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Tested for everyday life

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Our blueprint to quality is what guides us in bringing you industry-leading innovations. From research and development to the service you get at home, we’re constantly striving to make your life easier, more connected, and better than yesterday.

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Innovations for better living

Wash and dry in one machine with the Bespoke AI Laundry Combo™

With All-in-One Washer + Dryer, you can do your laundry in one machine without transferring loads.

Always know what's in your fridge with AI Vision Inside™*

Make grocery shopping easier. AI Vision Inside recognizes what you put in and take out of your fridge, and automatically updates your food inventory list.

AI Home makes smart cooking even smarter

Get recipe recommendations, search for and follow video recipes and access your favorite apps with AI Home.⁵

Get dishes dry the first time with SmartDry and AutoRelease™ Door

Smart Dry with the AutoRelease™ Door adjusts drying temperature and time to avoid wasting energy, and it automatically opens the dishwasher door at the end of the cycle for improved drying.

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Awards and Certifications

Most Awarded Brand for Kitchen and Laundry Appliances Most Awarded Brand for Kitchen and Laundry Appliances

Most Awarded Brand for Kitchen and Laundry Appliances

Samsung recieved more J.D. Power Awards for Kitchen and Laundry Appliances than any other brand in 2024.**

ENERGY STAR<sup>®</sup> Certified ENERGY STAR<sup>®</sup> Certified


Recognized by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency for our energy-efficient appliances.

Ranked #1 in Overall Service Experience Ranked #1 in Overall Service Experience

Ranked #1 in Overall Service Experience

Samsung was rated #1 for Warranty coverage, Service Experience, Ease of Arranging Service, Courtesy and Helpfulness of Service Tech, and Timeliness of Service Repair.

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Samsung Care+ is here for you   Samsung Care+ is here for you

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Lineup of Samsung 3-Door Refrigerator, Over-the-Range Microwave, Range, Dishwasher, Washer and Dryer in Stainless Steel Lineup of Samsung 3-Door Refrigerator, Over-the-Range Microwave, Range, Dishwasher, Washer and Dryer in Stainless Steel

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Payments made easy

Payments made easy

Enjoy greater flexibility with $0 down and convenient financing terms for most items.†,σ

Your rate for pay-over-time plans will be 0-36% APR. Affirm Pay in 4 payment option is 0% APR. Payment options through Affirm are subject to an eligibility check and may not be available everywhere. Options depend on your purchase amount, and a down payment may be required. For example, a $800 purchase might cost $72.21/mo over 12 months at 15% APR or 4 interest-free payments of $200 every 2 weeks.

Payment options through Affirm are provided by these lending partners: affirm.com/lenders. For licenses and disclosures, including information for New Mexico residents, see affirm.com/licenses. CA residents: Loans by Affirm Loan Services, LLC are made or arranged pursuant to a California Financing Law license.

σPayment options are offered by Affirm, are subject to an eligibility check, and may not be available in all states. Options depend on your purchase amount, and a down payment may be required. California residents: Affirm Loan Services, LLC is licensed by the Department of Business Oversight. Loans are made or arranged pursuant to California Financing Law license 60DBO-111681.

1Compressor, evaporator, condenser, drier, connecting tubing.

2SmartThings App available on Android and iOS devices. Wi-Fi connection and Samsung account required.

3This limited warranty is applicable to Bespoke Refrigerators purchased between 10/1/2022-9/30/2023. This limited warranty does not include Bespoke Panels. For Terms and Conditions and Eligible Models click here.

420-year warranty limited to the Digital Inverter Motor of washers assembled in the USA purchased on 7/1/2022 or later. Purchase receipt indicating purchase date required for a claim. Additional restrictions and limitations apply, see warranty for details.

5Recipe recommendations and Bixby accessible through the Hub utilize AI (deep learning models).

6Wash a full load of laundry in just 28 minutes. Based on using Super Speed on a Normal cycle with an 8lb load.

**Data is based on the first 12 months of ownership. For J.D. Power 2024 award information, visit jdpower.com/awards

2024 ACSI® Survey of customers rating their appliance manufacturer. The #1 rating for warranty coverage is shared with one other manufacturer. ACSI and its logo are registered trademarks of the American Customer Satisfaction Index. For more about the ACSI, visit www.theacsi.org

Samsung was rated #1 in Product Quality, Service Quality and Service Repair by the 2023 American Customer Satisfaction Index.

*AI Vision Inside accessible through the AI Family Hub utilizes AI-based algorithm.

§Samsung Electronics America’s Customer Care division received Gold Awards from the 2023 U.S. Customer Experience Awards (US CXA®23). Samsung was recognized for Best Customer Experience Strategy for Samsung Beyond Boundaries, a program that provides customers in the rural areas with access to quality repair service.

ǂBased on most Customer Satisfaction awards, home appliance surveys, leading consumer research organization 2020-2024 (refrigerators, cooktops, ranges, wall ovens, over-the-range microwaves, washers and dryers).

Among W/D Combo with heat pump dryers, based on a 10 LB DOE load.

Between February 6, 2025 - June 4, 2025 (“Promotional Period”), at participating retailers only, purchase an eligible Samsung appliance (“Qualifying Purchase”), submit a valid offer claim form at samsung.com/us/shop/promotions/warranty-offer-2025 and receive a one year warranty extension from the original one year manufactures warranty. Must complete and submit a Reward Redemption Form claim form and documentation online within 90 days of promotion end date for validation; once validated, one year warranty extension will be applied. See Eligible Categories and products, and additional offer Terms and Conditions at samsung.com/us/shop/promotions/warranty-offer-2025. Eligible Categories are: Refrigerators, Ranges, Dishwashers, Wall Ovens, Cooktops, Range Hoods, Over-the-Range Microwaves, Washers, Dryers. All other categories are ineligible.