. . 0 build on prior acquisi- tions to enhance lear- ning. guess the meaning of unfamiliar words through context. * Expressing want or desi- re. * Talking about oneself and one's family. I want to + verb/ Id like to + verb. appreciation - path - be willing to -car- securi- ty- support - accom- plish - protection -gui- dance - trouble - com- ment - 13.Songs of Freedom Listening: Skim a text to identify main idea. Scan for specific information. Infer and evaluate the poets intention. Demonstrate apprecia- tion of different text types. Recognize the relation between form and mea- ning. Instructing/ Directing others to do something: Imperatives - delight - clutch- - grin- bunch - shriek - astonished - stare melt weigh sob. Up. stare 14. Why I had to leave my job. Reading: Identify core vocabula- ry items in a variety of texts. Predict content from title, picture and cap- tion. Evaluate information and express judgement. Speaking: Express opinions and make judgements about specific issues/topics. Select information from more than one source and reinvest it in speech. Talking about ones life experience. Expressing agreement/dis agreement The question tag Honest / tolerant / trustworthy / faithful / reliable / insincere / jealous / suspicious / deceitful / shameful. / emergency. A5: The Fox and the Crow Reading Developing / demonstrating critical thin- king Trust / flatter / threa- ten / to trick / to grab / to bet E5:Letter s of Notificatio n and Warning Reading / writing warning Persuade / overdue / to exhaust / to consult / attorney / threatening BOOK MAP :Theme 5 33 34 lESSON + NONEY AND EVll SKlllS Speakng / Readng SUBSKlllS Readng : express agreement express opnon about specc ssues / topcs. support ones opnon wth arguments. Speakng transer normaton onto a tabe. ner wrters opnon. guess meanng o unamar words through context. lUNTlONS Expressng opnons. GRANNAR As a resut thats why thereore: cause/resut ATlVE VOABUlARY Root ev corrupton tyranny dgnty appea decent cheatng revenge anarchy- caamty. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one: Have your earners read a the statements, seect the ones they stron- gy agree wth and be ready to justy ther choce. Hopeuy, they w be abe to express ther opnons and support ther arguments n an nteractve way. Stage two: A ocus on the topc sentences can hep earners get an dea about the ayout o the text and at the same tme ner the wrters opnon. Once the earners compete the normaton transer tabe, they w have acheved a detaed expotaton o the text. The vocabuary exercse can be deat wth durng comprehenson to tran students to guess meanng rom context . As or the noun / adjectve converson exercse, ts advsabe that the students do t ndvduay then share ther ndngs wth peers. The new structure shoud be deat wth n context. The earners shoud deduce rues then compete the tabe preeraby wth the hep o the teacher. Stage three: The cross-word puzze s meant to consodate vocabuary n a ghter way. LESSON DESCRIPTIONS/ TEACHING HINTS : Theme 5 35 lESSON + SONGS Ol lREEDON SKlllS lstenng SUBSKlllS skm a text to denty man dea. scan or specc normaton. ner and evauate the poets ntenton. demonstrate apprecaton o derent text types.( yrcs). recognze the reatonshp between orm (pronuncaton) and meanng. lunctons lnstructng / drectng others to do somethng: lmperatves AATlVE VOABUlARY lreedom dutes rghts peace precous joy orgve. SUGGESTED PROEDURE. Stage one: Have your students compete the chart ndvduay, then share and compare wth peers. The secret word s a key word n the song. Stage two: Pay the tape and ask your earners to do actvty one. The answer s another key word n the song. To be sure your students do not read whe stenng, te them to cose ther books beorehand. Pay the tape agan and assgn actvtes two and three. Books are open now. Pay the tape and have your students wrte the mssng words. Pay the tape agan you ee a need or that. Ths actvty s very mportant n that, t heps denty sounds and words and deveops the stenng sk o the earners. Beore askng or the eedback, gve your earners a chance to share and compare ther ndngs. Once you get the answers, pay the tape or the ast tme and have your students check ther answers and at the same tme enjoy and apprecate the song. Do not hestate to te your students to earn the song by heart and why not to start wrtng ther rst yrc. They w certany enjoy that. Stage three: The pronuncaton actvty s a good opportunty or the earners to sten to authentc matera and to denty and dscrmnate derent sounds. Answer key Stage one: The secret word s: lREEDON. lESSON +( vHY l HAD TO lEAVE NY JOB. SKlllS Readng / Speakng SUBSKlllS Readng denty core vocabuary tems n a varety o texts. predct content rom tte, pcture and capton. skm a text to denty / ner the man dea. transer normaton onto a tabe. evauate normaton and deas and express judgement. Speakng express opnon and make judgements about specc ssues / topcs. seect normaton rom more than one source and renvest t n speech. lUNTlONS Takng about ones experence. Expressng agreement / dsagreement. ATlVE VOABUlARY Honest toerant trustworthy athu reabe nsncere jeaous suspcous decetu shameu- emergency.. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one: Have the students compete the words o the spder gram. Ask them to share and compare ther ndngs wth ther peers beore they gve you the eedback. (A the words reate to the topc o the day). - Step (cassyng) s meant to hep the students dscrmnate between these words. Stage two: Have the students ocus on the tte, the pcture, and the capton and ask them to guess the content o the text. Ths w hep them deveop ther predctve sk. Once the students check ther guesses, set them on the comprehenson questons through whch they w hopeuy get a thorough understandng o the text. The new expressons / doms n actvty ( are hghghted n the text. They can be deat wth durng the comprehenson stage or ater. The mutpe choce actvty s sutabe or guessng. ln actvty the earners are supposed to make judgements about the two man characters n the text usng the words and expressons they have just earnt. Stage three: Ths actvty s a oow up to the readng comprehenson. The students are supposed to renvest the core vocabuary theyve just acqured n ther speech. Have them ocus on the gudenes and the suggested procedure. Dong so w hep them express ther opnons n a reevant and we organzed way. Answer key Stage one: +: mmora decetu nderent toerant corrupt trustworthy reabe nsncere suspcous jeaous. 36 37 ARTS THE lOX AND THE ROv SKlllS Readng SUBSKlllS Readng Recognze the reatonshp between orm and meanng Evauate normaton or deas. lUNTlONS Deveopng/demonstratng crtca thnkng ATlVE VOABUlARY Trust / atter / threaten / to trck / to grab / to bet. SUGGESTED PROEDURE utura hnts: labes and ok taes are short ctona narratves whch ustrate a mora, or a esson. They are an ndrect means o teng truths about e. Thus they have a eve o meanng beyond the surace story. The story s a smpe event, but t mpes thngs about peope and the arger word. ln ths abe, the esson s: Do not trust atterers. You need to make sure the students understand the tte. Snce they a, most key, know the story, ths w hep them compete the text. Take the necessary tme to dea wth avctvty (questons) n an nteractve manner. The part deang wth humour s a chance or the students to get acquanted wth the topc, so make sure they understand the derences and encourage them to gve exampes o ther own to ustrate the derent types o humour. 38 EONONlS lETTERS Ol NOTlllATlON AND vARNlNG SKlllS Readng / vrtng SUBSKlllS Readng Transer normaton onto a tabe. lner normaton. Evauate normaton : Express judgement. vrtng Use semantc and syntactc connectors to acheve coherence. lUNTlONS varnng. ATlVE VOABUlARY Persuade overdue to exhaust to consut attorney threatenng. SUGGESTED PROEDURE. Stage +: Nake sure actvty one s done as a par work. Stage : lt shoud certany hep you prepare the students or the comng readng actvty (Set them n the approprate context). Encourage the earners to react to actvtes b, c and d n stage two and to express ther opnon: ths w show ther understandng o the text. Stage : Nake sure you hghght the ngustc eature o a etter o compant. Ask the students to gve whatever cues heped them organze the etter. 39 THEMES PAGE S LESSONS SKILLS/ SUBSKILLS FUNCTIONS GRAMMAR VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION VI:Righ ts and Duties 15: Human Rights Reading: Tap on different sour- ces to get specific information (picture). Categorize informa- tion (vocabulary items.) Identify the commu- nicative value of a text. Speaking: Describe ones opi- nions/ feelings about a particular situation (slavery.) Writing: Consolidate writing as a process(step1). Talking about ones life(autobio- graphy.) Expressing displeasure / dissatisfac- tion. The passive voice Present/ past tenses. Master / property / slave / whip- ping / burial / hardship / penal- ty / restless / evidence / trader / hire. 16:Equality offers pro- sperity Speaking: Make statements judgements about facts/concrete situa- tions. Listening: Writing: Acquire knowledge of a given topic. Guess meaning of unfamiliar words through context. Recognize the rela- tionship between form and meaning. Expressing intention. A little+ uncountable noun. A few + coun- table noun. A lot of + countable/unco untable noun. Empowerment / promotion / com- mitment / oppression / millennium / gen- der. A6: Men and Women Speaking/Writing Expressing opinion Career / house- hold / ensure / law E6: Job Hunting Reading / Writing Advertising / responding to ads. Training / vacation / application / qua- lify / appointment / available Lesson Seventeen PROGRESS CHECK TWO BOOK MAP :Theme 6 40 lESSON + HUNAN RlGHTS SKlllS Readng / Speakng / vrtng SUBSKlllS Readng produce descrptons to match ustratons reated to a specc topc. skm a text to denty / ner man dea. acqure knowedge about a gven topc. Speakng renvest new words rom core vocabuary n ones speech. express opnon / make judgements about specc ssues / topcs. vrtng consodate wrtng as a process. (Steps++: Gatherng normaton and organsng deas). lUNTlONS Descrbng, narratng and reportng. Expressng dspeasure / dssatsacton. GRANNAR The passve voce: present / past tenses. ATlVE VOABUlARY Save master own beat restess ed-hand whppng- bura trade - hre.. