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Builder.io Logo


Builder.io is a Visual Content Management System (CMS) that empowers teams to create experiences using a drag-and-drop editor and API-first architecture.

  • CMS


Builder.io Setup Guide
Integrate Builder with Your Netlify Site Using a Webhook



Builder.io is a visual headless content management system (CMS) for teams building composable commerce experiences, modern marketing sites, and multi-brand digital experiences. Used by Everlane, Zapier, and Anheuser-Busch, its unique visual drag-and-drop editor and headless CMS integrates with any tech stack or platform, allowing customers to easily extend the platform to meet their needs. For more information on Builder.io, please visit: https://www.builder.io

Use Cases

Modern Websites

  • Builder.io understands your need to manage and create pages and experiences, not just raw content. Our visual editor lets the team build performant Jamstack sites/apps without writing code.

Headless Ecommerce

  • Builder.io takes care of your content and data flows with headless ecommerce solutions designed for your enterprise. Free your teams to finally focus on traffic and conversion, not on servers and maintenance.

High Speed Content Hub

  • Builder.io is your high-speed, omnichannel content hub. Create, manage, collaborate, preview in real-time within your Content Hub. Make your changes once, and see them take effect on all of your channels and digital experience.

Personalization and Optimization

  • Builder.io comes with a built-in optimization layer that lets you create high-performance A/B tests and deliver content to customers dynamically, based on any criteria such as their past purchases, browsing behavior, items in cart, and more