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Deploy a template website with just one click. The site’s code will auto-populate as a new folder in your Git repo so you can explore, edit, and update.


Next.js Starter
Next.js Starter
This is a starter Next.js v15 project bootstrapped with create-next-app.
Next.js Toolbox
Next.js Toolbox
This NextJS v14 Toolbox template integrates commonly used Netlify features (Functions, Forms, and Redirects).
Bejamas Next.js Blog Starter
Bejamas Next.js Blog Starter
A customizable blog starter including modern designs with dark & light themes. Built with Next.js, Tailwind, and MDX.
Remix K-pop Stack
Remix K-pop Stack
Generate a Remix project quickly and easily
Gatsby E-commerce Theme
Gatsby E-commerce Theme
Styling and scaffolding for your next e-commerce site
Astro Toolbox
Astro Toolbox
An Astro template that Utilizes common Netlify Features.
Next Platform Starter
Next Platform Starter
Modern starter based on Next.js 15 (App Router) and Netlify Core Primitives.
Astro Platform Starter
Astro Platform Starter
An Astro template with Netlify Core Primitives (Edge Functions, Image CDN, Blob Store).
Astro Quickstart
Astro Quickstart
Bare-bones Astro project that has everything you need to quickly deploy it to Netlify.
Nuxt.js Toolbox
Nuxt.js Toolbox
This NuxtJS v2 Toolbox template integrates commonly used Netlify features (Functions, Forms, and Redirects).
Hugo Quickstart
Hugo Quickstart
This is a bare-bones Hugo project that has everything you need to quickly deploy it to Netlify.
Angular Quickstart
Angular Quickstart
This is a bare-bones Angular project that has everything you need to quickly deploy it to Netlify.
Tigris Starter
Tigris Starter
A starter template integrating Tigris, the Open Source alternative to MongoDB Atlas.
Clerk Starter
Clerk Starter
The Clerk B2C template on Netlify makes it simple to launch a production-ready B2C application with authentication and user management, that can scale to millions of users
Moralis Starter
Moralis Starter
Jumpstart your Web3 dapp development with our feature-packed, customizable template - seamlessly connect to Ethereum, pre-built components & best practices.
Wix Bookings Starter
Wix Bookings Starter
Manage your bookings, appointments, and calendar with the industry-leading scheduling platform — trusted by 11M+ businesses worldwide
Stytch Starter
Stytch Starter
The Stytch + Netlify template makes it easy to learn the Stytch pattern and launch a frictionless auth flow in minutes.
Wix Ecommerce Starter
Wix Ecommerce Starter
Get the industry-leading eCommerce platform to run and grow your business online
Wix Content Manager Starter
Wix Content Manager Starter
Manage all of your site content using Wix Headless CMS
Wix Events Starter
Wix Events Starter
Event management platform to sell tickets and collect RSVPs
Wix Pricing Plans Starter
Wix Pricing Plans Starter
Subscriptions platform to sell packages, memberships and pricing plans
Composable UI
Composable UI
A robust foundation for building fast, modern composable commerce sites with React, Next.js, and Chakra UI. Includes ready-to-use UI components, and integrations with Algolia and Stripe.
kickstartDS Starter for 11ty
kickstartDS Starter for 11ty
The kickstartDS Starter for 11ty instantly deploys a ready to use website for marketing or landing page use cases. It comes with a fully fledged Design System onboard, which is fully customizable to match your brand team’s needs.
kickstartDS CMS Starter for Storyblok
kickstartDS CMS Starter for Storyblok
The kickstartDS CMS Starter for Storyblok instantly deploys a ready to use website for marketing or landing page use cases. It comes with a fully fledged Design System onboard, which is fully customizable to match your brand team’s needs.
kickstartDS CMS Starter for Netlify Create
kickstartDS CMS Starter for Netlify Create
The kickstartDS Netlify Create Starter instantly deploys a ready to use website for marketing or landing page use cases. It comes with a fully fledged Design System onboard, which is fully customizable to match your brand team’s needs.
kickstartDS CMS Starter for Static CMS
kickstartDS CMS Starter for Static CMS
The kickstartDS CMS Starter for Static CMS instantly deploys a ready to use website for marketing or landing page use cases. It comes with a fully fledged Design System onboard, which is fully customizable to match your brand team’s needs.