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one: Engage your earners nto pcture descrpton. The words they nd are to be added to the tabe beow. Ths w expand ther knowedge o reated vocabuary. Stage two: Have your earners survey the text to denty the wrter and the text type. The comprehenson questons hep the earners get nto urther detas. As or the vocabuary exercse, t heps guess the meanng o unamar words rom context. lt can be deat wth ntegratvey or at the end to check comprehenson. The new structure, the passve voce, shoud be deat wth progres- svey. The exercse that oows serves or consodaton and the tabe or recaptuaton. Stage three: The earners are supposed to judge the statements, choose two o them, dscuss wth peers and justy ther choce, then expan ther vewpont to the rest o the cass. ln process wrtng, have your earners read the topc careuy and branstorm and gather as much normaton as they can. Remnd them to keep ther work n a e or uture use. Answer key Stage one: : nouns: save trader owner hardshp. verbs: se hre expot suer. adjectves: gnorant expotatve terate appang. Stage two: : a + ( , b + ; , c + , d + , e + 8 , + , g ++. -c: +: thought : were wearng : heard (: was robbed : was drven : drove ;: was stoen 8: was hurt ,: were shown +o: have not been caught. LESSON DESCRIPTIONS/ TEACHING HINTS : Theme 6 41 lESSON + EOUAllTY OllERS PROSPERlTY SKlllS Speakng / lstenng SUBSKlllS Speakng : make statements/judgements about acts / concrete stuatons. lstenng skm a text to denty / ner the man dea. acqure knowedge o a gven topc. guess the meanng o unamar words through context. recognze the reatonshp between orm and meanng. lUNTlONS Expressng ntenton. GRANNAR A tte + uncountabe noun. A ew + countabe nouns A ot o + countabe / uncountabe nouns. ATlVE VOABUlARY Empowerment promoton commtment oppresson mennum gender. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one: Have your earners examne the statement and dscuss t n pars, then have them do the verb / noun converson exercse. Both actvtes serve as a good preparaton or the stenng. Stage two: Have your earners read the ntroducton n ther textbooks to get an dea about the topc and get ready or the stenng. Once they answer the comprehenson questons, the students get a thorough dea o the passage. Ths w be consodated through the gap-ng actvty that oows. The matchng exercse can be deat wth through comprehenson or at the end o the stenng or a checkng purpose. As or the pronuncaton exercse, t heps students dscrmnate between sounds through stenng to authentc matera. Stage three: The structures are not strange to the students. ve hope the consodaton exercse w hep them nd out the rue. Answer key Stage one: : decaraton commt oppresson promote empower ear. 42 ARTS NEN AND vONEN SKlllS Readng / vrtng SUBSKlllS Speakng Express agreement / dsagreement. Support ones opnon wth arguments. Renvest rea word knowedge and experence n ones speech. Speak uenty n nteractve stuatons wthout worryng too much about mstakes. vrtng Deveop as an autonomous creatve wrter: vrte a haku. lUNTlONS Expressng opnon. ATlVE VOABUlARY career - househod - ensure - aw. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one: Have your earners ocus on the tte and the ustratons and try to predct the topc / theme. Ask your students to cassy the statements accordng to the gven headngs. Once they do so, they w be prepared or the oowng stage. Stage two: Aocate enough tme to ths actvty. Have your students branstorm, then reer them to the expressons / phrases gven whch w hep them express ther opnons and stand or them. Nake the actvty as nteractve as possbe. ln the wrtng actvty n the ghter sde, the steps mentoned n the textbook oer great hep to the students to wrte ther rst haku. Aso, the roe o the teacher s very mportant n makng ths actvty as peasant and stress-ree as possbe. lts hopeu the earners w apprecate ths type o poetry. 43 EONONlS JOB HUNTlNG SKlllS Readng / vrtng SUBSKlllS Readng Scan or specc normaton (rom derent sources). vrtng Renvest rea word knowedge and experence n ones wrtng.(parae wrtng). lUNTlONS Advertsng / respondng to ads. ATlVE VOABUlARY tranng vacaton appcaton quay appontment avaabe. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage +: The pre-readng actvty serves as a warmng up that prepares the earners or the readng actvty . Stage : Today, your earners are deang wth a type o text they are not amar wth ,whch requres a speca readng strategy : scannng. Ask them to read each statement separatey and scan the ads to nd out the specc normaton. Stage : Natura ogc repy to a job advertsement s o course an appcaton or a job .So, have your students choose one advertsement and appy to t. The hnts on the textbook are hepu. 44 lesson +; PROGRESS HEK Answer key +- +- acked - nourshed - worse (- nhabtants - o - death ;- react 8- access - partcuary empoyees obedent asked economca produce - +- was gven - stop - has never tod (- how much - was nd - was beaten ;- but (- the hardest happer more nterested more reaxed the most wonderu cearer - a- dgnty b- reabe c- dever d- comort - Two men were taken to hospta. They were stabbed n the eary hours o Sunday. The njured men coapsed ungs n the ncdent. A poce spokeswoman sad: Ths was a voent attack on two men. The two men suered serous njures. They were beaten by a group o teenagers. Anyone wth the normaton about the crmnas s asked to contact the poce . ;- ln +,,(, voence n Rwanda ended n death. One mon Rwandans ded n +oo days o appang voence. Oxam (a regstered charty) provded sae water and santaton or the thousands orced to escape rom ther homes. 45 THEMES PAGES LESSONS SKILLS/ SUBSKILLS FUNCTIONS GRAMMAR VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION VII: Education 18:School Uniforms Reading : Describe illustrations and answer questions about them. Skim a text to identify its type through begin- nings of paragraphs. Speaking: Express and support opinions. Make judgements about specific issues. Writing: Consolidate wriring as a process.(step 3). Expressing opinions The reflexive Pronouns. 19. Coping with Exams Reading: Tap on different sour- ces to get specific infor- mation and answer spe- cific questions. Scan for specific information. Writing: Consolidate writing as a process( step4. Producing the final draft. Giving advice / Expressing fear and worry Ought to/ need- nt/ had better/ Should have/ Shouldnt have A7: Pushy Parents Speaking/ Reading Expressing opinion E 7: Inflation Reading / Writing Defining BOOK MAP :Theme 7 lESSON +8 SHOOl UNllORNS SKlllS Readng / Speakng / (vrtng) SUBSKlllS Readng : descrbe ustraton and answer questons reated to t. skm a text to denty ts type through begnnngs o paragraphs. transer normaton onto a tabe. tap on derent sources to get specc normaton. guess the meanng o unamar words through context. recognze the reatonshp between orm (pronuncaton) and content. Speakng: express opnons / make judgements about specc ssues. support ones opnons wth arguments. vrtng: consodate wrtng as a process. ( step : Producng the rst drat). lUNTlONS Expressng opnons. GRANNAR The Reexve pronouns. ATlVE VOABUlARY Dstngush smart suppress to conorm to- unorm.. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one: Have your earners ocus on the tte and the pcture, answer the questons and gve ther opnons about the ssue. Stage two: Ask your earners to read the begnnngs o the paragraphs to ner the text type and to get an dea about the topc. The lnormaton Transer tabe and the Natchng tabe enabe the students to get nto specc detas. As or the vocabuary exercse, t w hep the students guess the meanng o unamar words through context and the pronuncaton exercse w hep them dscrmnate between sounds. Have your students do these actvtes ndvduay. Then, ask them to share ther ndngs. The new structure s not new to the earners at ths eve. The gap ng and the tabe ng actvtes are good opportuntes or practce. Stage three: Once the readng s over, the students w hopeuy have a good dea about the advantages and the dsadvantages o schoo unorms. They can add other deas o ther own and express ther opnons oray. Break the cass nto two groups. Some w work on the advantages and some others on the dsadvantages. Then organze a debate. lts a good opportunty to deveop nteracton sks. Stage our: ln ths step o process wrtng, the students are expected to start producng. Once ther rst drat s over, have them exchange ther paragraphs or proo-readng. Answer key Answer key Stage two: : Rache: or , Anta: or , Emma: aganst , Kate: aganst , Sue: or , Sarah: or + aganst. : +: c + d , : a , : b , (: + h , : e , : g. LESSON DESCRIPTIONS/ TEACHING HINTS : Theme 7 46 47 lESSON +, OPlNG vlTH EXANS SKlllS Readng / wrtng SUBSKlllS Readng : tap on derent sources to get specc normaton and answer specc questons. scan or specc normaton. wrtng: consodate wrtng as a process. (Step (: producng the na drat) lUNTlONS Expressng ear and worry. Advsng others to do somethng. GRANNAR Had better + Shoud + verb === advce Ought to + Neednt + verb === ack o necessty / unnecessary acton. ATlVE VOABUlARY Take / pass an exam a check (vb) cope bank. