9 Incredible HTML5 Canvas And Javascript Experiments

Written by Kevin Liew on 21 Feb 2011
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Chrome Experiment has been coming out with heaps of incredible HTML5 canvas and javascript experiments. Thanks to all the awesome developers, most of the experiments are truly unique and jaw dropping. I could never imagine with the combination HTML and javascript can achieve such an amazing result. Take Tank World as an example, stunning 3d graphic, and it's a game! However, it will take year before most of the modern browsers fully support them, and also, I can feel the slowness when the browser loads and renders the graphic. So in the mean time, flash is still the best solution for intensive animation and web based game development.

Check out the list, preferably with Google Chrome. Mind you, some of them are pretty addictive :)

  • Untangle HTML Canvas and Javascript Experiement - UntanglePosition the blue dots such that no lines overlap. How quickly can you solve it? :)
  • Z Type HTML Canvas and Javascript Experiement - Z TypeA Space Shoot'em'Up where you type to shoot. Made with ImpactJS
  • Cube Out HTML Canvas and Javascript Experiement - Cube OutRemake of classic puzzle game Blockout (3D Tetris). Rotate and move polycubes to fill the space. If you complete a layer, it will disappear. Special tip: try pause ;)
  • Bounce HTML Canvas and Javascript Experiement - BounceA simple javascript game: click and hold in the blue box, and don't let the yellow dots touch the red dots. Log in with your Google Account to get on the high scores!
  • Sketch 3D HTML Canvas and Javascript Experiement - Sketch 3DSketch in 3D with animating lines.
  • Conductor HTML Canvas and Javascript Experiement - ConductorConductor turns the New York subway system into an interactive string instrument. Using the MTA’s actual subway schedule, the piece begins in realtime by spawning trains which departed in the last minute, then continues accelerating through a 24 hour loop. The visuals are based on Massimo Vignelli’s 1972 diagram.
  • Bacterium HTML Canvas and Javascript Experiement - BacteriumA physics aquarium where you can create colorful and dynamic movement patterns.
  • Ultra Neuron Pong HTML Canvas and Javascript Experiement - Ultra Neuron PongUltra Neuron Pong is a concept game based on the classic Pong game that we all know. This time however, the computer paddle is entirely controlled by a neural network. This computer brain is also a game element: you can shoot the neural net to dumb the computer down.
  • Tank World HTML Canvas and Javascript Experiement - Tank WorldA small 3d shooter and level editor

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Gaurav Mishra 14 years ago
Nice compilation. Big thanks to those who created them all
Javascript Countdown Timer 14 years ago
very cool & good js apps, thank you very much for sharing.

Can I <a href="http://www.javascriptbank.com/submit/">share this post</a> on my JavaScript library?

Awaiting your response. Thank
w3-logics 13 years ago
Awesome stuff. I agree though there seems to be far to much going on about HTML 5 at the moment.