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' + // 'MY BENEFITS' + // '' + // '
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Step 1: Check Program Eligibility

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Unfortunately, you are not eligible at this time. Please check that your email was entered correctly or you may need additional verification through ID.ME. Still not eligible? Shop our latest deal here.

Step 2: Join the Federal, State and Government Program with your .gov email to start saving up to 30%

Sign up with your .gov email address to start saving up to 30%. Don’t have a .gov email address? Want to use your personal email? Click here to shop the Government Offers Program, and complete ID.me verification at checkout.

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Trending Deals

Trending Deals

Offer Program Exclusive

Galaxy S25 Ultra
Save up to $1,200+. Get up to $900 instant trade-in credit toward the new Galaxy S25 Ultraθ and up to $300 instant Samsung Credit. Plus, get an exclusive, extra 5% off and more. Check your eligibility to see if you qualify.
Galaxy S25 Ultra

Offer Program Exclusive

Galaxy S25+
Save up to $800+. Get up to $700 instant trade-in credit toward the new Galaxy S25+θ and $100 instant Samsung Credit. Plus, get an exclusive, extra 5% off and more. Check your eligibility to see if you qualify.
Galaxy S25+

Offer Program Exclusive

Galaxy S25
Save up to $550+. Get up to $500 instant trade-in credit toward the new Galaxy S25θ and $50 instant Samsung Credit. Plus, get an exclusive, extra 5% off and more. Check your eligibility to see if you qualify.
Galaxy S25

Offer Program Exclusive

Save up to $500+
Get up to $500 trade-in credit toward the new Galaxy Book5 Pro or $300 guaranteed trade-in credit with any PC trade-in. Plus, get an extra 15% off. From $1,147.49 $1,349.99 before eligible trade-in.θ
Save up to $500+

Offer Program Exclusive

Save up to $500+
Get up to $500 trade-in credit toward the new Galaxy Book5 360 or $300 guaranteed trade-in credit with any PC trade-in. Plus, get an extra 15% off. From $1,147.49 $1,349.99 before eligible trade-in.θ
Save up to $500+

Save up to $1,000+

Galaxy Tab S10 Series
Get up to $800 instant trade-in creditθ or at least $300 instant trade-in credit with any tablet trade-in.E Plus, get an exclusive, extra 20% off and more. Check your eligibility to see if you qualify.
Galaxy Tab S10 Ultra

Save up to $215+

Galaxy Tab A9+
Get up to $59 instant trade-in credit, double the storage on usY and $50 off. Plus, get an exclusive, extra 10% off. From $152.99 $269.99 with Samsung Offer Program membership before eligible trade-in.θ
Galaxy Tab A9+

Offer Program Exclusive

Save up to $330+
With $250 instant trade-in credit toward Galaxy Ring. Plus, get an exclusive, extra $10% off. Now $319.99 $399.99 with Samsung Offer Program membership before eligible trade-in.θ
Save up to $330+

Save up to $400+

Galaxy Watch Ultra
With instant trade-in credit. Plus, get an exclusive, extra 15% off. From $552.49 $649.99 with Samsung Offer Program membership before eligible trade-in.θ
Galaxy Watch Ultra

Save up to $2,430

Plus, get an exclusive, extra 10% off. From $2,969.99 $5,399.99 or $123.75/mo for 24 mos with Samsung Offer Program membership.⊕σ

Offer Program Exclusive

Get $579 off 32" Odyssey Neo G7 Gaming Monitor
Including an exclusive, extra 10% off. Now $719.99 $1299.99 with Samsung Offer Program membership.
Get $579 off 32" Odyssey Neo G7 Gaming Monitor

Exclusive Warranty Savings

Save $1,300+
On Bespoke AI Laundry Combo™ All-in-One. Plus, get a 2-year warranty and installation on us, and save on 3 years of Samsung Care+. Now $1,999 $3,299.
Bespoke AI Laundry ComboTM All-in-One

All-star features for your home needs

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New Galaxy Club
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New Galaxy Club

Join the New Galaxy Club and get a year of phone protection on us, plus simple annual upgrades on the Galaxy S25.

Learn more

Unlock app savings

Get special deals and a tailored shopping experience on The Samsung Shop app.

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Trade in and trade up

Trade in your old devices for instant credit towards the latest Samsung products.3

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Save with Samsung
Offer Programs

Save up to 30% through exclusive savings for students, teachers, government, military and corporate employees. You could be eligible.*

Learn more

Trade in & trade up

Trade in your old devices and receive credit on new purchases.θ

Get the Shop app

Access exclusive savings on the Samsung Shop app.