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one: Have your earners read the two questons, jot down ther deas, dscuss ther deas n pars, then ask or ther eedback. The resut s a short speakng actvty that prepares or the esson. Stage two: Have your earners ocus on the ustratons, read the captons and answer the questons that oow. Then, ask them to do the matchng exercse ether n pars or ndvduay provdng they share and compare ther ndngs. The anguage actvty s an opportunty or the students to recyce and practse the structure oray then through mutpe choce and the tabe enabes them to dscrmnate between the derent modas and denty ther specc meanngs. Stage three: Ths s the ast step n the process wrtng and your earners are expected to naze ther paragraph. Ask them to prooread t one more tme beore you coect ther papers. Remnd them to keep ther corrected papers n ther e or ater uses. Answer key Stage two- : a: Jane b: Andy c: Pau d: Steve e: Terry : hunk g: Nary. Stage two- (: + a: shoudve b: w c: shoudnt have d: neednt e: had better - : must g: ought to + a: regret b: uture c: reproach d: unnecessary acton e: advce : deducton/ogca concuson g: advce. 48 ARTS ; PUSHY PARENTS. SKlllS Speakng / Readng SUBSKlllS Speakng Express opnons / make judgements about specc ssues / topcs. Readng Skm a text to denty the man dea. Scan or specc normaton. Evauate normaton / deas. lUNTlONS Expressng opnons ATlVE VOABUlARY Pushy - osprng - A-eve - sht - shepherd (verb) - G..S.E. SUGGESTED PROEDURE utura hnts Snce the text deas wth Brtsh cuture, you need to expcty gve the students cutura hnts to hep them understand. The acronyms G..S.E. and A. eve pertan to the Brtsh educatona system. G..S.E. stands or the Genera ertcate o Secondary Educaton and t s the equvaent o the Bac Dpoma n Tunsa. A. eve stands or Advanced eve as opposed to O. eve whch stands or Ordnary eve and whch s amost the equvaent o second secondary n Tunsa. Stage one: Nake sure your students express ther opnons and stand or them. lnteracton here s o prme sgncance. Stage two: The tte s expressve and heps the students predct the content o the text. Once the students do the matchng actvty, they w have a good dea about the atttudes o the parents and w be abe to evauate them. ln the gap-ng actvty (par. ), make sure your students justy ther choces. Stage three : The gap-ng actvty s a good opportunty to practse vocabuary n context and to deveop wrtng sks. Answer key Stage two: - +-c -c -b (-c - aects to stand to ncrease to wake up (- . c . c Stage three: : shoud tod you waste o tme to be dropped useess a as soon as shoudnt weare 49 EONONlS ; lNllATlON SKlllS Readng / vrtng SUBSKlllS Readng Bud on pror acquston to urther and enhance earnng. ldenty mpct ogca reatons. Acqure knowedge o the anguage (vocabuary) . vrtng Express opnons ,make judgments about a specc ssue. Produce a pece o wrtng. lUNTlONS Denng ATlVE VOABUlARY lnaton penson cost o vng expenses vaue goods. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage +: Have your earners do the matchng actvty. You can ask them about the reason o ther choce. Stage : Te students to read the text to check ther answers n stage one .Then ask them to do the rst actvty and te them that a the words they w use are not n the text. Actvty (gap-ng ) can be treated ndvduay or n pars to check the comprehenson o the target vocabuary words. Stage : Go through the derent steps o the wrtng actvty. You can hep n case o need. Be sure that they exchange ther work or correcton and mprovement. Answer key Stage +: +-c -a -d (-b Stage : +- ncrease goods vaue - expenses cost o vng penson estyes depressed 50 THEMES PAGES LESSONS SKILLS/ SUBSKILLS FUNCTIONS GRAMMAR VOCABULARY PRONUN- CIATION VIII : Professio nal Life 20 :I had no choi- ce. Reading : Build on prior acquisitions to further and enhance learning. Classify information. Infer the writers attitude and feelings about a particular topic/situation Speaking: Evaluate the writers attitude Express opinion/ make judge- ments about specific issues. Talking about ones life. Should + perfect infi- nitive Guilty / relieve / fond of / look after / settle down / self-sufficient / pick up. 21. Whats your dream job? Listening: Build on prior acquisitions to further enhance learning. Scan for specific purposes. Acquire knowledge of the language. Pronounce properly at word level. Enquiring about inten- tion. To + infini- tive / In order to + infinitive / So that + clause(Purp ose). Degree / Physician / surgery/ a diplomat / a check -up / stitches / competitive / training / to earn / internship 22: A success Story. Reading: Tap on different sources to answer specific questions/ per- form specific tasks. Evaluate the writers attitude about a specific topic. Writing: Produce a piece of writing using appropriate genre. ( interview.) Talking about ones life experience. Used to + infinitive( habit in the past.) Fed up / pitch / scho- larship / concert / deafness / hearing aid / handicap A8: Students Part-time jobs E8: The Budget Dollar Reading/ Writing Reading/writing Expressing opinion Analyzing graphs Defining Part-time / unfortunate / deliver / financial / assistance / income / fair Income / fund / fiscal / insurance BOOK MAP :Theme 8 51 lESSON o l HAD NO HOlE SKlllS Readng SUBSKlllS Readng : bud on pror acquston to urther and enhance earnng. acqure knowedge about a gven topc. transer normaton onto a tabe. evauate normaton or deas and express judgement. denty the communcatve vaue o utterances. lUNTlONS Takng about ones e and ones experence. GRANNAR Shoud + have + past partcpe - Regret ATlVE VOABUlARY Nanager guty drop be ond o pck sb. up prot dect se-sucent. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one: ln ths pre- readng stage, have your earners read the questons, branstorm, and cassy ther deas accordng to the tabe. Then, they may compare ther ndngs wth ther peers. Ths w prepare them or the readng actvty. Stage two: Have your earners read the text and do the actvtes + + to get a detaed normaton o the text. Actvty heps them denty the communcatve vaue o the two utterances. Actvty ( enabes them to ner the speakers atttude /eeng n derent stuatons. Actvty s an opportunty or them to react to the text and to make judgement. ln the ght o the students reacton, ths actvty may deveop nto a speakng. Stage three: lts hopeu that the earners w denty the structure shoud + have + past partcpe and ts meanng through context. The exercse s an opportunty or practce and the tabe s a cear recaptuaton. Answer key Stage two- :- How coud you' = dsapprova - He woud make hmse beans and toast = habt n the past Stage two- (: a: proud b: guty c: reeved d: envous/jeaous e: guty : sorry. LESSON DESCRIPTIONS/ TEACHING HINTS : Theme 8 52 lESSON + vHATS YOUR DREAN JOB' SKlllS lstenng SUBSKlllS lstenng Bud on pror acquston to urther enhance earnng. Scan or specc purposes. Acqure knowedge o the anguage (vocabuary, pronuncaton and grammar). Pronounce propery at word eve. lUNTlONS Enqurng about ntenton (Tte o the esson). GRANNAR to + nntve, n order to + nntve, so that + cause: purpose. ATlVE VOABUlARY Degree physcan surgery a dpomat a check-up sttches compettve tranng to earn nternshp. SUGGESTED PROEDURE utura hnts : Norway locaton: Northern Europe, borderng the North Sea and the North Atantc Ocean, west o Sweden. land boundares: tota: ,(( kms border countres: lnand ;, kms, Sweden +,+, kms, Russa +, km Natura resources: petroeum, copper, natura gas, ncke, ron ore, znc, ead, sh, tmber, hydropower. Envronment - current ssues: water pouton, acd ran damagng orests and adversey aectng akes, threatenng sh stocks, ar pou- ton rom vehce emssons Japan locaton: Japan conssts o severa thousands o sands, o whch Honshu, Hokkado, Kyushu and Shkoku are the our argest. Japan's cosest neghbors are Korea, Russa and hna. The Sea o Japan separates the Asan contnent rom the Japanese archpeago. Area: Japan's area s arger than, or exampe, Germany's and comparabe to the one o ltay or aorna. Popuaton: The popuaton o Japan s about +,ooo,ooo. Amost the whoe popu- aton s Japanese. Nore than ha o the non Japanese popuaton s Korean. Earthquakes: Japan es n one o the most earthquake actve regons o the word. Stage one : +- To begn the esson, have your students compete the puzze whch ocuses on some exca tems n the stenng. Nake sure you check ther answers - Ask them to answer the questons, then to work n pars and share ther answers. Stage two : Ask them to read queston +, to sten to the ntroducton and tck the correct opton. heck ther answers and contnue wth the second and thrd actvtes as ndcated n the textbook. lor actvty (, pay the tape agan and te students to ocus on the pronuncaton o the na s n the gven words. You may devote some tme to practce through repeatng the same sound n some addtona words. 53 Answer key Stage three : lntroduce the anguage structure by oowng the gven steps. let them nd the answers by themseves. The grammar summary tabe may be hepu. Stage one : Across - hospta - physcans ;-oce 8- stage +o- degree ++- un Down +- dpomat - sttches (- tranng - study ,- ear Stage two : - assstant - Schoong - nternshp - embassy - compettve - word. 54 lESSON A SUESS STORY SKlllS Readng wrtng SUBSKlllS Readng Produce descrptons to match ustratons reated to a specc topc area. Ask or / gve normaton appropratey accordng to context. ldenty ogca reatons. Evauate normaton or deas (express judgement normaton s correct, reasonabe, reevant and nterestng). wrtng Deveop as an autonomous creatve wrter through requent persona wrtng (vrtng an ntervew). lUNTlONS Narratng past events Takng about ones past e. GRANNAR Used to + verb (habtua acton n the past). ATlVE VOABUlARY Ptch concert ed up partay deaness schoarshp drama - worthwhe set up. