The systems build around the open RISC-V architecture require not only a reliable core tailored to the specific application, but also several essential elements that have to be tailored as well.
The RISC-V Development Kit (RDK) is our answer to this challenge. It addresses the hardware and the software aspects of the development in a way that allows finding the optimised version of both for the target application.
The Hardware Development Kit (HDK) covers the software-driven hardware development of The Good Core (TGC) and The Good Accelerator (TGA), including all verification aspects and the integration deliverables.
The Software Development Kit (SDK) comprisses the processes that support the early development of the software application on a SystemC model of the hardware and the Binary Support Package (BSP).
The SDK and HDK are reinforced by the Performance Analysis and the Hybrid Simulation to conform a development cycle where it is possible to iterate different configuration scenarios to obtain the optimal version that fulfills the application requirements.