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Poem: Oedipus said

Retired Rochester educator Anton Stephan explores the concepts of fate and free will for a famous name from Greek tragedy.

Image by cromaconceptovisual from Pixabay

"I think I'll do this," Oedipus said.
"You will, of course," said the Oracle.
"Instead, I shall do that," Oedipus said.
"I know," said the Oracle.
"Well, then I won't," Oedipus said.
"You could not," said the Oracle.
"I just did," Oedipus said.
"I was your choice," said the Oracle.
"My Free Will!" Oedipus said.
"Sure," said the Oracle.
"That is who I am!" Oedipus said.
"I know who you are," said the Oracle.

Anton Stephan is a longtime Rochester resident, with a background in education, where he worked for over 30 years. He is now retired.


The Post Bulletin publishes poetry by local and area writers every Tuesday. Send poems to [email protected] with the subject line "Poetry submission."



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