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one : The pre-readng actvty s meant to prepare the students or the rea- dng. Nake sure you expose them to key words and man deas reated to the theme o the readng comprehenson. Stage two : Actvtes +, , and ( w hopeuy hep the earners understand the man eature o the text. Actvty s a reacton to the text and t s desrabe to encourage the students to reey express ther vews. lor the anguage practce, the teacher needs to careuy oow the procedure as mentoned n the textbook. The ratonae s to gude the students to dscover the anguage rue by themseves. Stage three : +- lor the wrtng actvty, t s very mportant that students understand the genre they are producng. lt s not any knd o paragraph. lt must have a the necessary eatures o the ntervew. Besdes the hnts gven, the teacher w need to provde the earners wth sampes o anguage exponents used n ntervews. -The project (step +). Teachers may need to expan what Project-Based learnng (PBl) mpes and how projects shoud be carred out. lt s mportant to know among other thngs that Project-Based learnng (PBl) s a systematc teachng method that engages students n earnng knowedge and sks through an extended enqury process structured around compex, authentc questons and careuy desgned products and tasks. ln ths esson, the teacher needs to devote some tme (about + mnu- tes) to dea wth the project. Here, he / she w need to expan the objectve and the procedure to acheve the project. lt s mportant that the students athuy oow the nstructons and do the actvtes as presented n the textbook. Answer key Stage two : (: +-d - -a (- e -b -c -e: ddnt use to / used to carry / put / carred / trave / used to be / were caed. 55 ARTS 8 STUDENTS PART-TlNE JOBS SKlllS Readng / vrtng SUBSKlllS Speakng Acqure knowedge about a gven topc. Deveop awareness o a gven cuture. vrtng vrte an opnon paragraph. lUNTlONS Expressng opnon. ATlVE VOABUlARY Pushy - osprng - A-eve - sht - shepherd (verb) - G..S.E. SUGGESTED PROEDURE lts preerabe to prepare the earners or todays topc whch can be very motvatng to them. Assgn a sent readng o the text and dea wth the comprehenson questons to get detaed normaton. Once they have an dea about the text, the students w be prepared enough to wrte an opnon paragraph about the same topc. Here, the teachers assstance s very mportant. Answer key Actvty : a- a job b- ar c- unortunate d- ncome 56 EONONlS 8 THE BUDGET DOllAR SKlllS Readng / vrtng SUBSKlllS Readng Transer normaton rom non- near texts to near ones. ldenty core vocabuary tems nto a varety o texts. Tap on derent sources to get specc normaton / answer specc questons. vrtng ompete a gapped paragraph to get a coherent denton. lUNTlONS Anayzng graphs. Denng. ATlVE VOABUlARY ncome und sca nsurance - SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage +: Have your earners do the vocabuary exercse. lt w hep n the comng actvtes. Stage : Have your students read the graphs, a new type o texts, then do the actvtes that oow to acheve comprehenson. Stage : The gap-ng exercse s a hepu way to get a coherent denton o a crce graph, the topc o the esson. Answer key Stage one: a- savngs b- nvestment c- debt d- bankng e- oan Stage two: +- a- ndvdua ncome tax. b- ( c- +, d- ndvdua ncome taxes(---(). Stage three: a- crce b- normaton c- proporton 57 THE- MES PAGES LESSONS SKILLS/ SUBSKILLS FUNCTIONS GRAMMAR VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION IX:Me dia and Arts 23. The Importance of Libraries. . Reading: Skim a text to identi- fy its type. Support ones opinion with arguments. Infer and evaluate the writers opinion. Speaking: Ask for /give infor- mation according to context. Use conversational strategies for opening/closing conversations, taking turns, holding the floor, switching topics as well as repair and body language Expressing opinion/ Sensitizing people to a specific issue To wonder / civilisation / era / lifeblood / explore / enlighten / expansion / crafts / pay tri- bute / literacy / shortage 24. Death of the single Speaking: Express ones appre- ciation of peers contri- butions. Speak in interactive situations without fear of mistakes. Reading: Develop awareness of aspects of target lan- guage. Complete a gapped summary. Acquire knowledge of the language. Writing: Develop as an autono- mous creative writer. Express ones feelings / liking Any / some / no / nobody in interrogative and negative sentences Performance / plunge / decline / release / casualty / doubt / surpass / blame / track / supremacy / to shun. A9: Keeping a diary Writing Talking about ones life experience: past events / personal opi- nions / hopes and dreams Diary / entry / sur- geon / ballet E9: Economic changes Reading/ writing Interpreting a graph Prepositions: to / by Rise / offer / profit / staff / item / file BOOK MAP :Theme 9 58 lESSON THE lNPORTANE Ol llBRARlES SKlllS Readng Speakng SUBSKlllS Readng Bud vocabuary (spder gram competon) Skm a text to denty ts type. To support ones opnon wth arguments. To scan or specc normaton. To ner and evauate the wrters opnon Speakng (project). Ask or / gve normaton appropratey accordng to context (ntervew). Demonstrate approprate use o soca sks requred n nternatona contexts:Use conversatona strateges or openng / cosng conversatons, takng turns, hodng the oor, swtchng topcs as we as repar and body anguage. lUNTlONS Expressng opnon senstzng peope to a specc ssue. GRANNAR Parae ncrease (The more .., the more.). ATlVE VOABUlARY to wonder cvzaton era ebood expore enghten expan- son crats pay trbute teracy shortage. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one : +- Ask your earners to work n pars to compete the dagram . The objectve o ths actvty s to ntroduce the exca tems reated to the brary and the topc o the esson. - ln actvty , ask them to answer the gven questons to engage the earners eectvey. Stage two : Te your students to read the nput text and answer the gven actvtes. heck the answers n u cass dscusson and cary certan tems or deas. Ask or justcaton need be. Stage three : +- lntroduce the anguage structure (the more., the more.)that ndcates comparatve constructons caed parae ncrease. - Ask your earners to do the exercse. Then hep them to compete the tabe. - lood or thought s meant to actvate the bran. (- areer research project (step ) : Teachers w need to oow the ntervew gude as presented n the textbook. They may aso need to reer ther students back to the ntervew produced through the wrtng actvty n esson . lurthermore, they may need to hghght that ths actvty n the project s an opportunty or earners not ony to get vauabe normaton rom a proessona, but aso to deveop soca sks and nteracton strateges. Answer key Stage one : +- books monographs - newspapers magazne atas encycopeda - vdeo-tape journas cataogue dctonary. Stage two : +-c (- a- b- c-+ d- e-( - LESSON DESCRIPTIONS/ TEACHING HINTS : Theme 9 59 lESSON ( DEATH Ol THE SlNGlE SKlllS Speakng -Readng - vrtng SUBSKlllS Speakng vork n pars to perorm a task. Express ones apprecaton o peers contrbutons. Speak uenty n nteractve stuaton wthout worryng too much about mstakes. Readng Deveop awareness o aspects o target cuture. Scan or specc normaton. Guess the meanng o unamar words through context. ompete a gapped summary. Acqure knowedge o the anguage. vrtng Deveop as an autonomous creatve wrter through requent persona wrtng (wrtng mercks). Extract saent ponts or subsequent use n wrtng a project work lUNTlONS Express ones eeng / kng. GRANNAR Any, some, no, anybody, n nterrogatve and negatve sentences. Parae ncrease (The more .., the more.). ATlVE VOABUlARY perormance punge decne reease casuaty doubt surpass bame track supremacy - be shunnng snges. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one : lntroduce the topc o the esson wth the speakng par work actvty. let every par dscuss the gven questons. Then aow one o them to report ther ndngs to the rest o the cass and to respond to peers questons. Stage two : +- To dea wth the readng comprehenson, ask them to read the text to nd out the causes o the snge dsappearance. Once you check ther answers, aow them to justy whether the statements are true or ase. - Te them to nd words or expressons smar n meanng to the gven ones. - lor actvty (, reer the students to the orgna sentence so that u understandng takes pace. (- As or the anguage actvty,(any, some, no, someone.), you can oow the procedure gven n the book. Have the students compete the tabe by themseves. ln case o dcuty, you can hep. Then ask them to do the exercse and check ther answers. The lghter Sde s meant to share nterestng thoughts or peasant anecdotes wth the students. Nake sure the message gets to them n a payu manner.Students read the ntroducton and the merck, hgh- ght the man eatures o the merck (rhyme), and then you may assgn a group work and gve them some tme to produce ther own mercks. Bear n mnd that mercks are best when they are unny. Ths s step n the career research project. Here the am s st to gather more normaton, but ths tme through wrtng a orma etter o enqury. 