A world renowned biologist, devoted Darwinist, and unabashed secular humanist, Harvard’s E.O. Wilson has taken an intriguing religious turn with his latest work, “The Creation: An Appeal to Save Life on Earth.” A Baptist by upbringing, Wilson offers literally a sermon addressed to America’s large and growing evangelical community. The essence of the message is simple: We might have our political and intellectual differences, but, when it comes to staving off environmental disaster, we need to put our simmering differences aside and work together to solve a problem that affects us all. We need to save God’s creation. If you consider the divide between red and blue America, you’d figure that Wilson’s overture would fall on deaf ears. But, as Wilson tells it on NPR, it’s anything but the case, and the first signs suggest that the culture wars aren’t blinding either side from the much bigger issues at stake.
Recent reviews:
Washington Post: “Science and Salvation”
New York Times: “God is Green”
The Christian Post “Heeding Edward O. Wilson”