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How to Handle Multiple Chats at the Same Time

How to Handle Multiple Chats at the Same Time

Ever wondered how challenging it must be for your operators to handle multiple chats at the same time? What if they make a mistake while managing multiple chats or one of their responses prompts the visitor to leave the website before getting a solution? These are some pressing questions that need your immediate attention. Yes,...
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7 Metrics to Measure Customer Satisfaction

7 Metrics to Measure Customer Satisfaction

“Have we satisfied our customers? Did they find our services up to their expectations?” If you’re asking these questions every time you offer your services, you are a customer-centric organization. But simply asking these questions isn’t enough to gauge whether they are satisfied or not. You need to measure the right customer satisfaction metrics to...
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Why Customer Service is Your New Marketing Strategy

Why Customer Service is Your New Marketing Strategy

For many years, marketing and customer service have been running in parallel lines, helping businesses acquire and retain customers. While the former helps businesses promote and sell their services based on industry research and advertising, the latter offers assistance and advice to people already using a brand’s product or service. But lately, both customer service...
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How to Use Live Chat in Your Sales Funnel

How to Use Live Chat in Your Sales Funnel

We’ve seen live chat in action as the customer service and support tool. But lately, it’s evolved and grown. Other than connecting with users and engaging them in real-time conversations, it can also capture qualified leads and increase conversions. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Live chat leveraged as a sales tool not...
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How to Improve the First Contact Resolution

How to Improve the First Contact Resolution

When almost 60% of customers believe that waiting on hold for a minute is too long, then imagine how a customer-obsessed CEO, Jeff Bezos, must have felt after waiting for more than four minutes to get on line with its own customer service team? Honestly, your customer won’t wait so long and they don’t just...
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Customer Loyalty Program: The Ultimate Guide

Customer Loyalty Program: The Ultimate Guide

“How can we retain customers for our brand?” “Where do we start?” If you find yourself sharing the same concern frequently, you need a customer loyalty program. Before turning into global names, brands like Starbucks faced the same challenge. But with the awesome customer loyalty programs in place, they’ve successfully ensured that customers return to...
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How to Meet & Exceed Customer Expectations

How to Meet & Exceed Customer Expectations

Customers have heightened expectations from brands like fair pricing and excellent customer service. After all, they have the power to switch between brands, and they can choose the one that ticks all their boxes.  Having the right tools can ensure you can match up to evolving customer expectations and drive brand loyalty. Customer expectations make...
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How Live Chat Helps You Shape Customer Journey

How Live Chat Helps You Shape Customer Journey

Imagine being in your customers’ shoes. You’ve landed on the website due to a certain search query and find the product you need. You add it to the cart and are ready to check out. But the moment you reach the checkout page, you realize that you don’t have an account and are requested to...
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40 Best Customer Service Books We’d Recommend to Support Operators

40 Best Customer Service Books We’d Recommend to Support Operators

“People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care” – Theodore Roosevelt It’s not the amount of knowledge you are willing to offer, but the efforts you wish to take to keep your customers satisfied and loyal to your brand. Customers wouldn’t see what you have to offer, but what...
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