Financing that fits your life

$0 down and 24- to 36-month plans available for most items.⊕σ

*Samsung.com sign in required for purchases and may require additional verification of your program eligibility.Show More
*Samsung.com sign in required for purchases and may require additional verification of your program eligibility.

The prices and special offers shown are being provided exclusively for users registered to Samsung Offer Programs using their qualified email id or an email id verified by ID.me using their qualified group affiliation, and you agree to the terms on using an authentic email address registered under your name.

All prices are available for a limited time only, and cannot be combined with any other offer. These prices are not available at retail locations or online sites other than this site. If a verified user requests a retailer to match a price available to the verified user through the Samsung Offer Programs ("Program"), or shares the pricing or offer on any third-party website or with anyone who is not authorized to receive such pricing or offers, the verified user and/or the verified user's participating company may be subject to removal from the Program, at Samsung's sole discretion. The prices and all other terms and conditions associated with the Program and Samsung.com are subject to change at any time without prior notice. There is a purchase limit of two (2) products per product category, per email address and/or shipping address within any Calendar year period to avail this special pricing and benefits.

You will be redirected to ID.me to complete confirm your eligibility and affiliation to qualified groups like Military, Government, First Responder, Medical, Nurse, Student or Teacher. ID.me privacy policy.Show Less
0% APR for 12, 18, or 24 Months with Equal Payments: Available on purchases of select products charged to a Samsung Financing account.Show More
0% APR for 12, 18, or 24 Months with Equal Payments: Available on purchases of select products charged to a Samsung Financing account. Minimum purchase: $50. 0% APR from date of eligible purchase until paid in full. Estimated monthly payment equals the eligible purchase amount multiplied by a repayment factor and rounded up to the nearest penny (repayment factors: .08333 for 12 month, .05556 for 18 month, .04167 for 24 month). Last payment may vary due to rounding. Total amount of payments will not exceed eligible purchase amount. Other transactions and fees affect overall minimum payment amount. Advertised payment amount, if any, is an estimate and may change once taxes, delivery or other charges are added. Limited time offer. Regular account terms apply to non promo purchases. Standard Purchase APR: 29.99%. Minimum interest charge: $1. Prior purchases excluded. Account must be in good standing. Subject to credit approval. Samsung Financing account issued by TD Bank, N.A.Show Less
θFor a limited time only, on Samsung.com/Shop Samsung App, or purchase a new qualifying Galaxy device ("Qualifying Purchase"), send in your qualifying trade-in device to Samsung through the Samsung Trade-In Program, and if Samsung determines your trade-in device meets all eligibility requirements, you will receive a trade-in credit specific to your qualifying trade-in device to apply toward your Qualifying Purchase.Show More
θFor a limited time only, on Samsung.com/Shop Samsung App, or purchase a new qualifying Galaxy device ("Qualifying Purchase"), send in your qualifying trade-in device to Samsung through the Samsung Trade-In Program, and if Samsung determines your trade-in device meets all eligibility requirements, you will receive a trade-in credit specific to your qualifying trade-in device to apply toward your Qualifying Purchase. Device models that currently qualify for trade-in and trade-in credit amounts associated with those models are available on Samsung.com and the Shop Samsung App; eligible models and amounts may change at Samsung's sole discretion. To be eligible for trade-in, your qualifying device must meet all Trade-In Program eligibility requirements, which include, but are not limited to, that the device powers on, holds a charge, and does not power off unexpectedly; has a functioning display; has no breaks or cracks in the screen (unless a cracked screen offer applies); has no breaks or cracks in the case; has no liquid damage (whether visible or not); has no other defects that go beyond normal wear and tear; is not on a black list; has a verified FCC ID; has been reset to factory settings; has all personal information removed; has all software locks disabled; and is owned by you (leased devices are not eligible). Anticipated trade-in value will be applied as a credit at time of purchase, but, if you do not send in your trade-in device within 15 days of receipt of your Qualifying Purchase, you will be charged back for the trade-in credit applied to your purchase, or if you send in your trade-in device within 15 days of receipt of your Qualifying Purchase but Samsung determines your device does not meet all eligibility requirements, you will be charged back for the trade-in credit applied to your purchase minus $25. Participation in this program does not excuse you from contracts with your carrier or retailer (or any related payments or fees) for the device that was traded in. Limit 1 trade-in per Qualifying Purchase. Samsung reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time. The Trade-In Program cannot be combined with any other Samsung, carrier or retailer promotions, discounts, or offers unless specifically provided for in the terms and conditions of such offers. Additional terms, including terms that govern the resolution of disputes, apply.Show Less
©2024 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved.Show More
©2024 AT&T Intellectual Property. All rights reserved. AT&T and the Globe logo are registered trademarks of AT&T Intellectual Property. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.Show Less
σPayment options are offered by Affirm, are subject to an eligibility check, and may not be available in all states.Show More
σPayment options are offered by Affirm, are subject to an eligibility check, and may not be available in all states. Options depend on your purchase amount, and a down payment may be required. California residents: Affirm Loan Services, LLC is licensed by the Department of Business Oversight. Loans are made or arranged pursuant to California Financing Law license 60DBO-111681Show Less
2/7/2025-3/31/2025, while supplies last, purchase a Samsung S25 series device (“Qualifying Purchase) on Samsung.com or in the Shop Samsung App and receive a Samsung Credit (“Gift”) that can be used towards the Qualifying Purchase and/or additional eligible products as follows:Show More
2/7/2025-3/31/2025, while supplies last, purchase a Samsung S25 series device (“Qualifying Purchase) on Samsung.com or in the Shop Samsung App and receive a Samsung Credit (“Gift”) that can be used towards the Qualifying Purchase and/or additional eligible products as follows:

Qualifying Product Gift
Galaxy S25 Ultra and Galaxy S25+ 256GB $100 credit towards additional products
Galaxy S25 Ultra 512GB $200 credit as follows: $120 towards Qualifying Purchase, $80 towards additional products
Galaxy S25 Ultra 1TB $300 credit as follows: $240 towards Qualifying Purchase, $60 towards additional products
Galaxy S25+ 512GB $100 towards Qualifying Purchase
Galaxy S25 128GB $50 credit towards additional products
Galaxy S25 256GB $50 towards Qualifying Purchase

Gift must be used at time of Qualifying Purchase towards purchasing additional eligible products, while supplies last. Gift is a one-time use e-certificate; any value not used at the time of the Qualifying Purchase is lost. The Gift is non-transferable and limited to 1 per Qualifying Purchase. If you return or cancel your purchase, the discount will be forfeit.Show Less
Only available for purchase of new Galaxy S25 model, excluding Verizon locked models and any carrier financed purchases (“Original Purchase Device”).Show More
Only available for purchase of new Galaxy S25 model, excluding Verizon locked models and any carrier financed purchases (“Original Purchase Device”). Standard trade-in values may not be applied to purchase of new Galaxy S25 with New Galaxy Club Program. If you choose the New Galaxy Club program option (“Program”) you will be charged $6.20 per month for Galaxy S25 or $8.33 for Galaxy S25+ and Galaxy S25 Ultra (“Monthly Payment”) until you upgrade (and trade-in) your Original Purchase Device for a new phone or cancel the Program. Click here full terms and conditions.Show Less
Y2/3/25 - 2/23/25 while supplies last, purchase a Galaxy Tab A9+ Qualifying Purchase") for the price of the next lowest storage level on samsung.com or on Shop Samsung app.Show More
Y2/3/25 - 2/23/25 while supplies last, purchase a Galaxy Tab A9+ Qualifying Purchase") for the price of the next lowest storage level on samsung.com or on Shop Samsung app. The discount will be automatically applied at checkout. The Gift is non transferrable and limited to 1 per Qualifying Purchase. If you return or cancel your purchase the discount will be lost. Portion of storage/memory occupied by existing content.Show Less
Between February 6, 2025 - June 4, 2025 (“Promotional Period”), at participating retailers only, purchase an eligible Samsung appliance (“Qualifying Purchase”), submit a valid offer claim form at samsung.com/us/shop/promotions/warranty-offer-2025 and receive a one year warranty extension from the original one year manufactures warranty. Show More
Between February 6, 2025 - June 4, 2025 (“Promotional Period”), at participating retailers only, purchase an eligible Samsung appliance (“Qualifying Purchase”), submit a valid offer claim form at samsung.com/us/shop/promotions/warranty-offer-2025 and receive a one year warranty extension from the original one year manufactures warranty. Must complete and submit a Reward Redemption Form claim form and documentation online within 90 days of promotion end date for validation; once validated, one year warranty extension will be applied. See Eligible Categories and products, and additional offer Terms and Conditions at samsung.com/us/shop/promotions/warranty-offer-2025. Eligible Categories are: Refrigerators, Ranges, Dishwashers, Wall Ovens, Cooktops, Range Hoods, Over-the-Range Microwaves, Washers, Dryers. All other categories are ineligible.Show Less
3For a limited time only, on Samsung.com/Shop Samsung App, or purchase a new qualifying Galaxy device ("Qualifying Purchase"), send in your qualifying trade-in device to Samsung through the Samsung Trade-In Program, and if Samsung determines your trade-in device meets all eligibility requirements, you will receive a trade-in credit specific to your qualifying trade-in device to apply toward your Qualifying PurchaseShow More
3For a limited time only, on Samsung.com/Shop Samsung App, or purchase a new qualifying Galaxy device ("Qualifying Purchase"), send in your qualifying trade-in device to Samsung through the Samsung Trade-In Program, and if Samsung determines your trade-in device meets all eligibility requirements, you will receive a trade-in credit specific to your qualifying trade-in device to apply toward your Qualifying Purchase. Device models that currently qualify for trade-in and trade-in credit amounts associated with those models are available on Samsung.com and the Shop Samsung App; eligible models and amounts may change at Samsung's sole discretion. To be eligible for trade-in, your qualifying device must meet all Trade-In