The most useful WebGL frameworks to use for interactive websites
React Spring Parallax and Animation Plugin
Draggable - A Lightweight, Responsive, Modern Drag & Drop Library
JS MythBusters - An optimization handbook from a high level point of view
Front-End Developer Handbook 2017
Prevent iOS From Zooming Form When Fields Are In Focus
12 Awesome Animations You Think HTML5 Can Not Do
8 Customizable Javascript Color Pickers
Slider Maker - A Visual UI Tool To Build Stunning Animated Slider & Carousel
Cleave.js - Custom Formatting for Your Input Field Data
Chillout.js - Reduce JavaScript CPU Usage by Asynchronous Iteration.
LightGallery - Full-Featured Mobile Friendly Javascript Modal Window
Slick Modal - The Most Stand Out jQuery Modal Popup
Slinky - Lightweight And Responsive Navigation Menu
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