60 Answer key Stage two: +- a- the nternet b- NTV c- mobe phones. - a- vctm= casuaty b- great ove= passon c- to accuse= to bame d- rejectng, reusng= shunnng e- the a / the drop = decne 61 ARTS , KEEPlNG A DlARY SKlllS vrtng SUBSKlllS vrtng Report actons / ncdents / events. Renvest new words / expressons / structures n ones wrtng. Deveop as an autonomous creatve wrter (wrtng a dary). vrtng vrte an opnon paragraph. lUNTlONS - past events. Takng about ones e / experence - persona opnons. - hopes and dreams. ATlVE VOABUlARY dary - entry - surgeon - baet. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Nake sure your students oow the derent steps / gudenes and perorm a the actvtes stated n the textbook. Here, you need to gude the students to understand that the actvty (keepng a dary) s n reaty practsed by many teenagers. Dong ths w hopeuy enhance students nterest and motvaton. l any o your students happens to be keepng a dary n natve anguage, nvte hm / her to speak about the experence. vhen your earners are we prepared, they w certany be abe to wrte ther own dary ndependenty. 62 EONONlS , EONONl HANGES SKlllS Readng / vrtng SUBSKlllS Readng Bud on pror acquston to urther enhance earnng. Acqure knowedge about a gven topc. vrtng Produce descrptons or captons to match ustratons reated to a specc topc area. lUNTlONS lnterpretng a graph. ATlVE VOABUlARY Prepostons: to, by. SUGGESTED PROEDURE. lt woud hep you assgn the two vocabuary actvtes n stage one as a par work. Then have your earners read the queston n stage two and nterpret the graph. Remember that stages two and three ocus on guded wrtng through anguage practce. Answer key Stage one: +/ ncrease rse decrease dmnsh /decne / a- substance b- saary c- proposa d- prot e- sta - unt g- eect h- convnce - document Stage three: +/ a- to b- by 63 THEMES PAGES LESSONS SKILLS/ SUBSKILLS FUNCTIONS GRAMMAR VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION X:Scien ce and Technol ogy 25. Internet Addiction Reading: Make statements about facts/concrete situations. Support ones opi- nions with arguments. Respond to a sequen- ce of directions. Demonstrate internali- sation of ideas and information. Writing: Produce an outline for an argument. Produce a report from notes and observations Select information from more than one source and reinvest it in writing. Expressing ones opinion. Expressing agreement/dis- agreement. The reported Speech. Online addiction / micro slave / escape key / to surf the net / cyberspace / sur- vive / depression / irrational / break up 26: What Will Man Be Like? Listening: Express judgement about specific informa- tion. Differentiate between relevant and irrelevant information. Identify specific sounds. Recognize syllables and stress in key words. Speaking: Demonstrate interna- lization of language, ideas and information. Reinvest new words/expressions in ones speech. Expressing and finding out intellec- tual attitudes Gradual increa- se / decrease. More and more + adjective. Less and less + adjective. Futuristic / obvious / assume / brains / substantial / bald / emotions E 10: Selling a Business Reading/ writing Advising Business / princi- pal / an asset / short-term crisis / owner / marketing BOOK MAP :Theme 10 64 lESSON lNTERNET ADDlTlON SKlllS Readng / wrtng SUBSKlllS Readng Nake statements about acts/concrete stuatons. Support ones opnon wth arguments. Respond to a sequence o drectons. Seect a strategy approprate to ones purpose. Demonstrate nternazaton o deas and normaton. wrtng Produce an outne or an argumentaton. Produce a report rom notes and observaton. Seect normaton rom more than one source and renvest t n speech and wrtng. lUNTlONS Agreement / dsagreement. Expressng ones opnon GRANNAR The reported speech. ATlVE VOABUlARY onne addcton mcrosave escape key to sur the net chat - cyberspace -survve- depresson- rratona- break up. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one : vhen deang wth par work, ask some earners to ocus on the post- ve ponts o the nternet and some others on ts negatve ones. Ths par work w end up n cass dscusson about the good and bad eects o the nternet. The pctures, the short sentences or expressons on and under the pctures w ead the earners to reach what an nternet addct s. An nternet addct s someone who cannot stop usng the nternet. Then, you can ask the students to answer the se-test questons to know whether they are addcts or not. Stage two : +- Break the cass nto groups and assgn a readng to each group to ans- wer the three gven vH questons. - Oueston s an opportunty or some earners to express themseves n transerrng normaton to the others. - Proceed wth queston three by showng the approprate deta or part whether the argument s or or aganst. (- lntroduce the anguage study task by the gven sentence on the board. Pont out that ths sentence s n the drect speech. Ask them to begn the sentence wth: He sad that and to nsh t ther own way. Some o them may te you about the reported speech. let them ds- cover the changes and then ask them to do the exercse. LESSON DESCRIPTIONS/ TEACHING HINTS : Theme 10 65 SUGGESTED PROEDURE lntroduce the wrtng actvty. The wrtng actvty can be successu the teacher gves an mportance to t. Ths means that the teacher checks the wrtngs reguary, the earners w end up by makng a Progress n ther wrtngs. Then assgn the wrtng task and go to the career research project or your dream job. Actuay, ths s your ourth step n deang wth t. An ora and wrtten presentaton o ths project s needed and w be assessed and consequenty, a the students have to oow the eght gven requrements. Remember that you earn a ot when you have a project snce you w answer a the questons by yourse, hence project-based earnng. KEY ANSvER Stage two : (-b Nana sad that she was one o those who had met her ance through cyberspace. 66 lESSON vHAT vlll NAN BE llKE' SKlllS lstenng / Speakng SUBSKlllS lstenng Express judgement about specc normaton. Derentate between reevant and rreevant normaton. Acqure knowedge o the anguage. ldenty specc sounds. Recognze syabes and stress n key words. Speakng: Demonstrate nternazaton o anguage, deas and normaton. Renvest new words/expressons n ones speech. lUNTlONS Expressng and ndng out nteectua atttudes. GRANNAR Gradua lncrease / Decrease. Nore and more + Adjectve/ less and ess + adjectve ATlVE VOABUlARY luturstc / obvous / assume / brans / substanta / bad / emotons SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one : The rst actvty n stage + s a preparaton or the stenng. lt s meant to psychoogcay engage the students and narrow down ther ocus on the topc o the stenng to actate understandng. lurthermore, t w hopeuy expose them to some o the key vocabuary specc to the topc o the stenng. Stage two : Actvtes + and are meant to hep the students understand the ste- nng extract. The teacher may need to pay the tape once or each act- vty (mutpe choce and True/ase). Actvtes and ( are ocused on pronuncaton eatures (sounds/stress). Here agan the teacher may need to pay the whoe tape twce. lor actvty (, the students must be gven the necessary tme. Stage three : Through actvtes + and , the students w have a chance to enhance ther anguage acquston through a sem-guded daogue ocused on a specc structure. Answer key Stage/+: ook - never stops changng - be n constant use - see better - stops growng competey. 67 EONONlS +o SElllNG A BUSlNESS SKlllS Readng / vrtng SUBSKlllS Readng Scan or specc normaton. Paraphrase sentences . vrtng wrte notes lUNTlONS Advsng. ATlVE VOABUlARY Busness - prncpa - an asset - short-term crss - owner - marketng SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one: You may need to thnk o approprate actvtes to set the context o the readng passage(pre-readng). Eectve comprehenson s essenta or actvtes +,,, and ( or ese the students wont be abe to cope wth the wrtng n stage two. Stage two: Te the students that they need to wrte down notes and not a u paragraph. Answer key Stage one: - - cean busness. - current nventory. - workng order o the equpment. - preparaton o a vauaton report. - preparaton o a busness presentaton package. - a- b-+ c- d-( e- 68 THEMES PAGES LESSONS SKILLS/ SUBSKILLS FUNCTIONS GRAMMAR VOCABULARY PRONUNCIATION XI: Ecology 27. Our world.Our Environment. Reading: Acquire knowledge about a given topic. Acquire knowledge of the language. Speaking: Evaluate information or ideas. Reinvest new words/expressions in ones speech. Interacting with peers. Developing collaborative skills Adverbs of deg- ree: Very / quite / Adjective + enough +to Too + adjective +to Depletion / war- ming / wildlife / trap / thinning / endanger / extinct / fumes / purify / ban / deforestation. 