Program eligibility requirements, which include, but are not limited to, that the device powers on, holds a charge, and does not power off unexpectedly; has a functioning display; has no breaks or cracks in the screen (unless a cracked screen offer applies); has no breaks or cracks in the case; has no liquid damage (whether visible or not); has no other defects that go beyond normal wear and tear; is not on a black list; has a verified FCC ID; has been reset to factory settings; has all personal information removed; has all software locks disabled; and is owned by you (leased devices are not eligible). Anticipated trade-in value will be applied as a credit at time of purchase, but, if you do not send in your trade-in device within 15 days of receipt of your Qualifying Purchase, you will be charged back for the trade-in credit applied to your purchase, or if you send in your trade-in device within 15 days of receipt of your Qualifying Purchase but Samsung determines your device does not meet all eligibility requirements, you will be charged back for the trade-in credit applied to your purchase minus $25. Participation in this program does not excuse you from contracts with your carrier or retailer (or any related payments or fees) for the device that was traded in. Limit 1 trade-in per Qualifying Purchase. Samsung reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time. The Trade-In Program cannot be combined with any other Samsung, carrier or retailer promotions, discounts, or offers unless specifically provided for in the terms and conditions of such offers. Additional terms, including terms that govern the resolution of disputes, apply.Show Less
ESamsung Guaranteed Trade-In Program ("GTP") Value is an exclusive offer— that guarantees the trade-in amount you will receive for your qualified device when you purchase a new Samsung Galaxy device.Show More
ESamsung Guaranteed Trade-In Program ("GTP") Value is an exclusive offer— that guarantees the trade-in amount you will receive for your qualified device when you purchase a new Samsung Galaxy device. For a limited time only, on Samsung.com/Shop Samsung App, or purchase a new qualifying Galaxy device (“Qualifying Purchase”), send in your qualifying trade-in device to Samsung through the Samsung Trade-In Program, and if Samsung determines your trade-in device meets all eligibility requirements, you will receive a trade-in credit specific to your qualifying trade-in device to apply toward your Qualifying Purchase. Device models that currently qualify for trade-in and trade-in credit amounts associated with those models are available on Samsung.com and the Shop Samsung App; eligible models and amounts may change at Samsung’s sole discretion. Anticipated trade-in value will be applied as a credit at time of purchase, but, if you do not send in your trade-in device within 15 days of receipt of your Qualifying Purchase, you will be charged back for the trade-in credit applied to your purchase, or if you send in your trade-in device within 15 days of receipt of your Qualifying Purchase but Samsung determines your device does not meet all eligibility requirements, you will be charged back for the trade-in credit applied to your purchase minus $25. Participation in this program does not excuse you from contracts with your carrier or retailer (or any related payments or fees) for the device that was traded in. Limit 1 trade-in per Qualifying Purchase. Samsung reserves the right to modify or discontinue this offer at any time. The Trade-In Program cannot be combined with any other Samsung, carrier or retailer promotions, discounts, or offers unless specifically provided for in the terms and conditions of such offers. Additional terms, including terms that govern the resolution of disputes, apply. Click here to learn more. terms-and-conditions (samsung.com)Show Less
'; if (Cookies('remoteId') || Cookies('xsdcxyn')) { msg1 += ' Please enjoy our special offers for you.' + '
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'; } else { msg1 += ' Please login to access your special pricing.' + '
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' + 'Refer friends & co-workers now' + // 'MY BENEFITS' + // '' + '
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As of Nov. 1, 2017, the Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. printer business and its related affiliates were transferred to HP Inc.

For more information, please visit HP's website: http://www.hp.com/go/samsung

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