News in the Category "Data and Goliath"
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Review of Data and Goliath (German)
Wie und warum überwachen Firmen ihre Kunden? Wie und warum überwachen Regierungen ihre Bürgerinnen? Wie und warum bespitzeln und sabotieren Staaten sich gegenseitig? Welche Bedeutung hat Privatsphäre und wie lange wird es sie noch geben? Bruce Schneier behandelt diese Fragen auf knapp 300 Seiten unglaublich rund, ausgewogen und angenehm zu lesen. Die über hundert Seiten Quellennachweise und der zwanzigseitige Index kommen noch hinzu.
Der Autor kennt sich mit der Technik, den Gesetzen, der Politik und der Ideengeschichte aus und verwebt alle Informationen aus diesen verschiedenen Kategorien zu einem beeindruckenden, interessanten und besorgniserrenden Bild der allgegenwärtigen Überwachung am Beginn des 21. Jahrhunderts. Das Erklären globaler Zusammenhänge, das Peter Scholl-Latour jahrzehntelang für die analoge Welt übernommen hat, leistet Bruce Schneier mit “Data and Goliath” für die internetbasierte Weltgesellschaft. Dabei sagt er unverblümt seine Meinung, ohne zu verschweigen, dass es konträre Meinungen gibt. Außerdem gönnt er seinen Leserinnen in keinem Moment die Illusion, es gäbe einfache Lösungen. Im Gegenteil: Schneier betont die Verantwortung aller Bürger demokratischer Staaten, sich zu informieren, mit den Mächtigen zu kommunizieren und sich politisch zu organisieren…
Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World (Review)
Data and Goliath by Bruce Schneier is an eye-opening look into the secret operations of our country’s surveillance operations. Through his analysis of the classified information leaked by former CIA contractor, Edward Snowden, Bruce breaks down the impacts that mass surveillance is having on society. He brings immense insights into how government and societies need to rectify the power imbalance and work to restore privacy and trust. While many of Bruce’s recommendations involve broad, overarching changes to legislation, there are several principles that security professionals can adopt to do our part—such as building resilience into our systems and processes; fixing vulnerabilities; upholding trust; and not subverting products or standards…
Book Review: Data and Goliath
After sitting in my reading list for years, I finally got to read “Data and Goliath” by Bruce Schneier. Overall, this book is as well written as all of Schneier’s books, and is just as scientifically accurate (to the best that I could tell). However, whoever the audience for his book is, they may find it missing essential parts that make it not just a pleasant read, but also a useful one.
This book is written so clearly that reading it will flow well for security professionals and the general public alike. I recommended it to a few acquaintances who are not security savvy nor even technologists, but who should know more about the information exchange ecosystem that they fuel with their personal data…
Bruce Schneier (2015) Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World, London & New York, W. W. Norton & Compan
Skepticism was the attitude governing my state of mind when I stared reading this book but it vanished as soon as I realized it challenged one of my deepest beliefs, namely: My life is so ordinary that no one, in their right minds, would bother monitor the routines. Out of my personal reflex as a psychiatrist I attributed paranoid tendencies to those concerned about being surveilled with the use of electronic devices. It might be that at an individual level, one’s life is not of primary interest, unless one is a public figure or is prosecuted for some sort of crime, but at a global level, the individual becomes an inexhaustible source of useful information no matter how mediocre their lives are and this is what the author wants to highlight from the very beginning…
[Book Review] Data and Goliath by Bruce Schneier
With today’s rapid technological advancement, almost every activity such as communication, work, and business can be done easily and efficiently through the many available devices and applications. Although it seems that we have so many benefits of the rapid development of technologies, many unseen threats also await. One of the most serious issues in this digital era is concerning our privacy and data protection. Today, in this big data era, governments and private companies can easily obtain our data from various media—such as devices and applications developed by the governments and private companies—and use these data to “surveil” us. Bruce Schneier, one of the world’s foremost security experts, elaborates “surveillance in the digital era” issue comprehensively in his book …
Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World
Data and Goliath is Bruce Schneier’s most recent book. Published in 2015, the book addresses the issues arising from governments’ and corporations’ great capabilities of mass surveillance, and the dangers they bring about. As Schneier aptly puts it, “[w]e live in the golden age of surveillance,” and this affects both our security as well as our freedoms (4). The book is meant to convey an eye-opening message: we need to change the status quo, and we need to do it soon.
Since its publication, Data and Goliath has been recognised as being a thought-provoking and compelling book about the reality of surveillance, leading Malcolm Gladwell[…
The Cybersecurity Canon: Data and Goliath
Executive Summary
“Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World” is a book meant to scare you, and it does a good job. The book is designed to get our attention and serve as a wake-up call on a number of issues that beg for more robust public discussion. Chief among these issues are mass surveillance from governments and the commercial world, and how this is affecting personal privacy and even public security. More importantly, I believe Bruce Schneier offers some excellent recommendations as to what we should all be talking about and doing when it comes to bringing these critical issues out of the shadows and into the light. Finally, this book offers some ideas that I believe can serve as the basis for the formulation of improved norms of responsible behavior, more effective government and industry policies and regulations, and perhaps more balanced national and international laws relevant to the digital age. As such, this book deserves a place of honor in the Cybersecurity Canon…
Data and Goliath: The Hidden Battles to Collect Your Data and Control Your World by Bruce Schneier (Review)
We all surrender privacy in some form and fashion and allow companies to gather data so these enterprises can better serve us. Our cell phone provider needs to know where we are to route calls to the appropriate cell tower. As consumers and users, we allow the cell phone company to track and follow our moves because the convenience of being able to receive a call is greater than our perceived loss of privacy. For the last twenty years, Americans have accepted that the benefit of convenience outweighs the loss of privacy. Bruce Schneier makes a strong argument that this construct should no longer be the case. The book Data and Goliath has a compelling message that is a Red Thread of a question through the text: “Do you accept the surrender of your data for convenience?” The author is an authority in the field of cybersecurity—a renowned computer scientist and cryptographer. Schneier has been at the forefront of cybersecurity developments since the 1990s with an appetite to address current challenges and put them in perspective…
Video: Video Review of Data and Goliath
Scott Schober, author of Hacked Again, reviewed Bruce Schneier’s Data and Goliath.
Book Review: Data and Goliath by Bruce Schneier
How many times have you heard the “Nothing to Hide” argument? If you don’t have anything to hide, then you don’t need to worry about anyone watching you or collecting information about your thoughts and behaviors. Consider the impact to those that have nothing to hide. Depending on who is watching, people will curtail open discussion on many topics which stifle new thinking, innovation and even market disruption. Furthermore, it becomes easier to categorize and, therefore, discriminate against individuals. Privacy in our communications is much more important than most people think. And, a lack of information transparency in collection and use of data keeps this issue off the radar for most everyday people…
Sidebar photo of Bruce Schneier by Joe MacInnis.