“Always do more than is required of you.” — George S. Patton This is exactly what customers expect from a brand when they approach them for support. Customer expectations are growing every day and because they form a strong foundation of every business. The growing expectations are inclusive of: And keeping these expectations in mind, many...
“I want to add live chat for Wix to enhance communication with my visitors.“ It’s becoming a common statement for business owners today. That’s because they wish to have the best support process on their website. And, what’s better than having a live chat software on the website to streamline customer questions and provide answers in...
The importance of SaaS Customer Service is visible in these two data-proven statistics: AmericanExpress reports that 70% of consumers will go with the company that offers excellent customer support. On the other hand, in the same research, we can see that the average American tells 15 people when they’ve had a poor SaaS customer support...
52% of customers expressed in a survey that they are willing to pay more for speedy and efficient customer experience. While, 42% of consumers would do the same for a friendly, welcoming experience with a brand. Such numbers indicate that great quality results in huge profitability for a company. What’s more, it is also an...
Do you know that 52% of consumers make an additional purchase from a company after a positive customer service experience? Trust me, they all come looking for a good customer service experience, which at times, many brands fail to offer. So, if you are a newbie and feel that you may not match up to...
“Hey there! I’m Nathan, your guide for the day. How can I help you?” When visitors come across such welcoming live chat messages on your website, you encourage them to engage with your brand. Such live chat etiquettes can help you build the right relationship with prospects and help you boost sales and build loyalty. ...
Have you personalized your marketing strategy? If you have not, then you’re probably living under the rock. I started to notice more and more personalized campaigns a few years ago, and back then personalization was a kind of a revolution in the marketing industry. Back then, I was working as a social media manager at...
Customer expectations are on the rise. Now, how updated are you in meeting their expectations at all times? No doubt, instant help is their top priority, and live chat is the solution. Except, it’s just the first step. Your customer support operators need to know how to chat with customers online to keep them hooked...
It’s true that managing a website is not just about updating content every single day; rather it is all about improving its performance by optimizing quite a few variables like conversion rate, visitor count, search engine ranking, bounce rate etc. There is no denying that luring the attention of your audience through all the noise...
Generating new business and growing your company is surely a tough task. Winning new business and then providing world-class customer service is surely not without its ups and downs. You do your best to build out a team—inside sales, outside sales, customer success—to get them to work as an efficient, customer-focused unit. You train them...