28. Water Scarcity Reading. Extracting salient points for subsequent use in speaking and writing. Identifying implicit logical relations. Differentiating bet- ween relevant and irre- levant information. Speaking. Express opinions about specific issues. Make statements about concrete situa- tions. Writing. Defend a cause. Persuade people to do something. Express opi- nion Inviting/Advis ing others to do something. Not onlybut also. Rainfall / running water / a bill / dump / consump- tion / reduction / reverse / drought / a hose / to account for. A10: Save the Lofty Trees Reading/ speaking Expressing various fee- lings and atti- tudes(displea- sure/ dissatis- faction/ indif- ference/war- ning/ apolo- gy/) Lofty/ disarray/ shade / chop/ choke / ugliness/ nasty 29. Annies song. Listening. Building vocabulary. Managing ideas and information.. Inferring information. Writing. Reinvest knowledge Develop as an autono- mous writer. Expressing liking/pleasure Comparing/ Metaphors. Album / lyrics / compact discs / tunes / melody / hits / simile / metaphor / drown. Lesson thirty PROGRESS CHECK THREE BOOK MAP :Theme 11 69 lESSON ; OUR vORlD, OUR ENVlRONNENT SKlllS Readng / Speakng SUBSKlllS Readng Acqure knowedge about a gven topc. Acqure knowedge o the anguage. Speakng Evauate normaton or deas. Renvest new words/expressons n ones speech. Renvest rea word knowedge n ones speech. lUNTlONS lnteractng wth peers. Deveopng coaboratve sks. GRANNAR Adverbs o degree: very / qute / Adjectve+ enough + to / Too + adjectve + to ATlVE VOABUlARY Depeton / warmng / wde / trap / thnnng / endanger / extnct / umes / pury / ban / deorestaton SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one : The actvty w hopeuy expose the students to key vocabuary rea- ted to the theme o the esson and w make the oncomng readng easer or pups. Here the teacher needs to make sure a the students get the correct answers to the actvty. Stage two: The teacher may need to brng arger vsuas reated to the theme o pouton n ts varous orms and may use them to hep students ans- wer the readng comprehenson questons. The actvty reated to anguage practce must be gven the necessary tme dependng on students assmaton. Stage three : Encourage the students to work n pars, gve them enough tme to ds- cuss the deas and ask or vounteers to report ther work. The par must behave as such durng the dscusson and the reportng phases. Durng the eedback, ask the rest o the pars whether they agree or not wth the deas put orward. Answer key Stage+/ D : +-d / -c / -a / (- / -e / -b . LESSON DESCRIPTIONS/ TEACHING HINTS : Theme 11 70 lESSON 8 vATER SARlTY SKlllS Readng / Speakng / vrtng SUBSKlllS Readng Extractng saent ponts or subsequent use n speakng and wrtng. ldentyng mpct ogca reatons Derentatng between reevant and rreevant normaton. Speakng Express opnons/make judgements about specc ssues. Nake statements about concrete stuatons. vrtng Deend a cause. Persuade peope to do somethng. lUNTlONS Express opnon. lnvtng/advsng others to do somethng. GRANNAR Not ony.but aso. ATlVE VOABUlARY Rana / runnng water / a b / dump / consumpton / reducton / reverse / drought / to dr / a hose / to account or SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one: Once the students dscuss the questons, ask them to report the ans- wers to the rest o the cass and gve them a chance to share and com- pare. Stage two: Nake sure the students do actvty one and get the correct answers. . Encourage them to artcuate and expan ther strateges n dong the actvtes. Use the same procedure wth actvty (. (Ask them to expan how they ound the answers). Stage three : lor both the par work and the quz, gude the students to ocus on rea amar contexts and stuatons and personaze the actvtes as much as possbe to enhance ther motvaton. lor the wrtng, ceary expan to the students that the objectve s to persuade others and thereore they must use the expressons gven. Answer key Stage/ + : / B / A / l / E. 71 ARTS +o SAVE THE lOlTY TREES. SKlllS Readng / Speakng SUBSKlllS vrtng ldenty core vocabuary tems. Demonstrate understandng o an extended message. Demonstrate apprecaton o derent text types / genres. Speakng Speak uenty n nteractve, stress- ree stuatons. Recte rhymes and poems n an expressve manner. lUNTlONS Expressng varous eengs and atttudes (dspeasure / dssatsacton, nderence, warnng, apoogy / regret) . ATlVE VOABUlARY oty - dsarray - shade - chop - choke - ugness - nasty. SUGGESTED PROEDURE specc hnts: Benets o trees Nost trees n ctes or communtes are panted to provde beauty or shade. These are two exceent reasons or ther use. The benets o trees can be grouped nto soca, communa and envronmenta. Envronmenta Benets Trees ater the envronment n whch we ve by moderatng cmate, mprovng ar quaty, conservng water, and harborng wde. mate contro s obtaned by moderatng the eects o sun, wnd, and ran. Trees provde some protecton or peope, pets, and budngs. They ntercept water, store some o t, reduce storm run-o, and the possbty o oodng. Stage one : Have your earners work n pars to sove the puzze. A the words beong to the topc o Ecoogy and Envronment. Stage two : Aocate enough tme to the readng and ask your earners to dea wth the comprehenson questons. lts preerabe that the new exca tems are ntroduced n context. Stage three : So that your earners reay apprecate the pay, and deveop a ee or the Engsh anguage, ask them to enact ther roes wth books open. Ask them to earn ther roes by heart to enact the pay the oowng sesson(s). The pay coud be programmed as part o the end o the schoo year ceebraton. 72 lESSON , ANNlES SONG SKlllS lstenng / vrtng SUBSKlllS lstenng : Budng vocabuary. Nanagng deas and normaton. lnerrng normaton. vrtng : Renvest knowedge. Deveop as an autonomous wrter. lUNTlONS Expressng kng/peasure / omparng. ATlVE VOABUlARY Abum / yrcs / compact dsc / tunes / meody / hts / sme / metaphor / drown. SUGGESTED PROEDURE Stage one : Nake sure you get the students nto the rght mood to sten to a rather romantc song. You may need to ask them to expan ther answers to actvty . Stage two: You need to oow the nstructons and the procedure suggested. lrst, pay the whoe song to gve the students an opportunty to apprecate the song. Next, do the actvtes +, , and as ndcated. Once you nsh the actvtes, pay the song agan and ead students to sng aong. Ths w set them n the rght mood or the comng wrtng actvty n stage three. Stage three : let the students wrte on ther own because the actvty s meant to deveop ther creatve wrtng. lnterere ony when asked or hep. Answer key Stage+ /+: hts / abums / yrcs / compact dscs / tunes / meodes. 73 LESSON 30 PROGRESS CHECK 3 ANSvER KEY +- +- chdhood - hours - washng (- rdge - reed - women ;- housework 8-ght ,- transormed +o- ndustry ++- manuacturng - +- who - reached - carng (- e - schoo - occasonay ;- choose 8- o - +- have taught -wtnessed - can (- u - were rapdy oowed - usng (- +- answer -reach - reach (- markng - use - choose ;- sgncant 8- dont overdo ,-better. - - a- educaton b- unempoyment c- promoton d- tyranny ;- +-c -a -b (- -g -e 8- +-e -b -c (-a -d ,- Nusc has many advantages. lt gves students a chance to sten, react, see, touch and move. lt aso mproves ther readng, wrtng and thnkng abtes. lstenng to musc can hep students when they thnk, earn or work. Nusc needs to be sot. l t s not, t w be hard or students to earn or thnk. Ater a, ts prmary goa s to aect the person postvey. +o- +-b -c -a ++- Persona responsbty and actve partcpaton are the key prncpes o empoyment. Jobess peope are expected to ook or work. Peope recevng ncome assstance are suppo- sed to seek work or partcpate n job tranng programs. By dong so, they may reach se- sucency. +- The words popuaton w soon reach a eve where there w not be enough resources to sustan e as we know t. Growth must be checked. +- causes - rvers - heart - at - shortened - pouted areas. +( educaton empoyment amy entertanment subject quacatons dstance earnng studes vrtua unverstes terature career manager tranng hard work promoton osprng generaton nece nephew reatves musc art theatre cnema stress on the rst syabe stress on the second syabe stress on the thrd syabe stress on the ourth syabe nternet heather medcne newspaper addcton research repeatedy supported scentc educaton technoogcay mathematcs envronmenta communcatons avaabty mpossbty 74 PART III 75 DIAGNOSTIC TEST Answer key : Activity one : 1 : enjoy 2 : rythm 3: exposed 4: classical 5: species 6: sorrow 7 : excitement 8: feel. Activity two : 1: share 2: flat 3: advertisement 4: appointment 5: rent 6: advance 7 : close 8: service decorating. Activity three : 1: the most 2: more 3: well 4: are learning 5: while 6: the largest. Activity four : 1: d 2: a 3: b 4: c. Activity five : 1: b 2: e 3: d 4: f 5: a 6: c. Activity six: 1 : eaten 2: children 3: their 4: of 5: bread 6: many 7: freshly 8: chemist 76 REVIEW MODULE READING I: 1: Narrative. 2: Benefits of pets. 3: Faithful courageous friendly intelligent READING II: 4: reliable honest straightforward frank encouraging truthful adventurous friendly READING III: 1: Sentence 3. 2: Sentence 4. 3: 4 5 1 6 2. 4: objective. 5: a scientific magazine. LANGUAGE: Activity one: 1: hardly 2: sweets 3: sells 4: lucky 5: boring 6: only 7: fashionable. Activity two: 1: known 2: gracefully 3: on 4: which 5: seen 6: six hundred years old. Activity three: 1: was exhausted 2: left 3: know 4: lost 5: speak. Activity four: 1: sight 2: environment strict rescue. Gifts his father gave him. Gifts hell give to his son. - (open doors) - sense of adventure - courage - honesty - friendliness - a mirror - a stick - learning - love 77 LESSON 21 : WHATS YOUR DREAM JOB ? A CROSSWORD PUZZLE. 