News in the Category "E-Mail Security"

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Electronic Mail Security (Book Review)

  • April L. Dmytrenko
  • Records Management Quarterly
  • July 1997

Electronic mail, or e-mail, has become an important communications tool. Businesses have accepted it with great zest, the Internet has allowed it to explode with growth, and its ease of use has made it an integrated part of our personal lives. Even commercials now show dads and morns using e-mail to let their grown kids know they love them and to remind them to take their vitamins.

E-mail has become fun and easy, and many take advantage of being able to send a quick message without having to get caught up in the “how are you—how are you” courtesies of a phone call. And compared with traditional (snail) mail, you can’t beat the speed of transmission…

Electronic Mail Security (Book Review)

  • April L. Dmytrenko, FAI
  • Records Management Quarterly
  • July 1997

Electronic mail, or e-mail, has become an important communications tool. Businesses have accepted it with great zest, the Internet has allowed it to explode with growth, and its ease of use has made it an integrated part of our personal lives. Even commercials now show dads and morns using e-mail to let their grown kids know they love them and to remind them to take their vitamins.

E-mail has become fun and easy, and many take advantage of being able to send a quick message without having to get caught up in the “how are you—how are you” courtesies of a phone call. And compared with traditional (snail) mail, you can’t beat the speed of transmission…

E-Mail Security by Schneier

  • Rob Slade
  • RISKS Digest
  • February 24, 1995

This is the third work that I have seen on the PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) text encryption and authentication system. (I understand that at least two more are in the works.) It is also the first to truly present the general concept of email security by covering the only other realistic option—the Internet Privacy Enhanced Mail (PEM) standard and (Mark) Riordan’s Internet Privacy Enhanced Mail (RIPEM) implementation. The book divides roughly into quarters discussing background, practical use, the PGP documentation, and the PEM RFCs.

The work is considerably different, in style, to the Stallings (…

Sidebar photo of Bruce Schneier by Joe MacInnis.