1D 2H O S 3 P I T4 A L I T R 5P H Y S I C I A N 6S L T I T 7O F F I C E N U M H I D A E N Y T S 8 T A G E9 A 10D E G R E E R 11F U N 78 PART IV 79 TRANSCRIPT LESSON 4: BRIDGE OVER TROUBLED WATER When youre weary Feeling small When tears are in your eyes I will dry them all Im on your side When times get rough And friends just cant be found Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down When youre down and out When youre on the street When evening falls so hard I will comfort you Ill take your part When darkness comes And pain is all around Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down Like a bridge over troubled water I will lay me down Sail on Silver Girl Sail on by Your time has come to shine All your dreams are on their way See how they shine If you need a friend Im sailing right behind Like a bridge over troubled water I will ease your mind Like a bridge over troubled water I will ease your mind SIMON and GARFUNKLE 80 LESSON 7: AN INTERVIEW WITH A FOOTBALLER -What made you come to the Spanish Liga ? -Its different from the Premier League, where I have been playing for 12 years. Its a great opportunity because its one of the best leagues in the world. -How different will your life be now that you have moved to Madrid and away from home ? -Ill miss a few things. Ill miss friends, Ill miss family that cant get over here all the time, my nan and grandad. Ill miss pie and jelly. Apart from that, Im looking forward to life in Madrid. -How do you get on with your new teammates these first days ? -Im very glad because its a beautiful experience. In spite of knowing the coach, everything is new, the teammates are different, the language is different. I hope Ill live up to the expec- tations. -Have your new teammates surprised you, at personal level, mainly ? -I already knew them at sporting level, but, at personal level, Im very happy because they have made huge effort to help me with my Spanish. They are helping me to get integrated as soon as possible. Theyre just as good at sporting level as at personal. Im very grateful to them. -August 27th is a highlighted date on your calendar, your debut at Santiago Bernabu. -This event is really motivating for me. I have been very eager to meet my teammates since I signed the contract. Once this phase is over, Im only thinking about the day Ill wear the white shirt at Santiago Bernabu. This is the hope I always have in mind. -How would you imagine a hypothetical encounter with Manchester United or any other English team ? -It would be an honour for me to play English sides as a Real Madrid player. If this moment ever happens, it will be something very special in my career. -Are you not tired of having all the media and fans following every step you take ? -Im used to it. It was the same in England. But it is not only happening with me. People also want to know the other team members. It is an honour to have so many people cheering and following us. For me this is part of football. -What about Victorias career ? -Victorias career will carry on like it did when I was in Manchester. She lived in Manchester but she travelled to places when she had to work. She went to London and America and shell do the same in Spain. 81 LESSON 13: SONGS OF FREEDOM Everybody tells me, we love your songs Your soul is precious, but it just aint good enough You need a single to help you through Program directors, they all make the rules I said, youre kidding, youre putting me on What about the Constitution, freedom of expression Listen to the music, just feel the sound Love is the motion, thats what makes the world go around Sing, Songs of Freedom Bring joy to the world Sing, Songs of Freedom Bring joy to the world Everybody listen, stop and take some time To understand the world situation There is no meaning in fighting the way we do Lets come together and forgive each other Sing, Songs of Freedom Bring joy to the world Sing, Songs of Freedom Bring joy to the world Carlos Santana 82 LESSON 16: EQUALITY OFFERS PROSPERITY (Section1) Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted to welcome you here. The Millennium Declaration and the Millennium Development Goals, adopted in September 2000, incorporate a vision of development based on freedom from fear and freedom from want. The declaration states that Men and women have the right to live their lives and raise their children in dignity, free from hunger and from fear of violence, oppression or injusti- ce and commits states to promote gender equality and the empowerment of women as effective ways to combat poverty, hunger, disease and to stimulate development. (Section2) The recognition that womens equality and rights are central to achieving economic and social priorities is important. But it is not by chance that this has come about. It is the result of a lot of work by womens rights and gender equality advocates over decades, creating favou- rable conditions for activism at global, regional and national levels that committed countries to achieving gender equality. The commitments made in the United Nation World conferences of the last two decades in a few countries namely in China, Egypt, Austria and Denmark as well as the Special Session in New York are central to the vision included in the Millennium Declaration. 83 Lesson 21 : WHATS YOUR DREAM JOB? (Section1) Heidrun and Thorson are two foreign students in Japan. They are being interviewed by a local English-broadcasting radio. Radio Interviewer: Ladies and Gentlemen Good morning and welcome to our regular daily fif- teen minute program Meet the people. Today, we have with us in the studio two universi- ty students from Norway, Heidrun and Thorson , and they will talk to us about their plans for the future. Now, lets begin with Heidrun. What do you want to be once you finish your studies ? (Section2) Heidrun: Well, I want to be a physicians assistant. Radio Interviewer: Thats interesting. But maybe some of our listeners have no exact idea about this job, so could you tell us what a physicians assistant does? Heidrun: Well, normally when you go into a doctors office, you wouldnt always need the doctor, do you? I mean for things like check-ups or taking out stitches, you would need the doctors assistant. The assistant would usually do these little things so that the doctor does not have to do them. Radio Interviewer: Oh O.K. so thats what you want to do? Heidrun: Yeah. Radio Interviewer: Fine, but how do you become a physicians assistant? Heidrun: Its a lot of schooling. You have a minimum of 4 to 6 years of college, 2 of them at a hospital as an assistant. Radio Interviewer: and thats what you are doing now. Heidrun: Yes, as an intern. Radio Interviewer: An internship for two years at a hospital? Heidrun: Yes, and then you hopefully go on and maybe have your own little clinic or work with a doctor. Radio Interviewer: Well, best wishes on becoming a physicians assistant. Im sure youll make a good one. (Section3) Now, lets move on to Thorson. Could you tell us about your dream job? 84 Thorson: My dream job is to become a diplomat representing my country, preferably in Japan. Thats why I came to Japan to learn Japanese and hopefully obtain a master degree in International Relations. After getting my masters degree in International Relations, I would like to go home and enter the diplomat school for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which is a three-year program, and then, after that hopefully come back to Japan in order to work for the Norwegian Embassy in Tokyo. Radio Interviewer: This must be very competitive. Thorson: It is very competitive, but I think if you know a certain language that not many peo- ple speak, it gives you a competitive edge nevertheless, so thats why I came to Japan becau- se I know at this stage there are only 300 people from Norway living in Japan and not all of them are here to study Japanese, they represent different companies or schools, or theyre mis- sionaries so, thats the track Im on right now but well see how it goes in the end. Radio Interviewer: How about when you were a child. Did you dream to become a diplomat? Thorson: No, when I was a child, I probably didnt know what I wanted to do. I was just too busy playing in the streets you know, having fun with my friends and these things. When I was ten or so I really didnt have a dream job like fireman or police. I never really went through that stage, you know. I wanted to be a baseball player so that I could be famous the world over. Radio Interviewer: All right, fair enough! Thorson: Im still dreaming. Radio Interviewer: Oh thats good. Im sure youll fulfill your dream. 85 LESSON 26 : WHAT WILL MAN BE LIKE? (Section1) When asked about man in the future Dr. Franklin Gruber, head of the department of futu- ristic studies at Durban University said: What will man be like in the future in 5000 or even 50.000 years from now? We can only make a guess, of course, but we can be sure that he will be different from what he is today. For man is slowly changing all the time. Let us take an obvious example. Man, even five hundred years ago, was shorter than he is today now, on average; men are about three inches taller. Five hundred years is a relatively short period of time, so we may assume that man will continue to grow taller. Again, in the modern world we use our brains a great deal. Even so, we still make use of only about 20% of the brains capacity. As time goes on, however, we shall have to use our brains more and more often, and eventually they will become more and more substantial. This is likely to bring about a physical change too: the head, in particular the forehead, will grow larger. (Section2) Nowadays our eyes are in constant use. In fact, we use them so much that very often they become weaker and we have to wear glasses. But over a very long period of time mens eyes will certainly grow stronger. On the other hand, we tend to make less use of our arms and legs. These, as a result, are likely to grow less and less powerful. At the same time, however, our fingers will grow more and more sensitive because they are used a great deal in modern life. But what about the hair? This will probably disappear from the body altogether in course of time because it does not serve a useful purpose any longer. In the future, then both men and women are likely to be bald! Perhaps all this gives the impression that future man will not be a very attractive crea- ture to look at! This may well be true. All the same, in spite of all these changes, future man will still have a lot in common with us. He will still be a human being, with thoughts and emo- tions similar to our own. Donne Byrne (Adapted) 86 LESSON 29: ANNIES SONG You fill up my senses Like a night in a forest Like the mountains in springtime Like a walk in the rain Like a storm in the desert Like a sleepy blue ocean You fill up my senses Come fill me again Come let me love you Let me give my life to you Let me drown in your laughter Let me die in your arms Let me lay down beside you Let me always be with you Come let me love you Come love me again . You fill up my senses Like a night in a forest Like the mountains in springtime Like a walk in the rain Like a storm in the desert Like a sleepy blue ocean You fill up my senses Come fill me again JOHN DENVER 87 PART V 1. IMPARTING AND SEEKING FACTUAL INFORMATION Identifying Demonstrative Pronouns (this,that,these,those) + BE+NP Demonstrative Adjectives (this,that, these,those+N+BE+NP Personal pronouns(subject form) + BE+NP Declarative Sentence Short answers(Yes, he is, etc.) Describing,narrating, reporting Declarative sentences Head-clause containing verb of saying (e.g. to say) Thinking, etc + complement clause (indirect speech) Correcting Same exponents as above; in addition: adverb no Negative sentences with not Sentences containing the negation-words never, no (adjective), nobody, nothing Asking Interrogative sentences (yes/no questions) Declarative sentences + question intonation Question-word sentence with when/where/why/what(pronoun) Which (pronoun) /who/what (adjective)/which (adjective) How + far / much long etc. Whose (pronoun and adjective) Tell me + sub-clause / tell me about + NP 2. EXPRESSING AND FINDING OUT INTELLECTUAL ATTITUDES a) Expressing agreement and disagreement Agreement I agree / thats right / of course (not) / yes / certainly Affirmative short answers (it is, I am, I can, he may, etc.) Disagreement I dont agree / I dont think so/ No / thats incorrect Negative short answers Inquiring about Agreement or disagree- ment Do you agree? Do you think so, too? Dont you agree? / Dont you think so? Short questions Denying something No (adverb) Negative sentences with not Sentences containing the negation words never,no(adjective), nobody, nothing. Negative short answers. Accepting an offer or an invitation Thank you/ Yes, please/ That will be very nice / with pleasure! Declining an offer or invitation No, thank you Im afraid I cannot Inquiring whether offer or invitation is accepted or declined Will you + VP (do it, come, etc.) Offering to do some- thing Can I + VP COMMUNICATIVE FUNCTIONS AND EXPONENTS 88 89 Stating whether one remembers or has for- gotten something or someone I remember / I dont remember + noun (group) / pronoun I remember / I dont remember + gerund I remember / I dont remember + that + clause I have forgotten ( to bring my glasses etc) Inquiring whether someone remembers or has forgotten some- thing or someone Do you remember + noun(group) / pronoun Do you remember + gerund Do you remember + that clause Have you forgotten to (bring your glasses etc.) b) Expressing whether something is considered possible or impossible and Inquiring about agreement or disagreement Possibility NP + can + VP It is possible + Impossibility NP + cannot + VP It is impossible Inquiring whether something is considered possible or impossible Is it possible + / Can + NP + VP Expressing capability and incapability NP + can + VP NP + cannot + VP NP + BE able to + VP NP + BE not able to + VP NP + BE unable to + VP Inquiring about capa- bility or incapability Can + NP + VP Cannot + NP + VP BE + NP + able to + VP BE not + NP + able to + VP BE + NP + unable to + VP Expressing whether something is considered a logical conclusion(deduction) So + declarative sentence Expressing how cer- tain/ uncertain one is of something I am sure/ certain + / that clause I think + so I think that + clause Perhaps NP + may + VP I am not sure + / that clause I dont think + so I dont believe + noun (group) / pronoun NP + cannot + VP Inquiring about how certain/uncertain others are of something Are you (quite) sure + / that clause Do you think + / that clause Expressing, one is/is not obliged to do something I must + VP (similarly with we) Inquiring whether one is obliged to do something Must I + VP + (similarly with we) Expressing others are/ are not obliged to do something You must (not) + VP NP + must (not) + VP (other persons) It is (not) necessary c) Giving and seeking permission to do something Giving permission You may / can + VP (answering a request) Of course / of course you may (Thats) all right Seeking permission May I / can I + VP Let me + VP Do you mind + if clause Stating that permission is withheld NP+ must not + VP Dont + VP 3. EXPRESSING AND FINDING OUT EMOTIONAL ATTITUDES Expressing pleasure, liking This is very nice(pleasant) I like + noun (group) / pronoun/ Ving + very much I enjoy + noun (group) / pronoun/ Ving + very much I love + noun (group) pronoun / Ving + very much A very good + noun Expressing displeasure This is not very nice / pleasant I dont like+ noun (group) / pronoun/ Ving+very much/at all I dont enjoy+noun (group)/pronoun/Ving+very much/ at all I hate noun(group) / pronoun / Ving / Vto Inquiring about pleasure, liking, displeasure, dislike Do/ Dont you like+noun(group)/ pronoun/Ving / Vto Do/Dont you enjoy+noun(group)/pronoun/Ving/ Vto Would you like + noun (group) /pronoun /Vto Expressing surprise This is a surprise! Fancy + Ving.. How nice + Vto What a surprise!/ its a surprise! /Im surprised+ that clause Expressing hope I hope + so / that clause Expressing satisfaction This is very good / nice Its (quite) all right now This is just what(I wanted) / needed / meant/ have(had) in mind Expressing dissatis- faction I dont like this This is not right yet This is not what I (wanted/needed/meant) /have(had) in 90 91 Inquiring about satisfaction or dissatisfaction Is it all right now? Do you like this? Is this what you (wanted/needed/ meant) / have(had) in mind? Expressing disappointment Thats a( great )pity Im very sorry +Vto Expressing fear or worry Im afraid / Im worried (+ about + NP) Inquiring about fear or worry Are you afraid? Are you worried? You arent afraid/worried, are you? Expressing preference I prefer + noun (group)/pronoun /Ving Id rather + Vinf..(than) Inquiring about preference Which do you prefer? Would you prefer + Ving Expressing gratitude Thank you (very much (indeed)) It is / was very nice of you (+Vto) It is/was very kind of you (+Vto) Expressing Sympathy I am (so) sorry / glad / delighted +Vto Expressing intention Im going + Vto Ill + Vinf Im thinking of + Ving Inquiring about intention Are you going + Vto ? Will you + Vinf? Are you thinking of +Vinf? Expressing want, desire I want + noun (group) / pronoun / Vto Id like + noun (group) / pronoun / Vto May I have + noun(group) / pronoun (,please)? Inquiring about want, desire Do you want + noun (group) / pronoun / Vto Would you like + noun (group) / pronoun / Vto 92 4. EXPRESSING AND FINDING OUT MORAL ATTITUDES Apologizing I am (very )sorry Excuse me, please I do apologize Granting forgiveness Thats all right/ Its all right now It doesnt matter (at all) Expressing approval Good! Excellent! / Thats fine Expressing disapproval Its not very nice You shouldnt + Vinf You shouldnt +have + Ved Inquiring about approval/disapproval Is this all right? Do you think this is all right? Expressing appreciation (Its) very good / (Its ) very nice Expressing regret Thats a (great) pity I am so / very sorry + that clause I am so / very sorry + if clause Expressing indifference It doesnt matter I dont care I dont mind _ / I dont mind + if clause 5. GETTING THINGS DONE (SUASION) Suggesting a course of action (including the speaker) Lets +VP What about +Ving We could +VP We might + VP Requesting others to do something Please + VP / Could you(please) + VP / Would you (please) + VP Can I have + NP + Ved (,please)? Inviting others to do something What / how about +NP /Ving? Would you like + Vto Warning others to take care or to refrain from doing something Be careful! Mind +NP! (e.g. Mind your head!) Dont +VP Look out! Instructing or directing others to do something Imperative sentences 93 6. SOCIALIZING USING LANGUAGE Greeting when mee- ting people Hello / Good morning / (afternoon/evening) Hello / how are you? (Im fine thank you) how are you? Im very well, thank you, and how are you? Greeting when intro- ducing people and being introduced This is Id like you to meet. Hello / how do you do (response) Taking leave Good-bye / bye-bye / good night / cheerio Ill see you tomorrow / next week etc. Attracting attention Excuse me Proposing a toast Heres to ./ cheers / 94 TIMELINE Lessons/Activities Number of class periods Diagnostic Test 2 Self-reflection 1 Review module 3 Lesson1 1 Lesson2 1_ Arts1 1_ Economics1 1_ Lesson3 2 Lesson4 1_ Lesson5 2 Arts2 2 Economics2 1_ Lesson6 2 Lesson7 1_ Lesson8 Progress Check&Self-Evaluation 3 Arts3 1_ Economics3 1_ Lesson9 2 Lesson 10 1_ Lesson11 2 Arts4 1_ Economics4 1_ Lesson12 2 Lesson13 1 Lesson14 2 Arts5 1_ Economics5 1_ Lesson15 2 Lesson16 1_ Lesson17 Progress Check&Self-Evaluation 3 Arts6 2 Economics6 2 Lesson18 2 Lesson19 1_ Arts7 1_ Economics7 2 Lesson20 2 Lesson21 2 Lesson22 2 Arts8 2 95 Economics8 1_ Lesson23 1_ Lesson24 2 Arts9 2 Economics9 2 Lesson25 2 Lesson26 1_ Economics10 1_ Lesson27 2 Lesson28 2 Arts10 3 Lesson29 1_ Lesson30 Progress Check&Self-Evaluation 3 96